8-5-2016 Dunwoody Reporter

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AUGUST 5 - 18, 2016 • VOL. 7— NO. 16


Dunwoody Reporter


► What’s new in the hills


► High altitude fun


National Night Out

State Farm, Transwestern get $780M in tax break bonds BY DYANA BAGBY dyanabagby@reporternewspapers.net

The Dunwoody Development Authority voted July 28 to approve $780 million in bonds to provide property tax breaks for two separate development projects in Perimeter Center: State Farm’s complex and Transwestern’s planned office tower next to the Dunwoody MARTA station. Under the deals, the authority would own the properties and lease them to the developers, who would pay much lower propSee STATE on page 14

Carlos Peters, 9, works a remote control camera while attending the 33rd annual National Night Out event at Perimeter Mall on Aug. 2. Police departments from Dunwoody, Brookhaven and Sandy Springs were on hand to help promote police and community partnership. To see additional photos, go to page 20.

PARALYMPIC GAMES Prepping for Rio Page 5

The Democrats have taken over Reagan’s optimism.

OUT & ABOUT Butterfly Festival

Trump was humanized and shown to be on-point on every issue. Respondents’ comments to our community survey on the presidential conventions. See COMMENTARY Page 13


Page 8

New City Hall needs $659K in improvements BY DYANA BAGBY dyanabagby@reporternewspapers.net The Dunwoody City Council is prepared to plunk down more than $8 million for a new City Hall, but needed capital improvements add up to additional $659,500, according to an assessment done as part of due diligence. Also, the building the City Council wants to purchase at 4800 Ashford-Dunwoody Road has four current tenants, and the city will be required to pay to relocate for those businesses, which could cost another $550,000. Eric Johnson of Comprehensive ProSee NEW on page 15

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Major hospitals, Sandy Springs to coordinate traffic plans BY JOHN RUCH johnruch@reporternewspapers.net

Pill Hill hospitals and the city of Sandy Springs will meet regularly to coordinate traffic and commuter planning following a July 21 “transportation summit,” according to Mayor Rusty Paul. “I felt it was a very positive meeting,” Paul said of the private summit, which also included officials from MARTA and the Georgia Regional Transportation Authority. In the discussions with hospital officials, he said, “we learned a lot. I think they learned a lot from us.” The summit came exactly one month after a far less happy mayor and City Council essentially declared a parking garage moratorium on Pill Hill in frustration at the lack of alternative transportation planning in the car-choked medical center at Peachtree-Dunwoody and Johnson Ferry roads. That warning shot got Pill Hill’s three hospitals—Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta at Scottish Rite, Emory Saint Joseph’s and Northside—scrambling to the meeting table. Going forward, city Community Development Director Michelle Alexander will lead planning meetings between city staff and facilities management staff from the three hospitals, Paul said. There is no specific meeting schedule, but they will meet “regularly,” he said. “We were pleased with the meeting and its discussion, and Northside looks forward to meaningful progress on this issue,” said Lee Echols, Northside’s vice president of marketing and communications.

The goal: 10% traffic reduction

Paul said the city came to the meeting armed with documents showing a “staggering” amount of existing and proposed

parking facilities on Pill Hill. And he had a simple demand as well. “The bottom line was, what I asked for was a 10 percent reduction in their traffic impacts,” Paul said. “A 10 percent reduction would be significant. It would really improve mobility in that area. It would make it easier for ambulances to get in and out,” as well as hospital patients and employees. The mayor also asked the hospitals to do that specifically through “some coordination and cooperation”—which has been lacking among the competitive organizations for years. His idea is for the hospitals to team with MARTA to build shared parking garages at transit stations—an “innovative solution” that could help traffic and “save them millions of dollars in capital costs” to spend on other facilities. Paul said that MARTA CEO Keith Parker responded positively to that idea in a previous meeting. As for the hospitals’ point of view, they talked about challenge of getting employees not to drive, Paul said, describing it in carrot-and-stick terms. The hospitals have “been using carrots to get people to use MARTA,” and when he suggested using the stick more frequently they cautioned that the market for healthcare workers is highly competitive. “If you wield the stick too hard, they’ll decide not to work there,” he said. Likewise, “The city has some things it needs to do,” the mayor said. “If you want people to use MARTA, we have gaps in our sidewalks, for example,” to get people to and from stations. “We’re going to have to take a real hard look at infrastructure needs…to remove the barriers to allowing more people to walk and bike and use alternative transportation,” he said. One item the hospitals mentioned was better pedestrian access through and around their own campus-

An aerial view of the Pill Hill area, with Scottish Rite at bottom center, Northside to the north of it, and Emory Saint Joseph’s to the east. To see a larger version, go to ReporterNewspapers.net.

es, as Northside’s MARTA-using workers’ current best path to work is literally walking through Emory Saint Joe’s building, he said.

Pending plans, studies

Northside’s pending plan for a 10-story employee parking garage was not discussed due to competitors being in the room, the mayor said, adding that he understands the hospital’s general rationale for the facility. That plan was slated to go before the city Planning Commission that night, but is now on “administrative hold.” Also not discussed was a traffic study


for the area, except for confirmation that Northside is funding a Perimeter Community Improvement Districts study that may encompass all of Pill Hill. The city learned of that study from news reports and Paul said it “confused us all.” “It’s a proprietary study,” he said. “I don’t know if they’ll share it with us or not. I don’t even know what the study is.” However, the mayor said, he’s not that interested in more studies. “Truthfully… we’ve got more traffic studies than we know what to do with,” he said, adding the real need is better sharing of information and planning “to bring a broader picture together.”

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Sandy Springs officials that more Pill Hill housing could reduce vehicle traffic. Toll Brothers, a Pennsylvania-based naPill Hill has far less housing nearby tional developer of luxury housing, is now than some other major Southern medifollowing suit as a partner in the mixed-use cal centers, and building more could take redevelopment of the Pavilion office park, hundreds of cars off the roads, putting a which is still in the Sandy Springs review big dent in the notorious local traffic conprocess. Noell’s market study for the projgestion. Those are among the findings of a ect is proprietary, but Toll Brothers agreed market study commissioned by Toll Brothto share the summary of its findings. ers, the company planning to build apartA major finding: “There simply are not ments—some of them tailored to suit hosenough multifamily residential units to pital workers—in Pill Hill’s Peachtree meet the pent-up demand in the Pill Hill Dunwoody Pavilion redevelopment. market.” About 8,400 people live within 1 Toll Brothers plans a 335-unit apartmile of Pill Hill, but only 1,066—about 12.7 ment building on what is now a parking lot percent—work there, the study says. That adjacent to MARTA’s Medical Center Stais far lower than Houston’s Texas Medical tion. Of those residents, the study from AtCenter, where 33.7 percent of nearby resilanta’s Noell Consulting Group estimates, dents work there, and the University of Alat least 20 to 30 percent would work in Pill abama Hospital center in Birmingham, Hill and 30 to 40 percent would commute where the rate is 27.3 percent. daily by MARTA. A survey of five high-end apartment “Increasing the number of multifamily complexes near Pill Hill indicate that “pentunits in Pill Hill, especially at the [Pavilion up demand,” the study says. The complexsite], which is just a stone’s throw from the es reported that an average of 24 percent of hospitals, would lead to an increased densitheir residents—about 390 households— ty that would allow for more employees to work in Pill Hill and that living close by was walk to work,” the study says. the main driver of their housing choice. The plan follows twin trends of building The low ratio of housing to jobs is a big housing close to employment centers and factor in traffic nightmares in Perimeter near public transit stations, said Charles ElCenter in general, the study says. While liott, managing director for apartment liv8,400 people live in that 1-mile ring around ing at Toll Brothers. Pill, that same area has about 78,700 “high“I think this is a trend that’s not just fopaying” jobs. A mile distance is the rule of cused on the medical employee necessarithumb for how far people are willing to ly,” he said. “I think a lot of cities are strugwalk to work, the study says, so that means gling with traffic infrastructure.” tens of thousands of people are commuting But for the Pill Hill version, Toll Brothin, most by car. ers would tailor some of the units to medLiving near public transit also can cut ical employees and work with hospital hucar use. Noell surveyed seven rental comman resources departments to market plexes, totaling 2,118 units, near unidendirectly to them, said Elliott and Stephen tified MARTA stations and found that an Bates, the company’s director of acquisiaverage of 21 percent of residents rode tions in metro Atlanta. Among the ameniMARTA daily and 46 percent used it at least ties, they said, would be units with “buried twice a week. bedrooms”—windowless rooms that allow What does all of that mean for the Pavilnight-shift workers to sleep during the day. ion project? Bates said Toll Brothers was atPill Hill, centered on Johnson Ferry tracted by those numbers—and believes it and Peachtree-Dunwoody roads in Sandy can beat them. Springs, is home to EmoThe study projects ry Saint Joseph’s, Norththat at least 20 to 30 perside and Children’s Pill Hill’s housing market cent of Pavilion resiHealthcare of Atlanta UND ERH OUS ED dents would be Pill Hill at Scottish Rite hospiAbout 12.7 of residents living within workers, and possibly tals, as well as traffic that 1 mile of Pill Hill work there, much more if the program of can back up into neigh- lower than medical center areas in internal hospital marboring Brookhaven and Houston (33.7 percent) and Birming- keting to employees is efDunwoody. ham, Ala. (27.3 percent). fective. “It would be Toll North American Brothers’ goal to have ocCOM M UT ING I M PACTS Properties sparked decupancy numbers above bates about Pill Hill High-paying jobs within 1 mile: that,” Bates said. housing last year with 78,700. Residents living within 1 mile: And 20 to 40 percent 8,400. plans for a 305-unit of residents are projectPAVI LI ON H OUS I NG apartment building on ed to use MARTA to comP ROJECT I ONS Johnson Ferry. North mute, and 50 percent to American has experi- At least 20 to 30 percent of residents use it for some trips— ence in building housing would work in Pill Hill; at least 20 to estimates Noell also betargeted for hospital em- 40 percent of residents would use lieves are conservative. ployees and convinced MARTA to commute.




We’re bringing a new spark


More Pill Hill housing would curb congestion, study says


Community | 3




AUGUST 5 - 18, 2016

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Man who posted Baton Rouge video might sue Dunwoody police BY JOHN RUCH johnruch@reporternewspapers.net

Chris LeDay, the man who was arrested by Dunwoody police shortly after posting a controversial Louisiana policeshooting video online, might sue the department for unlawful arrest and transport, according to a publicist for his attorney. LeDay and attorney Tiffany Simmons maintain that LeDay was falsely arrested July 6 on a non-existent assault-andbattery warrant, said publicist Trezanay Atkins. But the Dunwoody Police Department continues to say LeDay was properly arrested on a valid warrant for failure to appear on traffic charges, according to Mark Stevens, the department’s public information officer. LeDay previously suggested his arrest was retaliation for posting a video of the police killing of Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge. The video circulated rapidly and helped spark a new wave of local and national Black Lives Matter protests. “Dunwoody [police] transported, arrested and read Mr. LeDay his rights on a warrant for assault and battery—a warrant that did not and has never existed,

nor was produced for examination at any time,” said Atkins. Stevens said Dunwoody police never said anything about an assault and battery while picking up LeDay at Marietta’s Dobbins Air Reserve Base, where he worked at the time. “Before leaving the building, the Dunwoody police officer showed Mr. LeDay a copy of the warrant as he stated Mr. LeDay was being arrested for failure to appear, not assault,” Stevens said. “The officer pointed out the original charges on the warrant to Mr. LeDay. A copy of the warrant was provided to the DeKalb County Jail during the intake process.” “There was nothing unlawful about LeDay’s arrest and transport,” Stevens said. LeDay posted the Sterling shooting video on July 5. The next day, he was detained by Dobbins law enforcement when he arrived for work as an employee of Critereom LLC and later transferred into the custody of the Dunwoody police. One thing Dunwoody police and LeDay’s attorney agree on, according to Atkins, is that LeDay indeed had an outstanding warrant for failure to appear in Dunwoody Municipal Court on traffic

charges dating to July 2014. In a previous interview, LeDay said that “the original word to me [from Dobbins law enforcement] was I was wanted in Dunwoody for assault and battery. They said I ‘fit the description.’ The description of who and for what took forever. So basically I was being illegally detained for 30 minutes before I even knew what was going on.” LeDay also complained that Dunwoody police unnecessarily shackled him like “a deranged psycho killer.” Stevens previously said LeDay chose to wear leg shackles as a trade-off for being allowed to have his hands cuffed in front of him as a more comfortable position during the ride to jail.

