05-30-2014 Dunwoody Reporter

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Inside Getting a pass City offering amnesty for overdue traffic tickets COMMUNITY 2

Dunwoody Reporter



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MAY 30 — JUNE 12, 2014 • VOL. 5 — NO. 11

First in line

We have choices Citizen involvement key to reform COMMENTARY 6

Glad for grads Graduation parties bring on house cleaning ROBIN’S NEST 15

Vals and Sals Area high schools honor top graduates EDUCATION 16-18

Police blotter The city celebrated Georgetown Park’s Grand Opening on May 17 with games, a bocce ball tournament and other activities. Above, Kimberly Morales and her two children, Greyson, 2, center, and Memphis, 5, right, were the first family to use the new children’s playground.

Find out where crime is happening in your area PUBLIC SAFETY 20

Treetop obstacle course moving ahead BY JOE EARLE

Jewish holiday of Shavuot begins June 3 FAITH 22


Up all night

Capturing graduation memories Page 19


Dunwoody city officials are moving ahead with negotiations to install a “treetop obstacle course” in Brook Run Park. Mayor Mike Davis and two members of Dunwoody City Council recently visited a similar facility in Gwinnett County, and during the council’s meeting May 27, they indicated they were impressed by what they had seen. “I went on the course and survived,” Davis said. “I found it incredibly safe, incredibly quiet with 100-plus kids running around. The kids are so concentrated on the tasks, you don’t have that squeal-


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Mann, Jones to meet in July runoff to choose sheriff BY JOE EARLE

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DeKalb Sheriff Jeff Mann and former State Senate, District 40 DeKalb CEO Vernon Jones meet in a Democratic Primary runoff July 22 to decide the county’s next Tamara Y. Johnson 69 % sheriff. Benedict I. Truman II 31 % Mann, who took over as sheriff earlier this year, led the eight-candidate field in Republican Primary the May 20 election by collecting about Fran Millar (I) 77 % 40 percent of the vote, according to unRichard D. “Dick” Anderson 23 % official returns. Jones placed second, with 22 percent of the votes cast in the nonparState House of Representatisan election to choose a sheriff to succeed Tom Brown, who resigned to run for U.S. tives, District 79 Congress. Republican Primary In primary races May 20, several north Thomas K. “Tom” Taylor 72 % 404.805.5133 DeKalb lawmakers held their own against James Bradley “Brad” Goodchild 28 % challengers from within their own party. Rep. Mike Jacobs (R-Brookhaven) colState House of Representalected about three-fourths of the Republitives, District 80 can Primary vote in his contest with CathRepublican Primary erine S. Bernard, according to unofficial Michael J. “Mike” Jacobs (I) 75 % election returns reported by the Georgia Catherine S. Bernard 25 % Secretary of State. Rep. Tom Taylor (RDunwoody) received more than 70 percent of the vote in his Republican Primary Nonpartisan special election race against James Bradley “Brad” GoodSheriff child, the website reported. Jeff Mann (I) 40% Sen. Fran Millar (R-Dunwoody) colVernon Jones 22% lected more than three-fourths of the votes Melvin Mitchell 14% cast in the Republican Primary in his race Melody Maddox 7% against challenger Dick Anderson. The Tony Hughes 6% winner will face Democrat Tamara JohnDale Bernard Collins 4% son, who captured about 69 percent of the Ted Golden 4% Democratic Primary vote over opponent LaSalle Smith Sr. 2% Benedict Truman. Here are the unofficial election re(I) marks incumbent turns in contested races as reported on the Georgia Secretary of State’s website or the DeKalb County elections website.

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MAY 30 – JUNE 12, 2014 | www.ReporterNewspapers.net


New Dunwoody High principal announced

The higher tax digest will produce about $6.5 million in revenue, or about $590,000 more in tax revenue than in 2013, the city said. City officials plan to hold three public hearings on the Dunwoody High School BR I EF S tax rate and increase in propannounced May 23 that its erty assessments. The hearings new principal will be Tom are scheduled for 6 p.m. and 7 McFerrin. p.m. June 9, and 7 p.m. on June 24. The McFerrin has served as assistant prinhearings are scheduled for City Hall. cipal for instruction at the school. His appointment as principal was announced during an faculty meeting May 23, the school said in an email announcement.

City sets hearings on tax rate Dunwoody city officials are proposing keeping the city property tax rate at 2.74 mills, the same rate imposed since the city’s founding, despite an increase in property values in the city, the city announced. The city says the adjusted tax digest in Dunwoody rose to about $2.35 billion in 2014, up from about $2.14 billion in 2013.

City Court offers amnesty

Dunwoody’s Municipal Court is offering amnesty during June and July to people with past-due traffic citations or active warrants for failure to appear in court. During the amnesty period, anyone with overdue traffic fines may avoid contempt fees by paying the fines in full, the city said. If the charge requires a mandatory court appearance, the person charged will be given a future court date, and warrants and fees will be forgiven, the city said. DUN


City moves ahead with treetop obstacle course CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 trees and whether it would increase waing you’d expect. I would go back.” ter runoff into Nancy Creek. “I can’t see Treetop Quest, which operates the how it benefits the community,” he said. Gwinnett facility, has asked to install Some council members had questions a similar attraction in Dunwoody. The about the proposal, too. Councilman company, the American branch of a Denny Shortal asked whether $4 million company that operates similar faciliin insurance coverage would be enough. ties in France, has offered to pay DunCouncilman John Heneghan said woody 5 percent of city officials should the facility’s revenues try to negotiate some or $25,000 for use of “There are concerns we are sort of discounts for the Brook Run trees. city residents who The proposed ob- leasing this out for the en- use the park, such as stacle course features joyment of people who can passes for church or a series of platforms school groups. afford it, and not for all installed around trees “My concern is that are connected Dunwoody citizens. ... The the affordability of by zip lines, bridges, amenity should be there this event,” he said. swings and rope lad- for all Dunwoody citizens.” “This is city propders. Treetop Quest erty. There are con– JOHN HENEGHAN wants to set up the cerns we are leasing COUNCILMAN course in trees near this out for the enjoyPeeler Road. Comment of people who pany officials say they can afford it, and not will carry $4 million in liability insurfor all Dunwoody citizens. ... The ameance on the facility, Dunwoody Parks nity should be there for all Dunwoody Director Brent Walker told the council. citizens.” Some residents attending the meetDavis and Councilman Terry Nall, ing May 27 questioned the proposal. who also visited the facility in Gwinnett, Jay Pryor pointed out the course was appeared enthusiastic about the facility. not included in the city’s plans for Brook Nall said he felt skeptical about the proRun, and that many recreational faciliposal before his visit, but left a fan. ties proposed for the park, such as vol“It was impressive to me how they leyball courts, had not been built. “We do it and how the cables are attached to all know to beware of things that appear the trees,” he said. “It all sounds like zip to be too good to be true,” he told the lines, but ... each segment from tree to council. tree is a different challenge.” After the meeting, Dick Roberts, Like Davis, Nall said he was surwho lives in the Lakeview Oaks neighprised at how quiet the participants borhood nearby, questioned the need for were. “They were focused on the chalthe facility and its potential effects on lenge,” he said.

