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Wadhwani Foundation
from MHRD Compendium
by renure
Wadhwani Operating Foundation, an international philanthropic organization, is working with the primary mission of accelerating economic development in emerging economies through large-scale job creation with the presence in Asia, Africa and Latin America operating in association with governments, corporates, mentors, investors and educational institutes. Its initiatives are driving job creation through entrepreneurship, skills development and innovation Area of Intervention Skills and entrepreneurship programs for driving job creation through entrepreneurship, skills development, and innovation Key Geography Himachal Pradesh, Delhi, Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Maharashtra, Odisha and Haryana in India and SouthEast Asia (Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Bangladesh, etc.), Africa and Latin America Need for the initiative
Problem • Absence of sufficient work-skills in noncollege-bound high school graduates to command family-supporting wages • Poor quotient of value jobs Situation Before • Vocational education at school level was sporadic and ineffective • Less concern towards entrepreneurship development, skill development, and innovation & research Intervention Overview The intervention is designed to impact the student through excellent teacher quality, cloud-based delivery and an integral approach to expose the student with practicum needed for being job-ready Steps • Assess gaps in implementation and program design to offer relevant recommendations in subsequent sectionsData collection and measurement of impact Designing of program which exclusively focuses on Employability skills in Class IX and X, followed by dedicated vocational stream during Class XI-XII Leveraging Technology for Quality & Scale
Resources • Qualified faculty that are available for required days of training • IT infrastructure to deliver cloudbased employability skills content • Skilled and trained field staff to monitor and report program delivery
Impact and Key Learning Achieved so far • More than 80 e-content partnerships with employers • More than 3,000 secondary and postsecondary institutes • More than 3,200 vocational teachers trained • More than 2,80,000 students enrolled
Key Learning • Timely teachers training is essential for the desired outcome • Speedy infrastructure set up may assist in early implementation • Industry-focused and validated content must • Adequate involvement of leadership is important