A well-rounded, effective marketing plan puts social media to use As the world around us changes, successful businesses are changing the way they engage with their consumer or client base. Even reluctant business owners are beginning to realize the need to market their services or products online, and what better way to do that, than to make use of the very platforms where consumers gather every time of day, seven days a week? Social media platforms that once catered only to networking among friends, family and colleagues now offer a variety of high tech and interactive advertising options to help businesses market their products and services. Of course, advertising is optional on these platforms, and there are a number of ways to build awareness (and an audience) without spending a penny.
Why is social media important? Social media has become an important part of any business marketing plan. Why? Because this is where you’re going to find a large segment of your audience. As the number of people who own mobile devices grows, so does the amount of people using social networking websites. If you’ve been paying attention, you’ve undoubtedly noticed the sheer volume of people who spend a good
Chapter 2: Effective Online Marketing Plans Include Social Media