03-18-2016 Dunwoody Reporter

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MAR. 18 - MAR. 31, 2016 • VOL. 7 — NO. 6


Dunwoody Reporter



Perimeter Business ► Airbnb in the ‘burbs PAGE 5

► Mixed-use project rising near North Springs MARTA PAGE 11


It’s good to be with grandma

Community survey says residents pleased with city services, police and quality of life BY DYANA BAGBY dyanabagby@reporternewspapers.net

John Biggs, 4, and his “Yia Yia” (Greek for grandmother) Joanne Soublis enjoy the playground in the Project Renaissance redevelopment area on March 11. See story on page 3.

FAITH Easter: Busy time of year for churches

“More trains.”

OUT & ABOUT Local beers and local bands

“Make more roadways.” “Gondolas, please.” Three di�fering opinions o�fered by respondents to our new 1Q poll on how best to solve metro Atlanta’s

Page 19

transporta�ion troubles. See Commentary PAGE 13

Page 22




Dunwoody residents generally are happy with their city, the services it provides and its quality of life, according to a 2015 community survey. But they remain unhappy with traffic and want more streets paved, according to that same survey. At the March 14 City Council meeting, Communications Director Bob Mullen presented the 2015 survey, noting that overall, residents say they are happy with the quality of life in Dunwoody and happier with the actions of city government than they were two years ago, when the city conducted its first such survey. “Overall, we received very positive results,” Mullen said. Traffic continues to weigh heavily on residents’ minds. In 2013, 70 percent of respondents said traffic was the city’s top weakness; in 2015 that number reached 83 percent. The condition of streets and infrastructure also ranked as a major weakness. In 2013, 38 percent of the respondents identified road conditions as the city’s top weakness; in 2015, the number was 56 percent. The surveys were developed by the city and its research partner, Pioneer Marketing. Invitations to participate in the survey were sent to 5,000 random See SURVEY on page 17

2 | Community

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The Dunwoody City Council chamber was packed with people wearing green shirts to show support for renovating the building in Brook Run Park into a community theater.

Brook Run Theater gets a reprieve while supporters raise money BY DYANA BAGBY

happen,” Shortal said. Heneghan noted the theater is estimated to cost nearly $20 million while the Dunwoody City Council has given city’s entire budget is about $25 million. Brook Run Theater supporters until July 11 Thompson said he doesn’t support the to show they can raise $18 million to renoidea of the theater, but said if private monvate the shuttered structure in ey could be raised to pay for Brook Run Park into a commuthe renovations and also pay nity performing arts center. the estimated $700,000-a-year The vote, during the March needed to run the theater, he 14 meeting, included a caveat would support the project. that if a Brook Run Theater fiThe theater building, owned nancial feasibility study comes by the city as part of park propback and says the money canerty, is one of the last remainnot be raised or raised in a reaing structures of 17 buildings sonable amount of time, the Liane Levitan in the park, including the hoscouncil will accept bids beginpital building, that were once ning July 12 to demolish it. part of the Georgia RetardaThe council chamber was packed with tion Center. The Georgia Retardation Cenmembers of the Brook Run Conservancy ter was closed in the late 1990s. and people wearing green shirts to show Brent Walker, director of Parks and Rectheir support for renovating the theater. reation, told council it would likely cost apFormer DeKalb CEO Liane Levetan, proximately $357,200 to tear the building namesake of the park where the theater down. is located, asked the council to allow more During the March 14 meeting, Nall time to study the feasibility of saving the made a motion to put out a request for theater. bids to demolish the building in Brook Run “Time is of the essence, I know. But Park; Nall asked for the estimate at the Feb. sometimes we don’t need to rush into any22 meeting. thing,” Levetan said. Heneghan responded with a different “The building has been vacant. It’s a motion and proposed, on behalf of Shortstrong building. It needs gutting. But it al, to defer taking any action on the Brook would be a shining example of the coopRun Theater project until March 20, 2017. eration with the community. Let’s look at As part of that motion, the theater supportit for another moment. This will be a deers would have to come up with a reputable cision you all will proud of. I’m confident economic feasibility study by July 11 and, if this will become a reality.” • • the theater proposal is found to be economThe council split 5-2 on the request. ically feasible, then quarterly fundraising Mayor Denis Shortal and Councilmembers goals would have to be met. Lynn Deutsch, John Heneghan, Pam Tall“I’m conflicted. How much more time madge and Jim Riticher voted in favor of aldo they need?” Heneghan said. “Does it lowing time for the study. make sense to tear it down or give them Councilmembers Terry Nall and Doug six months? Maybe they have a big donor. Thompson voted against it. I just don’t see the financial numbers being Danny Ross, president of the Brook Run there.” Conservancy, said after the vote he and Deutsch then made the motion that was other supporters would do what was neceseventually approved in the split vote. sary to have the economic feasibility study “This economic study should have been finished by July 11. done and could have been done simultaneCouncil members agreed that no taxously” with the feasibility study of the thepayer money would be used to refurbish ater, Deutsch said, adding that fundraising the theater. goals are often set with hypothetical proj“To the question of putting the city in ects. debt to redo the theater, that’s not going to dyanabagby@reporternewspapers.net

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MAR. 18 - MAR. 31, 2016

Community | 3


City seeking developers for Project Renaissance shops BY DYANA BAGBY dyanabagby@reporternewspapers.net

Dunwoody city officials are seeking commercial developers for 2.5 acres located in the city’s Project Renaissance redevelopment. The city Urban Redevelopment Authority approved a request for proposals for the project at its March 3 meeting and is expecting to have responses submitted by late May, said Michael Starling, director of Dunwoody’s economic department. The acreage, at the intersection of North Shallowford Road and Dunwoody Park, is part of the Dunwoody Green commercial site, which lies within the larger Project Renaissance development encompassing the Georgetown area. It includes 34,000 square feet for retail and 12,000 square feet for restaurants. Starling said the area is underserved. “In 2011, a report said $47 million to $50 million were leaking out of the Georgetown area. We want to capture as much of that as possible,” he said. City officials’ vision for the small, commercial plot includes restaurants facing the park and shops wrapping around the site. And rather than businesses such as nail salons, Starling said, the URA is hoping for upscale businesses -- specifically restaurants with patio seating to make the

location a destination spot for surrounding neighborhoods. “The URA envisions a compact project that will contain a mixture of uses that will be complementary to a residential neighborhood,” the city’s request for proposal says. “The project is not expected to be a conventional convePHIL MOSIER nience retail center; The Project Renaissance development was begun in 2012 and is being built on property totaling 35 acres. it is intended to be an integrated project former Emory Dunwoody Hospital. that includes downtown-style elements, Adjacent to the commercial site, John such as buildings in close proximity to the Wieland Homes and Neighborhoods is street, storefront retail design, outdoor dinbuilding a residential complex called Duning, wide sidewalks and integration with woody Green. John Wieland Homes is inGeorgetown Park.” corporating two public parks, linear greenways and pedestrian connections to weave ‘Not simply a land sale’ this property together with the surroundThe Project Renaissance development ing neighborhoods. Altogether, Wieland was begun in 2012 and is being built on two plans to sell 68 new homes, ranging in pieces of property on North Shallowford price from $400,000 to $650,000. Road that total 35 acres. One parcel is the “This is simply not a land sale,” Starling 16-acre property known as the “PVC Farm” said of the 2.5 acres the URA and city wants that City Council purchased for $5 million to develop. “We want to benefit Georgein 2011. The other is the 19-acre site of the town and Dunwoody Green.”

Parks & Recreation Master Plan Survey


Email us at parks@dunwoodyga.gov

A Parks & Recreation Master Plan Survey has been mailed out to a random selection of 5,000 Dunwoody households. Instructions for completing the survey via the web using an individualized ID/password will be included. Answer the survey and help create a better Dunwoody! DUN

Catalyst for growth

The commercial site to be developed is an extension of a public purpose of Project Renaissance that includes the creation of parks, new residential units and a multiuse trail system, Starling explained. The first phase of the Dunwoody Trailway, a multi-use trail completed in 2014, spans the entire 16-acre site, and connects to the new park across North Shallowford Road and to Brook Run Park. The city has also completed development on an approximately 1.4-acre central park at the project and an approximately 1.9-acre park with a signature playground on the Chamblee-Dunwoody Road side of the property. Plans are to have the commercial development be a catalyst for additional development activity in the Georgetown area and North Shallowford Road Corridor while also creating a sense of place for the community, he added.

Be sure to respond!

...mailed out mid-March

PAnswer the Survey. PVisit Project Page. PShare Your Ideas.

The land is owned by the URA, not the city of Dunwoody, Starling said. “The URA is excited to get this on the market … we’re hoping to get a lot of interest.” Under Georgia law, cities and counties have the power to create an Urban Redevelopment Agency to act on the city’s behalf during the redevelopment process.


aster creation M Parks & Re

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“Choosing this community was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I never would have imagined the joy and relief I feel everytime I walk into Phoenix at Dunwoody to visit my mother. She is at home, surrounded by people who genuinely love her and care about her entire well-being.” – Daughter of a resident Phoenix at Dunwoody

Candidates filed this Democrat and Republican by office, are candidates representing all or part contested elections either vember election. Filings published by Georgia’s Secformation, go to www.sos. ga.gov. U.S. SENATE Democratic Primary Jim Barksdale Cheryl Copeland John F. Coyne III James Knox

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Candidate filings for Public Office



enewton Trunk Show Thursday, March 24 11am – 2pm

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Republican Primary Derrick Grayson Johnny Isakson (I) Mary Kay Bacallao U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES District 5 Democratic Primary John R. Lewis (I) Republican Primary Douglas Bell District 6 Democratic Primary Rodney Stooksbury Republican Primary Tom Price (I) Kurt Wilson GEORGIA SENATE District 40

month to run in the May 24 party primaries. Here, listed who filed for political posts of Dunwoody and who face in a primary or in the Nowere reported on websites retary of State. For more inga.gov or www.fultoncounty-

Democratic Primary Tamara Johnson-Shealey Republican Primary Paul Maner Fran Millar (I) GEORGIA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES District 79 Republican Primary Tom Owens Tom Taylor (I) DeKalb CEO Democratic Primary Joe Bembry Connie Stokes Michael “Mike” Thurmond Republican Primary Jack Lovelace Board of Commissioners District 6 Democratic Primary Kathie Gannon (I) Warren Mosby (I) marks an incumbent

Crushing it! The Orange Crush girls’ softball team took on the Rattle Snakes for their opening game of the season March 5 at Murphey Candler Park. The Orange Crush won, 8-7. Both 8U teams are part of the Murphey Candler Girls Softball Association, which began in 1968. The league is for girls between ages 5-18, and teaches aspects of the game as well as the concepts of competition and teamwork.

