The Seekonk
NOVEMBER 2020 Volume 32, no. 11
Serving the Residents of Seekonk, Rehoboth and Surrounding Communities Since 1989
Fall Home Holiday Improvement Guide page 3435 page
Doorways Grateful for Community Food Drive see page 22
2 The Reporter November 2020
M O O R L L BA Ticket includes: AcCeSs To ThE DeCoRaTeD BaLlRoOm, 3 CoUrSe PrE-FiXe MeAl & A HoLiDaY MoViE To Be DiSpLaYeD ThRoUgHoUt DiNnEr. 4-8 PeRsOn TaBlEs DuE To CoViD ReStRiCtIoNs: TaBlEs CaNnOt ExCeEd 6 GuEsTs, AlL GuEsTs MuSt ReMaIn SeAtEd, AnD MaSkS ArE ReQuIrEd UpOn ArRiVaL.
For tickets & movie schedule, visit
November 2020 The Reporter
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• Kills bacteria and freshens air-conditioning systems • Eliminate harmful microbes • Inhibits the growth of mold and mildew PLEASE CALL FOR APPOINTMENT Shop supplies extra. No other discounts apply. Redeem at New England Tire.
*TPMS Charges may apply. Special oils & filter types may result in extra charges. Special antifreeze may result in extra charges. Environmental fees extra. Shop supplies extra. Most vehicles. No other discounts apply. Redeem at New England Tire. NOV20
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4 The Reporter November 2020
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Stella & Chewy’s Meal Mixers-18 oz.
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429 Winthrop Street, Taunton MA • 508-821-3704 • Hours: Mon-Sat 8am-6pm, Sun 8am-5pm Conveniently Located on Rte.44 in Taunton
November 2020 The Reporter
Tremendous Voter Interest in Rehoboth & Seekonk Leading to the Election
Help Wanted Advertising Sales RepRESENTATIVE Wanted
By Joe Siegel November 2, 2020--Rehoboth and Seekonk are reporting higher than usual numbers of mail-in ballots being sent in from voters. The general election is on November 3. In Rehoboth, all polling will be conducted at Palmer River Elementary School. The poll hours are from 7 am until 8 pm. Rehoboth Town Clerk Laura Schwall was unavailable for comment on Monday. Schwall said in a voice message that her office was busy processing 4000 mail-in ballots. Early voting was available from October 17 through 30. 2, 579 residents cast ballots. In Seekonk, 3, 171 mail-in ballots had been received as of October 29, according to Assistant Town Clerk Lorraine Sorel. 2, 340 residents had taken advantage of early voting. “We are expecting at least 2000 voters (on election day), and it should exceed the 2016 election,” Sorel noted. The polls will be open from 7 am to 8 pm at Seekonk High School, 261 Arcade Avenue. Voters must keep a space between them of 6 feet. The floor will be marked with blue tape to allow for sufficient distance between people. Poll workers will be 6 feet away from voters when checking people in and out. The poll workers will have gloves on when handing the ballot to a person. Voting booths will be regularly sanitized throughout the day.
Community Food Drive to Benefit Rehoboth Food Pantry and Seekonk’s Doorways
On Saturday, October 10, 2020 a Community Food Drive was held to benefit the Rehoboth Food Pantry and Doorways, which is Seekonk’s Food Pantry. Drop off locations were Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, Rehoboth Congregational Church, Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Church, Harvest Market and the Rehoboth Food Pantry. That same weekend Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church held its Annual Fall Food Drive. Donations were collected before each Mass. Dozens of volunteers, from teens to octogenarians, gave their time and energy to plan, advertise and staff these community events. Thanks to the extreme generosity of the residents of Seekonk and Rehoboth, hundreds of bags full of groceries were donated. Additionally, cash, check and gift card donations exceeded $1,700. All donations from both food drives were equally divided between the two food pantries. The organizers of both food drives expressed their gratitude to all the donors and volunteers that helped make these events overwhelmingly successful.
MUST BE: Professional, Experienced & Self Motivated Great Job - Part Time Make your own hours! email resume to @ReporterTodayMagazine @reporterSports1
Inside This Issue Business Directory......................68 Church News..............................26 Classifieds...............................67 Club Announcements.................52 Events.......................................25 Food & Dining.............................60 Holiday Guide.............................34 Letters to the Editor.......................6 Library......................................
Happy Thanksgiving! We are Thankful for all of our readers!
Obituaries................................64 People.................................28 Rehoboth COA...........................50 Rehoboth Ramblings.................33 Rehoboth Town News................9 Restaurant Guide.......................63 School News...............................54 Seekonk Human Services..........48 Seekonk Town News...................21 Scouts....................................30 State House................................66
6 The Reporter November 2020
The Rehoboth/Seekonk
Reporter P.O. Box 377 Rehoboth, MA 02769
© 2018 Target Marketing Group, Inc.
We welcome all ideas, photos, articles, news releases and notices that affect these areas.
We reserve the right to refuse any submission, including classified/display advertising.
All News Items must be submitted by the 25th of the month
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Subscription Rate: $35 for 1 year
Display Advertising Sales Call 508-252-6575 Published by:
Target Marketing Group, Inc. Dick Georgia - Executive Editor
Contributing Writers Laura Calverly Leslie Patterson Joe Siegel Director of Advertising & Graphics Michaela Oerman Graphics & Marketing Keri Cote Layout & Sports Jonathan Darling Special Thanks To: Lori Anderson TCI Press
PHONE 508-252-6575 Fax 252-6320 Visit Our Website at...
The Letters to the Editor and opinion articles do not reflect the views of the staff of The Rehoboth Reporter. It is not our intent to take sides on any issues, but to present all points of view.
Letters to the Editor... The letters in this section and opinion articles do not reflect the views of the staff of The Rehoboth Reporter. It is not our intent to take sides on any issues, but to present all arguments from all points of view. If your point of view is not represented on an issue, it is only because you have not voiced your opinion. Let us hear from YOU!
Please Note:
• Letters to the Editor MUST be signed and contain a phone number! • Letters to the Editor MUST arrive by the 23rd of the month! • We will withhold any letters of an accusatory Nature until the accused person has a chance to respond in the same issue!
Rehoboth Blizzard of Giving, Inc. The Rehoboth Blizzard of Giving is now accepting gift requests for children of Rehoboth residents. Please note, you must be a resident of Rehoboth. Please provide the following information: • Parent/Guardian/ Name/Address/Phone/Email • For each child in need: Age, sex, clothes size if applicable, toy/game request (please limit requests to 4-5 items/child so we are able to help all those in need). This information can be emailed to mailed to Maureen Brawley, 35 Reynolds Ave., Rehoboth, MA 02769 or you may call 508-252-4867. The Rehoboth Blizzard of Giving, Inc. is committed to serving the community by providing Christmas gifts, holiday support, and special occasion needs to Rehoboth residents who are facing challenging times in their lives. Donations can be made out to “Rehoboth Blizzard of Giving, Inc.” and mailed to: Rehoboth Blizzard of Giving, Attn: Cathy Edington, 61 Reservoir Ave., Rehoboth, MA 02769 For more information, please visit our website: God bless and stay safe! Maureen Brawley, Cathy Edington, & Colleen McBride
Boy and Rabbit He saw it Staring With one eye. The rabbit Granted him One try. Was he A giant, Passing by, Or an Assailant To defy? He did not know Which one To choose. The rabbit waited For his move. Don Gardner Seekonk
November 2020 The Reporter
Rehoboth Town News From the Clerk
Hello All ~ I hope the November issue of the Reporter finds you all healthy and safe. As we enter the month of November, this is a friendly reminder that quarterly Real Estate & Property Taxes were due Monday, November 2nd.
Laura Schwall
November 3, 2020 State & Presidential Election
WOW – What an incredibly wild ride for the Rehoboth Clerk’s Office, Rehoboth Post Office, Election set up/break down crew, Election Workers and Palmer River Staff – Thank you ALL – we couldn’t have pulled off this unsurmountable election without you all!!! Of the 10,028 registered Rehoboth voters, 78% (7,830) of the Rehoboth voters were afforded three ways to vote this year in the 2020 General Election – (1) Early Voting by Mail/Absentee Voting, (2) 14-days of In-Person Early Voting, inclusive of two full weekends, at Town Hall or (3) In-Person Voting on Election Day at Palmer River Elementary School. Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic and Social Distancing Protocols, the 2020 State & Presidential Election looked much different than the 2016 Presidential Election; six-foot distancing markers, masks, gloves, disinfectant, Plexiglas shields, doors and windows open for proper ventilation and a limited number of voters entering the polling site in order to keep the voters, election workers and town staff healthy in safe. Back in 2016 Rehoboth had almost 1,800 voters vote early compared to 2020 where almost 6,000 voters took Continued on next page...
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1462 Fall River Ave. (rte 6), Seekonk, MA 02771 (508) 336-4043 • BIRD FOOD • FEEDERS • GARDEN ACCENTS • UNIQUE GIFTS
8 The Reporter November 2020 advantage of either in-person early voting at Town Hall or mail-in early voting. Rehoboth made local news, along with the Town of Easton, as having the largest Early Voting turnout in Bristol County at 51% of the voters of Rehoboth and Easton; Norton and Swansea 49%, Seekonk 48%, North Attleboro 43%, Fall River 23% and New Bedford at 21%. Great Job Rehoboth voters and Election Workers! Thank you to all the voters who came out in all types of weather (sunny/warm, rainy, cold and even snowy) prepared to vote with their masks, gloves, ballot pen and clipboard. We saw a steady Follow Dr. John Dacey’s podcasts on: flow of voters each of the 14 days of Early Voting with many days seeing over 200 voters. I would personally like to thank my Town Clerk Office Staff (Lynn, Odete and Logan) and the numerous Election Workers for hundreds and hundreds of hours of dedication to the voters of Rehoboth. The past few weeks have been long and grueling, but all our efforts produced a well-run election enabling every voter to vote in a way they felt comfortable (mail-in, in-person early voting on in-person on election day). Early Voting was a huge success! Due to the July 6, 2020 Acts of 2020 legislation, this year we were able to process the early voting ballots (but not print the totals until election day) of the 5,740 voters, prior to election day. This really helped alleviate the long hours on Election night. Also, for those voters who voted back in 2016, you will remember the long lines extending beyond all three precinct entryways and hours of waiting on line (not socially distanced 6-feet away) all day long. Can you imagine how long the lines would have been in 2020 if we didn’t have the option to voter early!! The 14-day early voting period and mail in ballot initiative really helped to alleviate the long lines at the polling site on Election Day ~ thank you voters who voted early!! Many voters were concerned about all three precincts voting at Palmer River; however, due to early voting, being able to social distance all voters inside and outside of the Palmer River Gymnasium, we were able to keep all involved with the Election Day Process secure – safe and prayerfully healthy. Almost every voter was kind enough to wear a mask for the protection of themselves and others ~ thank you! Thank you, Election Workers, for bundling up and enduring the 16 ½ hours with the gymnasium outside doors open, (while windy and cold) as required by Massachusetts Board of Health, so there was plenty of ventilation in the polling area and with the door remaining open it eliminated a common touch point for voters. It was cold, but our Election Workers are tough and processed all of our 2,090 in-person voters on Election Day efficiently and effectively. Thank you, Palmer River Custodians, Administration, Office Staff, Gym Teacher and South Coast Collaborative, for allowing us to utilize the Providing Orthodontic care in Gymnasium for the 11-3-2020 Election ~ we understand the inconvenience it caused South Attleboro / / Vineyard Haven and appreciate your help in permitting Re(508) 761-5230 / (508) 336-3066 / (508) 693-3766 hoboth to hold the 9-1-2020 Primary and 11-3-2020 Presidential Election in the Palmer River Gymnasium. Thank you for allowing Democracy in Rehoboth to be held in a safe, Read Our Reviews! secure and efficient manner! * Seekonk location is minutes from our former East Providence location!
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November 2020 The Reporter Speaking of Thank You . . . Derek Melanson – Rehoboth Postmaster and his staff have gone above and beyond with all three elections this year (6-30 Town, 9-1 Primary, 11-3 Presidential). Derek made the decision to keep all Rehoboth Ballots in Rehoboth rather than sending to Providence, which could take up to 7-10 days to arrive in our office. Derek and his staff, took the ballots we delivered in the morning and had them in the voter mailboxes either the same afternoon or next day. Derek also had to postal carriers bring back all voted ballots that were left in voter’s mailboxes and were processed the same day so our office would receive when we picked up in the morning. We even had a Rehoboth resident, who works at the Swansea Post Office, see a ballot, postmarked 11-3-2020, to be mailed to Rehoboth and personally drove the ballot, which was mailed from Swansea and hand delivered to Derek Melanson on Election Day so it could be counted. Derek waited for the last mail truck from Providence to come in to Rehoboth on Election Night and hand delivered all ballots that were postmarked 11-3-2020. Thank you, Derek, and the Rehoboth Postal Staff for a job well done. The voters and I cannot thank you enough! You too allowed Democracy to be demonstrated in Rehoboth because of all your hard work ~ thank you all! Finally, to my amazing new and seasoned Election Workers & Town Clerk Office Staff who worked the Election and In-Person Early Voting session – words cannot express my gratitude for all you have endured. The 14-day In-Person Early Voting was like running 14 mini-elections while processing over 5,000 mail-in ballots. Setting up and breaking down the Palmer River Gymnasium in record time was absolutely a marvel to observe. Thank you all for your help in processing a total of 7,830 voters who wished to have their voices heard in the 2020 Presidential Election. You did it professionally, with a smile, efficiently and effectively~ thank you all! Because of your efforts – Democracy was shown at its best. I cannot thank you all enough! Continued on next page...
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Below are a few of the highlights of the Election 2020 Unofficial Tally Sheet. For full details the Town WebsiteBelow @ are a few of the highlights of the Election 2020 Unofficial Tally Sheet. For full details presidential-unofficial-election-results . please go to the Town Website @ https://
10 The Reporter November 2020
Commercial • Residential .
November 3, 2020 – State & Presidential Election Votes Cast 7,830 = 78% / 10,028 Total Registered Voters Presidential Biden/Harris 3,590 Trump/Pence 4,026
Offering Disinfecting
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Senator in Congress Markey O’Connor Write-In: Dr. Shiva
3,590 3,949 74
Question #1 – Automotive YES NO
5,014 2,527
Question #2 – Rank Choice Voting YES NO
2,470 4,942
Upcoming December 1, 2020 – Town Meeting
Kitchen & Baths, Inc.
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Upcoming December 1, 2020 - Town Meeting
I understand the Board of Selectmen have scheduled a postponed Annual Town Meeting for Tuesday, December 1st. As I have not been privy of the details, please look for a Warrant to arrive in your households soon detailing the location and articles to be voted on. Any questions on the upcoming meeting should be directed to the Board of Selectmen’s Office ~ thank you.
2020 Dog License Reminders
Please register your dog(s) either online, by mail, or in person to avoid any future late fees. Thank you!
Town Offices Closed
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Just a reminder, Town Offices will be closed on Monday, November 11, 2020 to observe Veteran’s Day and Thursday, November 26th for Thanksgiving Day. In addition to Thanksgiving Day, Town Offices will close at noon on Wednesday, November 25th and remain closed on Friday, November 27th, the day after Thanksgiving.
November 2020 The Reporter
Open 7 Days!
Self-Serve Dog Wash!
NOVEMBER SPECIALS Layer Pellets 50lb.
2 for $20
Whole or Cracked Corn 50lb.
Coupon expires 12/15/20. Cannot be combined with any other offer. While supplies last. Pick up only.
Coupon expires 12/15/20. Cannot be combined with any other offer. While supplies last. Pick up only.
Lucerne Hi Fiber or Totally Timothy 40lb.
$14.99 Coupon expires 12/15/20. Cannot be combined with any other offer. While supplies last. Pick up only.
Flock Block 25lb. Deer Block 20lb. Triple Crown Senior 50lb.
2 for $25
2 for $25
Coupon expires 12/15/20. Cannot be combined with any other offer. While supplies last. Pick up only.
Coupon expires 12/15/20. Cannot be combined with any other offer. While supplies last. Pick up only.
Ultium, Ultium Gastric or Ultrium Growth 50lb.
Purina Horse Treats 15lb. $2 OFF
$2 OFF Coupon expires 12/15/20. Cannot be combined with any other offer. While supplies last. Pick up only.
Coupon expires 12/15/20. Cannot be combined with any other offer. While supplies last. Pick up only.
Layena or Layena Plus 40- 50lb.
$1 OFF Coupon expires 12/15/20. Cannot be combined with any other offer. While supplies last. Pick up only.
Strategy GX or Strategy Healthy Edge
$2 OFF Coupon expires 12/15/20. Cannot be combined with any other offer. While supplies last. Pick up only.
$2 OFF Coupon expires 12/15/20. Cannot be combined with any other offer. While supplies last. Pick up only.
Exclusive Dog Food 30lb.
Infinia Dog Food 30lb.
$5 OFF
$5 OFF
(Limit 1 coupon per customer.) (Limit 1 coupon per customer.)
Coupon expires 12/15/20. Cannot be combined with any other offer. While supplies last. Pick up only.
Coupon expires 12/15/20. Cannot be combined with any other offer. While supplies last. Pick up only.
Free Pet Food Delivery! Rehoboth * Dighton * North Dighton * Taunton
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The Reporter November 2020
Please Thank A Veteran
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Please take a moment on Veteran’s Day (November 11) to think about and thank the Veterans in your life, along with all the other Veterans for their dedication, service, and sacrifice for our Country. I thank you all!
Congratulations Lynn
Free Estimates
I would like to take a moment to recognize and congratulate Lynn Shaker, Assistant Town Clerk, on her 15th Anniversary of dedicated service to our town. It is an absolute pleasure to work with Lynn every day and our town residents are extremely fortunate to have her assistance over the years. At this time, I not only want to congratulate Lynn, but all our town employees for their dedication and longevity to our town. It is amazing to me that Lynn is considered a relative newcomer compared to the loyalty of the majority of our town employees. Many of our other employees have worked for the town for over 15 years, with a number of our dedicated public servants serving the residents for over 25-30+ years. This certainly demonstrates how loyal your town employees are and how fortunate the town is to have such longevity LURI LEE and history at your service every day.
Congratulations Mandy Ezyk
Speaking of dedicated town employees, Congratulations Mandy Ezyk on your recent retirement from the Assessor’s Office after 22 years of dedicated years of service. We all miss you and wish you a wonderful retirement. Please come back and visit, we all love you!
Like us on Facebook @SeekonkDental for fun practice updates, including our Patient Referral Giveaways, plus healthy teeth tips!
