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The Customer care systems: worldwide market shares 2013 Published on July 2014
Report Summary The customer care market generated USD3.58 billion in revenue in 2013, an increase of 9.1% from 2012. This report provides detailed market share data for four sub-segments: customer interaction, customer relationship management (CRM), subscriber management and device management. It identifies the leading suppliers and analyses their product and market strategies. Overall customer care market share summary - The customer care market generated USD3.58 billion in revenue in 2013, an increase of 9.1% from 2012. Adding fixed device management to this segment also increased overall revenue by USD0.27 billion. - Oracle and Amdocs continue to dominate the market, with a combined market share of more than one third of the worldwide market, while China-based vendor Huawei Technologies dominates its domestic market. However, more than 60 suppliers that constitute the 'Other' category command revenue of several hundred million dollars in this market, many of them smaller, geographically focused suppliers. Worldwide, the customer care market is driven by: - communications service providers (CSPs) increasingly offering packaged service bundles in order to increase ARPU and stickiness - the strong desire of consumers for instant service and control over their accounts via self-service apps - the need of CSPs to increase customer satisfaction (thereby reducing churn), bring many new digital services to market quickly and reduce customer support costs while retaining customers. The customer care market continues to grow as CSPs move to commercial, more-sophisticated customer care software systems -Customer care systems were originally 'add-ons' to billing systems and provided the basic functions of ordering and supporting CSRs in answering queries from subscribers. Billing system vendors still provide these functions as subscriber management systems. However, CRM systems have grown in importance, providing advanced features to CSRs (and customers through other channels) as well as access to the subscriber management system functions. -Some CRM systems, such as those from Amdocs, Oracle and SAP, attempt to be 'all-in-one' systems with a comprehensive portfolio of features. Others, such as Microsoft Dynamics CRM and those from, have more-basic functionality. However, in most cases, CSRs use a wide variety of CRM (and other) systems via windows on their desktop. Additional mechanisation is implemented with integration software that provides workflow sequencing and process automation among the numerous CRM and other applications that appear on the CSRs' desktops. -Customer interaction systems support CSRs and customers (via IVR and web-based or app-based self-service systems). The latter have increased in importance as technology has improved and customers have become more comfortable with them. They have proved to be valuable in terms of both cost reduction (by reducing the number and duration of calls to the contact centre) and increasing revenue. Trends in developed markets -CSPs often outsource their contact centre functions, but usually select and own their software systems and specify the procedures. They previously built much of the advanced customer care software themselves, but have increasingly turned to vendors for commercial, although highly configurable, software for customer care.
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>> Get this Report Now by email! -Both fixed and mobile CSPs are looking for ways to reduce customer churn and increase ARPU. Customer care systems play a critical role in these initiatives, which are driving spending in this segment. Investing in customer care systems can also dramatically reduce costs and is the primary method that CSPs use to increase their customer satisfaction ratings. Trends in emerging markets -ARPU and competitive pressures are driving CSPs to upgrade their customer care systems. -Growth in the number of subscribers in emerging markets continues to lead to higher licence fees for vendors that sell systems with size-related pricing models. -The use of SaaS models for CRM, particularly, is growing, because this method proves to be fast and efficient at providing support.
Table of Content Table of contents 5.Executive summary 6.Overall customer care market share summary 7.The customer care market grew as a result of innovations that not only reduce costs, but also increase revenue and customer satisfaction 8.Customer care innovation adoption curve 9.Customer care market summary by sub-segment 10.Recommendations 11.Recommendations for all CSPs and specific recommendations for fixed-line CSPs 12.Recommendations for mobile CSPs 13.Recommendations for software vendors 14.Market definition 15.Definition of geographical regions 16.Telecoms software market segmentation 17.Customer care sub-segment definitions 18.Customer interaction 19.Customer relationship management (CRM) 20.Subscriber management 21.Device management 22.Modern customer care deployment architecture 23.Customer care service sector and revenue type definitions 24.Business environment 25.The business environment in 2013 26.Regional outlook for 2013 27.The customer care market continued its growth, having proved its worth 28.The customer care market continues to grow as CSPs move to commercial, more-sophisticated customer care software systems 29.Innovations during the past few years have proved themselves and entered the mainstream [1] 30.Innovations during the past few years have proved themselves and entered the mainstream [2] 31.Further innovations are in the experimental stage, while some previous ones are still reaching towards their expected potential 32.Market shares 33.Overall customer care market summary 34.Customer care market shares by product revenue
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>> Get this Report Now by email! 35.Customer care market shares by product-related services revenue 36.Customer interaction 37.Customer relationship management 38.Subscriber management 39.Device management 40.Fixed device management 41.Mobile device management 42.Vendor analysis 43.Alcatel-Lucent (Motive) 44.Amdocs 45.AsiaInfo-Linkage 46.BroadVision 47.Comverse 48.CSG International 49.Ericsson 50.Genesys 51.Hewlett-Packard 52.Huawei Technologies 53.Infor 54.innoPath 55.Mformation Software Technologies 56.Microsoft 57.NEC/NetCracker 58.Nokia Solutions and Networks 59.Oracle 60.Orga Systems 61.Redknee 63.SAP 64.Synapse Mobile Networks 65.Vendor analysis summary [1] 66.Vendor analysis summary [2] 67.Vendor analysis summary [3] 68.Vendor analysis summary [4] 69.Vendor analysis summary [5] 70.Vendor analysis summary [6] 71.Vendor analysis summary [7] 72.Vendor analysis summary [8] 73.Mergers and acquisitions 74.Mergers and acquisitions [1] 75.Mergers and acquisitions [2] 76.About the authors and Analysys Mason 77.About the authors 78.About Analysys Mason 79.Research from Analysys Mason 80.Consulting from Analysys Mason
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>> Get this Report Now by email! List of figures Figure 1: Customer care market shares by revenue, worldwide, 2013 Figure 2: Customer care features' position on the innovation adoption curve, worldwide, 2013 Figure 3: Regional breakdown used in this report Figure 4: Telecoms software market segments Figure 5: Definitions of customer care and its sub-segments Figure 6: Key functions of a customer interaction system Figure 7: Key functions of a CRM system Figure 8: Key functions of a subscriber management system Figure 9: Key functions of a mobile device management system Figure 10: Modern customer care information flow Figure 11: Customer care service sector definitions Figure 12: Customer care revenue type definitions Figure 13: The benefits of customer care Figure 14: Customer care market shares by revenue, worldwide, 2013 Figure 15: Customer care market shares by product revenue, worldwide, 2013 Figure 16: Customer care market shares by product-related services revenue, worldwide, 2013 Figure 17: Customer interaction market shares by revenue, worldwide, 2013 Figure 18: Customer relationship management market shares by revenue, worldwide, 2013 Figure 19: Subscriber management market shares by revenue, worldwide, 2013 Figure 20: Device management market shares by revenue, worldwide, 2013 Figure 21: Fixed device management market shares by revenue, worldwide, 2013 Figure 22: Mobile device management market shares by revenue, worldwide, 2013 Figure 23a'e: Comparison of customer care suppliers by region and service sector Figure 24a'c: Comparison of customer care suppliers by sub-segment Figure 25a'b: Mergers and acquisitions in the customer care market, 2006'2014
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