Hansville Log February 2014

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Greater Hansville Community Center Located at Buck Lake Park 6778 Buck Lake Road, Hansville, WA 98340   Visit us on the web at

VOLUME XXII ISSUE 2 February 2014




he 2014 Board of Directors at the Greater Hansville Community Center will be hosting a soup night pot luck supper on the evening of January 27, 2014. The doors will open at 6:30 pm and we will have a big ol’ pot of hot steaming soup, some salad & bread ready to get things started. If you’d like to bring something to share with your neighbors please feel free to join in. It’s always fun to see who makes what and maybe share a recipe or two. And feel free to bring your own favorite evening libation. We’ll make sure we have some cake to finish up with. This is a completely informal event and is free to all. Please come join us and get to know the folks that volunteer so much of their time to enrich Community Center. Hope we see you there!

Legacy Gifts for Endowment Fund By Judy Tallman and Lois Lee

2013: We introduced the concept of an Endowment Fund as a way to provide sustainable funding for the Community Center into the future. Our wonderful community sees the wisdom in our plan and has donated generously. Thanks to these Legacy Gifts and a contribution from the Center we have $57,129 in cash donations and several promises of Planned Giving bequests at the end of our first year of this multiyear program. 2014: Phase 2 is underway. Our initial goal was to raise a total of $100,000 cash by the end of 2015. To encourage focus on this program the Board proposed and the attendees at the November Membership Meeting approved adding a Vice President of Fund Development to the Board. Judy Tallman, Community Center President in 2011 and 2012 will assume that role for 2014. Judy will be working with Past President, Lois Lee on this important initiative. Please look at the calender in the Log at the events and programs sponsored by the Center. Circle a few of interest. Attend at least one this winter/spring. Please let us know how we are doing in satisfying your community interaction needs. An email message to ghcc@ hansville.org will get to the appropriate board member or contact individuals directly at the phone numbers listed in the Log. Our new Community Center Mission Statement, “Enriching life in the Greater Hansville Communities”, will drive our actions. We are appreciative of your support and welcome your thoughts and ideas. Judy Tallman: 360-638-2961 Lois Lee: 360-638-1973

February 20 |11am - 3pm | By Connie Gordon



he Social Hour/Lending Library at the Greater Hansville Community Center will be on the third Thursday again, February 20, 2014. from 11 am - 3pm Each month at least one member of the GHCC Board will be hosting. Here’s your chance to have a conversation with them about things happening at the Center. We always have sweet snacks provided by volunteers for visitors to enjoy with a cup of coffee or tea. Bring your laptop and check out our new addition. We have Wi-Fi at the Community Center! We’re working on maybe setting up some workshops to occur during the hours of the Social Hour / Lending Library hours. If there were something you’d love to learn or brush up on, let us know! We may have an expert on the subject in our community waiting to be asked to teach a class! The Lending Library is full of books for the taking. Enjoy them for a month and return them the following month. No limit. No check out. No check in. It’s easy and yours to enjoy. Please drop in for a few minutes or spend the day with us! We look forward to your company. February 25| 2:00 pm | By Lois Lee



ou are invited! On Tuesday, February 25 at 2 pm, Mr. Richard Tizzano, Attorney at Law, will give a talk on elder issues. Have you wondered if long term care insurance is for you? Do you understand eligibility for Medicare and how it affects your assets? Do you have your will in order? If you have property in another state, do you know you can avoid probate in that state?Have you considered a POLST? (That is a Physician’s Order for Life Sustaining Treatment). Mr. Tizzano addresses these and many other issues in a very succinct and understandable way in a very valuable ninety minutes that most of us in Hansville can benefit from hearing. There is no charge for this event. Several of us on the board have heard this talk and believe you will enjoy hearing it. If you have questions, please contact Lois Lee 638-1973. See you at this important lecture. Questions from the audience are encouraged.


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February 12 | 6:00 pm | By Don White, President

February 19 | 12 noon | By Rene Tucker



ummer fishing is nice. Sometimes it even gets warm enough to strip down to a single layer of fleece...until the wind shifts, of course. As goofy as it sounds, give me February blackmouth fishing any time. There is just something special about getting out there and really earning your dinner. Plus, once your hand freezes to the reel, you never have to worry about dropping it!

ome and join in the fun and food Wednesday, February 19 at 12 noon. Remember, if you would like to have us set a place for you and you didn’t receive a reminder call- please call Evie Nelson at 638-2641 by Sunday night, February 16 at the latest.

The next meeting of the North Kitsap Puget Sound Anglers will be February 12. Social Hour starts at 6:00 pm, with program getting underway around 7:00. We will be hearing from our own Mike Carter on Puget Sound blackmouth. Mike was recently published on the subject in the national Coastal Conservation Society Magazine, “Tide”.

