11 minute read
Looking Back... Spring?
By Phyllis Dupere
Taking a peek ahead on the calendar gave me the date of Monday, March 20, 2023 as the arrival of the Spring (or Vernal) Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere this year. Further research on the computer gave me the exact time that it was taking place. FYI: the Equinox begins at 5:24 pm EDT and ends on Wednesday, June 21, 2023 at 10:57 am EDT. Meteorological Spring is simply from March 1st to May 31st of any given year.
Now for the “in like a lion” and not necessarily “out like a lamb” March weather of yesteryears. Note that many spring days were exactly 100% perfect and some were above and beyond anyone’s expectations of the month and date. The following weather conditions must have been horrendous to say the least. Please note: Many of these tidbits of information were found in Rehoboth Through the Years (1993) available at Blanding Public Library.
In 1698, it was mentioned that there were over thirty-six inches of snow on the ground, as the results of having over thirty days of snow during the season. No time frame was given, yet it was stated to have been one of the coldest and snowiest winters in years.
Severe cold weather began in October 1740 and continues through April 1741. It was claimed that a freeze began in midDecember and lasted into March 1741, with the last heavy snow in April. Ice on the area rivers measured upwards of two feet thick.
March 1772 brought six snowstorms between March 5th and March 20th, with a final snowstorm ending during the first week of April.
In 1823, it was rain that caused some extreme weather conditions on March 5th. The rains, combined with the melting snow pack, created significant flooding along rivers, streams and ponds, in addition to causing major damage to buildings and property.
Sunday, March 14, 1888 brought in a heavy rain storm that soon converted into snow. However, that snow storm blossomed into something a bit more significant…It lasted three more days, finally stopping on Wednesday. Now referred to as the “Blizzard of ’88, it had stopped most modes of transportation between southeastern Massachusetts and New York. Residents, who were running low on provisions after the winter months for both their animals and themselves, had to carefully watch and not waste any foods or supplies.
Getting into more modern-day times (post World War II), a new meteorological record was set on March 20, 1948, when the twentieth storm of the season deposited yet another layer of snow. The total recorded snow amount in Rehoboth for the winter came in at seventy-three and three-tenths inches. Seven and three-tenths inches of snow was the total accumulation on March 16, 1956. Three days later, on March 19th, a blizzard deposited almost fifteen inches of snow in town…over 22 inches in in three days!
On Sunday, March 17, 1968, what would have been a St. Patrick’s Day Blizzard, was not in the picture. However, it was a memorable day and night and another day and night and another! Some parts of town have not yet forgotten the damages and inconveniences that occurred from this rain storm. A rainfall total in excess of seven inches was just too much for some of the bridges in town to handle. The Palmer River was running well as the spring melt/thaw had been going on for a while. With the additional rainfall, the river banks could not handle the river’s speed of flow nor the storm surges at high tides. Even low tide was to much for the weakening river banks. The majority of damage happened in the area of Providence Street. Two bridges were a total loss and had to be replaced…but that would take a long time. (For those who do not know Rehoboth roads too well, Providence Street, in my mind, is the Route 44 of South Rehoboth. Just like I envision North Rehoboth’s Tremont Street as being the Route 44 of North Rehoboth (even though I know part of it is Route 118!) The town is so large area-wise…they all go in an east-west direction.) Army engineers installed a temporary Bailey Bridge to help out. However, those who used that road every day knew that was not the solution. Repairs did take much longer than expected. A ride down that area these days can help one understand the concerns these residents had regarding their property and how this erosion affected their homes and other building on their property. Numerous roads had to be reconstructed due to the flooding and underground damages to the road beds.
This year, 2023, brings more wonders as to how much snow (or rain) will come in the month of March. The weather report given on Sunday, February 26, 2023 hints of rain or snow for the first week of March. By time you read this, you will know if the meteorologists were correct in their forecast. My prediction: Yes, we will have rain or snow depending on the temperature when the storm arrives. I do not think it will be a “significant” or “memorable” event…but I could be wrong.
Seekonk Lions Club’s Eleventh Annual Doug Allan Memorial Fishing Tournament
Save The Date!
Are we getting ready for the spring season? Ready to catch some trout? How about winning some great prizes and having fun? Well, scratch this date on your tackle box. It will be only a few more weeks before it is time to break out the fishing poles.
The Seekonk Lions Club’s Eleventh Annual Doug Allan Memorial Fishing Tournament will be on Patriots Day Monday, April 17, 2023 at the Old Grist Mill Pond RT 114A in Seekonk 9:00am until 11:00am. Open for all children through high school in the area.
“The Best”… and I mean only the best Fishing Derby held at the Grist Mill Pond. This derby thorough out the years has grown with many more kids and parents. They continue to be a part of a fun morning filled with anxiety, caffeine, hot chocolate and excitement!
Since 2018, the American Legion Post 311 have sponsored our banquet providing the hall for anglers to sit down and relax while enjoying Chick-fil -A sandwiches with cookies, chips and drinks.
We would like to see all our fellow anglers back this year and some new ones as well. Always the best time, with great fishing and great prizes as always!
