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to vote, said she’s enjoying her second year as Atlanta Knitting Guild president. She explained that the organization’s system provides consistency and support for members as they assume leadership roles in the guild.

novels,” Pickens said. Many of the books were purchased by the guild, while others had been donated.

through the Georgia Center for Child Advocacy to be given to children in crisis situations.

The guild supplies the bears and members make clothing to dress them so that each one has a unique look and personality.

Mitchell remembered a story that one of the other members, Diana Baber, had shared with the guild at an earlier meeting.

“Diana was at one of the big box stores that was having an after-holiday sale,” Mitchell said. “Teddy bears were on sale and she was buying up a lot of bears for the charity. The young woman who was checking her out asked why she was buying so many.

“When Diana explained, the checker’s eyes filled with tears. ‘I was one of those children, she said, and I still have the bear.’ The bear she got as a child in trauma is still important to her as an adult.”

The donation of comfort bears, and all of the charity work, is only one aspect of the guild, however. Many come here for the camaraderie, to share their passion for knitting and to hone their skills.

Every month, the guild members meet in the Great Hall at St. Luke’s Presbyterian Church in Dunwoody. Social hour runs for an hour before the 7:30 p.m. meeting time, and last November it was a welcome retreat to the chilly weather outside.

Chairs were filling in the bright, airy room with clusters of knitters of all ages, mostly women. Everyone was busy with a knitting project, and many were wearing examples of their handiwork as well.

There’s a good mix of knitting experience among people who are drawn to the group, from beginners to expert knitters. More than one member mentioned that they get inspiration and instruction from Jean Kammerer, a longtime member of the guild and of St. Luke’s Church. The consensus is that besides having exceptional talent, she also has a generous spirit and is always ready to teach others.

The meetings allow Carol Connell to see “all the novel ways of knitting, the pattern ideas, as well as the hats and bears and other things to make for charities,” she said. “I learn from the others here, they’re so very talented.”

Meetings include time for show and tell. Member and expert knitter Jolie Elder was wearing her own design of an indigo swirl shawl pattern that she’d adjusted so it could be worn as a reversible jacket. Denise Tokarz brought a nearly finished “Mystery Blanket — a Debbie Abrahams pattern — that impressed everyone.

Jill Vogin, while working on a red, white and blue reminder

“The board is two deep, rotating on and off for most positions, like president, vice president and program chair,” she said.

Everyone pitches in to contribute in some way. Near the kitchen, several knitters stood and chatted around a table filled with snacks that included fresh-baked cookies and sweet breads, all provided by members on a rotating basis.

At the other end of the hall, Kathleen Pickens and Sandy Crowley ran the library, a collection of books that are available for members to borrow. “We have different types here, like technical and pattern books, and even some

Guilds and Resources

Whether it’s sharing with one another or with the community, members of the Atlanta Knitting Guild keep their hands busy.

“There’s always something on my needles,” guild member Alison Lalla said, “and it’s nice to have this opportunity to give back.”

Find out more

The Atlanta Knitting Guild meets monthly, on the first Thursday of the month, unless otherwise noted on the website.

Meetings are held at St. Luke’s Presbyterian Church, 1978 Mt. Vernon Road, Dunwoody 30338, starting at 7:30 p.m.; social time runs from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. For more information, visit atlantaknittingguild.org.

There are plenty of places to get together with other knitters, crochets, weavers, handspinners and quilters in the area. Neighborhood churches and community centers often have knitting, crochet and quilting groups associated with them. Many needlework groups are listed on meetup.com. Another online resource is Ravelry — ravelry.com — where you can find like-minded crafters, local events, information and patterns.

Here are a few of the groups centered in north metro Atlanta.

Knitting Guilds

Clicks and Sticks, Snellville/Gwinnett: find them on Facebook North Georgia Knitting Guild, Woodstock: northgeorgiaknittingguild.com

Find more through The Knitting Guild of America, tkga.org.

Crochet Guilds

The Chain Gang, Kennesaw: chaingangcrochet.com

The Happy Hookers, Atlanta: find them on Facebook

Find more through Crochet Guild of America, crochet.org.

Quilting Guilds

There are too many local quilting guilds to list. Check the American Quilters Society, americanquilter.com, or quiltguilds.com/georgia to find one in your area.

Chattahoochee Handweavers Guild chgweavers.org

Peachtree Handspinners Guild peachtreehandspinnersguild.org

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