RENEW Resource Catalog

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Resource Catalog

Parish-Renewal Experiences

• ARISE Season 1: Encountering Christ Today

• ARISE Season 2: Change Our Hearts

• ARISE Season 3: In the Footsteps of Christ

• ARISE Season 4: New Heart, New Spirit

• ARISE Season 5: We Are the Good News

• ARISE Set of Five Books

• Why Catholic? BELIEVE: Profession of Faith

• Why Catholic? PRAY: Christian Prayer

• Why Catholic? LIVE: Christian Morality

• Why Catholic? CELEBRATE: Sacraments

• WHY CATHOLIC? Set of four books

If you are a parish, diocese, Christian organization, or community, we understand you have your own unique opportunities, challenges, dreams, and goals. We are here to listen and help you discern what the next right steps might be for your situation!


• Advent: The Lord is Near, Year A .........................................................

• Advent: The Lord is Near, Year B

• Advent: The Lord is Near, Year C

• Waiting with Joy, Year A...................................................................................

• Waiting with Joy, Year B

• Waiting with Joy, Year C

• Advent Awakenings, Year A

• Advent Awakenings, Year B

• Advent Awakenings, Year C

• Open Our Hearts, Year A

• Open Our Hearts, Year B

• Open Our Hearts, Year C ...........................................................................

• Lenten Longings, Year A ......................................................................

• Lenten Longings, Year B

• Lenten Longings, Year C

• LIVE LENT! Year A .......................................................................................



• Scripture Series: Luke: My Spirit Rejoices! .............................................

• Scripture Series: Matthew: Come Follow Me

• Scripture Series: Matthew for Fall Year A

• Scripture Series: Mark: Growing in Faith, Book 1 ..................................

• Scripture Series: Mark: Growing in Faith, Book 2

• PRAYERTIME: Reflections on the Sunday Gospels, Cycle A

• PRAYERTIME: Reflections on the Sunday Gospels, Cycle B

• PRAYERTIME: Reflections on the Sunday Gospels, Cycle C ....................

Faith and Life

• Jubilee: Join the Journey of Hope ..............................................................

• Beyond My Wildest Dreams .........................................................................

• Longing for the Holy

• Living in the Sacred .................................................................................

• Balancing Faith & Work: The Dynamic Leader

• What, Me Holy? ..........................................................................................

• Finding God@Work ................................................................................

• Many Voices, One Spirit ..........................................................................

• The Eucharist: Encountering Jesus

• Eucharist: The Real Presence of Christ

• At Prayer with Mary ................................................................................

• Women in Conversation: Stand Up! .......................................................

• Creation at the Crossroads ..........................................................................

• Dignity and the Death Penalty: Evolution of Catholic Teaching

• Praying the Family Rosary

ARISE Together in Christ

In this season, Encountering Christ Today, you’ll meet Jesus as he is presented in the Gospels, not as a historic or literary figure, but rather as the living Lord who is active in our daily lives.

In this season, Change Our Hearts, which takes place during Lent, you will explore conversion via the great symbolic themes of the Lenten season: being transfigured from thirst to water, from darkness to light, from Old Covenant written on stone to New Covenant written on our hearts.

This season, In the Footsteps of Christ, starts by reflecting on our belief that God, in the risen Christ, walks with us today. The season continues by reminding us how Jesus shares with us his mission of bringing joy and hope to the world, and promoting a culture of life, marriage, family, and discipleship.

During the second Lent of ARISE, New Heart, New Spirit reflects on how Jesus’ desert experience can be a model for our lives; how we can “rebuild” our parish communities; the transforming power of forgiveness; Christ as our source of light amid the darkness in the world; and what the raising of Lazarus means for us as Christ’s followers.

Season Five, We Are the Good News, explores the many ways in which we, like the first disciples, can bring others to an encounter with Christ. Reflections include the role of the Holy Spirit in evangelization and Mary as a model for us in our discipleship.