Dunwoody Government Calendar

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MAY 30 – JUNE 12, 2014 | www.ReporterNewspapers.net

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COMMENTARY Film creates havoc To the editor: During the week of May 11, I found a flyer on my mailbox with a message that television filming would take place on my street in the next few days, and, be warned, the filming activities will involve large trucks and activity that would extend as late as 2 a.m. Wanting to know how the city was allowing this to happen, my wife contacted Gerri Penn, president of the Dunwoody North Civic Association. Gerri began, along with my wife, a series of inquiries to the city, including Christie Berkowitz of the city planning department and Police Chief Grogan. Christie’s e-mail response stated “because the production is taking place on private property, and not within the right of way, the application did not warrant a permit.” Also, Police Chief Billy Grogan responded by e-mail stating “staff did speak with the company about a possible permit, but determined the shoot was on private property and did not require a special event permit.” On private property you say? Well, Christie and Chief Grogan, you should see the many photos and videos I recorded proving your statements were false. At 5 p.m. on May 20, I came home to find my street a virtual circus. My street and others were lined with dozens of vehicles, including three 53-foot tractor trailers. Walking down Dunkerrin Lane that evening, I had to swerve far into a yard to avoid a 40- foot boom vehicle that swung across the entire road. By 9:45 p.m., Sha-

Don’t move dog park To the editor: As a long-time dog park supporter, user and volunteer, I beg the Dunwoody City Council to please not move our park. We already have several sun-scorched dog parks nearby, which are virtually unusable and empty throughout the summer months due to the heat and sun exposure for both animals and their human families. If the council members are so greatly concerned about the health of the trees in our current dog park area, I must question their complete lack of concern for the 250+ trees which were destroyed to develop the hiking trail last year. There would not begin to be even half that number of trees lost in 20 years of current dog park losses, with continuous new growth replacing the dying trees. Further, every time I’ve visited the dog park since the hiking trail opened, there are far more people using the dog park than are using the hiking trail. Brook Run Dog Park does not currently cost the citizens and taxpayers of Dunwoody one dime in care or maintenance, as our pet families perform all maintenance, fundraising for materials, etc. Should this park be moved to the council’s chosen location, it will be virtually unDUN

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ron Valley Court was completely blocked to traffic by the Dunwoody police south of Dunkerrin Lane. The street was filled with production equipment. Vehicles of the film crew ringed the intersection of Sharon Valley Court and Dunover Circle in violation of the Georgia code prohibiting parking cars in an intersection or within 30 feet of a stop sign. I called the police department twice to report the cars illegally parked at the intersection as the police were routing traffic through the intersection while not actually providing anyone at the intersection to direct traffic. Nothing was done. I finally asked one of the several Dunwoody police officers guarding the filming, who was standing a short distance away from the intersection, to have the cars moved. He said that he would see to it that the cars were moved. I walked a few hundred feet back to my house and watched him as he did nothing. The cars stayed where they were until they left the neighborhood later that night. I have no doubt that both Christie Berkowitz and Chief Grogan were aware that the filming would not be limited to private property, as was clear from the production company’s own notification, but decided the disruption to the neighborhood was of no consequence. Matthew Kennedy

used in the six months of warm weather due the heat, after costing the taxpayers in excess of $300,000 of their tax dollars. Further, there will be no further volunteer fundraisers, maintenance and clean-up, etc. The new park will become entirely funded by taxpayer money, as well! The new location chosen by the council must surely have been selected by people with no experience or interest in animal needs and safety. The location will be mostly unsheltered, resulting in sunburn and heat exhaustion for animals and humans alike, and in an area of shouting children and skateboarders, and with already limited parking and much more traffic. This needlessly endangers the pets and children of dog park users. Further, the council’s chosen location is even closer to private residences than the current one, so how does that address the barking complaints the council claims to have received? The homes near the dog park are already in very heavily trafficked areas which produce endless noise. The dog park is at least quiet at night, which the traffic is not! Citizens of Dunwoody, please contact your council members and ask them to vote “no” on moving Brook Run Dog Park, and spend your tax dollars on projects which are beneficial and worthwhile for all. Aileen Deaton

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MAY 30 – JUNE 12, 2014 | 5

COMMENTARY Reporter Newspapers Our mission is to provide our readers with fresh and engaging information about life in their communities. Published by Springs Publishing LLC 6065 Roswell Road, Suite 225 Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Phone: 404-917-2200 • Fax: 404-917-2201 Brookhaven Reporter | Buckhead Reporter Dunwoody Reporter | Sandy Springs Reporter www.ReporterNewspapers.net Atlanta INtown www.AtlantaINtownPaper.com

C ON T A C T U S Founder & Publisher Steve Levene stevelevene@reporternewspapers.net Editorial Managing Editor Joe Earle joeearle@reporternewspapers.net Intown Editor: Collin Kelley Associate Editor: Ann Marie Quill Copy Editor: Diane L. Wynocker Creative and Production Director of Creative & Interactive Media Christopher North chrisnorth@reporternewspapers.net Graphic Designer: Walter Czachowski Advertising Director of Sales Development Amy Arno amyarno@reporternewspapers.net Senior Account Executive Janet Porter Account Executives Kita Edwards Susan Lesesne Lenie Sacks Sales Consultants David Burleson Linda Howell Office Manager Deborah Davis deborahdavis@reporternewspapers.net Contributors Steve Burns, Jenna Goff, Phil Mosier, Isadora Pennington, Bob Pepalis, Melissa Weinman