Febrary 26 | 9:30 am | By Deb Anderson


Meetings are held at the Driftwood Key Clubhouse, and guests are always welcome (and encouraged to join). For more information, email NKPSA@Comcast.net.

February 12 | 9:00 am | By Dennis Johnson



he Flotsam and Jetsam Garden Club monthly meeting is on Feb 12 at the Greater Hansville Community Center on Buck Lake Road. Coffee and refreshments provided by our hostesses will be available starting at 9 am. The business meeting will begin at 9:30 and will be followed by more refreshments and visiting. Guests are welcome! After the break at 10:30 Peg Tillery will be the guest speaker. Her topic will be Plants Your Grandparents Loved and the Stories Behind Them Peg Tillery is the retired Horticulture and Shoreline Educator for Washington State University Kitsap Extension, where she coordinated volunteers in the Master Gardener, Native Plant Advisor, Stream Stewards, Beach Naturalist, Rain Garden Mentor and Master Composter Programs. Peg is noted for expertise in entomology, plant disease and diagnosis, community gardens, p-patches and youth gardening. She writes a column with an online blog called “Plant Life” for the “Kitsap Sun,” is the garden editor for “West Sound Home and Garden,” magazine and produces and emcees the BKAT “Kitsap Gardener” series. For more information about the Garden Club see our website at www.flotsamandjetsamgardenclub.com


The search will be on again for the “mystery neighbor”. It could be anyone . . .



hank you to everyone who donated to help the family who lost everything in a fire in December. There was such an enormous amount of support for this family in so many different ways it was truly amazing and heartwarming. If you live in our community and need help please email us at hansvillela@gmail.com or call Marion Malonson at 638-1836. We would love to help. We are always looking for new energetic women to help with our mission. If you would like to help plan events or have some great ideas for fundraisers please come and join us. Our next meeting is Wednesday February 26 starting at 9:30 with social time. Meeting starts at 10am

February 27 | 7 pm | By Lois Lee



id you miss the Hansville Fishing Resort Event held at the Greater Hansville Community Center last fall? If you did, you may see it again (in a different version) when the Hansville Historical Society presents the history at the Poulsbo Historical Society meeting on Thursday, February 27th at 7 pm in the Poulsbo City Hall. We will have photos and other memorabilia from those days as well as displays on the various resorts that were active in the really wonderful old fishing derbies. Come and remember with us. The event is free. Questions? Contact Lois Lee 638-1973 February 26 | 7:30 pm | By Jackie Holbrook

Eglon News


lease consider joining us for the next Community Meeting on Wednesday, February 26 in the Eglon Schoolhouse. We’ll get started at 7:30 pm and at the conclusion of the meeting we will visit over coffee, tea and desserts. Hope to see some new faces.




By Carol Gates

ansville Community Church now offers two opportunities to worship on Sunday mornings. We look forward to you joining us at 9 a.m. for first service followed by Sunday school for ages 3-12, and adult fellowship from 10:15-10:50 a.m. Second service begins at 11 a.m. Nursery is available for both services. College/Career young people meet on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. Youth from 6-12th grades meet on Fridays at 7 p.m. Hansville Community Church also offers many other opportunities for fellowship. Please do not hesitate to contact the church office for more information, 638-2335. February 8 | 2:00 pm | By Chuck Strahm


2014 Pinewood Derby

t’s time to break out the sandpaper, saws, and creativity again. On February 8, 2014 GHCC will be hosting the annual Hansville Pinewood Derby. The event is open to all ages and this year there is no entry fee for racers 16 years old and under. There’s also a special “Bling Class” for those who color outside the normal race car lines. The rules are posted at www.hansville.org or you can contact Captain Coaster (Chuck Strahm) at 360 638 2882 or at hansvillecoasters @ gmail.com. The doors open at 2:00 pm and it takes a while to get the racers signed in and the cars inspected. So the races will probably start around 2:30 pm. Come cheer on your favorite racers, it’s always lots of fun to see the kids (Young and Old) compete.

