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Shared Services/Operations/Communications
Shared Services
Shared Services, which provides administrative support to all departments at RENEW, continued to enhance our ability to move forward in the digital world. The use of Shopify, Salesforce and QuickBooks provides customers with a more user-friendly and efficient experience. This increase to our capacity was made possible by the Capital Campaign. In addition to our own in-house printing needs, Shared Services provided valuable service to the Health Care Chaplaincy Network and other clients as a means of maximizing use of the resources at RENEW.
Operations Change and flexibility were in full force this year as RENEW responded to the many challenges in our Church and in our world. • RENEW reorganized its staff, matching skills with needs. • RENEW’s delivery of programs and processes became primarily online. • RENEW began using virtual programming to engage groups in our processes during the pandemic. RENEW was the recipient of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) from the federal government. This funding helped RENEW continue to support staff and plan for a sustainable future.
Paul Krenzelok, associate director for pastoral logistics and sales consultant, is ready to discuss Be My Witness/Sean mis testigos with attendees at the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ annual Fall Assembly in Baltimore in November, 2019.
A big part of “staying connected” has been enhancing our communications outreach. A new team was formed in March that has worked to increase our e-communications, improve our social media, and constantly refresh our website. By June 30 th , 25 e-blasts—six in Spanish—alerted our friends and followers of the webinars and virtual faith-sharing that we had to offer. Our website has been updated weekly, and there has been an uptick in social-media engagement. The team is currently working on creating a section of the website that will showcase all the free resources RENEW is currently offering: apps, blogs, YouTube channel, and much more.
RENEW INTERNATIONAL From March 27 to July 9, we held 37 virtual faith-sharing sessions with a total of 1,139 registrations.