ReportsnReports | The Global Wind Turbine Market, 2nd Edition The global wind turbine market experienced its first decline in over five years in 2010, dropping 15.9% to $42.3 billion as the pace of turbine installations in most countries slowed considerably. Total megawatts (MW) installed was down by 5.3% to 38,079 MW for 2010 and would have been much less if China had not taken a commanding lead in the market, installing almost half of all new global wind capacity during the year. The U.S., on the other hand, only installed half as much new capacity in 2010 as it did in 2009. Despite continuing to be the largest wind turbine market for 2011, China’s will no longer maintain its stratospheric growth in the market. China’s wind turbine installations in 2011 will be 19,300 MW, just 2.0% more than in 2010. From a financial perspective the news is much worse, as still dropping turbine prices will force the Chinese wind turbine market down by 7.1% in 2011, a drop that will be only slightly recovered in 2012. In the short term, curtailment of already installed wind systems because of inadequate transmission systems are going to be a large prohibitive factor against new wind developments in China and, to a lesser extent, in the U.S. and India. SBI Energy sees new wind turbine installations up by 12.0% in 2011 over 2010, but up only another 8.3% in 2012. In fact, it will not be until 2015 or 2016 that transmission issues in China are resolved sufficiently that the country will again achieve double digit growth in wind installations. The U.S. continues to be the top import country for wind turbine generating sets in 2011, but the UK and Germany rose in ranking over Canada from 2010. Together these four countries account for just over half of all imports. Exports are typically dominated by Denmark and Germany, which together provide 60% of the world’s wind turbine generating set exports. However, total exports will be up significantly in 2011 to $5.9 billion as manufacturers in soft wind markets such as Germany and Spain aggressively expand to other regions. Despite its position as the number one regional market in 2010 and again in 2011, China’s wind turbine industry was almost entirely domestic and the country’s wind turbine manufacturers exported very little product. The wind turbine market is still most heavily influenced by government subsidies and this will continue through the next decade. The support or neglect of governments for wind energy is the main driver behind SBI Energy’s three different forecast scenarios in this report. In the median scenario the world wind turbine market is going to climb to $72.8 billion in 2015, with a world total of 442 GW installed. With only moderate government help, the world market is going to reach $138.8 billion in 2020 with a cumulative 876 GW of wind turbines installed world wide. However, with poor government support the 2020 wind turbine market could be as low as $66.6 billion, and with exceptional government support the market could reach up to $326.9 billion at the end of the decade. The Global Wind Turbine Market, 2nd Edition by SBI Energy provides deep insight into current and future markets for wind turbine systems sold and installed worldwide, focusing on key countries for each market segment. The analysis includes definitions, current product offerings and market detail on the following segments: The overall sales of wind turbine systems, including towers, nacelles and blades An in depth look at the market for wind turbine nacelles, looking particularly at imports and exports.
The report also puts the wind turbine market into perspective by studying the world energy market and analyzing the factors that influence the use of wind over other energy sources. Report Methodology This report contains primary and secondary data obtained from government sources, trade associations and publications, business journals, scientific papers, company literature, investment reports, and interviews with industry professionals. Statistics on wind installations comes from a number of sources including the U.S. Department of Energy, the Global Wind Energy Association (GWEA), The American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) and the Chinese Renewable Energy Industries Association (CREIA); production cost indexes are from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics; import and export data come from the U.S. International Trade Commission, The United Nations ComTrade database, EuroStat and others. What You’ll Get in This Report The Global Wind Turbine Market, 2nd Edition provides a concise, focused look on the markets for wind turbines as they exist today, and shows where these markets are moving between 2011 and 2020. The report highlights key players manufacturing wind turbines and pinpoints ways that current and prospective competitors can capitalize on recent trends and spearhead new ones. No other market research report provides both the comprehensive analysis and comprehensive data that The Global Wind Turbine Market, 2nd Edition offers. You will also benefit from the report’s presentation of its extensive data in easy-to-read and practical charts, tables and graphs. How You’ll Benefit from this Report If your company is considering investing in the wind energy market, or is involved with renewable energy or wind turbine component businesses, you will find this report invaluable as it provides a comprehensive package of information and insight not offered in any other single source. You will gain a thorough understanding of the current market for both onshore and offshore wind turbines, as well as projected markets and trends for these technologies through 2020. The report also provides a concise view of the geographic breakdown of the wind turbine market, outlining key drivers and barriers for each key market country. This report will help: Marketing managers identify market opportunities and develop targeted promotion plans for businesses looking to develop markets within renewable energy or wind turbine manufacturing. Research and development professionals stay on top of competitor initiatives and explore demand for new wind turbine technologies as well as the downstream product market for wind energy. Advertising agencies working with clients in a host of market sectors such as electricity generation, cleantech investing and industrial manufacturing to develop messages and images that compel businesses and industries to adopt wind energy for part or all of their energy needs. Business development executives understand the dynamics of the market and identify possible partnerships with raw material providers, key organizations and wind turbine manufacturers with unique products or processes. The report also provides crucial information on job creation that is spurred by wind turbine production. Information and research center librarians provide market researchers, brand and product managers and other colleagues with the vital information they need to do their jobs more effectively.