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February 6 | 7 pm | By Laurie Yamamura



t is early January and I have two ‘niggles’. The first one is making resolutions and the second one is deciding to change my awareness. Bear with me folks and perhaps our first quarter will get off to a slow but good start. A new resolution is to stop using plastic, fibrous or styrofoam containers to bring home leftovers. Most of the containers are not recyclable though some are burnable. I have been recycling styrofoam for a few years now at the styrofoam recycling center near Renton’s Ikea store. It’s a great place for businesses to recycle those big pieces of styrofoam that come with new appliance, tvs, etc but the food containers have to be washed and not greasy when recycled. It’s a win-win for me on a few levels. There is less washing and drying, less food usually forgotten in the refrigerator, and less bags of foam lurking in my basement. Wisdom is knowing what to do next. Virtue is doing it. I will stop/limit with the leftovers because it will be less impact on our environment. What do they do with the styrofoam, you ask? It is squished into large blocks, shipped to California and is used to make picture frames. Changing my awareness comes from a story I read on ‘The Nature Principle: “Reconnecting with Life in a Virtual Age”. Being in nature can strengthen us physically and emotionally, and helps promotes our mental acuity and wellness. In nature we are able to restore ourselves and learn about conservation. On a recent walk with my husband I saw nature at its best. After half a winter of cold and not quite enough rain, nature was showing little pink buds on the evergreen huckleberry and ferns looking healthy and vibrant green in the parasol growth of their fronds. In what way will you change your awareness? A board was selected at the December meeting. Van Bergen will continue as president as well as Jim DeRoy as V.P.; Marilyn DeRoy as secretary; Karla Martin as treasurer and Denny Johnson as stewardship manager. Many thanks to all of you for volunteering in each of these positions again. Feel free to come to the next meeting which will be Thursday, February 6 in the East Room of the Hansville Community Center at 7 pm. We’d love to meet new people and get new ideas.



he GHCC is looking for a few good men, (and women too) to serve on the building maintenance committee. The committee will identify and look after the needs of the buildings and perform routine jobs to keep our assets working and looking good. We have a list of projects including touch up painting inside and out, cleaning up the annex to make it more efficient and a few other small tasks. If you have a couple of hours now and then we can use your help. Please call Fred Nelson at 638-0000 to sign up or answer your questions.

Speaking of volunteers!!! If you would like to give back a little for the enjoyment that is having the Greenway available for walks, hikes, bird watching, biking etc, please contact us at info@hansvillegreenway.org to inquire about planting tree days, widening the trails each spring, invasive weed pulls, etc. Or if you wanted to become a trail steward but weren’t quite sure what it entails, use the e-mail or ask any steward you might meet on the trail for information. We’d like stories of your time in the Greenway or you could share a photo of something unique that you noticed. I saw an old stump the other day that my imagination made into an ancient village shelter with a water source nearby. NWYN……..Notice What You Notice and let your imagination take over. Encourage your kids and allow yourself to have fun with your imagination whenever you are in nature.

Celebrate your new awareness and decisions as you celebrate your life and your loves. Pay it forward whenever you can because you will feel good all under. Dress according to the weather and hold hands with someone dear to you.

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March 15 | 5:00 pm | by Chuck Strahm



ou have all seen this: You create an account online and you are asked to enter a password and answer some security questions to be used later if you forget your login credentials. They offer many standard questions, like “What is your mother’s maiden name” and “What is the name of your favorite pet.”

ust a quick note to let you know that the 2014 St. Patrick’s Day Celebration at the Greater Hansville Community Center is coming soon. The celebration is scheduled for Saturday March 15, 2014 starting at 5:00 pm and going until 8:00 pm. There will be the traditional Irish grub of Corned Beef & Cabbage along with a couple of beer offerings from Poulsbo’s own Sound Brewing. Our excellent fiddler from last year, Tyler Hagood, will be back to provide entertainment.


So what should you do? First, create a password that is unique and hard to guess. We’ve addressed this in a previous article. Stay away from kids’ names and pet names. As for the security questions, here are several suggestions: A good security question should be easy to remember have thousands of possible answers not be something you would use on social media be simple one or two word answers not change over time If a site lets you make up your own questions, so much the better. Don’t use things like birthdays, school names, etc. These are easy for the bad guys to find. I’ve talked with clients that just make up answers that aren’t true. This is helpful, as someone who really knows you won’t be able to guess the answer. Hey--anything to keep your data and identity secure works. Be careful, though. If you make up questions, you better remember the answers! Another tip--if the site allows you to request a password change, they will usually email you. So be sure you give them a current email address.


So mark your calendars and keep an eye open for an announcement about ticket sales. Due to the size of the hall and some kitchen limitations, we will only offer 100 tickets for this event. Tickets will be $17.00 per person. Absolutely no one will be admitted without some article of clothing that is GREEN.