At right, Orange Crush player Sarah Wren fields a hit and covers first base during the game.

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Right below, Orange Crush head coach Steve George, center left, gives out assignments for his team’s last at bat. The game was tied and an additional run would win the game against the Rattle Snakes. George’s team did score, and won their season opener 8-7.

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MAR. 18 - MAR. 31, 2016

Perimeter Business | 5


Perimeter Business A monthly section focusing on business in the Reporter Newspapers communities

Airbnb in the ’burbs

New hotels, apartments proposed for Concourse, Pill Hill sites

BY JOHN RUCH johnruch@reporternewspapers.net

“Cozy room in suburbia!” reads a listing on Airbnb.com, offering travelers a bedroom on a quiet Dunwoody street for $68 a night. The room may be illegal as well as cozy, according to the city of Dunwoody, whose zoning bans lodging in residential areas. It’s among dozens of short-term online housing rentals available along the northern Perimeter, ranging from entire Buckhead mansions to spare bedrooms on Sandy Springs’ cul-de-sacs, that often operate in legal gray areas. City codes vary, and such rentals may evade hotel taxes or flout apartment leases and condo association rules. But that Dunwoody room, like virtually all local listings, gets glowing reviews from its guests. If the private owner or main tenant rents them quietly to keep guests and neighbors happy, it’s unlikely there will be enforcement or even any short-term rental regulations at all. That’s currently the case in Brookhaven and Sandy Springs, city officials say. “If we had [complaints], it would have

BY JOHN RUCH johnruch@reporternewspapers.net

Above, screen shots taken from the Airbnb.com website showcase rentals on everything from entire manisons in Buckhead to spare bedrooms in Sandy Springs’ cul-de-sacs to short-term stays in upscale condos with access to fitness centers and pools.

See MASSIVE on page 12

See AIRBNB on page 10



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Outside is fun again.


We Buy Diamonds & Gold Appraisals starting at $20.00

Two hotels and more than 500 housing units are proposed in two major mixed-use redevelopments at the Concourse Center and on Pill Hill next to MARTA’s Medical Center station. The massive redevelopments would expand two existing Sandy Springs complexes: Perimeter Center’s Concourse, home to the landmark skyscrapers known as the King and Queen; and the Peachtree Dunwoody Pavilion office park. They would line Peachtree-Dunwoody Road flanking I-285 with new hotels and retail space. Both projects require rezoning for the mixed uses, and both are slated to have pre-application community meetings on March 22. The Concourse plan, according to a fact sheet from co-developer Regent Partners, calls for a 5-story, 125-room bou-

Monday through Thursday 10-6 pm, Fri 10-5pm



New customers only. Up to 1 acre. Cannot be combined with other offers.



6 | Perimeter Business

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Q&A Construction boom

Hector Montalvo

Georgia Hispanic Construction Association strives to ‘empower’ Hispanic achievement

In January, the Georgia Hispanic Construction Association moved to a new headquarters at 2750 Buford Highway in Brookhaven. The educational, advocacy and business development nonprofit, which represents about 200 members, is now a neighbor of the Latin American Association. Reporter Newspapers asked GHCA Executive Director Hector Montalvo about how his organization helps the Hispanic construction industry and the reasons it moved to offices on Buford Highway, widely known as a center for Hispanic businesses and residents. For more information, see georgiahca.com. Q: Who created the GHCA and why? A: Hispanics make up roughly 30 percent of the workforce in the construction industry. Our mission is to develop and promote the Hispanic construction


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industry in Georgia. We strive to be the leading organization that empowers Hispanic achievement. The GHCA was created by Hispanic businesses committed to the growth and development of the Hispanic construction business. The catalyst for rebuilding the organization was a published disparity study from the city of Atlanta where Hispanic companies were not classified as minorities. The founding members felt the study did not reflect actual conditions, and in fact, there was a lack of representation of Hispanic companies in construction in the city of Atlanta. The 2015 disparity study report accurately reflects that Hispanic businesses in construction are in fact a minority. Q: Why did the Georgia Hispanic Construction Association move to Buford Highway? Where was it located previously? A: The GHCA was founded about four years ago, just when the construction industry was getting a pulse and resources were in short supply. As an avenue to keep cost to a minimum, one of the founding members offered to provide office space. After four years and a change in leadership, the board determined that it was time to move to an independent office. After considering several options, we felt there was synergy between the two associations, the GHCA and the Latin American Association (LAA). The new location offered the advantage of collaboration as well as a well-known location to the Hispanic community. Q: What are some examples of recent training programs GHCA has offered and government relations efforts it has worked on? What are the benefits for individual members as compared to member companies? A: A key mission of the GHCA is to train and educate Hispanic construction workers so they can grow safely and profitably. To that end, the GHCA has provided training such as OSHA 10 and Strategic Planning workshops to assist small companies grow their business. A company can have various advantages, depending on the membership and also the sponsorship. An individual member has access to educational and safety programs as well as meet-and-greet activi-

MAR. 18 - MAR. 31, 2016

Perimeter Business | 7


ties that will allow them to establish business connections and opportunities. Q: What are the requirements to become a member? Do members have to identify as Hispanic or can they just be supporters of Hispanic people in the industry? A: Our organization is based on the premises of inclusiveness, so you don’t have to be Hispanic to be a member. The idea is to have an organization where win-win is the foundation in all that we do for members, companies, sponsors and the community at large. Q: This is a boom time in the metro Atlanta construction industry. What are the particular opportunities and challenges the market presents to the workers GHCA serves? A: For members, a platform for resources to get jobs or grow new or exist-

ing businesses. For companies, a vehicle to reach the Hispanic workforce. For the community at large, an environment for learning as well as a vehicle for advocacy. Q: Does GHCA mostly serve recent immigrants or is there an established Hispanic construction industry here as well? How are the sometimes bitter political debates about immigration policy affecting the industry? A: About 84 percent of immigrant construction workers came from Latin America and 62 percent of them are reported not to speak English well or at all. Our aim is to serve the Hispanic construction industry and to be the voice for fair treatment in pay as well as working conditions. The rhetoric on immigration is hurting the industry and, if not resolved, will be detrimental to our economic stability and vitality.

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Ribbon Cuttings For The Sole Foot Massage, located at 6690 Roswell Road in Sandy Springs, celebrated its opening with a ribbon cutting on Feb. 17. On hand, Maxwell Baker, Joe Luranc, Jim Speakman, Jay Eun, Danny Eun, Sandy Springs Mayor Rusty Paul, Dee Hart, Vedam Clementi, Ethan Li and Jon Wittenberg. The business offers Thai, Swedish, body and foot massages. Get Fit Now held a ribbon cutting on Feb. 19 with William Madison Jr., Kristen Madison, Savannah Lamb, Summer Roberts, Lisa Calhoun, Joe Luranc, Dustin Napier, Emily Napier, Tiffany Roan, Beth Berger, Alyssa Matusiak, David de la Vega, Melissa Shaefer Bentley and Lindsay Resto in attendance. Located at 6780 Roswell Road, Suite C-205, in Sandy Springs, the company offers personal training, coaching and nutrition.


Georgia's increasingly preferred address for the Fortune 1000 is Perimeter Center. Metro Atlanta's largest office sub-market is home to global brands and corporations including Mercedes, USA; Cox Enterprises; UPS; InterContinental Hotels Group; Newell Rubbermaid; State Farm Insurance; and Arby's just to name a few. With four MARTA stations in and adjacent to the area, and a major expansion of the PATH Trail network underway (with a trail hub at the Dunwoody MARTA station), and expanded GRTA Express Bus Service, the Center is also one of the region's premier alternative transportation hubs. Home to the largest retail mall in the state, and dozens of destination dining locations and premier retailers and increasing as well as a wide array of multi and single family housing options, the Center is becoming one of the Southeast's leading live, work & play communities. For your enterprise, large or small, you just can't beat life at the Center...at the intersection of innovation and leadership on metro Atlanta's northside. For more information: http://www.perimetercid.org

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MAR. 18 - MAR. 31, 2016

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Great American Floors, 330 Sandy Springs Circle, held a ribbon cutting on Feb. 26. Joining the festivities: Katie and Geoff Melkonian, Jeff Kremer, Brandon Handley, Trevor Robertson, Marc Seltzer, founder, Stephanie Seltzer, Rachel Seltzer, Steve Williams, Robie Seltzer, owner, Jason Seltzer, owner, Angela Forrester and Maxwell Baker. The company sells premium floor products including carpet, hardwood, laminate and tile. ROAM, a co-working and event space, marked the grand opening of its Buckhead location at 3365 Piedmont Road with a ribbon cutting on March 1. Participants included, from left, Mary London Goshert, Courtney Vann, Lee Behr, Ples Bruce, Jim Duffie, Peyton Day, Smita Solanki, Garth Peters and David Coxon.