ARISE: Together in Christ

A Primary Evangelization Parish-Renewal Experience

ARISE is a small-group scripture-based experience that is organized around specific liturgical seasons, with each cycle focusing on a compelling topic related to Christian spirituality and discipleship. ARISE offers many opportunities for spiritual renewal, communitybuilding, service, and parish-wide engagement—and our team at RENEW is ready to help you launch this parish-renewal endeavor and transform your community. We will support you in identifying facilitators, training leaders, piquing the interest of parishioners, and making ARISE a success!

Each of RENEW’s parish-renewal experiences includes:

• leadership-training workshops tailored to your community,

• ongoing consultation for parish leaders by a seasoned RENEW staff member to ensure the success of the process, and

• quality resources for small-group reflection.

Contact us for more information about how ARISE might help your parish come alive. (908) 769-5400



This season focuses on the basic tenets of the Catholic faith following what we profess in the Apostles’ Creed. Topics include our desire for God; how God reveals himself in Tradition and Scripture; the Holy Trinity and the activity of the Holy Spirit in the Church; the Incarnation, the ministry of Jesus, and the Paschal Mystery; our faith in eternal life; and Mary, the “Mother of the Church.”

This season focuses on prayer as a form of worship, the role of prayer in the Old Testament, and the need for detachment in order to pray most fruitfully. It reflects on modes of prayer, including thanksgiving, petition, intercession, praise, vocal prayer, meditation, and contemplation. One session explains difficulties encountered in prayer, and three sessions explore the Christian prayer par excellence—the Lord’s Prayer.

This season explores the Beatitudes and the Ten Commandments as guides for Christian living. It engages participants in reflection and discussion on freedom and responsibility; how to form one’s conscience and live a virtuous life; and how to make good moral decisions.

This resource presents liturgy as the celebration of the Paschal Mystery and the sacraments as the tangible signs of the New Covenant. One session is devoted to each of the sacraments. Sacramentals and devotions that enrich our spiritual lives are explored along with sacred times, such as liturgical seasons and feast days, and sacred spaces, including any place where two or more are gathered in the name of Jesus.


An Adult Faith-Formation Parish-Renewal Experience

Why Catholic? offers Catholics a setting to come together and discuss the profound questions of life, faith, and purpose. It encourages us to discuss our beliefs and to question, to reflect, and to grow. It explores the four pillars of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The process includes lay leadership training and ongoing consultation. RENEW’s staff works with your pastoral leadership and parishioners to ensure a successful program with strong participation.

Each of RENEW’s parish-renewal experiences includes:

• leadership-training workshops tailored to your community,

• ongoing consultation for parish leaders by a seasoned RENEW staff member to ensure the success of the process, and

• quality resources for small-group reflection.

Contact us for more information about how Why Catholic? might be the ideal next step for adult faith formation for your parishioners. (908) 769-5400

Be My Witness


Drawing from the rich insights of evangelization presented by Pope Francis in The Joy of the Gospel, Be My Witness engages participants in gaining a full vision of missionary discipleship and moving to empowered action. It consists of 12 sessions that feature:

• Encounters with Christ in the Gospel,

• Content on the call to be evangelizers,

• Personal witness statements that are powerful examples,

• Reflection questions and opportunities for faith sharing,

• Prayers and music suggestions for spiritually enriching experience, and

• Action steps for living as missionary disciples.

BE MY WITNESS A Discipleship Parish-Renewal Experience

Be My Witness is an engaging and interactive experience that illuminates the path closer to God and ignites the flames of evangelization. Be My Witness gives parish leaders the process and tools to build an everwidening circle of conversion and commitment. The results are a parish transformed into a center of constant missionary outreach.

Each of RENEW’s parish-renewal experiences includes:

• leadership-training workshops tailored to your community,

• ongoing consultation for parish leaders by a seasoned RENEW staff member to ensure the success of the process, and

• quality resources for small-group reflection.

Contact us for more information about how Be My Witness could be the first step, or the next right step, for your parish to build an evangelizing community. (908) 769-5400

Grateful Living

The Joy of Stewardship


Grateful Living: The Joy of Stewardship explores a disciple’s response to the gifts that God has given. This 12-session resource leads participants through two seasons of faith sharing that will allow them to delve deeper into their own understanding of God’s gifts and their response to that giving.

