Nitric Oxide - Therapeutics, Markets and Companies

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Nitric Oxide - Therapeutics, Markets and Companies Published on September 2011

Report Summary This report describes the latest concepts of the role of nitric oxide (NO) in health and disease as a basis for therapeutics and development of new drugs. Major segments of the market for nitric oxide-based drugs are described as well as the companies involved in developing them. Nitric oxide (NO) can generate free radicals as well as scavenge them. It also functions as a signaling molecule and has an important role in the pathogenesis of several diseases. A major focus is delivery of NO by various technologies. Another approach is modulation of nitric oxide synthase (NOS), which converts L-arginine to NO. NOS can be stimulated as well as inhibited by pharmacological and gene therapy approaches. Important therapeutic areas for NO-based therapies are inflammatory disorders, cardiovascular diseases, erectile dysfunction, inflammation, pain and neuroprotection. The first therapeutic use of NO was by inhaltion for acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). NO-donors, NO-mimics and NOS modulators are described and compared along with developmental status. NO-related mechanisms of action in existing drugs are identified. Various pharmacological approaches are described along with their therapeutic relevance. Various approaches are compared using SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis. NO-based therapies are compared with conventional approaches and opportunities for combination with modern biotechnology approaches are described. Share of drugs where NO is involved in the mechanism of action is analyzed in the worldwide pharmaceutical market for 2010 and is projected to 2015 and 2020 as new drugs with NO-based mechanisms are introduced into the market. Various strategies for developing such drugs are discussed. Several companies have a product or products involving NO and free radicals. The report includes profiles of 39 companies involved in this area of which 12 have a significant interest in NO-based therapeutics. Other players are pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies as well as suppliers of products for NO research. Unfulfilled needs in the development of NO-based therapeutics are identified. Important 19 collaborations in this area are tabulated. As of the end of 2010, there are over 100,000 publications relevant to NO. Selected 500 references are included in the bibliography. The text is supplemented with 26 tables and 24 figures.It is concluded that the future prospects for NO-based therapies are bright and fit in with biotechnology-based approaches to modern drug discovery and development. It is anticipated that some of these products will help in meeting the unfulfilled needs in human therapeutics.

Table of Content TABLE OF CONTENTS 0. Executive Summary 13 1. Introduction 15

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>> Get this Report Now by email! Nitric oxide 15 Historical aspects 15 Free radicals 16 Nitrogen cycle and NO 16 Role of NO in biology and medicine 17 Nitric oxide synthase 18 Structure and function NOS 18 Inducible nitric oxide synthase 19 iNOS gene 19 Regulation of iNOS 19 Regulation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase 20 Interaction between eNOS and other proteins 20 Tetrahydrobiopterin 21 NOS-independent NO generation and circulation 21 Entero-salivary circulation of nitrate 21 Methods of study of NO and NOS 22 Bioimaging of NO 22 Assays of NO in tissues 22 Metabolomics approach to study of NO metabolism 23 2. Nitric Oxide Pathways 25 Introduction 25 Mechanisms action of NO 26 NO-cGMP pathway 26 Nitrate-nitrite-NO pathway 27 Soluble guanylyl cyclase as the NO receptor 27 Oxidative stress pathways 27 NO and oxidative stress 28 Oxidative stress and the NO-cyclic GMP signal transduction pathway 28 NO and platelets 30 Mitochondrial NO-cytochrome c oxidase signaling pathway 30 Nitric oxide and cytochrome c oxidase 31 Dual role of NO as a free radical and a scavenger 32 NO and carbon monoxide 32 NO signaling and apoptosis 33 3. Role of NO in Physiology 35 Homeostasis of NO 35 NO as a biomarker 35 Functions of NO in various systems of the body 35 NO and proteins 36 A proteomic method for identification of cysteine S-nitrosylation sites 36 Protein S-nitrosylation and intracellular transport processes 37 Cellular inactivation NO by iNOS aggresome formation 37 NO and mitochondria 37 Mitochondrial permeability and reperfusion injury 38 Endocrine role of NO 38 Role of NO in the cardiovascular system 39 NO and atrial natriuretic peptide 39 NOS in the cardiac myocyte 39