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Citizen involvement remains key to DeKalb government reform The Georgia General Assembly has gone home. We have place the county’s water and sewer no new cities for DeKalb County, but we continue to face services, despite steadily climbing nettlesome questions about governing ourselves. No matter water and sewer rates amid allegahow many cities we divide ourselves into, we cannot secede tions of mismanagement and posfrom DeKalb County. Instead of ignoring its problems, we sible corruption. Even if we create must make sure that it is operated efficiently and honestly. cities which cover all of DeKalb My own view is that despite recent problems, DeKalb County, the problems of the counCounty government has for the most part served us well over ty must be solved. the past 30 years. In 1998, DeKalb was named an “All AmeriWe now have a chance to step can County.” I am probably biased. For almost 10 years, from away from rhetoric filled with vitthe mid-1970s to the mid-‘80s, I was involved in that era’s reriol and hyperbole, and carefully organization effort. In 1979, I chaired the charter commisand deliberately consider causes ALLEN sion known as the DeKalb County Government Reorganizaand solutions for problems in MOYE tion Commission. county government. There is time Citizen involvement was essential in that time. Despite the to ask hard questions of electGUEST COLUMNIST opposition of elected county leaders, citizens took control and ed officials and ourselves, rather designed a government that separated the executive and legisthan settling for short-sighted solative functions, in part to stop the Commissioners from medlutions, which only plant seeds of tomorrow’s problems. dling in the day-to-day operations of the county departments. Are the problems caused by the form of government or In 1982, citizens decisively rejected the old commission-counby the people running that government? Will changing inty manager system, and replaced it with the ternal policies or procedures improve the current system. delivery of county services? What impact Despite that history, some commissionwill new cities have on current and future ers have suggested the return to a commisWe now have a chance to needs and responsibilities of county govsion-county manager form as the tonic for ernment? Would the reduction in the size step away from rhetoric current problems. They claim the current of commission districts increase our sense form of government fosters a “culture of filled with vitriol and of connection to the county? How willing corruption,” which boiled to the surface are we to pay for additional government hyperbole, and carefully with the indictment of the CEO. services, and, for that matter, for additionand deliberately consider al governments? What we must realize is that good causes and solutions government requires both a good form The future of our county merits and deof government and honest and dedicatmands thoughtful consideration of these for problems in county ed people to lead and manage that govand other issues, and we as citizens must ernment. In reality, our government government. There is time claim a role in this process. Wisely, interim to ask hard questions of works in counties across the country, CEO Lee May and Commissioner Kathy and in cities in Georgia. Gannon have begun that conversation, and elected officials and There is little contemporary evidence I strongly urge them to continue and exourselves, rather than that returning to the commission-counpand it. Especially if the push for new citsettling for short-sighted ty manager government would eliminate ies continues, we need to develop and imcorruption. Just ask voters in Gwinnett or plement a careful plan for a diminished but solutions, which Fulton, where that form of government still critical county government. only plant seeds of exists. In Gwinnett, one former commisWe cannot and should not delegate that tomorrow’s problems. sioner is in federal prison; another is unto elected leaders alone. This process will der indictment, and a former chair retake time and be difficult, but the choice signed rather than face indictment. In we face is to define our own future or leave Fulton, the county manager hid informait to others to do it for us. I for one don’t tion about improper actions of sitting commissioners, for want to wake up following some future General Assembly or whom he works, until after they were re-elected in 2012. referendum and find that we face even more problems than Only if a new city completely eliminates the need for county we have today. government is the creation of that city a solution for problems in the county. As a resident of Decatur, I can attest to the benefits of Allen Moye is a lifelong resident of DeKalb County. He retired living in a city, but neither my city government nor my city taxfrom the office of the U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of es has eliminated reliance on DeKalb County for some services. Georgia in 2007, following a career of nearly 35 years as a state County services are essential for every city, existing or and federal prosecutor. In the late 1970s and early ‘80s, he was proposed. Even if a city government can offer police services active in the effort that produced the current CEO form of govat a lower cost, DeKalb County still provides the jail and the ernment. In 1979, he chaired the DeKalb County Government court system. No city, existing or proposed, intends to reReorganization Commission.

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MAY 30 – JUNE 12, 2014 | www.ReporterNewspapers.net

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Perimeter Business A monthly section focusing on business in the Reporter Newspapers communities

Davis students experience a day on the job at Perimeter Mall

Perimeter chambers share common ground




Five Davis Academy seventh graders offered a one-word description of their day on the job at Perimeter Mall Macy’s: “exhausting.” But, these students said it was worth it for the experience of real-world work. During their day on the job, these students did everything from watching for shoplifters to working the cash register to dressing the mannequins. “My favorite parts were greeting the customers and selling,” said Hannah York, one of five students in David Rifkin’s language arts class chosen for the project. A real-world workday wasn’t the only experience the students gained. They had to earn the job. Abbi Goldberg, Joelle Zelony, Sophia Gurin, Isabelle McCullough and Hannah York were chosen after each wrote a persuasive essay and were interviewed by a former Rich’s executive. Rifkin, in his second year of teaching at Davis, said this was the 15th year he’d had students work a day at the department store. He previously conducted the program at a school in Alpharetta. The idea, he said, was to teach his students skills they would need to get a job and keep it. “All these kids will have to do this in real-life situations,” he said. He coordinated with a friend, Michael Pomerance, a longtime executive at Rich’s before it became Macy’s. Pomerance interviewed students who made the cut after writing an es-

say titled “Why Macy’s Should Hire Me.” The interviews were conducted in front of the class, and students were critiqued by their classmates. Pomerance then chose five who would go on to work at Macy’s for a day. “Kids don’t really have any basis of the real world of interviewing and the skills, fears and nerves involved,” Pomerance said. “I interview them as reasonably close to the real world as I

At a recent luncheon, members of the chambers of commerce of Sandy Springs and Dunwoody met at an office building in Brookhaven to hear a presentation from MARTA’s general manager. That mix of local and regional forces illustrates the current state of business groups in the Perimeter area, who are loyal to their individual cities but also stress the importance of working together to promote their bustling corner of metro Atlanta. Three cities with a stake in the Perimeter – Brookhaven, Dunwoody and Sandy Springs – each have their own chamber of commerce. Nearby Chamblee is in the process of forming its own chamber of commerce, too. On top of that, there’s also a group called the Perimeter Business Alliance. “You have four different business groups representing one fairly small geographic area,” said Sandy Springs Mayor Rusty Paul. “I don’t think that helps the business community having that diverse, confusing, mishmash of business organizations in that area.” Paul, the former chairman of the Sandy Springs/Perimeter Chamber of Commerce, said he would like to see the different groups come together to form one chamber of commerce for the Perimeter area. Within that larger organization, he envisions each city maintaining its own business association, he said. “On a lot of issues, businesses of those three communities should be speaking with one voice, and they’re missing an opportunity when they don’t,” Paul said. Todd Lantier, chairman and founding director of the Brookhaven Chamber of Commerce, said he too would like for the chambers in the Perimeter area to collaborate. He said he has had conversations with the leaders of other Perimeter chambers about forming an alliance. “There’s so much going on here that my vision is that we come together not losing our own individuality, maintaining our Brookhaven Chamber of Commerce for local reasons, but coming together to promote the region as a more viable option than, say Downtown or Buck-




Davis Academy seventh graders, from left, Abbi Goldberg, Joelle Zelony, Hannah York, Sophia Gurin and Isabelle McCullough, gained “real world” working experience at Macy’s.







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MAY 30 – JUNE 12, 2014 | 7

PERIMETER BUSINESS Chambers, local officials welcome new businesses New businesses offering formally marking the anything from banking to opening of new businessfashion to veterinary seres in the area. Photos were O pening s provided by the Sandy vices are starting up in the Perimeter, one of the Springs/Perimeter Chamlargest commercial areas ber of Commerce and the in metro Atlanta. Here’s a Dunwoody Chamber of sampling of recent ribbon cuttings Commerce. SPECIAL

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MAY 30 – JUNE 12, 2014 | www.ReporterNewspapers.net

KeyWorth Bank opened a branch at 1449 Dunwoody Village Parkway, and on hand to celebrate, from left, Patrick Burkhalter, Beth Summers, Heyward Wescott, Neil Stevens, Rob Binion, MJ Thomas, Jim Pope, Russell Reece, Ray Bachman, Bob Dallas, Brent Morris, Mayor Mike Davis, Charles Buffington and Butch Floyd. SPECIAL

The Dunwoody Chamber of Commerce welcomed Dress Up Boutique, selling women’s fashions, to the Perimeter Place Shopping Center, 4520 Olde Perimeter Way, Suite 100. On hand, from left, Madison Thomas, Morgan Dale, Cory Stokes, MJ Thomas, City Councilman Denny Shortal, Danielle Case, Derrick Case, Beth Summers, Hillary Harper, Kaitlin Fox, Carrie Mauldin, Wendy Griffin, Thom Coughlin, Clare Callahan and Sara Massey. SPECIAL

Dunwoody Animal Medical Center celebrated its new location on April 26 with a ribbon cutting. From left, Sammie Rahn, Ries Reinstein, Katie Wheeler, Eileen Brewster, City Councilman Terry Nall, City Councilman Jim Riticher, Dr. Cecil Johnson, Dr. Iris Pinsky, Kim Johnson, City Councilman Denny Shortal, Asya Yavuncu, Lindsey Waters, Millie Travis, Angela Luber and Holly Hains. The center is located at 2458 Jett Ferry Road.