LeDay has said in other interviews he believes his arrest was retaliation for posting the controversial video. Atkins said his lawyer “plans to pursue action against any combination” of Dobbins, Critereom and the Dunwoody Police Department for the “unlawful detaining and unlawful transporting of Mr. LeDay.” Stevens said it is possible that some other agency’s officers told LeDay incorrect information about an assault charge. But, Stevens said, Dunwoody officers were called to the base to arrest LeDay on the failure-to-appear warrant and were clear with LeDay about that. Atkins said LeDay is due in court on the traffic charges Aug. 17.

MARTA installing bike repair kiosks at stations Cyclists can now ensure their bicycles are secure and road-ready by using the new self-service repair kiosks and bike racks installed by MARTA. The racks are part of MARTA’s ongoing efforts to make it easier for cyclists to use the transit system. Bike kiosks and racks are currently installed at transit stations including Buckhead’s Lindbergh Center as well as Ashby, Edgewood/Candler Park, Five Points, H. E. Holmes, North Avenue and West End. Later this summer, the remainder of MARTA’s 38 stations will be outfitted with the kiosks. Equipped with the necessary tools for bike maintenance and repair – from inflating a flat to tightening handlebars – the repair kiosks were paid for separately by a crowdfunding campaign sponsored by IOBY (In-Our-Back-Yards), an organization that helps neighbors grow and implement ideas one block at a time. Other contributors to the campaign are the Atlanta Bicycle Coalition, Lanier Parking and MailChimp.

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AUGUST 5 - 18, 2016

Community | 5


U.S. Paralympics soccer team preps at Oglethorpe for Rio Games BY DYANA BAGBY

his bike was bent up and was not able to be ridden again – so 1 to 0, me,” Bohlemann said with a laugh. Steven Bohlemann is going to Rio to Hard work and humor has paid off play soccer. for Bohlemann as he recovered from his The Atlanta resident made the final cut brain injury. He still suffers some side-efto represent the U.S. Paralympic National fects, such as nausea, dizziness, memory Team in the Paralympic loss and some balance isGames, which follow the sues. On the field, Bohle2016 Summer Olympics mann said he has adapted in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, his game to become a top in September. The men’s center midfielder. team has been prac“I know what I was before ticing at Brookhaven’s and after my ‘speedbump,’” Oglethorpe University. he said. He prefers to call the “There is nothing 2013 accident a speedbump higher than representbecause it doesn’t sound as ing your country,” said negative, he said. Bohlemann, who hails Before his speedbump, from Florida and recently he played defender and SPECIAL PHOTOS earned a master’s degree was able to race backwards Above, Coach Stuart Sharp. in mechanical engineerBelow, Paralympics soccer team and make quick turns. He member Steve Bohlemann. ing from Georgia Tech. is unable to do that now The team named its “because my feet don’t al14-member roster on Aug. 1. The team is exways go exactly where I want,” he said. pected to practice again at Oglethorpe UniThe U.S. team is heading to Brazil versity on Aug. 10-11 from 9 a.m. to noon. ranked eighth out of eight teams. Practices can be viewed by the public. “We have set some targets for ourselves The Paralympic Games, organized by to achieve in Brazil,” Sharp said. “It’s not the International Paralympics Committee going to be easy competing against the top in Germany, is for athletes that have some seven countries in the world. The one thing form of physical disability to compete at the for sure is that we will not be going to the world level in a wide range of sports. The Brazil to accept anything less than fully 2016 Paralympic Games will run Sept. 7-18. committed performances – as a tight unit To qualify for the soccer team, a playwe have the belief that our team possesses er must be able to run and walk, and have the technical ability and collective desire to a traumatic brain injury, have suffered achieve the extraordinary.” a stroke or was born with cerebral palsy, The U.S. kicks off Group A play against said Coach Stuart Sharp, a Scottish native the fourth-ranked Netherlands on Sept. and former Brookhaven resident who now 8, followed by matches against secondlives in Marietta. ranked Russia on Sept. 10 and sixth-ranked “The team has players from all walks of Argentina on Sept. 12. life, from college graduates to veterans,” he Group B teams are from Brazil, Great Britsaid. “They’ve enjoyed training in Atlanta ain, Ireland and Ukraine. The top two teams so much some say they want to move here.” from each group will advance to the semifiPlayers have come to metro Atlanta to nals on Sept. 14, with the medal matches set train from as far as Colorado and Califortake place on Sept. 16, Stuart said. nia to represent their country. There are “I’m privileged to lead this team … and to three veterans who were injured overseas give them the collective ability to represent on the team. their nation,” Sharp said. “It is a true honBohlemann, 27, who played socor to do that.” cer in college, suffered a traumatFor Bohlemann, playing soccer ic brain injury three years ago with a group of men who are not in a freak accident. He was jogjust teammates but friends and ging on a bridge in Charleston, mentors is something he will nevS.C., when a bicyclist accidentally er take for granted. struck him on the descent por“My worst life experience tion of the bridge. opened the door to my He suffered a fracbest life experience,” tured skull and spine he said. “I’m so hapand a subdermal py to be representhematoma in his ing my country, I brain. He was can’t explain it.” hospitalized for Email SSharp@ weeks and put on ussoccer.org and a breathing mavisit facebook. chine. com/parasoccer “The bicyclist for more informawas uninjured, but tion. dyanabagby@reporternewspapers.net

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Where the Extraordinary Happens Every Day

Hampton + Hudson

The menu at Hampton + Hudson does not only list wine pairings Dining Out for everything, but also beer and Megan Volpert cocktail pairings, Megan Volpert lives in and you can find Decatur, teaches in Roall three types of swell and writes books about popular culture. beverages here on tap. There are several vegan options, plus gluten-free items in every section of the menu. A neighborhood place should allow enough kinds of food and drink to suit all the neighbors, and even still, Hampton + Hudson asks patrons to reach inside themselves for a more optimistic interpretation of comfort food than the traditional expectation of lowest common denominators at a local dive. For example, there are real flowers on the tables. No big deal, but after a long day at work when I’d really like somebody else to cook dinner for me, sniffing a sunflower in a Mason jar as I await my meal reminds me to keep my head up. Don’t worry, gentlemen, there are plenty of televisions. This is a space where you definitely can sit at the bar and enjoy talking to strangers about the game. There have been some events catering to soccer lovers and they also host a team trivia night for those in search of mental exercise. The bar runs most of the length of the main dining room, with lots of seating as well as standing room, but if you’re not in the mood to socialize, Hampton + Hudson respects that.

for sharing, classic diner entrees, delicatessen faves, side and salads, a couple of items that can pass for breakfast. If you’re in the mood for Southern comforts, go for the hot chicken biscuit sliders nestled in cast iron. If you’re still trying to sneak in something like brunch, go for the lox toast, which is actually on an everything bagel. If you just 1 want to stay on trend, order the avocado toast that actually foregrounds ricotta and radishes or order the charred octopus. If you have the kids with you, order some mac and cheese that’s normal enough for a toddler to eat but interesting enough for you to finish whatever is left when the kid is through. The only thing I ordered that was boring and predictable turned out to be the fish and chips, but on a Tuesday night after a meeting runs too long, even that has its place. All the dishes were fresh, 2 locally sourced, properly cooked, put together and plated with care, and of above average deliciousness for a neighborhood place. There were three dishes that really stood out as excellent. One was the waygu pastrami and kraut, a delicate, salty stack of goodness that warmed the heart and taste-buds of my wife, who grew up on Long Island deli sandwiches. Another was the steak tartare tacos with potato chip shell. It sounds like a gimmick but the shell is really very sturdy and the total effect was delicious. I could’ve eaten a dozen of those and gone home happy. The last was a dessert called a Tennessee tea cake that came with a heavy co3 conut crust and a generous helping of fresh blueberries alongside a scoop from The Hamton + Hudson menu is full of comfort Queen of Cream. food like Waygupastrami and kraut (1), Whatever version of casual dining Tennessee tea cake (2) and steak tartare tacos (3). you’re into, Hampton + Hudson will deliver with ease. The service is attentive but There’s a covered patio as well as a smallnot obtrusive, intelligent but not chatty uner room full of booths, and the main dining less you so desire. Billy and Jenn Streck have room tables give the bar a wide berth. Comonce again gambled well in asking us to elebined with the giant picture windows overvate our daily selves an inch, just as they did looking a sunny courtyard, this is a recipe for with Cypress Street Pint and Plate. spaciousness where you could jam a lot of peoHampton + Hudson is located at 299 N. ple in here before the place feels too packed. Highland Ave. in the Inman Quarter develEven if you’re not in the neighborhood, opment. For more information, visit hampthe food and service are worth a little trip. This menu touches all the bases: small plates tonandhudson.com.

Q #

AUGUST 5 - 18, 2016


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Dining Out | 7

Quick Bites Beginning at 5:30 p.m., festivities will include lots of local food and beer, courtesy of the Atlanta chefs and breweries, a chance to meet and mingle with local farmers, and live music. The organization will reveal The Farmer Fund 2017 Calendar at the Grant Park favorite Stone Soup Kitchen will close Aug. 23 after 11 event, featuring Atlanta years in business. The restaurant was unable to negotiate a new chefs in nothing but Hedlease for its space. Owner Sarah Rick had been planning to sell the ley & Bennett aprons with restaurant, but said she was looking for a potential new space. the farmers who grow their food. For tickets visAtlanta’s best restaurants and bands are it 2017calendar.bpt.me. teaming up for an evening of food, drinks, music and more, donating all of their servicA classic 1953 Chevy truck is being fully cuses to raise money for two Atlanta nonproftomized with Moore and Giles leather and reits. The fifth annual Eats & Beats event will claimed wood siding, and outfitted with a take place Aug. 11 wood-fired Mugaini from 7 to 10 p.m. at pizza oven for Souththe Buckhead Theern Crust catering’s atre, with 100 perdebut in Atlanta. The cent of the proceeds truck will be able to benefiting Children handle any event – of Conservation and from a backyard soiThe Giving Kitchree to a full-blown en. Guests will enwedding. The menu joy an open bar, live features snacks like entertainment and marinated olives, Doughnut shop Bon Glaze has opened its second tastings from 30 of burrata and panclocation in Buckhead in the Powers Ferry Square Atlanta’s top restauetta-wrapped figs shopping center next door to Bar Taco. The new rants. Participating shop will be walk-up only, but will feature 24 flavors alongside a selecrestaurants include tion of fresh green of shaved ice to go along with its sweet treats. To Local Three, Davio’s, mark the 1996 Summer Olympics anniversary, Bon salads. Pizza rangGlaze will have special “ring colored” doughnuts Cibo e Beve, Comes from classics like available. For more information, visit bonglaze.com. mon Quarter, Pacmargherita and pepes & Vine, Doraku Sushi, Gypsy Kitchen, The peroni to specialties like pistachio pesto and Southern Gentleman, Dennis Dean Caterbutternut. For more information, visit southing, The Big Ketch, Epic Events, Farm Burger, erncrustcatering.com. Venkman’s, Wrecking Bar Brewpub, Cook Hall, Horseradish Grill and more. Yacht Rock Revue will keep the party sailing along with performances from local chefs and their bands. Tickets, which range from $55 to $135 are available through xorbia. com. Libby Stovall has been named beverage director at TAP in Midtown.

