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Church News
Haven United Methodist Church News
1. Welcome Back To In-Person Worship!!!! Sunday @ 9:30 am. For your safety, we will be following CDC and State guidelines. Bring your mask and join us! Please use the rear parking lot entrance. 2. Haven Free Music School - Beginning September 12th Haven UMC is opening a FREE VIOLIN SCHOOL for youth in the surrounding community. Lessons every Saturday: 10:00-10:45 am for Beginners and 11:00-11:45 am for Intermediates. Application and Essay about “Why I want to learn to play violin” available on our website http://www.havenumchurch.com. For more information, contact the church. 2. Thrift Store: Opening On Saturday, September 5th! For your safety, we will be following CDC and State guidelines. Bring your mask. Lots of new items! Clothing, coats and jackets, shoes, linens, household items, puzzles, odds and ends. Donations are gratefully accepted (we’ll pickup clothing and small items if needed). Volunteers are welcome! 3. Do you or your group/organization need a place to hold meetings? Sporting events? Activities? Conferences? We have OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE as well! We have a variety of spaces available from small to large, including a gym. We have an elevator and chair lift for accessibility. Contact the office for room sizes, availability and suggested donations.
Haven United Methodist Church, 200 Taunton Ave., E. Providence, RI. Call 401-438-4911 or email havenumchurch@yahoo.com for more information. Pastor’s Office Hours are Monday, Tuesday and Saturday from 9am to 12pm and by appointment. Church Office hours are Monday thru Wednesday from 9:30am to 4:30pm and Thursday from 9:30am to 2:30pm. Visit our website at www. havenumchurch.com.
Newman UCC New Program
What does a church do during a pandemic? Well, if that church is Newman UCC, we create new programming... programming you may have been looking for.
Launching on September 20 is a new Faith Formation program for those between the ages of 13 and 113. (Although honestly, if someone who is 114 wants to join in... we will let them)
We are calling it Faith-FULL Affirmations, though some may call it “Confirmation For All Ages.” Others may even call it “Membership Classes.” And you know what? They would all be right.
Our new program, Faith-Full Affirmations is a “Confirmation”- style program for adults AND youth. It is for anyone seeking membership into the church as well as those who are looking to strengthen their knowledge of the Bible, faith practices and what it means to belong.
Faith-FULL Affirmations is a three-module program which will be offered on Sunday mornings at 9am using the oom platform. You are invited to participate in one module, two modules, or all three if you’d like.
Each module is scheduled for five (5) consecutive Sunday mornings. Here›s the schedule:
Bible Boot Camp - September 20 - October 18
Beliefs & Belongings - November 1 - 29
Faith Practices - January 3 – 31
If you would like to participate, contact Pastor Timoth Sylvia at 401-434-4742 ext. 11.
For those seeking to use Faith-FULL Affirmations as a gateway to membership, you must complete two modules, one of which must be Beliefs & Belongings. Any youth participating in Faith-FULL Affirmations as a “Confirmation” program are required to have an adult participate alongside them.
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Dave Say
Mandatory Withdrawal at 72?
Dear Dave,
I’ll be 72 in October, and I have a Roth IRA I haven’t done anything with in a while. I’ve got about $30,000 in it, and I believe I read where the government said there will be a mandatory withdrawal at age 72. If this is true, what should I do with that money? —Danny
Dear Danny,
I’m not positive there are mandatory withdrawals on a Roth IRA. I think that applies to traditional IRAs, but double-check with your investment advisor to make sure.
If it does apply to Roths, I’d take the required minimum distribution and move that amount to other investments. Or, since it’s only $30,000, if you’ve got another nest egg you plan to live on, you could just have some fun with the money.
In any case, talk to your investment professional before taking action. If he has the heart of a teacher and cares about your best interests, he’ll look at your overall financial situation and guide you in making the right decision. —Dave
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