Home and Garden, and Real Estate- September 18, 2022

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MORTGAGE RATES: 30-year mortgage rate soars above 6%, F7

GARDEN NOTES: Walk September golden hour in the garden, F3

HomeINSIDE & Garden

Peonies: & Real EstateF | | SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 , 2022 Think beyond pink and white, Page F2

IN THE GARDEN WITH LEE REICH: Cover crops work to protect above, below ground, F3

WMASS DEEDS, F7 PROJECT OF THE WEEK: delight,isdollhouseVictoriansuretoF10

ANTIQUES & COLLECTING: Try to drink from this jug without spill ing, F4

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In other words, the quintes sential peonies.

you stray into crosses made with tree peonies — into the intersectional or Itoh peonies — it could end in a flash of yellow, another unexpected color.“The garden starts orange,” Kathleen Gagan was saying the other day, sounding as if she were talking about a summertime bed of daylil ies or lilies, or maybe one of marigolds.

A bowl brims with herbaceous peonies, including traditional Paeonia lactiflora and some hybrids, at Peony’s Envy, a nursery in New Jersey. This fall, when you buy bare-root peonies, take a chance on yellow or coral-colored hybrids. Your garden will thank you. (ROB CARDILLO PHOTOGRAPHY / THE NEW YORK TIMES)

“I always tell them, ‘Take one step, or two, outside your comfort zone,’” she said.

that someone who named her nursery using a provocative homophone would advocate a bit of daring. She does, particularly when it comes to suggesting that we refuse to

In the 16 years since she opened the nursery, her customers have often begun conversations by telling her that they want only pink and white blossoms. “And only 3-foot-tall peonies with big, full flower forms,” she said.

This fall, when you buy bare-root peonies, take a chance on yellow or coral-colored hybrids, such as the coral peonies shown growing above. (PEONY’S ENVY / THE NEW YORK TIMES) SEE PEONIES, PAGE F6 F 2 | SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2022 THE REPUBLICAN | MASSLIVE.COMHOME & GARDEN 3165133-01 www.Sondrini.com / 413-443-0219 Awning Display: Olde Hadleigh Hearth & Patio 119 Willimansett St., South Hadley, MA 01075 SEASONAL AWNINGS • Fall Awning Removal • Winter Awning Storage • Canvas Cleaning & Repairs • Canvas Replacement


Add a few peony varieties chosen specifically for their flowering times, and nearly a month of tall, sun-loving herbaceous Paeonia lactiflo ra and its hybrids becomes possible.Yourherbaceous season could begin with the cor al-colored hybrids, and, if you stray into crosses made with tree peonies — into the intersectional or Itoh peo nies — it could end in a flash of yellow, another unexpect edPeoniescolor.

The subject, though, was peonies — specifically, the acres and acres of the familiar herbaceous garden varieties at Peony’s Envy, Gagan’s nursery in Bernardsville, New Jersey, where white and shades of pink predominate for several weeks in the spring but are far from the whole story.

Peonies: Think beyond pink and white

settle for the week or so of delight that a solitary peony cultivar offers.

By M argaret Roach New York Times

remind us of a bit of garden wisdom that all those eye-candy flower close-ups in catalogs often make us forget: Don’t decide on looks alone when you’re paging through the offerings within a genus. Think “early, midseason and late” and incorporate some of each for an extended garden show ing. (That’s sound advice, as well, for ordering daffodils

“We wait a whole year for peony season — and brides rejoice and moms are happy and teachers get bouquets of flowers — and then …,” she said, her voice trailing off, as if the very idea of missing any moment of peony po tential was unthinkable.

Maybe it’s not surprising




Well, weeds might be good for Nature, but we can’t be over-indulgent with them in theInsteadgarden.of weeds, why not plant something specifically to protect the soil — a “cover



• Friday, 6 to 8 p.m., “A Tour de France of wine + food, in the Heart of the Berkshires.” Taste and talk about five wines from various regions of France, each paired with regional delicacies crafted by Chef Benjamin Daire. Cost is $80 members, $85 nonmembers.