June 9-12 • 9 am–12 noon • Skyland Park Camp is free! For kids ages 5-11. Kids will learn general skills, compete in scrimmage games, hear Bible lessons, and take home a prize on the final day of camp! No pre-registration is neccessary. If you have any questions, please contact Clairmont Baptist Church. Phone: 404.636.1406 Email: ClairmontBaptist@att.net


Karen Cannon Realtors recently opened its doors at 1317 Dunwoody Village Parkway, Suite 103. Dunwoody Mayor Mike Davis joined company principals Karen Cannon and Anderson Cannon for a ribbon cutting ceremony on Wednesday, May 7. Also attending the ceremony were Dunwoody Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Beth Summers and board members Paula Owens, Brent Morris, MJ Thomas and Larry Feldman. SPECIAL

The Sandy Springs/ Perimeter Chamber of Commerce welcomed The Joint…the chiropractic place to 6623 Roswell Road. Celebrating at the ribbon cutting on May 7, from left, Chris Adams, Tom Mahaffey, Clare Stefan, Mayor Rusty Paul, Garrett Henry, Jasper Haimes, Skyler Haimes, Britni Laboy, Dr. Erika Henry, Angie Haimes, Tom Haimes, Jeff McGinty, Cindy McGinty and Mark Renier. SPECIAL

Central Bark Doggy Day Care recently celebrated its grand opening at 1940 Briarwood Court in Brookhaven. Attending the ribbon cutting, from left, Chris Gaba, co-founder of Central Bark, City Councilman Joe Gebbia, Lindsay Le and Todd Lantier, president, Brookhaven Chamber of Commerce.


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MAY 30 – JUNE 12, 2014 | 9

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Q & A on banks: ‘Fortunately, the market is recovering’ Chris Burnett has been a banker since 1980. On June 4, the new Bank of Sandy Springs will open with Burnett heading up the local operation, which is a division of Midtown Bank. Reporter Newspapers asked him a few questions on the state of community banks and his new institution. Here are his answers.

Q. A.

Why start a new bank now?

It is an exciting time to live and work in Sandy Springs! With the City Center development and a number of new residential projects underway, complimented by a healthy business climate and a strong Perimeter office market, we believe there is a real need for a local bank that is financially strong and managed by community leaders who are keenly focused on meeting the financial needs of our residents and business owners. For this reason, we formed Bank of Sandy Springs as a division of Midtown Bank to leverage the stability and financial strength of Midtown’s charter while focusing specifically on serving the Sandy Springs market.

Q. A.


What’s the advantage of having “Sandy Springs” in your

Sandy Springs has been our family’s home for many years and we love this community. Our town has an innovative governmental structure supported by strong political and business leaders, and a genuine sense of civic pride. The name “Bank of Sandy Springs” speaks directly to our primary business mission, which is to be the bank for the Sandy Springs community.

Chris Burnett Bank of Sandy Springs


There were many bank failures recorded in Georgia during the fallout from the “Great Recession.” Have things settled down? What has changed?


Fortunately, the market is recovering and bank closures have dropped significantly in the past year, so we do see the market settling down. In terms of changes, it will likely be years before many, if any, new bank charters are granted in Georgia, meaning that there will be fewer community banks in the future. Going forward, we see community banks selling or consolidating due to the rising cost of regulation and compliance. That is one of the reasons we recently entered into a merger of equals agreement with First Landmark Bank in Marietta. By consolidating Bank of Sandy Springs, Midtown Bank and First Landmark under one charter, we double our asset size and lending capacity while achieving the economies of scale needed to effectively compete in this market.

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Chambers of Commerce share common ground in Perimeter CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7

head,” Lantier said. Lantier said the chambers need to work together to promote the Perimeter area as a whole, rather than each city’s piece of it. “We want them to succeed just as much as anyone else does, because if they’re successful, we’ll be successful,” Lantier said of the other cities. The Sandy Springs and Dunwoody chambers are trying joint promotions of events, such as holding joint luncheons. “It was kind of like, ‘Let’s date before we get married,’” Sandy Springs Perimeter Chamber President Tom Mahaffey said. “It’s worked out pretty well.” But one recent attempt to combine efforts fizzled. The third annual joint Perimeter Business Expo, originally sched-

uled for June 5, was cancelled due to lack of participation, Mahaffey said. Mahaffey said exhibitors had complained about turnout for past expos. This year, he said, only 24 exhibitors signed up in advance, when Mahaffey thought he needed 45 to 50. “I didn’t feel good about it,” he said. Mahaffey said he thought the lack of participation reflected the type of businesses operating in the Perimeter area, especially in Sandy Springs. Many are large corporations, not the small businesses whose owners are interested in an event like the expo. In the future, he said, he was thinking of organizing a show dealing with a segment of the corporate market, such as health care. “The small business expo – I just don’t think this is the communi-

Students get work experience CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7

can, with keeping in mind that these are still young kids.” He says he wants to see students communicate clearly and effectively. “They have incredible difficulty talking about themselves,” Pomerance said. “I want to see some passion.” Joelle said she thinks she was chosen in part because she was confident in the interview. “I really worked hard and I made sure my essay was perfect before I turned it in,” she said. Abbi prepared for the interview by having friends and family conduct mock interviews with her. “I knew I really didn’t have great interview skills, but I worked hard to get them better,” she said. Sophia’s favorite part of the day was visiting the loading dock. “I got to look through all the new clothes,

see where they put the security pieces on the clothing and try to do that myself,” she said. Hannah says she now has a better appreciation for salespeople. “When a Macy’s employee comes up to you, it can be kind of bothersome, but once I was in the shoes of the Macy’s employee, [I learned] they value customer service so much,” she said. “I used to think they came up to you just to make you buy things, but they actually do come up to you to see how you’re doing.” Sophia said helping customers was particularly satisfying. “Every once in a while, I’d get a customer who would say, ‘Yes, you can help me,’ and I’d get to help them find a specific style or a different size of something,” she said. “That was really fun because I felt like I was really working at Macy’s.”

From Classic Beginnings...

ty,” he said. Bob Dallas, a board member of the Dunwoody Chamber of Commerce, said he doesn’t think it’s redundant for each city to have its own chamber. Dallas said larger chamber organizations, like the Georgia Chamber of Commerce or Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce, can do things like reach out to large corporations overseas, where as city chambers can focus their efforts on local business communities. “They represent different skill sets,” Dallas said. Dallas said he thinks the Dunwoody Chamber of Commerce is important to keep the city balanced by providing representation to the business community, which helps keeps taxes low for residents. The chamber can speak out on behalf of businesses when the city council considers things like changes to the sign ordinance or permitting procedures that could affect businesses in the city. He said as the different chamber groups in the Perimeter area mature, it makes sense for them to collaborate. He would like to see them work more with the DeKalb County Chamber of Commerce as well. “A lot of it has to do with where you are in your life cycle as an organization,” Dallas said. “These natural relationships

will come to fruition, especially on our DeKalb County side.” Van Pappas, president and chairman of the board of the Chamblee Chamber of Commerce, said after years of operating as a business association, his organization felt it was time to develop into a chamber of commerce to provide more services and resources for Chamblee businesses. Pappas said he would be very interested in working with other chamber organizations around north DeKalb. But the Chamblee Chamber will likely spend its first year focusing on local business relations and developing a strong relationship with Chamblee’s city government. “We’re a brand new organization,” Pappas said. “The first year is crucial.” Paul said while many in the various chamber organizations are interested in joining forces, there has never been a consensus. “I think community pride plays a part in it. Nobody wants to lose their identity,” Paul said. “The only thing missing is the will to do it, and I’m hoping that will shows up sooner rather than later. I think all three communities would benefit. This is something I care deeply about and I think is vital to the longterm health of all three communities.”

