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p o r t f o lio RenJenYang

RenJ enYang r enj en. y ang@gmai l . com

Gr aduat eDi pl omaCr eat i v ePr act i ce atKi ngs t onUni v er s i t y BAGr aphi cDes i gn atMi ddl es exUni v er s i t y

WhatIam doi ng-cr eat i ngt hel ear ni ngmat er i alof ani malconser vat i onf orSundayschool . WhoIai medt o-chi l dr enbet ween8t o12i nSunday school( par ent sandchi l dr en’ swor k er saswel l becaus ei n mys econdar yr es ear ch,If oundt hei mpor t anceoft hei rr ol e t oachi l d. ) Whati si nt hi spr oj ect -websi t edesi gn,col our i ngbook desi gn,badgedesi gnandst opmot i on. Pr i mar yr es ear ch s pok et ochi l dr eni nt heSundays chool ,If oundev er y onehasi ndi v i daul i deaandi magi nat i oni nex pl ai ni ngt hemeani ngof‘ humanr ul eov ert he ani mal ’ .Si ncet hei rr es pons ewer es of ancy ,It houghtmak i ngcol our i ng bookandbadgescanbei nt er act i v ewi t ht hem. Secondar yr es ear ch Fr om t her eadi ngofchi l dr en’ seducat i onands pok et ot hechi l dr en’ s wor k eri nt hes chool ,Iconcl udedt her es ear chesandt r i edt odobot h phy s i cal anddi gi t al out comesduet oel ect r oni cdev i cesar enowv er y commonandwi l l k eepbei ngdev el oped.

Meyer ,B.( 2013)' GameBasedLanguageLear ni ngf orPr eSchoolChi l dr en:A Desi gnPer spect i ve' ,El ect r oni cJour nalofeLear ni ng,Vol . 11( 1) ,pp.3948[ Onl i ne] .Avai l abl eat : ht t p: / / web. a. ebscohost . com. ezpr oxy. ki ngst on. ac. uk/ ehost / pdf vi ewer / pdf vi ewer ?si d=93a45f 91dd4940008c866094a6ba3359%40sessi onm gr 4005&vi d=1&hi d=4101( Accessed:13t hFebr uar y2016) . Pr i ce,S. ,Jewi t t ,C.etal( 2015)' Ther ol eofi Padsi npr eschoolchi l dr en' smar k maki ngdevel opment ' ,Comput er s&Educat i on,vol . 87,pp.131141[ Onl i ne] . Avai l abl eat : ht t p: / / www. sci encedi r ect . com. ezpr oxy. ki ngst on. ac. uk/ sci ence/ ar t i cl e/ pi i / S0360131515001025( Accessed:13t hFebr uar y2016) .

Anar t i st i cwayt o l ear nhow wel ook af t ert heani mal s. pr i nt abl ebadges andcol our i ng s heet s>>> mak i ngi ndi v i dual col our i ngs heet s i nt oabook>>> upl oadont ot he gal l er ys ect i onon t hewebs i t e>>> webs i t ei supdat ed wi t ht hes hor tf i l ms week l y

Eachpagei ncl udedeachani mal s peci es ,t hecont ai n s peak saboutwhats or tofact i onhumanhav edonei n t er msofl ook i ngaf t ert hes eani mal s .I naddi t i on,t he bl anks paceoneachbacki sf orchi l dr endoi ngdr aw s omet hi ng.

( r ef er encei nt hecol our i ngbook ) ABi t eofChi na,1s tepi s ode,2012 TheTel egr aph( 2010)Top10Mos tEndanger edSpeci esi nt heWor l d,Av ai l abl e at : ht t p: / / www. t el egr aph. co. uk / news / ear t h/ wi l dl i f e/ 6927330/ Top10mos t endanger eds peci es i nt hewor l d. ht ml ( Acces s ed: 22edJ anuar y2016) .

( r ef er encei nt hecol our i ngbook ) ABi t eofChi na,1s tepi s ode,2012 TheTel egr aph( 2010)Top10Mos tEndanger edSpeci esi nt heWor l d,Av ai l abl e at : ht t p: / / www. t el egr aph. co. uk / news / ear t h/ wi l dl i f e/ 6927330/ Top10mos t endanger eds peci es i nt hewor l d. ht ml ( Acces s ed: 22edJ anuar y2016) .