SEE COVER, PAGE F6 THE REPUBLICAN | MASSLIVE.COM SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2022 | F 3HOME & GARDEN GREAT FALL LAWNS AND GARDENS START HERE! JUMBOFALLFRESHCOLOR!MUMSSALE! 9" Mums 3 for $2199 PLUS... Fall Perennials, Trees, Shrubs, Outdoor Straw & Hay Bales! Greenhouse Gold Organic Top Soil 2/$598 Composted & Dehydrated Cow Manure $499 FALL PLANTING WITH HOT BUYS! Vermont Natural Brown Cedar Mulch 3/$1497 Greenhouse Gold Natural Garden Soil $499Grass Seed & Fertilizer Sale! Plus… Top Soil, Lime, Grub & Fungus Control, & Straw Mulch for all your seeding needs! Organic Soils and Planting Composts SALE 8 qt. to 2 cu. ft. bags $599 CropBumper BuilderMixPlantingOrganic&Soil Dry Creek Hardwood Energex HardwoodLogikAmbianceSoftwoodHardwoodSuperPremium&Softwood WOOD PELLET FUEL SALE! Premium Brands In Stock! Fall FertilizersLawn $1699 and up! 5,000 & 15,000 Sq. Ft. Bags 1 cu. ft. 3 cu. ft. 40 lbs. 1 cu. ft. $999 1 cu. ft. $1899 2 cu. ft. Reg. 13.99 525-2115 • 144 Shaker Road East Longmeadow www.awbrown.comBESTPETSTORE2021,2022&2023! OPEN 7 DAYS: MONDAY-SATURDAY 8-6 • SUNDAY 9-5 Reg. 22.99 HURRY! SALE ENDS 9/25/22 50% OFF!* Any Single Tree or Shrub! *Reg. Price. Previous Purchases Excluded. One Coupon per Customer Purchase! All Fall Mums Excluded. Cannot be combined with other store offers including AW Brown's Rewards Coupons and Promotions. Expires 9/25/22 REPUB BROWN’S FALL PLANTING COUPON FLAGS!FALLFUN LAWN CARE MADE EASY! Brands You Trust! People Who Know! Perennial Sun & Shade Grass Seed Mixes 3 lbs. up to 50 lbs. $899 and up! and up and up and up WE DELIVER! Original Bio Bricks $31999 50-20 Paks

Lee Reich | In the Garden

• Saturday, 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., “Identifying Invasive Plants in the Landscape.” This class will focus on the identification features, eco logical impacts and popula tion trends of many of the invasive trees, shrubs, vines, and herbaceous plants that grow in forests, fields and wetlands in Berkshire County. The class will include a morning presentation and an afternoon in the field investi gating invasives in a variety of habitats. Ted Elliman worked for many years for Native Plant Trust as a staff botanist, invasive species program manager and as an instructor of botany, ecology and

ATURE ALWAYS tries to clothe bare soil, and with good reason. Rain eats away at soil that’s laid bare, sweeping particles down slopes in what start as rivulets and eventually become gul lies. Raindrops pounding on flat, bare ground seal the soil pores and puddle the surface. Even wind picks up particles from bare soil and re-deposits them elsewhere. Bare soil be comes unfit for plant growth.

In the garden, once vegeta bles have been harvested, you could emulate Nature and allow weeds to grow and pro tect the soil. The weeds that do grow will be those that are best adapted to the particular soil this time of year. (That’s why they’re weeds.)

A cover crop can protect soil from erosion, improve and enrich a soil, even — as in the case of crimson clover, shown here — look pretty. (LEE REICH PHOTO)


• Saturday, 10 a.m.-noon, “The Art of Planting Bulbs.” This class explores not only the classic techniques for using bulbs in the garden, but it also shows new approaches that pair bulbs with perenni als and other plantings that complement them or that take the main stage as the bulb show comes to an end. Cost is $15 members, $18 nonmembers.

will grow a little in autumn, become dormant as cold weather sets in, then come alive again early next spring to grow with fury. They need to be hand-dug or rototilled


crop”? A thickly sown cover crop will form a tightly knit blanket to cover the soil through the winter, and choke out those weeds making their last ditch efforts to gain entry into a neglected garden.

