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Atlanta developer David Allman making a difference in Nicaragua
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A picture of the Opportunity International School with David Allman on the right in a pink shirt. (Photo by Joe Handy) BY MARIA SAPORTA
free flour that’s being marketed and sold to U.S. companies through the for-profit When Atlanta real estate developer venture, Prospera Foods. David Allman turned 50, he pulled back Last year, Prospera Foods earned a $1 from the day-to-day of his business to exmillion profit — and now the question is plore ways he could improve the lives of how to best invest those proceeds to conthe world’s most impoverished. tinue improving the lives of some of the That journey led him to Opportunipoorest people in Nity International and caragua. to Nicaragua, where “We have flourhe and others estabished in an econolished Opportunity my that’s not doing International Nicawell,” Allman said ragua. in an interview afIn late March, ter returning from Allman took a group his most recent trip. of Atlanta leaders “It is the second to Nicaragua; the poorest country in place where he and the Western hemihis wife, Donna, sphere [after Haiti].” have spent the past David Allman. (Photo by Maria Saporta) For Allman, the 16 years creating an investment in Nicaecosystem to help a ragua has been an community out of poverty through eduopportunity to practice how the private cation and entrepreneurship. sector can work with nonprofits to creAllman is the founder and chairman ate lasting social change in communities of Buckhead-based Regent Partners, with the greatest needs. Robert Lupton, which has developed mixed-use projects an Atlanta-based community developin Buckhead and beyond. He also was er, has been with Allman from the beginthe founding chairman of the Buckhead ning of his Nicaraguan venture. Community Improvement District. “We go deep,” Allman said about the Over the years, the Allmans have travecosystem they have created in Nicaraeled to Nicaragua more than 40 times, gua. “We are not looking for people to spent countless hours and invested nearjust survive. We are looking to help peoly $5 million of their own wealth to help ple become middle class.” change the lives of thousands in a rural The adventure has been full of ups and part of the country, about one hour away downs. It took three years to get a buildfrom the capital city of Managua. ing permit for the hotel. Unfortunately, The Allmans, working with Opporthe tourism industry has been impacted tunity International Nicaragua and the by COVID, the political climate and fewer community, have built a high school airline carriers serving the country. Allspecializing in agriculture and hospiman, an executive who is used to making tality, developed the Pacaya Lodge Redecisions and getting stuff built, had to sort (where hospitality students can get learn to hold back, analyze the environhands-on training), worked with the loment and let the community help pave cal farmers to improve their productivthe way for the various initiatives. ity growing the yucca crop, constructed After doing an “asset inventory” in a yucca processing plant making gluten2008, Allman’s team picked two focus