Remember, all my hints and tips can be found on the website at: www.abeconsultants. com/resources.htm


WEB ADDRESS: WWW.HANSVILLE.ORG 638-2882 All Board Members 271-6166



Chuck Strahm


Connie Gordon


Carolyn Barry


Don Lynch

638-0707 GHCC Rental


VP-Rummage Sale VP-Fund Developement

Lynn Hix Judy Tallman

638-0420 Greater Hansville Log 638-2961 Webmasters



Jane Smith


Treasurer Director

Mike Bryant F. Branchflower

Pres. Lynn Hix 638-0120 Art & Craft Guild 638-2025 Flotsam & Jetsam Garden Club Pres. Laureen Davis



Lindsey Valance

638-2366 Foulweather Bluff Conservancy Howie O’Brien


Past President

Lois Lee


253 820-1484 GHCC Calendar



Angi Jenson


Hansville Cemetery (Pres.|VP) Dagmar Brauer | 638-2163 Hansville Greenway

Book Sale Drop-Off


638-2886. M. Moyer | 638-1405

Van Bergen


425 244-8932 Hansville Neighbors Luncheon Evie Nelson



Facilities | Maintenance

Fred Nelson

638-0000 Helping Hands

Marion Malonson


Greater Hansville Log

Susan Dunning

362-9815 Ladies Aid

Pres. Pam McAllister


Marian Malonson


Newcomer Welcome Packets Carolyn Barry

253 638-2025 Medical Equipment Lending

Rental | Reservations

Jo Nelson

638-0000 No Sews

Barbara Sims


Scholarship Committee

Jo Nelson

638-0000 Signs for House Numbers

Allen Otto



Post Office: 638-2666 | Hansville Fire Hall: 638-2263 | Burn Ban: 297-4888 | Transfer Station: 638-2710

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Proud to live in Hansville By Chuck Strahm


ecently there was a house fire near the intersection of Twin Spits Rd and Hood Canal Drive that totally destroyed the home of two of our Hansville neighbors. The response from our little community has been remarkable. Please read the following letter that was sent by the family that has taken in the victims of this tragedy. It’ll make you happy and proud to live in Hansville where neighbors help neighbors, even when they’re complete strangers. If you’d to help please contact the Hansville Ladies Aid.

Thank You


To all the people in the Hansville/North Kitsap Community and beyond

would like to extend a huge thank you to all the people in the Hansville/North Kitsap Community as well as all the wonderful people from outside communities that gave so much of themselves in their caring and compassion as well as the physical contributions for our dear friends, whose home was destroyed in a tragic fire on NE Twin Spits road December 5th. In particular the help and guidance given by the Hansville Ladies Aid group, the North Kitsap Fire and Rescue crew, The Greater Hansville Community Center, Hansville Community Church, Kitsap Red Cross and many other outstandining community organizations who took to task an immense undertaking of epic proportions with a family who had lost nearly everything. My wife Kim and I have seen a new found view of goodness in peoples caring and compassion that, though I have always enjoyed the waves and smiles, we had no idea how far people would go in doing great things here in our tiny little world. In the end what was one of the most tragic events my wife and I have witnessed in our lives has turned to something of a genuine respect for the goodness of many people we have never met that are all around us in here in this little tip of our world. I know that life is not going to be perfect and will have many troubles ahead for this couple but I think this new found light our community has shown that at least they will be able to tackle their troubles with a genuine positive that there really are people that do care all around us. I hope and wish that every single kind hearted person (of which there are so sooo many whom are not named (but you know who you all are) who offered encouragement in any way can in some way feel the genuine and absolute gratitude for what you have all done. As ugly a tragedy as this has been, it makes one see the beauty that is all around us. You people are the light the shines when it is dark, thank you so much for lighting our paths. Sincerely from all of our hearts, Kim and Joe Cooper advocates for Ron and Sandy whom lost much of their world Dec. 5 2013.


WHOOPS! By Chuck Strahm


any of you have already received a letter to let you know it’s time to remit your annual GHCC memberships dues for 2014. You probably noticed that we forgot to include a membership form with that letter. Whoops! That was a mistake. Please use the membership form on the back of this or any Hansville Log, or find the form at the Hansville.org website by opening the home page, then clicking on The Hansville Community Center on the left column and then click on Membership Benefits where you can click on the words Membership Form to get the form.

By Chuck Strahm


e need some help with our bi-annual book sales. Our current volunteer Mike Bryant is simply overwhelmed with organizing the book sales and volunteering as our Treasurer. This is a big job and requires someone who is able to move lots of books, get volunteer teams organized, and work with Mike to reduce his time commitment. If you’d like to jump in and give us a hand, please contact Mike Bryant (360) 638-0120 or Chuck Strahm.(360) 638-2882

So sorry for the mistake!

GHCC IS READY FOR YOUR NEXT EVENT Your Community Center is an event facility perfect for all kinds of occasions such as meetings, weddings, receptions, reunions, parties, luncheons, dinners and dances. Look on the website at Hansville.org for details. Call (360) 638-1143 or (360) 638-0000 or email: rental@hansville.org for more information.


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Rummage Sale August 9 & 10, 2014


his is a reminder that the annual sale is eight months away, plenty of time to organize those shelves, closets and garages and donate the extra items to GHCC for the biggest income producer of the year.

