TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT DISORDER TEMPOROMANDIBULAR DYSFUNCTION Temporomandibular dysfunction is a painful condition that affects the jaw. The common issue lies in front of the ear and connects the jaw to the skull.
THREE COMMON REASONS It may be because of a dislocated jaw or a disc flush. It may also be due to degenerative joint diseases such as osteoarthritis in the joints of the jaw or rheumatoid arthritis. It may be attributable to myofascial pain like the pain in the muscles of the jaws, shoulders, and neck.
DISORDERS SYMPTOMS Eye pain Headaches Teeth and Gum discomfort Mouth, Face, Cheek, and Chin discomfort or pain Ear Pain Throat Problems Dizziness Neck and Shoulder problems
HOW TO DIAGNOSE Many other conditions cause similar symptoms - such as tooth loss, sinusitis, arthritis, and gum disease. To find what causes yours, the dentist will ask you about your medical history and perform a physical examination. He will check whether the joints of your joints have pain or sensitivity and you hear clicks, pops, or network sounds when moving. This will also ensure that your jaw is working properly, not locked when you open or close your mouth. It also shows your bite and checks your facial muscle problems.
TMJD TREATMENT OPTIONS Tx: It is important to properly diagnose your problem and determine the best course of treatment for your specific needs. Typically the first course of action and immediate concern of the patient is to relieve muscle spasm and pain. The best way to do this is through ULF-TENS technology.
SOURCE: https://ichangehypnosis.com/blogs/news/temporomandibular-joint-disorderpain-and-hypnosis