Table of Contents Chapter 1 Executive Summary The Global Wind Turbine Market Figure 1-1 Wind Turbine Installations by Country by Year, 2006-2010 (in MW) Wind Turbine Competitors Figure 1-2 Market by Competitor, 2011 (in percent) China U.S. India Figure 1-3 Top Five Global Wind Turbine Market Countries, 2006-2010 (in billion $) Germany Spain Wind Turbine Generating Set Imports and Exports Figure 1-4 Exports of Wind Turbine Generating Sets, 2000-2020 (in billion $ and percent) Wind Turbine Market Forecast Figure 1-5 Global Cumulative Installed Wind Forecast, 2011-2020 (in GW) China Forecast U.S. Forecast India Forecast Figure 1-6 Global Wind Turbine Market Forecast by Country, Median Scenario, 2011-2020 (in billion $) Germany Forecast Spain Forecast Wind Turbine Market Trends Figure 1-7 Key Drivers & Barriers Affecting the Wind Turbine Market Wind Turbine Costs & Energy Prices Table 1-1 Estimated Levelized Cost of New U.S. Generation Resources, 2016* (2009 $/megawatt-hour; MWh) The Offshore Wind Turbine Market Table 1-2 Cumulative Offshore Wind Installations by Geographical Region, 2006-2020 (in MW) Curtailment Concerns Wind Turbines: Bigger is Better Figure 1-8 Average Size of Installed Wind Turbines, 2006-2011 (in kW) Employment Trends Table 1-3 Wind Industry Jobs by Country, 2010-2020 Financial Trends: FITs and Investments Figure 1-9 Countries with Wind Feed in Tariffs, 2011 Small Turbine Trends Chapter 2 Introduction Scope Methodology
A Note on Trade Codes and Import and Export Data Table 2-1 Wind Turbine Import and Export HS Codes Terminology Wind Turbine Technology Table 2-2 Turbine Component Weights and Costs (in percent) Parts of a Nacelle Assembly Figure 2-1 The parts of a Wind Turbine Direct & Indirect Drives Figure 2-2 A Direct Drive Wind Turbine Table 2-3 Comparison of Direct and Indirect Wind Turbines Onshore versus Offshore Wind Turbines Wind Energy Associations Worldwide Table 2-4 Wind Associations and Groups Chapter 3 The Market The Global Wind Turbine Market Figure 3-1 Global Wind Turbine Capacity and Electricity Generated by Wind, 2006-2010 (in GW for capacity and billion kWh for generation) Figure 3-2 Global Wind Market, 2006-2010 (in billion $ and GW Installed) Asia is Chasing Europe for Regional Wind Lead Table 3-1 Cumulative Wind Capacity by Geographical Region, 2006-2010 (in MW) China Now Leads Wind Turbine Installations Figure 3-3 Wind Turbine Installations by Country by Year, 2006-2010 (in MW) Figure 3-4 Top Five Global Wind Turbine Market Countries, 2006-2010 (in billion $) Offshore Becoming a Competitive Market Table 3-2 Cumulative Offshore Wind Installations by Geographical Region, 2006-2010 (in MW) Top National Markets Figure 3-5 Top 10 Countries for Single Year Wind Installations and Cumulative Installs, 2010 (in percent) China Figure 3-6 China’s Wind Turbine Import, Export & Domestic Market, 2006-2011 (in million $) Table 3-3 Top Chinese Provinces for Yearly & Cumulative Wind Installations, 2010 (in MW installed) Figure 3-7 Total Wind Turbines by Province/Municipality, 2010 (in MW) Table 3-4 China’s Onshore & Offshore Wind Installations by Year, 2006-2011 (in MW) U.S. Figure 3-8 U.S. Wind Turbine Import, Export & Domestic Market, 2006-2011 (in million $) Table 3-5 Top U.S. Import & Export Countries for Wind Turbine Generator Sets, 2006-2010 (in million $) Figure 3-9 Total Wind Turbine Installations by State, 2010 (in MW) Table 3-6 Top U.S. States for Yearly & Cumulative Wind Installations, 2010 (in MW installed) India Figure 3-10 India’s Wind Turbine Import, Export & Domestic Market, 2006-2011 (in million $) Table 3-7 Top Indian Export Countries for Wind Turbine Generator Sets, 2006-2010 (in million $) Table 3-8 India’s Wind Installations by State, March 2007- March 2011 (in MW)