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>> Get this Report Now by email! NO and the autonomic control of the heart rate 41 NO and vasodilatation 41 Role of NO in the plasma compartment 42 Measurement of NO as a biomarker of cardiovascular function 42 Hemoglobin, oxygen and nitric oxide 43 Myoglobin and NO 44 NO and pulmonary circulation 45 Role of NO in the regulation of hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction 45 Role of NO in the nervous system 45 Neurovascular coupling of COX-2 and nNOS 46 Neuroglobin 46 Acute actions of NO in the CNS pathways 47 Role of NO in memory and learning 47 Role of NO in synaptic plasticity 47 Role of NO in the peripheral nervous system 48 Role of NO in the cochlea 48 NO and neuroendocrine function 48 NO and pregnancy 49 Role of NO in penile erection 49 Role of NO in immune regulation 50 Role of NO in temperature regulation 50 Role of NO in gastrointestinal system 50 Role of NO in kidney function 51 Role of NO in liver 51 Role of NO in the skin 52 4. Role of NO in Diseases 53 Introduction 53 Cytotoxicity of reactive nitrogen species 53 Peroxynitrite, mitochondria and cell death 53 Diseases involving oxidative stress and nitric oxide 55 Stress-related disorders 56 Role of NO in allergic disorders 56 Inflammatory diseases 56 Autoimmune disorders 57 Role of NO in rheumatoid arthritis 58 Role of NO in infections 58 NO-mediated cytoprotection in bacteria 59 Trypanosomiasis 60 Malaria and iNOS polymorphism 60 Susceptibility of Mycobacterium leprae to NO 60 Role of NO in the treatment of tuberculosis 61 Septic shock 61 Viral infections 62 Role of NO in anaphylactic shock 62 Role of NO in neurological disorders 63 Neurodegenerative diseases 63 NO-induced mitochondrial dysfunction in neurodegeneration 63 White matter disorders 64

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>> Get this Report Now by email! Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 64 Alzheimer's disease 65 Role of NO in pathophysiology of Alzheimer's disease 65 Role of ApoE genotype 67 Parkinson's disease 67 Traumatic brain injury 69 Epilepsy 70 Stroke 70 Pathophysiology of cerebral ischemia 70 Role of NO in cerebral ischemia 71 eNOS gene polymorphisms as predictor of cerebral aneurysm rupture 73 Role of NO in assessment of cerebral and retinal blood flow 73 Role of NO in neuroprotection 73 Stroke and heart disease 73 Role of NO in peripheral neuropathy 74 iNOS induction in experimental allergic neuritis 74 Role of NO in sciatica 74 Role of NO in the pathogenesis of muscular dystrophy 74 Role of NO in psychiatric disorders 75 NO-dysregulation in schizophrenia 75 Role of NO in pathomechanism of cardiovascular disorders 76 Oxidative stress as a cause of cardiovascular disease 76 Role of NO in pathomechanism of cardiovascular diseases 76 Role of iNOS in cardiovascular disease 77 Role of eNOS in cardiovascular disease 77 Role nNOS in cardiac arrhythmia and sudden death 78 NO and atherosclerosis 78 Role of NO in cardiopulmonary disorders 79 Role of NO in disturbances of vasodilation 80 Caveolin-1 deficiency impairs NO synthesis and vasodilation 80 Role of NO in hypercholesterolemia 80 Pulmonary hypertension 81 NO and systemic hypertension. 82 Coronary artery disease 83 Role of NO in the pathophysiology of angina pectoris 83 Congestive heart failure 84 Calcium overload as a cause of heart failure 84 NO/redox disequilibrium in the failing heart 84 Myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury 84 NO pathway in cardiac hypertrophy 86 Role of NO in sickle cell disease 86 Role of NO in respiratory disorders 86 Role of NO in the pathophysiology of asthma 87 iNOS gene polymorphisms in asthma 88 Role of S-nitrosoglutathione in bronchodilation in asthma 88 Monitoring of exhaled NO 88 Nasal NO as a biomarker of response to rhinosinusitis therapy 90 Elevated urinary NO as a biomarker of improved survival in ARDS 90

