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Letters to the Editor...
The letters in this section and opinion articles do not reflect the views of the staff of The Rehoboth Reporter. It is not our intent to take sides on any issues, but to present all arguments from all points of view. If your point of view is not represented on an issue, it is only because you have not voiced your opinion. Let us hear from YOU!
Blood Drive Thank You
We, the family of the late Robert McKenna, would like to thank everyone who came out in January for the 10th annual blood drive in his memory. In addition, we truly appreciate the support of the Seekonk School Department in allowing the event to be held in the high school cafeteria. The results far exceeded our expectations. Over eighty people attended, resulting in seventythree successful donations. The staff at the RIBC were extremely professional and kept things moving as best as possible. Patience was key that day and everyone waited with a smile. Again this year, we had several first time donors. Hopefully they, along with the others who participated, will make blood donation a regular part of their lives. Several of the RIBC staff members commented to us that a turnout of this size is rare after the first few years of a memorial drive. It’s no doubt due to the memory of Bob’s unique and caring spirit . He would be thrilled to see his legacy of helping others continued in this way. We look forward to seeing everyone again in January of 2024.
Thank youThe McKenna Family Karen, Katie, Tim, Danny, Meredith, Fionntan and Orla