GRATEFUL LIVING A Stewardship Parish-Renewal Experience

Pastors: If you want to create a stewardship parish-renewal experience around the resource, contact us. RENEW’s staff is ready to help you build a customized experience for your community!

Each of RENEW’s parish-renewal experiences includes:

• leadership-training workshops tailored to your community,

• ongoing consultation for parish leaders by a seasoned RENEW staff member to ensure the success of the process, and

• quality resources for small-group reflection. (908) 769-5400


The Parish-Renewal Experience

RENEW’s Parish Catalyst helps answer the call to evangelize and make disciples with a focus on parish renewal. Participation can help provide the framework to move you, your parish leadership, and your parishioners toward innovation, inclusion, and engagement. Parish Catalyst helps you evaluate “what is,” explore “what could be,” and create “what will be.”

Throughout the process, your team will be equipped with principles and tools for ongoing innovation in every area of ministry.

Parish Catalyst is not a cookie-cutter approach but rather a personalized, individualized process that YOU and your team develop, create, and own. It is like nothing you have experienced!

Please call or contact us if you have any questions or would like to have a conversation. We are here to help support you in any way we can. (908) 769-5400

Think Creatively, Act Courageously, and RENEW the Church!

ADVENT: The Lord Is Near

Prepare for each Sunday’s Mass of the Advent season by joining your small group in exploring the gospel reading and other scripture, focusing on the meaning of Advent, and making the most of this sacred season. It also includes daily reflections for each weekday of Advent for personal consideration.

Advent: The Lord is Near, Year A


Advent: The Lord is Near, Year B


Discount is also available for a set of 10 for small groups.

Each book includes four group sessions on the Sunday readings plus a personal reflection for each day of Advent.

Advent: The Lord is Near, Year C

now for 2024 $8.95

Waiting with Joy

Focus on the significance of the holy season of Advent; reflect on how to be more open to Jesus’ presence in your life; and deepen your faith with Waiting with Joy, weekly reflections on the Sunday readings for individuals, families, and small groups.

Waiting with Joy: Weekly Reflections on the Sunday Readings, Year A $4.95

Waiting with Joy: Weekly Reflections on the Sunday Readings, Year B $4.95

Waiting with Joy: Weekly Reflections on the Sunday Readings, Year C $4.95

ADVENT Awa keni ng s

Advent Awakenings, Year A $7.95

Urges participants to have confidence that God’s call, proclaimed by John the Baptist, is the true way to prepare for union with Christ.

Also includes personal and family resources to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas.

Advent Awakenings, Year B $7.95

Encourages participants to prepare for Jesus’ coming by setting aside everyday busyness and become more deeply aware of God’s call.

Also includes personal and family resources to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas.

Advent Awakenings, Year C $7.95

Prompts participants to accept the invitation of Jesus’ coming by reflecting on how to be more open to his presence in their lives.

Also includes personal and family resources to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas.

Each resource is also available as a discounted set of 10 for small groups.

Lenten Longings

Make a six-week retreat with your small group by exploring the Sunday readings of Lent accompanied by Sister Catherine T. Nerney, SSJ. Simple language and everyday metaphors steep you in the season’s promptings to surrender self, work for justice, and deepen prayer life.

Lenten Longings, Year A $7.95

Let Yourself Be... encourages participants to embrace Christ’s teaching that authentic loving involves self-surrender.

Lenten Longings, Year B $7.95

For the Life of the World calls participants to commit to works of justice and the ongoing conversion of hearts.

Lenten Longings, Year C $7.95

Seeing With God’s Eyes is an invitation to see ourselves, one another, and our world through the eyes of God.

Each resource is also available as a discounted set of 10 for small groups.


LIVE LENT! will be your ideal companion as you gather weekly in your small group to gain inspiration from each Sunday’s gospel reading and its roots in the Old Testament. Each book also contains daily reflections on how to live your faith in everyday life.

“Lent is an opportunity to spend 40 days focused on becoming more authentic lovers of God and followers of Christ.”