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>> Get this Report Now by email! Role of NO in renal disorders 90 Role of NOS in diabetic nephropathy 91 Role of NO in cancer 91 Inflammation, NO and colon cancer 92 Tumor hypoxia and NO 93 NO and p53 mutations 93 NO and matrix metalloproteinase 94 Role of NO in angiogenesis in cancer 94 Role of NO in diseases of the eye 95 Glaucoma 95 Role of NO in metabolic disorders 96 Metabolic syndrome 96 Obesity 96 Diabetes mellitus 96 Role of NO in gastrointestinal disorders 97 Role of L-arginine in intestinal adaptation 97 Role of NO in irritable bowel syndrome 97 Role of NO in inflammatory bowel diseases 97 Role of NO in celiac disease 98 Role of NO in diabetic gastroparesis 98 NO and diseases of the liver 98 Cirrhosis of liver 98 Hepatic encephalopathy 99 Role of NO in skin disorders 99 Role of NO and oxidative stress in the aging skin 99 Role of NO in wound healing 100 Role of NO in pain 100 NO and pain of spinal cord origin 100 NO interaction with other receptors in pain 101 nNOS and pain 101 Role of NO in various types of pain 101 Neuropathic pain 101 Role of NO in diabetic neuropathy 101 NO in oral and facial pain 102 Role of NO in migraine 102 Role of NO in osteoarthritis 103 NO and Fibromyalgia syndrome 103 Role of spinal NO in analgesic action 104 Role of NO in nicotine addiction 104 Role of NO in carbon monoxide poisoning 105 Role of NO in chemically-induced toxicity 105 Peroxynitrite and drug-dependent toxicity. 105 Paraquat neurotoxicity 105 Role of NO in radiation damage 106 5. Pharmacology of Nitric Oxide 107 Introduction 107 Cytoxic vs cytoprotective role of NO 107 Antioxidants 107

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>> Get this Report Now by email! Ebselen 108 Nicaraven 108 Nitroxides 109 Antioxidants in relation to NO 109 Nitric oxide as an antioxidant 110 NO-related drugs 110 Drugs that activate eNOS production 112 Aspirin 112 Dehydroepiandrosterone 112 Drugs that scavenge free radicals/NO 112 Peroxynitrite scavengers 112 Ruthenium (III) polyaminocarboxylates 113 Nitrones 113 Drugs that inhibit NO 113 Ginko biloba 113 Epigallocatechin 114 Delivery of nitric oxide 114 Targeted delivery of NO donors 115 Nitric oxide delivery by encapsulated cells 115 NO-lipid combination 115 NO-releasing coating to prevent infection of implanted devices 116 Nanoparticles for controlled/sustained release of NO 116 Hydrogel/glass nanoparticles 116 Delivery of nanoparticles to vascular endothelium for release of NO 116 Nitric oxide donors 117 Nitroglycerine/glycerine trinitrate 117 Isosorbide dinitrate 118 Sodium nitrite 118 Organic nitrites 118 NO-releasing NSAIDs 119 COX-inhibiting NO-donors 120 Grafting of NO-releasing structures on to existing drugs 122 Mesoionic Oxatriazoles 123 Adding NO-donating structures to extend life cycle of existing drugs 123 Cysteine-containing NO donors 123 Ferrous nitrosyl complexes 124 Syndnonimines 124 S-Nitrosothiols 124 Diazeniumdiolates 125 COX-2 inhibitors 126 NO hydrogels 126 Novel NO donors 126 NO mimetics 127 Comparison of classical nitrates, grafted NO donors, and NO mimetics 127 NO donors and soluble guanylate cyclase activation 128 NO donors for increasing the efficacy of chemotherapy 128 Factors that enhance availability of NO 128 Modulators of cyclic guanosine-3',5'-monophosphate-dependent protein kinases 129