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Airbnb in the ‘burbs Continued from page 5

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been addressed long before,” said city of Sandy Springs spokeswoman Sharon Kraun. But, she added, the City Council is likely to discuss possible regulation of short-term rentals soon. Short-term rental services have become a booming—and controversial—business, allowing homeowners and apartment renters to make extra cash by arranging online room rentals. The current top dog is San Francisco-based Airbnb, which boasts millions of rental listings in nearly every country in the world. The service includes a listing, a payment service and a rating system. Short-term rentals have been especially controversial in big cities, where they can act as significant competition with hotels while avoiding the same taxes and regulations. There are also concerns that shortterm rentals inflate local housing markets, making it harder for long-term residents to afford housing. In 2014, the tourist-heavy city of Savannah, Ga., cracked down on short-term rentals as zoning violations. Little attention has been drawn to short-term rentals in suburbs and outlying urban neighborhoods, where there likely aren’t such large-scale market impacts and homeowners can often rent with more privacy. But other concerns about short-term rentals are still possible, such as absentee owners, misbehaving guests or violations of condo rules.

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One recent Airbnb listing advertised a $349-a-night “Party House in Buckhead for Events!” on residential Timm Valley Road. “Kegs cost extra…Perfect for events under 40-50 people,” the listing says. The listing dates to 2011, indicating it has operated without serious complaints. And the listing for an entire four-bedroom house for rent off Lake Forrest Drive in Sandy Springs says no parties or events are allowed. “I’m sorry about this, I’ve done it before and it’s caused too many problems…,” the host explained in the listing. Of several local short-term rental hosts contacted for interviews, only one agreed to speak, and only briefly and without publication of his name. The host rents a Perimeter Center condo on three different online services, including Airbnb, and mostly attracts business travelers. “Our condo doesn’t really allow renters,” the host admitted. “I screen [shortterm renters] really hard. I tell them, don’t send mail there.” Airbnb did not respond to questions. But according to press reports, it has beefed up its safety and accountability policies in recent years. Its website features basic city of Atlanta housing regulation information. And according to news reports, Airbnb will soon introduce a new service allowing residents at neighboring properties to file complaints about problem guests directly with the company.

Recent checks of Airbnb and Corporate Housing By Owner, a site focused on monthly, business-oriented rentals, showed plenty of local residents playing host. For the March 18 weekend, Airbnb showed about 25 rentals available in Buckhead; about 22 in Brookhaven; 16 in Dunwoody; and about 30 in Sandy Springs. On the luxury end, $350 a night scored an entire Tudor-style mansion with a saltwater swimming pool, on Buckhead’s Knollwood Drive. Bargain travelers could get a particularly safe room—“I literally live next to the police station!” the listing read—on Sandy Springs’ Spring Creek Lane. Many reviews show guests enthusiastic about local hosts and neighborhoods. “This neighborhood is one of the BEST you will find in Atlanta. It’s safe and in a beautiful historic area,” wrote a guest of a suite for rent on Mabry Road in Brookhaven. Some listings on both sites have hosts who live in other homes or even other cities and states. One CHBO condo listing on Peachtree-Dunwoody Road says the host moved out in 2010. “I have been renting to numerous guests and corporations for over 5 years,” the listing reads. Airbnb listings include some prominent local condo and apartment towers, including in Dunwoody’s Manhattan condos and Sandy Springs’ Park Towers/M789 condos/apartments complex. “If we knew about it, we probably wouldn’t allow it,” said Henry Monje, a leasing consultant at the M789 apartments. But, he said, there’s no easy way to tell apartment tenants’ paying guests from non-paying ones.

To regulate or not to regulate

Nationwide, the hotel industry is pushing for uniform regulation of short-term rentals, saying hosts should follow similar regulations and pay the same taxes and fees. In Georgia, a committee in the state House of Representatives last winter recommended against statewide regulation. “I still believe that statewide regulation makes the most sense to provide continuity across the state,” said Jim Sprouse, executive director of the Georgia Hotel & Lodging Association. The rules, or lack thereof, governing short-term rentals vary across local municipalities. Atlanta city officials did not respond to questions, but press reports indicate that short-term rentals are prohibited in single-family zoning districts. Dunwoody has similar restrictions, according to city spokesman Bob Mullen. In Brookhaven, where Airbnb founder Joe Gebbia’s father happens to be a member of City Council, “there is currently nothing in our ordinance that addresses them, and they wouldn’t fall under the hotel definition,” said city spokeswoman Ann Marie Quill. “When the business community comes up with a new model, such as Uber or growlers, it takes a little time for municipalities to adapt.”

MAR. 18 - MAR. 31, 2016

Perimeter Business | 11


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Construction of a six-story, 236-unit apartment complex and a five-story office building will get underway soon at Peachtree-Dunwoody Road and Roberts Court in Sandy Springs.


Mixed-use project to go up soon near North Springs MARTA station

surgery procedures.

BY JOHN RUCH johnruch@reporternewspapers.net

A major mixed-use project—featuring a six-story, 236-unit apartment building and a five-story office building—will start going up soon at Peachtree-Dunwoody Road and Roberts Court in Sandy Springs. Despite its size and prominent location on a 10-acre site across PeachtreeDunwoody from the North Springs MARTA station, the project by Trammell Crow Residential has been moving ahead quietly. In part, that’s because it is already allowed under a 2001 rezoning for an even bigger project that triggered a major controversy and legal battle, but never got built. A 2002 legal settlement between the Sandy Springs Council of Neighborhoods and the original developer, Sandy Springs’ Charlie Roberts, has requirements for landscape buffers and screening, including a 2-acre “conservation easement” or private park. Trammell Crow Residential will fulfill those legal obligations, according to developer attorney Chip Collins and Council of Neighborhoods president Trisha Thompson.

Coming to fruition

“The Council of Neighborhoods is very excited that this long, 10- or 12-year [project] and rezoning is finally coming to fruition with a use that is less intense than the original rezoning and is more in line with the character of the neighborhood,” said Thompson. The group is also pleased “that a large area will be set aside in a permanent conservation easement for the benefit of the entire neighborhood,” she said. Roberts’ original project was approved by Fulton County before the city of Sandy Springs incorporated. A proposed redevelopment of a site that had only a single house, it featured a 14-story apartment building, a 12-story condominium tower and a 10-story office tower, among

other uses. “What they’re doing is a lot less dense,” Collins said of Trammell Crow Residential. “The condos are gone and the apartments are less in density. The office [space] is less dense.” The office building will have about 125,000 square feet of space, and the apartment building will have some ground-floor retail area, Collins said. The apartments and offices will wrap around a shared parking deck with 643 spots, he added. The developers bought the property late last year and expect to start construction in April, Collins said. He estimated construction will last 18 to 24 months. The legal settlement has several provisions, including a $7,500 allowance to each neighboring resident to install their own landscape screening. But the biggest provision is the conservation easement, a green space with trails that will be overseen by the Sandy Springs Conservancy, according to Thompson. It will be open to abutting residents, but not the general public.

A permanent buffer

The green space will serve as a “as a permanent buffer between the development and the neighborhood,” Collins said. “It will be basically a private park. It’s not a public park.” However, the exact details of the agreement are still being discussed in meetings with the Council of Neighborhoods and area residents. Thompson said there are still some details she questions, such as screening for the parking garage. “This has been a very cooperative undertaking since Trammell Crow [Residential] has gotten involved,” Collins said, adding he does not expect any changes to the proposed agreement. “This is just about working with the neighbors to make sure we’re fulfilling all requirements of the earlier settlement.”







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Massive mixed-use plans filed for Concourse Center and Pill Hill Continued from page 5

Hearn Drive and the MARTA station. It proposes a 170-room hotel and retail space fronting on Peachtree-Dunwoody; a 5-story, 250-unit multifamily housing complex; an 8-story, 200,000-square-foot office building atop three levels of parking; a 6-level parking deck; and new restaurant and retail buildings around a pond on the site. The Pavilion site dates to the 1970s and consists of four office buildings, one of which, containing mostly medical offices, would be demolished for the retail component, according to developer rep-

tique hotel; a 5-story, 270-unit “high-end” apartment building atop a “concrete podium;” and 24,500 square feet of restaurant and retail space in three buildings, including a “chef-driven…flagship” restaurant. The development would happen near the intersection of Peachtree-Dunwoody and Hammond Drive. The Pavilion plan, according to preliminary drawings filed with the city, brings big additions to the 20-acre site at 5775 Peachtree-Dunwoody between Lake


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resentative Scott Bryant. He said no decision has been made on whether the housing would be rental or ownership. The developer, going by TSO PDP LP, bought the property last year and believes it’s a “prime candidate for a focus on urbanization” like the rest of SPECIAL An illustration of the proposed Peachtree Dunwoody the Perimeter Center Pavilion redevelopment from a city filing. The view, area, Bryant said. That looking west, shows a hotel along Peachtree-Dunwoody includes possibly tying Road at the rear and a new office building to the left. directly into the MARing to negotiate automobile traffic.” TA station with a peBuilt between 1984 and 1991, the Condestrian bridge. course complex already features more “When this was originally built, they than 2 million square feet of office space just popped buildings down and the rest and a large Westin hotel. The original was just paved. MARTA was an afterzoning of the site allows for a four-story thought,” Bryant said. “We want to take offi ce building in the area of the proposed advantage of the site in a way that’s remixed-use project, according to John Bell sponsible. We just think mixed use… of Regent Partners. That unbuilt office makes sense.” building would have been a “mirror imThe $90 million Concourse project age” of an existing offi ce structure adjacould start construction late this year or cent to the redevelopment site, he said. in early 2017, according to the fact sheet The Concourse and Pavilion plans are from co-developers Regent Partners and the latest entries in a trend of large mixedBuilding and Land Technology. According use proposals for Perimeter Center, into the fact sheet, “The new development’s cluding the Dunwoody Crown Towers, layout will be notable for its ‘pedestrian1117 Perimeter Center West and a project first’ design: buildings will be connected near the North Springs MARTA station. by alleyways and courtyards, enabling visitors to stroll the grounds without hav-

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From left, Cara Workman and Robyn Marzullo of the Sandy Springs Range & Gun Club with Chamber Board Chairman Lever Stewart.