Double Zero, CasShe is currently one of only six women in Georgia to hold the title of tellucci Hospitalicertified Cicerone, the industry standard for identifying those with significant knowledge and professional skills in beer sales and service. ty Group’s Southern Italian concept, will host its last day of service in Sandy The Peachtree Center Green Market has addSprings on Aug. 6 before moving into its new ed three new, local vendors to its weekly line-up: location in Emory Village the first week of Baker Dude Cupcakes, Georgia Popcorn ComSeptember. pany and Panbury’s Pie Café. The Peachtree Center Green Market sets up every Thursday The Farmer Fund, an Atlanta nonprofit founded from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Peachtree Center in 2015 to serve metro Atlanta farmers in the face courtyard through October, and boasts vendors of natural disaster, will host the release party for like Cosmos Organic Farm, Pearson Farms, King its much-anticipated 2017 calendar on Aug. 22 at of Pops, Sweet Auburn Bread and more. The Cathedral of St. Philip, 2744 Peachtree Road.

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THE FANTASTICKS Friday, Aug. 12, 8 p.m. Act3 Productions presents “The Fantasticks,” a romantic musical about a boy, a girl and their two fathers who try to keep them apart. Additional shows: August 13, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 27 at 8 p.m.; August 14 and 21 at 3 p.m. Tickets: $15-$30. 6285-R Roswell Rd., NE, Sandy Springs, 30328. Call 770241-1905 for additional information or visit: act3productions.org.

A1A Sunday, Aug. 14, 7-8:30 p.m. Heritage Sandy Springs continues Concerts by the Springs by hosting Atlanta-based A1A – the official and original Jimmy Buffet tribute show. Free and open to the public. Family friendly. Gates open at 5 p.m. Blankets, lawn chairs and coolers welcome; no outside tables. No smoking or pets. Sandy Springs Society Entertainment Lawn, 6110 Blue Stone Rd., Sandy Springs, 30328. To learn more, visit: heritagesandysprings.org or call 404-851-9111.


iPHONE & iPAD BASICS Friday, Aug. 12, 10 a.m. Let a certified Apple trainer guide you through the basics of your iPhone or iPad. Learn tips and tricks for a more efficient experience. Free and open to all. For adults. Sandy Springs Branch Library, 395 Mount Vernon Highway, Sandy Springs, 30328. Call 404-3036130 or email: comments@co.fulton.ga.us to learn more.






Saturday, Aug. 13, 10- 11:30 a.m. Get your feet wet with canoe guides on the Chattahoochee Nature Center’s Beaver Pond! Session is for first-time paddlers, families with young kids or adults coming back to the sport. Get instructions on paddling techniques and equipment. Races, games and water squirters included. Equipment provided. General public, $15 for ages 5-adult; $10 for members. Register by August 10 to scheduling@chattnaturecenter.org or calling 770-992-2055 ext. 237. 9135 Willeo Rd., Roswell, 30075.

Monday, Aug. 8, 1-2:30 p.m. Participants learn to use the ReferenceUSA database to find jobs, business opportunities, view historical market trends, analyze community demographics, and search addresses and phone numbers. Free. Open to all. For adults. Light refreshments served. Registration required by calling 404-303-6130 or emailing: sandysprings395@gmail.com. Sandy Springs Branch Library, 395 Mount Vernon Highway, Sandy Springs, 30328.

BUTTERFLY FESTIVAL Saturday, Aug. 20, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. The annual Butterfly Festival returns to the Dunwoody Nature Center. Activities include two butterfly tents, birds of prey show, live animals, games, educational booths, crafts and music. Food and drink available for purchase. Early member preview, 9 a.m.; general admission, 10 a.m. Rain or shine. No pets. Tickets, $10 for adults, $5 for kids ages 4-12, free for children 3 and under. Park at North Atlanta Church of Christ, 5676 Roberts Dr. and take shuttle service. 5343 Roberts Dr., Dunwoody, 30338. Call 770-394-3322 or go to: dunwoodynature.org to learn more.

Saturday, Aug. 13, 10-11 a.m. Through fiveminute yoga practices, this session presents easy-to-practice tools, helping you cope with the pace of modern lifestyles. Free. Open to the general public. Does not require any fitness level or previous yoga experience. Wear comfortable clothing. Yoga mat is necessary. Sandy Springs Branch Library, 395 Mount Vernon Highway, Sandy Springs, 30328. Call 404-3036130 or email: comments@co.fulton.ga.us with questions.

MANAGING ARTHRITIS Tuesday, Aug. 9, 2-4 p.m. Come learn techniques and exercises to help reduce pain from arthritis and keep you moving. Free. Space is limited. RSVP to 404-843-1880. For members of the Cancer Support Community. 5775 Peachtree-Dunwoody Rd., Suite C-225, Atlanta, 30342. Go to: cscatlanta.org for additional details.



Wednesday, Aug. 10, 10 a.m. Ann Hardin, a rising Lovett high school senior, and Sandy Springs Police Officer Samuel Worsham discuss preventing scams against senior adults. The public is welcome to attend. Confirm attendance by emailing Lee Smith at pnvillages@ gmail.com or calling 470-231-0015. Mount Vernon Presbyterian Church, 471 Mount Vernon Highway, Sandy Springs, 30328.

Saturday, Aug. 13, 12-2 p.m. Calling all first-time parents and caregivers! This class covers CPR basics, including choke-saving skills, home safety and other injury prevention measures. Hands-on practice with a manikin provides confidence and skills to handle an emergency. $48 for two adults. Northside Hospital, Interchange Building, 5780 PeachtreeDunwoody Rd., NE, Suite 419, Atlanta, 30342. Go to: northside.com or call 404-845-5555 to register or for further information.

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AUGUST 5 - 18, 2016

Out & About | 9


PLANT EXTROVERTS Tuesday, Aug. 16, 7-9 p.m. The Georgia Perennial Plant Association presents, “Plant Extroverts.” Learn about plants that have energy and personality for the garden. Free and open to the public. For adults. Atlanta History Center, 130 West Paces Ferry Rd., NW, Atlanta, 30305. For more information, call 770-439-7112 or visit: atlantahistorycenter.com.

KIDS’ STUFF TURTLE TOURS Wednesday, Aug. 10, 11 a.m.-12 p.m. Heritage Sandy Springs’ “Turtle Tours,” an educational series appropriate for children ages 2-5, continues. In this program, museum mascots Spring and Sandy use “treasure maps” and help young visitors learn history. Free; no reservations required. All are welcome. 6075 Sandy Springs Circle, Sandy Springs, 30328. Email: information@heritagesandysprings.org, call 404-851-9111 or visit: heritagesandysprings.org for details.

and discuss academic goals and plans. For high school students. Registration required by calling 404-458-4189. Buckhead Branch Library, 269 Buckhead Ave., NE, Atlanta, 30305.

COMMUNITY BACK 2 SCHOOL BASH Tuesday, Aug. 16, 4-7 p.m. Celebrate the new school year at this year’s Back 2 School Bash at Hammond Park. Now in its seventh year, the city-sponsored event includes water slides, games, a DJ spinning music, raffles, prizes, face painting, popcorn, snow cones and more. Free and open to the community. 705 Hammond Dr., Sandy Springs, 30328. Questions? Visit: sandyspringsga.gov or call 770-730-5600.

DUNWOODY MOMS Wednesday, Aug. 17, 6-8 p.m. Are you a mother of a preschooler looking to connect with other moms? Join Dunwoody MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) for the 2016-17 kickoff and socialize with others, enjoy dinner and learn about plans for the new season. Monthly meetings and membership are open to any mother of children age infant through kindergarten. Dunwoody Baptist Church, Room D-306, 1445 Mount Vernon Rd., Dunwoody, 30338. For more information, visit: dbc. org/ mops.

Scheinfeld, Scheinfeld & Scheinfeld d Or l a n

★★★★★ MOSS TERRARIUMS Saturday, Aug. 13, 10-11 a.m. In this Little Diggers workshop, participants construct a terrarium to take home and nurture. Attendees will plant and personalize the terrarium while learning about moss. Free and open to the community. Appropriate for ages 6-10. At the Sandy Springs Farmers Market, 6100 Lake Forrest Dr., Sandy Springs, 30328. Call 404-851-9111 or visit: heritagesandysprings.org to find out more.


BOOK SALE Thursday, Aug. 18, 1-4 p.m. The Friends of the Chamblee Library hold a book sale. Preview for Friends members on Thursday; open to the public Friday and Saturday, Aug. 19-20, and Monday, Aug. 22 (Bag Day) from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Proceeds enhance adult and children’s book collections and programs. 4115 Clairmont Rd., Chamblee, 30341. Call 770-9361380 for details.

SAT PRACTICE Saturday, Aug. 13, 1-5 p.m. Students take a practice SAT to become familiar with test questions, format and time management. Then, discuss results, pinpoint areas of need,

If we’re not your dentist we should be.

Wednesday, Aug. 17, 7-9 p.m. The Dunwoody Newcomers Club holds a Meet and Greet for current and prospective members. The club is a social organization open to women residing in the Dunwoody area for fewer than three years. For further information, including location of the meeting, go to: dunwoodynewcomers.com.

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Right Smile Center.com

290 Carpenter Drive, 200A Sandy Springs, GA 30328


10 | Education

Facebook.com/TheReporterNewspapers ■ twitter.com/Reporter_News Editor’s note: Through our “Exceptional Educator” series, Reporter Newspapers is showcasing the work of some outstanding teachers and administrators at our local schools. If you would like to recommend an Exceptional Educator, please email editor@ReporterNewspapers.net.

sion and love for the subject being taught, a person who can academically challenge students, someone who is fair and firm, and a person who cares and has an interest in students.

Charles Pearson

From the perspective of a history teacher, I would certainly want my students to have an understanding, an appreciation and a love for history. I would want them to be critical thinkers and writers. But as to the bigger picture, eventually I want my students to enter professions where they are happy and see themselves as contributing to the betterment of our society.

What do you want to see in your students?

has taught AP European History for decades. While his students’ success on the AP Exam might be seen as its own measure of success, what truly makes Charles an exceptional educator is his dedication to the craft of teaching, and to his colleagues and their well-being. His students remember him for his kind professionalism— that unique mix of being committed How do you ento student learning, gage your stuwhile holding them dents? to high standards. I guess I am “old His peers see in school” as I see a Charles a man who need for lectureis remarkable at his oriented classes, job in the most quiespecially for Adet and humble of vanced Placement ways, without seekEuropean HistoCharles Pearson ing credit or attenry. But I think even Marist School tion for the good with lectures, you work he does. can certainly get the students involved by questions and answers. What attracted you to teaching at Furthermore, I believe films and the first? use of humor can help to engage stuI have always loved an academdents. However, I don’t think a teachic atmosphere, study, scholarly reer needs to put on a dog and pony search and reading. Teaching proshow to engage students. vides opportunities for all of these for me. I have a great love for history, and Do you have a project or special I wanted to share this with others. program you use year after year?



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Has the appeal changed? Absolutely not. Even during retirement, I shall still be able to create my own “academic atmosphere.”

What keeps you going year after year? Since I have been in Catholic education for over 40 years, what has kept me going is the fact that I see teaching as a vocation, not a job. I sincerely believe that I have been called by God to teach over these past years, especially at Marist School. So I believe it is really this religious dimension that “keeps me going.”

What do you think makes a great teacher? I think students would be able to give the best and most reliable answer here. They know! But from my perspective, I think what makes a great teacher is one who has a pas-

During the course of the year in AP European History, I use the film series “The Western Tradition,” narrated by Dr. Eugen Weber. For many, Dr. Weber has almost become a cult figure. Many enjoy his style and at times, his humor. After the AP examination in May, I usually have a project that students work on for about two weeks. This year, they are researching current issues/problems in European society.

What do you hope your students take away from your class? As I mentioned before, I hope my students develop a love for history. In addition, I want them to take away from the class an appreciation for the cultural achievements of Europe, especially in the areas of art and architecture. I try to point out to students that cultural achievements are what endure through the centuries.

Education | 11

AUGUST 5 - 18, 2016 ■ www.ReporterNewspapers.net

School opening day schedules It’s back-to-school time in Reporter Newspapers communities. Some schools and districts are already in session, including Atlanta Public Schools, the Ben Franklin Academy and Mt. Bethel Christian Academy’s upper school. The following is a guide to other schools’ opening days in the coming weeks.