– Author, Sister Theresa Rickard

Live Lent! Year B $9.95

“Lent is the season to recognize the call that we all received at baptism, to live every day as missionary disciples of Christ.”

– Co-author, Sister Theresa Rickard

Live Lent! Year A $9.95 Live Lent! Year C $9.95

“Lent is an invitation for us Christians to ask ourselves if we are stuck in place...and to commit ourselves to taking even modest steps forward.”

– Co-author, Sister Theresa Rickard

Each resource is also available as a discounted set of 10 for small groups.

Scripture Series

Written by scripture scholar Martin Lang, this faith-sharing book engages readers with the entire Gospel of Luke and includes reflections on the content of the Gospel, the human behavior illuminated in Luke’s work, and the Old Testament background for each passage.

Written by scripture scholar Martin Lang, this faith-sharing book engages readers with the entire Gospel of Matthew and includes reflections on the content of the Gospel and the unique account of the ministry, passion, and glorification of Jesus, as well as connections to the Old Testament.

Matthew for Fall Year A $5.00

This downloadable resource contains seven small-group sessions from Matthew: Come Follow Me which coincide with the Sunday readings from the Gospel of Matthew in the fall of Liturgical Year A. The seven gospel readings are also included.

Mark: Growing in Faith $16.95 Book 1

This volume covers Chapters 1 through 9 of Mark’s Gospel. The authors focus on Mark’s exposition of the challenging process through which the disciples of Jesus came to understand who he was—the Messiah who must suffer and die before overcoming death for all of us—and then commit themselves to spreading his gospel far and wide.

Mark: Growing in Faith $16.95 Book 2

This volume covers Chapters 10 through 16 of Mark’s Gospel. The authors continue to focus on the apostles’ struggle to understand who and what Jesus was. We accompany Jesus’ companions as they witness the healing of blind Bartimaeus, the cleansing of the Temple, the betrayal by Judas, the suffering and death of their Teacher, and ultimately his resurrection.

Lectionary-based reflections for all the Sundays of the liturgical year.

Each book in the series offers gentle but insightful reflections that help the gospel come alive. Written in an easy-to-read style that leads to profound insights into our faith, each session invites participants to bring the light of faith into their everyday lives and bear fruit in action.

PRAYERTIME: Faith-Sharing Reflections on the Sunday Gospels, Cycle A $12.95

PRAYERTIME: Faith-Sharing Reflections on the Sunday Gospels, Cycle B $12.95

Faith-Sharing Reflections on the Sunday Gospels, Cycle C

These resources are available in a discounted set of all three books, or as two-book sets for years A & B, B & C, or A & C.

Pope Francis has declared a Holy Year titled Jubilee: Pilgrims of Hope.

Many Catholics will take part by traveling to Rome or to the Holy Land. But the Pope calls on every Catholic to be a part of the Church “on the move” through personal reflection and selfless action.

RENEW invites parishes to form small groups to participate with a faith-sharing resource created especially for the Holy Year:

JUBILEE: Join the Journey

of Hope


Six sessions are inspired by the themes Pope Francis has sounded in declaring the Holy Year, including generosity, compassion, forgiveness and reconciliation. These sessions, like Pope Francis, call us to move closer to those who feel abandoned or rejected and, with our attention, and support, to give them hope.


Beyond My Wildest Dreams is the memoir of Msgr. Thomas A. Kleissler, who co-founded RENEW, the first diocese-wide faithsharing process in the United States. Under Monsignor Kleissler’s leadership, the organization now known as RENEW International went on to touch the lives of millions of people all over the world. Against the background of his childhood and early priesthood, Father Tom, as he preferred to be known, recounts the origins of RENEW amid the social turbulence of the 1960s and its unexpected growth.

This story follows Father Tom and his staff as they spread RENEW throughout the United States and to Canada, Central and South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Indian subcontinent, helping people of many cultures put their Christian faith to practice in everyday life.

Faith and Life Beyond My Wildest Dreams

Longing for the Holy


Deepen your sense of the presence of God with these 12 faith-sharing sessions on Spirituality for Everyday Life, based on selected insights from The Holy Longing by best-selling author Ronald Rolheiser, O.M.I.