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MAR. 18 - MAR. 31, 2016

Reporter Newspapers Our mission is to provide our readers with fresh and engaging informa�ion about life in their communi�ies.

Community Survey Question: Of the following, what do you think is the best way to address metro Atlantaʼs transportation problems?

Total Respondents (200)

Published by Springs Publishing LLC 6065 Roswell Road, Suite 225 Sandy Springs, GA 30328

Extend MARTA train lines 111 (56%)

Brookhaven Reporter | Buckhead Reporter Dunwoody Reporter | Sandy Springs Reporter www.ReporterNewspapers.net

Use monorails or gondolas to connect commercial areas 19 (10%) Add more bus routes and run the buses more often 15 (8%)

Atlanta INtown www.AtlantaINtownPaper.com

Editorial Managing Editor Joe Earle joeearle@reporternewspapers.net Associate Editor: John Ruch Intown Editor: Collin Kelley Sta�f Writer: Dyana Bagby Copy Editor: Diane L. Wynocker Crea�ive and Produc�ion Crea�ive Director: Rico Figliolini Graphic Designer: Harry J. Pinkney Jr. Adver�ising Director of Sales Development Amy Arno amyarno@reporternewspapers.net Senior Account Execu�ives Jeff Kremer Janet Porter Account Execu�ives Susan Lesesne Jim Speakman O�fice Manager Deborah Davis deborahdavis@reporternewspapers.net Contributors Phil Mosier

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Women 49%

Men 51%

Build more bike lanes and walking paths 14 (7%)

C O NTA C T US Founder & Publisher Steve Levene stevelevene@reporternewspapers.net


Build more new roads or widen existing roads. 20 (10%)

Phone: 404-917-2200 • Fax: 404-917-2201


Commentary | 13


Connect neighborhoods with streetcars 14 (7%)

Household Income

Increase the use of toll lanes 7 (4%)

MARTA is the way, our survey shows. Extending MARTA rail lines offers the best road out of metro Atlanta’s transportation mess, according to more than half the respondents to a recent cellphone-based survey of adults across the communities served by Reporter Newspapers and Atlanta INtown. Although state lawmakers have disagreed on how to pay for new MARTA train lines, 56 percent of the 200 respondents to the survey chose extension of the MARTA rail system as the best way to address local transportation troubles. Respondents who supported extending MARTA train lines mostly were younger than 40 (78.3 percent) and about evenly split between women and men (54 percent to 46 percent). Seven of 10 reported household income higher than $50,000. Two-thirds of the respondents for the second-most-favored option, building new roads, were females, and overall they were slightly older (30 percent were 40+ years old) and reported lower household incomes (30 percent under $50,000). In the exclusive survey, conducted by mobile market research company 1Q for Springs Publishing, parent company of the Reporter Newspapers and Atlanta INtown, just 10 percent of the respondents saw building new roads or widening existing ones as the best cure for metro traffic ills. That’s the same percentage as voted for monorails or gondolas as the best way to get from place to place. The least popular option? More toll roads.

What some respondents had to say More trains. 31-year-old Atlanta man MARTA rail needs to go more places and run more hours. 34-year-old Brookhaven man Make more roadways. 27-year-old Buckhead woman Additional MARTA lines are needed to connect major attractions, like the new baseball stadium. 45-year-old Sandy Springs woman Public transportation is the end game for solving transportation problems. The city needs to have a 20-year view of its future and have the commitment to building extensive public transportation routes and solutions step by step. 39-year-old Buckhead man Gondolas, please. 30-year-old Sandy Springs man

It would be nice to have MARTA not only connecting the city, but the suburbs as well. 35-year-old Brookhaven woman I think it’s a combination of things that are needed: Keep the existing MARTA infrastructure up to date and in working order with timely maintenance and repairs. Too often, there are train and bus delays due to mechanical issues or malfunctions. Next step is to expand train lines. Lastly, a lot of the MARTA employees don’t seem to care about their passengers one little bit. There are too many MARTA employees who have a real negative attitude about their jobs and the people around them. When there is an issue with a train or bus, they never communicate with the passengers and look at the passengers as nothing more than an annoyance. It sends the wrong message to people, and is a big reason why there is a low opinion of MARTA out there. 49-year-old Buckhead man

Less than 50,000 23.5%

$100,000+ 36.5%

$50-75,000 24%

$75,000100,000 15.5%

Educa�ion Post Graduate 32.5

High School 7%

BS/BA 60%

1Q is an Atlanta-based startup that has developed a technology which sends questions and surveys to a cellphone via app or text message from businesses and organizations across the country. Respondents are paid 50 cents per answer, through PayPal, for sharing their opinions. Payments may also be donated directly to charity. Sign up to be included in our local community polls at 1Q.com/reporter or by texting REPORTER to 86312. If I was able to get to work via MARTA, I would take it in a heartbeat. Take New York City, for example. Hardly anyone uses cars as they are able to get everywhere with public transit. 30-year-old Sandy Springs woman Riding MARTA can often times be unsafe, which brings high crime rates to high-end areas. Building more roads may just be the answer to the issue at hand. 26-year-old Dunwoody woman

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Veteran developer Charlie Brown and partners want to construct five towers on the 15-acre former Gold Kist site at Perimeter Center located at the northwest intersection of Ashford-Dunwoody Road and I-285.

DHA considering what should be required of proposed Crown Towers development BY DYANA BAGBY dyanabagby@reporternewspapers.net

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The Dunwoody Homeowners Association is compiling a list of conditions it wants to recommend to the developer of the proposed Crown Towers development. “What we agreed to do is solicit input from those here tonight and those who were not to come up with a list of conditions to allow us to support it,” Robert Wittenstein said after the group’s March 6 closed-door discussion. Wittenstein said there are two extreme views from membership on the proposed development – those who do not want any more multi-family units and those who do want to welcome in high-end condominiums, similar to Dunwoody’s Manhattan building or the condos next to Phipps Plaza. “And then there are lot in between,” he said. Veteran Atlanta developer Charlie Brown and partners want to construct five towers at the 15-acre former Gold Kist site at Perimeter Center located at the northwest intersection of AshfordDunwoody Road and I -285 (behind Best Buy and Rooms to Go) and also next to the new State Farm development under construction. The towers would be part of a mixeduse development to include office towers, retail space and easy access to the Dunwoody MARTA station. The 15-acre site has entitlements from a 1999 DeKalb County variance case for a 28-story hotel, a conference center with a 6-level parking structure,

two 24-story office buildings and two 10-level parking decks. Brown and zoning attorney Doug Dillard are dividing the property into two parcels and asking the city to rezone 4.75 acres for two residential towers, one with a hotel on the lowers floors. These buildings would be 29 and 34 stories high. The DHA can come up with some conditions in order to for the developer to gain the group’s seal of approval, including: insisting a certain number of units be owner-occupied; setting a maximum height of buildings, perhaps to not exceed 30 stories; requiring a significant portion of the parking decks be built underground; and that the top level of the parking decks be “green” and designed for pedestrians. “And the last thing, and I’m going to touch the tar baby … I would dearly love if this development included a community theater,” Wittenstein said. A conference center is included in the design of the Crown Towers development, but is on the 9+ acres that Brown and partners are not seeking any rezoning from the city. That parcel of land was zoned by DeKalb County in 1999 before Dunwoody became a city and allows for a conference center. Recognizing this, Wittenstein said after the meeting that the theater will not likely be part of any discussion or part of the conditions the DHA will seek from developers. The city’s Planning Commission deferred taking up the rezoning request to its April 12 meeting. DUN

MAR. 18 - MAR. 31, 2016

Community | 15


Lee May: Hopes legacy of tenure as DeKalb Interim CEO one of building a strong foundation BY DYANA BAGBY dyanabagby@reporternewspapers.net

DeKalb Interim CEO Lee May wants to be remembered for guiding the county through difficult times to a place of stability and strength, he said during his “State of the County” address March 10. The county has gained a level of stability the citizens want and need, May said, and he hopes people remember his tenure as a time the county was thinking forward, to addressing infrastructure, its finances and looking to ways to extend MARTA. “[T]hat we, not me, built a strong foundation for the county during a tumultuous season,” he said. Lee sat down with WSB-TV anchor Erin Coleman for a question-and-answer session for his final State of the County before hundreds of elected officials and business people gathered for a luncheon at Thalia N. Carlos Hellenic Community Center. May took office in July 2013 after being appointed to the post by Gov. Nathan Deal after Deal suspended then-indicted CEO Burrell Ellis. Ellis was later sentenced to 18 months in prison for perjury and extortion. He was released last month after serving eight months. May announced last month he would

not run for a full term as DeKelb CEO. Instead, he said he planned to pursue a career as a minister. During the discussion with Coleman, May said the county is set to test a pilot program in the fall for middle school students by partnering with faith-based communities and nonprofits, to be paid for by private and corporate funds. “Middle school students, at that age, are at the most risk, I would say,” May said. “When I was in the eighth grade, I was a hellion. My parents didn’t know what to do with me.” Providing students a place to spend time in a positive environment after school to receive academic help and mentorship adds value to our youth, he said. May also said to remember the number 4-1-7. “That’s the number of miles needing repaving in DeKalb. We’re behind 417 miles,” he said. And he is urging DeKalb citizens to vote for the 1 percent Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax referendum on Nov. 8 that would raise the sales tax rate to 8 percent. “It’s not sexy,” he said. “But after you vote for the president, remember to go all the way to the bottom [of the ballot],” to vote on the SPLOST referendum. Approving the SPLOST would pay for

Cancer Care that Treats the Mind, the Body and the Spirit? Yes. Now at the Cancer Center at WellStar Kennestone Hospital.