Any questions or if you would like to help/donate or volunteer please email seekonkfishingtournament@yahoo.com.
Remember there is no charge. Just come with your fishing poles, that special bait you may have, and catch some fish!
Rehoboth Garden Club
The next meeting of the Rehoboth Garden Club will be held on Monday, March 6, 2023 at 9:30AM, in the Fellowship Hall of Rehoboth Congregational Church. Our guest speaker will by Sue Redden. Sue is a highly respected member of the Barrington Garden Club, the Hameho Garden Club, and the RI Federation of Gardens Clubs. Drawing upon her vast experience as a flower show designer, organizer and judge, Sue will give us insight into the creative process and participation in flower shows. The public is invited to attend.
Our Annual Meeting and luncheon is scheduled for April 3, 2022 at the Grist Mill at 11 AM. Officers for 2023-2024 will be installed.
New members are always welcome. For club and membership information please contact Judith Doty at 508-567-5276.
Save The Date
Rehoboth Garden Club Annual Plant Sale
Saturday, May 6th 9 AM-1 PM Francis Farm Pavilion
Thursday, March 30, 2023
Pick-up Time 5:00 – 6:00 PM
American Legion, 84 Bay State Road, Rehoboth
$15 per meal
Includes: Individual Pot Pie, Vegetable, Mashed Potatoes, Bread Roll and Butter and Brownie
For Tickets Call: Lisa Halajko: 774-991-0052, Jeanne Noons: 508-942-4903 or 508-824-0534
Or any member
East Providence/Seekonk Rotary Club and Seekonk Lions Club Announce 31st Annual Charity Golf Tournament Monday, May 22, 2023
Ledgemont Country Club to host golf tournament with proceeds benefiting both organizations local charities
The East Providence/Seekonk Rotary Club and the Seekonk Lions Club announce that their 31st Annual Charity Golf Tournament will be on Monday, May 22, 2023 at the Ledgemont Country Club 131 Brown Avenue, Seekonk, and beginning at 1:00 p.m. (Shotgun Start). The golf event will benefit Rotary and Lions charities in the East Providence and Seekonk communities.
The fee for a individual golfer is $150 and $600 for a foursome with early registration received before May 5th and increases to $175 per golfer/$700 per foursome received after May 12th. The registration fee includes greens fees, golf cart, favors, lunch, cocktail reception and prizes. Prizes for the longest drive, closest to the pin, both low gross and net team scores and more. Business Tee-Sign Sponsorships, with your business name on display, are $125.
Proceeds for the golf tournament will benefit a number of local community organizations supported by the Rotary Club and Lions Club including area high school scholarships, food banks, youth sports, and many other charitable projects.
Contacts: EP Seekonk Rotary Club -Will Francis (314) 808-7433 www.epseekonkrotary.org
Seekonk Lions Club -Dana Heberlein (401) 741-9070 www.seekonklions.club
Hornbine School to Welcome Students
The historic Hornbine School is pleased to open its doors again. After being closed for three seasons we are happy to welcome students back to spend a day in the past.
Our season for VISITING CLASSROOMS will start mid-April to June 20th. Then in the fall we will be open after Labor Day until mid-October.
Letters have been sent out and phone calls made inviting classes to the school. The school is open to public, private and homeschooled classes. We have welcomed many third-grade classes over the years. We have now expanded to welcome fourth and fifth graders. So many students did not have the chance to come to Hornbine in the past few years.
The cost for a class to spend a day at the school is $150.00
We already have 4 Seekonk fifth grade classes and 6 third and fourth grade Swansea classes coming to the school.
There are many days open to have other CLASSES join us for a day.
For information contact Cathy Potter, School Director, at 508 252 3682.
Seekonk Legion Family looking for 2 High School Age Students to Sponsor to Girls State and Boys State
The Seekonk American Legion Family is sponsoring a girl to attend MA Girls State and a boy to attend MA Boys State this June. The 2 programs are very similar and take place at Stonehill College in Easton, MA. The dates are 6/17 – 6/23/23. The students will remain on campus for the entire time of the program.
The programs are a study of local and state government. Citizens will establish and operate their own city/town and state government. City and town officials are elected at the beginning of the week and they will work to keep their municipality running smoothly throughout the week. The citizens will also come together as counties to elect nominees to run for office within their political parties, and each nominee will run on the state level for constitutional offices (Governor, Lt. Gov., Secretary of State, Auditor, Treasurer, Attorney General). Throughout this process, the students will engage in running their own campaign for candidacy. The citizens will elect Senators and Representatives to the state legislature and discuss bills. There is also a District Court.
The criteria for attending for the student is:
• Will complete their junior year of high school the same year they attend
• Have an interest in government and/or current events
• Have strong leadership abilities
• High moral character
• Above average scholastic standing
Any student who is interested in attending, please send your contact information and a brief essay on why you would like to attend the program to auxiliary311@yahoo.com by March 25. You will contacted for an interview. Additional information on the programs can be found at massgirlsstate.org and maboysstate.org.