Opening day at Fulton County’s Heards Ferry Elelementary School last year.

Aug. 8 Fulton County Public Schools; The MJCCA Preschools; Mt. Bethel Christian Academy (lower and middle) Aug. 9 Springmont (new students) Aug. 10 Holy Spirit Preparatory School (upper and lower); Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic School Aug. 11 Cumberland Academy of Georgia; The Epstein School; Holy Spirit Preparatory School (preschool); Springmont (returning students) Aug. 15 The Davis Academy; Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic School; The Weber School; The Westminster School (high and middle); Atlanta Classical Academy Aug. 16 Atlanta International School; The Children’s Schools; Holy Innocents’ Episcopal School (all except early learners); Mount Vernon Presbyterian School; The Westminster School (PF-5); Whitfield Academy Aug. 17 Atlanta Jewish Academy; The Galloway School; Pace Academy; Sophia Academy Aug. 18 St. Martin’s Episcopal School Aug. 22 Atlanta Jewish Academy (lower school campus); Holy Innocents’ Episcopal School (early learners) Aug. 24 Brandon Hall School; First Presbyterian School; Peachtree Presbyterian PreSchool (M-F, MWF and WF)

Aug. 25 Peachtree Presbyterian Pre-School (T/ TH) Sept. 6 Sandy Springs United Methodist Church --James Beaman

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Putting a sizzle in your skillet

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I’ve decided I’ve lived in the South long enough to own a skillet. And by “skillet,” I mean the honestto-goodness-cast-iron variety, the likes of which Sipsey used on the Bad Guy in “Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Café” and Rapunzel chose as her key weapon in “Tangled.” This is actually the second skillet I bought. I lost the first one. I had purchased the first one to cook a rather enticing recipe I discovered on a blog that I followed during my blogging phase (a phase which was, like the Macarena, short-lived and unfortunate). The recipe was SPECIAL for cherry upside-down cake, made Robin researched how to properly with corn meal, almond meal and season her latest cast-iron skillet. fresh cherries. It took two hours to make, and it was delicious. turkey. Everyone, from Maratha StewBut then I lost the skillet. And beart to Emeril Lagasse to the guy whose fore you ask how it is possible to lose wife is videotaping him in their kitchsomething as imposing as a cast-iron en, has an opinion. skillet, I will explain that First, you wash it—but the problem is in the stormaybe with soap or maybe age of it. It’s like figuring you should never use soap. out where to store an anThen you rub it with oil— vil. I learned that it is not but maybe using a paper supposed to be stacked Robin Conte is a writer towel, or maybe you should or covered, because that and mother of four who never use a paper towel. messes with its “seasonlives in Dunwoody. She And your oil is maybe lard, ing,” and that the oven is can be contacted at or maybe something that a good place to store it. robinjm@earthlink.net. has never been hydrogeOf course, the problem of nated, or maybe something what to do with it when that comes out of a tube you are actually using the that is specially marked oven still exists; it needs to “skillet seasoning oil,” or maybe the abbe stashed someplace where it won’t solute best seasoning oil is something fall on your foot. like flaxseed oil and you’ll have to go to So I moved it to a corner beside the a health food store to buy it and it will dining room table, then under the guest cost $16.99 a bottle. room bed, then in the storage room in Then you bake it in the oven, upside the basement, moving deeper, ever down on a foil-lined pan, or not... for 30 deeper, into the recesses of our home minutes or an hour or an hour and a until it lodged (heh heh) comfortably half...at a setting of 325 or 350 or 375 desomewhere, never to be found again, grees, and you leave it in there to cool unless, perhaps, by a future homeownfor a long, long, long time because now er or an archaeologist on a dig. the anvil is a burning hot piece of iron But our society is going retro on its that could brand you. road to wellness, and, thumbing my Or maybe you forget the oven and do nose at Teflon, I jumped back on that the whole thing on the stove. train and bought another skillet. And you go through this once or A cast-iron skillet, however, is way twice or three times, depending on more retro than Fiestaware; in fact, I time of year and what your zodiac don’t know how far back you have to go sign is and, most likely, how bored before you’ve passed “retro” and landed you are. on the prairie over an open campfire, So I chose eclectically and added my but there I was, faced with a new skillet own personal twist. I used a “dedicated that was primed and ready for seasonrag” and coconut oil (because it burns ing, and even for something as iconic as belly fat and would make my house a frying pan, I must admit that I found smell like Tahiti) and I put the pan upit a bit intimidating. side down in the oven and repeated the Seasoning is the process that makes process three times, all the while prothe skillet somewhat cling-free. I honclaiming to my family that I would not estly think that I never seasoned my be able to cook dinner that day because lost skillet properly, so I decided to do I was busy seasoning my skillet. study on it. I learned that there are as The next day, however, we would many opinions on the proper way to dine on fried green tomatoes and cocoseason a skillet as there are opinions nut flavored cornbread. on the best way to cook a Thanksgiving

Robin’s Nest Robin Conte

AUGUST 5 - 18, 2016

Reporter Newspapers Our mission is to provide our readers with fresh and engaging information about life in their communities.

Commentary | 13


Published by Springs Publishing LLC 6065 Roswell Road, Suite 225 Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Phone: 404-917-2200 • Fax: 404-917-2201

Community Survey/Presidential conventions Question: The major parties’ national conventions recently ended. How significantly did the conventions change your position about the nominees? Was there anything specifically you watched or learned during the conventions that influenced your position? I did not pay attention to the conventions at all

Very significantly

Brookhaven Reporter | Buckhead Reporter Dunwoody Reporter | Sandy Springs Reporter www.ReporterNewspapers.net

Somewhat significantly

Atlanta INtown www.AtlantaINtownPaper.com

C O NTA C T US Founder & Publisher Steve Levene stevelevene@reporternewspapers.net Editorial Managing Editor Joe Earle joeearle@reporternewspapers.net

Not significant at all

Not that significant

Associate Editor: John Ruch Intown Editor: Collin Kelley Staff Writer: Dyana Bagby Copy Editor: Diane L. Wynocker Creative and Production Creative Director: Rico Figliolini Graphic Designer: Harry J. Pinkney Jr. Advertising Director of Sales Development Amy Arno amyarno@reporternewspapers.net Sales Executives Jeff Kremer Janet Porter Jim Speakman Office Manager Deborah Davis deborahdavis@reporternewspapers.net Contributors James Beaman, Mary Bondurant, Julie Herron Carson, Robin Conte, Kathy Dean, Grace Huseth, Phil Mosier, Adrianne Murchison, Megan Volpert

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In the latest 1Q cellphone survey to residents of the communities served by Reporter Newspapers and Atlanta INtown, the time, effort and money the Democratic and Republican parties poured into their conventions were wasted on more than half the 250 respondents, who said the televised spectacles had no influence on them. Among those who said they were swayed, comments suggest Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton did a better job polishing her image than GOP nominee Donald Trump. A 51 percent majority said they were immune to the conventions, with 17 percent not watching at all and 34 percent saying they watched but heard nothing to change their minds. Another 20 percent said the conventions had only a minor effect on their thinking, while 28 percent saying the events “somewhat” or “very significantly” shifted their positions. Just over half the respondents were affiliated with the major parties, skewing 30 percent Democrat to 21 percent Republican. Of the rest, 28 percent identified as “independent” and 20 percent as “other.”

Letters to the Editor The Dunwoody Homeowners Association seems a group which now has inappropriate influence in city affairs. The DHA does some great things like the [Fourth of July] parade, holidays, food trucks and representing us pre-cityhood. But the DHA does not represent all of us on all city issues. I’ve seen grossly misleading influence by the DHA on the skate park construction and during my involvement with the Sustainability Commission. DHA reps have no accountability to all citizens on the actions they take. We cannot vote them out. It is inappropriate that the DHA is negotiating real estate deals, construction design specs, site design specs, park deals and other city business that affect all of us. Some of the usefulness of the DHA has run its course now that we are a city. Their role should evolve. The city should be run by the reps—mayor and council—we all vote on. They are accountable to all of us in all parts of the city. -- Paul Lowry

Publisher reserves the right to refuse editorial or advertising for any reason. Publisher assumes no responsibility for information contained in advertising. Any opinions expressed in print or online do not necessarily represent the views of Reporter Newspapers or Springs Publishing, LLC. DUN

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What some respondents had to say: “The Democrats have taken over Reagan’s optimism.” –58-year-old Sandy Springs man “I wanted Trump to lay out policy, and it just never materialized. Disappointing. I was leaning towards voting for him, but he lost my vote that night for sure. Fear is no way to lead a country.” –41-year-old Buckhead man “Trump was humanized and shown to be on-point on every issue. Democrats showed so much hypocrisy, it made me sick.” –50-year-old Atlanta man “I always am surprised how much I like listening to Hillary, but that scares me because I think she easily lies to the public. I want Trump to be more polished. I like that he goes against the grain and isn’t politically correct, but what if he ends up being a disaster?!” –18-year-old Buckhead woman “My stance has not changed. Both parties are a dumpster fire and I am still voting third-party.” –31-year-old Atlanta man 1Q is an Atlanta-based startup that has developed a technology which sends questions and surveys to a cellphone via app or text message from businesses and organizations across the country. Respondents are paid 50 cents per answer, through PayPal, for sharing their opinions. Payments may also be donated directly to charity. Sign up to be included in our local community polls at 1Q.com/reporter or by texting REPORTER to 86312.

We are writing this letter to the editor with some thoughts regarding our recent review. (“Dining Out: il Giallo,” Reporter Newspapers, July 8-22.) We felt compelled to speak out on our guests’ behalf as well as give voice to what many restaurateurs think and never have the chance to say. First, we have a loyal following, as do all successful restaurants, yet the reviewer’s comments infer that they all must be witless fools that only come in because of a TV show that aired five years ago. Our guests frequent our restaurants because we serve them food that they enjoy and we have spent months and years cultivating relationships with them; but that is not a sexy topic for food critics. Secondly, food critics do not behave as our guests. We are human. A cook may over-salt something, a server may get an order wrong, or the chef just had a lousy idea. A paying guest, unlike the critic whose meal is paid for, brings these to our attention and we fix them. That’s how we develop relationships and how we define who we are. Food critics gleefully report any misstep and never raise their hands. It is much easier to craft a snarky commentary than interact with servers, managers or owners. Lastly, food critics are very disconnected with what is at stake for small business owners; personal guarantees for bank loans, vendor debt, payroll (we employ 50 people) and all of the other responsibilities do not make for an engaging review. Somehow this culture has evolved into the fact that writing a nasty review represents notoriety and fame for the critic. We propose that in the future, “critics” have some culinary experience on which they base their reviews, and they leave subjectivity, personal tastes and the goal of creating fame for themselves out of the picture. On the flip side, we always welcome valuable feedback from seasoned food writers. -- Jamie Adams, chef and co-owner, il Giallo

14 | Community

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State Farm, Transwestern get $780M in tax break bonds Continued from page 1 erty taxes that gradually increase over many years. The ownership would eventually switch back to the developers. If the Dunwoody authority had not offered the tax incentive deal, State Farm developer KDC could have gone instead to Decide DeKalb, its DeKalb County counterpart, said KDC Regional Vice President Alec Chamber. And Trent Germano of Transwestern said his tower needs a break to compete with a nearby Brookhaven tower that got a Decide DeKalb abatement deal. The authority’s vote to approve the tax incentives is part of a “game” that states and municipalities play to remain competitive in today’s economic climate, said Carlianne Patrick, economics professor at Georgia State University’s Andrew Young School of Policy Studies. “We live in a world where there is no federal law that prohibits states and communities from competing with each other,” she said.