For more information, call 1-877-366-6032. DUN

mer Georgia Attorney General Mike Bowers to conduct an investigation of the county and Bowers came back with a scathing report alleging DeKalb County was “rotten to the core.” May said if he had to do it over again, yes, he would still commission an outside investigation. “Would I choose the same individuals? No,” he said. At the time, numerous agenDYANA BAGBY cies, from the FBI to the GBI, were DeKalb Interim CEO Lee May announced at his March 10 “State of the County” address secretly investigating the counthat he plans to introduce a pilot after-school ty, as they should have been, May program for middle school students with the said. help of faith-based and private partnerships. “The county needed a real robust investigation into what was the entire 417 miles of backlogged roads going on … to help us in the day-to-day opneeding to be repaved, he said, as well as erations … and to deal with this head on,” cover costs of heavy infrastructure imhe said. “We went through a rough and big provements and more. storm and got through it,” he said. Local municipalities in DeKalb, includBeautifying DeKalb and maintaining a ing Dunwoody and Brookhaven, would rehigh quality of life is also key to sustaining ceive some of the SPLOST money based on a strong and economically viable county, 2010 Census data. According to the counMay said. He mentioned 50 new employty, the SPLOST is expected to raise $544 ees are being hired with the sole job of pickmillion for capital projects in its first five ing up trash in public right of ways as part years. Cities would receive approximately of the Keep DeKalb Beautiful movement. $152 million. When asked how he would describe In March 2015, May commissioned forDeKalb County, May said, “strong.”

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Girl power takes on computer coding

A simple thing can save a life.

BY DYANA BAGBY dyanabagby@reporternewspapers.net

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In order to be able to fill the growing number of tech jobs in the U.S., pushes are being made to recruit women and other minorities into computer science and coding programs at younger ages.

On a recent Saturday morning, Kelly Quinn, 9, peeked over her laptop with a quizzical look and asked her instructor, Kelly Marble, to look at the screen with her. They scanned words and data, whispering to each other. Soon Salena Selon, 10, and her sister, Shayla, 12, joined them, and finally Sydney Smith, 11, stood behind them watching as they discuss ed next steps and DYANA BAGBY keyed in informaFrom left, Salena Selon, Kelly Quinn, Shayla Selon and Sydney Smith, participants in the Dunwoodytion. based Band of Coders/Girls Academy program. The young girls are participants in the Dunwoody-based Amy Quinn, mom of Kelly, is thrilled Band of Coders/Girls Academy, a program the program exists in her city and that her with the mission of introducing girls to daughter has an interest in a field where the science of coding. The girls and Marthere is a need for girl power. ble were working out last-minute glitch“Computer science and coding is the fues before launching an app called “Special ture of where jobs are going. The gender Hands.” The app, geared toward children gap in technology is real,” Ann Quinn said. with special needs, includes simple self“This program has sparked her interest help games and learning activities. and I hope she continues to stay engaged.” “We have to help out the communiRhonda and Wil Smith, parents to Sydty,” said Sydney, who came all the way ney, have computer and science backfrom Stockbridge, Ga., to take the six-week grounds – he is a STEM teacher and she is course. an IT consultant, one of the 18 percent of “For kids who have cancer and can’t go women with a computer science degree. outside, we dedicated our time to make “She comes by her techie background games to help them feel like they are gethonestly,” Rhonda Smith said. “She has ting out of the house,” said Quinn, who loved it. This is the first we are seeing her lives in Dunwoody. develop an interest outside dancing and Staying inside on a warm, sunny day performing arts.” to work on computers is no problem for Wil Smith said it is exciting to see his these girls. Salena and her sister, Shayla, daughter move beyond being just a user came from Rex, Ga., for the course. Saleof technology. “Now she is a developer and na said when working through a difficult going behind the technology to see how it step is eventually solved is “an exciting moworks. We’re pretty excited about that,” he ment.” said. “If it gets hard, we help each along the Band of Coders/Girls Academy is the way,” she said of her friends. social initiative of Band of Coders, a soft“You have to make sure you do all the ware development firm working to close steps. If you skip something it won’t work,” the gender gap, said Kelly Marble, program Shayla added. manager. “This is a social enterprise which Quinn said some people believe coding is for-profit, yet community driven,” Maris as “hard as rocket science.” ble said. “It’s not if you take baby steps, and then The program was founded in 2014; so once you start doing this you can’t stop. I far, more than 335 girls have completed it. love it because you get to express yourself “Our projects are project-based with an in a different way,” she said. emphasis on empowering girls and their

Closing the gender gap

Creating an app means creating code, and in the tech industry, men outnumber women in large margins. According to a recent government report, 37 percent of computer science bachelor degrees went to women in 1984; in 2013 that number plummeted to 18 percent.

communities,” Marble said. “Our mission is threefold: to decrease the gender gap in technology; introduce girls to a collaborative environment; and identify skill-sets for girls to change their community.” Registrations for summer camps are being accepted now. For more information, visit bandofcoders.com/girlsacademy DUN

MAR. 18 - MAR. 31, 2016

Community | 17


Survey says residents pleased with city services, police and quality of life Continued from page 1 households to complete the survey online. There were 415 online surveys completed for an 8.4 percent return rate which is above average for community surveys using a similar mail methodology, Mullen said. The survey also included one-on-one phone calls with 47 individuals, Mullen said. “Our goal is to listen to our residents and try to respond to their needs. By conducting this survey, the city not only collects important data and feedback but also leverages the input received in order to help address priorities, pinpoint issues and improve upon what we are providing,” said Dunwoody Mayor Denis Shortal in a statement. Some findings of the 2015 survey: ■ The top weaknesses for the city in 2015 are traffic, streets and infrastructure. ■ When asked to name the biggest issue facing Dunwoody, traffic ranked 19 percent in 2013 and rocketed to 43 percent in 2015. ■ On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being “very dissatisfied” and 5 being “very satisfied,” the phrase “I have confidence in my city’s government” rated an average of 3.01 out of 5 in 2013; in 2015 that number increased to 3.48 of 5. ■ In 2013, 24 percent of respondents said “citizens not welcoming change/division of citizens/conflicting views of nature” was the city’s biggest issue; in 2015, that percentage dropped to 5 percent. ■ When asked how important it is to have arts, culture and creative offerings in Dunwoody, 47 percent of respondents answered “very important” while 3 percent said “not at all important.” The survey also found the city’s police department continues to rank high in resident satisfaction. The department received a 4.29 of 5 positive ranking in 2015, slightly up from a 4.27 of 5 ranking in 2013. For an overall feeling of safety, the ranking was 4.19 of 5 in 2015, up from the 4.05 score in 2013. Other areas the police department continues to score well: overall performance is at 4.34 for 2015 and was 4.33 in 2013; visibility in the community is at 4.25 in 2015 and was 4.29 in 2013; quality of personnel ranks 4.28 for both years; community interaction stays about the same at 4.19 in 2015 and 4.14 in 2013; and traffic control also stays the same rate at 4.06 for both years. Also, 67 percent of respondents said they believe Dunwoody is a safe community; in 2013 that number was 68 percent. Residents’ feelings about DunDUN

woody’s city government also improved, with a 3.59 of 5 ranking in 2015, up from a 3.14 in 2013. Confidence in city government soared from 3.01 of 5 in 2013 to 3.48 of 5 in 2015. City Council also scored well, with a 3.54 of 5 ranking for doing a good job of handling the city’s finances in 2015 compared to a 3.08 of 5 score in 2013, and a jump to 3.41 of 5 in 2015 to being responsive to the community compared to 3.00 of 5 in 2013. Residents rated the city’s location as one of its appeals, with 86 percent rating location as a “top strength” in 2015, a slight dip from 89 percent in 2013. Parks and recreation also continues to score well, with quality of playgrounds ranking 4.03 of 5 in 2015 compared to 3.68 of 5 in 2013; overall quality of city parks in 2015 scored 3.99 of 5, a jump from 2013’s score of 3.38 of 5; quality of trails and open spaces also improved significantly, going from 3.38 of 5 in 2013 to 3.99 of 5 in 2015. Several categories considered “top strengths” of Dunwoody dropped this year when compared to the 2013 survey. The percentage who said the city’s lifestyle and entertainment was a strength fell from 39 percent in 2013 to 26 percent in 2015. The percentage who called education a strength dropped from 36

percent to 25 percent. City Councilman John Heneghan said while it was nice “we are all patting ourselves on the back,” it is important to realize that many of the high points of the survey were due to local nonprofits that manage events like the Dunwoody Arts Festival, the Dunwoody Nature Center and Food Truck Thursdays. “These are not due to the city. And we need to support them and foster them,” he said.

Councilwoman Lynn Deutsch asked if it was possible to also have a community survey conducted online, similar to a parks survey, but she was told doing so takes out the scientific random samples needed to ensure quality data. Sometimes people can organize and drive answers to what they want, for example. “I’m thrilled with the results,” said Councilman Doug Thompson. “Even the city council scored higher.”

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Communities of Faith March

Holy Week & Easter 20 24 25 PALM SUNDAY

8:30 & 11 am worship services, followed by a fellowship luncheon and our annual Easter Egg Hunt. All are invited!


A contemplative service at 7:30 pm commemorating the first Lord’s Supper.


12 noon worship service followed by a complimentary lunch in the Great Hall.



