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Do You Love Literary Fiction?
Check out The Comedian, a tense, character-driven novella by Stacy Parenteau about a peaceful suburban neighborhood in Massachusetts crippled by the 2008 national recession but revived by the establishment of a comedy club, only to be torn apart by a yearlong contest started at the club.
Hold and Secure immediately. We will then act accordingly to whatever information is given to us. Police and Emergency services will immediately be called. Upon their arrival, the building will be searched and the exterior checked.”
Swatting is described as the action of making a prank call to emergency services in an attempt to evoke a large response (often a SWAT team) to a particular address.
In a statement, a spokesperson for FBI Boston said, “The FBI is aware of the numerous swatting incidents wherein a report of an active shooter at a school is made and is working alongside our law enforcement partners in identifying the source of the hoax threats...It is important to note that law enforcement is going to use all available resources to investigate a school threat until we determine whether it is real or not.”