The Dunwoody deals

The Development Authority approved $650 million in revenue bonds for State Farm to construct two new office buildings as part of its 17-acre hub at the corner of Perimeter Center Parkway and Hammond Drive. The tax abatement also includes Phase 1 of the project currently under construction. The authority also approved $130 million in revenue bonds for developer Transwestern to build a 16-story office building across the street from the State Farm complex on Hammond Drive on a corner of the Perimeter Mall parking lot and adjacent to the Dunwoody MARTA station. State Farm’s project adds 2 million square feet of office space to Dunwoody and the Transwestern project will add another 350,000 square feet. The resolutions are not the final approval of the projects, said Dunwoody Economic Development Director Michael Starling, who is also executive director of the Development Authority. “Inducements resolutions are fairly broad, and say we agree to talk and move forward on the project,” Starling said. The corporations and Development Authority will eventually have to sign a formal “memorandum of understanding” that will outline the specifics of the tax abatements, Starling said. The Development Authority will likely meet again in October to go over the final MOUs, he said. While the Dunwoody Development Authority has a close relationship with the city, it is its own separate entity, and City Council approval is not needed to approve the tax abatements, Starling said. Taxpayers are not at risk with the issuance of revenue bonds because they are financed by the developer, Patrick said. The

Development Authority owns the property during the period of the tax abatement and leases it back to the developers to provide tax incentives. “The public is not on the hook,” said Patrick, adding, “We’re essentially giving companies money to locate where they want to locate anyway.”

Increasing payments

State Farm is expected to save $48 million in property taxes from the city, DeKalb County and the DeKalb County School District over 17 years of the tax abatement for the two phases of its project, according to a financial analysis by Georgia Tech’s Enterprise Innovation Institute used by the Development Authority in crafting the bond issuance deal. The entire project is expected to bring in 2,200 new jobs to Dunwoody. The authority’s deals include “clawback” provisions that require developers to reimburse the authority if jobs or other projections are not met. Transwestern would save approximately $14.5 million in property taxes over 12 years, according to Georgia Tech. The project is a speculative project — meaning no tenants are signed on to locate there — so how many jobs the project would bring to Dunwoody is uncertain. Transwestern estimates the project will bring nearly 2,500 jobs to the city. Georgia Tech’s model phases in property taxes over a certain time period and takes into account the number of new families the city will have to serve through police service, schools, even wear and tear on roads, Patrick explained. The model also determines how much the tax abatement costs the city and how much that money can be made up through other means, such as sales taxes, permit fees, business licenses and even liquor licenses. “That’s the heart of Georgia Tech’s analysis,” Starling said. With the Transwestern project, developers would pay 15 percent of property taxes its first year for an 85 percent tax abatement. In the second year, developers would pay 24 percent, 33 percent in year three and eventually 100 percent in year 11. According to the Georgia Tech schedule for that 12-year abatement, the total property tax revenue for the city is about $1.5 million, while the total tax abatement is $590,000, giving the city a net tax payment of more than $900,000. State Farm received a 95 percent tax abatement, meaning it only pays 5 percent of property taxes its first year with the amount it pays gradually increasing to 100 percent over 17 years. Property tax revenue generated during this time to the city is estimated at $8.1 million and the abatement at $3.3 million, for a net payment of more than $5 million. DUN

AUGUST 5 - 18, 2016

Community | 15


New City Hall needs $659K in improvements Continued from page 1 gram Services told the City Council at its July 25 meeting that the building itself is in “great shape” and “the deficiencies are all curable and easily fixable.” First and foremost, Johnson said, is the need for a full roof replacement at a cost of $345,000. The roof is more than 20 years old, he said, and has leaks. Fred Sheats, senior vice president of Colliers International, a real estate company, is negotiating with the building’s current tenants, including a law office, management company and mortgage company. To relocate those three businesses would cost the city about $130,000, he told the council. However, the fourth business, Elite Radiology of Georgia, which focuses on MRI services, has very particular needs, and relocation, including buildout for its specialized equipment, is estimated at $425,000, Sheats said. The four businesses total 10,200 square feet of the 45,000-square-foot building, Sheats said, and have leases in place until 2021. The MRI business has a total 2,500 square feet of space. Sheats told the council he sent a letter to the building’s seller about the maintenance repairs, such as a new roof, and will negotiate the final selling price based on them. The city announced the purchase of the office building May 5 for $8.25 million. At its May 9 meeting, the council approved a resolution to move forward with the purchase from JHJ 4800 Ashford LLC and RCB 4800 Ashford LLC. Dunwoody currently rents space at 41 Perimeter Center East for its city offices for about $599,000 a year, and

that lease expires next year. The building would be the first city-owned City Hall complex in the city’s nearly eightyear history. The closing date on the property is expected to be Sept. 30. The City Council also considered on first read of an ordinance on how to finance the purchase of the building. Finance Director Chris Pike provided two bank-loan options for the council to consider: The first option is a single-bank loan. The best rate in a bidding process was provided by JP Morgan Chase (Chase) with a preliminary rate (as of July 15) of 1.92 percent for the lifetime of the loan, Pike said. However, the final rate would not be known until the day of adoption on Aug. 8. “Excluding an interest-only payment in 2017 of $110,960, the annual debt is estimated to start at $491,400 in 2018, escalating roughly 6 percent annually until 2029, with a balloon payment of $1.9 million due in 2031,” Pike said in a memo to the council. At any point in time beginning in the 11th year of the lease, the city [can] prepay the loan partially or in full without penalty, he added. The second option is a two-bank loan, where a second bank works with Chase to reduce the annual escalation to roughly 4 percent and eliminate the balloon, Pike said. “This alternative would be a good recommendation as well should council decide the benefits outweigh the higher interest rate,” he said in a memo. Under state law, the city is capped out at borrowing at $10 million a year, Pike said.


The city of Dunwoody is buying a building at 4800 Ashford-Dunwoody Road to use as its City Hall. Capital improvements, including a new roof and relocating four tenants, will add up to more than $659,000.

Raising The Standard of Care

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DeKalb County is urging residents to conserve water as the county is in “severe drought conditions,” according to a press release. The county Department of Watershed Management said outdoor watering of lawns and plants should only be done between 4 p.m. and 10 a.m. on the “odd/even” schedule. That schedule means odd-numbered street addresses should water on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays, while even-number or unnumbered addresses should water on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. Some other water-saving tips from the county: Use a rain gauge to determine how much rained has occurred over the week before watering outdoor plants. Most outdoor plants need an inch of water per week. Water lawns and plants in several short sessions instead of one long session. This reduces runoff and allows water to infiltrate into soil and plant roots. Water lawns only when needed. If the blades of grass don’t bounce back after walking across the lawn, it is time to water. More plants die from over-watering than underwatering. Check for water leaks inside and outside, and repair when found. Shorten showers and turn off water when shaving or brushing teeth. Fill dishwashers and washing machines to ensure there is a full load every time. For more information on the latest drought status, go to northgeorgiawater.org and click on “Latest Water Stats.” For conservation tips, a brochure and videos, go to mydropcounts.org. DUN

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16 | Community

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Brookhaven looks at many ways to slow down motorists Clockwise from top left: Speed bumps are common traffic calming features throughout Brookhaven, a roundabout at Town Brookhaven is more of a traffic control measure, a motorist slows while driving over a speed bump on Oglethorpe Drive in Brookhaven Heights and splitter islands on Caldwell Road are meant to slow motorists. PHOTOS BY DYANA BAGBY


A quick glance of the map shows that more than half of Brookhaven’s speed bumps are positioned between Peachtree Road and Buford Highway. Brookhaven Heights, Brookhaven Fields and Ashford Park are some of the major neighborhoods in this area and have many traffic calming measures in place. A lot of the speed bumps were “inherited” from DeKalb County probably a decade before Brookhaven became a city, Meehan said. The reason for so many speed bumps is to slow and attempt to deter the hundreds of cut-through commuters trying to avoid the congested Dresden Drive and North Druid Hills Road area that serve as de facto thoroughfares to I-85 and I-285. “A lot of the issues we have are short-


Brookhaven’s Public Works Director Richard Meehan pulled up a map of the city on his desktop computer and pointed to the hundreds of yellow dots. “Those are all the speed bumps in the city,” he said. There are more than 200 speed bumps within the approximate 11 square miles of the city, he said. But residents want more of them—and several other types of traffic calming devices the city is examining amid complaints of cut-through commuter traffic. From “splinter islands” to roundabouts, Meehan’s job is to weigh the possibilities. “There’s just so much an engineer can do to slow down some idiots,” Meehan said. “We just ask everyone to be patient.”

JAN. 22 - FEB.

4, 2016 • VOL. 10— NO.


Buckhead Reporter






Perimeter Busines


►Mixed-use developments are a hot trend, but they’re not for everyone ►Perimeter hotels draw business with MARTA access, service, attractions Pages 4-9

Three Kings Day

Celebrating a

ferred the vote, and residents along with City Councilmember Bates Mattison, who represents the area, are trying to hammer out a compromise before the vote. “Traffic calming can be so emotional,” Meehan said. “But it’s not our job to be the referee for a neighborhood. We put the burden on the neighborhood liaison.” But this is just one of at least 10 traffic calming petitions currently under consideration by the city. Most requests are for more speed bumps and other “passive measures” such as chicanes, which are a series of road-narrowing curves, or striping to make lanes narrower, Meehan said. “We get one or two calls a week. We’ve gotten a lot more calls since Brookhaven Heights,” Meehan said.

students charities, these sm to founding ways From volunteeri community in significant give back to the Number 1 Volume 22 • per.com

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January 2016


cuts through the neighborhoods. People are going to drive where they are going to drive,” Meehan said. On Aug. 9, the City Council is set to vote on a controversial traffic calming petition in Brookhaven Heights that calls for more speed bumps in the neighborhood, but also the partial closure of Standard Drive and Thornwell Drive by making them right-in only from North Druid Hills Road, and also partially closing Oglethorpe Avenue by making it right-in, right-out only from North Druid Hills Road. Many residents opposing the traffic calming petition say if those three roads are partially closed off, the remaining two roads off North Druid Hills – Pine Grove Avenue and Colonial Drive – will be flooded with even more traffic congestion. The council has de-

TROT | P17

Exhibit highligh ts Atlanta in 50 objects

Latin traditio


BY JOE EARLE Joeearle@reporter newspapers.net Familiar sights crowd the new exhibit at the Atlanta History Center. Georgia JAN. 22 - FEB. Tech’s Ramblin’ 4, 2016 • VOL. Wreck holds 10 — NO. 2 center stage. A billboard-ready FACEBOOK.COM/THE JAN. 22 - FEB. spapers.net REPORTERNEWSPAP Chick-fil-A cow 4, 2016 • VOL. reporternew protests in one ERS 8— NO. 2 TWITTER.COM/REPO RTER_NEWS corner. A few RTER_NEWS FACEBOOK.COM/THE feet away, a VarTWITTER.COM/REPO ERS reporternew REPORTERNEWSPAP sity car-hop’s spapers.net tray hangs from FACEBOOK.COM/THEREPORTERNEWSPAP ERS TWITTER.COM/REPO a door of a ’63 2 RTER_NEWS 7— NO. Plymouth reporternew spapers.net 4, 2016 • VOL. It’s no surprise that Valiant. ►Mixed-use developments the items JAN. 22 - FEB. in this particular are are museum show a hot trend, but seem familiar. ►Mixed-use developments they’re not for ►Mixed-use developments They’re all part they’re not for everyone of Atlanta. 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Perimeter Busines

City honors founder

of nonprofit with OUT & ABOUT Humanit Survey: Puppetryarian Arts of the Year award

Center expands under Atlanta’s own puppet master


Dunwoodry Reporte

Perimeter Busines

way She’s on a breaka

Fire chief wants to reform hydrant No to ‘Religious Freedom inspect ’ law ions

Dunwoody’s Lady

Wildcats take

on Miller Grove’s

Brookhaven Reporter



Lady Wolverin


OUT & ABOUT Puppetry Arts Center expands under Atlanta’s own puppet master

Survey: No to ‘Religio

us Freedom’ law

OUT & ABOUT Puppetry Arts Center expands under Atlanta’s own puppet master

us Freedom’ law

Survey: No to ‘Religio

‘We rose to the

Perimeter Busines

Study supports renovation Students faced hardships, discrimin of Brook Run ation and many challenges STORY & Theater ES



Sandy Springs Reporter

An act of courag e




OUT & ABOUT Puppetry Arts Opinions on parks feel expands vary, as someCenter under this Atlanta’s they’ve beenown puppet master way before


‘Lynwood Integrators’ honored for courage during desegregation


Survey: No to ‘Religio

us Freedom’ law

Nationwide search planned for new city manager

97,000 copies delivered to homes and businesses in Atlanta’s best communities For information, call publisher Steve Levene at 404-917-2200 ext: 111


AUGUST 5 - 18, 2016

Community | 17


Great docs. Just around the block. Piedmont Primary Care and Sandy Springs. The start of a very healthy relationship. CITY OF BROOKHAVEN Renderings of types of traffic calming measures, going clockwise from top left: choker, splitter islands, gateway treatment and chicanes.

