November 2016 Reno Tahoe Tonight

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November 2016

Ruminations on Fall

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COVER STORY 10 Ruminations on Fall FASHION 24 Sierra Belle Boutique FEATURE 32 Soak Nail Spa + Lounge and Derby Supply Company 52 Moms of the Sons Challenge FREESTYLE 54 Valley of Dolls Collection 64 HEALTH TIPS INCLINE VILLAGE 66 Crystal Bay Visitors Bureau Report



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SNAPSHOT Photographer Chris Holloman Derby Supply Company, downtown Reno, Nevada

Editor/Publisher Oliver X Art Director Chris Meredith Contributing Designers Courtney Meredith Tucker Monticelli Design Associate Katrina Stewart Contributing Writers Britton Griffith-Douglass Thomas Lloyd Qualls Rory Dowd Isha Casagrande Tony Contini Amanda Horn Rachel Douglass Michael Tragash Debe Fennel Isha Casagrande Tessa Miller Lanette Katre Contributing Photographers Shelbi Carr Whitehead Chris Holloman Tony Contini Clayton Beck Anicia Beckwith Digiman Studio Marcello Rostagni Ted Varney Jennifer Sande Kyle Volland Interns Heather McAlpine Sales 775-412-3767 Submissions Website All content, layout and design is the property of Reno Tahoe Tonight Magazine. Duplication or reproduction is prohibited without the expressed written consent of Reno Tahoe Tonight Magazine. Copyright 2016. Reno Tahoe Tonight is produced on 10% recycled American paper and is printed with all soy and vegetable inks.

A PROBABILITY OF WORDS Text Thomas Lloyd Qualls Photo Johnstone Studios You’re cruising Facebook and watching the daily unfolding of other people’s lives. Not very many years ago this was called stalking, or maybe worse if you were looking in the windows of someone’s house. But now the windows of others’ lives are flung open wide. And we’ve all become voyeurs.

That is to say, outsiders looking in. When I say all of us, it is true. Because there’s an opportunity cost to everything. If you’re doing this, you’re not doing that. If you’re out and about with friends, you’re not in and cozy with someone you love. If you’re working on an exciting and ambitious project, you’re not on the beach somewhere. The recently coined fear of missing out (fomo) is not really all that new. It is just magnified and enhanced by our technologically-centered lives. We are addicted to our phones because they have become our connection to the world and the people around us.

And I used the word addiction, because that's what it is.

evolved over time to something much greater. New research shows that addiction has a lot to do with a lack of connection to other humans.

And as I discussed in April, it's also important to connect to the world around us. The new science shows we actually require social connection in order for our brains to develop properly. And to continue to operate properly. But it is possible for our short-circuited brains to rewire themselves. With every external connection we make, whether through touch, eye contact, talking, listening, or laughter, we create new neural pathways. These external connections allow us to create new internal connections.

In other words, as inside, so outside. And speaking of outside. Spending time in nature also helps us rewire our brains. In fact, new science shows that in our increasingly urbanized lives, it’s actually mandatory for us to spend more time in nature in order to avoid the onset of mental illness.

And seriously, who do you know who isn't a little bit off these days.

I guess I've always liked the underdogs.

I’m not just talking about the ionic benefits of being near the ocean. We need to walk on the Earth’s skin, not just our concrete sidewalks. We need to surround ourselves with trees, to walk beside the melodic sound of streams, to touch our bare feet to the grass, to feast upon the bright colored leaves, to crunch them in our hands, beneath our feet, to put our cheeks to the soft furry moss, feel the wind in our faces, and smell the vast fecundity of the natural world.

I don't think I really got the title back then. I liked the characters. I liked their odd names. And though I didn't go to a private school, or have a lot of money, my life still had almost nothing in common with the lives of the Northside greasers. Still, I related to them and to their palpable but unspoken desire to be connected somehow to the world around them. Despite the fact that the world that had cast them to the margins – or maybe because of that fact.

And we need to remember that our technological connections, as mind-bendingly instantaneously gratifying as they are, are just metaphors for the real thing. We need to remember not to forget how to have a real conversation, to look each other in the eyes, to give freely of our hugs and smiles, to be genuinely interested in the lives of others. And to not be so focused on the moment-by-moment self-promotion of our own.

One of my favorite books as a kid was The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton. Kind of a modern day West Side Story. But set in the Midwest. And a North-South thing. But also a rich kid-poor kid thing. And the heroes were all poor kids.

We all need to belong. It is essential. These stories never really leave us. And while our need to connect likely has its roots in something deeply biological, like safety and survival, it has 6 Reno Tahoe Tonight

We need to remember our true home.

Here’s your challenge: Put this down for a minute (or turn it off ) and connect to one of the humans closest to you. Buy them coffee, give them a hug, or take them on a walk in the trees. Your brain will thank you.

You can find out more about him, his books, poetry, paintings, and other projects on his website.

Thomas Lloyd Qualls is a writer, a condition that is apparently incurable. He manages his condition, in part, by regular contributions to Reno Tahoe Tonight Magazine, and to the borderless tribe known as Rebelle Society. He's also a novelist, a painter, and through his law practice – a sometimes salvager of troubled lives. Or at any of the absurd number of social media profiles out there these days. Feel free to check them out whenever you like. Or better yet, just invite him out for coffee or beer. He loves a good conversation.