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>> Get this Report Now by email! NOS-modulating drugs 130 Drugs that activate eNOS 130 Statins 130 Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors 131 17 Beta-estradiol 131 C-2431 131 NOS inhibitors 131 Rationale of NOS inhibitors 131 L-Arginine 133 Design of NOS inhibitors 133 Selective iNOS inhibitors 134 Non-amino acid-based inhibitors 135 Aminoguanidine 135 Heme ligands 136 Pterin antagonists 136 Fused-ring bio-isoteric models of arginine as NOS inhibitors 136 nNOS inhibitors 136 Lubeluzole 138 Neurotrophic factors 138 Therapies based on action of NOS as a paraquat diaphorase 138 Concluding remarks about NOS inhibiting drugs 139 NO and stem cell-based therapy 139 Nitric oxide and gene therapy 140 NOS gene transfer 140 Inhibition of NOS by antisense technology 141 Drugs that modulate NO action on platelets 142 Action of NO and NO donors on platelets 142 NOS inhibitors and NO scavengers 142 Phosphodiesterase inhibitors 142 Activators of soluble guanylate cyclase 143 YC-1 143 A-350619 143 Cinaciguat 143 Secondary role of NO in the action of drugs 143 Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors 144 P2Y receptors and NO 144 Calcium channel blockers and NO 144 Nitric oxide-based transdermal drug delivery 144 Mechanism of resistance of NO-based drugs 145 NO and nutraceuticals 145 L-arginine as a nutraceutical 145 Oleuropein 146 Role of NO in beneficial effects of chocolate 146 6. Therapeutic Applications 147 Introduction 147 Role of NO in the management of pulmonary disorders 147 Manufacture of NO gas for inhalation 147 NO inhalation for acute respiratory distress syndrome 147

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>> Get this Report Now by email! NO inhalation for premature children with pulmonary dysplasia 148 NO inhalation for premature children with respiratory failure 148 Pulmonary hypertension 149 NO-based treatment of pulmonary hypertension 149 Inhaled nebulized nitrite for neonatal pulmonary hypertension 150 Gene therapy for pulmonary hypertension 150 Asthma 151 iNOS inhibitors for asthma 151 NO for bronchodilation in asthma 151 Role of NO in acute lung injury after smoke inhalation 152 Cardiovascular disorders 152 Role of NO in cardioprotection 152 Role of NO in the management of angina pectoris 153 Role of NO in therapy of coronary heart disease 154 NO-releasing aspirin in patients undergoing CABG 154 Management of coronary restenosis 155 Modified NO donors 155 NO-generating stent for coronary restenosis 155 eNOS gene therapy for restenosis 156 NO-based management of cardiac hypertrophy 157 Congestive heart failure 157 Limitation of antioxidant therapy in congestive heart failure 157 NO-based therapies for congestive heart failure 157 eNOS gene therapy for congestive heart failure 158 Gene transfer of nNOS in congestive heart failure 158 NO-based therapy for management of cardiogenic shock 159 NO-based therapy for cardiac arrhythmias 159 Prophylaxis of cardiovascular disorders 159 Prevention of atherosclerosis with aging 160 Peripheral vascular disorders 160 Peripheral atherosclerotic arterial disease 160 Peripheral ischemic disease 160 An eNOS mutant as therapeutic for peripheral vascular ischemia 161 Sodium nitrite therapy for peripheral vascular ischemia 161 Raynaud's phenomenon 162 Neurological disorders 162 Cerebrovascular ischemic disorders 162 Attenuation of NO for neuroprotection in cerebral ischemia 163 Use of NO donors in cerebral ischemia 163 Use of NO donors in cerebral reperfusion injury 164 Cerebral vasospasm and NO 164 NOS gene therapy for cerebral vasospasm 165 Degenerative CNS disorders 165 Statins for Alzheimer's disease 166 NO mimetics for Alzheimer's disease 166 iNOS inhibitors for treatment of Alzheimer's disease 166 NO-NSAIDs for Alzheimer's disease 167 Ginko biloba for Alzheimer's disease 167