7 AM • 8:30 AM • 11 AM


Experience the joy of Easter! The casual sunrise service is in our garden courtyard (weather permitting) at 7 am. The 8:30 and 11 am services will be filled with joyful music and decorated in a Saint Luke’s tradition: ‘flowering’ the cross with fresh blooms.

celebration March 27 11 a.m.

This Easter is doubly joyful as we welcome our new Senior Pastor, David Lower! We invite you to join us as we begin this new chapter in God’s story at Saint Luke’s.


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Palm Sunday—March 20

Sanctuary Services | 8:45, 10:00, 11:15 am Summit Services | 8:45, 11:15 am Preaching: Vic Pentz, Marnie Crumpler

Maundy Thursday—March 24 Communion Service | 7:00 pm Preaching: Chuck Roberts

Good Friday—March 25

Buckhead Community Service at Peachtree Road United Methodist | 12:00 pm

Sunday parking onsite & via bus from 7:30 am – 1:00 pm. Powers Ferry Square: 0.5 mile north of the church on the west side of Roswell Road between SunTrust Bank & Dunkin’ Donuts. Cates Center: 110 East Andrews Drive

Easter Egg Hunt—March 26

Po w er sF er ry

Chastain Park | 10:00 am–12:00 pm

Powers Ferry Square

Easter Sunday—March 27

Roswell Road

Sanctuary Services | 8:45, 10:00, 11:15 am Summit Services | 8:45, 11:15 am Preaching: Vic Pentz

sham Haber


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t on dm Pie



to GA


ad Ro ee htr ac Pe

*Children’s programs available at all services.

Peachtree Presbyterian Church | 3434 Roswell Rd. | Atlanta, Ga 30305 | 404.842.5800


Maundy Thursday, March 24 7:00 p.m. Good Friday, March 25 7:30 a.m., 12:00 p.m., 7:00 p.m. Easter Eve Saturday, March 26 7:00 p.m., The Great Vigil Easter Sunday, March 27 7:45 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 11:15 a.m., 5:30 p.m.



MAR. 18 - MAR. 31, 2016


Faith | 19

Hundreds of volunteers help prepare for Easter at the Cathedral BY JOE EARLE joeearle@reporternewspapers.net

At the Cathedral of St. Philip, Easter morning starts with a Boy Scout bonfire. Members of the big stone Episcopal church towering above Peachtree Road in the heart of Buckhead begin their Easter celebrations around a fire lit long before dawn and tended by scouts from Troop 74, which is based at the church. During that first service of the day, clergy, choir members and parishioners light candles from the fire and carry the flames into the dark church. As they sing and pray and offer praise, the sun rises outside and shines through the Cathedral’s stained glass windows, coloring the flower-filled church with morning light, said Rev. Wallace Marsh, St. Philip’s canon for worship and parish life. “It’s beautiful,” Marsh said. Other Christian churches, large and small, also host special Easter services, including ones designed to greet the Easter sunrise, the start of the day that marks the most important moment in Christianity. For large churches, the crowd of worshippers expected to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ means extra services and extra effort from clergy and church members alike. At St. Philip, 2,500 to 3,000 worshipers are expected on Easter, Marsh said. Other large churches also expect the faithful to flock to church that morning. Peachtree United Methodist Church in Buckhead, for instance, expects about 4,500 to 5,000 worshippers on Easter – compared to about 1,700 attending on a typical Sunday – and has added an extra service, a fourth to be held that day, to accommodate the crowds, said Senior Minister Bill Britt. St. Philip adds two extra services on Easter Day. But Marsh, who calls himself the cathedral’s “offensive coordinaReporter Easter 2016.pdf 1 2/8/2016 11:45:18 AM










sing in the church’s choirs during Easter services, Adelmann said. During Holy Week, he said, more than 100 separate pieces of music will be performed at St. Philip. At some services, a brass quintet and a percussion player join the choir. One piece of music Adelmann has scheduled for Easter is a new one making its southeastern U.S. premiere. For many involved in staging the cathedral’s Easter Week services, the work actually begins long before Easter Sunday. Laura Iarocci, co-chair of the flower guild, began ordering flowers weeks in advance of the service. Some flowers will arrive early in Holy Week, she said, and must be tended so they’ll open properly by Easter Sunday. The scouts start preparing the fire pit Friday afternoon, said Wade Hooper, a volunteer who’s worked with them for the past seven years. PHOTOS BY PHIL MOSIER Above left, parishioners attend the Cathedral of St. Philip’s Holy Eucharist Rite II service, held Come Saturday, the cathedral is from 8:45 to 10 a.m. on March 13 in Buckhead. Right, Rev. C. Wallace Marsh VI delivers the sermon. alive with volunteers as the church sheds the somber tones of Lent, the St. Philip expects between 2,500 and 3,000 worshippers to fill its pews on Easter period of reflection leading to Good Sunday, and will add two extra services to accommodate the crowds. Friday, and is remade with bright colors for Easter. “The vigor and enerchecks a computer spreadsheet. Easter tor” for Easter services, says that’s just gy of the people preparing on the Satmeans “I pull out my clipboard and I go the beginning. urday before Easter feels just as much into coach mode,” he said. Marsh counts Easter services as the like Easter Sunday to me,” the Very Rev. His fellow canon, Dale Adelmann, ones staged during Easter week, which Samuel Candler, dean of the cathedral, has his own spreadsheet. He plans and starts the Sunday before, known as said in an email. oversees music for the cathedral’s serPalm Sunday, and continues through Scouts chop wood for the bonfire. vices. This year marks his seventh Easthe five services scheduled on Easter Choirs rehearse. Dozens of members of ter, he said. “I look forward to it,” he Day. During the week, the cathedral the flower guild build floral displays. said. hosts 22 separate services, he said, inBecause choirs are rehearsing at the Still, he admits, the demands of the cluding special ones on Thursday, Frisame time, “we actually cannot talk,” day can be exhausting. The cathedral day and Saturday. “It’s a wonderful Iarocci said.” We cannot yell across the has three adult choirs and a children’s week,” he said. “We call it Holy Week. room or we get the evil eye.” choir to rehearse. Come Easter mornIt’s the holiest week of the year.” Iarocci is preparing for her 16th Easing, the first rehearsal arrives at 5:30 It’s also one of the busiest. Staging ter. This year, she said, a total of 1,439 a.m. Still, Patrick Scott, the cathedral’s the various services will require conflowers will be used to build 48 floral assistant organist and choirmaster, had tributions from hundreds of volunteers arrangements. A flower-covered cross no complaints. “It’s kind of what we and support staff, who arrange flowwill be placed on each of the cathedral’s live for,” he said. “It’s what we went to ers, perform music and polish silver. 22 doors, she said. She’s used to coordischool for. It’s kind of why we do what To keep track of everything that needs nating large events, such as weddings, we do.” to be done, Marsh carries a clipboard, About 80 adults and children will refers to stacks of notes in folders and See PREPARATION on page 20

20 | Faith

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Preparation for Easter at the Cathedral involves hundreds Continued from page 19 in her floral business, she said. But Easter is a bigger challenge because decorations have to be placed in just a few hours. “This is really amazing that we can pull this off,” she said. About 5:30 a.m. Easter morning, the scouts arrive. By 6 a.m., the fire is burning, Hooper said, and the first of the day’s services begin. “It is a beautifully surreal experience that evokes the powerful histo-

ry and tradition of the church,” Hooper said in an email. “You feel you have been transported in time, moved by the historic importance of fire and the symbolism of reincarnation as we exit Lent and celebrate Easter.” Marsh and Adelmann and others on the cathedral staff get to work. “It’s a beautiful day,” Marsh said. And Monday? “You’re not going to find anybody in here on Monday,” Marsh said.

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Jennifer Ham, an Altar Guild member of the Cathedral of St. Philip in Buckhead, polishes the brass before the Holy Eucharist Rite II service on March 13. The service was the second of the day on the fifth Sunday of the Lenten season.

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A bonfire on the grounds of St. Philip, tended to by Boy Scouts from Troop 74, will enable clergy, choir members and worshippers to light candles and enter a dark church in early morning.

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MAR. 18 - MAR. 31, 2016

Community | 21



The Chamblee Middle School Science Olympiad team took on 20 other middle schools in the Regional Science Olympiad Tournament on March 5 at Georgia State University, taking home the first-place trophy. The team now advances to the state tournament. Posing proudly with their trophy: Apoorva Agrawal, Carson Ankeny, Avaye Dawadi, William Emde, Kieran Ferguson, Sam Grant, James Hardy, Jay Krueger, Anish Kumar, Olivia Li, Victor Lim, Tiffany Oh, Vivien Orellana, Jai Ponkshe, Pooja Sehgal, Prateek Umashankar and Farley Wall.

Join us for the 18th Annual Montag Family Community Lecture Series

Members of The Westminster Schools’ girls’ squash team competed in the High School Nationals in Philadelphia, winning their bracket, becoming Division III National Champions.

The Atlanta Speech School is proud to host

Celebrating, front row, from left, Claire Bergman, Juliana Freschi, Pierson Klein, Lauren Clement. Second row, from left, Liza Cowan, assistant coach, Sarabeth Hoffman, Neeya Patel and Sarah Lawrence McGill. Back row, coach Rick Byrd.

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St. Jude the Apostle School’s “GeoNexus” members, clockwise from left, Cathy McDonald, team mentor, Eleonora Straub, team facilitator, and seventh-graders Patrick McDonald, Peter Montesi and Diego Umana, recently placed first in the “Future City” state competition. The engineering competition challenged students to design a future city utilizing computer, math, science, design, writing and imaginative skills.

There is no charge to attend but space is limited. Reserve online at atlantaspeechschool.org/montag by April 12. Contact Pam Crockett at pcrockett@atlantaspeechschool.org for more information. This event is made possible by the support of the Montag family, our faithful friends and supporters of the Atlanta Speech School.