Finally, Lynn, Odete and I would like to wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends. Have a healthy and safe November. I look forward to chatting with you again in December. Finally, Lynn and I would like to wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends. Have a healthy and safe November. I look forward to chatting with you again in December. Sincerely, Laura
November 2020 The Reporter
Patient-focused cancer care committed to keeping you safe. And close to home.
The Reporter November 2020
Support Your Neighbors by Attending the
Drive-Thru Clam Boil Fundraiser Date:
Friday, November 20th
Pick-up: 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM Place:
Seekonk Gun Club 61 Reed Street, Rehoboth, MA 02769
$60 Per Box Each box contains two meals. For tickets, information or to make a donation, please call Rob Johnson at (508) 243-4160.
November 2020 The Reporter
Missing Historic Signs We Need Your Help!
We don’t have to go in the house. We workatin508.520.1250 the basement! HELP WANTED! Call Donald
The Rehoboth Historical Commission oversees all the historic landmark signs throughout the town. No doubt you’ve seen them here and there with descriptions of historic people, places, and events. There are 26 signs in total but three have gone missing. This has never happened before and is disconcerting. Replacing them is quite costly and our budget is small. Replacing them will have to be postponed for a while.
Missing signs:
• Annawan Inn Route 44 & 118 • Orleans Mill on Reed St • Rehoboth Town Pound Brook St A report has been filed with the Police Department but if anyone has information on these stolen signs, please contact the Police Department or any member of the commission ( Thank you for your help. Rehoboth Historical Commission
Rehoboths’ Veteran Service Office Continues To Provide Transportation For Rehoboth Veterans All Covid-19 Safety Measures in Place
The Veterans Service Officer has taken all safety measures for Covid-19 in place to protect our Veterans and Drivers. If are a Veteran in need of a ride to the VA Hospital, clinics, doctor’s appointment other medical appointments, the Rehoboth Veterans Service Officer, Jake Kramer can help you. Call 508-252-4467 or new revised e-mail address to to coordinate the services for your needs. Appointments need to be scheduled no less than a week in advance to coordinate with the volunteer drivers.
Call 508.520.1250
Frazao Insurance HOME • AUTO • COMMERCIAL
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The Reporter November 2020
Rehoboth Animal Shelter News
There has been an ever-changing cat population at the Rehoboth Animal Shelter. As of this writing, there are two kittens available. Bea and Benji are littermates about two - three months old. Bea (pictured) is all black and quite calm; Benji is a handsome tiger tabby, somewhat skittish. They have had their first shots, and their mother tested negative for FeLV/ FIV. More information is available at or by calling 508-252-5421, ext 126. You can also use that number to report a lost or found pet. There is a donation box at the Blanding Library, and we welcome donations of cat or dog food, treats, toys, and WASHABLE towels and blankets. Please do not leave pillows or upholstered item.
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Bea, one of the available kittens
Rehoboth Porch Decorating Contest
The Town Events Committee’s first porch decorating contest was a huge success. We have some very creative and talented residents and that made the judging very difficult. The judges were forced to make three visits to be able to see every display at its best, including daylight and nighttime hours. As a group, we were astounded at the level of ingenuity and creativity displayed by all and were delighted by the number of youngsters who enthusiastically participated in the house decorations!
The winners are:
Dr. Sharon Wilson is the founder and clinical director of North Star Chiropractic in Seekonk, MA since 2014. Using a cutting edge, science-based approach to the primary cause of many neurological and musculoskeletal conditions and disorders, Dr. Wilson focuses solely on her life’s work of helping people truly be well (not just absence of symptoms). Celebrating her 22nd year as a chiropractor, Dr. Wilson’s extensive postgraduate education and clinical experience position her as the go-to holistic care provider in the region. Illuminating the path of wellness for both the adult and pediatric patient, North Star’s purpose is to guide people on their self-healing journey. With a detailed individual care plan designed specifically for you, it allows you to holistically heal from within to the best of your natural ability.
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1st place: Mark Haskell of 101 Pond St. His display was extremely original and creative.
November 2020 The Reporter
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1st place front porch
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The Reporter November 2020 As a committee, we would all like to thank everyone that participated. It was great to see all your enthusiasm and town spirit.
See the info for our next event “LIGHT UP REHOBOTH” on page 38. Thank you The Town of Rehoboth Events Committee 2nd place
3rd place
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3rd place: Sheila Kearns from 30 School St. Her display showed a lot of originality and creativity and was “real Rehoboth’”.
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November 2020 The Reporter
Rehoboth Town Meeting Scheduled for December
By Joe Siegel In spite of the coronavirus pandemic, a special town meeting will be held on December 1 at the Dighton-Rehoboth Regional High School in North Dighton. Selectmen chairman Skip Vadnais explained the state’s Department of Revenue was requiring the town to hold a “financial town meeting” to set the tax rate. “We have no choice, we’ve been ordered to do so,” Vadnais said Tuesday. The meeting cannot be held virtually. The articles will only be pertaining to financial matters and nothing else. The board voted in June to postpone the annual town meeting due to uncertainty surrounding the state budget. The new fiscal year began July 1. Last August, in a discussion with Town Moderator William Cute, Finance Committee Chairman Michael Deignan, and Town Clerk Laura Schwall, the board said the meeting would not be held until there is a vaccine for coronavirus. Cute called the idea of an indoor meeting “ludicrous” because of a lack of seating in the auditorium at the high school and suggested the school’s athletic field would have to be used instead. Cute explained senior citizens would be putting themselves at risk of catching Covid-19. “I don’t want to put one citizen in this town in jeopardy,” Cute added. “I don’t want that on my conscience.” Vadnais said the board will be working with Cute and the town’s legal counsel on holding an abbreviated meeting. More information will be provided in mid-November during a financial summit featuring Cute and Deignan, Vadnais added.
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SEEKONK: $344,500 Cape located near REHOBOTH: $799,000 Colonial has REHOBOTH:LAND $199,000 Great family 195 & 95 & Train Station. Home features almost 3,800ft. of maintained trails through neighborhood subdivision, “WILDWOOD” SS appliances, 5 burner gas cook top & woods and 2 access points to Rocky Run with mature landscaping and beautifully hood w/SS back splash, wall oven, granite. Brook. 4 beds, one on 1st. w/adjacent maintained properties throughout. 1st flr master. LR w/built-ins, Basement w/ handicap accessible bath. Patio w/fire pit, Conveniently located, minutes to route part finished rm, one car garage, walk-out raspberry garden, sm tree nursery, veg 195 & 6. Perc Data, Septic Design & basement. Yard w/10X20 shed w/electric garden w/8’ fence, planted evergreens. Survey in hand. Septic system design and 2.24 Acre area which can be farmed and site plan for a 5 bedroom home. boasts a delightful diversity of wild life.
REHOBOTH: LAND $235,000 Still Meadow Park II. Neighborhood w/ covenants, sidewalks, enjoyable views of well maintained sub-division. 2.99 Acre build site in one of So. Rehoboth’s most sought after neighborhoods. Path leads to Rocky Run Brook which runs through property.
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REHOBOTH: $229,500 LAND 28.8 Acres. Buyer responsible for flagging & preliminary survey. Being sold as raw land. Buyers responsible for due diligence period, no engineering has been completed to date. See photos & assessors map as a guide. Call listing agent for further info.
The Reporter November 2020
Stephen E. Navega, PC - ATTORNEY AT LAW -
Administration of Estates Probate of Wills Wills and Trusts Health Care Proxies Durable Powers of Attorney 447 Taunton Avenue Seekonk, MA 02771 T 508.336.8120 F 508.336.3350
Proposed Solar Project at Camp Buxton
By Joe Siegel Rehoboth’s Camp Buxton, which is owned by the Boy Scouts, may soon be the site of a solar farm. Town Planner Daniel Roach said the proposed project at 90 Pond Street would be situated on two different parcels of land with a combined area of 38.5 acres. The project will consist of a 3.3 megawatt solar facility, 3 stormwater management basins, 2 access drives, fencing, and associated support equipment. Roach said the project does include the cutting of trees. Rehoboth has four solar farms, which are located at 124 Bay State Road, Barney Avenue, Summer Street, and Tremont Street. During the last fiscal year, the farms brought in over $138,000 in revenues for the town, according to the town treasurer’s office. Some residents have complained about the solar farm, stating the removal of trees would have a detrimental impact on their neighborhood. “When considering the project from start to decommissioning it will have less of an impact on the neighborhood than the usual subdivision development when looking at traffic, the environment, long term availability, etc,” Roach explained. “Once the construction has been completed there will be minimal traffic and there will be none of the usual environmental contaminants associated with typical residential development.” “Currently the parcel of land is tax exempt as it is owned by a charitable non-profit, with the Town will also start receiving taxes from that property that will be used for town services that benefit the community,” Roach added.
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By Joe Siegel The Dighton-Rehoboth Regional School District is planning to boost the pay for substitute teachers to deal with a severe shortage. Superintendent Anthony Azar recalled a letter he sent out saying the district may have to close a building down, “not because of Covid-19 but because we don’t have the staffing to adequately maintain safety.” “We have been working an incredible amount of time which is very much warranted to try to get qualified individuals in front of our (students) in every classroom,” Azar said Tuesday. Paul Kitchen, the district business administrator, said noncertified substitutes were paid $80 a day. Certified substitutes were being paid $85 per day. Custodial staff are paid $12 per hour. “I think we need to increase our sub pay regardless because Seekonk is higher than us,” Kitchen said. “Somerset-Berkley is higher than us. It’s a competition now.” Kitchen proposed paying non-certified substitutes $95 and $120 per hour for certified substitutes. Custodians would be paid $14 an hour. Kitchen said the new pay rates would remain in effect through December 31 because of federal funding provided to the district.
Rehoboth Police Chief Contract Renewed
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By Joe Siegel The Board of Selectmen have approved a new six year contract with Police Chief James Trombetta. The new contract will take effect on July 1, 2021 and will last until June 30, 2027. Trombetta, 58, has served as Chief for the last five years. He began in 1984 as a dispatcher and later became a reserve officer before joining the department on a full-time basis in 1985. Trombetta worked his way through the ranks, and was promoted from Sergeant to Lieutenant in 2002. He served as acting chief for one year following the departure of Dale Wetherell in 2003. According to the terms of Trombetta’s current contract, his salary is $155, 399. That number includes $2000 annually for “longevity pay.” “Upon retirement, Trombetta shall be appointed as a Reserve Police Officer unless the town can show just cause to deny such appointment.” The details of the new contract were not disclosed.
November 2020 The Reporter
The Seekonk Scene The Clerk’s Corner October was an unprecedented month as we processed thousands of early voting ballots. The Presidential Election would have taken place by the time you read this article. So, you already know the results. However, I can provide you with some of election numbers in terms of participation. Florice Craig
Day and amount of people who voted • Saturday, October 17 voted: 172 • Sunday, October 18 voted: 135 • Monday October 19 voted: 268 • Tuesday, October 20 voted: 217 • Wednesday, October 21 voted: 298 • Thursday, October 22 voted: 128 • Friday, October 23 voted: 94 • Saturday, October 24 voted: 113 • Sunday, October 25 voted: 114 • Monday October 26 voted: 217 • Tuesday, October 27 voted: 217 • Wednesday, October 28 voted: 308 • Thursday, October 29 voted: 206
The summary below is from 9:00 PM on Thursday 10/29 • Registered Voters: 11375 • Ballots Distributed: 6177 • Ballots Mailed: 3852 • In-Person Early Voters: 2340 • Mail-in ballots Accepted: 3171 • Total Ballots Cast: 5511
That’s as much as I can provide as this article had to be in to the editor before October 29th. The Fall Town Meeting will take place 7pm, Monday, November 9th at the Seekonk High School Auditorium. Covid protocols will be in effect. Town Offices will be closed Veterans Day, Wednesday, November 11, in honor of our Veterans. Thank you for your service, sacrifice and the continued security that you provide. Town Hall schedule for Thanksgiving will be: Wednesday Nov. 25th 8:30– 12:30 PM, Thursday Nov. 26, closed Friday Nov. 27 closed. My December article will have the results of town meeting and the election. Have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving.
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Seekonk Reports Massive Turnout on Election Day
By Joe Siegel November 4, 2020-The 2020 Presidential Election brought out a record number of voters to the polls Tuesday. • 8,972 total votes were cast. That number is 78 percent of the town’s 11, 375 eligible voters. • Democratic Presidential candidate Joe Biden and his running mate, Senator Kamala Harris, won 4, 769 votes. President Donald Trump, a Republican, and his running mate, Vice President Mike Pence, won 3, 957 votes. • Democratic Senator Edward Markey won 4, 721 votes. Markey’s Republican opponent Kevin J. O’Connor won 3, 986 votes. • Democrat Jake Auchincloss defeated his Republican rival Julie Hall for a seat in Congress. However, Hall won 4, 392 votes to Auchincloss’ 4,250 in Seekonk. • Democratic State Senator Paul Feeney, who ran unopposed, garnered 6, 248 votes. • Republican State Representative Steven Howitt, who was unopposed, won 6, 941 votes. • Councillor Robert Jubinville, who ran unopposed, got 6,181 votes. • In the contest for two County Commissioner seats, Paul Kitchen won 3, 917 votes. John Mitchell won 3, 711 votes. Nancy Stanton-Cross won 3, 877 votes. • Christopher Saunders, who ran unopposed for County Treasurer, won 6, 108 votes. • For Register of Probate, Thomas Hoye won 4,146 votes. Melanie Patenaude Layden got 3, 618 votes. • Question One, which concerned motor vehicle repair, got 5, 470 votes in support and 3, 109 in opposition. • Question Two, which was for rank choice voting, got 2, 856 votes in favor and 5,516 in opposition.
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The Reporter November 2020
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On the cover: Volunteers from Our Lady of Mount Carmel who collected food on October 10. Several local churches came together to conduct a community food drive in support of two local food pantries. The Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, the Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Church, and the Rehoboth Congregational Church all joined together to conduct a food drive in support of the Doorways Food Pantry in Seekonk and the Rehoboth Food Pantry in Rehoboth. We at Doorways would like to thank the dozens of volunteers gave up their mornings to collect donations and deliver the food to the food pantries. We would also like to thank the many people who made donations in support of their neighbors in need - over one hundred families depend on the Doorways and the Rehoboth Food Pantries, and these food pantries depend on the support of people like you. We are humbled by your continued support.
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Volunteers from Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Church collected donations in a community wide food drive in support of local food pantries.
Seekonk Animal Shelter News
Meet “The Adams Family” litter… Gomez, Morticia and Wednesday They are 14-16 week old kittens who came to us from a local farm. They are all friendly and are up to date on vaccines and tests. Upon adoption, they will have been spayed/neutered and microchipped. Meet them at the Seekonk Animal Shelter, 100 Peck Street, Seekonk MA 508-336-6663.
November 2020 The Reporter
ne Drivew o t S ue Masonry a &
By Joe Siegel Seekonk Public Schools will remain in a hybrid model for the foreseeable future due to rising rates of Covid-19 in Massachusetts. For the last two weeks of October, the state Department of Health has placed Seekonk in the red zone, for cities and towns with the highest rate of new infections. There were 19 cases reported the week ending October 22. That number jumped to 40 for the week ending October 29. The daily incidence rate was 20.4 cases per 100,000 residents for the last 14 days. “We want to keep six feet of distancing through our hybrid model,” Superintendent Rich Drolet said Monday. “I won’t be talking about bringing more students back until the numbers do decrease.” Drolet said if the statistics showed Seekonk in the red for a three or four week period, the schools might return to a fully remote model. Governor Charlie Baker and the state’s Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) are urging schools to remain open for now. “We would definitely shift to remote learning for a school if we ever had a cluster or any sort of transmission in the schools,” Drolet said. Last month, two positive cases of Covid-19 were reported at Aitken and Martin Elementary schools. Drolet said the contract tracing for those individuals revealed the transmission occurred outside of the schools. “Our staff and students are doing a great job with following all of the rules,” Drolet added. “I do think schools are the safest public places to be because we’re doing such a good job following all of the rules.”
Seekonk Schools Will Remain in Hybrid Model
Aitken Addition Set For Spring Completion
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By Joe Siegel Work on the $10.5 million addition for the Aitken Elementary School is set to be completed in the spring. There will be 10 new classrooms to accommodate a growing school population. Modular units were used for Aitken and Martin schools to help deal with the overcrowding. Another $1.5 million was spent to install air conditioning throughout the school. There is also a The Law Offices of new boiler and ventilation system. Voters approved a temporary tax increase in June 2019 to pay for the construction. Tanya M. Gravel, Esq. The project has experienced some problems in recent months. In a letter to parents, Seekonk School Superintendent Rich Drolet and Principal John Haidemenos explained that “unforeseen conDivorce, Child Custody, Child struction delays” had pushed back the opening of school by two Support, & Restraining Orders weeks to September 29. Criminal Defense: “We were hopeful that Aitken students would be able to start Misdemeanors and Felonies the school year in-person on Tuesday, September 15 like the rest of the district, however the final unit ventilators for the remaining Call NOW for your free consultation! classrooms in the original portion of the building were just delivered MA Bar & RI Bar this week,” Drolet and Haidemenos wrote.
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Seekonk Voters to Decide Expenditures
By Joe Siegel Voters at the Fall Town Meeting on November 9 will be asked to approve a large number of expenditures, including $500,000 to fund the construction of an ADA compliant sidewalk, new curbing, and wooden guardrail along Arcade Avenue near the Senior Center. Other items include: • Authorizing the town treasurer to borrow up to $350,000 for the cost of renovating or reconstructing the age 18 – 22 Transition Program at Seekonk High School • Transfer from available funds that have been reserved for appropriation the sum of $144, 310 to fund the purchase and equipping of a Trackless Machine to be used by the Department of Public Works • Appropriating $50,000 for repairs and upgrades to the Public Safety building on Taunton Avenue. • The appropriation of $157,000 to fund the purchase and installation of guardrails, paving, landscaping and other site work at the Town Hall playground In addition, there are some zoning bylaw amendments and changes to the Town Charter which are to be voted on. The entire meeting warrant can be accessed by visiting the town website: signed_warrant.pdf. The meeting will begin at 7 pm in the auditorium at Seekonk High School, 261 Arcade Avenue.