Some living on West Nancy Creek west of Ashford-Dunwoody Road are in the process of gathering the necessary 65 percent of signatures of residents needed to kick-start a city traffic study that begins the traffic calming request process; the Ashford Park Elementary School neighborhood will likely be seeking City Council approval soon for more speed bumps; Windsor Parkway east of Hermance Drive residents are seeking passive measures; the city is working with a section of Park Crest Drive on the possibility of more speed bumps. The neighborhood between Duke Road and Bragg Street – in that groundzero zone between Peachtree Road and Buford Highway – is also in the midst of gathering 65 percent of signatures of residents. There are several other neighborhoods beginning the process that takes approximately a year to get through, Meehan said. The process begins with a minimum of 20 percent of residents in a neighborhood agreeing they want traffic calming. When the city receives the 20 percent, it begins city-funded traffic studies to determine if such measures are indeed needed, Meehan said. Residents must also agree to pay $25 a year to cover maintenance and installation, Meehan said. Last year, for example, the city collected about $65,000 in traffic calming fees. Traffic studies for neighborhoods can cost more than $1,000. The study for Brookhaven Heights cost about $3,000, Meehan said. Installing a single speed bump costs approximately $3,500. The city works with neighborhoods to determine what is best, with most DUN

residents just wanting more speed bumps, Meehan said. Other traffic calming measures include “splitter islands” that are supposed to slow motorists as they pass into a narrower strip of road. There are several of these on Caldwell Road where the Post Apartments are located and also on West Nancy Creek Drive. The Brookhaven Heights traffic calming petition includes a neighborhood roundabout – a circular intersection at Oglethorpe Avenue and Colonial Drive, but that measure was already being considered by the city because of poor visibility, Meehan said. Roundabouts are also typically traffic control features rather than traffic calming, he said. A roundabout is currently being considered for intersection of Windsor Parkway and Osborne Road. The four-way stop at this intersection leads to major backup traffic and a roundabout is better, and cheaper, than installing a traffic signal, Meehan said. Another roundabout exists at Town Brookhaven. Meehan said another traffic calming measure being discussed by city leaders is what’s known as “gateway treatment,” usually a brick monument with the name of a neighborhood on it that could dissuade people from entering. “It’s supposed to subliminally affect the motorist to slow down because they see they are entering a neighborhood … They’re entering something different,” Meehan said. Striping to narrow traffic lanes is another passive measure that squeezes motorists into tighter spaces that, hopefully, causes them to slow down. Striping is also low cost at about 50 cents a foot.


18 | Community

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On Our Borders Editor’s note: News knows few boundaries. Here are some of the local news stories from neighboring communities that may be of interest to Dunwoody residents.


In Sandy Springs, police officers who were demoted after raising claims of a hostile work environment are considering legal action. The city says their claims had no merit and they were demoted only for not following the proper complaint procedures. “We have an attorney and are considering all options,” said one of the officers, Ron Momon, a former spokesperson for the Sandy Springs Police Department who was named the force’s “Supervisor of the Year” in 2013. The city cannot comment on pending legal or personnel matters, according to a spokesperson. Momon, who now works as a detective for the Conyers Police Department, retired from the SSPD in June after 10 years on the force. He said he retired rather than accept a demotion that he claims was in retaliation for alleging in February that other officers were harassed and ridiculed by commanding officers and Chief Kenneth DeSimone. The other officers who made the allegations are Lawrence Joe and Glenn Kalish. Joe also retired from the force after he was demoted, while Kalish accepted the demotion from captain to sergeant and remains on the force, according to city spokesperson Sharon Kraun.


In Brookhaven, the mayor and City Council debated “futuristic” designs for new park restrooms. Mayor John Ernst said he was unsure the public would readily accept their contemporary look. But Councilmember Joe Gebbia praised the angular, wood-walled restrooms as “monuments” that will say, “You’re in Brookhaven.” And Councilmember Bates Mattison likened them to the Sydney Opera House, an Australian landmark of modern architecture. Ernst acknowledged he was not ready to flush the ideas just yet and said the City Council will reconsider the bathroom aesthetic at its meeting Aug. 9. New restroom designs were part of the GreenbergFarrow Site Specific Parks Master Plan approved by the City Council in April with the recommendation from councilmembers that designers think “green.”


Also in Sandy Springs, Cobb County Chairman-elect Mike Boyce is pledging better communication about Braves stadium traffic planning after defeating incumbent Tim Lee, who oversaw a plan blasted as a “nightmare” last month by Sandy Springs leaders. Boyce’s message to Sandy Springs and other cross-border neighbors: “You’re going to be getting a phone call from me before we do anything.” Boyce’s July 26 runoff victory over Lee is widely viewed as a referendum on Lee’s initially secret agreement, announced in 2013, for the Braves to move from Atlanta to Cobb’s Cumberland area at I-285 and I-75. The deal includes a new stadium, SunTrust Park, heavily funded by Cobb taxpayers without a public referendum that many residents demanded. Lee and the Braves have run into repeated secrecy and lack-of-input controversies about the stadium plan, and Boyce won on a “transparency” platform. One big stadium concern is traffic and parking at a site already heavily congested at rush hour and lacking significant mass transit lines. The stadium is about a mile-and-a-half from the Sandy Springs border.


Perimeter North Family Medicine

An exterior rendering of proposed restrooms for Brookhaven parks. City councilmembers had suggested prototypes look “organic” and blend into the natural surroundings.

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At left, Jennifer Langley, Brookhaven Innovation Academy chair of the board, and Dr. Laurie Kimbrel, head of school, cut the ribbon on the first day, Aug. 2.


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More than 400 students started their first day of school at opening day of Brookhaven Innovation Academy, a debut more than three years in the making. The new state public charter school opened Aug. 2 at its temporary location in Norcross with 420 students signed up for grades K-6, said Head of School Dr. Laurie Kimbrel. BIA’s beginnings were bumpy. Created by the City Council and now an independent nonprofit, BIA is focused on a STEM curriculum, and is intended in part to cope with overcrowding in DeKalb County schools, especially Brookhaven’s Cross Keys cluster. The charter school won approval in August 2015 after first being rejected by the Georgia’s State Charter Schools Commission in 2014. DUN

AUGUST 5 - 18, 2016

Community | 19



Dunwoody Mayor Denis Shortal has appointed Thomas O’Brien and Richard Grove to three-year terms on the Planning Commission. The appointments were approved by the City Council at its July 26 meeting. Shortal also appointed and received approval for Rob Augustine to serve a three-year term on the Urban Redevelopment Agency. Augustine was president of the Dunwoody Homeowners Association from 1994-95. He is an attorney specializing in areas including permitting, approvals and zoning. Grove lives in the Ashworth community and is the president of his neighborhood’s HOA. He served on the city’s Community Council before it was dissolved last year. He works at his family’s business, DeKalb Tool & Die. O’Brien is a partner at the law firm of Fieler and Associates in Marietta. He has been president of the Dunwoody North Driving Club and is the community chairperson for Cub Scout Pack 477 at Kingswood United Methodist Church.


Kitchen and glassware of all kinds are plentiful at the Cathedral Thrift House located at 1893 Piedmont Road.


In Buckhead, two community institutions, Covenant Presbyterian Church and the Cathedral of St. Philip Thrift House, are celebrating decades of service. Covenant Presbyterian Church is celebrating 90 years of service from its sanctuary at 2461 Peachtree Road. “In our 90 years on Peachtree Road, we’ve weathered a lot of changes, especially in geography, demographics, culture and politics,” said interim pastor Rev. Dr. Richard Hill. “Throughout it all, we have sought out opportunities to do God’s work, and I am confident we will continue to do so for the next 90 years and beyond.” Covenant Presbyterian had its early beginnings in 1874 as an outreach church of the Cumberland Presbyterian church in Tennessee. Over the next 30 years, the new congregation met in borrowed space, disbanded and re-formed, and built a church at the corner of Harris and Spring streets in 1904. Harris Street Presbyterian Church was known for its open door policy, and strengthened that reputation during World War I by inviting soldiers of all faiths to the church for services and social events. The Cathedral of St. Philip Thrift House, which began in 1947 in a church basement, has grown into a 6,600-squarefoot warehouse, but its mission to serve the community by selling quality goods at affordable prices remains the same. So does giving 100 percent of the profits back to local charities. DUN


Tourists will be able to drive to Civil War historical sites with the help of “trailblazer” signage located in Dunwoody as part of a statewide program. The Georgia Heritage Trails nonprofit organization is implementing historic driving routes through the state. The or-

ganization’s largest project is called the Atlanta Campaign & March to the Sea Heritage Trails. It involves dozens of new National Park Service style “interpretive markers” linked by colorful roadway “trailblazer” directional signage at hundreds of locations along many of the same roads once traveled by opposing armies, explained Assistant City Manager Jessica Guinn in a memo last month to the City Council. The Atlanta Campaign Heritage Trail begins in far northwest Georgia and winds south through metro Atlanta. A short segment of the route will pass through the city of Dunwoody, Guinn explained. There is no timeline for when the signs will be installed. “Although none of the historically significant sites along the trail are within Dunwoody, the organization plans to install this directional signage at four locations in Dunwoody in order to guide travelers along the trail from the Roswell Mills to the Atlanta History Center,” she stated. “Trailblazer” signs will be installed by the Georgia Department of Transportation at no cost to the city at these locations: 1. Southbound Roberts Drive at Chamblee-Dunwoody Road, proceeding south on Chamblee-Dunwoody Road; 2.

Southbound Chamblee-Dunwoody Road before Mount Vernon Highway;


Westbound Mount Vernon Highway before AshfordDunwoody Road;


Southbound Ashford-Dunwoody Road, just beyond Hammond Drive.

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National Night Out brings together law enforcement, public




A: Perimeter Mall played host to the 33rd annual National Night Out event on Aug. 2., with police departments from Dunwoody, Brookhaven and Sandy Springs on hand to help promote police and community partnership. The evening included food, music, a Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta helicopter landing, and peeks inside police cars, armored vehicles and prisoner transports.


E B: Dunwoody residents Rick Wiggins and his son Ricky, 8, at the obstacle course that tests impaired judgment. C: One of the law enforcement vehicles on display, the Lenco BearCat Truck, designed for armored response and rescue. D: Ricky Wiggins, 8, on the turret of the truck. E: The Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta helicopter swoops in for its landing at Perimeter Mall.


JUNE 10 - JUNE 23, 2016

Special Section | 21


What’s new in them old hills Special Section


Realtor Nathan Fitts says “rustic chic” is mixing modern amenities such as stainless steel kitchen appliances and soaker tubs with plenty of wood accents.

