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Remember the old idea of the boarding house where a property provider rented rooms to multiple residents? Today, that concept has transformed into a new term called “CoLiving Spaces,” which encourage residents to work and play together.

Co-living spaces, especially in densely populated areas where housing affordability comes into play, offers an alternative lifestyle. Groups of people agree to live in one space and use common areas. It’s an ideal solution, especially for young people or renters on a budget to live in expensive cities to find work.

Co-living, a new kind of modern housing arrangement, brings residents together who have common interests and values to share a space. It’s more like a big family living under the same roof versus separate individuals who rent a room. Co-living invites people with similar interests and backgrounds to live in either a large house where the common areas are shared or apartment complexes in which an area like a courtyard contains a kitchen and living areas and even recreational opportunities. Many new apartment complexes are being built with these common areas located in the center of the facility. Rents are lower since the apartment are more like studios.

Co-living is a bit of a twist on communes, only updated to reflect today’s modern culture. Residents are encouraged to share food expenses, cook together, and even do activities as a group. It’s not only a positive solution that saves money, it’s also a community of interests that encourages friendship and companionship.

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