December 7th was our first Drop Off at the Norwegian Point Park, (NPP), Boat House. Although it was cold outside the heaters and the activity inside was just the same as using the GHCC Annex. Our skillful department heads were able to fill their bins and have their tables cleaned off by the end of the day so there was no need for the “Monday Sort”, or the need to transfer the bins on Monday to the boat house for storage. Thank you to The Hansville Grocery for providing the coffee which went well with the other goodies brought by helpers. We are giving you a chance to amass your donations for the next Drop Off that will be on March 8th, 2014 again at NPP Boat House from 10 am to 2 pm, and hopefully a little warmer outside. If you have questions regarding items accepted or need to have something picked up at your house please call Lynn Hix at 638 0420 or Howie O’Brien at 638 2950. The following are the Drop Off dates for 2014:

March, 8; April 12; May 17; June 14; July 12

FEBRUARY AT A GLANCE February 5- GHCC Board Meeting February 8- Pinewood Derby February 12 - F & J Garden Club February 12-- NKPSA February 19 - Neighbors Luncheon

February 20 -Social Hour/Lending Library February 25 -Legal Issues for Elders February 26 -Ladies Aid February 26 -Eglon Meeting



e have begun offering access from our website www.krl.org to one of the most popular websites available to subscribers only: ConsumerReports.org. All you need is your library card! Does anyone in your family like reptiles? If so, then you won’t want to miss our special program with a veterinarian and his reptiles at the library. Listed below are our programs for February. I Love Reptiles with Dr. Dave: Feb. 8, 11am.-12 noon. This is the ultimate hands-on interactive cold-blooded adventure where students come face to face with some of the world’s most amazing and fascinating reptiles.


Mon................... 1 pm - 8 pm Tues. ................10 am - 6 pm Wed. ................. 1 pm - 8 pm Thurs ................ 1 pm - 5 pm Friday................ 1 pm - 6 pm Sat. ................... 9 am - 1 pm Sun. ..........................Closed

By Tomi Whalen, Branch Manager

Seattle Opera Preview-The Consul: Feb. 8, 1-2:30 pm. Norm Hollingshead brings to life Gian-Carlo Menotti’s Pulitzer Prize-winning opera about totalitarianism and humanity. Preschool Storytime: Feb. 4, 11, 18, and 25, 10:30 am. Come enjoy Early Literacy fun with books, songs, and rhymes with your preschooler.

Legos @ the Library: Feb 19, 3:30-5 p.m. Love Legos? Bring your friends and come enjoy speClosed February 17 for Presidents’ Day cial Lego build-it challenges and free-play. 31980 Little Boston Road NE Kingston, WA 98346 Phone: 360-297-2670

Adult Crafternoon: Wednesdays, Feb. 5, 12, 19, and 26, 2:30-3:30 pm. Bring your handwork projects and see our newest craft books.

All Kitsap Regional Library branches will be Little Boston Book Group: Feb. 5, 12-1p.m. Discussion will be on closed Monday, February 17, for Presidents’ Day. Please check In a Sunburned Country by Bill Bryson. our website www.krl.org or call us at 360-297-2670 for updated Pom Pom Creations: Feb. 12, 4-5 pm. Learn basic pompom mak- program information. ing techniques and how to turn them into a variety of creatures, decorations, and even a toy town. Supplies provided. Back by See you at the library! popular demand.


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May 2 & 3 | By Marga Baird





By Michèle Laboda Public Information Officer

he Hansville Art and Craft Guild is looking for crafters for the first Spring Fling Fair scheduled to be held May 2nd and 3rd at the Greater Hansville Community Center (at Buck Lake County Park), especially crafters or artists that offer something to be used in the garden. Reserve your table now for this juried event. Contact either Gale at 360-440-4184 / gale@giftsbygaleandcompany.com or Lynn at 360-638-0420 for more information on the Spring Fair or to join the Hansville Art and Craft Guild.