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>> Get this Report Now by email! Personalization of NO-based therapy for Alzheimer's disease 167 Role of NO in the treatment of traumatic brain injury 167 Neuroinflammatory disorders 168 Muscular dystrophy 168 Vestibulotoxicity 169 NO for opening the blood-brain barrier 169 Cochlear disorders 169 Cochlear ischemia 169 Role of NO in sensoryneural hearing loss 170 Pain 170 NO-based therapies for pain 170 Treatment of diabetic neuropathy with isosorbide dinitrate spray 170 NO-based therapies for migraine 171 NO-based therapy for fibromyalgia syndrome 171 NO-based therapies for inflammatory disorders 171 NO-based therapies for gastrointestinal disorders 172 Protection of gastrointestinal injury from NSAIDs 172 Role of NO in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease 172 Topical nitroglycerin for chronic anal fissure 172 Cancer 173 Mechanism of action of NO in cancer 173 Antineoplastic effect of iNOS-expressing cells 173 Role of NO in drug resistance of cancer 173 Role of NO in treatment of brain tumors 174 NO-induced apoptosis 174 Role of NO in antiangiogenesis therapies in cancer 175 NO donors for the treatment of cancer 175 NO-releasing NSAIDs and colon cancer chemoprevention 175 Rationale of combining NO aspirin with cancer vaccines 176 NO-based cancer gene therapy 176 Transdermal nitroglycerine for prostate cancer 177 NO-based therapies for skin disorders 177 NO-based therapies for skin infections 177 Role of NO in the treatment of psoriasis 178 NO-based therapy for sickle cell anemia 178 Inhaled NO for acute respiratory distress syndrome in sickle cell disease 179 NO inhalation for pulmonary hypertension in sickle cell anemia 179 Role of NO in disorders associated with pregnancy 179 Use of NO donors in management of labor 179 Eclampsia 180 Erectile dysfunction 180 Selective inhibitors of phosphodiesterase 5 180 Erectile dysfunction in diabetes 181 NO-donating substances for treatment of ED 182 NOS gene transfer for ED 182 Organ transplant rejection 182 Role of NO in the treatment of renal disorders 183 Role of NO in the treatment of hepatic disorders 184

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>> Get this Report Now by email! Portal hypertension 184 NO inhalation for restoration of liver function following transplantation 184 Role of NO in blood transfusion 185 Role of NO in the treatment of osteoporosis 185 NO-based wound healing 185 7. Evaluation of NO-Based Drugs 187 Current status 187 Antioxidant vs. NO-based approaches 187 SWOT analysis of selected approaches for NO modulation 187 NO donors by grafting of NO-releasing structures 187 NOS modulation 188 Challenges of developing NO-based therapies 189 Concluding remarks and future prospects 189 8. Markets for NO-based Therapies 191 Introduction 191 Impact of NO-based therapies on international markets 191 Share of NO-based therapies in major therapeutic areas 191 Share of NO-based therapies in cardiovascular disorders 192 Hypercholesterolemia 192 Myocardial infarction 193 Angina pectoris 193 Heart failure 193 Coronary restenosis and stenting 193 Strategies for developing NO-based therapy markets 194 Addressing the unfulfilled needs 194 Multidisciplinary approaches 194 Collaboration between the academia and the industry 195 Education of the public 195 9. Companies 197 Introduction 197 Profiles of companies with focus on NO 199 Major pharmaceutical companies with involvement in NO 214 Smaller biotech and pharmaceutical companies involved in NO 220 Biopharmaceutical companies involved in antioxidant research 229 Companies supplying NO equipment for healthcare 233 Academic institutes with commercial collaboration in NO research 237 Companies supplying NO products for research 238 Collaborations 242 10. References 243 List of Tables Table 1 1: Historical landmarks in the discovery and applications of nitric oxide 15 Table 3 1: Important functions of NO in the human body 36 Table 4 1: Diseases involving nitric oxide 55 Table 4 2: Role of nitric oxide in pathogenesis of autoimmune disorders 57 Table 4 3: Role of nitric oxide in infections 59 Table 5 1: Neuroprotective antioxidants 107 Table 5 2: NO-related drugs 110