Germany Figure 3-11 Germany’s Wind Turbine Import, Export & Domestic Market, 2006-2011 (in million $) Table 3-9 Top German Import & Export Countries for Wind Turbine Generator Sets, 2006-2010 (in million $) Table 3-10 Germany’s Onshore & Offshore Wind Installations by Year, 2006-2011 (in MW) Spain Figure 3-12 Spain’s Wind Turbine Import, Export & Domestic Market, 2006-2011 (in million $) Table 3-11 Top Spanish Import & Export Countries for Wind Turbine Generator Sets, 2006-2010 (in million $) Others Table 3-12 Total Offshore Wind Capacity by Country, 2006-2011 (in MW) Wind Turbine Generating Set Imports and Exports Figure 3-13 Exports of Wind Turbine Generating Sets, 2000-2011 (in billion $ and percent) Figure 3-14 YoY Change in Global Wind Turbine Exports and Wind Capacity Additions, 1998-2011 (in percent) Top Wind Turbine Generating Set Trade Countries Table 3-13 Top 10 Export Countries of Wind Turbine Generating Sets, 2006-2010 (in million $) Table 3-14 Top 10 Import Countries of Wind Turbine Generating Sets, 2006-2010 (in million $) Chapter 4 Market Trends Global Use of Wind Energy Figure 4-1 Global Use of Renewable Energy by Type, 2006-2010 (in billion kWh & percent) Figure 4-2 Total Global Renewable Energy Capacity by Country, 2010 (in GW) Drivers and Barriers for the Wind Turbine Market Figure 4-3 Key Drivers & Barriers Affecting the Wind Turbine Market Wind Energy Requirements Around the World Table 4-1 Countries with Wind-Specific Energy Generation Requirements, 2010 China’s Current Five Year Energy Plan and the Seven Wind Bases Table 4-2 China’s Wind Base Program, 2010-2020 (in MW) Wind Turbine Costs & Energy Prices Table 4-3 Wind Turbine Cost Structure (in percent) Wind Turbine Manufacturing Costs Figure 4-4 Average Wind Turbine Prices, 2000-2011 (in $/kW) Figure 4-5 Producer Price Index for Turbines & Generator Sets, and Parts of Same, 2000-2011 (index) Comparing Wind Energy Costs to Other Types of Electricity Generation Table 4-4 Levelized Cost of Wind Energy & Financial Gap by Country, 2008 (in $/MWh) Table 4-5 Estimated Levelized Cost of New U.S. Generation Resources, 2016* (2009 $/MWh) Curtailment Concerns Transmission and Connection Issues Utilization Capacity of Wind Systems Table 4-6 Capacity Factor by Type of Electricity Generation, 2008 (in percent) Wind Energy Curtailment in China Wind Energy Curtailment in the U.S. Table 4-7 Wind Curtailment by Area, 2007-2010 (in GWh and % of potential wind generation)
Offshore Trends Table 4-8 Typical Onshore & Offshore Wind Farm Characteristics, 2008 Figure 4-6 Cumulative Offshore Wind Turbine Foundations by Type, 2010 (in %) Wind Turbines: Bigger is Better Figure 4-7 Average Size of Installed Wind Turbines, 2006-2011 (in kW) Towards the 20 MW Turbine Figure 4-8 Largest Capacity Wind Turbine by Year, 1985-2009 Average Wind Turbines Size Will Continue to Grow Employment Trends Table 4-10 Wind Industry Jobs by Country, 2010-2020 Financial Trends Wind FITs Figure 4-9 Countries with Wind Feed in Tariffs, 2011 Non-FIT Government funding Investments in the Wind Market Table 4-11 Renewable and Wind Investments, 2004-2010 (in billion $) Figure 4-10 Global Wind Investments, 2004-2011 (in thousand $/MW) Research Trends Wind Research Funding Table 4-12 Government Wind Research Funding in Key Countries, 2006-2010 (in million $) Key Research Focus Areas Small Turbine Trends Figure 4-11 Small Wind Turbine Installations for the U.S., UK & China, 2009-2011 (in cumulative number of systems installed & cumulative MW installed) Hybrid Wind Systems Chapter 5 Global Wind Turbine Forecast A Note on the different Scenarios Global Forecast Figure 5-1 Global Cumulative Installed Wind Forecast, 2011-2020 (in GW) Figure 5-2 Global Wind Turbine Market Forecast, 2011-2020 (in billion $) Wind Growth will be moderate in the short term Figure 5-3 Cumulative Global Wind Forecast by Country, 2011-2015 (in GW) Table 5-1 Global Wind Turbine Market Forecast, 2011-2015 (in billion $) The Wind Market’s Long Term Forecast Figure 5-4 Global Wind Forecast by Country, 2016-2020 (in GW) Table 5-2 Global Wind Turbine Market Forecast, 2016-2020 (in billion $) Figure 5-5 Key Geographic Wind Turbine Markets (Median Scenario), 2010, 2020 (in percent of market) Pricing Forecast Figure 5-6 Average Wind Turbine Prices Forecast, 2011-2020 (in $/kW) Exports to Decline in Long Term