By Susan L. Harrington, Communications Chair

t’s the middle of winter and we’re only dreaming of the spring and summer gardens. It’s also a time to read favorite garden books and perhaps to plan for next winter. I know it seems a bit strange to be thinking of next winter already but as I read my “Native Plants in the Coastal Garden” by April Pettinger with Brenda Costanzo I was inspired by their discussion of hedgerows. Hedgerows require some long-term planning. And, with a well thought-out investment in a variety of plants, this hedge guarantees to pay good dividends in the future. In North America our hedges are traditionally a monoculture (consisting of only one plant). Single -species hedges provide very limited use as a wildlife habitat and therefore don’t live up to their potential as a thriving wildlife corridor that provides food and shelter. Not only do they attract small birds, they draw frogs, toads and other beneficial creatures to the native landscape. Here are some suggestions for your hedge: plant at least one evergreen such as a tall Oregon grape (Mahonia aquifolium). Include one or two shrubs that blossom producing berries for food. I described other likely candidates for a hedgerow in your native garden in past Log articles. Review the plant portraits for Nootka Rose (Rosa nutkana), red-osier dogwood (Cornus sericea) red-flowering currant (Ribes sanguineum) and snowberry (Symphoricarpos albus). Spring really is just around the corner so include some shrubs for a hedgerow; you will be delighted with the return on your investment. Please consider supporting the ongoing planting and progress of North Kitsap’s jewel, the Buck Lake Native Plant Garden. This garden’s maintenance is supported entirely by volunteers; your donations help with plant procurement and site materials. BLNPG, PO Box 448, Hansville WA.


quick Look Back at 2013 – An early review of the data from last year shows that total call volume for 2013 declined by 2.4% from 2,628 in 2012 to 2,565 in 2013. That’s an average of 7 emergency responses per day during last year. There was no significant change in the proportion of emergency medical responses which made up 66.7% (or 1,710) of alarms. The number of structure fires in our district remained about the same, with 12 inside our fire district (or 23 total, including those we assisted on in neighboring districts just as our neighboring fire districts assist at ours) in 2013. In 2012, we responded to a total of 20 structure fires with 14 occurring in our fire district. Note that these numbers reflect only those fires in buildings; if we include all fires such as those in brush or vehicles, the 2013 total was 74. There were 44 injury car crashes in 2013, down from 57 in 2012. Non-injury crashes also dropped from 75 in 2012 to 63 in 2013. Challenges for 2014 – Fire protection districts get no on-going county, state or federal funding. Instead, the vast majority of funding – in NKF&R’s case, 85-90% -- comes from local property taxes. Property values have been dropping since 2009 and, as a result, so have NKF&R’s tax revenues. In 2014, the district will receive about $200,000 less than in 2013; NKF&R’s 2014 revenue budget is about $600,000 lower than the district’s 2010 revenue budget. We’ve been doing everything we can to maintain our current levels of service by streamlining, deferring capital replacement, sharing resources with other government agencies, working as a team on innovative solutions and more. However, with revenues continuing to fall, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to do what we do. In 2014, we’ll be looking at additional strategies and asking you for input. Stay tuned … Smoke Alarms Save Lives, Right Here in Hansville – In December’s fire on Twin Spits Road, the home’s occupants were alerted to the fast-moving blaze by working smoke alarms. Without that alert, the two occupants may not have had time to escape and the outcome could have been even more tragic. Kitsap County FREE Smoke Alarm Program -- Thanks to a federal grant and partnerships with service clubs and other community groups, NKF&R and other fire departments hope to install more than 3,000 of the proven life-saving devices in houses and apartments across Kitsap County during the coming year. Special devices for the hearing-impaired will also be available. The goal of the grant program is to reduce the number of deaths and injuries in our county due to home fires. The focus is on installing smoke alarms in the homes of high risk families. Children under the age of 5 years-old, low income families, and people with disabilities have a much higher death rate in home fires than the general population. The free smoke alarm installation program also includes a brief home safety assessment to identify potential fire hazards, education on how to prevent fires, and assistance in creating a home fire escape plan. To access the services or to volunteer your community group or service club to join in this important project, contact Kitsap County Smoke Alarm Program Manager Jennifer Yost at jyost@ckfr.org or (360)447-3567, or NKF&R at 297-3619.


Page 8 HC—Hansville Church LB—Little Boston Library NP—Native Plant Garden at Buck Lake Park

ABBREVIATIONS: CC—Greater Hansville Community Center DK—Driftwood Key Clubhouse ES—Historic Eglon Schoolhouse



Februuary 2014



COFFEES HELD at the HANSVILLE GROCERY (HG): Men’s Koffee Klatch – 8:00 am Mon.-Sat. Better Half’s Coffee – 10:00 am Tuesdays Solitarians Coffee – 10:00 am Fridays


