Š 2016 th

omas lloyd

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Text Britton Griffith-Douglass Photo Jeramie Lu

November FIRST BRIT OF EXCITEMENT Here is a little secret--‘a little piece of Brit’-I’ve been a vegetarian since I was ten years old. That’s right kiddos no pig, cows or chickens get on my kitchen table (unless I am having an extremely odd dinner party). Despite the fact that when I ‘gobble gobble down’ it is on a Tofu Turkey, Thanksgiving is still my most delicious holiday of the year. It's an excuse to eat an entire pumpkin pie, to start drinking wine at 2:00pm and watch Die Hard marathons with no guilt. So my wish to you is that you take some time to give ‘thanks’ this November for your family, good fortunes and that little turkey in the middle of your table. BITS THE WHEELS ON THE BUS GO C H A R I TA B LY R O U N D A N D R O U N D . The Regional Alliance for Downtown, along with many incredible supporters, is proud to host the ‘Road to Hope’ on November 3rd. This two-part event includes an exclusive bus tour providing guests direct access to the organization’s leaders and also personalized tours for each stop: Nevada Youth Empowerment Project, Volunteers of America and Crossroads. The final stop of the bus will drop guests at The Depot for a fundraising after party. Speakers for the event include Mayor Hillary Schieve, Monica DuPea, Marilyn York, Pat Cashell, Sandy Isham, Washoe County Commission Chair Kitty Jung and Chris Shanks. Hop on this hope bus! CO LO R CO N F U S I O N . Leave it to a bluegrass band to get a little upside down with their color wheel. Maybe they had too much ‘green’ while naming their band? Who cares, Greensky Bluegrass jams so colorfully it doesn’t matter if they think the ocean is purple. You won’t either when you see their show at the Crystal Bay Club Casino on November 4th. Let’s dance to some bluegrass: 8 Reno Tahoe Tonight

ONCE, TWICE, THREE TIMES A BROADWAY LADY. Once the musical that swept the 2012 Tony Awards – including Best Musical of the year – comes to Reno on November 18th to the Pioneer Center for the Performing Arts. This musical is in perfect harmony with all the important things to move you in your seat: an Irishman, love ballads and romance between two star-crossed lovers. Buy your once in a lifetime ticket here at A DA M T H E F I R S T M A N AND THE BEST MAN. Adam Carolla comes to the Silver Legacy Resort Casino on November 19. You might remember this comedian as the hilarious, albeit unprofessional, advisor chatting about sex, love and dating on Loveline with Dr. Drew. Later you might have heard him on the whacky and tongue-in-cheek show Crank Yankers. Now this self-proclaimed ‘Man’s Man’ is the host of the The Adam Carolla Show, which is the most downloaded podcast. Listen up and laugh out loud here: adam-carolla. LAST BIT OF ADVICE: Can you hear that? That’s right, silence on the radio waves, television and even social media. The elections have ended and the real winner is you! You’ve survived months of seemingly endless debates, yard signs and bickering! Go ahead take a breath and give yourself a pat on the back, you little patriot.



[775] 284.8620 |


141 EAST PUEBLO STREET | RENO, NV 89502 TUES–FRI 10AM-7PM | SAT 10AM-5PM C U T. C O LO R . S T Y L E . M A K E U P. B LO B A R . B R I D A L .

COVER STORY Poem Oliver X Photos Chris Holloman Model Claire Warneke Cover photo Chris Holloman

Ruminations on Fall

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your groves and stands cornucopian land your beautiful banners ablaze on branches of aspen of cottonwood of maple leaves wave and seduce in spectacular hues they tickle the fancy then they


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cattails with twisted curls of thorns on the banks of swollen streams of


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COVER STORY sing to me in silence in the breeze arms bend leaves descend in


bed under my feet dips deep into the earth your roots do drink-in

fall dew between my toes moist soil of souls autumn's hallowed ground your leaves

fall mist of winter hints of chill dancing raindrops

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creeps the night too soon autumn moon behold the light of


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soak in the waning rays of autumn's light in wondrous sight comes the


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your amber your orange your crimson and brown your magic soft offerings come cascading down as gifts for thanksgiving whose trumpet is

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Museum Shop November 25 / 11 am - 4 pm Black Friday in Midtown

December 1 / 5 pm to December 4 / 6 pm MUSEUM STORE

Annual Holiday Sale*

December 10 / noon - 3 pm HOLIDAY POP-UP

Featuring Local Artists *Members receive 20% off, 10% for everyone else.

Donald W. Reynolds Center for the Visual Arts | E. L. Wiegand Gallery 160 West Liberty Street in downtown Reno | 775.329.3333 |

FASHION Sierra Belle Boutique Text by The Belles Photos Taylor Kern

Sierra Belle’s One-Year Anniversary In Style with Champagne, Deals and The Latest Looks

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has it already been a year since Sierra Belle opened its doors in Midtown Reno? As our anniversary quickly approaches, we are preparing to celebrate with a weekend of fashion and fun – and you’re invited! Stop in and stay a while, as you enjoy up to 75% off our blow-out sale on Black Friday, November 25th. But that’s just the beginning of our anniversary festivities. The following day, Small Business Saturday, continue the celebrating by checking out fresh winter looks and perfect holiday gifts, while taking in some bubbly, hors d’oeuvres, and great deals on fall and winter fashions. Enjoy neverbefore-seen inventory for a sneak peek into the latest winter looks, and snack and sip as you hunt for that one-of-a-kind gift, holiday dress or New Year’s Eve party outfit. Ready-made gift boxes will also be available for purchase, or buy a $200 gift card to receive a $25 gift box for free! Fashion, fun, champagne and incredible deals, all with a local twist – sign us up! Sierra Belle Boutique offers those hard-tofind pieces that you or anyone on your gift list will love. After all, shopping local is good for the community, and the heart.

"We can't wait for what 2017 will bring!

Thank you for all of your continued support. This year wouldn't have been as successful without all of you. We hope you come celebrate with us!