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>> Get this Report Now by email! Table 5 3: Methods of delivery of nitric oxide 114 Table 5 4: Comparison of classical nitrates, grafted NO donors, and NO mimetics 127 Table 5 5: Classification of NOS inhibitors 132 Table 5 6: Potential clinical applications of gene transfer for NOS overexpression 140 Table 6 1: Cardiovascular disorders for which NO-based therapies are used 152 Table 6 2: Selected neurological applications of NO-based therapies 162 Table 6 3: NO-related therapies for pain 170 Table 7 1: SWOT of technology ' NO donors by grafting of NO-releasing structures 188 Table 7 2: SWOT of products ' NO donors by grafting of NO-releasing structures 188 Table 7 3: SWOT of NOS gene manipulation 188 Table 7 4: SWOT of analgesic development by NOS isoform targeting 189 Table 8 1: Share of NO-based therapies in major therapeutic areas 2010-2020 192 Table 8 2: Share of NO-based therapies in cardiovascular diseases 2010-2020 192 Table 9 1: Classification of companies involved in NO and antioxidant therapies 198 Table 9 2: NicOx products in development 203 Table 9 3: Product pipeline of Nitrox LLC 208 Table 9 4: NO-related products of Sigma Aldrich 240 Table 9 5: Collaborations of companies relevant to nitric oxide 242 List of Figures Figure 1 1: Nitrogen cycle in the human body 17 Figure 1 2: Biosynthesis of nitric oxide (NO) 18 Figure 1 3: NO synthase pathway 19 Figure 2 1: Reactivity of nitric oxide with heme proteins in oxygen or peroxide reaction cycles 25 Figure 2 2: NO-cGMP pathway leading to vasorelaxation 26 Figure 2 3: The biological pathways toward protein nitration 28 Figure 2 4: NF-'B activation and iNOS induction 29 Figure 2 5: Overview of mitochondrial NO-cytochrome c oxidase signaling pathway 31 Figure 3 1: NOS in the cardiac myocyte 40 Figure 3 2: Interactions of the Mb compounds with O2 and NO 44 Figure 4 1: Molecular mechanisms of peroxynitrite-mediated cell death 54 Figure 4 2: NO neurotoxicity and neuroprotection in relation to Alzheimer's disease 66 Figure 4 3: Some steps in the ischemic cascade and site of action of neuroprotectives 71 Figure 4 4: Dual role of nitric oxide (NO) in cerebral ischemia 72 Figure 4 5: Blood cell-endothelial cell interactions induced by hypercholesterolemia 81 Figure 4 6: Effects of NO on the pathophysiology of myocardial ischemia-reperfusion 85 Figure 4 7: Nitric oxide: tumor enhancement or inhibition 92 Figure 4 8: Role of nitric oxide in angiogenesis 95 Figure 5 1: Nitrogen oxide mimetics ' synergy by chemical modification 127 Figure 5 2: Factors that enhance availability of NO 129 Figure 5 3: Mechanism of resistance to NO-based therapeutics 145 Figure 6 1: Vicious circle of vascular occlusion following angioplasty and stenting 156 Figure 6 2: PDE5 inhibition and the response to sexual stimulation 181 Figure 8 1: Unfulfilled needs in NO therapeutics 194

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