1 pm–Need to Knit-DK

10:30-11am Preschool Storytime -LB

1-4 pm–Mah-Jongg Group-LB


10 1-4 pm–Mah-Jongg Group-LB


10:30-11am Preschool Storytime -LB

2:30 - 3:30 Crafternoon-LB

11am-noon-Book Group-LB 2:30 - 3:30Crafternoon-LB 7 pm–GHCC Board Mtg-CC


9am - F&J Garden Club-cc

9:30 am–TOPS Weighin-HC

9:30 am–TOPS Weighin-HC

7pm-Hansville Greenway mtgCC

11a.m.-12 noon. I Love Reptiles -LB 1-2:30p.m.-Seattle Opera Preview-LB

2pm-Pinewood Derby-CC









9:30 am–TOPS Weighin-HC

10am-Hansville Historical Society meeting-CC

2:30 - 3:30 Crafternoon-LB 4-5p.m.-Pom Pom Creations-LB 6pm-NKPSA-DK


17 18 1 pm–Need to Knit-DK Library Closed

10:30-11am Preschool Storytime -LB


12 Noon9:30 am–TOPS WeighNeighbor’s Lunch in-HC -CC 2:30 - 3:30Crafternoon-LB 3:30-5pm-Legos At The Library-LB



1-4 pm–Mah-Jongg Group-LB


10:30-11am Preschool Storytime -LB 2pm-Legal Issues For Elders-CC


9:30am-Ladies Aid-DK 2:30 - 3:30Crafternoon-LB 7:30 pm- Eglon Meeting-ES

Upcoming Events:

March 5-GHCC Board Meeting March 8-Rummage sale drop-off March 12-- NKPSA Meeting March 12- F & J Garden Club Meeting

11-3-Social Hour/ Lending Library -CC

27 9:30 am–TOPS Weigh-in-HC 7pm-Hansville Fishing Resort Memories (see page 2)

March 15- St. Patrick’s Day Dinner March 20- Social Hour/ Lending Library March 20- Historical Society Meeting March 26 - Laidies Aid Meeting

For Greater Hansville Community Center rental information, event scheduling and Center usage coordination, please contact Jo Nelson at 638-0000 or email rental@hansville.org. This includes posting your event on the community and rental calendars.


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gain this year the AARP and VITA volunteers invite you to take advantage of their offer to assist you with the preparation of your Income Tax Return for 2013. We welcome all residents of Kitsap County, young or old and working or retired to our programs. The two programs are similar but do have some differences. All AARP volunteers must certify at the Advanced Level while VITA volunteers have the option of certifying at either the Basic or Advanced Levels. The VITA program does have some income limits, the AARP program does not. The items that we can do are similar but not exactly the same. Where and When? – AARP Tax Aide at Martha and Mary Health and Rehab at 19160 Front Street, Poulsbo, on Every Thursday from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm and Fridays and Saturdays from 10 AM to 2 PM from February 1st through April 12th, 2014. The VITA program at the S’klallam Elder Center in Little Boston (by the Library) is currently open on Mondays and Tuesdays from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm. For both, please arrive at least 30 minutes prior to closing. We work on a first come first served basis with the exception of persons with special needs. What should you bring with you? Bring last year’s tax return, Photo ID for the principle tax payers, Social Security cards (or SSA 1099 forms) for all persons on the return, all of this year’s Income or Deductions documents (W-2s, 1099Rs, 1098Ts, Interest & Dividend statements, brokerage statements and summaries of itemized deductions). Bring your check book so we can have a record of your routing number and account number for direct deposit of your refund (it is faster and safer). What can we do? We can do all returns on the 1040 Long form including wages, pensions, brokerage transactions, self-employment (1099 misc. box 7), most tax credits (Child Tax Credit, Child Care Tax Credit, Education Credits, Earned Income Tax Credit, Retirement Savings Credit, most itemized deductions. Schedule C is limited to self-employment with expenses limited to $10,000, no inventory, no employees, no losses and no office in home (note the expense limit has been raised this year from 5k to 10k). We cannot do returns with Rental Income (Sched. E), Farm Income (Sched. F), a few complicated Schedule Ds (but our scope has been increased to allow Wash Sales), any depreciation. There are a few other limitations that do not affect most of our customers. We can do returns for Same Sex Marriage MFJ including amended returns for prior years. The Scope has been increased to allow Wash Sales of Stocks and to allow Shedule Cs for self-employed with expenses increased to $10,000. Thanks are in order to both Chad Solvie, CEO of Martha and Mary, and to the S’Klallam Tribe at Little Boston for their sponsorship and support through the years. They both donate their resources to offer the community this valuable FREE service. Should you have a question about either program, you may contact Ed Ramey at 360-638-1525 and leave a brief message with your name, phone number and question and I will return your call within 48 hours. I am the Local Coordinator for the Martha and Mary AARP Tax Aide program and the above is my home number.