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FUNDRAISERS ATLANTA WOMEN’S 5K Saturday, March 26, 8 a.m. Join the Atlanta Track Club for a celebration of women and fitness at the Atlanta Women’s 5K. Event features “stroller division” start for moms, finisher’s medals, flowers at the finish line and a women’s-fit performance shirt. For those ages 8 and up. No pets, skates or bikes. Headphones discouraged. $35 through March 22; $45 on race day. “Back on My Feet” is the beneficiary. Chastain Park, 4469 Stella Dr., Atlanta, 30327. Register and find out more: atlantatrackclub.org.

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Wednesday, March 30, 9 a.m. Help raise funds for breast cancer research at the first “Cure in Our Lifetime” Atlanta event at the Cherokee Town and Country Club. Spring breakfast tickets: $125. Geralyn Lucas, breast cancer survivor and author, is keynote speaker. 155 West Paces Ferry Rd., Atlanta, 30305. Purchase tickets and see additional details: atlantacure.org.

RHYTHM & BREWS Saturday, April 2, 1 p.m. Event features local bands and various local beers. Tickets for those aged 21 and older: $25 in advance; $35 at door. Includes entry, two brews and souvenir cup. Tickets for ages 13-20: $15 in advance; $25 day of. Children 12, free with paying adult. VIP passes available. Food for purchase onsite; free water provided. Blankets/chairs permitted. No smoking. No pets. Rain or shine. Buy tickets: freshtix.com/ events/rhythm-and-brews. Sandy Springs Society Entertainment Lawn, 6110 Bluestone Rd., Sandy Springs, 30328. Learn more: heritagesandysprings.org or call 404-851-9111 x1.



ditory-Verbal Center, Inc., a nonprofit, offers free hearing screenings for those ages 3 and older. No appointment required. 1901 Century Boulevard, Suite 20, Atlanta, 30345. Call 404633-8911 or go to: avchears.org with questions.

BLOOD DRIVE Wednesday, March 30, 10 a.m. In response to an ongoing need for donations, Northside Hospital hosts a community blood drive. All donors receive a free T-shirt and free parking. Requirements: healthy, weigh at least 110 pounds and are 17 years or older. For more information or to schedule an appointment, contact Mandy Snavely at 770-667-4010 or via email: mandy.snavely@ northside.com. Doctors’ Centre, 980 Johnson Ferry Rd., NE, Atlanta, 30342.

FUN FOR ALL EGG HUNT Tuesday, March 22, 11 a.m.-12 p.m. Gather around as the Sandy Springs Branch Library holds its annual egg hunt in their reading garden behind the back parking lot. Children should bring a basket or bag to carry their goodies (candy included). Appropriate for ages 2-6. Free. Open to the public. 395 Mount Vernon Highway, Sandy Springs, 30328. Email: leah.germon@fultoncountyga.gov or call 404-303-6130 for details.

FIND THE EGGS! Saturday, March 26, 9:30 a.m. The city of Brookhaven’s Parks and Recreation Department hosts its annual egg hunt. Enjoy light snacks, face painting and a bounce house. Hunt begins at 10 a.m. Free and open to all. Bring your own basket. Blackburn Park, 3493 Ashford-Dunwoody Rd., Brookhaven, 30319. Call 404-637-0512 for more information.



Sunday, April 3, 9 a.m. Join others at the Daffodil Dash, a 1 mile and 5K run/walk in memory of children who perished in the Holocaust. Also supports children in Darfur, South Sudan and Rwanda. Starts and ends at Brook Run Park. Race followed by guest speakers. Rain or shine. $25; $12 for kids under 10 years old. $30 race day. Register online or learn more: daffodildash.org. 4770 N. Peachtree Rd., Dunwoody, 30338. Questions? Email: Andrea Videlefsky at worldwidedaffodilproject@gmail.com or call 1-855-665-4234.

Saturday, March 26, 10 a.m. Join others for a morning of bouncy houses, pony rides, a petting zoo, food and fun at Wieuca Road Baptist Church. Plus, find some eggs for your basket! 3626 Peachtree Rd., NE, Atlanta, 30326. Questions? Visit: wieuca.org or call 404-814-4460.

GET HEALTHY CHECK YOUR EARS Wednesday, March 23, 11 a.m.- 6 p.m. The Au-

RESCUE DOG OLYMPICS Saturday, March 26, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. These Olympics are a day of silly and competitive games for rescue dogs and their forever families! Check out interactive dog game stations, dog-related vendors, training sessions, food and a beer garden. Dog adoptions on site. All are welcome to enter Olympics. Free. Preregister and see additional details: homelesspets. com. Brook Run Park, 4770 N. Peachtree Rd., Dunwoody, 30338.

MAR. 18 - MAR. 31, 2016

Out & About | 23


Hop to the Hyatt Regency Atlanta Perimeter at Villa Christina for our

campus, NC1100 Auditorium, 2101 Womack Rd., Dunwoody, 30338. Learn more: atlantasciencefestival.org/events.

Egg-straordinary Easter Brunch


PURIM CARNIVAL Sunday, March 27, 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Congregation Beth Shalom presents an “Out of this World” Purim carnival. Enjoy games, like the “Amazing Race” and “Knock Out Darth,” Queen Esther’s Karaoke Lounge, and other traditional carnival games and prizes! Wristbands: $10 before March 22; $15 after. Includes unlimited games. Lunch available for purchase: $4-$7. 5303 Winters Chapel Rd., Atlanta, 30360. Call 770-399-5300 or go to: bethshalomatlanta.org to find out more.

LET’S LEARN! ODD MATERIALS Monday, March 21, 3:30 p.m. Explore weird materials and learn the science behind their unusual properties. Create luminescent fountains, study superabsorbent diaper powder, or make silly putty and homemade bubble tea balls. Additional sessions at 4:30 and 5:30 p.m. Limited to 20 participants each. For kids 5-12 and families. Part of the Atlanta Science Festival. Free with advanced registration by calling the Chamblee Library at 770-936-1380 or visiting 4115 Clairmont Rd., Chamblee, 30341. Questions? Go to: atlantasciencefestival.org/events.


Tuesday, March 22, 7 p.m. The Dunwoody Preservation Trust presents speaker Tom Chrisman, who will discuss genealogy: how to get started, where to look and pitfalls to avoid. Free and open to the public. In the Williams Room, Dunwoody Branch Library, 5339 Chamblee-Dunwoody Rd., Dunwoody, 30338. Email: dunwoodypreservationtrust@gmail. com or call 770-668-0401 to find out more.

ADVANCE DIRECTIVES Thursday, March 24, 1-2 p.m. Do you have an Advance Directive for healthcare? Is it more than seven years old? Having a current AD is one of the most loving things you can do for your family. Learn more at this program presented by the Georgia Chapter of Compassion & Choices. Free. All are welcome. For adults 18 years and older. Dunwoody Branch Library, 5339 Chamblee-Dunwoody Rd., Dunwoody, 30338. Call 770-512-4640 with questions.

FINDING GRANTS Saturday, March 26, 4-5:30 p.m. Are you new to grantseeking? Discover what funders are looking for in nonprofits seeking grants and how to find potential funders. For adults. Registration required by visiting: grantspace. org or calling 404-880-0094. Sandy Springs Branch Library, 395 Mount Vernon Highway, Sandy Springs, 30328.


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Sunday, April 3, 2-5 p.m. SAT vs. ACT, which is right for you? What will impress colleges most? Find out at this at workshop. Light snacks and water provided. Advance registration required. For teens. Call 404-303-6130 or email: comments@co.fulton.ga.us to sign up or with questions. Sandy Springs Branch Library, 395 Mount Vernon Highway, Sandy Springs, 30328.

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Our elaborate Easter menu includes: breakfast favorites, prime rib, roasted leg of lamb, a fresh array of seafood and homemade pastas, as well as indulgent desserts,complimentary mimosas . . . and lots more!


Monday, March 21, 4-6 p.m. Join those of all ages for a discussion on the worlds of “Star Wars” and planets in our solar system and beyond. Enjoy video clips inspired by the movies and other sci-fi favorites. Attend in your favorite sci-fi attire! Free. For teens and adults. Part of the AtlanSUBMIT YOUR EVENT LISTING WITH US AT ta Science Festival. Georgia calendar@ReporterNewspapers.net State Dunwoody


The brunch costs $45 for adults, $25 for children six to 12 years old, and is free for children five years old and under.


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climber both in the U.S. and internationally.” said his coach, Claudiu Vidulescu. “I’m very proud to have played a small role in his climbing achievements so far and I wish him good luck in all his future endeavors.” Although climbing remains a

Luke is awaiting scholarship results for Southern Methodist University and Georgia Tech. He hopes to pursue a major in Electrical Engineering and to continue rock climbing. This article was reported and written by Sarah Kallis, a student at Holy Innocents’ Episcopal School.

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the sport. Luke Muehring startThis past summer, he ed rock climbing during competed in the World his freshman year in high Youth Rock Climbing Chamschool, after he was told one pionship in Arco, Italy, joinof the nation’s largest climbing more than 1,000 other ing gyms was only 20 minathletes from 51 countries. utes from his home. He and three other ath“When the ‘nation’s largletes qualified for the Unitest anything’ is 20 mined States team in Speed utes away from your home, Climbing, where competiyou’ve got to check it out,” tors try to get to the top of a he said. standardized international Although he didn’t make route as quickly as possible. it to the top of the 60-foot Luke Muehring Luke’s favorite part wall on his first try, Luke about the two-week-long event was the was hooked on climbing. opportunity to interact with climbers “Sports like Ping-Pong and football, from different countries. Contestants exyou’re pitted against an opponent,” he said. changed jerseys, he said, and tried to com“In rock climbing, the only person who is municate despite speaking different landetermining your performance is you.” guages. Luke speaks German and Chinese, Four years after his introduction to so he was able to practice his language climbing, Luke has ascended to the top of


North Springs Charter High, senior

big part of Luke’s life - he trains five days a week for three hours at a time - he has other passions, including electrical engineering. Luke, one of North Springs’ Top Ten scholars this year and the school’s STAR student, means he posted the highest SAT score at North Springs, and excels in science and math courses. Luke’s interest for electronics started when the charger port for his laptop broke. “To replace this one simple part…you had to completely disassemble the computer. So I got to see how each component works for each other, and how they relate,” he said. “Recently, I built my own computer. I looked up on line how to do it. It’s like really expensive Legos,” he said.


