What Every Human Must Know - The Human Skull Defect

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Read this through, it will only take 5 minutes. The Human Skull Defect First of all, I want you all to take a look at the picture below.

The above is a skull of a human, while the one below is of a Gorilla. Notice the difference between the height of both skulls. Now here's a picture of a human skull alone including the part of the neck or cervical vertebrae.

You can see that I drew a red cross in the middle of the skull indicating the point where the cervical vertebrae are connected to the skull. Notice that the red spot is not at the centre of the skull (which is the center of gravity for the skull). The head structure seems to be "too high" and the forehead "too wide" in comparison with the middle point. This to me

simply means that our head is not efficiently supported by our neck muscle. Think of it as we are balancing a "bowling ball" on our neck. If you were to put this "bowling ball" on a monkey's neck, in the long term, it too will stand up straight in order to balance this "ball" effieciently. That's what I think. If you look at women, some of them have thinner neck muscle which will contribute to osteoporosis. Although for men, the curve on a women's body seems very attractive but this occur in order to balance their head, which to me is very unhealthy for the spine. Here's something to prove my point This is the untouch picture showing some primates skeleton and also a human skeleton

In this picture, I have pasted the upper head of a human skull to the other primates upper skull in order to show that by doing so it will not only increase the weight of the skull but also the height of the skull.

Compare this to a primate head .

As you can see, the primate upper head is well supported by its neck muscle. The center of gravity is low compared to the human skull which allows it to easily control its head without much effort. Some of you may say that this is rubbish and that you can move your head without any problem. In order to move a muscle, we need energy. Energy comes from our blood which contains glucose from what we eat and oxygen through our breathing. Let me give you an example; as you are looking at your computer screen for a

period of time you will get tired. This is because you are simply not breathing in enough oxygen to allow your neck to support your head. Do you like to eat while you are using the computer? Now you know. This is also the reason you will find that most people tend to move their head (up, down, left, right) when they are talking. Have you ever notice that? I believe this is because our heart is trying accommodate with the lifting of our head along with our breatihng. When we look down, we feel relax because our heart don't have to work as hard to lift our head and we cn breath easier. This is also the reason why some people seem to be more confident than others, while others feel nervous all the time. A confident person just has a stronger neck muscle or the center gravity of their skull is more balanced thus allowing them to move their head easier than other people without affecting their breathing. It’s that simple. Now, some of you may ask what significant does all these have to do with you? My answer to this question is "EVERYTHING". I am confident that it is this defect that have made human weaker in terms of physical and mental. This also contributes to the emotional expression that we are displaying today.

This show the long term effect of such defect. As we gets older, our skull will slowly lean forward due to gravity (the long red arrow shows the direction in which the skull will slowly fall). Since our brain is inside the skull and doesn't move, what will happen is it will stretch the nerves around the brain which runs through our body (the short double arrows show some of the spots which the stretch will occur). These include our eyes, ears, mouth, and most importantly our spinal cord. Now, what will happen if this stretch continues? For our eyes: Illnesses such as far sighted or near sighted, glaucoma, or in a more severe case - retina tear. For our ears, the ear drum will be stretched and weak in hearing will occur. For our mouth: Ulcer, gum disease, sensitive teeth, and tonsillitis, just to name a few.

The effect for our spinal cord would be back pain. In a long run, illnesses such as osteoporosis will start to developed. The reason for this can be clearly seen with the pictures below

The first picture shows a normal vertebrae if you will. Flexible with minimum friction. As the human skull fall forward, it will pull the nerve from the brain all through the spine which can be seen as illustrated in the second picture. Also, the back muscle will tense up in order to lift the head and this will also cause harm to the vertebrae. This is why I am certain that drinking more cows milk will only increase the weight of our skull and thus accelerate the development of osteoporosis. Here's the lnk to prove what I mean. http://www.naturalnews.com/002695_Robert_Cohen_cows_milk.html Notice that Norway, Holland, Sweden, and Denmark which are countries that produce large amount of cows milk incidently also have one of the highest case of osteoporosis in the world. To the brain itself, due to the pressure and stretching inside the skull, I strongly believe that brain cells will start to die off resulting in memory loss or Parkinson's disease in severe cases. Some people may experience headache, fever or even apnea (sleeping disorder). Between the membran of the brain and the inner skull, friction will also occur. As a result it will cause some minor tissue tear. But because there are no nerves on our brain's membran which detect pain, what we will feel is warmness and sometimes fever. Also, don't forget that the outer layer of the skull is of course our skin which involves blood arteries and veins. Due to the stretching by the neck muscle, the skin on our forehead will get thinner, resulting in blocking of blood supply which leads to baldness in the beginning and sometimes headache will occur. Look at the picture below and you will understand what I'm saying.

On the third picture, you can see that due to the "nature" of our skull structure, our face are being stretched, causing the face pores and muscles to be tighten and eventually resulting in condition such as acne and deviated septum. This is also direcetly responsible for certain facial expression on our face.It is this stretch and pull of muscles which result in us having different faces Due to this heavy skull of ours, our body will tense up even if you don't realize it. The

nerves from our brain to our spinal cord will be stretched. Our breathing is significantly affected by this condition. This have prevented us from breathing properly as you can see from the picture below.

This in turn have caused our organs to degenerate faster and causing illneses such as diabetes, cancers, heart disease, kidney failure and etc. This is even directly causing mental illness to some. Behavior such as bad temper, extremly emotional and even a long term effect such as syncophonic. Many allergic such as asthma and sensitive skin can be prevented if proper breathing technique is practice at the early stage. Human being are becoming weaker mainly because of this defect which is preventing us from fully utilizing the potential of our mind. What a waste. Here's a simple experiment which you can all do in front of your computer screen. Sit up straight and put both of your palms on top of your head. Try to search for the most comfortable spot which you can hold you head efficiently without much effort. Now gently press down you head. Use this picture as reference.

You will find that in less than 5 seconds, your whole body will feel more relax, your can breathe in more air and feel more alert at the same time. It will also cool down your body. You may want to try this when you are feeling tired to feel the effect. Please take note that I'm not saying that bacteria, viruses or mutation, etc...don’t affect the human health. What I have mentioned above is due to the "natural" condition of a human body particularly the skull which contributes to some of the health problem which we are facing today. Please remember this. To some of you this may sound a little unreal at this point, but to me this is as true and real as the water I drank after I finished running a marathon.

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