( r ef er encei nt hecol our i ngbook ) ABi t eofChi na,1s tepi s ode,2012 TheTel egr aph( 2010)Top10Mos tEndanger edSpeci esi nt heWor l d,Av ai l abl e at : ht t p: / / www. t el egr aph. co. uk / news / ear t h/ wi l dl i f e/ 6927330/ Top10mos t endanger eds peci es i nt hewor l d. ht ml ( Acces s ed: 22edJ anuar y2016) .

Ex per i menti nmov i ngi mages

cl i ckt hei maget ov i ewt hev i deo

mus i cby :TheGr eenOr bs<SandCas t l es ><Att heFai r >

I nr eal i t y-Pr act i cedmydes i gni nt heSundays chool l etme r eal i s et hedi f f er entv i ewsf r om t hechi l dr en.Thet hi ngi st hat t hechi l dr en’ sr eact i ont ot hecol our i ngs heet ss howss ome hes i t ances i ncet heywer enots ur ewhatcol ourt heycoul d col ouri nt hatar ea,s uchast hei ceands ea.

l i v e s

Thewebsi t ef orpar ent sorchi l dr en’ swor ker st opr i ntout t hebadgesandcol our i ngsheet s,wi t ht hegal l er yspacet o show i ndi vi dual ’ sscancol our i ngwor k,al sot henew shor t f i l mswi l lbepost edonr egul ar l y.

Whati st hei dea-t hei deai sbas edon t her es ear chofEadwear dMuy br i dge’ s phot ogr aphi cs equencest omov i ng i magei nKi ngs t onmus eum,t omak et he not est ur ni nt omot i onpi ct ur e.

WhatIhavel ear n-al t hought her ewer el ot sofdummi est hat hadbeencutof fands t ar t edal l ov eragai n,t hepr oces swas bui l tupl i t t l ebyl i t t l eandt hos eex per i ment sdi dnotwas t et o mak et hef i nal out come.


Whatwast hechal l enge-s hoot i ngt ookal otoft i met os eewher e andwhatt ar geti ss ui t abl ef orKÂŁ.Suchast het r ai norbusmi ghtnot beascl os east hemar k etorr i v er s i debet ot hepeopl e.

cl i ckt hei maget ov i ewt hev i deo

Goh,M.( 2014)Desi gnerGi vest heUSCur r encyNot esaMi ni mal i st i cRedesi gn,Avai l abl eat : ht t p: / / desi gnt axi . com/ news/ 370036/ Desi gner Gi vesTheUSCur r encyNot esAMi ni mal i st i cRedesi gn/ ( Accessed: 15t hJanuar y2016) . El l i son,K.( 2015)20Exampl esoft heWor l d’ sBestCur r ency Desi gn, Avai l abl eat : ht t ps: / / 99desi gns. com/ desi gner bl og/ 2015/ 08/ 07/ 20exampl eswor l dsbest cur r encydesi gn/ ( Accessed:15t hJanuar y2016) . Agar unov,E.( 2010)TheAr tofCur r ency:Uni queNot esFr om Ar oundt he Wor l d,Avai l abl eat : ht t p: / / desi gn. t ut spl us. com/ ar t i cl es/ t hear t of cur r encyuni quenot esf r omar oundt hewor l dpsd11311( Accessed:15t hJanuar y2016) .

An i l l ust r at i on magazi ne Ai med t o pr i mar yschoolchi l dr en,t he magazi ne wasi nt er act i ve i n col our i ng and game pl ayi ng.

Redes i gnt oypac k agi ng I nor dert opr act i ces us t ai nabl edes i gn,t he t oycompanywashopi ngt omak et oy ’ s pack ages us t ai nabl e.Thus ,Ir edes i gnt he pack ageoft het oy‘ bamboocopt er ’ wi t h t hei deaf r om but t er f l ys t at i on.I nt er msof encour agi ngchi l dr enpl ayout door .

t hemat er i al ,v al ue,pr act i cal pos s i bi l i t y wer eal l bedi s cus s eddur i ngt hes emi nar bef or emodel l i ng.

Wi t hent er t ai ni ngandeducat i onal pur pos e f ort het ar getaudi ence( chi l dr enf r om 814) , t os t aycl os et ot henat ur e.

capt i onsex pl ai nnect arandwat erar eneeded bybut t er f l i es .

th a n k

y o u !

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