20 21 a collective for womxn & gender-expansive people of color
Emerson College | Boston, Massachusetts
WHAT IS THE RENEWAL COLLECTIVE? The Renewal Collective is a collective for womxn and gender-expansive people of color based at Emerson College - building community & creating transformative spaces for healing.
OUR VISION We acknowledge the pervasiveness and impact of all forms of systemic oppression in the lives of womxn and gender-expansive people of color and because we believe that no one is disposable, we endeavor to create transformative spaces for individual and collective healing.
OUR INVITATION TO YOU Inspired by and standing on the shoulders of the countless activists who came before us and sustained by personal liberation, we believe a truly just and equitable society is possible. Personal liberation requires radical presence and truth; welcoming our whole selves in any given moment, thereby creating the space for others to do the same. As members of the Emerson College and the Greater Boston communities, we come together committed to create transformative spaces that welcome womxn and gender-expansive people of color; and we endeavor to create a place where we will find love, trust, and healing for ourselves and others.
[Artwork from @bpepperart]
WHAT IS OUR ANCESTRY? November 2019 - Dr. Sarah Childs and Dr. Marie Vea extended the invitation for Samantha Ivery to attend The University of Vermont Women of Color Leadership Retreat (WOCLR) as a community guest. The WOCLR vision includes: ● “To build a community of womxn/femmes of color where there is freedom from fear to be yourself, to express your [heart] and mind, multiple intelligences and identities through discovering leadership.” ● “A place to empower, find meaning, healing, love, and trust, in ourselves and each other.” February 2020 - After several opening meetings, Samantha Ivery convened a group of amazing womxn to begin the process of creating a similar experience at Emerson College April 2020-September 2020 - A group of nine (9) womxn began to gather to explore what impact individual and community healing could have in lives of the Emerson womxn and gender-expansive community of color. The group met weekly to explore: ● How intersectional oppression impacts communities of color, specifically focusing on gender and race ● Various cultural specific modalities of self-reflection and meditation ● Selected Texts: ○ My Grandmother’s Hands: Racialized Trauma and the Pathway to Mending Our Hearts and Bodies (Resmaa Menakem) ○ This Bridge Called My Back: Writings by Radical Women of Color (Cherríe Moraga & Gloria Anzaldúa) [Artwork by @justhumanwithfeelings]
○ The Transtheoretical Model of Behavioral Change (James Prochaska) November 2020 - Launched @therenewalcollective in Instagram to begin building community and offering encouragement and affirmation February 26-27, 2021 - The Inaugural Leadership in Life and Community Retreat - Virtual 2-day gathering focused on affirmation, grounding, joy, healing/reconciliation, rest, and renewal.
COMMUNITY INTENTIONS (How do we want to be with ourselves and each other?) Our community intentions are adapted from the Women of Color Leadership Retreat (WOCLR) of the University of Vermont. We will use these in our time together this weekend and in other Renewal Collective gatherings to assist us in fostering a sense of warmth, care, and safety while we are together. ● This is YOUR space ● Acknowledge that many of us sit in survival mode and encourage ourselves and each other to move towards/into thriving ● Engage - Be Present (for yourself and others) ● Attend to your needs (physical, emotional, spiritual, etc.) ● Challenge with care ● Lead with curiosity ● Seek clarity ● Be gentle with yourself
[Artwork by @recipesforselflove]
● Listen to each other like you watch a new film, with attention and wonder ● Share the mic - our collective wisdom is what makes us stronger and ushers in healing - we need everyone ● Dance and laugh like no one is looking (then look and laugh more) ● We are all caring and carrying ● Take risks - seek opportunities to deepen your own praxes around healing ● Limited confidentiality ● Speak from your heart and share your narrative
MEET THE WOMXN WHO WELCOME YOU INTO THIS COLLECTIVE Emi Bague | she/her | Boston, MA Career Development Center
1st gen Filipina-American progressive Christian, perpetually in learning mode, finding her voice in the confusing conversations of our times. She aims to build bridges, foster reconciliation, and always be grateful. Emi seeks to model faith, hope, and transformation for her loved ones. “Renewal is hope. It means I can start right where I am, with all that I have or don’t have, and start fresh. I can be confident that I will be a blessing to others along the path and will also be richly blessed.”