Experience how Father Rolheiser’s gentle spiritual guidance and practical wisdom can enliven everyday life. This is an ideal resource for enriching your individual spirituality or that of your faith-sharing communities, as it covers different dimensions of contemporary spiritual life.

Available as a discounted two-book set with Living in the Sacred or as a set of 10 for small groups.

Living in the Sacred


Living in the Sacred is a follow-up faith-sharing resource for RENEW International’s popular Longing for the Holy and is based on Sacred Fire by Ronald Rolheiser, O.M.I.

Living in the Sacred takes participants on a deeper spiritual journey exploring the second stage of discipleship: “Giving your life away.” Having moved through the “getting your life together” stage, participants are invited to reflect on various life commitments: marriage or other relationships, child raising, caring for sick or elderly relatives, careers, community obligations, etc. Living in the Sacred is about how we stay true to these commitments as disciples of Christ.

Available as a discounted two-book set with Longing for the Holy or as a set of 10 for small groups.

Balancing Faith & Work: The Dynamic Leader


Explore important themes of work, faith, and life with this resource based on the writings of Chris Lowney, best-selling author and leadership expert.

Perfect for small-group discussion and personal reflection.

The sessions are designed to help professionals and business leaders bring their personal and professional lives into deeper harmony with their values.

This resource is rooted in the spiritual disciplines of St. Ignatius, the founder of the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits), and draws on modern leadership insights to prompt meaningful thought and conversation.

What, Me Holy?


Explore important themes of work, faith, and life with this new resource written by best-selling author and leadership expert, Chris Lowney.

In his exhortation Rejoice and Be Glad, Pope Francis calls all Catholics to live a life of holiness. But what does holiness mean? Isn’t holiness for saints and martyrs? How can we be holy at work, in our communities, and in the day-to-day encounters of our busy lives? Renowned author Chris Lowney helps unpack Pope Francis’ words, inviting us to re-examine our ideas about holiness and how we answer the call to live a holy life.

In 12 faith-sharing sessions, featuring down-toearth, concrete examples, he opens our eyes to the everyday things we already do and to those we can begin doing to lead us on a journey to holiness.

Finding God@Work


Six faith-sharing sessions guide participants on a quest: can God be found at work?

Finding God@Work encourages readers to consider their experience of work, both positively and negatively. These realities are then set in counterpoint to relevant passages from Scripture and to principles of Catholic social teaching.

Gregory F. Augustine Pierce is the president of ACTA Publications and is the author of Spirituality@Work: 10 Ways to Balance Your Life on the Job (Loyola Press), which received two awards from the Catholic Press Association.

Many Voices, One Spirit

Polarization in religious and political life makes progress in addressing the real needs of people difficult if not impossible. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has asked Catholics to commit ourselves to healing the divide by practicing a different approach to discussing controversial topics, especially with those with whom we may disagree—an approach grounded in concern for the common good.

Many Voices, One Spirit, in six faith-sharing sessions, can help us achieve healthy dialogue in our communities.

The Eucharist: Encountering Jesus


Written for parents of children approaching their First Holy Communion, The Eucharist: Encountering Jesus invites participants to reignite their own faith, turning an already joyous event into an opportunity for the entire family to grow in love and service to Christ.

Through scripture, reflections, opportunities to share, and calls to action, the six sessions in this book encourage parents to recall the role of the Eucharist in their lives and connect more deeply with their children about their faith, their actions, and the world around them.

By turns humorous and touching, the authors’ personal stories bring home Pope Francis’ message:

“Love is something we learn; love is something we live; love grows as it is ‘forged’ by the concrete situations which each particular family experiences. Love is born and constantly develops amid lights and shadows.”

Eucharist: The Real Presence of Christ


The Eucharist is at the heart of the Catholic faith. Under the appearance of bread and wine, it is the Body and Blood of the risen Jesus Christ, a uniquely intimate link with our Creator, and a foretaste of the full union with God in heaven. Author Tania M. Geist offers personal reflections to explore the implications of the mystery and miracle of the Eucharist. Faith sharing with this book helps participants keep the sacrament at the center of their lives as members of the Body of Christ and joyfully continue the mission of building God’s kingdom of peace, compassion, and reconciliation.