- Katherine Bock, owner. Sierra Belle Boutique is located at Sticks in Midtown at 726 S Virginia St, Reno, NV 89501 (775) 470-8390. 28 Reno Tahoe Tonight

FASHION Sierra Belle Boutique Text by The Belles Photos Taylor Kern


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FEATURE Soak Nail Spa + Lounge and Derby Supply Company Text by Oliver X Photos Chris Holloman

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Full service pampering, custom cocktails and premium liquor, delivered with style, class and consummate skill

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FEATURE Soak Nail Spa + Lounge and Derby Supply Company

I meet Shannon Dunlap and Vinnie Gravallese

at the picnic benches next to the lawn where games of corn hole are played at The Hub on Riverside Drive. Dunlap had brainstormed a story idea she wished to pitch me, highlighting the similarities in business models that both she and Gravallese, the talented proprietor of Derby Supply Company, shared. Though the two entrepreneurs had never actually met, they both were very aware of each other's businesses (as both had taken the still uncommon step of securing liquor licenses and the corresponding expenses and ardor associated with maintaining hygienic standards, while serving cocktails where hair and nails are serviced). They shared a passion for the aesthetic nuances, discipline and detail needed to thrive on both ends of their service based industries. Dunlap and Gravallese are throwbacks to an era when elite customer service was available to ordinary people. When salons and barbershops were the epicenters of community sharing and engagement. To a time when the professionals who cut your hair and did your nails were personal friends. Though they own two of the most successful brands and operations in town (Dunlap's Soak Nail Spa + Lounge customers quite literally pack her two salon locations, and Gravallese's Derby Supply Company has earned over 500 regular clients in its first year of business), they serve opposite demographics, with nearly zero overlap. But what they have in common has helped them define their respective industry niches: a total devotion to making their customers feel like kings and queens every time they visit. But wait you say, they do manicures and pedicures, cut hair and trim beards, right? What's so special about that? The difference with Soak and Derby is in the implementation and expression of their ethos; in their commitment to and complete focus on quality. In pampering their customers in an immersive environment that is relaxing – and even fun! The result has distinguished their businesses from everyone else in their vertical space and made both enterprises unqualified successes. I met Shannon Dunlap back in 2010 when we both were frequent guests on Jessica Schneider's 34 Reno Tahoe Tonight

Reno Style Show, not very long after she opened Soak. Her concept of serving specialty cocktails while women get the VIP treatment, was novel. Her radiant smile and incredible personality immediately endeared her to me. “People are naturally attracted to her genuineness and energy,� a regular customer said of Dunlap. What people do not immediately see is her formidable intellect, drive and her gifts as a prolific ideator. Dunlap observed early on that the hygienic practices in the Reno market left something to be desired. So she established the highest standards in the industry, ensuring that her customers and workers would not be exposed to or spread contagions. Dunlap spared no expense, equipping her crews with new tools for every customer, ergonomic rolling work stations, new pumice stones, new nail files and shiny removable bowls cleaned through autoclave sterilization. Dunlap's fastidiousness paid off, as her customer base ballooned, allowing her to open a second location in a downtown Victorian on Second

Soak owner Shannon Dunlap

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FEATURE Soak Nail Spa + Lounge and Derby Supply Company

Derby Supply Company owner Vinnie Gravallese 36 Reno Tahoe Tonight

Street. “Daughter's Cafe is the location that I originally wanted in this neighborhood when I considered moving downtown,” recalls Dunlap. “I remember sitting on this bench here and crying because we lost out on that location to somebody else. It turned out to be a blessing since the rebuild on that would have done us in,” she reflects. “Where we are now just seemed to pop up like magic.” That location is an old Victorian with a dramatic staircase and bay windows that wash the downstairs service area in natural light. The décor at Dunlap's South Creek Center salon location is vibrant, hip and chic, and oozes comfort. The black chandeliers on the ceiling (the brainchild of Aaryn Walker of Red Chair), complement the silver-gray duct work. Pink walls, flower arrangements and stylish accents imbue the environment with a feminine feng shui and a hint of whimsy. An anchor tenant of the popular shopping center, whose neighbors include Bibo Coffee, Big Horn Olive Oil Co and Whispering Vine, Dunlap's South Creek Soak plays host to private parties and is a fully realized lounge setting, where both cocktails and laughter flow freely. It's success is a product of Dunlap's continuous adjustments and adaptation to the changes in her industry, in the city and in the customers she loves to serve. Vinnie Gravallese is one of the most ambitious, highly credentialed, methodical people I know in Reno. I met him while he was teaching at the Paul Mitchell School, after I moved back to Reno from the Big Island of Hawai'i. He worked at Ethan Douglas Salon and he sold pizzas at Blue Moon Pizza on California Avenue. All the while planning to open his own shop. By the time he started at Slice Salon on Vassar in Midtown, his ambition to open a concept-driven shop for male grooming was an open secret. That it would be a success was never in doubt. I recall the excitement in Gravallese's voice when he'd located the perfect spot for his shop, a subterranean space in the historic Ross Manor in downtown's Riverwalk District. He would open the shop quietly, without fanfare, dial in the oldtimey décor and serve the customer's he'd carefully earned over years of training; years of being an artist and historian of his craft.

When asked whether being a trained cosmetologist was a key factor in establishing his brand, Gravallese declares, “I think being educated is number one. What really makes Derby stand out from a lot of other businesses starts with the education, the consultation, the attention to detail. The precision in every single tool. Always growing, learning...I believe that to truly be a master, you have to master always being a student,” he notes. “I take my staff to trainings in San Francisco; we always go,” he emphasizes. “I do a monthly staff meeting and training. We're always learning; always innovating. The thing is, to open a barber shop to do short haircuts; to do what's expected by the status quo, is not what we're about. I wanna be recession proof. I wanna cut long hair, short hair... Once the pompadour goes away – because it's hot right now—we have to be able to prove to the general public that we're skilled enough to cut any style. People identify with a certain type of brand. What I wanna do is catch the public's attention and say, 'Hey, we're capable of doing all of it.” Below, I speak with the service professionals about how they got their start and what makes them unique, in part one of our two part mega feature on Soak Nail Spa + Lounge and Derby Supply Co. Oliver X: Talk a little about your personal background(s). Where you were raised and what were some of your early jobs. Shannon Dunlap: I was born and raised here in Reno, Nevada. After high school I attended UC Davis as an English major. In post graduate work, I earned an elementary and high school English teaching degree. I taught in Reno for two years then moved to Chicago, where I taught 5/6th grade in the South Side near the Robert Taylor Project Homes. We (husband Darin and I) then relocated to San Francisco. I was an elementary school teacher for 12 years prior to moving back to Reno and opening SOAK. Vincent Gravallese: I was born and raised here in Reno, Nevada. I started at the Paul Mitchell School in Reno in 2008 as a cosmetologist. I always new that I wanted to be a barber-hairstylist growing up. Being around hair as a kid was a huge influence on what I wanted to be. I come from a Reno Tahoe Tonight 37