Gabby Sumney | Any Pronouns | Hometownless, USA Visual & Media Arts Gabby Sumney is an Afro-Latinx, queer, nonbinary nonfiction filmmaker with a disability based in Boston, Massachusetts. They work in experimental nonfiction with a special emphasis on issues of identity and personal narrative. “Quite frankly, you can’t pour from an empty bucket.. Renewal is the radical act of being full enough to (possibly) keep giving.”
Jeeyoon Kim | she/her | “It’s Complicated” Social Justice Center
A biracial Asian-American woman, youth worker, writer, and creative exploring the in-between spaces. She can be found chasing shorelines, foods with a good crunch, concert calendars, and her beloved dog, Ike. “Renewal is the only way I know how to make it through because when I actively choose renewal, I am actively choosing myself. It is not always easy but it is always necessary.”
Jessica Chance | she/her | Danbury, CT Career Development Center An African-American woman, theatremaker, career counselor and writer, originally from CT and now based in Boston. Will not go anywhere without her journal and a workout plan for the week. Lives for the sunshine, and will never be unhappy at the beach. “Renewal is when I’ve given myself the tough love of acknowledging not just joy and face masks, but the growth that comes with a lot of discomfort. Renewal is a deep breath and a glass of water. Renewal means that feel good, light feeling of unapologetically taking up space, and stretching into 100%, pure being.” [Artwork from @life_as_ceremony]
Nerissa Williams-Scott | she/her | “It’s Complicated” Media Technology and Production As the CEO/Owner of That Child Got Talent Entertainment and Assistant Manager for the Emerson College Paramount Center Film Sound Stage, for over 30 years Nerissa continually “wows the film industry with her brilliance.” She is a truth teller, wife, sister-friend, and a powerful advocate for BIPOC youth and young adults. “The Renewal is important because everyone must grow and become aware that it is necessary to transform your mind, body and soul. You need to make plans to Renew always and forever in your life. Never stand still. Our motto at That Child Got Talent Entertainment is, “Always on a Mission!” Never stop and never give up, Survive against all odds! Saboli my Sistahs!” [Artwork from @pinklomein_]
Samantha M. Ivery | she/her | St. Louis, MO/Herndon, VA Social Justice Center A radical Black woman who speaks truth to power. She’s a progressive Christian who pursues justice and revolutionary love in hopes of living a purpose driven life and empowering others to do the same. She’s a music connoisseur, a bibliophile, and a daughter-sister-fun aunt who loves to laugh. “Renewal focuses on healing from the inside out. I know I’ve been renewed when I can easily sense the divinity that is in all living beings, which encourages me to bring light into the world.”
tamia rashima jordan | she/her | Hackensack, NJ Intercultural Student Affairs tamia rashima jordan, M.Ed., is a radical racial justice educator who channels her energy into projects that heal the BIPOC community. Also important to note, tamia cannot live without the ocean, all the folx who call her auntie, traveling to countries below the equator, animals, and music. “I am an empath and I find it to be a huge blessing. And I can only show up for others when I, myself, am grounded and whole.” [Artwork by @maxine.sarah.art]
Tikesha R. Morgan | she/her | Brooklyn, NY Internationalization and Global Engagement Tikesha Renee Morgan was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY by a mother from the deep segregated south of Mississippi, and a father born and raised in Sierra Leone, West Africa. Where did they meet?! New York City of course! As a first-generation college student her parents always encouraged her to achieve the highest, to not forget where you come from and to always help others who walk beside you, behind you and in front of you. The passion she has for her profession has been infused into her personal activism and the intersectionality that she lives and breathes daily as one of the co-founders of the Lesbians of Color Collective Symposium, organizer for Queer Women of Color, diversity consultant for New England area community colleges and universities, and liaison/moderator for the LGBTQ Caucus at the National Conference on Race & Ethnicity.
“Being involved with The Renewal Collective allows me to encourage the community I have the honor to work with to speak the truth even when your voice shakes.”
Tuesda Roberts, PhD | she/her | Charlotte, NC Academic Affairs A Black, Southern-born and raised woman who believes integrity, meaning, and community are found in the process, the dialog, and the quiet time before decisions are made. “Renewal matters because there are simply too many demands on our time, energies, and lives that can distort our understanding of self, the world, and our purposes. Renewal matters to me because it provides the space needed to remain anchored to who I am and to realize who I am becoming.”