At Prayer with Mary


Scripture, Catholic teaching, personal testimonies, and Marian prayer—including the rosary—provide a renewed appreciation of Mary’s place in today’s world, where she, as always, points the way to Christ.

Experience seven sessions reflecting on the life and mystery of Mary, which will deepen your appreciation of and devotion to our Blessed Mother and enrich your prayer experiences.

Appropriate for seasonal groups, small Christian communities, and individual reflection and prayer.

This book is also available in an individual set with rosary beads and a How to Pray the Rosary brochure, or a discounted set of 10 for small groups, which also comes with rosary beads and How to Pray the Rosary brochures.

Women in Conversation: Stand Up!


Women in Conversation is a new small-group faithsharing resource designed for contemporary Catholic women. Women—our experiences are different from men’s. Being uniquely female, as God made us to be, involves action. All women are called to live holy lives, but how do we do it? The field hospital of the Church needs women of strength and gentle leadership now more than ever.

In this series of 12 sessions, feminine spirituality is celebrated through stories of inspiring women, scripture texts, and holy conversations. Thoughtprovoking questions powerfully connect us to the larger faith story. Get ready to share in a group by women and for women, where we will encounter “ordinary” women who are really rather extraordinary, just as we are.

This book is also available as a discounted set of 10 for small groups.

Creation at the Crossroads

A Small-Group Resource on Laudato Si’


Creation at the Crossroads is a small-group faith-sharing resource containing 12 sessions on Pope Francis’ encyclical on ecology, Laudato Si’. It is designed for use in parishes, small groups, religious communities, on college campuses or by individuals. Through scripture, prayer, reflections, faith-sharing questions, and practical ideas for protecting and caring for God’s creation and for God’s people, Creation at the Crossroads is designed to move Catholics to faithbased action.

Great for Laudato Si’ circles or to start a new environmental ministry!

This book is also available as a discounted set of 10 for small groups.

Dignity and the Death Penalty:

Evolution of Catholic Teaching


This small-group resource examines Catholic teaching on the death penalty, based on the insights of Sr. Helen Prejean. Sister Helen is a leading advocate for abolition of the death penalty and for elimination of social and economic unfairness in the criminal-justice system. She is also the author of Dead Man Walking: An Eyewitness Account of the Death Penalty in the United States and The Death of Innocents: An Eyewitness Account of Wrongful Executions.

Praying the Family Rosary


Enhance the experience of praying the Rosary with the scriptural references, artistic images, and meditative prayers, while also strengthening the bonds of your family.

Praying the Family Rosary provides detailed instructions on praying the Rosary, including:

• Which days to recite each of the four sets of mysteries.

• Instructions on reciting a complete set of mysteries.

• Specifics on praying a daily decade.

• Ways to divide readings and prayers in a family setting.

Essentials for Small-Group Leaders


Essentials for Small-Group Leaders offers a comprehensive collection of pastoral insights and practical suggestions to help small-community leaders guide their groups in a way that nourishes spiritual growth.

Culled from RENEW International’s more than four decades of experience in pioneering and promoting small Christian communities, this book overflows with simple but effective ideas and strategies that will enhance the way these groups reflect on and respond to the gospel.

Essential for any small Christian community leader or parish staff member!

Available as a discounted two-book set with Leading Prayer in Small Groups.

Leading Prayer in Small Groups


Have you ever been asked to lead prayer for your church group, council, or committee? Leading Prayer in Small Groups emphasizes the importance of group prayer for church groups of every kind and provides insight into why we pray. It also explains the role, qualities, and duties of a leader of prayer. Readers are guided through the stages of preparing group prayer and the process of effectively leading prayer for a group.

Available as a discounted two-book set with Essentials for Small-Group Leaders.

Small Christian Communities: A Vision of Hope for the



The “bible” for small Christian communities! Covers the foundational history of small Christian communities and provides a step-by-step guide for their implementation and development. Contains practical advice from those who have used these methods for years. This is the essential resource for all involved with small Christian communities.