FEATURE Soak Nail Spa + Lounge and Derby Supply Company

long line of barbers and hairstylists. My mother is a hairstylist; my great grandfather and his brother owned a barber shop in Cambridge, Massachusetts next to Harvard...Many of my family members back in Italy on my dad's side are barbers. It was in early 2010 while working at the Ethan Douglas Salon and teaching at the Paul Mitchell School that I knew my calling was to be a barber and not a hairstylist. I worked at Ethan Douglas for three years and then moved over to Slice Salon, where I rented my own booth and began building my male clientele as well as attending Barber College in Sacramento. During this time I was working 38 Reno Tahoe Tonight

two jobs (teaching men's cutting at the Paul Mitchell School and cutting hair at Slice Salon). In the summer of 2014, I worked at Maxwell's Barbershop and stayed there up until a few months before Derby opened its doors. I also have a huge passion for education. I started teaching at the Paul Mitchell School a year after I graduated. I worked at the Paul Mitchell School all the way up until the summer before Derby opened so I could focus on the new business, but I continue to hold men's barbering classes at salons and at Derby to this day.

Oliver X: When did you know you wanted to be entrepreneurs and what inspired your business model(s)? Shannon Dunlap: I have always had the entrepreneurial bug. I think lots of teachers do, as teachers tend to be creative. I was constantly dreaming about opening my own business and what might resonate with the public. I fell into the concept of nails and cocktails as I was teaching in San Francisco. I would organize groups of teachers to get pedicures together on Friday evenings. I would then supply wine and the idea grew from

there. I knew I could bring that concept home to Reno as I could legally obtain a liquor license and create a true nail and cocktail lounge. With my husband's excellent mixology skills and my ability to lead, design and create, I felt optimistic that the concept would be a hit. Vincent Gravallese: I think being an entrepreneur is something that is built in all of us. It's what drives us to dream big and make our passions a reality. I became a barber because I wanted to start my own business. Long before Derby, I wanted to be artistic and work for myself. I had always Reno Tahoe Tonight 39

FEATURE Soak Nail Spa + Lounge and Derby Supply Company

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FEATURE Soak Nail Spa + Lounge and Derby Supply Company

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looked up to my dad and the way he carried that old school Frank Sinatra style. It was this that inspired my business model for Derby Supply Company. The 1930s and the old fashioned barber tradition had been on its way out for quite a while and I wanted to bring it back. It occurred to me that nothing that created an experience behind the chair for guys existed here so I started crafting my business plan in late 2010. I started reading old barber books and researching exactly how they used to do it in the early 1900s. The hot lather, straight razors and hot towels were some of the things that really caught my attention. I began fusing these ideas with modern techniques and haircutting education that I had gathered over the years to hone down my plan.

Stay tuned for Part 2 of our feature on Soak Nail Spa + Lounge and Derby Supply Company.

Soak Nail Spa + Lounge is located

in downtown Reno at 628 West Second Street – 775-324-7399. Soak's south reno location is at 75 Foothill Road #2 at the South Creek Center.

Derby Supply Company is located

in downtown Reno at 123 West First Street adjacent to the reno City Parking lot in the Riverwalk District.

In 2014 I decided it was time to make that leap and start looking for a location and make this happen. This is when I found the Ross Manor and knew that this location had to be it. It was perfect. The look and the feel really took you back in time. The name Derby Supply Company was inspired by a few different things. First, since the shop has a liquor license and carries fine whiskeys, spirits and beer – but doesn't have them in the front of the house – gives it a 1930s speakeasy feel. From my research I learned that during Prohibition, businesses that sold liquor and beer had a front such as a barbershop, dance hall and many other fronts because selling liquor was illegal. Second, Derby came from the Kentucky Derby. I liked the name and thought that using an iconic American tradition for a speakeasy front for my barbershop, would capture the essence of an era.

Tools of the trade. Reno Tahoe Tonight 43

FEATURE Soak Nail Spa + Lounge and Derby Supply Company

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FEATURE Soak Nail Spa + Lounge and Derby Supply Company

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FEATURE Soak Nail Spa + Lounge and Derby Supply Company

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FEATURE Special to Reno Tahoe Tonight

As Gretchen Kelley Bietz worked as a development professional for the Food Bank of Northern Nevada, her heart sank whenever she saw young children standing in line with their parents to receive a box of food. Childhood should be a time of joy, a time of play, not a time to stand in line at a food pantry. The possibility that those same small children may stand outside on a darkened street corner at 5 a.m. to catch a school bus on a cold winter morning, Bietz thought, is simply unconscionable. So Beitz didn’t hesitate a moment when she was asked to help organize the SOS Challenge, which has played a key role in the campaign in favor of WC-1, the ballot issue ensures good, well-maintained school facilities in Washoe County. The SOS Challenge, spearheaded by moms who combine heartfelt concern for children with sharp professional skills, received much of the credit after a September poll found a swing of 10 percentage points in favor of the ballot measure. Organizers of the SOS Challenge have encouraged parents, teachers and community leaders to ring doorbells, write postcards and post signs in favor of the initiative. Tens of thousands of voters will be contacted by Election Day, and the SOS Challenge will have enlisted organized support at least one of out of three schools in Washoe County. Already, its videos on Facebook have drawn more than 20,000 views. 52 Reno Tahoe Tonight

