7 minute read
Weed 101
Marijuana, pot, grass, Mary Jane, weed, and ganja; regardless of what it is called, Cannabis has come a long way from its peace-loving reputation of the ‘70s and prior, as well as a number of stigmas that have now gone up in smoke.

Cyber Criminals Target the Cannabis Industry

Get into the Weeds of Your Insurance Policy to See if You’re Protected
By Aileen S. Berry, Esq., Professional Lines insurance specialist with Amwins Brokerage in West Palm Beach, FL, and Brian Savitch, Professional Lines insurance specialist with Worldwide Facilities (an Amwins company) in San Francisco, CA.
Protecting both patient and consumer data from hackers should be a top priority for companies operating in the cannabis sector. Both recreational and medicinal operations collect and store personally identifiable, protected health and payment information, as well as frequently handled NDA requirements around growing, extracting and other proprietary processes. As this data is subject to Federal regulations, including HIPAA, failure to protect it can lead to hefty fines and reputational harm. Regulatory bodies also require the tracking of cannabis from seed to sale, which creates the potential for a security breach in tracking software or systems for mobile ordering.
Over the past year, cyberattacks have become more frequent in all business segments. As experts projected, cannabis is a growing target industry for hackers. Since navigating the cannabis regulatory landscape can be time consuming and costly, many companies have fallen behind in developing a comprehensive IT infrastructure and implementing the proper security controls to protect their systems and networks. This can lead to continued cyber security events. Additionally, with the increased use of technology and more efficient processes, businesses across the distribution channel will need to address the potential for business interruption and loss of income due to a data breach – especially as the demand for cannabis products continues to increase.
Cyber liability insurance is available to safeguard companies against the ongoing web of cyber security threats – from ransomware, phishing scams and social engineering to forensic and legal costs. Cyber insurance policies can also extend coverage to protect content and advertising produced on a company’s digital platforms as well as in print advertising. Trade name and copyright infringement, defamation, invasion of privacy and other intentional torts are prevalent media claims faced in the cannabis sector.
Cyber liability coverage is not standardized across the insurance industry; therefore, each policy should be reviewed carefully to identify various exclusions and limitations. As a leading cyber liability wholesale broker, Amwins has the expertise, proprietary products and risk evaluation resources to place cyber coverage that meets your company’s unique needs.
Amwins understands that your business can be complex and evolutionary in nature. As the nation’s leading specialty insurance distributor, we deliver future-focused insurance solutions that keep you a step ahead of risks. Contact your insurance agent to learn how Amwins can help in securing unmatched coverage.
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In the words of William Shakespeare, “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet”; and in this day in age, Cannabis (now the more commonly used nomenclature), has as many means of ingestion and useful purposes, as it does names.
Smoking is the most common and well-known form of marijuana consumption. Oftentimes, the marijuana is rolled into a cigarette or joint, with tobacco rolling papers. Similarly, a blunt is a cigar that has replaced tobacco with weed, then smoked. Other methods include smoking out of a pipe, bowl, bubbler, hookah, or a bong. If some people don’t have access to these items, they may even get creative and make their own fixture out of something like an apple.
This method of ingestion has recently grown more popular. A vaporizer serves as a less harmful device, as the active ingredients inside heats the marijuana to a point just before burning. Vaporizers are typically small, hand-held devices that allow for a minimal smoke or marijuana scent.
Oral Ingestion
Edibles are the growing, popular, and “easier” way to get a high. Of course, everyone has heard of baking this drug into your brownies, but now, they are being placed into much more. In the state of Massachusetts, where marijuana is legal, dispensaries offer cookies, gummy bears, fruit chews, chocolate bars and more; all containing marijuana. More recently, it’s been added into beverages- expanding the market even more.

Topical Methods
A topical method is a unique method, as it includes products such as ointments and salves that are placed directly on the skin. Topical oils are extracted from marijuana plants and are used to relieve muscle pain or soreness. This form of “ingestion” will not create a high, but rather serve as a medical purpose and benefit to your body’s needs. With the ever-growing cannabis products on the market another great way for people to expand their palette (so to speak), would be for the individual to focus on what their desired outcome would be after consuming a product. These days cannabis and cannabis related products can help replace that morning cup of coffee to start the day or help you wind down at night after a long day at the office – or home schooling. Below are some different ways cannabis and related products may enhance your experience.
CBD has been reported to not only assist with medical conditions, but also serves as a stimulant in providing energy. With a lower dose (less than 15 mg), CBD may give you the energy you need. Some products that can be ingested to assist in this process include CBD capsules, a CBD Essential Oil Roll-on, and even bath bombs.

Cannabis is often used to help people with conditions such as ADD/ ADHD. When performing tasks such

Cannabis-Infused Mints
Low-dose 2.5 mg of THC each mint
Tin contains 40 Mints
Comes in a variety of flavors:
Winter Mint, Cocoa Mint, Blackberry,
Peach Mango and Peppermint.
Refreshingly minty and or sweet fruit flavored - these THC-only tablets may help relax your mind and body.
as writing a paper, completing a project, etc., you may feel as if it’s difficult to focus for a long period of time, as the work may be boring. Across dispensaries in Massachusetts, along with more generic products that can be found online, some cannabis products that enhance focus are cannabis flower, gummies, CBD oil, etc. All these products are THC or CBD dominant, and may be what you need to assist you in staying focused.

Anxiety is extremely high in America, especially right now, in the midst of a pandemic. To release some of that unwanted/needed stress, CBD can do the trick! While CBD comes in a variety of forms, some popular ones include capsules, oils, tinctures, and gummies. If you take the proper dosage, anxiety can be released, and proper body functions can be restored.
Sleep can be achieved with just about any cannabis product. Contradictory of taking a lower dosage to feel energized, a higher dosage creates minimal energy and fatigue. Dispensaries offer sleep specified gummies, capsules, oils, and more.
The cannabis market is growing and expanding daily with new products and means of enhancing anyone’s cannabis experience. Take a trip to your local dispensary today and make a point to talk to the budtender – let them serve as your guide.
As there are many methods to relieve pain or soreness within your body, cannabis is a big one. Specific product types such as topicals (ointments/ salves) can be rubbed directly on and absorbed in your skin, allowing for a sense of relief. Theory Wellness offers admirable topicals- perfect for the springtime, with the increase of outdoor activities.
Sources: www.verywellhealth.com/how-is-marijuana-used-63522, www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/cbd-for-energy#product-list, kushfly.com/blog/the-best-cannabis-products-for-focus/, www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/best-cbd-anxiety-2020-973595/
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