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From Wood to Art

he said. He was reintroduced to woodworking about 15 years ago, he said, when a co-worker suggested he might enjoy it. “I was really intimidated by woodworking because what I wanted to do was large projects and I was afraid I would start something and never get it finished.”

But once he realized he could take on and complete projects in a small amount of time, he was hooked. Now he makes all kinds of things in his shop, from peppermills to bowls to pens, he said, and doesn’t specialize on any particular kind of item. “I haven’t found that one thing I want to make a billion of,” he said.

For Muthersbough, woodworking also has turned into a second career. He retired after working in corporate jobs as a supply-chain specialist, but then was hired a few years ago by Kennesaw State University to supervise the shop where architecture students make models.

Now, in addition to his job, he spends eight to 10 hours a month on projects in his home shop. “The point is making something,” Muthersbough said. “The thing that I find engaging is I’ve always been very interested in process and woodworking is a very process-oriented type of activity. Process-type things are the things I enjoyed in school and it’s what I did as a professional. I’ve always had a very analytical and a very process-oriented type personality. A lot of woodworkers you’ll encounter are retired engineers.”

Over in Alpharetta, during a chat at the Woodcraft shop where several clubs hold their monthly meetings, Rudert, the retired I.T. professional, bought out samples of his varied types of woodwork. Pieces ranged from a brightly colored Christmas ornament to bowls assembled from several kinds of wood and turned to be smooth to the touch to elaborate marquetry pieces he’d made to create colorful designs by piecing together small slices of wood.

One marquetry piece started with a photo of a bird that was published in National Geographic magazine, he said. He made his own image of the bird by assembling pieces of wood of various shapes, sizes and colors. “It’s a bit of challenge,” he said. “It’s just being able to stick with it. But the results are incredible.” And it looked to be a long way from a wooden lamp.

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