The reasons that the five organizers of SOS Challenge stepped forward reflect the many reasons that voters have found to support approval of a half-cent increase in the county sales tax to fund school construction and repair. Kristie Sheltra, a marketing professional whose experience includes work as the marketing manager for the Nevada Commission on Tourism, has seen school facilities first-hand as a classroom volunteer with her two sons, who today attend Billinghurst Middle School. “Nothing is more important for a child's future success than an education,” says Sheltra. But she worries that long-delayed maintenance of school buildings — the school district simply hasn’t had the money — and growth in enrollment creates conditions where good education becomes more difficult. Michonne Ascuaga, another of the moms who lead the SOS Challenge, sees important economic benefits for the entire community from good schools. “Healthy schools lead to higher property values,” says Ascuaga, whose experience includes 14 years as the community-focused CEO of her family’s business, John Ascuaga’s Nugget. “Healthy schools fuel the economy, attracting businesses looking to locate in northern Nevada and providing the skilled workforce businesses require.” She has seen the needs of schools as chair of the Washoe K-12 Education Foundation, which provides private support to the Washoe County School District. Brandi Anderson joined the SOS Challenge because of her belief that nothing big will happen without a team of focused and passionate leaders who can overcome complacency. It’s a lesson Anderson learned when her son was diagnosed with leukemia. She drew upon her reserves of strength to contribute her time and energy to families in Northern Nevada who receive the devastating news that their own child is facing a battle with cancer. Even while she also works as vice president of marketing for Prospect Education/Charter College, Anderson also puts every spare moment into passage of WC-1. For Allison Gorelick, the motivation to power the SOS Challenge comes from the families with whom she works every day. In the past seven years, she has acquired and renovated nearly 200 homes for Washoe County families. Gorelick knows many of those families, supports their dreams for better lives for their children and understands that well-maintained school facilities are a cornerstone of the community.

She is troubled, too, by the probability that many schools in fast-growing areas soon will be required to schedule split sessions. That would require some students to catch buses well before dawn, and would mean that others wouldn’t be home in time for family dinners. Bietz, the mother of three who now works as a consultant after a career in fund-development with UNR, the Terry Lee Wells Nevada Discovery Museum and the Food Bank, says it is important for community advocates to ensure that the voice of everyone is heard.

“I am an advocate for a strong public school system,” she says. “Being a volunteer for SOS Challenge is especially important so we can provide a voice for those who can't or don't know how to advocate for themselves.” Voters can carry that advocacy forward, Bietz says, through their support for WC-1 to ensure that all students have adequate, well-maintained facilities. Sheltra says the group’s focus will remain sharp right until Election Day. “The SOS Challenge represents Republicans and Democrats, young and older,” she says. “We love our community; we love our kids. We know that WC-1 will benefit both.”

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Valley of the Dolls

collection "This is my 'Valley of the Dolls' Collection. They were my entry into the North American Hairstyling Award 2016 competition in the Avant Garde and Texture and Makeup categories...This editorial will be entered in 2017 in the Editorial category." - Tres Benzley, owner Caliber Salon

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FREESTYLE Photographer Nick Sorrento Hair Tres Benzley Hair Assistants Krista Puett and Krysta Lovan Makeup Laura Garcia Makeup Assistant Veronica Vargas Clothing Stylist Edward Coleman Models Brooke Hansen, Carilyn Hoffman, Kaitlyn Howard

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HEALTH TIPS Text Lanette Simone Photo Alfyn Photography

! R * * * F H T M Have you heard of the MTHFR Gene mutation? Proper name Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase, also lovingly referred to as the Mother F***er gene. The MTHFR gene is responsible for producing enzymes that regulate B9 and homocysteine. B9/ Folic Acid is very important vitamin for neural function. High homocysteine levels contribute to cardiovascular disease and stroke. Another important function the MTHFR gene is methylation. This is a cellular process that happens one billion times per second. The Methylation cycle is responsible for detoxification, immune function, balanced mood and controls inflammation. How does a mutation in this gene affect our health? If the body can't methylate major chronic conditions may present in the form of cardiovascular disease, cancer, adult neurological conditions, autism, chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Alzheimer's, miscarriages, allergies, digestive and immune disorders. Research is proving that this gene mutation is the root cause of many auto-immune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's, many thyroid conditions – the list will blow your mind! My intention is to give you enough information to engage your curiosity, to do your own research. 30% of the American population have this hereditary gene mutation. If you have a family history of heart disease, stroke, migraines, if auto immune disease runs in your family you should be tested. Testing and treatment are extremely easy. You can ask your primary care doc to include MTHFR testing in your next panel or you can order an on-line saliva kit from 23 and Me or My Home MTHFR Test. The cost ranges from $99-$150.

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Methylated vitamins like methylcobalamin B12 and methylfolate B9 are vital components of the basic supplementation protocol used to "treat" this variant. Methyl means the supplement has already been methylated so your body can just use it right away. B12 and B9 will balance mood immediately, bring mental clarity, along with a host of behind the scene benefits like reducing homocysteine levels. A liver cleanse to help detoxify the system reduces inflammation. You can search basic protocols online or schedule an appointment with one of our fabulous, local homeopathic or naturopathic doctors. The Shot Spot exclusively uses methylcobalamin B12, if you have this gene mutation we provide the form of B12 that your body can use immediately. All of the local health food and vitamin stores carry methlyfolate B9. The Shot Spot is located at 615 Sierra Rose Dr #4, Reno, NV 89511 - (775) 826-1008.


Crystal Bay Visitors Bureau Report Text Annie Flanzraich Photos Francene Ramirez A Feast for the Eyes (and Mouth!) at North Lake Tahoe this November

There's so much to be thankful for this November at North Lake Tahoe — crisp air, snow-capped peaks, a drool-worthy foodie scene and captivating art exhibitions. Come up and enjoy Tahoe's north shore this month and check out some of our top picks, including:

Explore North Lake Tahoe's Epicurean Scene on Demand

North Lake Tahoe's exemplary chefs, culinary notables and all-around good living will be a click away this fall on televisions across the United States. Created by the North Lake Tahoe Visitor Bureaus and Mad Mulligan Productions, the 10-episode series Chef and the City – Road Trip North Lake Tahoe takes a culinary road trip through North Lake Tahoe. The series will launch this fall across the United States and On Demand and highlights beer making, cooking tips, artisan cocktails and more. For more information, visit

Experience North Lake Tahoe's "Blue Brilliance"

See Lake Tahoe through the eyes of Sierra Nevada College students at Blue Brilliance, a new exhibit at the Incline Village Visitor Information Center, open Nov. 1, 2016 through Jan. 30, 2017. Mary Kenny’s printmaking class created colored linoleum prints based on images students photographed in the Tahoe Basin and published to their Instagram accounts. In addition to the prints, there will be several sculptural pieces in the exhibition, which were created by advanced students in SNC's art department. An artist reception is scheduled on Thursday, November 10 from 4-6 p.m., at the Center, located at 969 Tahoe Blvd. in Incline Village.