It was awarded first place in the pastoral ministry category by the Catholic Press Association.

Part 1: “Foundations for small Christian communities” Part 2: “The pastoral direction and its implementation” Part 3: “Concrete approaches”

This edition contains reflection and faith-sharing questions, and references to appropriate texts from Scripture.

$16.95 A must-have for anyone committed to accompaniment and small Christian communities!

Grieving the Death of a Loved One


Grieving the Death of a Loved One validates the feelings one experiences after the death of a family member or friend. This faith-sharing booklet offers suggestions for healing and meditation suitable for bereavement groups or individuals. Each of the six sessions includes scripture, prayer, personal reflection, and invitations to action.

A great way to start or continue a bereavement ministry in your parish.

Forgiveness and Reconciliation


Forgiving and being forgiven bring the great liberation of reconciliation.

As we read the insightful wisdom of Jean Marie Hiesberger and the many inspiring stories of forgiveness and reconciliation she recalls, we understand more profoundly people’s desire to be forgiven and the steps we may want to take to live reconciled lives. In making the connection between the healing power of God and forgiveness, the author helps us see the richness of the sacrament of reconciliation and rediscover how to live in the freedom of God.


Healing Our Church: A Pastoral Response

to the Sexual-Abuse



The sexual-abuse scandal in the Catholic Church has left many of the faithful in emotional turmoil regarding their faith. To help, RENEW International created Healing Our Church. While our greatest wish is that no community ever needed it, this six-session small-group resource faces the issue head-on and deals with the complex emotions this scandal has stirred. It will start your community on the path to healing and renewed discipleship.

This book is also available as a discounted set of 10 for small groups.

New Wine, New Wineskins: A Faith-Sharing

Resource for Restructuring Parishes


New Wine, New Wineskins provides a pastoral process to support the needs and goals of parishes that are in various stages of merging or restructuring. It draws on a Catholic understanding of the Paschal Mystery—the dying and rising that is central to Christian life. In 12 sessions, participants will encounter and work with their grief over changes in their parishes and in their lives and find ways of maintaining elements of what they value most while coming to terms with, and ultimately embracing, a future of hope and possibility.


As a business person, you make tough decisions, manage differing agendas, and juggle multiple demands. As a person of faith, you want to lead with principle and make a positive impact in your work and personal life. How can you balance these important, yet sometimes conflicting, aspects of your life?

Join a trusted circle of “fellow travelers” who together explore important themes of work, faith, and life. Each Ignatian Business Chapter is a forum of trust in which professionals can reframe business as a vocation compatible with faithful living. The chapter facilitates the interpersonal connections and meaningful dialogue that are at the heart of the Ignatian business experience.

For information on how to get involved, contact IBC co-director John Fontana on LinkedIn or visit


Baptism Matters, which is licensed to parishes, is an online sacremental-prep program that prepares parents and godparents for their roles in the baptism of their children—the beginning of their journey in the Catholic faith. The online sessions provide formation that would otherwise have to be presented by parish staff. We will walk alongside parents and godparents to help them fully enter into the sacrament with their child—and we also provide parishes with the tools to transform sacramental preparation into an evangelizing experience.

Give your parish the gift of a program that builds a community that nurtures, supports and celebrates together as the grace of God flows throughout the church in these blessed waters. (908) 769-5400 1-908-769-5400

Exclusives RENEW

RENEW Theology on Tap - Diocesan 12-Month License and Two Manuals


RENEW Theology on Tap - Parish 12-Month License and Two Manuals


RENEW Theology on Tap - Independent Organization 12-Month License and Two Manuals $150.00


Looking for a refreshing way to engage your parishioners and reach out to young adults and the young at heart? Theology on Tap offers a unique opportunity to bring faith, fellowship, and fun together in a relaxed and inviting atmosphere. Take advantage of venues that people in the parish already enjoy... gather at a local bar or pub, a favorite beach, or the best coffee shop in town. Invite them to join you in talking about their faith and how they live it in our modern world.

Feel free to call or contact us and we can help you explore the variety of ways you can engage these groups and get the conversation going. (908) 769-5400

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