Educate T I P S & H OW -TOS
It’s Easy Being Green There are many ways to save water and energy at your properties. Share this list with your residents and encourage them to be as green as possible. 1. Offer energy-efficiency kits to welcome new residents A move-in kit is always a great way to welcome new renters on their first day. It sets a positive tone that can carry over to all future interactions. An energy-efficiency kit goes even further, showing your residents that you’re there to help them lower their bills and environmental impact. Kits can contain energy-efficient lightbulbs, low-flow showerheads, smart thermometers, etc. If anything in the kit requires instal18 SEPTEMBER+OCTOBER 2021 / EBRHA.COM
lation, it’s better to have that done in advance, but let renters know what new amenities you added before they moved in. They’ll love to hear about them! 2. Switch to low-flow showerheads Low-flow devices help save water and energy at your properties. A standard showerhead may use up to five gallons of water per minute. A low-flow device may use only two gallons per minute. Showerheads are inexpensive upgrades that begin to pay off immediately.
3. Run laundry machines and dishwashers at the same time Water heaters use more energy heating up water than they do keeping it hot. That means you can save water and energy (and money too!) by running multiple appliances at the same time. The water heater will have to work a little harder to keep up with the demands of two or more appliances, but it will only have to do that once. (This one doesn’t apply to multifamily residences with on-site or off-site laundry facilities.)
Courtesy of Yardi Breeze