Opening Day at North Lake Tahoe Ski Resorts

The first snowfall of the fall came in early October, and ever since we've been waiting for our favorite North Lake Tahoe ski resorts to open. Although opening days are always dependent on weather and conditions, here's the projected dates for some of the north shore's best slopes: • Nov. 2: Mt. Rose Ski Tahoe

• Nov. 11: Squaw Valley | Alpine Meadows • Nov. 18: Sugar Bowl Ski Resort • Nov. 19: Northstar California • Dec. 15: Diamond Peak

For updated opening dates, visit:

Food and Wine Festivals

Get in the giving spirit and enjoy North Lake Tahoe's abundant food and wine scene with two epicurean festivals in November. Experience a North Lake Tahoe staple at the 28th Annual Tahoe Chocolate & Wine Festival, Nov. 5 at the Hyatt Regency Lake Tahoe. The event features decadent chocolate creations by local Tahoe chefs paired with boutique wine tasting from acclaimed California wine regions and hearty appetizers. Between sips and bites, bid on items in an equally decadent silent and live auction. All proceeds benefit survivors of domestic violence, sexual violence, and child abuse in North Lake Tahoe and Truckee. For more information, visit Taste your way through North Lake Tahoe while taking in the lake's beautiful views at Passport To Dining, November 10 at the North Tahoe Event Center in Kings Beach. The popular event features up to 35 restaurants, caterers, breweries, wineries and distilleries and a raffle and silent auction. The North Tahoe Business Association will donate a portion of the net proceeds to the Humane Society of Truckee-Tahoe. For more information, visit

AUTUMN 66 Reno Tahoe Tonight

Reno Tahoe Tonight 67

LIFESTYLE Text Yifat Chen Photos Andrea Gregg Last week I was reminded how life can be taken too quickly when a close friend was in a fatal car accident. Luckily she survived, the other driver did not. Grateful that she escaped mostly unharmed, I began to realize how appreciative I am for my own life. Not just for being alive at this moment, but for my life as a whole; the way I live; the people I share my life with, and the healthy rituals I have learned to create, for they keep me balanced at times of uncertainty. This does not mean that I don’t struggle – I do – but when things go south, I don’t lose it or get off balance. I can honestly take no credit for it, as all the credit goes to this group of ladies that have welcomed me to their tribe: the ladies of Kaia FIT. They taught me how to create space for myself by making sure I move daily, eat right, practice gratitude, connect to others and connect to nature. Moving daily is all about prioritizing time to work out. We are all busy and given the same amount of time, 24hr in a day. So how is it that some people get their workout done every day? By prioritizing it and scheduling it even if it means 5 am or 5 pm. Make time for it and it will elevate your mood, help with concentration, production, and better sleep. So what if you don’t like to work out? Find a fun class, sign up with a friend, come up with a motivating goal like a trip or a race and work on it.

70 Reno Tahoe Tonight

Eating right is about planning ahead and being mindful. To be mindful is to be in the moment; to think about your goals, and the healthy rituals you want to maintain, allowing us to make the right choices. We all know we should eat more veggies and fruits; eat less processed foods, and cut down on sugar. But what have you done with this information? Have you looked at your meal plate lately? Have you kept a food journal to track the foods you are eating? Food has such a big role in our life, but we don’t think about it as fuel to our body, we think only in terms of desire and cravings. The right food will heal you; will improve your brain function; your mood and your energy, while the wrong foods will make you sick, tired, irritated and eventually effect the quality and longevity of your life. Practicing gratitude sounds intimidating, but in reality it is easier than you think. Taking three minutes for yourself each day to think about the good things that are going for you right now will increase happiness in your life. Just by thinking about basic things like, I have a roof above my head; I’m healthy and I can provide for my family, might trigger some deeper thoughts. Thoughts such as I have someone to love in my life; I’m not alone; I can move my body and push it to the limits and I have people that respect my opinion. Although it might seem uncomfortable in the beginning, the more you practice this ritual the more you will remember the important things throughout the day and feel grateful and happy knowing how lucky you are. Connecting to others provides us with a sense of completion and fuels our self-confidence.

Knowing that you belong to a group, that you have someone to watch your back as much as someone to laugh with, can be lifesaving. And let’s face it, life is better with a friend. Belonging to a sisterhood, the one that drives you forward – that empowers you to be the best version of yourself – is incredible no matter what age you are. Connecting to nature might surprise you. Being outside will bring you joy and allow you to clear your mind and tune into yourself. We don’t think about it, but nature is part of who we are and the more time we spend connecting to it, the more we realize how magnificent the world around us is. Spending time outside looking at the mountains, the trees, the river, has a calming and grounding effect on our soul, reduces stress and increases happiness. I hope by sharing I have inspired you to create healthy rituals in your life, the same way I was inspired by others, and maybe you will do the same and inspire someone else. By doing so you will continue the ripple effect that we have started and make a positive change in the world starting with your own tribe. Yifat Chen is your healthy lifestyle coach, personal trainer, yoga instructor, health coach and a nutritional nerd. Together with her partner Andrea Gregg they are changing women's lives at Kaia FIT South Reno with fitness, nutrition and lots of love.

"Being outside will bring you joy and allow you to clear your mind and tune into yourself." Kaia Fit South Reno is located at 75 E Patriot Blvd #6, Reno, NV 89511 (775) 223-3310.