Luke Muehring

skills by talking with other athletes. Now, with the competition done, he stays in touch with some of the other competitors via Instagram and Snapchat. Luke also uses his climbing skills to help others through Catalyst Sports, a nonprofit that helps children and adults with physical or mental disabilities learn to rock climb for recreation or rehabilitation. Luke started volunteering after he saw events at the gym where he practices climbing. “His love for the sport, discipline level and commitment has shaped him to be a great athlete and a very successful youth

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Adult person willing to work days, nights and weekends. Full time position with Jacobs Engineering as maintenance tech/ parks attendant for Sandy Springs Rec Dept. salary 15.00 per hr. and full benefits. Mail or email resume to City of Sandy Springs Recreation & Parks Department at: 7840 Roswell Road, Bldg 500, Sandy Springs, GA 30350 or ryoung@sandyspringsga.gov

Property Management and Maintenance Services – any type of property. Good record keeping, 24 yrs experience and References available. Email: Alphaco@ comcast.net or call 770-804-9931.

House Cleaning Services – Fast & Affordable. Call Elle at 404-903-2913. I will do laundry also – ask for rates.

CEMETERY PLOTS Arlington Memorial Park – Four spaces, Two vaults, Two markers. Oak Hill section - $12,000 OR Best Offer. Current retail value - $28,000. Call Bob at 770-4577124.

Drivers Wanted Senior Services North Fulton, a non-profit organization, has an opportunity for drivers in their transportation voucher program. If you live in the Sandy Springs or Roswell area of north Fulton, would like to earn some extra money, set your own hours, like to drive, have a car, and like to be of service to seniors, please contact Mobility Manager at

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MAR. 18 - MAR. 31, 2016

Classifieds | 29


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Community Briefs CITY CO U NCIL P L A C ES 9 0 - DAY M O R AT O R I UM O N LED S I G N A P P L I C ATI O N

Experience matters. Let us show you why. By any measure, 28 years of experience in senior living is a lot. And through the years, we’ve helped many people find a lifestyle perfectly suited to them. Our secret? We listen. And we’ve found that every person’s need or desire to move is incredibly unique. We’ve created equally unique places to live with great social opportunities, fine dining, accredited care services, and more. All with you in mind. Come see how good it feels to have experience on your side. Please call The Piedmont today to schedule your complimentary lunch and tour.

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The Dunwoody City Council unanimously approved a resolution at its March 14 meeting to place a 90-day moratorium on LED sign applications. The moratorium goes into effect immediately. The council approved the moratorium after learning of “certain concerns that the city’s prohibition on LED signs may be invalid and that the sign ordinance in its entirety may be at risk of being found unenforceable,” according to the resolution. For the 90 days following the beginning of the moratorium, the city will not accept any application for a sign permit or a variance seeking to erect, alter or modify signs within the city’s corporate limits.

M O NA R C HS & M A R G A R I TA S C O M ING TO DUNWO O DY NAT UR E C ENTER Live music, signature drinks poured by a moonshine mixologist and a whole roasted pig are just some of the features for the April 30 Monarchs & Margaritas event at Dunwoody Park to benefit the Dunwoody Nature Center. Participants will have a chance to win a luxury vacation during a raffle and there will also be a live auction. For more information, visit www.dunwoodynature.org/Monarchs-Margaritas.

M O VIE FIL M I NG TO A FFEC T ASHFO R D -D U NWO O DY R O A D TR A FFI C M A R C H 2 1 The Dunwoody Police Department will be assisting with traffic control during the filming of a simulated bank robbery scene on March 21 on Ashford-Dunwoody Road. Bambino Films, LLC, received a permit to film scenes in the Perimeter area for the upcoming film “Baby Driver” starring Jamie Foxx and Kevin Spacey. The filming will take place at an old bank site on the corner of Perimeter Center East and Ashford-Dunwoody Road. The filming of a simulated bank robbery will involve fake gunfire. Signs have been posted at various locations notifying the public of this activity. In addition, between the hours of 9:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m., traffic on Ashford-Dunwoody Road will be briefly held so the company can film a chase scene on the road.


The city of Dunwoody is mailing out Parks & Recreation Master Plan surveys to a random selection of 5,000 households seeking input from the public. “We want to create a Parks & Recreation Plan that reflects the wants and needs of our citizens,” said Brent Walker, director of Parks and Recreation Department. “We will then take the data from the survey and tailor our plan for future parks and programs around that feedback and input we receive from the community.” With the help of the survey results, the Parks & Recreation Master Plan Update will examine existing recreational facilities, programs and services, conduct a comprehensive community input process, and help determine the current and future parks and recreation service levels for the community. This plan will help to determine the phasing, timing, funding, and other details for parks and recreation projects and services for the next several years. For additional information on the Parks and Recreation Master Plan Update, visit dunwoodyga.gov/2016ParksMasterPlan or email parks@dunwoodyga.gov. DUN

MAR. 18 - MAR. 31, 2016

Public Safety | 31


Police Blotter / Dunwoody From police reports dated March 6 through 13 The following informa�ion was pulled from Dunwoody’s Police-2-Ci�izen website and is presumed to be accurate.  4700

block of Ashford-Dunwoody Road – On March 7, a discount store reported a shoplifting to police. Items stolen include: elastic bands valued at $4; foundation makeup valued at $18; two makeup brushes valued at $8 each; two sets of eyeliner valued at $5 each; two items of concealer valued at $8 each; and lipstick valued at $5.

 5000 block of Winters

Chapel Road – Police reported a man armed with a handgun robbed a gas station on March 6. The suspect wore gloves and a hood over his head, and demanded the cashier put money in a paper sack. Cash reported stolen totaled $900. According to the police report, the suspect pretended to be shopping before demanding the cash from the register. He escaped on foot.  A 59-year-old woman told police that

on March 7, she was the victim of assault while at a department store located on the 4700 block of Ashford-Dunwoody Road.  Police reported a 32-year-old woman

was the victim of family offense with no report of violence on the morning of March 7 at a popular fast-food chain located on the 4300 block of Ashford-Dunwoody Road. The woman gave the police the man’s name and address.  A 18-year-old woman was arrested

for simple battery/family violence on

March 7 in the parking lot on the block of 6900 Peachtree Industrial Boulevard after police determined she used “hands/feet/teeth” in a domestic dispute with a 23-year-old man. The incident occurred in Dunwoody.  A 28-year-old woman was arrested

March 8 after attempting to steal several items from a beauty supply store located on the 100 block of Perimeter Center West. Items taken and then recovered: two Urban Decay palette cosmetic items valued at $58; two bottles of Bleau de Chanel cologne valued at $92 each; and MJ/Decadence cologne valued at $70.  On March 8, police

responded to report of shoplifting at a discount retail store located on the 4700 block of Ashford-Dunwoody Road. Two men, one age 33 and the other age 31, were arrested and taken to the DeKalb County Jail. The men attempted to steal nearly $1,000 in miscellaneous merchandise as well as two folding knives valued at $1 each.

 On March 9, police responded to a

report of larceny/shoplifting at a grocery store located on the 4400 block of Chamblee-Dunwoody Road. Stolen was $595 in consumable goods.

port of larceny-shoplifting.  1100 block of Hammond Drive – On

March 6, report of larceny-articles from vehicle.  1100 block of Hammond Drive – On

March 6, report of larceny-articles from vehicle.


 On March 10, police responded to a

call from a discount/department store located on the 4400 block of AshfordDunwoody Road. According to police, a man posed as a store employee and took $70 in cash from a shopper.

 10000 block of Madison Drive – On

March 6, arrest for aggravated assault/ battery.  100 block of Perimeter Center West –

On March 10, arrest for child molestation.


block of Ashford-Dunwoody Road – On March 6, report of larcenyshoplifting. block of Ashford-Dunwoody Road – On March 6, a report of theft, three reports of larceny from a vehicle and a report of shoplifting.

 4700

block of Ashford-Dunwoody Road – On March 7 and March 13, arrests for shoplifting.

 4400

 4400 block of

Ashford-Dunwoody Road – On March 7, re-

OT H E R  285 EB/Chamblee-Dunwoody Road –

On March 6, arrest for false representations to police or any city department.



 On March 9, police responded to a call

of larceny from mail on the 4700 block of Layfield Drive. A 36-year-old woman told police someone stole a J. Crew purple and blue dress valued at $150 from her mailbox.  On March 9, a 36-year-old woman at

the 2100 block of Peachford Road told police she had been threatened.  On March 9, at a department store

located on the 100 block of Perimeter Place, police responded to a report of larceny/shoplifting in progress. The suspect ran, but was shortly apprehended,


Officer Juan Basulto, center left, and Officer Jeffrey Leach, back center, were sworn in as Dunwoody’s newest police officers by Mayor Denis Shortal, fourth from left, at the March 14 City Council meeting. DUN

arrested and transported to jail without incident. The suspect was attempting to steal dozens of bottles of cologne.

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Among the fascinating people who

live and work at Canterbury Court:

T.J. & Lois

ANDERSON Residents since 2012 Composer • Conductor Orchestrator • Professor Volunteer • School Librarian Book Reviewer

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