Important facts about open source customization

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Important facts about open source customization

Customizing the open source. By open source, we do not always mean it is free! they are open source technologies, could have a price tag for downloading and running it, but customization is something of skill driven asset. Open source is much more than just free software, as it is so often characterized. The open source is a new way of developing and using applications more flexible, more collaborative and more efficient. These methods are totally in step with the technical, economical and organizational challenges facing the business and the public sector today. It’s fair to say that there are some widely held misconceptions about open source software, as well as some potential challenges that public sector organizations should be aware of. Here’s our take on separating the myths from the facts.

So, What does open source customization bring on board? From a decision maker point of view, the open source customization is to be attempted to : • •

Save time Reduce total cost of ownership

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Make it long lasting and Ensuring skill for customization is always available

The Facts :  There may be hidden costs : The support and maintenance cost may be greater than those of the proprietary package. It is important to examine the full cost of ownership with your supplier mitigate this risk.  There may be further development required : open source software may need to be developed further to integrate with existing proprietary software systems. Some open source solutions may never work well with established proprietary products.  Virtual shore : Opening up new opportunities by implementing collaborative development method that are extensively used in the world of open source. The virtual shore approach meets current demands for agility and costsaving.

That depends on what open source and where you are planning on applying them! Some Examples : • • • • •

You customize a open source and make it your own very successful product. You use it to solve a business problem. You do not wish to re-invent the wheel. You know such technology and feature development is next to impossible with your existing infrastructure and constraints. And You always knew what you wanted.

Just reach us out and we will help you figure what open source fits your needs best! With the growing demand of open source customization in global market, the customers are looking for open source customization team that has ability to create efficient open source development, which have unique features. Whitepaper IT is the company which is specializes in open source customization with years of experience, they provide cost effective solution to their clients.

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