Reno Tahoe Tonight 71

NORTH LAKE TAHOE EVENTS Text Kayla Anderson And for some ski’s already here! Mt. Rose. Ski Tahoe and Boreal are already in full operation and Squaw Valley, Alpine Meadows, Northstar, and Sugar Bowl are set to open mid-November. The rest of the resorts are slated to get going in December when temps really drop up in the mountains. Make sure you’ve got your gear and your pass ready to start shredding and check your favorite ski resorts’ websites for updates. Outside of the ski resorts, there are plenty of networking and culinary events to help you make new friends and ease into winter:

11/ 5- 28

Annual Tahoe Chocolate and Wine Festival at the Hyatt Regency Lake Tahoe (Incline Village): Enjoy an evening of delectable chocolate and boutique wine from acclaimed California wine regions such Napa, Amador and Paso Robles all while supporting the Tahoe SAFE Alliance.

11/ 10

Passport to Dining at the North Tahoe Event Center (Kings Beach): This flavorful fundraiser will help fatten you up for winter with up to 35 tasting stations from local restaurants, caterers, breweries, wineries, and more. While not enjoying the incredible food of Lake Tahoe, participate in the raffle and silent auction with proceeds to benefit the NTBA and Humane Society of Truckee Tahoe.


Women’s Wellness Weekend at Granlibakken (West Shore): Go into winter with a healthy body with this special weekend for women. Brought to you by alternative healthcare professionals, doctors, fitness experts, and more, this event is filled with nutrition classes, yoga and meditation practices, a wine and cheese social, and many more wellnessoriented activities. ).

11/24- Turkey Day

11/8- Election Day

Take some time out of work to go out and help decide America’s fate or sneak in your ballot during the early voting period through Nov. 4. 72 Reno Tahoe Tonight

Lake Tahoe is one of the best places to spend Thanksgiving, but if you’re like a lot of us powder hounds that just want to shred the slopes all day rather than cook and watch football, then there are restaurants at the lake that can make you a delicious meal when you’re ready to eat. Have a holiday meal to remember whether it’s at the lake (Gar Woods is a good choice) or after hitting up the Treetop Adventure Park at Granlibakken (Granlibakken’s Thanksgiving dinner is included with all room reservations. Women’s Wellness Weekend photo courtesy of Granlibakken website Tahoe Chocolate and Wine Festival photo courtesy of Tahoe Chocolate and Wine Festival website Passport to Dining photo courtesy of Passport to Dining website.

Tipsy Turkey

Wine Walk NOVEMBER 19, $20 - 2-5PM

74 Reno Tahoe Tonight

PHOTOGRAPHY Photo Mike Lindberg Location Little Truckee River

Reno Tahoe Tonight 75

Shop Local


ONE-YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION Saturday, November 26th, 2016

SHOW THIS AD & GET 10% OFF* * Offer valid on one regular priced item. Valid only Nov. 26th, 2016. Present this ad day of the event. Not redeemable or refundable for cash. One offer per person. Cannot be combined with any other offer or discount.




726 S. Virginia St. Reno, NV 89501 iq ue

RADIUS Text Amanda Horn Paintings Malerei

Lying in Blue Dress

Recently on the radio I heard an incredibly insightful quote that made me take pause. Deeply have I pondered the poignant words articulated by this voice that floated across the airwaves on a particularly nasty electioncycle day, the voice of a Harvard-educated African American man. He stated, “America is an experiment. We are trying to make a pure democracy succeed in a pluralistic society. It’s never been done before. There is no model for it.” Most likely by the time you read this column, the election will have passed. If you’re reading Reno Tahoe Tonight, there is a high probability we share similar political views, so I hope (and pray and chant and cross my fingers and do a voodoo dance) that the outcome of said election warrants congratulations. The consequence of living in a society comprised of numerous individuals all enacting their volitions at once is that sometimes wills collide. What makes us strong, and the model to which the rest of the globe aspires, is our historical ability to succeed in spite of our differences, to thrive because of them. I’m not going to blather on about politics or the election or the anger and vitriol that has erupted this year in cataclysmic proportions. Rather I will hold humanity in light and love and continue to practice compassion with every breath. I believe at my core that truth always prevails, though maybe not in a single lifetime. 78 Reno Tahoe Tonight

Best to take the long view. Human time pales to universal clock-ticking. Another “voter on the street” interview heard this season has also stuck with me. A mother in Ohio discussed how the loud grumblings rising from the electorate insinuate our country’s deep division stems from the classic argument between the haves and have-nots. As she sees it, the debate really doesn’t break that way. It’s much simpler: a fight between people who are kind, and those who are not. When people are suffering, it is a common reaction to want others to suffer along. Pain breeds pain. Anger begets anger. People are pissed off, and they want to blame others and scream and spit because it’s easier than pausing to understand. These people lack empathy. We have a sort of empathy crisis in this country. A September 2015 KQED Arts article states, “Everyone from President Barack Obama to social psychologists are reporting a deficit in empathy and or a lack of compassion among college students, and a corresponding rise in narcissism.” The best medicine for those plagued by the Age of the Self? Engage art. One of the (many thousands of ) reasons I love working at the Nevada Museum of Art is because art at its most fundamental level is a tool for cultivating empathy. Art is an expression of emotion, a soul laid bare on a canvas, or wrapped in a sculpture. Confronting an artwork

[radius] = a view, not your own

by someone who doesn’t look like you and who doesn’t share your cultural paradigm allows you to share space with the unknown, possibly the uncomfortable. The experience unravels your tapestry, one thread at a time, allowing you to see behind the veil of your own delusion. For instance, this season at the Nevada Museum of Art you can confront haunting and beautiful works by the Japanese-born artist Leiko Ikemura. This exhibition presents a selection of paintings and sculptures by this accomplished and wellestablished artis t, with a special focus on work that addresses aspects of the natural world: landscape and the female figures and animal creatures that inhabit it. Ikemura’s works describe conditions of loneliness, longing, and existential searching. Solitary doll-like female figures recline, dreaming with closed eyes, while a sculptural figure covers her face with her hands, a gesture of both grief and transcendence of earthly reality. Other figures sit pensively, seeming to morph into features of the landscape they inhabit, becoming indivisible from the natural world. Oval ceramics in the form of human faces, displayed low on the ground, feature holes for their mouths, alluding to breathing and thereby existence. These works are informed by the artist’s experiences as an expatriate, her personal relationships, and the historically significant things that have occurred in her lifetime, such as the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster of