Figure 5-7 Export Forecast of Wind Turbine Generating Sets (Median Scenario), 2011-2020 (in billion $ and percent) Offshore Forecast Table 5-3 Total Offshore Wind Capacity by Country, 2010-2020 (in MW) China Forecast Figure 5-8 China Forecast: Wind Turbine Market, 2011-2020 (in billion $) Table 5-4 China Forecast: Installed Wind Turbines by Year, 2011-2020 (in GW) U.S. Forecast Figure 5-9 U.S. Forecast: Wind Turbine Market, 2011-2020 (in billion $) Table 5-5 U.S. Forecast: Installed Wind Turbines by Year, 2011-2020 (in GW) India Forecast Figure 5-10 India Forecast: Wind Turbine Market, 2011-2020 (in billion $) Table 5-6 India Forecast: Installed Wind Turbines by Year, 2011-2020 (in GW) Germany Forecast Figure 5-11 Germany Forecast: Wind Turbine Market, 2011-2020 (in billion $) Table 5-7 Germany Forecast: Installed Wind Turbines by Year, 2011-2020 (in GW) Spain Forecast Figure 5-12 Spain Forecast: Wind Turbine Market, 2011-2020 (in billion $) Table 5-8 Spain Forecast: Installed Wind Turbines by Year, 2011-2020 (in MW) Upcoming Countries Table 5-9 Forecast of Other Major Wind Countries, 2010-2020 Chapter 6 Competitors First Tier Competitors Figure 6-1 Market by Competitor, 2011 (in percent) Dongfang Electric Corporation Overview Performance Figure 6-2 DEC’s Wind Revenue and Wind Turbines Produced, 2007-2011 (in million yuan & MW) Products New Developments Enercon Overview Performance Table 6-1 Enercon’s Cumulative Wind Turbine Installations by Country, November 2010 (in MW) Products Table 6-2 Enercon’s Wind Turbine Products, 2011 New Developments
Gamesa Overview Performance Figure 6-3 Gamesa’s Revenue and Wind Turbines Shipped, 2006-2011 (in million euros & MW) Products Table 6-3 Gamesa’s Wind Turbine Products, 2011 New Developments General Electric Overview Performance Figure 6-4 GE’s Energy Infrastructure Segment Revenue and Wind Turbines Shipped, 2006-2011 (in billion $ & units shipped) Products Table 6-4 GE’s Wind Turbine Products, 2011 New Developments Goldwind Overview Performance Figure 6-5 Goldwind’s Revenue and Wind Turbines Installed, 2006-2011 (in million yuan & MW) Products Table 6-5 Goldwind’s Wind Turbine Products, 2011 New Developments REpower Overview Performance Figure 6-6 REpowers’s Revenue and Wind Turbines Installed, 2006-FY2011 (in million euros & MW) Products Table 6-6 REpower’s Wind Turbine Products, 2011 New Developments Siemens Performance Figure 6-7 Siemens’ Renewables Revenue and Wind Turbines Shipped, 2006-2011 (in million euros & MW) Products Table 6-7 Siemens’ Wind Turbine Products, 2011 New Developments Sinovel Overview Performance Figure 6-8 Sinovel’s Revenue and Wind Turbines Installed, 2008-2011 (in million yuan & MW) Products
Table 6-8 Sinovel’s Wind Turbine Products, 2011 New Developments Suzlon Overview Performance Figure 6-9 Suzlon’s Consolidated Revenue and Wind Turbines Shipped, 2008-2011 (in billion rupees & MW) Products Table 6-9 Suzlon’s Wind Turbine Products, 2011 New Developments Vestas Overview Performance Figure 6-10 Vestas’ Revenue and Wind Turbines Shipped, 2006-2011 (in million euros & MW) Products Table 6-10 Vestas’ Wind Turbine Products, 2011 New Developments Second Tier Competitors Clipper Windpower Mingyang Nordex United Power Latest Market Research Reports: Indian Intelligent Building Management Systems Market (2011-2016) Latino Foodservice Trends in the U.S. Pharmaceutical Packaging Industry – 2011 Yearbook Dovitinib (Renal Cell Carcinoma) – Analysis and Forecasts to 2020 About Us: is an online market research library of 135,000+ reports and in-depth studies of over 5000 micro markets. Our database includes reports by leading publishers from across the globe. We provide 24/7 online and offline support service to our customers. Visit for more details. Contact: Priyank Tiwari 7557 Rambler road, Suite 727, Dallas, TX 75231 Tel: +1-888-391-5441 Visit our Market Research Blog @
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