BY KATHY DEAN It seems that more and more people are moving from the hustle and bustle of city life to settle among the beauty and tranquility of north Georgia and its surrounding hills. Really, the idea of enjoying life in the mountains is almost as old as the hills themselves. But there’s plenty that’s new in the mountains, too – new communities, new home styles and a new awareness. “Highlands has always been known for its beauty and luxury,” said Bill Gilmore, provisional broker, Highlands Cove Realty and Atlanta Realtor with PalmerHouse Properties. “Unfortunately, that has kept some people away. They’d been concerned that the high price points might keep the area out of reach for them. These days, Highlands is finally becoming recognized for being more inviting to a wider range of people, without losing any of its reputation for luxury.” Gilmore shared a long list of features that are drawing new residents to the Highlands-Cashiers area, just over the Georgia border in North Carolina. There’s the redone Highlands Pool and the Cashiers Fitness Center, both available to everyone. Half Mile Farm, a country inn now owned by the Old Edwards Inn, has been completely renovated into something

pensive, but they should know that there’s a good selection of affordable homes, some fully furnished and ready to move into, that offer good rental potential,” Gilmore explained. “We’re getting the word out that our community is welcoming and family friendly. And with the wide variety of price points in the area, a broader range of people are becoming aware that this is the place for them.” While homesites in the mountains are considered luxurious, with their lush greenery and breathtaking views, that’s not the normal perception of mountain homes. People often think of primitive log cabins and the barest of necessities. Today, that’s far from the truth. “The hot new trend here is modern rustic homes,” said Nathan Fitts, Nathan Fitts & Team of REMAX Town & Country in Blue Ridge. “In the past, housing in the area was primarily cabins for vacationers. Now, local builders are concentrating on more modern finishes for the interiors.” Those finishes include premier lighting as well as features for full-time living, like pantries, masters on main and walk-in closets. Modern rustic homes tend to have a contemporary look inside, but rustic elements on the outside, and take full advantage of the mountain views with full-length windows. “One area builder uses locally sourced elements throughout the homes he builds, like old barn wood that he reclaims and uses to create chair rails in rooms,” Fitts added. “It’s touches like these that give each home a history, makes it unique and keeps it native.” While there are plenty of historical sites and long-held family homes in the north Georgia mountains, a notable new community in the Blue Ridge area is garnering a lot of attention. Don’t let the world “old” confuse you: Old Toccoa Farm is a new, active lifestyle community in the Blue Ridge mountains of north Georgia. Homesites normally range from onehalf to three-quarters of an acre, and there’s a well-balanced portfolio of home designs, each carefully positioned on the land to take advantage of long- and short-range mountain views of the distant Cohutta Mountains, Rich Mountain Wilderness and Toccoa River Valley. Builders in the 400-plus acre master-planned community now offer some smaller footprint homes and cottages that range from 2,200 to 3,200 square feet, with even smaller cottages set to begin very soon. Board and batten, cedar shakes, natural stone and tin accent roofing are some of the features used to create a look and feel unlike the typical mountain cabins seen in other communities. According to Old Toccoa Farm Managing Partner Peter Knutzen, “People come to see Continued on page 22

unique. Cashiers/Sapphire will see new restaurants opening, some headed by the former chef of Madison’s at Old Edwards, a AAA Four-Diamond Award restaurant. Speaking of food, the Highlands Food and Wine Festival, previously known as Highlands Culinary Weekend, is a three-day long celebration of regional and local cuisine that embodies the essence of the Highlands community in an assortment of private venues. This year, the autumn festival runs from Nov. 10-13, and includes a variety of wine dinners, a sip and stroll, small bites presentations, Sunday Gospel Brunch, Autumn Oyster Roast and an exclusive “Rockwood Rocks” dinner held at the Rockwood Lodge. Brewers, wine makers, artisans, local chefs and culinary leaders of the Southeast will all be in attendance. “Everybody thinks that Highlands is ex-

Small, but functional cottages, such as this one in Ellijay, also bring modern accents like stainless and granite indoors with generous porches to enjoy the views outside.

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What’s new in them old hills Continued from page 21 Blue Ridge and they fall in love with the area. Then they visit Old Toccoa Farm, and they’re thrilled to find all the added values – like gatehouse security, city water and sewer, river footage, miles of walking trails – all included for the same price points.” The community’s state-of-the-art infrastructure is complete with Blue Ridge city water, private sewer, and high-speed internet and phone. There are golf course and river views, and property owners have access to more than 4,000 feet of Toccoa River frontage, miles of walking trails and an

18-hole golf course (9 holes currently open) that features zoysia fairways, tees and fast, bentgrass greens. And then there’s the location of Old Toccoa Farm, which couldn’t be better. It’s a mere five miles from downtown Blue Ridge, and just four miles from Lake Blue Ridge. Other nearby attractions include Ocoee Whitewater Center, Noontootla Creek Farm, the Appalachian Trail, the Benton Mackaye Trail, ziplining, John C. Campbell Folk School and Grumpy Old Men Brewery. The charming downtown of Blue Ridge

contribute to the laidback mountain vibe that brings in day trippers and families up for long weekends. It’s been reported that several new Blue Ridge businesses and ventures are underway for 2016. A new attitude, a Old Toccoa Farm new community, a new style, new restaurants has earned the city its distinction as “Georand businesses – there’s gia’s Top Renaissance City.” Bar- and grilla lot more that’s fresh in north Georgia style food, fine dining and local breweries than just the mountain air.

Above, Jim Prantl’s large rustic cabin at Lake Blue Ridge offers multiple porches and outdoor areas to see magnificent views of the mountains. Below, Bill Gilmore, with Palmer House Properties & Highlands Cove Realty says, “There are affordable homes for sale in the Highlands/Cashiers area.”

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Special Section | 23


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High altitude fun

Cloudland Canyon State Park

Visit Georgia’s State Parks for unique events If you’re looking for something to do while searching for your new mountain home, check out some of the events happening at Georgia’s State Parks and historic sites.

Cloudland Canyon will offer a Night Hike from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. on Aug. 12. Along the two-mile hike, you’ll learn interesting facts about the geology and history of the canyon. Ages 10 and older. Reservations required. $10, plus $5 parking. 706-913-7170.

Hardman Farm Historic Site - Sautee Nacoochee Emory Jones, author of “Distant Voices: The Story of the Nacoochee Valley Indian Mound,” will read excerpts from his new book “The Valley Where They Danced” on Aug. 13 at 10:30 a.m. This pre-WWI historical novel features scenes from Hardman Farm. Hear excerpts prior to the tour and then bring back questions for Jones afterward. 706-878-1077.

Tallulah Gorge State Park Slackline 101 will offer a unique opportunity to learn the basics of walking on a slackline at the site of Lake Tallulah Karl Wallenda’s 1970 crossing of the gorge. No experience necessary, just bring a pair of comfortable shoes and your balance. Ages 12 and up. Space is limited, so call ahead to reserve a spot. The date is Aug. 17, from 3 to 5 p.m. $5, plus $5 parking. A Full Moon Lake Paddle will be held Aug. 19 from 9:15 to 11:15 p.m. on Tallulah Lake. This ranger-led event is a way to get out in the evenings and enjoy nature. Space is limited, so register in advance. No pets; kids must be 8 or older. $15, plus $5 parking. 706-754-7981.

Tugaloo State Park Join the Atlanta Astronomy Club at picnic shelter #5 to view the night sky through telescopes during this Night Time Astronomy event on Aug. 20 from 6 to 9 p.m. Members of the club will be on hand to assist. $5 parking. 706-356-4362. For more, visit GAStateParks.org/events.

Intown and in the Mountains Bill Gilmore

Top, Emory Jones’ book “Distant Voices.” Above, a yurt at Tugaloo State Park.

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1st Annual Butterfly House & Pollinator Exhibit Free with Garden Admission A Garden with Wings will be open from July 30th – September 10th Tuesday – Saturday from 9am-4pm Opening Day Activities: July 30th from 10:00 am – 2:00pm


JUNE 10 - JUNE 23, 2016

Special Section | 25


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Mountain fitness

Stay fit with kayaking, trail biking and rock sliding If you’re planning to make the move to North Georgia and wondering how you’ll stay fit without your local gym, the state parks have some interesting and unusual ways to get your regular exercise. With only a $5 parking fee, you can visit multiple parks on the same day and stay fit year-round.

Hike with your dog

Georgia State Parks just launched the new Tails on Trails Club, geared toward dog owners and their pups. While all of Georgia State Parks’ trails are dog-friendly, the Tails on Trails Club encourages dog owners to complete seven designated hiking trails for a reward. Upon completion of all seven trails, dog owners will receive a T-shirt and dogs get a bandana.

Participating parks include Fort Mountain, F.D. Roosevelt, Don Carter, Sweetwater Creek, High Falls, Fort McAllister and Red Top Mountain. Find out more at GaStateParks.org/TailsonTrails.

Paddle lakes and rivers Don Carter State Park is the only state park on the northern edge of 38,000-acre Lake Lanier, making it the perfect paddling spot for stand-up paddleboards or paddling. For a challenging workout, take a three-mile trip to Flat Creek Island, the northernmost island of Lake Lanier. Don’t own a boat? Canoes and/or kayaks may be rented seasonally at more than 20 state parks. Join the Park Paddlers Club and paddle 22 miles of scenic

JUNE 10 - JUNE 23, 2016

Special Section | 27


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waterways to earn a T-shirt reward. More information: GaStateParks.org/Paddling.

Cycle the trails If biking is your thing, get on the trails at Fort Mountain State Park near Chatsworth, Smithgall Woods State Park and Unicoi State Park near Helen, Don Carter State Park in Gainesville and Tallulah Gorge State Park. Find out more at GaStateParks.org/Biking.

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Splash in state parks


Those looking for a more daring dip into nature can make a splash at Tallulah Gorge State Park and Watson Mill Bridge State Park, both of which provide summer swimmers with a unique opportunity to experience a natural waterslide made of “sliding rocks.” Get more information at GaStateParks.org/Swimming.

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Georgia authors on list of ‘should read’ BY COLLIN KELLEY

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Fourth Grade

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Fifth Grade

17 _ , 23 _ , or 18 _ ? Which is greatest: 18 30 19

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Sixth Grade

Halfway through the second quarter, how much of the game is left?

Seventh Grade

How much is 6 _12 % of 250?

The Georgia Center for the Book (GCB) has selected the works of 24 prize–winning authors and illustrators with Georgia connections for the 2016 lists of the “Books All Georgians Should Read” and “Books All Young Georgians Should Read.” The lists are compiled annually from nominations received throughout the year by the writers, educators, librarians, media representatives and individuals who comprise the Georgia Center for the Book Advisory Council. In 2013, the Advisory Council voted to make the compilation of these lists an annual event. The ceremony this year will mark the seventh edition of the “Books All Georgians Should Read” and the fourth “Books All Young Georgians Should Read.” “For the Georgia Center for the Book, the ‘Books All Georgians Should Read’ and the ‘Books All Young Georgians Should Read’ lists are a wonderful way to

honor the extraordinary talent we have right here in Georgia,” said Joe Davich, executive director of GCB. “The lists give us the opportunity to inform readers across our state about the diverse body of work produced by Georgians, and a platform to celebrate Georgia’s literary heritage.” The new list of “Books All Georgians Should Read” includes three works of fiction, six of non–fiction and a collection of poetry. The list of “Books All Young Georgians Should Read” includes three picture books, three books for middle school readers, three books for young adults and one graphic novel. Both 2016 lists are the result of months of discussions by the Advisory Council, which considered over 125 books before narrowing down the list. The authors and illustrators will be honored on Thursday, Aug. 18, at a free, public event scheduled for 7:30 p.m. in the Decatur Library Auditorium, 215 Sycamore Street.