2011. Ikemura’s work challenges the viewer to confront her notions of the feminine self, while contending with sorrow and tragedy. Around the corner, visitors will encounter another culture in the show “A Place in the Country: Aboriginal Australian Paintings.” Also on view are photographs from Palestinian-Kuwaiti photographer Tarek Al-Ghoussein. Compare and contrast these works to the ceramics of a lonely Nevada desert recluse, Dennis Parks. By exposing oneself to so many divergent viewpoints, eyes open and cultural biases begin to recede, or at least start to blind less. In this season of gratitude, get out and spend time in someone else’s worldview. You’ll be kinder for it. Amanda Horn is a Reno-based writer, yogini, and creative community enthusiast. A former circus performer, she has been pushing boundaries most of her life, constantly redefining her own and testing the radius of the world she inhabits. She currently serves as Director of Communications for the Nevada Museum of Art. Follow her on Twitter @TeboHorn or email her at Reno Tahoe Tonight 79


Mare e Monti Â…l auf Jute 80 Reno Tahoe Tonight

Mare e Monti Â…l auf Jute Reno Tahoe Tonight 81


"Snap Kick To The Dome" Canon 5Diii 70mm f.2.8 1/800th 82 Reno Tahoe Tonight

"Street Shave" Canon 5Diii 200mm f.2.8 1/320th

Reno Tahoe Tonight 83

SKATE NV Photo Kyle Volland

Skater Alan Chou

Frontside Air The Wild Orchard

84 Reno Tahoe Tonight



The Couture Column Text Isha Casagrande Photos Alfyn Photography

Take your self-confidence into overdrive by going over the top with texture and accessories. Don’t let the cold weather kill your confidence. You can still look hot during the holidays with bold texture, faux fur, and piles of jewelry. When it comes to the holiday season, too much is never enough. Whether you dress it up or dress it down, these sexy trends are sure to rock your winter wonderland and make you haute for the holidays. The Couture Closet is a style house in which you can shop the boutique or work with experienced stylists who can help you stretch your budget and turn your wardrobe into a fashionistas dream. We know style is not about what label you are wearing, but in how self- confident you feel in what you are wearing.

Haute Holiday Events! Couture Consignment Shopping Bazaar 11/9 10am-6pm Lights, Camera, Fashion! A girls night out holiday event 11/4 6pm-9pm



86 Reno Tahoe Tonight

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Haute Texture

y r o s

s d a e o l c r e c v A O

TRAINING TIPS Text Camie Cragg Lyman Photo Mike Lagrange Styling Fine n Funky Concepts Reno Camie Cragg Lyman Owner Camie Cragg Fitness Reno, Nevada NSL Pro Beach Bikini Athlete Snap Chat||Instagram||Faceboo k||Twitter @camiecragglyman

As the weather changes, gets chilly and a little darker a little earlier, we all know it’s very tempting to skip the gym, stay inside, and curl up on the couch with a book, hot cider and a movie to pass time comfortably. Whether you're a cross fit fanatic, outside runner, hiker, or a weight lifter, exercising daily is way more important in the colder months. People tend to put on weight this time of year because they are eating more comforting foods and moving less due to those movie and cuddle nights. I have put together a quick list of five ways to stay motivated as the temperature drops and days get shorter without less sunlight.

Keep it new, fresh and exciting and you’ll be less likely to get bored.

– New music can be a great way to put energy back into your workout, and you don’t have to look far online to find a variety of exercise playlists. I tend to seek out music that is at least 160-180 beats per minute, which motivates me to keep up with the pace, as opposed to getting busy with slower paced music. Calvin Harris or Lady Gaga on Pandora play fast-paced jams. If you’re really brave, you could try working out while listening to podcasts or talk radio! Why not learn something while you’re getting fit.

Note: Rest days help the mind, body and soul. I challenge you to take one and then jump right back on your awesome curve ball routine.


. Update your playlist


. Change your routine

– A workout routine can easily help you get too efficient, which leads to people being less effective with their workouts. Changing things up from time to time will excite new life into your exercise plan. If you’re used to running the same route day in and day out, go the other direction and change the scenery. If you go to the same Zumba class every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, check out a toning, spinning, or yoga class. 90 Reno Tahoe Tonight


. Take rest days

– Schedule days off to allow yourself to rest. It can be a day to actually fulfill the dream of laying in bed all day in pajamas, comfy blanket and a hot cider. When you go hard all the time, a day off can feel like an indulgence. You may fall victim to the all-or-nothing mentality that leads from a single indulgence day to an entire month off. Scheduling rest days ensures your body has time to recover and gives you a chance to indulge a bit without feeling the guilt.

4 . 5

. Cross train

– Cross-training isn’t only good for your motivation levels and mindset, it’s good for your body too. If you like weights, attempt doing 20 minutes of HIIT cardio sessions a few times a week. Changing things up like this could even give you better workout results, as your body will power through any plateaus.

Hire a trainer / workout buddy – It's a fact that when you

have to be accountable to someone, you’re less likely to give up. Hire a trainer for the season, or just get a friend to meet you at the gym or hike. Everyone at some point in their life needs additional support sometimes, and another person can offer the encouragement needed to get your booty out of the house on those cold mornings or dark late nights.

Happy Fall Season!

Paid for by Friends of Chip Evans

evaNS #PeopleFirst



Congress is broken. They’ve stopped showing up, don’t get anything done, and no longer put people first.

Let’s change that!


 Create good-paying jobs  Expand Social Security  Take care of our veterans  Equal pay for equal work  Make minimum wage a living wage GET STUFF DONE  Get big money out of politics  Combat climate change  End bad trade deals  Common-sense background checks  Comprehensive immigration reform with a pathway to citizenship

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