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Yacht Rock Revue

Summer Sing

Sunday, June 8, 7-8:30 p.m. – Concerts by the Springs continues its 18th season by welcoming Yacht Rock Revue, featuring music from the 1970s. Free and open to the community. Picnic baskets, coolers and blankets welcome. No outside tables. Pets and smoking are not permitted. Gates open at 5 p.m. Heritage Green, on the Sandy Springs Society Entertainment Lawn, 6110 Bluestone Rd., NE, Sandy Springs, 30328. Call 404-851-9111, visit: www.heritagesandysprings.org or email: murphy@ heritagesandysprings.org for more information.

Saturday, June 14, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. – Cel-

Little Women

dance with Zydeco T, at the Knights of Columbus Post 660! The band plays Zydeco classics, sung in Creole French, contemporary standards and original material. $18; $5 for students. Authentic Cajun food for sale; cash bar. Free Zydeco dance lesson 7-8 p.m. 2620 Buford Highway, NE, Atlanta 30324. To learn more, visit: www.aczadance.org, email: info@ aczadance.org or call 877-338-2420.

Friday, June 13, 7 p.m. – Dunwoody United Methodist Church presents “Little Women,” the musical. Louisa May Alcott’s American classic is brought to life on the musical stage, offering a night of laughter, tears and a lifting of the spirit. Additional shows, June 14, 7 p.m. and June 15, 3 p.m. Tickets, $15 at the door. 1548 Mt. Vernon Rd., Dunwoody, 30338. Call 770-394-0675 with questions.


Dash4Dad Saturday, June 14, 8 a.m. – The Men’s Health

& Wellness Center joins The Project to End Prostate Cancer to present the Dash4Dad 5K Race/1-mile Fun Walk/Kids Superhero Dash. $30 through June 14; $35 race day. Children under 12 pre-registration, $15; snooze for dudes, $35. Rain or shine. Home Depot/ Costco parking lot, 6400 Peachtree Dunwoody Rd., Sandy Springs, 30328. Register and find out more by going to: www.zeroprostatecancerrun.org.

ebrate Flag Day by participating in a summer sing with the Choral Guild of Atlanta, singing American music from all genres. Free to all interested singers. Come early for coffee, conversation and breakfast pastries starting at 9:15 a.m. Social event to follow the “sing.” St. Luke’s Presbyterian Church, 1978 Mount Vernon Rd., Dunwoody, 30338. For details, email: info@cgatl.org or call 404-223-6362.

Zydeco Dance Saturday, June 14, 8-11 p.m. – Come to a


Caregiver Support Group Tuesday, June 10, 6 p.m. – The Carlton Se-

nior Living Community holds a caregiver support group. If you are caring for an aging loved one either in your home, locally or long distance, hear insight on caregiving, helpful tips, techniques and resources. A light dinner and refreshments served. Open to family caregivers, not professionals. Free. Call Phyllis Dowell at 404-843-8857 with questions. 690 Mount Vernon Rd., Sandy Springs, 30328. For more information, visit: www.alohatoseniors.com.

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MAY 30 – JUNE 12, 2014 | www.ReporterNewspapers.net

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Magic Show

Juggling, Magic & More

Tuesday, June 3, 10:30-11:30 a.m. – Sum-

Thursday, June 5, 10:30-11:15 a.m. – Chil-

Martial Arts Workshop

Pizza Garden

Tuesday, June 3, 4:30-5:15 p.m. – Kids can learn valuable skills through this 4-week martial arts class, helping with focus, self-discipline and confidence. You will learn basic moves, and test for your white belt in a safe learning environment. Free and open to all. For ages 4 and up. Registration started May 22, and is required by calling the Children’s Department after 2 p.m. at 404-303-6130. Class continues through June 24. Sandy Springs Branch Library, 395 Mount Vernon Highway, Sandy Springs, 30328. Email: comments@co.fulton.ga.us with questions.

Saturday, June 7, 9 a.m.-12 p.m. – The Her-

mer reading kickoff with Mr. Greggy’s magic show! Enjoy comedy and fun using silly magic, hat juggling, puppetry, clown gags, colorful balloons and plenty of goofiness! Free and open to the public. Appropriate for ages 3 and up. Sandy Springs Branch Library, 395 Mount Vernon Highway, Sandy Springs, 30328. Email: comments@co.fulton.ga.us or call 404-303-6130 for details.

Billy Goats Gruff Wednesday, June 4, 10:30-11:30 a.m. – In

this one-man performance utilizing hand, rod and glove puppets, hear and see classic fairy tales as well as the telling a few original tales. You’ll see what happens when three billy goats try to cross over a bridge belonging to a greedy troll. Free, and all are invited. For ages 3 and older. Sandy Springs Branch Library, 395 Mount Vernon Highway, Sandy Springs, 30328. Email: comments@co.fulton.ga.us or call 404-303-6130 to find out more.

Creepy Critters Wednesday, June 4, 2-2:30 p.m. – Get an up-close look at the world of bugs! Join the Big Thinkers in classifying different types of insects, exploring insect habitats, and building your very own bug model! Free and open to the community. For 3-5 years old. Make a reservation and ask questions by calling 404-814-3508. Northside Branch Library, 3295 Northside Parkway, NW, Atlanta, 30327.

The Aristocats Wednesday, June 4, 3 p.m. – Based on the

dren ages 3-12 will enjoy an interactive juggling and magic show! Objects will fly, and balls will roll as Aaron Antonich performs a variety of daring feats. Free and open to the public. Suggested audiences: elementary and preschool youth. Buckhead Branch Library, 269 Buckhead Ave., NE, Atlanta, 30305. Email: comments@co.fulton.ga.us or call 404-8143500 for information.

itage Sandy Springs’ Little Diggers program continues with making a pizza garden. Meet farmers who grow the food we eat, then make your own pizza garden to take home to water, care for and enjoy! Free; open to youngsters ages 6-10. Must be accompanied by adult. NOTE: different location and starting time. Heritage Sandy Springs Farmers Market, Parkside Shopping Center, 5920 Roswell Rd., Sandy Springs, 30328. To learn more, call 404-8519111, visit: www.heritagesandysprings.org or email: events@heritagesandysprings.org.

Summer Seas Tuesday, June 10, 10:30-11:30 a.m. – Join

Out of the Box Art Studio in creating a summer, seathemed project in drawing and painting, based on folk artist Maud Lewis. Additional class, 12-1 p.m. Free and open to everyone. Geared for those ages 6 and up. Registration started May 29, and is required by calling the Children’s Department after 2 p.m. at 404-303-6130. Sandy Springs Branch Library, 395 Mount Vernon Highway, Sandy Springs, 30328. Email: comments@co.fulton.ga.us with questions.