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The Reporter November 2020
After 4 Months, Seekonk Has No New Police Chief
By Joe Siegel Four months after the Board of Selectmen selected Dean Isabella to serve as the new Police Chief, an investigation into his background is still not complete. “I can tell you that the Board of Selectmen and I are fully aware of an incident that occurred 20 years ago and Mr. Isabella has been forthright with all of our questions,” Town Administrator Shawn Cadime said in a statement last week. “Mr. Isabella is currently undergoing the Town’s comprehensive background check, which is conducted on all applicants who have been given a conditional offer of employment. After the background check is complete and the Board of Selectmen vote on an offer of employment, the Town will be prepared to make a public statement regarding the position of Police Chief.” Last month, Chairman Justin Sullivan told the Reporter the background check for Isabella was still ongoing. “Hopefully it should be done within the next few weeks,” Sullivan said at the time. Isabella worked for the Department of Children, Youth, and Families in Rhode Island as assistant director of Child Services, overseeing the Child Protective Services unit that investigates child abuse. Isabella, who lives in Narragansett, had been a member of the Providence Police Department since 1987 and retired as a captain in 2019. Last January, members of the police department lobbied selectmen on behalf of Acting Chief David Enos. Enos was appointed to serve as Chief on an interim basis following the retirement of Frank John in July 2019. John had been placed on administrative leave in March 2019 after being in the position for six months. At the time, Enos had been appointed to serve as Deputy Chief. Under the terms of Enos’ three-year contract, his salary is currently $122,400. That figure will increase to $124, 848 next February.
Installation for Seekonk’s New Fire Chief
By Joe Siegel David Rave was sworn in as the town’s new Fire Chief at a ceremony held recently at the Public Safety headquarters. Rave was appointed at the August 5 Board of Selectmen meeting. Rave was a Battalion Chief from East Providence with 35 years experience. There were 29 applicants for the position. “I learned from everyone that I worked with and worked for and guys that worked under me too,” Rave said. “Sometimes they teach you the greatest lessons of all.” “As Battalion Chief, he was highly regarded among his peers and had an outstanding reputation for his experience and leadership,” said Selectmen Chairman Justin Sullivan. State Representative Steven Howitt, R-Seekonk, and State Senator Paul Feeney, D-Walpole, also paid tribute to Rave. “Being a public servant is not easy in normal times,” Feeney said. “But during these times when there’s trepidation in the midst of a pandemic and a public health crisis, communities like Seekonk look to our leaders. I know they have chosen the right person here in Seekonk to lead this department.” Former Fire Chief Michael Healy retired in May 2019 but had remained in the position during the search process for a replacement. The installation ceremony can be viewed at various times on TV9 Seekonk.
Seekonk Pays Tribute to Retired Fire Chief
By Joe Siegel The Board of Selectmen honored former Fire Chief Michael Healy, who served in the department for the last 35 years. Healy began as a call firefighter in 1985. He soon made his way up through the ranks to Lieutenant, Fire Captain, and finally Chief in 2014. Healy retired in 2019 but remained in his position until a replacement was found. A proclamation read by Chairman Justin Sullivan at last Wednesday’s meeting said Healy “had the vision to further develop the town of Seekonk Fire Department. During his tenure he replaced frontline apparatus, increased staffing, oversaw the building and completion of the Banna Fire Station, and was instrumental in establishing the department’s first Deputy Fire Chief.” Healy also held the position of Emergency Management Director of the Task Force team. “During the Covid-19 pandemic, Chief Healy’s unwavering commitment remained with the health and safety of the town’s residents,” Sullivan added. Former Fire Chief Michael Healy (center), former Police Chief
Frank John is to his left.
November 2020 The Reporter
Events & Activities 90th Birthday Drive-By Celebration Planned for November 7th
The Rehoboth Senior Club usually has a birthday celebration for our members who turn 90 in the current year. As we have a special situation with covid 19 we are planning on doing something different for the recipients’ celebration. We will be having a drive-by parade going by the recipients’ homes. Our Police and Fire Departments will be joining us. Members who are celebrating 90 years are Dolores Bubier, Beverly Costa, Manuel Costa, Shirly Goff and Mildred Hamlin. The staging area for this event will be the Palmer River School parking lot. We will meet there at 10 am on November 7th to begin the festivities. The parade should be completed in under an hour. We hope to see you there with your decorated car. ALL are welcome! If you have any questions please call Steve at 508-336-4195.
Erin Flynn to hear about how archaeological surveys within Rehoboth help piece together the past and help us better understand preservation for the future. Register to receive a Zoom link to this free lecture at The Carpenter Museum is open T/Th and the first Saturday of the month from 1-4pm. Now on exhibit: Play Ball! The Rehoboth Milkmaids, Pioneers of Women’s Softball
Club of East Providence/ Seekonk
Virtual Veterans Town Hall
On Wednesday, November 11, from 7 PM to 8 PM, there will be a virtual Veterans Town Hall with veterans sharing their experiences of war. Sponsored by Congressman Seth Moulton (MA-6th District), the event is inspired by the writing of war correspondent Sebastian Junger. The public will have the opportunity to listen through Zoom by registering in advance or watch live stream on Congressman Moulton’s Facebook page, Congressman Seth Moulton held the first Veterans Town Hall in Marblehead, MA, where veterans of all wars shared their stories with a live audience, who listened without debate or questioning and carried home in their hearts what they had heard. Junger, author of Tribe: On Homecoming and Belonging, has written of the tremendous disconnect veterans experience returning to a society that has not directly endured war and does not understand the burdens or strong bonds created in warfare. He suggests that a healthier society would do more than say, “Thank you for your service.” It would help carry the burden of war by listening to the wide range of experiences of those who have fought – the defining moment of one’s life, a chance to prove oneself, the devastating loss of a buddy, anger, physical and emotional pain, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Moulton and Junger both suggest that the best way to honor veterans, in addition to the various veterans’ benefits, is annually to hold Veterans Town Halls in communities throughout the nation on Veterans Day, November 11. Congressman Moulton’s office has a Field Manual available that provides all the resources needed to organize a Veterans Town Hall.
10AM - 1PM
BayCoast Bank 110 Taunton Avenue, Seekonk M.A. CONTACTLESS DROP OFF: Drive up and donate conveniently from your vehicle. Volunteers will be on-hand to offload your donation.
Event to benefit the Doorways Food Pantry
Archaeology along the Palmer River:
History for Thousands of Years Around Rehoboth
~ Online Event ~ Sunday, Nov 15th 2pm via Zoom-Free A Presentation by Erin Flynn, Project Archaeologist at the Public Archaeology Laboratory in Pawtucket, RI The Massachusetts Archaeological Society has been recording Native American sites along the Palmer River for at least 70 years. Archaeologists are able to better understand Native American life from these artifact collections and local narratives. Join
401 Walcott St Pawtucket, RI 02860 ● 746 Victory Highway, W Greenwich, RI 02817
The Reporter November 2020
Church News & Events Rehoboth Congregational Church to kickoff 300th Year of Service and Celebration
The Rehoboth Congregational Church is pleased to announce the kickoff of the 300th Year of Service and Celebration to honor the establishment of the Second Precinct of Rehoboth on November 29, 1721. We have much to be thankful for and we hope the community will join in the 300th Year of Celebration as we honor, educate, celebrate and share the history and service of the Rehoboth Congregational Church. On November 29th, 2020 we will reveal the 300th Logo and Banner at the Church as we begin this religious, historical and fun filled year. The Town of Rehoboth was founded 1643 when the Reverend Samuel Newman established the settlement and erected the first meeting house at the Newman Congregational Church location on the east bank of the Ten Mile River, and called the town “Rehoboth” (Genesis 26:22). As the town expanded, many of the descendants of the early settlers moved east of the Palmer River, some distance from Newman Congregational Church. Wanting to worship regularly, they petitioned the General Court in Boston to have the town divided into two precincts for the support of the ministry. The Pastor, Reverend David Turner, and ten founding members of the new congregation completed the meeting house and the Palmer River Church on Lake Street was organized on November 29, 1721. The original meeting house of the new congregation was later replaced with the Yellow Meeting House located at the current Rehoboth Village Cemetery. Church growth necessitated the building of the Rehoboth Congregational Church at the current location on Bay State Road in the Village. There will be opportunities for all ages to participate in activities and we look forward to a fruitful year of joy, service and celebration.
now more than ever, we need a little
Christmas [in the Village]
Rehoboth Congregational
25th Annual Mission Bazaar at Newman Congregational Church, UCC
Rumford, RI – This year, Newman Congregational Church, UCC will host their 25th Annual Mission Bazaar online, with many of the same items for sale you have come to expect from past bazaars. All proceeds are donated to various charities. Last year’s profits were dispersed to the following: Back Bay Mission in Biloxi, MS, Bread of Life Food Pantry in Rumford, the Haiti mission, and CrossRoadsRI’s Women’s Shelter. Amongst the items for sale, you will find ornaments, a variety of crafts, baked goods, and cookies. There will be decorated fresh balsam wreaths, beautiful gift baskets, hand knit items, quilted items, fleece scarves, handmade crafts, and jewelry. You can access the secure shopping site at missions beginning November 14, and extending until November 30. Payment options include Visa, Master Card and Discover Card. All shopping will be done online this year. All purchases must be picked up at Newman Church’s parking lot on Saturday, December 5, between 10 AM and 2 PM. Drive up and your purchases will be brought out to you. Please bring confirmation of your order (email sent, either printed or on your phone), or an id. Newman UCC is an Open and Affirming congregation of the United Church of Christ and extends this invitation to one and all, living out the example of Jesus’ extravagant welcome. Newman Congregational Church, United Church of Christ is located at 100 Newman Avenue, Rumford, RI 02916 - on the corner of Newman and Pawtucket Avenues. For more information, call 401-434-4742.
November 2020 The Reporter
Ongoing Racial Justice Book Discussions
As part of Newman Congregational Church, United Church of Christ’s ongoing commitment to education and dialogue on structural racism and white supremacy, we invite the wider community to participate in our monthly book discussions. The book group meets using the Zoom platform on Monday evenings from 7pm to 8:30pm over three consecutive weeks each month. • November’s book will be: “So You Want to Talk About Race” by Ijeoma Oluo • December’s book will be: “Breathe: A Letter to My Sons” by Imani Perry Interested in participating? Visit our website at ministires/racial-justice. You may also contact Pastor Timoth Sylvia at 401-434-4742 ext. 11 with questions or to add your name to an upcoming discussion.
First Christian Congregational Church’s 13th Annual Veterans’ Meat Pie Supper
The First Christian Congregational Church, UCC has begun planning for the 13th Annual Veterans’ Meat Pie Supper. Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the Meat Pie Supper will be held in April of 2021. Whether it will be held in the Church fellowship hall or be a takeout meal will be determined closer to April. Area businesses will still be solicited at this time. While being aware of the huge loss of revenue many businesses have suffered, the Church also realizes that the need to help Swansea Veterans is as great as ever. Donations will be gratefully received and appreciated. Donations can be mailed to First Christian Congregational Church, UCC, 1113 GAR Highway, Swansea, MA 02777. Gift cards and services will be given to the Swansea Veterans Service Agent in November. Thanking you in advance for helping us, help others in our community.
Seekonk Congregational Church Christmas Bazaar
It just wouldn’t be Christmas at Seekonk Congregational Church without our Christmas Bazaar. While we’re unable to celebrate inperson this year, the festivities will go on! Pre-order your one-ofa-kind wreaths, beautiful centerpieces, delicious ham and beans, and much more. All items will be available for drive-through pickup at the church (600 Fall River Avenue, Seekonk, MA) on Saturday, December 5 during our virtual bazaar. Please visit our Facebook page for a link to the online order form or simply call the church at 508-336-9355 for more information. All orders are due by Saturday, November 21.
Seekonk Congregational Church UCC News
Seekonk Congregational Church UCC is now open for in-person services Sundays at 9:30 AM in the Sanctuary at 600 Fall River Avenue, Seekonk, MA. Masks and safe distancing are required. Advance registration is requested, the link is located on our Facebook page or you can send an email to and the link will be sent to you. Please call the church office at 508-336-9355 if you are unable to register online and they will be able to assist you with registering. Please come if you feel comfortable, all are welcome. We will continue to provide a virtual service at Seekonk Congregational Church YouTube.
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The Reporter November 2020
People In The News Boston University Graduates Rehoboth Resident
Boston University awarded academic degrees to 2,003 students in September 2020. Among the graduates was Kevin English, who received a Master of Science in Healthcare Emergency Management.
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Bristol County Savings Bank Appoints Kreyssig To Vice President/Operations
Bristol County Savings Bank (BCSB), headquartered in Taunton, Massachusetts, has named Keri-Ann L. Kreyssig to the position of Vice President/Operations. In this role, Kreyssig will lead the Loan Servicing Team and will be responsible for the maintenance and support of the Bank’s Commercial, Consumer, Residential and Indirect (Automobile) Loan portfolios and customers. Prior to her recent appointment, KreKeri-Ann L. Kreyssig yssig held the positions of Vice President/ Senior Operations Consultant and Assistant Vice President/Senior Operations Consultant with Bank of America Leasing & Capital, LLC in East Providence, Rhode Island. Previously, she served as a Paralegal at a number of law firms that specialized in real estate, commercial lending, foreclosures, franchise law, estate planning and litigation, including Lisa & Sousa, Ltd. and Partridge Snow & Hahn, LP, both in Providence, Rhode Island. Kreyssig is a volunteer with the Mission Events Committee at Rehoboth Congregational Church, Rehoboth, Massachusetts and served as the Communications Leader for the Military Support & Assistance Group, Rhode Island Chapter, while employed by Bank of America. She is currently pursuing her Master of Business Administration at Providence College and earned her bachelor’s degree in Psychology, graduating Summa Cum Laude, from UMass Dartmouth. Kreyssig resides in Seekonk, Massachusetts with her family.
Local 216 (Fall River) Announces a Music Family Scholarship Awarded to Abby Abrahamson of Rehoboth
$100,000 awarded by the recording industry’s Music Performance Trust Fund to 125 students in the US and Canada Local 216 announced that Abby Abrahamson is the recipient of a Music Family Scholarship from the recording industry’s Music Performance Trust Fund (MPTF). Abby’s father Scott S Abrahamson is a professional musician in Fall River. “We are thrilled the Abrahamson family is being recognized in this way,” said Paul Mitchell, President of local 216. “With most of our live music events on hold due to COVID-19, this recognition serves as a reminder to us all of the enduring value of music in our lives and society.” The MPTF established this scholarship during a time of great challenge and change to encourage the children of professional musicians, and even the musicians themselves, to pursue higher education and become leaders in their chosen fields. Applicants were encouraged to write an essay describing the impact growing up in a music family has had on their own lives. “Many themes emerged in the application essays we received – perseverance, passion, contribution, commitment, practice – and we were gratified by everyone’s
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November 2020 The Reporter words of optimism and determination,” said Dan Beck, MPTF Trustee. “Those selected most uniquely expressed the lessons they’ve learned from growing up in a music family.” Abby is also the daughter of Karen Abrahamson.
Two Rehoboth Residents involved in Grammy Award Consideration
Grammy Consideration for Rhode Island College Concert Chorus
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The Recording Academy places RIC group on the official ballot for Best Pop Duo or Group Performance and Best Music Video Wood & Vinyl Siding The Recording Academy has placed the Rhode Island College Concert Chorus on the official ballot in this year’s Annual Grammy Awards in two categories: Best Pop Duo or Group Roofing • Decks Performance and Best Music Video. The recognition for the group’s virtual performance Cement Work of “When I Think of You” for SATB chorus and piano, composed by Laura Farnell with text by Sara Teasdale, was announced Friday at Rhode Island College. Additions & Restorations “Our students are the best, I love them, and I am so proud they have received this honor,” New Construction said Dr. Teresa Coffman, Choral Director at Rhode Island College. “This is recognition for Remodeling the hundreds of beautiful live concerts performed by the Rhode Island Concert Chorus and as inspiration for countless more.” The piece was performed “at a distance” in April during early days of the COVID-19 Rehoboth, MA pandemic, with the video premiering on YouTube on May 1st. watch?v=za-8nD21GaU LICENSED & INSURED In addition to being recognized for conducting, Coffman was co-producer for the MA #058544 Reg # 111902 RI# 7169 project, along with Rhode Island College senior Music and Film Studies major Jack Zornado, who served as Engineer, Mixer, Mastering Engineer, and Bass section leader. Also recognized are K. Michelle Beaton, Pianist; Tyler Dorothy, Tenor section leader; Rachel Garrepy, Soprano section leader; Leah Silva, Alto section leader, and 28 additional Rhode We hope you enjoy receiving Island College Students. The Reporter every month! “The talent and indomitable spirit of these young artists is truly inspiring,” said Ian Greitzer, Chair of the Department of Music, Theatre, and Dance. “These young people are Support the Local Businesses a bright light in the midst of the pandemic and are most deserving of this honor.” that make this all possible! The Rhode Island College Concert Chorus is made up primarily of students who major in music, but is open to any RIC student by audition. Part of RIC’s Department of Music, Theatre, and Dance, the music program offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in music, music performance, and music education. “I am beyond grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this group of singers at RIC who came together to perform this beautiful Firewood, split & delivered song,” said Melendy Johnson, sophomore Music major. “When we Erosion Control Etc. worked to sing our song, we all felt a sense of peace and calm in Debris Disposal • Junk Vehicles being able to make music together in some way.” Junior Music Performance Major Hailey Deltano said, “When Landscaping • Land Clearing COVID-19 first shocked the country, none of us knew where to Storm Damage turn. We were forced out of school, forced out of routine and a Asphalt Repair place where we felt safe and inspired in more ways than one. To Mike Plaut be included on this Grammy ballot is not just for us, it’s for choirs and choir members across the country who, like us, were ripped from rehearsal rooms but still kept the music alive in our hearts.” No Job Too Big or Small, Free Estimates In April, each chorus member recorded their vocal tracks while watching the video of Coffman conducting and Beaton accompanying on the piano. Then the tracks were mixed and edited into Logic Pro X and Final Cut Pro by Zornado. After the month-long process was complete, the chorus met on a Zoom call to watch the premier of the video on Youtube. “Although we all performed solo, there is no denying that we shared deep feelings, and performed as a whole, whether actually together in one space or not,” said K. Michelle Beaton, pianist. “We are one collective heartbeat, and that shines through in this recording.” Rehoboth residents Chris Hoskins and Kayla Leffort, both students at Rhode Island College, were among those recognized for their performance in this video. Hoskins, a Sophomore Music Education Major, said “I am incredibly grateful to Dr. Coffman, Michelle Beaton, Jack Zornado, and the rest of the RIC Chorus for helping me stay connected to music and our RIC music family during such a trying time.” Hoskins is the Chair of the Rehoboth Cultural Council.
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The Reporter November 2020
Scouting Around Town Rehoboth Girl Scout Troop 484 News
Troop 484 went on an awesome hiking adventure on a beautiful October Sunday at the Swansea Dam and earned a Nature Scavenger Hunt fun patch!
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November 2020 The Reporter
Rehoboth Girl Scout 628 News
Sixth Grade Cadette Troop 494
Sixth grade Cadette Troop 494 had spooktacular Halloween fun on a candy wagon ride and campfire at Anawan Farm in Rehoboth.