Events at the Seekonk American Legion Post 311 Meat Raffles Start April 1st
Meat Raffles start Saturday, April 1st and continue until May 20th. The raffles take place each Saturday at 2 pm. There are 3 tables of steaks, chicken, seafood, TV and other prizes. 50/50 raffle. Kitchen opens at 1 pm. The Post is located at 351 Fall River Ave, Seekonk, MA. Call 508-336-9822 for information.
Spring Psychic Fair – April 30th
We will be holding our Spring Psychic Fair on Sunday, 4/30/23 at the Seekonk American Legion located at 351 Fall River Ave, 2nd floor, Seekonk, MA. Admission is free. 15-minute readings are $20.00 each. There will also be several Vendors/Crafters (spaces still available). The hours are from 10 am to 3 pm. Proceeds to benefit the American Legion Auxiliary programs for our Veterans, community and children. For more information, please call 508-3369822 or send email to auxiliary311@yahoo.com.
Participating at this event are: Beverly Sylvia – Psychic and Spirit Medium, Annalise Hajer - Spiritual Medium, Debbie Matthews - Spiritual Psychic Medium, Astrid Meijer– Akashic Records Reader, Georgette Biscari – Certificated Spirit/Psychic Medium over 30 years, Leila Walsh – Tarot Cards, Amber French – Reiki Master Teacher, Theta Healer, Self-Love specialist, Angel Medium.
Music at the American Legion
• Friday Night Bands – 7:30 pm to 11 pm: After Dark – 3/10
• Ricky V: Wednesdays from 7 pm to closing
• Hall Rental: 200 person capacity. Contact Bob Reed for information at 508-336-9822
351 Fall River Ave, Seekonk, MA 02771; 508-336-9822
Sons of the American Legion Rehoboth Post 302 Statement of Conditions of Scholarships
1. The American Legion, Department of Massachusetts, may grant up to ten $1,000.00 and ten $500.00 scholarships to be used towards the expenses of education of the child/grandchild, whose parent, grandparent or legal guardian is a current member in good standing (or a deceased member in good standing at time of passing) in an American Legion Post within the Department of Massachusetts.
2. Applications shall be received no later than April 1, 2023. Mail to Scholarship Chairman: Louis E Brault, 104 Johnson Rd Apt 207, Chicopee MA 01022
3. The scholarship shall be for the next school year only and limited to incoming college freshmen. The scholarship committee will make its selections before June 15.
4. Scholarship payments shall be made directly to the recipient. Payments shall be made at the end of the first semester. Payment will be withheld if the student fails to remain in good standing. In event of termination during school year, payments must be returned to The American Legion, Department of Massachusetts.
5. (Ten) $1,000.00 scholarships to be awarded, known as:
• Frank R. Kelley Scholarship
• Robert (Sam) Murphy Scholarship
• H.P. Redden Scholarship
• Mayer/Murphy/Nee Scholarship
• Joseph H. Ellinwood (Nursing only)
• Grace Fuller Olson Scholarship
• Past Dept. Commanders Scholarship
• Daniel J. Doherty Scholarship PNC
• John P. “Jake” Comer Scholarship PNC
• Paul A Morin Scholarship PNC
6. (Ten) $500 Scholarships will be awarded with (One) $500.00 scholarship to be given to a student entering military service directly following high school graduation. (Submit documentation of activeduty entry date with application).
7. (One) $500 scholarship, known as the Leo Malloy Scholarship shall be awarded to a first-year apprentice plumber. Proof of apprenticeship must be included.
Jake Kramer, Adjutant Finance
American Legion Post 302 Public
Spring Cha-Ching
American Legion Auxiliary Scratch
Ticket Fund Raiser
Ticket Donations:
1 for $1.00, 6 for $5.00, 15 for $10.00
Drawing held on April 7th, 2023
Tickets available at Rehoboth American Legion Post 302 5 $20.00, 10 $10.00 & 9 $5.00 Ticket Denominations
Total of $245.00
Thursday & Friday Specials
Serving time Thurs 4 PM till 7 PM
Fri till 4-8:30 PM
$10 reg 8 oz serving or $15 12 oz serving
Take out or Eat In
Seasoned or Non-Seasoned Cod with
Regular or Sweet Potatoes Fries
Plus a choice of Potato Salad, or Macaroni
Salad or Cole Slaw
Sea Scallops $15.00 with chips and a choice of Potato Salad, Macaroni Salad or Cole Slaw
***Bar Menu***
Fried Onion Rings $7.00 - Mozzarella Sticks
$7.00 - Shrimp $8.00
Regular or Sweet Potato Fries $6.00 - Small Ring Calamari $8.00
Other Events
Now serving Fish & Chips and other food on Fridays 4:00 – 8:30 PM
Tarot Card Tuesday – Every Tuesday 5:00 PM till when ever
“MegaMillion” “Power Ball” + others
If you’re interested in playing in a Card League of Hi-Lo Jacks
Monday Nights from April – June or…
Wednesday nights in January – April
All games start at 7:00 PM @ $7.00 per game
• The Cribbage League plays on Monday Nights January – March and then on Wednesday Nights from May – August – all games start at 7:00 PM
• March 10th, 2023 – Friday - 7:00-10:00 P.M. – Live Music performed by Notorious Jones Entertainment with Classic Rock continued on next page...