Artist Market

230+ artists, Fine Art

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Ventriloquist! Wednesday, June 11, 10:30-11:30 a.m. –

Join master ventriloquist Cliff Patton as he creates a high-energy comedy program with magic, ventriloquism, balloon artistry and audience participation. Free and open to all. For ages 3 and older. Sandy Springs Branch Library, 395 Mount Vernon Highway, Sandy Springs, 30328. Email: comments@ co.fulton.ga.us or call 404-303-6130 to learn more.

Petting Zoo

Disney film, this shortened kid’s stage musical version tells the story of a family of cats and an alley cat who thwart a greedy butler. Donations welcome; given to WellPet Humane, a nonprofit veterinary service. Another performance at 7 p.m. Dunwoody United Methodist Church, 1548 Mount Vernon Rd., Dunwoody, 30338. Call 770-394-0675 for further details.

Wednesday, June 11, 3-4 p.m. – Check out


Saturday, June 14, 1:30-2:30 p.m. – A pup-

Submit listings to Calendar@ReporterNewspapers.net

JUNE 7-8, 2014

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the animals provided by Kopp’s Kritters Petting Zoo! Free, and all are welcome. Open to first 30 participants. For groups of five or more, call the branch at 404-848-7140. Park behind the library and enter at the lower level. 1242 N. Druid Hills Rd., NE, Brookhaven, 30319.

All Hands Puppets pet show that is fun for all ages! Free and open to the community. Dunwoody Public Library, 5339 Chamblee-Dunwoody Rd., Dunwoody, 30338. Call 770-512-4640 for additional details.



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MAY 30 – JUNE 12, 2014 | www.ReporterNewspapers.net


Graduation time means parties


All that remained were the last-minute preparations. At 0900 hours on P-Day, I was on my hands and knees wiping dried coffee stains off my kitchen cabinets. My son saw me and said, “Is that really necessary?” LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP IN GOOD HANDS ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE “The devil is in the details, honey,” I replied. J U ST FO R C ALLI N G At P- 2 hours, I started shouting orders like a sergeant preparing for an invasion: “You! Put ice in the coolers!” “You! Unpack the croissants!” “You! Tie balloons to the flower pots by the front door!” Then reinforcements landed. My mother arrived with seven dozen brownies, my sister had four back-up gallons of lemonade, and my cousin mobilized the fruit and cheese trays. Yes, only cake and coffee were advertised, but who was I kidding? We had enough to feed Bulgaria. Friends and family arrived, and our graduate came home, along with eds and co-eds. They came, they ate, they conquered. It was a terrific party. It lasted only a few short hours, but the aftermath lingers: My potted plants are still flourishing and the windows are pollen-free. Will I do this again? Of course I will -I’ve got two more that will graduate high school in a few years. Actually, I can INTRODUCE YOUR EARS TOhardTHE FIRST ly wait, because the house needs painting. * AND ONLY INVISIBLE 24/7 HEARING AID. Robin Conte is a writer and mother of four who lives in Dunwoody. She can be contacted at robinjm@earthlink.net.

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Every couple of years, one of our kids graduates from some level of higher learning, so I clean the house and throw a party. We also use a graduation ROBIN JEAN MARIE CONTE as an excuse for home improvements. ROBIN’S NEST For one weekend every few years, our house looks great. With our first graduation, we built a deck. With the second one, we landscaped the yard. We had another graduation this spring, which was perfect timing because the windows needed cleaning. This time around, though, we were going to keep the party simple—just cake, coffee and congratulatory conversation on a Sunday afternoon. It would be (pardon the pun) a piece of cake. But just as I have forgotten the pains of childbirth, I forgot about the pains of having a party at home…so there I was this May, laboring once again to get the house and yard ready. I began preparations two weeks before the party; like a good Southern woman, I started by planting flowers. I bought planters, trellises and an assortment of flora. I also stocked up on hydrangeas, because nothing says Southern hospitality like hydrangeas. Then I moved to the inside of the house and cleaned until the place was unrecognizable. I vacuumed curtains, I defrosted the freezer, I dusted the logs in the fireplace. I banished textbooks from the kitchen table and moved files to the basement where they would languish next to the five boxes of miscellaneous items collected before our last party. We were only inviting family members and a few neighbors, and I told my daughter she could invite as many friends as she wanted. I figured we might have a total of about 40 people. The weekend before the party, my daughter emailed me from her dorm room with the message, “Hee hee, it turns out that I have more friends than I thought. Can I invite 60?” Sure honey. Bring ‘em on. But with an ENA (estimated number of arrivals) ranging from 65 to 90, I needed to recalculate the food and beverage supply. I was not raised with a less-is-more mentality; my mother taught me instead that more is probably not enough. It was time to delegate and go to Costco. My mother volunteered for duty, so I made her Brigadier General of Brownies. It was “Party” minus three days and counting. Refrigerators were stocked, floors were shined. Photos, platters and beverage dispensers were at their stations. My husband was coming to the dinner table with his leaf blower still strapped on. At P-2 days, my boys were not allowed into the house with their shoes on, and at P-1, they were not allowed inside at all.

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Schedule your Lyric consultation today. for a Complimentary Lyric Consultation is familiar to you. (404) 351-4114 (404) 256-5194 461-6366 (678) 560-0011 (770) 476-3005 (770) 229-6666 Au.D. Lic-A Au.D. 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Helena Solodar, Au.D.

Helena Solodar Au.D. Lic-A

Kadyn Williams, Au.D.

Kadyn Williams Au.D. Lic-A

Helena Helena Solodar Solodar Lyric, Distributed by Phonak, LLC ©2014. All rights reserved. MSXXXXXX-ATL/SS Au.D. Au.D. Lic-A Lic-A

BUCKHEAD SANDY SPRINGS Kadyn Kadyn Williams Williams




(404) 351-4114 (404) 256-5194 (678) 461-6366 (678) 560-0011 (770) 476-3005 Au.D. Au.D. Lic-A Lic-A

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Schools honor top graduates

Tassels turned in May as high schools in the Reporter Newspapers communties awarded hard-earned diplomas and minted a new selection of graduates. Here are top achievers among students graduating in 2014 from local high schools, the valedictorians and salutatorians. Atlanta Girls’ School

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MAY 30 – JUNE 12, 2014 | www.ReporterNewspapers.net

Mallory Harris Valedictorian

Elizabeth Hardister Salutatorian

Jennifer Hardister Valedictorian

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Natalie Kessler Valedictorian

Mary Catherine Thomson Valedictorian

Grant Wilmer Salutatorian

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Lovett School


Carson Hooper Valedictorian

Marist School

Richard Joseph Paris III Valedictorian

Halle Payne Valedictorian

Christopher Sequeira Salutatorian

Mount Vernon Presbyterian

Erin Marie Connolly Salutatorian

North Atlanta High

Robert Houghton Salutatorian

Joseph Martin Valedictorian

Alex Kolb Salutatorian


North Springs Charter High

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Maggie Neel Valedictorian

Bailey Palmer Salutatorian

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Congratulations to


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Sarah Sukin Salutatorian

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Margaret Crawford Valedictorian

Isioma Obiofuma Salutatorian

Ryan Roels Valedictorian

Benjamin Dolder Salutatorian

The Weber School

Daniel Abravanel Valedictorian

Daniela Friedman Salutatorian

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Barret Seagroves Valedictorian

Alexandra Smith Valedictorian

Michael L. He Salutatorian

Sara Fridovich-Keil Salutatorian

Congratulations Davis Academy Class of 2014!

