1 minute read

Staying Focused in Church Revitalization

“The greatest threat to a church’s future is her past.”

Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. (Phil. 3:13b-14)


You have to successfully navigate the present before you can arrive at the future. So, to review, church revitalizers must lead the church to leave the past behind by acknowledging and celebrating what God has done and then agreeing to move forward. Church revitalizers must cast vision and lead the people to a preferred future all the while staying focused on the task at hand in the present.

Mark Weible serves as the Church Planting Director of the Greater Orlando Baptist Association and the strategic Director of the Renovate National Church Revitalization Conference. Mark has a wealth of experience as a church planter and local church coach. Mark is passionate about church multiplication, renewal, planting, and coaching.

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