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2016 Books All Georgians Should Read

2016 Books All Young Georgians Should Read

• J im Auchmutey – The Class Of ‘65: A Student, A Divided Town, And The Long Road To Forgiveness (Public Affairs Books)

• B ecky Albertalli – Simon vs. The Homo Sapiens Agenda (Blazer + Bray)

• Taylor Brown – Fallen Land: A Novel (St. Martin’s Press) • Ashley Callahan – Southern Tufts: The Regional Origins And National Craze For Chenille Fashion (University of Georgia Press) • Lynn Cullen – Twain’s End: A Novel (Gallery Books) • Sandra D. Deal, Jennifer W. Dickey and Catherine M. Lewis – Memories Of The Mansion: The Story Of Georgia’s Governor’s Mansion (University of Georgia Press) • Ryan Gravel – Where We Want To Live: Reclaiming Infrastructure For A New Generation of Cities (St. Martin’s Press)


• Jim Grimsley – How I Shed My Skin: Unlearning The Racist Lessons Of A Southern Childhood (Algonquin Books)

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• Charles Leerhsen – Ty Cobb: A Terrible Beauty (Simon & Schuster) • Brian Panowich – Bull Mountain: A Novel (G.P. Putnam & Sons) • Kevin Young – Blue Laws: Selected And Uncollected Poems, 1995–2015 (Knopf)

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• R oshani Chokshi – The Star-Touched Queen (St. Martin’s Griffin) • D ori Kleber – More-igami (Candlewick Press) • A isha Saeed – Written In The Stars (Speak!) • K abir Sehgal and Surishtha Sehgal – The Wheels On The Tuk Tuk (Beach Lane Books) • V icky Alvear Shecter – Thor Speaks!: A Guide To The Realms By The Norse God Of Thunder (Boyds Mills Press) • L aurel Snyder – Swan: The Life And Death Of Anna Pavlova (Chronicle Books) • M egan Jean Sovern – The Meaning Of Maggie: A Novel (Chronicle Books) • L isa Lewis Tyre – Last In A Long Line Of Rebels (Nancy Paulsen Books) • J oey Weiser – Mermin Vol 3: Deep Dive (Oni Press)

AUGUST 5 - 18, 2016

Classifieds | 29


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30 | Public Safety

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Police Blotter / Dunwoody From Dunwoody Police reports dated July 24 through July 30. The following information was pulled from Dunwoody’s Police-2-Citizen website and is presumed to be accurate. A 41-year-old woman in Perimeter

Mall at about 5:20 p.m. on July 24 reported a male customer touched her on her buttocks. On July 25, at about 8:15 p.m., police re-

sponded to a call at the Perimeter Mall parking lot after a security guard at a restaurant reported a man in his vehicle possibly under the influence of narcotics. Police arrested a 23-year-old Roswell man and charged him with possession of amphetamine. According to a police report, six tablets of oxycodone were taken as evidence. On July 26, at about 5 p.m., officers

were dispatched to a commercial building in the 200 block of Ashford-Dunwoody Road after a bomb threat was called in. There were also threats of a mass shooting involving police officers and civilians, according to a police report. At the time of the call, officers re-

sponded to a nearby staging area and treated the threats as an active shooter situation. Officers went to the building and evacuated it, and the entire building was cleared and secured. Officers from surrounding agencies also responded. There was no active shooter and no bomb found. No arrests have been made and an investigation continues.


100 block of Perimeter Center Place –

July 26, arrest for shoplifting.

On July 25, report of assault-simple assault/battery.

100 block of Perimeter Center E. – On

July 26, arrest for larceny of articles from vehicle.

Road – On July 25, report of simple assault.

100 block of Perimeter Center E. – On


block of Peachtree Industrial Blvd. – On July 25, report of simple assault.

3:30 p.m., staff at a swim and tennis facility reported a pool vacuum valued at $1,200 had been stolen. A suspect was identified.

LARCENY/ SHOPLIFTING 9300 block of Madi-


son Drive – On July 24, report of larceny.

5100 block of Drex-

el Point – On July 24, report of family battery/ simple assault.

ford-Dunwoody Road – On July 24, report of shoplifting.

2400 block of Jett Ferry Road – on July

4400 block of Chamblee-Dunwoody

4500 block of Ash-

24, report of family-simple assault/assault. 4800 block of Chamblee-Dunwoody


Road – On July 25, report of larceny.

We’re looking for more high energy people with a passion for selling, proven experience and measurable success in any type of outside sales. We offer excellent compensation (salary + commission) and benefits. For information, contact publisher Steve Levene at (404) 917-2200, ext. 111 or email stevelevene@ reporternewspapers.net.

block of Ashford-Dunwoody Road – On July 26, arrest for shoplifting. 4700

block of Ashford-Dunwoody Road – On July 26, arrest for shoplifting. 4700

block of Ashford-Dunwoody Road – On July 28, arrest for shoplifting. 4400

block of Ashford-Dunwoody Road – On July 28, arrest for shoplifting. 4400

block of Ashford-Dunwoody Road – On July 28, arrest for shoplifting. 5800 block of Chamblee-Dunwoody

July 25, report of larceny of articles from vehicle.

5800 block of Chamblee-Dunwoody


block of Ashford-Dunwoody Road – On July 25, report of larceny.

Road/Redfield Road – On July 29, arrest for soliciting without permit.


block of Ashford-Dunwoody Road – On July 29, arrest for obstruction-failure to appear.



block of Ashford-Dunwoody Road – On July 25, report of shoplifting.

Road – On July 25, report of larceny of articles from vehicle.


5800 block of Chamblee-Dunwoody

Road – On July 26, report of burglary with forced entry at a residence. 4700 block of Vermack Road – On July

2300 block of Dunwoody Crossing –

26, report of burglary-other.

On July 26, report of larceny of articles from vehicle.

1400 block of Valley View Manor – On

100 block of Perimeter Center E. – On

July 26, report of shoplifting.

July 26, report of burglary with forced entry at a residence. 5400 block of Chamblee-Dunwoody

block of Ashford-Dunwoody Road – On July 26, report of shoplifting.

Road – On July 27, report of burglary with forced entry at a nonresidence.



2300 block of Dunwoody Crossing –

5400 block of Chamblee-Dunwoody


On July 24, arrest for reckless driving. 4700

block of Ashford-Dunwoody Road – On July 24, arrest for begging and soliciting alms by accosting. 4500

block of Ashford-Dunwoody Road – On July 24, arrest for shoplifting. 4700

block of Ashford-Dunwoody Road – On July 25, arrest for shoplifting.

Published by Springs Publishing, LLC, 6065 Roswell Road, Suite 225, Sandy Springs, GA 30328


Road/Redfield Road – On July 29, arrest for soliciting without permit.

4400 block of Chamblee-Dunwoody Account Executive

July 26, arrest for larceny of articles from vehicle.

1000 block of Hammond Drive – On

block of Ashford-Dunwoody Road – On July 25, report of shoplifting.

Jim Speakman

100 block of Perimeter Center E. – On

5400 block of Chamblee-Dunwoody

On July 27 at about


Road – On July 24, report of family-batter/simple battery.


block of Ashford-Dunwoody Road – On July 25, arrest for drug pos-

Road – On July 24, report of found property. 100 block of Perimeter Center E. –

On July 25, report of damage to private property. 2300 block of Mount Vernon Road –

On July 25, report of damage to business property. 2500 block of Briars North Drive – On

July 25, report of runaway juvenile. DUN

AUGUST 5 - 18, 2016

Public Safety | 31



block of Ashford-Dunwoody Road – On July 26, report of fraud. 6600 block of Peachtree Industri-

al Blvd. – On July 26, report of criminal trespass. 4400

block of Ashford-Dunwoody Road – On July 26, report of damage to private property. 5100 block of Davantry Drive – On July

28, report of lost-and-found property. 1500 block of Dunwoody Village Park-

way – On July 28, report of damage to private property.

JURY SELECTION B EGINS IN DUNWOODY DAYCARE MURDER RE-TRIAL Jury selection began Aug. 1 for the murder re-trial of Hemy Neuman, the man accused of killing Russell “Rusty” Sneiderman in 2010 outside a Dunwoody day care center, according to the DeKalb County District Attorney’s Office. Neuman was found guilty but mentally ill in an initial trial 2012. However, the Georgia Supreme Court reversed the verdict, forcing a retrial. Russell Sneiderman’s wife, Andrea Sneiderman, previously was convicted of lying to investigators in the case. She was released from prison in 2014 and earlier this year lost a bid to have her conviction vacated. Prosecutors have alleged that Neuman was partly motivated by an affair with Andrea Sneiderman, which she denied. Jury selection was underway in DeKalb County Superior Court Judge Gregory Adams’ Courtroom 5D at the courthouse in Decatur.


Dunwoody Police Chief Billy Grogan has been named the president of the Georgia Association of Chiefs of Police for 2016-2017, succeeding Atlanta Police Chief George Turner. “I consider it a great honor to be able to lead this distinguished association,” Grogan said in a statement. “I look forward to working with police chiefs across this state to advance professionalism in law enforcement and to continue to build positive relationships with our communities.” Grogan said he wants GACP to focus this year on training officers. “The focus of our association this year will be in the area of training. As law enforcement leaders, we must make sure our officers and leaders have the best training possible and understand the challenges faced by law enforcement today,” he said in Chief Grogan a statement. “Good training can keep our officers safe and equip them with the tools they need to provide fair and impartial policing services to the communities they serve,” he said. GACP was founded 54 years ago and is an association of police chiefs and law enforcement command staff. Grogan was sworn in as president by state Attorney General Sam Olens on July 26. His duties include chairing GACP’s executive board and appointing all committee chairs. Grogan began his career with the Marietta Police Department in 1981 and rose through the ranks to deputy chief upon his retirement in 2008. Grogan was appointed as the first Dunwoody Police chief in 2008. He earned a a bachelor’s degree in Political Science and a master’s degree in Public Administration from Kennesaw State University.


The Dunwoody Police Department has arrested a man wanted in eight felony offenses, including heroin possession, burglary and robbery. Robert John Walker, 39, was arrested July 19, after two off-duty Dunwoody officers noticed him at a local church gym walking out with several gym bags, according to a Dunwoody police report. The officers checked out the locker room and discovered their gym bags had been gone through and several lockers had been broken into. The officers then saw Walker get into a stolen vehicle and flee the scene, the report states. Dunwoody Police then tracked Walker to a Sandy Springs hardware store by using a tracking app on a cellphone that was stolen from the gym. He was arrested with assistance from the Sandy Springs Police Department as he attempted to leave in the stolen vehicle. Walter is also the suspect in a June 4 residential burglary in which he is accused of entering a home and stealing a homeowner’s purse while she was doing yard work, acDUN

cording to the report. The homeowner confronted Walker as he tried to flee in a vehicle and she was dragged by Walker’s vehicle, according to the report. She received minor injuries. Walter was also captured on video surveillance on July 12 at a local retail store snatching the purse of a shopper, according to the report. Walter is also suspected of committing several similar crimes throughout metro Atlanta, according to the report. Walter faces eight felony charges: robbery by sudden snatching, burglary, entering automobile, possession of heroin, obstruction of law enforcement officers and theft by receiving motor vehicle. Anyone with information about any of these incidents is asked to contact Detective J. Maldonado at 678-382-6914 or jesus.maldonado@dunwoodyga.gov. Anonymous tips can also be made at dunwoodypolice.com or by texting C-R-I-M-ES (274-637) and using the key word DPDTIPS at the start of the message.


Dunwoody Police say they have busted up a crew who are charged with a series of car break-ins throughout the city. Ten people are charged with 26 felony counts of entering automobiles. “These charges are related to car break-ins within the city of Dunwoody since the beginning of January 2016,” said Sgt. Aaron Belt in a statement released July 19. Emmuel Smith, 30, and Charles Willingham, 53, have each been charged with two counts of entering automobile. James Bailey, 32, has been charged with one count of entering automobile. Four juvenile males have been charged with a total of nine counts of entering automobile related to separate incidents within the city, Belt said. Ricardo Watts, 29, has been charged with 10 counts of entering automobile. Watts is accused of entering several parked vehicles at various swim and tennis clubs throughout Dunwoody over the course of the last two months, Belt said. Watts was arrested on June 27 by the Cobb County Police Department for entering automobile charges in their jurisdiction and is currently in custody at the Cobb County Jail. Top: Ricard Watts Bottom: Iris Watts Dunwoody Police detectives are currently looking for two associates of Watts. Both have been charged related to vehicles that were entered following the arrest of Watts in Cobb County. Michelle Crawford, 25, and Iris Watts, 30, have active warrants charging entering automobile and financial transaction card theft. Iris Watts and Crawford are believed to be driving a black 2005 Buick LeSabre. Anybody with information regarding the whereabouts of Iris Watts or Michelle Crawford is asked to contact Detective J. Maldonado at 678-382-6914 or at jesus. maldonado@dunwoodyga.gov. People can also submit anonymous tips to dunwoodypolice.com or text C-R-I-ME-S (274-637). Use the key word DPDTIPS at the start of your message.

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