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Dunwoody celebrates its graduates Dunwoody High School said good-bye to the class of 2014 on May 20, at North DeKalb Stadium. Above, left, Alexis Davis, left, Jeanne Davis and Ben Dawson, right, smile during the processional. Above, right, ROTC member Christian Sutphin holds the flag during the National Anthem sung by Dunwoody High School Chorus. Center, left, Graham Bohling takes photos of classmates. Center, right, Ahmeed Arefeen, a member of the Math Honors Society. Below, left, graduate Mary Elizabeth Lee looks on. Below, far left, Kejana Williams adjusts his mortar board. DUN

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MAY 30 – JUNE 12, 2014 | 19


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Raising The Standard of Care

Police Blotter From police reports dated through May 22. The following information was pulled from Dunwoody’s Police-to-Citizen Portal Event Search website and is presumed to be accurate.

BUR G LARY 4800 block of Northbrooke Circle – A burglary to a residence, without using forced entry, resulted in the theft of a TV, and was reported on May 19. 1300 block of Valley View Road – A burglary to a residence, using forced entry, resulted in the theft of a TV, laptop and landscaping tools, and was reported on May 20. 4700 block of Dunwoody Club Drive – A burglary to a residence, using forced entry, was reported on May 21.

AUTO T H EFT 5400 block of Chamblee Dunwoody Road – Theft of an auto was reported on May 9. 1st block of Perimeter Center East – Theft of an auto was reported on May 9.

reported on May 15; shoplifting of cables was reported on May 15; a larceny was reported on May 15; shoplifting of two flash drives and toiletries was reported on May 15; shoplifting of Slim Jims was reported on May 15; shoplifting of electric toothbrushes was reported on May 16; shoplifting of food and hair dye was reported on May 16; shoplifting of razor blades was reported on May 17; shoplifting of household goods was reported on May 17; shoplifting of miscellaneous merchandise was reported on May 18; shoplifting was reported on May 19; shoplifting of a duffel bag and a man’s bicycle was reported on May 19; a larceny of a passport, shoes, iPad and clothing from a vehicle was reported on May 20; shoplifting of jewelry and crackers was reported on May 20; shoplifting of clothing was reported on May 21; a larceny of parts from a vehicle was reported on May 22.

100 block of Perimeter Center West – Shoplifting of 15 wallets was reported on May 8; a larceny from a building was reported on May 15; three larcenies of articles from vehicles were reRead more of the ported on May 15; Police Blotter online at a larceny of artiwww.reporternewspapers.net cles from a vehicle was reported on May 16; a larceny was reported on May 17. of an auto was report-

1100 block of Charleston Place – Theft of a vehicle was reported on May 10. 6600

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block of Peachtree Industrial Boulevard – Theft of a vehicle was reported on May 12.

4400 block of Chamblee Dunwoody Road – Theft

ed on May 14.

4500 block of Ashford Dunwoody Road – Theft of an auto was reported on May 15. 2300 block of Dunwoody Crossing – Theft of an auto was reported on May 17. 5400 block of Oxford Chase Way – Theft of an auto was reported on May 19.

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MAY 30 – JUNE 12, 2014 | www.ReporterNewspapers.net

TH EFT/LAR CEN Y 2200 block of Dartford Drive – A larceny was reported on May 8. 400 block of Perimeter Center Terrace – A larceny of a tablet from a vehicle was reported on May 8; a larceny of articles from a vehicle was reported on May 9. 1200 block of Hammond Drive – Shoplifting of headphones was reported on May 8. 4700 block of Ashford Dunwoody Road – Shoplifting of consumable goods was reported on May 8; a larceny of credit cards from a vehicle was reported on May 9; shoplifting of cellphone cases and jewelry was reported on May 9; shoplifting of Wi-Fi equipment was reported on May 9; shoplifting of two flat irons was reported on May 10; shoplifting of batteries and headphones was reported on May 11; shoplifting of miscellaneous merchandise was reported on May 12; shoplifting of scissors was reported on May 13; shoplifting of a carpet cleaning machine was reported on May 13; shoplifting of miscellaneous merchandise was reported on May 14; shoplifting of a cellphone, cable modem and bicycle was

5400 block of Chamblee Dunwoody Road – A larceny of articles from a vehicle was reported on May 8. 100 block of Perimeter Center Place – A larceny of a laptop, briefcase, jewelry, clothes and a suitcase from a vehicle was reported on May 9; shoplifting of food was reported on May 9; a larceny of articles from a vehicle was reported on May 11; a larceny was reported on May 12. 200 block of Perimeter Center Parkway – A larceny of credit cards from a vehicle was reported on May 10; a larceny of an iPad from a vehicle was reported on May 15. 4300 block of Ashford Dunwoody Road – Pick pocketing was reported on May 10; shoplifting of clothing was reported on May 12; pick pocketing was reported on May 16; shoplifting of clothing was reported on May 20; a larceny of two projectors from a vehicle was reported on May 20; shoplifting of jewelry was reported on May 20; shoplifting of jewelry and clothing was reported on May 21; two incidents of shoplifting of clothing were reported on May 21. 4400 block of Ashford Dunwoody Road –A larceny from a building was reported on May 11; shoplifting of purses was reported on May 16; shoplifting of clothing was reported on May 16; a larceny of an iPad from a vehicle was reported on May 17; a larceny was reported on May 18; shoplifting of two wallets was reported on May 21; pick pocketing was reported on May 21; a larceny was reported on May 22. DUN

PUBLIC SAFETY 4300 block of N. Peachtree Road –A larceny from a building was reported on May 12.

ported on May 14.

10300 block of Madison Drive –A larceny was reported on May 12.

3700 block of Dunwoody Club Drive – Simple assault/battery was reported on May 15.

4000 block of Dunwoody Park –A larceny from a building was reported on May 12.

2100 block of Peachford Road – Simple assault/battery was reported on May 18.

4500 block of Olde Perimeter Way –A larceny of a bicycle was reported on May 12.

2900 block of Fontainebleau Drive – Simple assault/battery was reported on May 19.

4900 block of Chamblee Dunwoody Road –A larceny was reported on May 13. 4400 block of Chamblee Dunwoody Road – A larceny of articles from a vehicle was reported on May 14; shoplifting of cigarettes was reported on May 14. 1800 block of Cotillion Drive – A larceny of parts from a vehicle was reported on May 14.

4500 block of Village Drive – Fraud through impersonation was reported on May 19.

200 block of Perimeter Center Parkway – Simple assault/battery was reported on May 21.

4500 block of Ashford Dunwoody Road – A larceny of parts from a vehicle was reported on May 14; a larceny of articles from a vehicle was reported on May 20.

2700 block of Claridge Court – Fraud through impersonation was reported on May 9.

100 block of Perimeter Center Place – Credit card fraud was reported on May 9.

2200 block of Dunwoody Crossing – Fraud through impersonation was reported on May 15. 4400 block of Ashford Dunwoody Road – Credit card fraud was reported on May 16; fraud was reported on May 18.