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Girl Scouts Troop #628 hiked the trails behind the Seekonk town hall! The girls used their maps to find the way.
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Sweep & Inspect Chimneys Rehoboth Girl Scouts Troop #628 went on a winter wonderland Halloween walk in their costumes at Araujo’s Farms in Dighton.
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The Reporter November 2020
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Bristol County Sheriff ’s Office’s Autism Safety Seat Belt Covers
DARTMOUTH – Police departments, community organizations and school systems across the region are taking advantage of the Bristol County Sheriff’s Office’s newest public safety program. But the Autism Safety Seat Belt Covers are making noise outside of Bristol County too; far away from Bristol County in fact. BCSO Manager of Public Programs, Tina Marie LePage, has been returning emails, answering calls and mailing seat belt covers to anyone who’s requested one. She’s sent them across Massachusetts and even filled requests from people in Rhode Island, Vermont, and as far away as Alaska. “We had a good feeling the Autism Safety Seat Belt Covers would be a hit in the community, but we never thought we’d be sending them to Alaska and other states,” Bristol County Sheriff Thomas M. Hodgson said. “We know the challenges that parents, guardians, friends and family members of autistic individuals face in every-day situations, so it’s our sincere hope that these seat belt covers make a positive difference within the autistic community.” The plush covers velcro around any seat belt in any vehicle and alert first-responders if an individual may resist help, may not recognize danger, is a risk to wander off, or may just need a special approach. They are available for free to anyone in Bristol County and beyond who can benefit. Please contact Tina at 508-995-6400 ext. 3640 or via email at to make a request. The seat belt covers are also available at police stations across Bristol County, including Westport, Seekonk, Fairhaven, Raynham, Norton, Swansea and New Bedford. Tina is in the process of connecting with every police department in the county and is also reaching out to school departments and community service-providers. Recently, Sheriff Hodgson delivered 225 seat belt covers to Sandra Ford, Executive Director for Special Education and Student Services at the New Bedford School Department, which has requested a few hundred more. In total, over the last month, more than 500 seat belt covers have been distributed in Bristol County and beyond. “Any individual, community group, school teacher, administrator, public safety officer, anyone who thinks these can benefit someone, we encourage you to reach out,” Sheriff Hodgson said. “Public safety is more than reacting to a situation; it’s doing our part to prevent potentially dangerous situations from ever happening in the first place. We feel like we’re making a difference with this new program, and that’s what public safety and law enforcement is all about.” At left: Bristol County Sheriff Thomas M. Hodgson delivered 225 Autism Safety Seat Belt Covers to New Bedford School Department Executive Director for Special Education and Student Services Sandra Ford recently. [Photo courtesy of the Bristol County Sheriff’s Office]
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The Autism Safety Seat Belt Covers velcro around any seat belt in any vehicle and can alert first-responders if someone may resist help or need a special approach. [Photo courtesy of the Bristol County Sheriff’s Office]
November 2020 The Reporter
Rehoboth Ramblings by Leslie Patterson
Speaking for the Trees The best Halloween decoration I saw in October was a fake tombstone with some dirt and a shovel next to it. The simple inscription read “2020”. Yes! I think we all want to bury this year and be done with it. Now here’s another local worry -- the plans for turning Camp Buxton on Pond Street into a solar farm. The Boy Scouts of Rhode Island, longtime owners of this rustic camp, want to lease their mostly wooded property to a solar energy firm, which would install a solar farm. We have always worried that the Boy Scouts would want to sell such an extensive and desirable parcel of land at some point. Installing a solar farm would involve cutting down hundreds of trees, mostly pine but some deciduous as well. The property borders Wilmarth Bridge Road and extends down the north side of Pond Street for about one-third of a mile. The back of the camp ends at the Palmer River. The solar farm plans call for a buffer of shrubs between the fence and the road, but plantings of rhododendrons are hardly the same thing as a woods. At a meeting of the planning board on Zoom in late October, longtime neighbors of the camp, of which I am one, voiced their concerns about this plan. It is easy to understand why people would be upset at this planned destruction of such a large wooded area. After enjoying living across the street from woods for many years, home-owners would be facing a large field of solar panels instead. Speaking for myself, I mostly feel sickened at the proposed destruction of all those trees. People who have moved to Rehoboth from elsewhere often say that they chose to live here because of the woods. I spent my childhood living literally across the street from a noisy, smelly, and polluting paper mill in the Midwest, back in the 1950’s. Talk about something you do not want to live across the street from! It left me with a lifelong desire to be near woods, streams, and ponds, since those were my favorite outings as a child. Imagine living in a leafy and peaceful setting all the time. Now imagine how people would/ will feel to have to see and hear the constant whine of chainsaws tearing down nearby woods. The quandary behind forests vs. solar fields is a tough one. Massachusetts is a leader in solar energy, yet the New England states are the most heavily forested in the country. There’s the problem. Even though solar power is a clean, quiet and renewable source of energy, trees provide a vital service to the environment in sequestering carbon. But even if using solar panels results in a net gain in energy while allowing for loss of trees (according to one study I’ve read), trees are more than individual plants. A forest is an ecosystem of its own, with other plants, animals, and soil. Forests are also far more attractive than solar farms. There are studies and articles online you can read to get a more thorough evaluation of the solar farm conundrum. What I am writing here are just my own thoughts, the first of which is why does everything have to be so complicated? Chopping down trees always reminds me of the Dr. Seuss book “The Lorax”. Dr. Seuss intended a deeper meaning for this book than his usual whimsy. He wrote it shortly after the first Earth Day over 50 years ago. The story is about someone (called the Onceler) realizing that he can make money from the colorful Truffula trees in his woods. To make a short story shorter, this character goes on a tree-cutting binge until they are all gone, all the animals have moved away, and there is nothing left but a wasteland. In the
midst of the tree-cutting, a curious little fellow, the Lorax, appears from a Truffula stump to reprimand him for the destruction. The Lorax says sternly: “I am the Lorax. I speak for the trees, for the trees have no tongues.” The proposed changes at the Boy Scout camp are not exactly parallel to chopping down Dr. Seuss’s mythical Truffula trees, but the Lorax is on my mind nevertheless.
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The Reporter November 2020
Skip the Holi-daze
Dentistry At Its MOST Advanced. GOLD, SILVER & STERLING
Dentistry ItsForeign MOST Comfortable. U.S. At and Coins Old Comics and Sports Cards Old Watches Collectibles Thanks to the most recent advances and in laser dentistry, many dental procedures can now be completed without the need for anesthetics, vibration or the Diamonds and Jewelry disconcerting whine of the dental drill. Dr. Alan Merchanthouse employs just such508-336-9103 technology in a relaxing country setting in Rehoboth. For the highest quality dental care – furnishedAve by a highly trained and friendly staff of dental 113 Taunton professionals – call (508) 252-6121 to schedule your appointment with MA Same Location for 40 Years Dr. Seekonk, Alan Merchanthouse.
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How to spend added time making memories
(Family Features) Making time to reconnect with loved ones is a wish topping many lists this holiday season, so set aside the chaos and commit to doing more this year. More of what you truly enjoy, that is. These time-saving holiday hacks from the Chinet(r) brand can help curb your time commitments so you can focus on personal connections and celebrating good cheer with loved ones instead. Spread out prep time. If you’re busy putting the final touches on a meal as guests begin to arrive, you’ll miss out on the excitement as the party begins. Rely on tricks to spread your meal preparation out over the days before your event, such as making sides and casseroles ahead of time and freezing them so all you have to do on the big day is pop them in the oven. Mashed potatoes are a notorious last-minute time suck, so make them early in the day and keep them warm in a slow cooker. Just add a bit of cream and stir periodically to keep them soft and fluffy. Simplify cleanup. After enjoying a meal surrounded by loved ones, there’s no reason to halt the conversation while you slip away to bring order back to the kitchen. Cover dishes and put perishables away then return to your guests for the quality time you deserve. If you use disposable tableware, there’s even less to worry about later. For example, Chinet Classic White products make cleanup easy so you can spend more time with friends, family and guests. The plates and bowls are strong enough to serve the heaviest, messiest meals with style then you can simply toss them when you’re done. Shop local for shortcuts. Local businesses are feeling the crunch of 2020 in a big way, but you can give them a boost while doing yourself a time-saving favor. Pick up a pie or specialty dessert from a local bakery. Inquire about family-size sides from the family restaurants in your community. Also remember to check with school-age children you know, as many seasonal fundraisers offer pre-made holiday desserts and other treats you can share with guests with minimal effort. Get out of the house. If you’ve spent too much time this year looking at your own surroundings, getting away from it all may lift your spirits while saving the hours you’d pour into getting your home ready for entertaining. Community groups with their own facilities often have space available to rent, and these spaces are typically large enough to maintain social distancing requirements and are subject to rigorous cleaning protocols. Alternately, if you’re keeping the guest list small, renting a vacation home offers the opportunity to turn the seasonal celebration into a short road trip for added memories and joy. With some simple decorations, you can create a fun atmosphere for your holiday event and skip the headaches of hosting at home. Go short and sweet. If the idea of a full-fledged dinner event is stretching you too thin, look for festive ways to scale back. For example, a dessert-only party lets you gather with loved ones and keep the focus on the company rather than the food. Plan themed stations with different styles of desserts and consider asking family members to help stock each station with their own favorite treats. Add a touch of style by placing a stack of Chinet Cut Crystal dessert plates at each station so guests can sample all their favorites while they mingle. The collection also includes cups and stemless wine glasses ideal for a beverage table or single servings of desserts like mousse or parfaits.
November 2020 The Reporter
Celebrate Like It’s 2020
After a whirlwind of a year, this holiday season promises to be a little different than those of years past. Instead of lamenting what won’t be the same, treat this year as an opportunity to deck the halls in a whole new way. Invite technology to the party. With group gatherings and travel restrictions likely to continue in many parts of the country through the holiday season, there’s a good chance you may not be able to gather with everyone you’d like. However, the pandemic has shown how simple it can be to use technology to stay connected. Go ahead and schedule a virtual party or make time to jump on a video chat during your celebration to include those who can’t be there in person. To help add a touch of normalcy to the festivities, consider packaging and sending small boxes of party essentials in advance to each person who’ll join the virtual party. Make giving a group effort. Helping those in need is a tradition many people honor around the holidays, but this year your giving is likely to be especially impactful. When you join efforts with family or friends, your contributions can go even further, and it’s a way to bond over your shared experience. Consider volunteering as a group at a food pantry, adopting a family or two together or finding another local cause that could use some extra help and count your blessings while you enjoy the extra time together. Simplify gift-giving. As families grow, the gift lists get longer. However, especially in a year like this, not many wallets have expanded to keep up with the pace. Forgo the time and money required to buy for everyone in the family and start a new tradition by drawing names and instead of buying smaller items for a lot of people, put a little more toward a single item your recipient truly wants or needs. Find more ways to manage your time this holiday season at Source: Chinet
The RED mailbox is in front of Durand Insurance Agency for the kids to mail their letters to Santa. He may even send them a reply!!!
Post your pictures next to the box on FB@DurandAgency
Durand Insurance Agency
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The Reporter November 2020
No Craft Fairs for Shopping? Get Handmade Items for Gift Giving at Loraine’s Stitch ‘n’ Crafts • Classes on a limited basis • Selling Pfaff Sewing Machines (min. 10 yr warranty)
We Fix Sewing Machines!
Loraine’s Stitch ‘n’ Crafts
235 Winthrop St, Rehoboth Ma-In the Dunkin Donuts plaza Open Wed-Sat 12-4 or anytime the lights are on!
Covid Approved “Santa’s Ballroom” Dinner & A Movie Launching this December at Dublin Rose
In lieu of holiday parties this year, Dublin Rose is happy to announce Seekonk’s “Santa’s Ballroom” this December. In an effort to make the best out of a difficult situation, Dublin Rose will be offering holiday inspired themed dinners & a movie throughout the month of December. The movies will include Home Alone, A Christmas Story, Elf, National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation and many more holiday classics. The Ballroom will be decorated to get everyone in his or her holiday spirit. Dinner will include a 3-course meal consisting of salad, choice of entrée and dessert. There will be 1-2 screening per night. Due to social distancing, limited tables will be available for each showing. Ticket details and full movie schedule will be listed on their website- COVID APPROVED: We will be following all state mandated guidelines to ensure all guests & staff are safe throughout the event. Tables will be spaced at least 8’ apart with a max of 8 guests per table. We ask that all guests remain seated and wear masks when entering/exiting your table. Our ballroom will be professionally sanitized before and after each dinner service. Reservations required. Minimum 4 guests per table – max 8 guests per table. Facemasks are required. Doors Open 30 min. prior to Screening. All ages. Must remain seated at all times, unless the use of restrooms. See our ad on page 21.
November 2020 The Reporter
Santa’s Ballroom at the Dublin Rose
Thank you to all our valued customers for your support during these challenging times. We are open year round….and ALWAYS to the Public!
Our Kitchen Winter Hours are Wednesday thru Saturday 4:30 to 9pm Spacious indoor seating available in our restaurant AND grand ballroom as well as outdoor seating on the restaurant and ballroom patio with heaters and fire pits for your comfort (ask about a blanket for those chillier nights).
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Upcoming Events:
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Coming in December... Outdoor Dining Igloos! For more visit
The Reporter November 2020
OUTDOOR HOLIDAY DECORATING CONTEST •$10.00 entry fee - All proceeds help support future Town of Rehobth events. •Contest is limited to what can be seen from the street side of the house at night. •People or live animals are not allowed as part of display. •Participants are requested to keep their houses decorated through January 1st, so the community may view and enjoy them. •Judging will take place during December 11 – 19 from dusk until 9 pm. Please have your decorations turned on by 5 pm. •Winners will be notified on December 22, 2020. Judges decisions are final.
MOST CREATIVE MOST TRADITIONAL CLARK W. GRISWALD OVER THE TOP AWARD Decorate Your Porch, Yard, Roof, Barn, etc. to Be the Brightest in Rehoboth!
Judging is based on creativity, arrangement, special effects and overall appearance. Enter your home in the 1st Annual LIGHT UP REHOBOTH Outdoor Decorating Contest! Judging will take place during the evenings of December 11 - 19. Winning entries will be listed in the Rehoboth Reporter and Facebook. For more info, email:, subject: Town Event Committee
Christmas Trees Balsam
• Wreaths & Baskets • Roping
Hundreds of Quality Trees To Pick From 2 ft. to 20 ft. 106 Tremont St. Rehoboth 1/2 mile east of the Corn Crib
To enter, please mail your address, telephone, and email address to: Town Of Rehoboth,148 Peck Street Rehoboth, MA 02769 Please make check payable to Town of Rehobth
Open Nov. 27th thru December
DEADLINE TO SUBMIT IS DEC 10, 2020 LUR (1).indd 1
Richie’s Plantation Grown
10/29/20 1:29 PM
November 2020 The Reporter
GUIDE Personal Touch Country Gift Shoppe
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The Reporter November 2020
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News And Notes From Blanding Library by Leslie Patterson
Ongoing Book Sale & More
We missed being able to hold our annual used book sale this fall, but the ongoing book sale in the hall continues. New items are added all the time. Come in and browse anytime during library hours. Masks and social distancing are still required inside the library and the hall. The Blanding staff has been working hard to make sure the library is a safe as well as fun place to visit. When returning library books to the Blanding, please put them in the outside book drop. Just a reminder that books and other items from other SAILS libraries are being held for a few days of “quarantine” before being checked in or out. So if you see that something you returned in the book drop is still on your record, don’t worry. It will soon go through the system and you won’t be charged any overdue fees. All items on the shelves at the Blanding are available for immediate check-out. Items requested from other libraries may take a few days longer to arrive.
Thanksgiving Reading
We Perform Quality Work for Reasonable Rates We Are Hiring! Contact Us Today. Kerri Arruda Rehoboth, MA
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The Blanding has many books about the Pilgrims and Thanksgiving for children. Why not make reading about the Thanksgiving story part of your holiday tradition? Among the many, many books for adult readers about this pivotal period in American history, two of the most interesting are Nathaniel Philbrick’s “Mayflower: A Story of Courage, Community and War”, and, for a new look at the Wampanoag side of the story, there is “This Land is Their Land: The Wampanoag Indians, Plymouth Colony, and the Troubled History of Thanksgiving” by historian David Silverman. The Blanding also has a DVD of the excellent “Pilgrims”, a film by Ric Burns, which is worth watching or watching again. What makes this film unique is the poignant portrayal of Gov. William Bradford by the late English actor Roger Rees, in his final role. And the image of the Mayflower sailing all alone, looking so small against the vast and turbulent Atlantic, is one that will stay with you.
Children’s Activities
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• Miss Joyce is offering two new Story Time productions on the Blanding Library’s Children’s Service Facebook page. One is a “Splash of Fun”, along with her newly posted “A Chance to Dance”. She and her daughters have become quite the production team, and we thank them for creating virtual fun, stories and adventures. Joyce plans on continuing to create new events each month. • The Blanding is still featuring our local children’s author, Nancy Cote, and also Newton’s Puppets with Leigh Baltzer. There is a continual sharing of virtual programs within many public libraries on Facebook, allowing our viewers to choose from a wide variety, all for free. • The “Take and Make” scarecrow craft in October was so popular that the library will be offering another simple “Take & Make” turkey craft, along with our own Story Walk set up around the library’s garden area featuring “A Turkey for Thanksgiving” by Eve Bunting, illustrated by Diane de Groat. Both of these programs are sponsored by The Friends of the Blanding Library. • The Blanding Library, 124 Bay State Rd., Rehoboth, is open Monday through Thursday from 10 a.m. to 8 pm. and on Friday and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Closed Sundays and holidays. The library will be closed on Wed. Nov. 11 for Veterans’ Day and on Thanksgiving Day. The library will close at 4 p.m. on Wed. Nov. 25, the day before the holiday. Phone: 508-252-4236 or www.
November 2020 The Reporter
Seekonk Public Library Virtual Adult Craft: Pinecone People Mon, Nov 16th at 6:00 PM
Looking to spruce up your holiday display? These adorable pinecone people will do the trick! Just register online to reserve your supplies and reserve a space in our online class, featuring instructions from Creativebug. Participants will receive most supplies but are asked to provide their own basic supplies like glue guns, paint brushes etc. A full supply list is detailed on our online event calendar. Please register online in order to receive a Zoom invitation for the program. For information, visit, email, or call the library at 508-336-8230 x56141.