GUEST FACILITATORS Marlene Boyette (she/her) Marlene Boyette, an eighteen year resident of Boston, is a Trauma Informed yoga practitioner. She began her personal yoga journey in 2003, became certified to teach children’s yoga in 2013 and obtained her Trauma Informed 200 E-RYT after training with 4 Corners Yoga + Wellness in Dorchester, in 2016 as part of the studio’s first yoga teacher training cohort. As a community member, disruptor and activist at heart, Marlene founded Leela Yoga & Wellness and co-founded Peace In Boston, an initiative focused on bringing yoga to underserved communities and prioritizing diversity, equity and inclusion as acts of social justice within Boston area wellness spaces.
Dr. Marie C. Vea (she/her) Hello! I am a Filipinx-American in my 21st year living in the Green Mountain State dedicated to asking good questions in good company especially questions about radically inclusive education, multiple ways of knowing, and joy. I have the pleasure of serving as Assistant Dean for Student Services and Staff Development in the Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources at the University of Vermont, working with staff, faculty, and students toward building a community where all beings may thrive. There is no more compelling time than right now to ask, “How do I meet this moment with courage, vulnerability, and creativity?”
Life in Leadership and Community (LILAC) Retreat Schedule of Workshops Friday, February 26, 2021 TIME
Samantha & Marie
Renewal is a new beginning. Let's take some time to replenish, restore, and remind ourselves that not only is our radical healing necessary, it is our right to live and be whole, healthy, happy, thriving womxn and gender-expansive folx of color.
Remember: Co-creating a virtual altar
Ancestor veneration is a tradition in many Eastern cultures especially on the continents of Africa and Asia. The ideas is that all deceased members of the family are believed to become part of the collective ancestor group and have the ability to influence outcomes in the lives of their descendents. While each continent, country, region, tribe has their own specific traditions, a common practice is the creation and maintenance of an ancestor altar where we keep items in their honor. Additionally there are simple prayers and practices (and spells) to establish the connection and also in support of our ancestors who now reside on the other side of a thin veil. You likely already have all that you need in your home to begin to create your very own altar. And that's what we'll do together.
Release: Leaving our imposter syndrome behind: A guided conversation
Emi & Jeeyoon
An open conversation on our own journeys with imposter syndrome, how we understand it, and what practices we need to combat it.
Revision: Creating a vision board
Jessica & Samantha
Reimagine: Arts & Crafts (Half) Hour
Reset: Daily Examen Meditation
Resolve: New Year's visioning practice
An exploration of Alicia Garza's annual practice that asks us to set both goals and roles for ourselves as critical pieces for moving forward .
Recommit: Today I Affirm
Let's write some notes to ourselves. We are enough. We can do it. It's okay to say no. Join me for some guided self-affirmation inspired by @alex_elle.
Reboot: Laughter, play and improv
When was the last time you played? This is time to create your own space, stories, and explore new ways to de-stress!
TITLE Renewal: The Opening & The Offering
Bring your imagination and let's reimagine our futures together. Looking ahead to Saturday and a reminder of the importance of rest.
Saturday, February 27, 2021
DESCRIPTION A greeting to center ourselves for the day ahead. Bring your coloring book, your embroidery, magazines to collage, scrapbooks to decorate, or just supplies to doodle while your host paints on film to a curated playlist. No structure, just vibes. A quiet time of prayer/meditation that gently acknowledges the steps of our day through reflective prompts.
Recharge: Dance Party
“The one thing that can solve most of our problems is dancing.” ~James Brown This is a call to womxn of all shapes, sizes, abilities, and backgrounds to be free. No matter if you're in a chair, on the floor, or up on your feet - let's get moving.
Release: Yoga & Reflection Workshop
Come committed to experience and learn more about how yoga & meditation praxis can help ground your healing work. Connect with Marlene on IG: @marleneboyette.
Recommit: Cultivating courage
Our journeys to renewal will require us to summon courage. Courage to seek, to name, and to shift. Let's spend some time doing just that!
The Remix: Music is my love language
Gabby & Jeeyoon
Remind: Letters to our younger self
Restore: Self-holds and SelfMassage
"We each have the power to hold & #heal ourselves. May we lean into this #resilience especially now." instagram.com/marianalocasta
Renewed: The Closing
Where do we go from here? How do we keep this collective growing and welcoming new folx to our collective? How will we build individual and collective praxes of renewal?
Every up, down, and in-between has a soundtrack. How do you shape the perfect playlist for the moment? Join us to discuss the how-to of the art of playlists. A time to write and reflect on our relationship with our younger self.