2300 block of Dunwoody Crossing – A natural death was reported on May 11. 1st block of Perimeter Center East – Harassing communications were reported on May 12; a runaway juvenile was reported on May 15.

4000 block of Dunwoody Park – Fraud was reported on May 20.

2100 block of N. Forest Trail – Criminal trespass was reported on May 12.

1900 block of Mount Vernon Road – Fraud through imper-

4600 block of N. Shallowford Road – Harassing communications were reported on May 13.

2300 block of Dunwoody Gables

1400 block of Dunwoody Village Parkway – A civil dispute was reported on May 14.

sonation was reported on May 20.

Drive – Credit card fraud was reported on

May 21.


4400 block of Chamblee Dunwoody Road – Disorderly conduct was reported on May 11; criminal trespass was reported on May 13; a runaway juvenile was reported on May 22.

3000 block of Bernauer Trace – Credit card fraud was reported on May 19.

dents of simple assault/battery were reported on May 21.

1200 block of Mile Post Drive – Credit card fraud was reported on May 8.

5300 block of Harris Circle –A larceny was reported on May 16.

4700 block of Ashford Dunwoody Road – Credit card fraud was reported on May 19.

6600 block of Peachtree Industrial Boulevard – Two inci-

1300 block of Dunwoody Village Parkway – A larceny of a laptop and a bank statement from a vehicle was reported on May 14; a larceny of a laptop and headphones from a vehicle was reported on May 14.

1st block of Perimeter Center East – A larceny of articles from a vehicle was reported on May 15; a larceny of a laptop and headphones from a vehicle was reported on May 17.

1700 block of Mount Vernon Road – Swindle was reported on May 18.

O T H ER 300 block of Perimeter Center North – A loitering violation was reported on May 8.

4600 block of N. Peachtree Road – Public indecency/indecent exposure was reported on May 16. 1800 block of Cotillion Drive – A civil dispute was reported on May 17.

4700 block of Ashford Club Drive – Harassing communications were reported on May 9.

5500 block of Chamblee Dunwoody Road – Disorderly conduct was reported on May 18.

300 block of Asbury Commons – A runaway juvenile was reported on May 10.

6800 block of Peachtree Industrial Boulevard – A civil dispute was reported on May 20.

2300 block of Peachford Road – Damage to business property was reported on May 10.

4300 block of N. Peachtree Road – Disorderly conduct was reported on May 21.

4600 block of Peachtree Place Parkway – Disorderly conduct was reported on May 11.

4600 block of Chamblee Dunwoody Road – A runaway juvenile was reported on May 22.

1400 block of Mount Vernon Road – A larceny of a purse from a vehicle was reported on May 17. 5000 block of Vermack Road – A larceny of a purse from a vehicle was reported on May 18. 4700 block of N. Peachtree Road –A larceny from a building was reported on May 19. 1000 block of Crown Pointe Parkway – A larceny of a laptop and iPad from a vehicle was reported on May 19. 300 block of Perimeter Center North – A larceny of a tablet from a vehicle was reported on May 20. 5500 block of Chamblee Dunwoody Road – Pick pocketing was reported on May 20. 9200 block of Madison Drive –A larceny from the mail was reported on May 19. 6600 block of Peachtree Industrial Boulevard –A larceny was reported on May 21. 4800 block of Cherring Drive – A larceny of a blower and an edger was reported on May 22. Assault 1st block of Perimeter Center East – Simple assault/battery was reported on May 11; assault through intimidation was reported on May 19. 5400 block of Seaton Way – Family battery /simple battery was reported on May 12. 6700 block of Peachtree Industrial Boulevard – Family battery /simple battery was reDUN

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MAY 30 – JUNE 12, 2014 | 21


Jewish holiday Shavuot counts the days BY ANN MARIE QUILL


The Jewish holiday of Shavuot is a practical observance. While it recognizes the anniversary of God giving the Torah to the people of Israel at Mount Sinai, the holiday is marked by counting the 50 days from Passover to Shavuot. Rabbi Brian Glusman, director of community outreach and engagement for the Marcus Jewish Community Center in Dunwoody, says that the practice of saying a blessing that counts each day links Shavuot to Passover. “It’s as if to say our freedom at Passover is dependent upon our acceptance of law. Freedom without order or responsibility is chaos; we need a higher authority,” he said. Glusman said that one of the ways to celebrate the receiving of the Torah is to stay up all night studying it. “We’re always in the process of receiving Torah or receiving teaching,” he said, likening the practice to renewing one’s commitment to God. Another way to celebrate Shavuot, Glusman said, is to consume dairy products. “Dairy represents nourishment, and we celebrate the way in which we are nourished through God.” He said folks often eat cheesecake and cheese blintzes to mark the day. “We call

it the holiday of cholesterol,” he said. Kelly Cohen, a Judaics Studies teacher at Davis Academy, notes an agricultural component of Shavuot, which coincides with the wheat harvest in ancient Israel that started at Passover and lasted for seven weeks. At the end of the seven weeks on Shavuot, people would bring offerings of wheat to the Temple. Cohen says that fifth graders at Davis are chosen during the morning announcements to say the blessing counting the days leading up to Shavuot. “It’s considered an honor for the fifth-graders to say the blessing,” she said, adding that Shavuot generally falls around the end of the school year, so as the children are counting up to the holiday, they are also counting down to the last day of school. “It’s nice when those things line up,” Cohen said. She added that the school usually celebrates its Field Day on or near the 33rd day of counting, which typically is celebrated with bonfires. She said that during the Shavuot period Davis students also study Torah, learn about the 10 Commandments, play counting games and make crowns symbolizing earning the “crown of Torah.”

Shavuot studies This year Shavuot takes place beginning the evening of Tuesday, June 3, and ending the evening of Thursday, June 5.

Weber at 9, youth services at Weber at 10:30 a.m., Kiddush at Weber at noon, and Mincha at the Carleton at 6:15 p.m. For more information: www.bnaitorah.org.

AA Synagogue hosts an allnight learning event for Shavuot from 6:30 p.m. on June 3 to 7:30 a.m. on June 4. For more information: www.aasynagogue.

Congregation Or Hadash holds a Shavuot study session starting at 8:30 p.m. on June 3 and a morning service at 9:15 on June 4. For more information: www.or-hadash.org.

Congregation Beth Shalom hosts a night of Shavuot study at the home of Rabbi Mark and Linda Zimmerman starting at 7:45 p.m. on June 3. The congregation also hosts two Shavuot services on June 3 and 4, both at 9:30 a.m. For more information: www.bshalom.net.

Temple Sinai hosts a Shavuot service in the chapel on June 4 from 11 a.m. to noon, which will then be followed by a Lunch and Learn from 12:30 p.m. to 2 p.m. For more information: www. templesinaiatlanta.org.

Congregation Beth Tefillah/ Chabad of Georgia serves a dairy luncheon for Shavuot on June 4 at 12:30 p.m. For more information: www.bethtefillah.org.

The Kehilla in Sandy Springs has all-night Shavuot learning from 10 p.m. June 3 to 2 a.m. June 4 For more information: www.thekehilla.org. The Temple will have a Shavuot service on June 4 from 10:30 a.m. to noon in the Covenant Chapel. For more information: www.the-temple.org.

Congregation B’nai Torah hosts three different Shavuot study sessions at three different locations on the night of June 3, starting at 8. There will also be Shavuot services on June 3 and 4: morning services at

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