Virtual Ukulele Circle: Holiday Songs
If you envision playing ukulele for a gathering “someday,” increase your confidence with this virtual program and make your holiday season debut! For players only, this ukulele circle provides an opportunity for you to play from the comfort of your own home in front of a supportive group of your peers. Prepare your song (one or more, with or without singing) and get ready to play your best! This program will be moderated by librarian Michelle Gario. No ukulele? No problem! Borrow a ukulele and a beginner’s book from the library ahead of time and prepare your song! Need help selecting a song? Options will be provided in the program registration from online collections such as Doctor Uke’s Holiday Songs or the San Jose Uke Club Holiday Song Book. Join us for Virtual Ukulele Circle: Holiday Songs hosted through Zoom on Wednesday, November 18 at 6 PM. Register in the Events Calendar at to receive the login information for the program. If you’re not familiar with Zoom or if you do not receive the login information by the date of the program, contact the library at library@seekonkpl. org for assistance. For more information, visit the library’s Events Calendar at, call the library at (508) 336-8230 or email
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Virtual Craft: Cactus Rock Garden
The Seekonk Public Library presents a program for 6-12th graders: Create a faux cactus garden using painted rocks! We will supply rocks, paint, flower pots and more. Check the website to see what you need to provide. RSVP online to reserve a space in this program. You will receive a Zoom invite the day of the program. For information, visit, email, or call the library at 508-336-8230 x56141.
Thurs Nov 19th at 3:00 PM
Online Book Discussion: Mayflower by Nathaniel Philbrick
Join us for a lively discussion of Mayflower: A Story of Courage, Community, and War by Nathaniel Philbrick through Zoom on Tuesday, November 24, 2020 at 6:00 pm. Register in the Events Calendar at to receive an invitation to the Zoom call approximately one hour before the start time. The title is available digitally through Overdrive, or you may pick up a print copy at the library. From the perilous ocean crossing to the shared bounty of the first Thanksgiving, the Pilgrim settlement of New England has become enshrined as our most sacred national myth. Yet, as author Philbrick reveals, the true story of the Pilgrims is much more than the well-known tale of piety and sacrifice; it is a 55-year epic. Philbrick has fashioned a fresh portrait of the dawn of American history--dominated right from the start by issues of race, violence, and religion.--From publisher description. This program is free and open to all. For information: www. or Contact:
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Tween/Teen Craft Program
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The Reporter November 2020
The Friends of the Seekonk Public Library News
Please remember to return YOUR Annual Friends of the Seekonk Library Supporter Appeal Envelope with a donation to keep our library strong! If you would like to learn more about the Friends of the Seekonk Public Library, please contact Irene Frechette at Irene Frechette, President Friends of the Seekonk Public Relations 508-222-8059, 774-219-1214;
Phone / Fax (508) 252-5275 Phone (508) 252-5490
Taylor Heating
& Air Conditioning, Inc. Bruce Young ~ John Benevides Falamos Portugues • Lisenced in MA & RI
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Licensed & Insured
Virtual Adult Craft on Needle Felting
Needle felting is a fun way to add soft, three dimensional texture to all kinds of projects. Join us for Virtual Adult Craft: Needle Felt Fairies hosted through Zoom Wednesday, December 2 at 6 PM. Register in the Events Calendar at to receive the login information the week of program. Space is limited; registration with a SAILS library card is required. Materials will be provided to make two wool fairies. As a prerequisite for this program, participants will learn needle felting with the Creativebug video “Intro to Needle Felting” to create the basic sphere shape (solid color); in the Zoom workshop you will incorporate the shape into creating a Wool Fairy. Materials will be available for pickup at the library beginning November 23 for registered participants. If you’re not familiar with Creativebug or Zoom, contact the library at for assistance. For more information, visit the library’s Events Calendar at www., call the library at (508) 336-8230 or email library@
Ted Reinstein Presents “Fighting Back: New England Underdogs”
Everyone encounters an obstacle to overcome at some point in their lives and a little inspiration to keep going can make all the difference. As we enter Winter 2020 be inspired and entertained in the virtual presentation by Chronicle reporter and author Ted Reinstein Fighting Back: New England Underdogs hosted through Zoom on Thursday, December 3 at 6 PM. Register in the Events Calendar at to receive the login information before the program. If you’re not familiar with Zoom or if you do not receive the login information by the date of the program, contact the library at for assistance. Ted Reinstein is best known in New England as a journalist and reporter for Chronicle, Boston’s celebrated (and America’s longest-running, locally-produced) TV news-magazine. In the talk ‘Fighting Back’ Ted profiles several extraordinary people who overcame enormous odds and daunting challenges to create, succeed, or just to live a life of inspiring worth and dignity. While some of these stories are also culled from his three books, others are from more recent Chronicle programs. For more information, visit the library’s Events Calendar at www., call the library at (508) 336-8230 or email library@
Remember Holidays Past in Christmas City with Seekonk Library
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This holiday season will surely be different from those we remember from years’ past. Reminisce with us on Taunton’s renown holiday history in the program Holiday History in the Christmas City hosted through Zoom on Thursday, December 10 at 6 PM. Register in the Events Calendar at to receive the login information the week of the program. If you’re not familiar with Zoom, contact the library at for assistance. This program is free and open to the public. This program on Christmas City will be led by Old Colony History Museum. Learn how Taunton earned its nickname “The Christmas City“ thanks to its spectacular displays of decorations and holiday lights on the Taunton Green and its reputation as a destination for shoppers buying gifts for their loved ones. In this presentation, we’ll take a trip back in time and explore this wonderful local history. The Old Colony History Museum is home to an extensive collection of regional objects and archives and a research library specializing in local history and genealogy. It’s parent organization, the Old Colony Historical Society, was founded on May 4, 1853, making it one of New England’s oldest historical societies. For more information and to register, visit the library’s Events Calendar at, call the library at (508) 336-8230 or email
November 2020 The Reporter
Minecraft Club-Education Edition Weds, Nov 4, 18 & Dec 2, 9 4-5 PM
Join us as we enter into an adventure with Minecraft Education! We will explore as we create and build fantastic new worlds together in Minecraft Education. We will be following unique lesson plans and learning so much along the way! Minecraft Education Edition varies a bit from the traditional Minecraft platform in that we will be utilizing lesson plans and options that are not available in the traditional Minecraft edition. No Minecraft experience or personal membership required. Participants need to have their own device (as this program is virtual) as well as a free Zoom account. We ask for a commitment to the 4 session dates. Limited to grades 3, 4, & 5 .
David Laurino Plaster & Paint Serving Rehoboth for Over 30 Years
Abe Lincoln & Thanksgiving Monday, Nov. 9th 5:30-6:30pm
Mr. Abraham Lincoln (Kevin J Wood) shares the story of how our national, annual observance of the Thanksgiving holiday came to be established during his presidency. It is a reminder that despite whatever difficulties we might be experiencing, we can still find reasons to be thankful. Mr. Lincoln will provide us with a 45 minute presentation followed by time for Q & A. This is a live, virtual program. You will need a free Zoom account in order to participate. This program is most appropriate for children ages 6 plus (including grown ups!). Registration is required, space is limited. Mr. Lincoln is portrayed by Kevin J. Wood, a professional Lincoln presenter who bears a remarkable resemblance to "the Great Emancipator" and who is extremely knowledgeable about his life and times. Mr. Wood has been portraying Mr. Lincoln since 2000. He has made over 1,100 appearances as Honest Abe.
Make Your Own Video Game Tuesday, November 17, 4 PM
Have you ever wondered how the designers of your favorite games work their magic? Come "crack the code" of games in the Rhode Island Computer Museum's "Make Your Own Video Game" workshop. This is a great chance to put down your controllers, dive into learning and create your very own video game sample. Participants will use Scratch, a user-friendly program developed by MIT to teach software coding. Note: Scratch will work on a PC or Mac but not on a tablet. Presented by Dan Berman from the RI Computer Museum, the workshop also features an exhibit on 'Historic Video Games' that explains the impact of Early Video Games and describes how designers made games. Participants will walk away with the skills they need to develop a game and a deeper understanding of the history of technology. Game ON! Participants must be ages 9 and above. A free Zoom account is necessary to participate. Register and then a Zoom invite link will be sent out to registrants one hour before the event, to the email address provided upon registration.
Made By Me Cooking School: Pumpkin Pie Monday, November 23, 5-6 PM
Let's cook! In these live Zoom classes, children ages 7+ (with an accompanying adult) will learn how to cook and prepare a delicious meal or dessert for their family. For November, they will make a pumpkin pie to be served on Thanksgiving. For December, participants will make a recipe and serve it for dinner immediately following class. Taught by Heather Dupee, owner of Made By Me Cooking School, each class is 1 - 1.5 hours long. Subjects covered include kitchen safety, knife skills, and cooking methods such as saute, broil, and/or bake. The programs also include time for questions and answers. Participants may register for one or both programs but please register for each program separately. Register at’s calendar of events and receive a Zoom invitation to the class which will be emailed one hour before the start time. Class size limited continued on next page...
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The Reporter November 2020
to 15 families. Monday, November 23, Pumpkin Pie. Wednesday, December 16, Chicken Pot Pie. Join us for this new, family oriented series of programs. How wonderful it will be for kids to cook dessert (or dinner) for the family! Register and then a Zoom invite link will be sent out to registrants one hour before the event, to the email address provided upon registration.
Thanksgiving Family Storytime Friday, November 20th, 10 AM
Join Miss Sandie (virtually) for a family Thanksgiving storytime for all ages! Pre Registration is required. One hour before the event you will receive a program invite and password to log in. The program will be held virtually and a Zoom account is necessary. Turkey Tales Storytime on the Go: Week of Monday November 16th. It's a special Thanksgiving "Storytime on the Go!" Parents of toddlers and preschoolers are invited to register and receive two Thanksgiving library books to borrow, as well as an activity booklet and a themed, early literacy craft to keep. Designed for children ages 2 - 5. Register in advance and pick up the packet anytime between Monday, November 16 and Saturday, November 21. "Happy Thanksgiving!"
1,000 Books Before Kindergarten On-going
Families are invited to join the 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten program at Seekonk Public Library. This program encourages parents and caregivers to regularly read aloud to their young children which builds literacy skills and helps lay the foundation for school success.
To participate, parents register for the self-paced program then keep track of the books that are read by using either the 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten app or by tracking the books on paper reading logs available through the library. Incentives are earned after each 100 books including special achievement stickers, a tote bag, a lunch bag and even a t-shirt after reading 1,000 books. Research shows that the most reliable predictor of school success is being read to during early childhood. Reading to children from an early age can help close the vocabulary gap and prepare children to enter kindergarten with the skills they need to learn how to read and succeed. These skills include understanding the sounds letters make, developing rich language, learning vocabulary words and building background knowledge. In addition, sharing books with children helps promote a lifelong love of books and reading. The program is self-paced and achievable. By reading three books a day, the program can be completed in one year. By reading one book a day, families will reach the goal in three years. The program is educational, free of charge and children ages birth through age 5 may participate. Registration is on-going and requires a SAILS Library card. For more information, call the Youth Services Librarians, Sharon Clarke and Sandie Gauthier at (508) 336-8230 x56140, or visit
Family Binge Boxes
Get cozy on the couch with Seekonk Library's newest Binge Boxes. Check out a family oriented, binge-worthy box of 6-7 family and children's DVDs based on a variety of themes. Our latest boxes are Disney Classics, Family Classics, Storytime (animated readalouds), and Preschool Education (Sesame Street, Mr. Rogers, PBS etc). All materials are in DVD format and are rated G or PG. Come into the library to browse the collection and select a box that’s just right for your family. Binge Boxes circulate for two weeks at a time.
Advantage Painting
About eBooks
Whether you’re looking for picture books, beginner readers, chapter books, or nonfiction books for your child, we have thouServicing Rehoboth and surrounding sands of eBook titles to choose from. Available in eBook, audiobook towns for over 20 years and video formats. Browse our online collections at and scroll to the bottom of the home page for the links to OverDrive, Hoopla and Tumblebooks. You will need your SAILS library card to check books out. Don’t have a card? Contact us at childrens@ or (508) 336-8230 x56140 OverDrive: Your child's source for e-Books and audio books for every device. Discover picture books, chapter books, graphic novels and more. Explore Libby, the 'user-friendly' OverDrive app. No monthly limit on checkouts. Hoopla: Instantly borrow eBooks, audiobooks, comics, movies, music and more for your child, 24/7 with your library card. Monthly Free Estimates • Fully Insured • Commercial & Residential limit on checkouts. TumbleBooks: Encourage reading with interactive books and activities. Something for every age child! Featuring picture books, chapter books, graphic novels, National Geographic videos, games, puzzles & more. No app needed, nothing to download, no borrowing, just click and read. Visit seekonk2 Burnside Ave. • Seekonk, MA 02771 • and scroll to bottom of homepage for link Tom Moreshead To search our main catalog of hardcover Over 20 Years and paperback books (not eBooks) visit the (508) 399-5399 SAILS online catalog at Experience! (508) 878-8012 Visit or call (508) 3368230 for details about placing any type of materials on hold, about curbside pick-up Services and for updated Seekonk Library news. FolBobcat, Backhoe Service, Land Clearing, Walkways, Retainer Walls, low us on FaceBook and Instagram.
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November 2020 The Reporter
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The Reporter November 2020
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“You will be satisfied” Bristol Toyota is the only dealership in New England to SWANSEA earn Toyota President’s Award for 29 straight years!!!” Where Friends Send Friends... Every Day!
Ed Veader (right) with his Grandson DJ
d Veader (right) with his grandson DJ.
November 2020
The Reporter
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The Reporter November 2020
Seekonk Human Services Dates to Remember
• Veterans’ Day, Wed, Nov 11th - CLOSED • Thanksgiving Holiday - Closing early on Wed, Nov 25th at 12:30pm • Thursday & Friday, Nov 26th & 27th- CLOSED
Guided Meditation: Mondays, Nov 2nd & 16th @ 11am Zoom Trivia*: Tues at 1:30pm—2:00pm Chair Yoga: Wednesdays @ 10am Zoom BINGO!*: Thursdays at 1pm *Please contact the office to access BINGO cards
Open Enrollment• Oct.15th-Dec.7th
Come review the new money saving plans for 2021!
DAVID GERING Retirement Specialist
We are an independent agency dedicated to providing a simple solution to the complex Medicare system. We offer a FREE consultation that explains in simple terms how Medicare works. We provide answers to your questions, offer all the major insurance carriers in MA and RI, and will provide a plan recommendation specific to your needs. I look forward to helping you! Save time, money and a lot of frustration by scheduling your free consultation today!
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Zumba: Friday @ 9am Tai Chi: Fridays at 10:15am Podiatry Clinic: Thurs, Nov 12th @ 10am—2:30pm Blood Pressure & Glucose Clinic: Wed, Nov 18th @ 9:30am *Note: Zoom activities can be done on a laptop, tablet, smart phone or by dialing in the specific number for that activity. If you would like to participate but don’t have a tablet, please call the Seekonk Public Library at 508-336-8230. If you are interested in participating in a zoom activity call the office to sign up. If you have a registered email address please inform us so we can send you the log in information for the class!
Activities and Clinics Guidelines
Outdoor activities will be capped at 15 people. Masks are not required for outdoor activities as long as proper social distancing is taking place. Health clinics will be inside with mask requirements as well as a COVID form upon arrival. *Sign ups required 24 hour in advance for all Outdoor Activities & Health Clinics. For all appointments and health clinics, please call, 508-336-8772 upon arrival to check in.
Nutritional Meals To Go Tuesdays & Wednesdays
Seekonk Human Services will be working with Bristol Elder Services to provide nutritional meals for lunch on Tuesdays and Wednesdays to go. Meals come completely cooked and prepackaged. All you need to do is heat it up! Meals need to be ordered the day before by 9:30am. Payment is $2.25 per meal which will be due at the time of pickup. Pick up will be between 11am— 12pm. If you are unable to pick up at that time or are experiencing financial hardship please reach out to the office to speak with the Outreach Department. Please call 508-336-8772 to hear November’s menu and to order!
If anyone is in need of assistance this Thanksgiving or know someone who is in need, please call our office at 508-336-8772. All clients must have a current intake on file. The deadline for a Thanksgiving meal or basket is Wednesday, November 18, 2020.
Roast turkey. Stuffing. Cranberry sauce.
Medicare Open Enrollment
Colon cancer screening. Don’t leave any of the fixings off the menu this Thanksgiving.
62 Amaral Street, East Providence, RI • (401) 649-4030 •
It’s that time of year again! If you are enrolled in a Medicare Prescription Drug Plan or a Medicare Advantage Plan (HMO/ PPO), expect an information packet from your plan by the end of September. It is important to understand and save this information: it explains the changes in your plan for 2021. Premiums, deductibles, co-pays, and the drugs covered by your plan can change significantly! During Medicare Open Enrollment, you can adjust your plan for next year. SHINE Counselors help you understand your plan changes as well as other options you may have. Call now to discuss your insurance questions, schedule
November 2020 your SHINE phone appointment by calling 508-336-8772. Open Enrollment runs from October 15 through December 7! *Please note all clients will be required to fill out a Medicare prescreening form to help us better serve you by looking up your current plan and comparing it to the future plans, if changes are necessary.
Fuel Assistance
If you had fuel assistance last year, be on the look-out for your application. File the application as soon as you get it. If you have never had fuel assistance and would like to apply or if you need help filing your application, please call Seekonk Human Services at 508-336-8772 to make an appointment with the Outreach Department. Fuel Assistance begins November 1st. Income Guidelines: Maximum income for 1 person is $37,360, for 2 people is $48,855, for 3 people is $60,351, and for 4 people is $71,846. Income includes your social security, pensions and any interest income. Needed Documents: • Proof of income: - 4 consecutive pay stubs - Social Security Award Letter or 1099 - Pension (Current 1099) - Interest Dividends (1099) - List of everyone in household plus their income - Food Stamps—copy of verification • Homeowner’s must include: - Mortgage statement - Real estate tax bill - Insurance bill - Recent copy of electric bill and gas/ oil bill • Renters Include: - Rent receipt - Recent copy of electric bill and gas/ oil bills • Other Documents Needed - License - Social Security Cards for all members in household - Birth certificates for members under the age of 18
Attorney: Overview of Legal Services
Elizabeth Elmasian will be available for phone consults to discuss the following topics. 1. Power of Attorney - A description of the legal document, what it consists of and when such a document is necessary. 2. The explanation and description of a Health Care Proxy and Living Will; the difference between both documents and which is recognized in Massachusetts 3. A brief overview, purpose and need for a Will. Explanation of intestacy laws without a will.