Residential Commercial Interior Exterior Painting Pressure Washing

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Serving Kitsap & Jefferson Counties for Over 20 years OFFICE (360)779-5205 CELL (360)509-4949 bchandler@windermere.com www.bonniechandler.com


Need your own tank filled? Call for current propane prices Phone (360) 286-5502 or (360) 638-1313

BEEBE, ROBERTS & BRYAN, P.L.L.C. Attorneys at Law


Real Estate, Landlord-Tenant, Property Issues, Business, Wills, Trusts, Estates, Probate, Injury Claims, Insurance Issues, Workers Comp David A. Roberts

Paul W. Bryan

Kingston (360) 297-4542

MorganStanley Kingston Financial Center, LLC. 10950 NE State Hwy 104, Ste 203 Kingston, WA 98346 360-297-5180

Bim Prince Financial Advisor 2011 NW Myhre Road, Ste 301 Silverdale, WA 98383 360-613-0212

d We ur

d ing

& U nique C a ke



ia l

is t


C 2012 Morgan Stanley LLC. Member SIPC

Life... a little sweeter. Locally Owned/Operated in Kingston

Methia Gordon



NY CS 6341064 BC006 07/10 GP10-01505P-N06/10

Clint Boxman Financial Advisor


Fully-Furnished Farmhouse for your Reunion, Retreat, Honeymoon, Meeting, or Vacation Getaway. Invite your Family and Friends! Sleeps 12+. 20 Acres of relaxation in Hansville.

Cinda & Erv Bakken (360) 638-1811


Vinyl Signs

Richard Heussy

Susan Gray Dunning

Richard Heussy

Susan Gray Dunning

boat names & numbers mail boxes signs & banners for events

Rich Heussy (360) 638-2884

Susan Dunning (360)362-9815

email: heussr@comcast.net website: heussr.wix.com/rich-art

Graphic Design Screen printing

Vacation Rental

Family coming? Need more space?

Classic 1940s fully furnished 2 bedroom, 2 bath Point No Point vacation cabin just a 5 minute walk to the lighthouse park and miles of sandy beach. Nightly, weekly and monthly rates available. Two night minimum. Christy Mackey - cdmackey@comcast.net or 360 881-0474

Windjammer Construction North Kitsap Roofing

37595 Thors Rd NE Hansville, WA 98340 License#NORTHKR022BO

Steven Lund Over 35 years experience Phone (360)638-1279 Fax (360)638-1279 Cell (360)340-5294 Email - nkroofing@gmail.com

Jeff Eddy, General Contractor

(360) 638-2050


Custom Spas Decks and Patios Marine Carpentry Furniture & Cabinetry Garden Accessories

Serving Hansville since 1980 windjammerconst@hotmail.com



GREATER HANSVILLE COMMUNITY CENTER P.O. Box 133 Hansville, WA 98340 Dues: January - December 2014 Name #1: ___________________________________________ Email:______________________________________________ Name #2:___________________________________________ Email:______________________________________________ Phone:_____________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ IF BUSINESS/ORGANIZATION MEMBERSHIP: Name of Bus./Org.____________________________________ Address:____________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Email: ______________________________________________ Phone:_____________________________________________ Donations are tax deductible. Please make checks payable to the Greater Hansville Community Center, mail this form along with your check to GHCC, PO Box 133, Hansville, WA 98340. The Greater Hansville Log is published monthly by The Greater Hansville Community Center, PO Box 133, Hansville, WA 98340, and is issued as a service to residents of the Greater Hansville Area. The deadline for all submissions is the 15th of the month prior to publication. We reserve the right to accept, reject or edit any article submitted for publication.

DUES AND SPECIAL SUPPORT: New Member:_____ Renewal:______ Membership – Single ($10.00) Membership – Family ($20.00) Membership – Business/Org. ($40.00) GHCC Annual Campaign Fund GHCC Endowment Fund Hansville Log Production Expense Fund Education Scholarship Fund Hansville Neighbors Luncheon Fund Hansville Historical Project Fund Norwegian Point Park Fund Buck Lake Native Plant Garden Fund Hansville Greenway Fund Ladies Aid/Cemetery Upkeep Fund Little Boston Library Support Fund TOTAL

$ ___________ $ ___________ $ ___________ $ ___________ $____________ $ ___________ $ ___________ $ ___________ $ ___________ $ ___________ $ ___________ $ ___________ $ ___________ $____________ $ ___________

We (I) would be interested in volunteering time to Greater Hansville Community Center activities: YES _____ NO _______ News Editor & Graphic Designer : Susan Dunning 360-362-9815 DeeAnn Stiles: Ads logads@ix.netcom.com Distribution: Linda and Gary Weightman Production: Kitsap Printing 360-697-2286 For information send your email inquiry to: log@hansville.org or go to our website www.hansville.org Click on Hansville Log Newsletter for ad rates.

Non Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 3

Carrier Route Presort


P.O. Box 133 Hansville, WA 98340

Current Resident or

Newcomer Welcome Packets Newcomer welcome packets are available to new neighbors in the Hansville/Eglon/ Little Boston areas. If you are new to the area or if you know of a new family in your neighborhood, please contact Carolyn Barry at 253 820-1484 or carolynbarry@hotmail.com

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