RePlay Magazine September 2010

Page 1

Li saChapman ( 920) 4919453

Ji m Chapman ( 920) 4976991


Dropbi gprofi t st oyourbot t om l i ne! ! ! AcornDropi seasyt ounderst andandabal lt opl ay. Pl ayersposi t i ont heacornl ocat edatt het opoft he gameanywhereont hepl ayfi el d— t heacornmoves frontt obackandl eftt ori ght .Thegoali st odrop t hebounci ngbal li noneoft het woJackpothol es. Abri ght l ycol oredsweepi ngarm t ravel saround t hepl ayfi el dcausi ngt hedroppedbal lt obounce aroundandevent ual l yfi ndahol e.Eachhol ehas apoi ntval ueandt heJackpoti sful l yadj ust abl e.

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Hot t ert hant heMi amiTri o! ! ! ! HotHoopschal l engest hepl ayert oscoreasmany basket sast heycant owi nt i cket s.Wi t ht woset s ofmovi ngbasket s( eachsetmovesfrom l eftt o ri ght ) t hepl ayerusest hefoam mal l ett oproj ect t hepi ngpongbal l st owardt hebasket s.The shoot eri sdesi gnedforevent hel i ght est t oucht osett hebal l si nmot i onsoanyage canpl ayHotHoopsandhaveabal l .

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