*Please call to set up your phone appointment at 508-336-877
Veterans’ Services
The Seekonk Department of Veterans’ Services recently sent out a letter to all registered voters who are listed as Veterans. I know this is not a complete listing of all Seekonk Veterans’, so I will use this platform to continue to get the word out about three topics. Here is the body of the letter: Dear Seekonk Veteran, 1. The Seekonk Veterans Council would like to formally invite you to participate in a rolling parade, a parade of cars and motorcycles on Veterans Day 2020, Wednesday November 11th at 9am. The proposed parade route starts at Briarwood Plaza and ends at the Seekonk Veterans Memorial Park. Kindly R.S.V.P. to my email or phone. This is a great opportunity for those in town to appreciate your service to the nation. 2. In regards to the memorial park, pavers are still available at the memorial. They are $200 for a 12”x12” paver. It should also be noted that they are not limited to just Seekonk Veterans, the memorial is for all Veterans. 3. I know many Seekonk Veterans are receiving federal benefits, mostly due to service related disabilities. For those of you who may not know, Massachusetts has a unique program to assist low income/low asset Veterans. This program assists by paying for health insurance, pharmacy copays, fuel assistance, monthly stipends, as well as pre-approved emergency repair costs. Please contact me if you think you may qualify. Those interested in participating in the parade may contact me via telephone (508)336-2940 or email Email is the preferred way to R.S.V.P. as follow up will be much easier. If you don’t have email, a phone call will suffice. Several Veterans have inquired about the “dress code” for the rolling parade. There is none, but if you have an old uniform that still fits, a ball cap from your branch of service or war in which you served, or hat from a
The Reporter
service organization, i.e. American Legion, VFW or DAV…that is great. Your families are welcome to ride along, as families are the unsung heroes for the Veterans. Finally, the paver application is available the Veterans’ Services section of the town website using this link: vyhlif1191/f/uploads/brick_order_form1.pdf James LaFlame Veterans’ Services Officer *NOTE: Seekonk Human Services offers many legal, financial, recreational, medical screening and/or other activities and services by volunteers or nominal cost practitioners. Seniors participating in these services/activities do so with the understanding that Seekonk Human Services, the Town of Seekonk or its employees do not assume any legal or other responsibility for any advice or services rendered by such volunteers or nominal cost practitioners.
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The Reporter November 2020
Rehoboth Council on Aging A Municipal Department of the Town
55 Bay State Road, Rehoboth, MA 02769
Phone 508-252-3372 Fax 508-252-4716
The COA remains close until further notice to the public. Exceptions by appointment only. For pressing issues please call the Senior Center at 508-252-3372. Please note our new temporary address 183 Winthrop Street, Rehoboth, MA.
Monday through Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Fridays 8:00 a.m. to 12 noon
Kitchen hours: Monday – Thursdays 8:00AM to 12 noon
• Meals on Wheels is still being delivered by our volunteers. • We are continuing to make masks for Seniors. Please call if you need one or two masks. We are in need of cotton fabric. We are accepting yarn donations for hats. If you can donate, please call and we will set up a safe and secure drop off.
Thank You
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We would like to thank the Rehoboth American Legion Post 302 for immediately allowing us to accept and distribute Meals on Wheels from their kitchen. Thank you! Gert’s Café: Lunch is served at Gert’s Café Mondays at 12 Noon. $3.00 Donation Tuesday Lunch: Tuesdays from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM The COA Breakfast: Wednesdays from 8:30 AM to 10:00 AM Tasty Thursdays Lunch: Held on the last Thursday of the Month at 12 noon. Cost $3.00 donation. Men’s Morning Coffee: Fridays 9:00 AM Card Games: Mondays at 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM - Cribbage Wednesdays at 12:30 PM to 3:00 PM Hi-Lo Jack Art Classes: Michelle’s Art Classes Wednesdays at 10:30. Cost $4.00 Donation Knitting and Crochet Group: Fridays at 10:00 AM Ladies Sewing and Quilting: Tuesdays at 10:30 AM. Blood Pressures & Glucose Screenings: Please contact the COA 508-252-3372 for more information. Podiatry Clinic with Dr. Marian Markowitz: Please call 508252-3372 to schedule your appointment. Cardio Drums: Mondays @ 2:00 pm Tai Chi Classes: Tuesdays at 9:00 AM. Cost $3.00 Donation Line Dancing Classes: Tuesdays at 10:00 AM. Cost is $3.00 Donation Chair Yoga: Thursdays at 9:00 Cost $3.00 Donation Zumba: Thursdays at 10:00 AM. Cost of $3.00 Donation Meals on Wheels: Please contact Bristol Elders, Inc. at (508) 675-2101 for information on the Meals on Wheels program. Senior Citizens Club: 1st Thursday @ 12:30 & 3rd Thursday @ 12 Noon Friends of the Rehoboth Elderly meets at 10:30 AM on the 3rd Monday of the month.
Veteran’s Information and Benefits:
Veterans Service Officer – Jake Kramer . Call 508-252-4467 for an Appointment(s) as needed. Office hours are Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday—8:00 AM to – 4:00 PM; Friday – 8:00 AM to Noon
The COA’s Outreach/SHINE worker Bradley Marshall is available Mondays thru Wednesdays 9:30 AM to 1:30 PM and Thursdays 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM to assist you with Social Service needs from Fuel, Food, housing, Medical Insurance, and intervention help. Please call for an appointment at 508-252-3372. There is a possibility of FAMER’S MARKET TICKETS available call to find out.
November 2020
Fall Reflections on Staying Safe
By Dorothea Vafiadis, MS | 7.30.2020 (Edited by Bradley Marshall for this COA edition) The situation around the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is changing rapidly. Here is the latest advice from public health experts about the best way to protect yourself and to reduce the spread of the virus that causes COVID-19. Some of these tips will be familiar to you and some are new. It’s still true that the best way to stay safe is to limit your interactions with other people as much as possible and take precautions to prevent getting COVID-19 when you do interact with others. Here are 4 things to remember. 1. Remember the rest of your health. • Many older adults have one or more chronic conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease or hypertension. For managing these conditions, consider seeing your doctor using a telehealth. Check with your provider. • Many health care providers are now encouraging some patients to schedule the routine visits they may have been putting off. Speak to your doctor about whether vaccinations and other preventive services are up to date to help prevent disease. • Do not delay emergency care, especially if you are experiencing shortness of breath, chest pain, or discomfort in your arms, back, or neck. These could be symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. Acting fast can save your life.
The Reporter
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2. Practice physical distancing and stay at least 6 feet apart. From roofs to windows • The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) still suggests you Tabeley’s has your needs covered wear a cloth face covering or mask when you are around people who don’t live in your household. Town of Rehoboth and the State Master Elite Installer, 20 years of perfection of Massachusetts is requiring this necessary precaution. • (401) 431-2816 • It’s still best to limit your physical interactions with other people as much as possible. If you decide to go out or visit with family or Our Reputation is on the Top of Thousands of Homes friends, the safest approach is staying outdoors for optimal ventilaBill Hopkins tion and keeping 6 feet apart. The closer you are to other people who may be infected, the greater your risk of getting sick. Reg. RI 18045 • Lic. MA 134986 e y r • Indoor spaces are more risky than outdoor spaces where it is harder to keep people apart and there’s less ventilation. 3. Use common-sense actions to stay safe. • Stock up on cleaning supplies. You should clean frequentlytouched surfaces in your home such as light switches or doorknobs at least once per day. • Manage stress, get enough sleep, and wash your hands often (and for at least 20 seconds) with soap and water. If soap and No one offers a better deal! water is not available, use hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol, be careful of fraudulent ones containing Methyl. Call 508-252-6575 to advertise! • Stock up on healthful foods, have 30 days of medication on hand, and try to stay physically and socially active. . Regular physical activity benefits your mind and body! Go for a walk or try chair exercises with such programs as NIH’s Go4Life . 4. Ask for help if you need it. • If you are at high-risk of complications from COVID-19 or are unable to get items you need, consider contacting family or friends to lend a hand. Call the COA Director, Linda Sherman or the Outreach worker Bradley Marshall at 508-252-3372. • If you’re having trouble paying Hours your bills, please contact Bradley Marshall, M•T•T•F Art Supplies • Custom Framing Outreach Coordinator for Rehoboth at the 9-5 Fine Cabinet Lumber • Furniture Restoration Council of Aging, to see if you qualify for the Wed til 8 hundreds of programs that help older adults Decoy & Woodcarving Sat 9-1 pay for food, housing, utilities, medication, and more. Stay connected to family, friends and neighbors with phone calls, letters, email, and through social media.
100% Coverage
The Reporter November 2020
Rehoboth Lions Dates Coming Up
WE ARE MEETING REGULARLY Nov. 4 – 7 PM Board Mtg via ZOOM. Nov. 5 – 7 PM Club Board members are invited to the 2nd Voting Cabinet ZOOM Meeting Nov 18 – 7 PM Reg. Mtg. @ maybe LIVE WITH THE PLACE TO BE ANNOUNCED with a remote option. Dec. 5th We will sponsor the Community Food Drive with the Rehoboth Food Bank
Rehoboth Garden Club News
The Rehoboth Garden Club will have a zoom presentation on holiday arrangements November 2, 2020 at 6:30. Our presenter, Denis Deisignore is the creative director at Stone Blossom Flora and Events. Plan ahead for your holiday decorating this year. We will be selling Christmas wreaths in order to raise money for our scholarship fund. The wreaths will be designed by our club members and will be a beautiful addition to your front door. Our wreaths will be available for purchase on November 28 th outside of the Goff Hall Blanding Library area from 9-2 until supplies last . We will advertise more details as we finalize our plans.
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SANITATION PUMPING, INC 508-824-8370 • 1-800-464-8370 exclusions may apply
Rehoboth Minutemen at Redway Plain
The local unit took advantage of beautiful Redway Plain on Oct. 17th; it was a great day for a socially distanced business meeting. It seemed the perfect place for the Minutemen as it was a Militia drill field in the 1770. We are slowly reaching out to be involved in some small local events. On Oct 21st some members supplied a volley for the raising of the Liberty and Union Flag in Taunton. We will join with the local veterans at the ceremony on Veterans Day. The 11 month 11days and 11th hour at Redway Plain to fire a volley to honor all veterans. The unit is looking forward to a very busy 2021 and wishing all will be safe and healthy. The Minutemen will sponsor a major Time Line event On June 24-25 2021 in Sutton Ma. at Waters Farm. We are recruiting new members as the coming year will be one of our busiest. Many colonial events from 2020 have been rescheduled for 2021. There are also all the events that originally had been planned for 2021 If you have an interest in history this might be the right time to get information about joining our unit. The main requirement to join is an interest in history. Trying out the hobby is free and a easy way to see if a Colonial reenacting is for you. Visit us at or on face book Thirteenth Continental Regiment. If you have any other questions contact Cathy Potter 508-2523682
East Providence/Seekonk Rotary Club Announces A Food Drive
On November 14 from 10 AM to 1 PM at Bay Coast Bank Located at 110 Taunton Ave Seekonk MA The drive will support food relief organizations in Seekonk, as follows: Doorways Food Pantry (Seekonk) The public is asked to drive into the parking lot to donate their non-perishable canned goods and food items for families in need throughout Seekonk. We ask that all donations be brought in bags or boxes, and loose/single items will be accepted. Volunteers will remove the items from the donor’s vehicles so it’s a completely contact-less and touchless transaction. Event will go on rain or shine, volunteers are welcomed.
Rehoboth Anawan Lions News
The Anawan Lions would like to thank everyone who bought tickets for our recent Drive-by Spaghetti Dinner. You made it a huge success for us! We had a great time preparing the dinners and saying Hi to everyone that came by to pick up. We look forward to future drive-by dinners, we hope you do too! Look for us at the Legion on Nov 9 for the monthly breakfast. Stop by and enjoy a good meal for cheap. The Christmas Tree Lighting will be held on December 5 at the Gazebo at 3 pm. Unfortunately we will not be having the usual refreshments and festivities as in past years due to Covid-19 this year. Please stop by the Gazebo to help us spread some cheer!! Thank you for supporting us so we can "Serve" you
November 2020
The Reporter
American Legion Post 302
84 Bay State Road “At the Cannon” Rehoboth, MA Phone # 508-252-9079; Jake @ 315-415-2277; E-mail Jake at or Facebook “American Legion Post 302”
Diane F. Aubin 401-524-5877
American Legion & Rehoboth Anawan Lions Club Monthly Breakfast Sunday November, 8th 7:30-10:30 A.M.
The Rehoboth Anawan Lions along with the Rehoboth American Legion Post 302 will now alternate each month giving the public a monthly breakfast at the American Legion All You Can Eat Delicious, Affordable Breakfast Sunday, Wake up for a great country breakfast in Rehoboth $8 per person suggested donation Fresh Home Cooked Goodness: Scrambled Eggs – pancakes – Bacon – Sausage – SOS - Home Fries – Fruit Cup – Juice – Coffee Under MA Covid-19 Guidelines, seating inside or outside available or TAKE OUTS are welcome and can be picked up in the expanded patio area under the BLUE umbrella next to Bay State Road
Spaghetti Dinner Thursday December 3rd, 2020 5:00-6:30 P.M.
with Homemade Meatballs, Salad & a Dinner Roll $10.00 suggested donation per plate RSVP NOW - Tickets Only – No Walk-Ins Take Outs are welcome DEADLINE DATE FOR TICKETS IS November 30th!! Under Ma. Covid-19 Guidelines, seating inside is available or TAKE OUTS are Welcome
Veterans Day Ceremony
On the 11th Month, on the 11th Day at the 11th Hour, with Covid-19 guidelines in place, the Rehoboth American Legion Post 302 and the Rehoboth Veterans Service Officer will conduct the annual Veterans Day Ceremony over at the Cenotaph located across the street from the Veterans Memorial on US 44. This year, the minutemen of Rehoboth will assist in the ceremony with their display of muskets at the rising the American Flag and with the support of the Rehoboth Police Department. This year, due to the Covid-19 guidelines the Rehoboth American Legion Post 302 and the Rehoboth Veterans Service Officer are sad to say that the annual Veterans Day Dinner is cancelled this year.
SEEKONK/REHOBOTH: 26-Acre Private Estate
26-acre private estate in the business / agricultural zone. This property features 2 homes, a 4 bay-3,000 sf commercial garage, a 4 stall -33’ x 50’ horse barn, and a 3 story 35’ x 50’ barn. The newer home built in 2007 is nestled back in the woods off Taunton Ave. and features 3,300 SF of primarily 1st floor living space, 4 beds, 5 baths, 50’ raised patio, a bonus loft above a 3 car garage (Possible in-law) and a drive through portico. The lower level of this home features a 2nd- 3 car garage, wood stove and loads of additional entertaining space. The second home is a 1,573 sf 3 bed, 2 bath farm house built in 1900 and is located on Blanding Rd. Some TLC is required on this one but both septic systems have passed Title V. The grounds feature a winding driveway between the homes, grazing pastures, a babbling brook. Great Opportunity! $1,395,000
18 COLUMBINE RD., REHOBOTH Stately 5 bed colonial, 3 car garage, in-ground pool Meticulously maintained $819,000
REHOBOTH: CAMERON WAY 1.5 – 3 ACRE HOMESITES. $235,000 - $299,000 • 508-336-4000
Tube Dudes Coming Friday November 13th, November 27th
Performing Friday Nights – 6 – 7 PM Open to the public - $5.00 donation Food – Drinks – Good Live Music & Comedy RSVP Now (COVID 19 Seating)
18 COLUMBINE RD., REHOBOTH Stately 5 bed colonial, 3 car garage, in-ground pool Meticulously maintained $819,000
FEELING LUCKY? Scratch Ticket Wreath
$150 worth of tickets (1-$30 ticket, 2-$20 tickets, 4-$10 tickets and 8-$5 tickets) Raffle Tickets for Wreath: $1 each, $5 for 6 tickets, Or $10 for 15 tickets Raffle Tickets available at the Legion Post Drawing: December 4, 2020 Good Luck!!
REHOBOTH: CAMERON WAY 1.5 – 3 ACRE HOMESITES. $235,000 - $299,000 • 508-336-4000
The Reporter November 2020
SCHOOL Seekonk Public Schools Recognizes District’s Principals during National Principals Month
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From left to right: Hurley Middle School Principal Alexis Bouchard, High School Principal Dr. William Whalen, Martin Elementary School Principal Bartholomew Lush and Aitken Elementary School Principal John Haidemenos. (Photo courtesy Seekonk Public Schools) Seekonk — Superintendent Rich Drolet would like to recognize the four principals of the Seekonk Public Schools and thank them for their hard work and dedication as part of National Principals Month. Each October, the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) and National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) recognize National Principals Month. Through nationwide efforts at local, state and federal levels, research initiatives and appreciation events, National Principals Month aims to honor school principals for their significant impact on the success and well-being of their students. Dr. Drolet would like to recognize Seekonk High School Principal Dr. William Whalen, Hurley Middle School Principal Alexis Bouchard, Aitken Elementary School Principal John Haidemenos and Martin Elementary School Principal Bartholomew Lush. “Though we appreciate our school principals every day, October is a month for us to recognize all they do and their efforts to support our students, staff and families in our Seekonk Public Schools,” Superintendent Drolet said. “I would especially like to recognize and thank our principals for their tireless work over the summer to develop our return to school plans.”
Seekonk Public Schools Launches School News Blog
Seekonk — Superintendent Rich Drolet is pleased to announce that Seekonk Public Schools has launched a brand-new news blog to serve as a hub for the latest updates, information and news about the district’s schools, students, faculty, events and accomplishments. The blog,, will start to be integrated into the district’s Facebook and Twitter accounts and will automatically broadcast news blog content onto the feeds.
November 2020
The Reporter
NEWS With a clean, user-friendly and mobile responsive layout, the news blog allows for easy navigation throughout the blog. It can be accessed on computers, cell phones and tablets. “The new site has a sleek, user-friendly look and we encourage all Seekonk parents and guardians to sign up in order to receive the latest news blog content in their inboxes,” Superintendent Drolet said. Parents/guardians, students, staff and community members should still utilize the district’s main website to access the districtwide calendar of events, contact information, school committee meeting notices and minutes, important documents and notices and to view general information about the district and its schools. A link to the news blog site can be found on the district homepage under the “Quick Links” section.
Seekonk Public Schools Reports Positive Case of COVID-19 at Aitken Elementary School
David C Zaluski DDS FAGD Family - Implant - Cosmetic Dentistry
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Seekonk — Superintendent Rich Drolet reports that Seekonk Public Schools were informed today of a positive case of COVID-19 at Aitken Elementary School. An individual at Aitken Elementary School has tested positive for the virus and is self-quarantining in accordance with Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) protocol. Under state and federal privacy laws, no further information is available about the individual. Out of an abundance of caution, all Aitken Elementary School fifth grade students will participate in remote learning for the week of Oct. 26-30. Information about this transition was sent to fifth grade families on Sunday night by Principal John Haidemenos. If any fifth grade student still needs a Chromebook, please contact Principal Haidemenos or Technology Director Colleen Terrill. The district is actively working with and DEER, TICK & MOSQUITO CONTROL following guidelines from DPH and the Seekonk Board of Health Agent. The district worked with the Seekonk Deer Taking a Toll on Your Plantings? Board of Health Agent to identify and contact all close contacts of the positive individual. Our All-Natural Deer Repellent Has If you were not contacted by the school Saved Many a Garden! as part of the contact tracing process, you are not considered to be a close contact. Those who are identified as a close contact (anyone who was within 6 feet of the infected individual for at least 15 minutes up to two days prior to the positive test result) have been contacted and are required to quarantine for at least two weeks. If you or your child are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, such as a fever, chills, respiratory illness, aches or change in taste and smell, please stay home and get a COVID-19 test. Testing can be done either through your primary healthcare provider or at one of the testing sites located throughout Call or Text 774.266.7995 for a quote the state.
continued on next page...
.com •
The Reporter November 2020
Good Food... in Your Neighborhood! Dining Guide on page 60
Deep cleaning of all schools will continue to be conducted each night. High touch surfaces are and will continue to be cleaned frequently and as needed throughout the day while the building is occupied. In addition, to prevent further spread of the disease in the community, Seekonk Public Schools ask that students, families and staff take the following precautions to prevent the spread of the disease: • Stay home if you have a fever or are not feeling well. Students should stay home from school should any new or unexplained illness, no matter how mild, develop. This precaution is meant to keep all staff and students safe. • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol if soap and water are not available. • Avoid close contact with others. When outside your home, please adhere to social distancing guidelines and keep a distance of at least 6 feet between yourself and others. • Wear a cloth face covering that covers your mouth and nose to protect others when in public areas. • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, then throw the tissue in the trash and wash your hands. • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands. Children may worry about themselves, their family and friends getting sick with COVID-19. Tips for talking to children about COVID-19 can be found here. Families with additional questions or concerns may contact Aitken Elementary School Principal John Haidemenos at or 508-336-5230; Aitken Elementary School Nurse Jessica Devane at devanej@seekonkschools. org or 508-336-5230; or Superintendent Drolet at droletr@ or 508-399-5106.
DRRSD Update to Families October 16, 2020 Dear Families,
Our hybrid learning program began for our first cohort of students in grades K, 1, 5, 6, 9, and 12 on Tuesday, 10/13 and our second cohort of students on Thursday, 10/15. It was exciting to see students back in our buildings. Both students and staff were smiling (behind masks) clearly happy to be learning together inperson. The commitment from staff to make hybrid learning work was evident. We would like to thank all building staff including teachers, nurses, paraprofessionals, secretaries, custodians, IT specialists, and administrators for making the opening of hybrid learning positive for our school communities. We would also like to thank our parents, families, and students for their patience, understanding, and support as we engage in new learning experiences at DightonRehoboth Regional schools. The COVID-19 pandemic has created additional challenges for the overall operation of school. No doubt, classrooms, lunchrooms, hallways, and most spaces in school buildings look different to ensure physical distancing and safety precautions to promote the wellness of our students and staff. An additional challenge is the procurement of substitute teachers to cover staff absences due to COVID-19 precautions. Throughout the Commonwealth, school districts are struggling to staff school buildings due to a shortage of substitute teachers, and an increase in staff absences. At DRRSD, we are working with the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and local universities and colleges to prepare to staff buildings in the event of increased absences. District and building administrators will continue to monitor the amount of staff absences. If the amount of absences becomes unmanageable and cannot be covered by substitutes or building staff leading to supervision shortages in a specific school building, that school may
November 2020 be closed for in-person learning; instead, remote learning will be offered for all students. In the event of school closure due to supervision shortages, parents and families will be notified via email as well as the One Call system as soon as possible. Understanding that closing a school building is a major inconvenience to families and an interruption in learning, the district will only close schools if student and staff safety is at risk. We are hopeful that our schools can continue to provide our students with in-person learning experiences going forward. DRRSD is working extremely hard to creatively problem solve to address the challenges presented by the pandemic. We appreciate your continued support. If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a substitute for DRRSD, please contact Celeste Sullivan in our district office: csullivan@; 508-252-5000. Thank you, Dr. Anthony Azar
A Snapshot of Learning at Palmer River
Wonder Woman!
First grade Madison B. shares a picture of herself doing the “Wonder Woman Workout� for asynchronous Physical Education. Students have many extra options offered to them in a specialist menu. You go girlfriend!
Support Our Students!
The Reporter
We are looking for several caring adults to become LUNCHTIME Monitors at Palmer River. This is a paid hourly position from the hours of 10:45-1:15 Monday and Tuesday or Thursday and Friday. You could earn a little extra money for yourself and we would benefit from your caring commitment to our students. Feel free to call (508) 252-5100 if you have questions or email if you are interested: Mrs. Miguel - amiguel or Mrs. DuBois - continued on next page...
The Reporter November 2020
Now Enrolling for 2020-2021 Supporting remote learners up to age 8! Space available in all age groups.
Technology Brings Us All Together
In an effort to keep all of her students connected, Mrs. Kennon hosts a class meeting with her “live cohort” and her “asynchronous” cohort simultaneously. Students are able to join together at least once a day to hear about new events, set goals for the day and share together. While it is challenging, every effort is made to connect with all students every day.
“A Better Beginning”
Twin Oaks Farm Learning Center, Inc.
Colby L, in grade 2, works asynchronously to design “a house that will survive a flood” for his STEAM class. Colby decided to build the house on tall pillars to keep the house out of the water. 127 Tremont St., Rehoboth MA • 508-252-5522 The flood is ready, (the hose looms nearby). Let’s see how well Lic#8115541 NEW NAME, NEW LOCATION... SAME GREAT thisSERVICE young engineer designs!
401-349-5600 FREEDOM FROM WHAT BUGS YOU! We have moved to 225 Putnam Pike, Johnston, RI 02919 225 Putnam Pike, Johnston RI 02919
November 2020
The Reporter
Snack Al Fresco!
Kindergarten students with Mrs. Augustyn take a fresh air break outdoors to enjoy their snack. Absent from the photo are all of the audible giggles. Our goal is to keep them all healthy, happy and learning!
Smith Insurance Group AUTO • HOME • BUSINESS • LIFE Denise Smith
~ over 30 years experience ~ Pawtucket, RI | Rehoboth, MA
(401) 724-1660 Thumbs Up!
Students give a great big “thumbs up” in Mrs. Maguy’s first grade cohort A. The children are very happy to be back in school and we are overjoyed to have them! Smaller cohorts afford lots of individualized attention and an opportunity to get to know and support every child as a learner.
5 13
P rovidence C ountry D ay S chool 660 WATERMAN AVENUE, EAST PROVIDENCE, RI
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The Reporter November 2020
Holiday Spirits to Sip On Toast the season with festive twists on favorite drinks
Shocking Data for Median Sale Prices of Single-Family Homes Written by Albert Hajdaraj & Serena Gendron-Hajdaraj Data sourced from the Massachusetts and Rhode Island Multiple Listing Systems. 2020 has been a year of unpleasant revelations to say the least, and the Real Estate market has shifted accordingly. This year we’ve seen a historic degree of depleted inventory (the lowest the National Association of Realtors has ever recorded) accompanied by record low interest rates. As a result, the market has buyers in hot competition to get bids in on the homes that are for sale. As full-time realtors in this unbalanced market, we’ve become accustomed to seeing homes sell for 30 to even $60,000 dollars over asking, all while being on the market for only two or three days. Each year the market usually cools down during the Fall going into the Holiday season but, like the rest of this year, this time is going to be anything but usual. We anticipate that competition will remain fierce for buyers, and that sales prices will continue to rise. Below you’ll find data regarding the growth of median sale prices in September 2019 to 2020 in some of the towns near you that our team covers. For reference, we averaged out the median sale price percentage changes of the towns listed below and found that together they averaged a price increase of 8.51% from 2018 to 2019, but from 2019 to 2020 the average increase was 16.65%. That’s quite a jump in numbers. Here’s the recent data:
Bristol County, Massachusetts
Seekonk, MA: September 2019, $328,700 > September 2020, $360,000 = 9% increase in price Rehoboth, MA: September 2019, $430,000 > September 2020, $$527,000 = 22% increase in price. Dighton, MA: September 2019, $390,000 > September 2020, $411,000 = 5% increase in price Swansea, MA: September 2019, $362,450 > September 2020, $405,000 =11.7% increase in price
Providence and Bristol Counties, Rhode Island
East Providence, RI: September 2019, $259,950 > September 2020, $305,000 =34.6% increase in price Providence, RI: September 2019, $200,000 > September 2020, $245,000 =22.5% increase in price Pawtucket, RI: September 2019, $223,500 > September 2020, $250,000 =11.8% increase in price By looking at these numbers, we can confidently say that market appreciation is abnormally strong and that the Fall and Winter real estate markets are going to continue to be on fire. Even with this data available, a lot of homeowners will choose to wait until the Spring to list their homes with hopes of making more money. It is because of this that if you decide to list your home now, you’ll have the least competition and high interest in your property to potentially cash in big. Call us today to find out what your property is worth in this market and to learn how you can best take advantage of it; and check out our website to see more data on a longer list of towns in your immediate area.
508-851-5888 •
Photo courtesy of Getty Images (Family Features) Despite a holiday season that’s practically guaranteed to feel different than any other, one constant will remain for many: enjoying the tastes of favorite foods and beverages while cozied up at home. Enhance the holiday spirit and complement the meal at your table with adult beverages that call for seasonal flavors to add to the festive vibe. Whether you prefer your drinks with a fruity twist and plenty of mix-ins or would rather opt for a simpler combination, the options are vast. Many traditional holiday drinks require a small handful of ingredients that blend, mix or shake together to create a wintry flavor that’s worth the wait. Regardless of personal preferences, one ingredient you can rely on when creating an at-home concoction is a mixer like those from Zevia, which are naturally sweetened with stevia and include no artificial ingredients, colors or preservatives. These nonalcoholic, zero-sugar, zero-calorie mixers for cocktails (or mocktails) are available in three different flavors: Lemon Lime with Bitters, Tonic and Ginger Beer to provide a simple yet delicious complement to the ingredients of your choosing. For a fruit-flavored solution, this Cranberry Smash Moscow Mule offers a sweet spin on the classic cocktail. Break out your favorite copper mug and let the cranberries and cinnamon sticks add festive flair to your fusion of vodka and ginger beer. Alternately, if the sour notes of a margarita better fit your style, go for a holiday twist with this Winter White Margarita by blending in coconut milk and garnishing with cranberries and rosemary sprigs. By rimming your glasses with granulated stevia, you can add a sweet touch to each gulp. To find more holiday cocktail ideas, visit
November 2020
The Reporter
Dining Guide Cranberry Smash Moscow Mule
• 1 cup cranberries, plus additional for garnish (optional), divided • 3/4-1 cup water, divided • 2 ounces vodka • 1-2 ounces fresh squeezed lime juice • 4 ounces Zevia Ginger Beer Mixer • ice • rosemary, lime slices, cinnamon sticks, for garnish (optional) In saucepan, boil cranberries in 1/2 cup water until they burst. Use fork to smash cranberries. Boil 3-4 minutes. Keep mixture moist by adding water 1/4 cup at a time. Let mixture cool to room temperature. In copper mug, combine vodka, lime juice, ginger beer and smashed cranberries over ice. Garnish with additional cranberries, rosemary, lime slices and cinnamon sticks, if desired.
Hours: Mon.-Fri. 6am-2pm, Sat. 7am-11am, Sun. 8am-12pm
• 12 ounces coconut milk • 12 ounces silver tequila • 1 tablespoon orange extract • 2 1/2 cups ice • 1 1/2 cans Zevia Lemon Lime with Bitters • granulated stevia, cranberries, rosemary, for garnish (optional) In blender, blend coconut milk, tequila, orange extract, ice and bitters until smooth. Rim six glasses with granulated stevia. Divide mixture among glasses and garnish each with cranberries and rosemary, if desired.
Closed Thanksgiving Nov. 26
Winter White Margarita
Serving Breakfast & Lunch
Catering AVAILABLE •Fresh Fruit Waffles• •Homemade Pies• •Fish-n-chips• • Daily Specials • • Catering Available•
Get Your Holiday Pie Orders in Early!
Take out Available (508) 336-9807 469 Taunton Ave., Rt. 44, Seekonk, MA
Pick up sides by 11.25 11:30-8pm
Order Thanksgiving “Sides” Stuffing, Butternut Squash, Mashed Potato Tray feeds 10-12 people @ $25 / tray Call to order your Holiday Pies - Chicken Pot Pie & French Meat Pie
Join Us for Indoor or Outdoor Seating Take Out Available
Call today - 508.336.4361
Dine In and Take-Out through our Take-Out window Visit our website and Facebook @vinosfamilycafe for menu updates & specials
Catering available for Holiday Get Togethers, Call 508.336.4361 for information and menu
Hours: Sun-Thurs 11:30-8pm; Fri-Sat 11:30-9pm 431 Winthrop Street, Rte 44,Taunton MA • 508-823-8664 1666 Diamond Hill Rd, Cumberland RI • 401-305-3916 520 Foundry Street, Easton MA• 508-297-0327
Purchase gift cards for the holidays! For every $50.00 purchased in gift cards, you’ll receive $10.00 for yourself. Wishing everyone a happy, healthy & safe holiday season.
503 Winthrop Street (Rte 44) Rehoboth, MA 02769 • 508.336.4361
The Reporter November 2020
Dine Out or Take Out! Or Try a Recipe by Nancy at Home... KALE SOUP • 2 cups hot chourico, cut in pieces • 2 cups linguica, cut in pieces • 1 ½ lbs beef stew, from BJs • 1 pkg onion soup mix • 1 box beef broth
• 2 cups water • 1 ¼ cup frozen chopped kale • 1 can red kidney beans • 3 potatoes, cut in pieces • Salt, pepper and garlic powder to taste • 2 cups mixed frozen vegetables
Kitchen Hours: Wednesday thru Saturday 4:30 to 9pm
Outdoor dining continues... and indoor dining available too! Live Music continues Friday & Saturday 6 to 9pm *Martini, Sangria & Beer Flights* *Every Wednesday: 3 Course Ethnic Theme Menu*
For complete menu go to
82 Hillside Ave., Rehoboth MA 508.252.5563
In a large pot, add all ingredients and cook until done. Serve hot with Portuguese bread. OPTIONS: Add 1 ½ cups elbow macaroni to pot Or Add 1 ¼ cups rice to pot
• 2-3 lbs sirloin tips • 1 bottle goya cooking wine • 1 ½ cups ketchup • 1 large onion slices • 1 tsp salt • 1 tsp pepper • 1 tsp garlic powder In a large bowl mix together wine, ketchup and onion. Put salt, pepper and garlic powder all over meat; place meat in marinade, cover and refrigerate for 4 days In a large pot, place all the meat and marinade and cook over low to medium heat for 1 ½ hours. BE SURE TO STIR OCCASIONALY SO MEAT DOES NOT STICK TO BOTTOM OF POT. When done, eat can be serves with white rice or baked potatoes.
12 Ft Famous for our Wings and Pulled Pork HD TV
Over 80 Flavors of Sauce Huge Salads • 16 Beers on Draft
Football Season is here!
Order your party platters now! Open 7 Days 11:00am-9:00pm 540 Central Ave, Rte 152 • Seekonk MA
• 3 cups flour • ½ tsp nutmeg • 1 ¼ cups sugar • 1 ½ tsp cinnamon • 5 eggs • 1 cup water • 1 tsp vanilla • 1 ¼ cups oil • 2 tsp baking soda • 1 cup raisins or craisins • 2 tsp baking powder • 1 cup chopped walnuts or pecans • ½ tsp salt • 1 cup maraschino cherries cut in half • 1 can pumpkin Preheat oven to 350. Grease and flour a 12 cup bundt pan. In large mixing bowl, mix together first 12 ingredients until wellblended; add nuts, raisins and cherries; mix until well blended. Pour into prepared pan. Bake 50 minutes to 1 hour + 10 minutes or until done. Cool in pan 5 minutes and place on desired plate.
Hours: Sun-Thurs 11am-11pm; Fri & Sat 11am-12am
• ¼ cup butter • 1 ½ cups sugar • 1 large egg • 1 cup pumpkin • 1 tsp vanilla • 2 ½ cups flour • 1 tsp baking powder • 1 tsp baking soda • ½ tsp salt • 1 tsp nutmeg • 1 tsp cinnamon • 1 8-oz pkg chocolate chips Cream butter anb sugar until light and fluffy; add the egg, pumpkin, vanilla, flour, baking powder, baking soda, nutmeg and cinnamon; mix until well blended and smooth. Add chocolate chips and mix well. Grease a cookie sheet and drop butter by tablespoonful and bake in 350 oven for 10-15 minutes or until done. Cool on wire rack.
November 2020 The Reporter
Support Local Restaurants CRANBERRY EGGNOG CAKE
• 1 pkg yellow cake mix • 1 cup flour • 2 tsp pumpkin pie spice • 1 ½ cups eggnog • 1/3 cup oil • 4 large eggs • 1 ¼ cups craisins • 1 ¼ cups chopped walnuts Preheat oven to 350 Grease and lightly flour a 12 cup tube pan or bundt pan Mix together in a large bowl cake mix, flour, pumpkin pie spice, eggnog, oil and eggs; mix until well blended and smooth; mix in craisins and walnuts until blended Pour into prepared pan and bake in 350 oven for 50-60 minutes or until done. Cool in pan 5 minutes then place on desired plate.
Skillet Apple Pie with Caramel Sauce From
• 4 large Honeycrisp apples, peeled, cored and sliced • 1/4 cup sugar • 1 1/2 tablespoons cinnamon, divided • 1 tablespoon lemon juice • 6 tablespoons butter • 1/4 cup, plus 2 teaspoons, brown sugar • 2 refrigerated pie crusts • 2 teaspoons whipping cream • caramel sauce Heat oven to 350 F. In large bowl, combine apples, sugar, 1 tablespoon cinnamon and lemon juice until apples are covered. Set aside.
In oven-safe, 10-inch nonstick skillet, melt butter. Add 1/4 cup brown sugar and remaining cinnamon; mix until combined. Boil 5-8 minutes. In same skillet, place one pie crust over brown sugar mixture. Pour apples over pie crust. Cover apples with second pie crust. Cut slits in top to release steam. Brush whipping cream over crust. Sprinkle with remaining brown sugar. Bake 35-45 minutes until crust is golden brown. Drizzle with caramel sauce. Find more dessert recipes at
Eclectic brunch, sushi & dinner spot
Serving Breakfast & Lunch
*DAILY SPECIALS *HOMEMADE DESSERTS Indoor & Heated Outdoor Seating Take Out Available Hours: Sun-Thurs 11:30-8; Fri-Sat 11:30-9 431 Winthrop Street, Rte 44,Taunton MA • 508-823-8664 1666 Diamond Hill Rd, Cumberland RI • 401-305-3916 520 Foundry Street, Easton MA• 508-297-0327
•Fresh Fruit Waffles• •Homemade Pies• •Fish-n-chips• •Daily Specials• •Catering Available•
Offering CATERING Serving Breakfast & Lunch AVAILABLE
Take Out, Take outWaffles• AvailablePickup (508) 336-9807 •Fresh Fruit Curbside 469 Taunton Ave., Rt. 44, Seekonk, MA •Homemade Pies• CATERING and Delivery •Fish-n-chips•
Hours: Mon.-Fri. 6am-2pm, Sat. 7am-11am, Sun. 8am-12pm
AVAILABLE •Daily Specials• Call 508-336-9807 •Catering Available•
To Order Take out Available (508) 336-9807 469 Taunton Ave., Rt. 44, Seekonk, MA
Hours: Mon.-Fri. 6am-2pm, Sat. 7am-11am, Sun. 8am-12pm
Open Wed-Sun Seating | Takeout | Curbside
Gluten Free, Dairy Free & Vegan Available Carnivores & Wheat Lovers welcome too!
Find us on Instagram @rhodyrootsri 511 Main Street, Warren RI
401- 903-9159 •
est 1987
508.336.4361 Updated Dining & Take Out Hours: Monday-Closed Tuesday-Friday 11:00 AM - 8:30 PM Saturday 7:00 AM - 8:30 PM Sunday 7:00 AM -1:00 PM
Check our Vino’s Facebook page & for daily specials.
503 Winthrop St. Rehoboth
Now Open for Indoor & Outdoor Dining Hours: Sun-Thurs 11am-9pm Fri & Sat 11am-10pm 736 N Broadway East Providence, RI (401) 434-1505
We l c o m e
To O u r Is l a n d
INDOOR & OUTDOOR OPEN Call for Reservations Open for Take-Out Daily 11am-7pm Now Booking Functions!
Offering curbside pickup. Orders can be placed by calling 401-431-1322 or via online ordering through and click on online ordering tab. 288 Warren Avenue, East Providence
The Reporter November 2020
IN MEMORIAM Jean E. Taylor Jean E. Taylor, 93, of Rehoboth and formerly of Bradenton, FL, passed away on Friday, October 9, 2020. She was the wife of the late George E. Taylor. Born in Providence, she was a daughter of the late Frank and Mary (Brassill) Miller. She was a graduate of the Truesdale Hospital Nursing School. Jean worked as an R.N. at Truesdale Hospital emergency room for many years and later worked as a real estate agent for Century 21 Samra Sullivan of Riverside, following her Jean E. Taylor nursing career. Jean and her husband George, were the former owners of Francis Farm in Rehoboth for many years.
She leaves three children, Cassia Krasnianski and her husband John of Rehoboth, David Taylor of Bradenton, FL, Stacie Norris and her husband Tom of Swansea, a daughter in-law, Susan Taylor of Rehoboth, She was the mother of the late Michael Taylor. She leaves eleven grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. She was the sister of the late Raymond Miller and Helen Foley. Jean enjoyed reading books, playing cribbage, winning against Papa at card games, and taking her children or grandchildren on a “happening”. Jean’s tenacity and strength did earn her the nickname ‘General Jean’; however she would ultimately correct you and tell you it’s ‘Angel Jean’. Now, reunited with her husband & son, she will forever be our Angel Jean. A Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated on Tuesday, October 13, 2020 at 11:00 AM in Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, 984 Taunton Avenue, Seekonk. Burial was in Gates of Heaven Cemetery. Calling hours were held on Monday, October 12, 2020 from 5-7 PM in the PERRY-MCSTAY FUNERAL HOME, 2555 Pawtucket Avenue, East Providence. In Lieu of flowers, donations in Jean’s memory may be made to, Truesdale Hospital Nursing Scholarship: PO Box 9215 Fall River, MA 02720.
Mary K. Healy Lake
80 Broadway, Taunton MA 02780 508.822.0081
Owners and Directors, Amy Silva Rigtrup, Type 3, Lawrence Quintal, Type 3 and Christine (DeLawrence) Quintal, Typre 3
Mary K. Healy Lake, 77, of Rehoboth, passed away peacefully Friday, September 25, 2020 at home. She was the beloved wife of the late David Lake. Mary was born Mary K. Healy Lake in Attleboro on April 10, 1943 to the late Earl and Irene (Leonard). She was a graduate of Attleboro High School in 1961 and obtained her associates degree in Computer Science at Fisher College in 1999. She was employed as a medical secretary for most of her career. Mrs. Lake most of all loved animals and her dogs, was an avid reader, loved gardening and was active with her high school reunion committees. She is survived by her son Scott Lake, and had many cousins. Calling Hours for Mrs. Lake were held on Thursday, November 5, 2020 from 4-7pm Foley-Cook-Hathaway Funeral Home, 126 S. Main Street, Attleboro. Burial was held on Friday, November 6, at Oak Knoll Cemetery, Rehoboth. To sign the guest book, for facility directions or to view her tribute page go to In lieu of flowers, the family requested for donations to be made to the ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) at
November 2020 The Reporter
Edward Stephens, III Edward Stephens, III, 76, passed away on Sunday, October 11, 2020. He was the husband of Marilyn O. (Adey) Stephens to whom he was married for 54 years. Born in Somerville, MA, he was a son of the late Edward Edward Stephens, III and Ellamae (Russell) Stephens, Jr. Mr. Stephens was a decorated Army Veteran of the Vietnam War. He was a 1966 graduate of Norwich University in Vermont where he earned his bachelor’s degree in business. He was a sales represented for Shell Oil for 10 years. Following his employment with Shell Oil, he worked in commercial printing as a salesman for 35 years before retiring. Besides his wife he leaves two daughters, Laurel S. Rosa and her husband Stephen of Rehoboth, Rebecca L. Springer and her husband Damian of Rehoboth,two sons, Edward Stephens, IV and his wife Cindy of Mendon, MA and Adam Stephens of Rehoboth, eight grandchildren, Damian, Ryan, Olivia, Alexis, Samantha, Linsey, Ella and Charlie, three great grandchildren, Julia, Levi and Aviana, sister-in-law’s, Carrol Stephens, Beverly Reber and her husband Marshall, brother-in-law, Richard Adey and his wife Virginia and many nieces and nephews. He was the brother of the late Douglas Stephens. His funeral services will be private. Donations in Edward’s memory can be made to Hope Hospice and Palliative Care Rhode Island, 1085 North Main Street, Providence, RI 02904.
Keith G. Milligan, Sr., 88, of Seekonk, formally of Rumford, passed away suddenly at home on October 1, 2020.
Edna M. (Luescher) Dalton, 97, passed away peacefully on Monday, October 12, 2020 in Providence.
Alma M. Cobb, 95, passed away peacefully at home surrounded by her family on October 8, 2020.
John P. “Jack” Searles, Passed away on October 22, 2020 at Hope Health Hulitar Hospice Center in Providence, RI.
Henry L. Foley, Thinker, teacher, soldier, loving husband and devoted father, grandfather, great grandfather and uncle, died on October 16, 2020, in Manhasset, NY on Long Island. Jose Henrique da Silva, 73, passed on October 27, 2020.
Dr. Sudarshan “Mike” Malik 82, passed away peacefully on Tuesday September 29, 2020.
Competent Concern When the Need Arises Affordable Funeral & Cremation Services regardless of financial circumstance Pre-Planning Specialists Proudly serving Rehoboth & Seekonk families since 1898 Andrew J. Correia, MBIE; President/Funeral Director & Embalmer
210 Taunton Ave., ROUTE 44 • East Providence RI 02914 (401) 434-2600 •
The Reporter November 2020
From the State House Protections to Renters, Landlords through Eviction Diversion Initiative Boston - State Representative Steven S. Howitt (R-Seekonk) would like to remind residents of the 4th Bristol District that protections are still available to landlords and tenants, despite Steven Howitt the recent expiration of the statewide eviction moratorium. The Representative noted that a moratorium issued by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will remain in effect until December 31, 2020 to protect households making under $99,000 a year, or $198,000 if filing jointly, provided the tenant submits a written declaration to their landlord. The CDC moratorium bars evictions if the household is making best efforts to pay rent, tenants have sought rental assistance, and are facing homelessness. On the state level, Representative Howitt noted that the new Eviction Diversion Initiative unveiled by Governor Charlie Baker on October 12 will provide $171 million for rental assistance and rapid rehousing efforts as the state continue to deal with the economic fallout of the COVID-19 global pandemic. “I appreciate the leadership taking steps to ensure that the expiration of the moratorium will not result in a wave of evictions across the Commonwealth,” said Representative Howitt. “The resources provided through the Eviction Diversion Initiative will help provide
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housing stability to renters while ensuring that landlords receive the financial support they need to make their mortgage payments and maintain their rental properties.” The Eviction Diversion Initiative will utilize a mix of new and expanded programs to help landlords and tenants with the financial means to maintain their housing status, resolve landlord-tenant disputes through mediation and increased legal representation to prevent evictions by providing tenants with quick access to new housing if a resolution can’t be reached. The plan was designed in conjunction with the Massachusetts Trial Court and various stakeholders. Representative Howitt noted some of the highlights of the initiative which include: • $100 million to expand the capacity of the Residential Assistance for Families in Transition (RAFT) program to assist both renters and landlords impacted by COVID-19; • $48.7 million for the HomeBASE program and other rapid rehousing programs to protect evicted tenants from becoming homeless; • $12.3 million for access to community mediation and legal representation for both tenants and landlords; • $6.5 million for counseling and mediation services provided through the state’s nine regional Housing Consumer Education Centers (HCECs); and • $3.8 million for case management support provided by the Tenancy Preservation Program (TPP). Representative Howitt noted that the maximum benefit available under the RAFT program has been increased from $4,000 to $10,000 per household. This expanded capacity will be available for six months and will be extended through June of 2021 for households with school-age children. In addition to streamlining the application process for both the RAFT and the Emergency Rental and Mortgage Assistance (ERMA) programs, the state will now allow landlords who own fewer than 20 units to apply directly to these programs for assistance, with consent from their tenants. The CDC declaration forms are available at ncov/downloads/ declaration-form.pdf. Representative Howitt encourages tenants and landlords to call the state’s 2-1-1 information hotline or visit to learn more about the Eviction Diversion Initiative.
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November 2020 The Reporter
Barrington Public Schools is accepting applications for Substitute Teachers for grades K-12. An Associate Degree or above is required. Please visit to fill out an application or email with your resume. Barrington Public Schools accepting applications for substitute teacher assistants. A teacher assistant certification is required. Please log onto to apply.
Place Classified ads at
Housecleaning: Is your home in need of a really good cleaning? Whether you need a 1 time cleaning, or reg. cleanings. Years of experience! (we include fridge and oven w our cleanings) Call Gil for details 508-840-6611. BIG BLUE REMOVAL SERVICE: Attic, Cellar, Total House. We take everything! Furniture, Brush, Appliances, Yard Waste, Construction Debris, Trash…Demolition of Fences, Sheds, Decks, Pools. Let us do the work. Free Estimates. Call Tony 508-226-1295;
Looking for free Barbie dolls and accessories for a family in need. Please donate. Call 401-632-3602. Civil War, WW1, WW2, Anything to do with military; helmets, knives, uniforms, guns, HAVE (license), anything related to wartime, will pay cash for items, ask for Charles, call 508-230-6444; call anytime thanks. I buy Old cars, Motorcycle, Bicycles, Scooter and other wheeled vehicle and parts. One piece or a collection. Thank you Joe in Rehoboth 508-558-5129.
Plants for Sale: Inside and outside; hanging plants, perennials, annuals, herbs, bushes, coleus, ground cover, angel trumpets, begonias, citronella plants & forsythia. Extra large pots available. Everything from $3 to $10. Call 401-433-2922 for an appointment to see my plants in glass containers and unique pots. Free small plant with visit.
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Located at 310 Tremont St, Rehoboth
The Reporter November 2020
Business Directory CATEGORY
Antiques/Cash for Gold Art Supplies/Framing Attorney Attorney Attorney Attorney Auto Body Auto Body Auto Dealers Auto Parts Auto Repairs Auto Repairs Bird Feed & Supplies Building Contractor Building Contractor Camp-Basketball Carpet Cleaning Carpet Cleaning Child Care Chimney Cleaning Chimney Services Chiropractor Christmas Trees Church Church Cleaning Service Cleaning Service Collectibles Country Club Craft/Sewing Supplies Dentist Dentist
Americana Auction 23 Gregory D. Dorrance, Co. 51 Laurie P. Mullen, Attorney 30 Law Office of Luke P. Travis 54 Stephen E. Navega 20 Law Offices of Tanya M. Gravel 23 A-1 Custom Auto Body 9 Tri Star Autobody 32 Bristol Toyota 46 NorthEastern Auto Supply 30 Auto Show 17 New England Tire 3 Wild Birds Unlimited 7 A.M. Carpentry 29 M.G. Salois Construction 43 One On One Basketball Camp 59 Earle’s Carpet Cleaning 43 M & S Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning 49 Twin Oaks Farm Learning Center 58 RD Chimney Sweep 31 Kenny’s Masonry & Chimney Sweep 68 North Star Chiropractic 16 Richie’s Christmas Trees 38 Rehoboth Congregational Church 26 St. Mary of the Bay 26 Debbie’s Cleaning Service 50 VIP Cleaning Service 10 Wexler’s Collectibles 34 Hillside Country Club 37 Loraine’s Stitch ‘n Crafts 36 David C. Zaluski, D.D.S. 55 Dr. Wassouf D.D.S. 34
Dentist Dentist Dentist Electrician Electrician Farm - Apparel Farm - Turkeys Feed & Garden Store Feed & Garden Store Fence Installation Firewood Flooring - All Types Flooring - Wood Fuel - Oil Fuel - Oil Fuel - Oil Fuel - Propane Funeral Home Funeral Home Funeral Home Funeral Home Furniture/Upholstery Gifts & Collectibles Handyman Heating & Air Home Improvements Hospital Insurance Insurance Insurance Insurance Agency Insurance Agency
George Family Orthodontics Lisa Daft DMD & Associates, PC Seekonk Dental Greaves Electric Neal Bellavance Electric Kave Rock Farm Belwing Acres Turkey Farm Bay State Pet & Garden Supply Bay State Pet & Garden Supply Fence Tech Seekonk Tree Service Earle Dias Interiors David J. Ledoux Hardwood Floors Al’s Quality Oil Co. COD OIL E & V Oil Co. Dupuis Oil Hathaway Funeral Home J.H. Williams & Co. Funeral Home Silva Funeral Home Smith Funeral & Memorial Services Masterson Furniture Personal Touch American Eagle Entertrises, LLC Taylor Heating and Air Conditioning Mark Koussa Carpentry, Inc. Sturdy Memorial Hospital Medicare Made Easy Metlife Auto and Home South Coast Benefits Durand Insurance Agency Frazao Insurance
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8 18 12 31 54 39 37 11 4 30 32 41 33 66 9 72 25 64 65 64 65 39 39 12 42 22 13 48 17 28 35 15
November 2020 The Reporter
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The Reporter November 2020
Business Directory CATEGORY
Insurance Agency Smith Insurance Jewelers Attleboro Jewelry Makers Jewelers Attleboro Jewelry Makers Jewelers Mullen Bros. Jewelers Jewelers Plante Jewelers Junk Removal AOL Enterprises Kitchen/Bath Design Infinity Kitchens Landscape Service Green Care Landscaping Landscape Service Kimmell Landscaping Landscape Service Oakhill Landscape Landscape Service Superior Lawn Care Landscape Service T. Moreshead Landscaping Marble Fabricators Star Marble & Granite Masonry-Construction StoneScapes - Mark Carvalho Masonry-Construction Valter Rego Masonry Medical Center Brown Medicine Mosquito & Tick Control ohDEER Nail Salon Perfect Nails Orthodontics George Family Orthodontics Painting Contractor Advantage Painting Painting Contractor Cronan Painting Painting Contractor EZ Painting Painting Contractor Iachetti Painting Company Painting Contractor Lundco Painting LLC. Painting Contractor Val Arruda & Son Painting, Inc. Paving Contractor Custom Paving Company Paving Contractor Ryan Asphalt Paving Paving - Masonry Blue Stone Driveways & Masonry Pest Control Services Lincoln Pest & Property Solutions Pharmacy Simpson’s Pharmacy, Inc Physical Therapy Personal Best Physical Therapy Plastering & Painting David Laurino - Plastering Plumbing & Heating Sine Plumbing & Heating Plumbing & Heating Vintage Plumbing & Heating Powerwashing East Bay Pressure Wash Real Estate Aubin Realty Real Estate Century 21 - David Smith
59 36 7 35 38 29 10 72 67 20 27 44 40 66 28 48 55 39 8 44 41 70 51 18 40 28 68 23 58 30 56 43 41 33 21 53 19
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Year-Round Service
CATEGORY Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Remodeling Rental Stores Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Roofing Contractor Roofing Contractor RVs and Campers Security Systems Septic Inspections Septic Systems Septic Systems Septic Systems Septic Systems Septic Systems Solar Energy Stump Grinding Trash/Junk Removal Tree Service Tree Service Tree Service Tree Service Tree Service Tree Service Water Treatment Water Treatment Wells & Sump Pumps
COMPANY NAME ReMax Rivers Edge Agents Robert DaRocha, Realtor The Hajdaraj Group TK Real Estate Brokerage Batty Construction Taunton Rental Boneyard Barbecue & Saloon Country Kitchen Dublin Rose, Irish Sports Pub El Mariachi La Collina La Familia Madeira Restaurant Rhody Roots Vino’s Family Cafe B & R Fournier Construction, Inc. Tabeleys Roofing Camping World of Berkley Home & Commercial Security Pro Inspection Services Bay State Sewage Croome Sanitation, Inc. Fisk Contracting Co. Soares Sanitation Pumping, Inc. Town Sanitation US SolarWorks Heritage Tree & Arborist Services Big Blue Removal Service Advanced Tree Carlson Tree Service Casey Tree Service Choate Tree Service Heritage Tree & Arborist Services Seekonk Tree Service Olde Colony Clean Water. Inc Water Filter Company, Inc. Vintage Plumbing & Heating
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November 2020 The Reporter
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The Reporter November 2020
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