About a month ago I scat tered buckwheat seed (1.5 pounds/1,000 square feet) over the part of my garden where a few melon vines were ripening their last fruits. A couple of soaking rains, and suddenly the ground turned green with sprouts. These plants will continue to grow until the first frost, then they will die, flop down and protect the soil. Buckwheat is mostly a summer cover crop.

Berkshire Botanical Garden, 5 West Stockbridge Road, presents:

Oats (2.5 pounds/1,000 square feet) could be used to the same end except they have the benefit of thriving during frosts and the cool weather of autumn. In my garden, they typically don’t flop down dead until around January. By spring, whatever is left of the dead plants can be pushed

• Tuesday, 5:30 to 7 p.m., “September Golden Hour in the garden: Horticulture Walks.” Each month join BBG head of Horticulture Eric Ruquist for a golden hour tour of the garden. Each tour will feature a different seasonal topic, highlighting areas of specific interest in the garden. Topics will vary depending on the season and may include native plants, trees and shrubs, interesting annuals, favorite perennials. Cost $15 members, $20 non members.

aside just before planting. Some cover crops — rye (0.75 pounds/1,000 square feet), or sweet clover (0.5 pounds/1,000 square feet), for example — survive north ern winters. Sown now, they

Cover crops work to protect above, below ground

Q. Ruby-red thumbprint glass always reminds me of my mother. She had a set she loved. I recently saw a set of red thumbprint glasses, but they had a yellow rim. Can you tell me about them? Are they valuable?

the liquid up through the handle. Get it wrong, and you don’t get a drink — or, worse, the drink spills on you!

Jewelry, bracelet, bangle, Whirling Wind, hinged clasp, raised stylized figures, Kachina musicians, purple stone panel, marked, Ray Morton, 7 inches, diameter, $440.

Lamp, hanging, electric, glass shade, cylindrical, rows of raised bubbles, Helena Tynell, 10 x 7 1/2 inches, pair, $375.

This type of jug is a puzzle jug. They have openings that cause the liquid inside to spill if you try to pour or drink from it like a typical jug. They were popular in the British Isles in the 16th through 19th centuries. Some had verses challenging the drinker or setting a wager.

Terry & Kim Kovel | Antiques & Collecting

A. A true blast from the past. Before cell phone alarms, there were wind-up, travel alarm clocks you could shut until they were the size of a small wallet. Quite portable. They are not rare, but they are great discussion pieces. Yours is worth about $40, which is pretty good from a $5 bin of junk.


Q. I’m trying to sell a 10-piece living room set that includes a sofa, three chairs, two end tables, a round table and a desk and chair. It’s Louis XV, made of handcarved walnut. The chairs and sofa have mo hair cushions. The furniture was made in the 1930s and is in very good condition. I’m paying to store it and would like to sell the set as soon as possible. I don’t want to sell individu al pieces. Do you have a list of dealers I can contact?


The secret of a puzzle jug was usually that it had a hollow handle. Remember the holes around the rim? The drinker had to know which ones to cover and which to drink from in order to draw

Clock, industrial, bronze, four stacked dials, seconds, min utes, hour, date, exposed gears, glass globes, round base, marked, L. LeMercier, France, 17 inches, $1,250.

Store, sign, trade, Post Office, script lettering, mustard ground, wood panel, molded frame, mid-19th century, 14 1/2 x 33 1/2 inches, $2,645.

A. Your drink dispenser is meant to serve small amounts of a liquor or liqueur. The included set of six glasses are each slightly larger than a shot glass and made for small servings. The strange glow is because uranium was added to the molten glass to make the yellow-green color. It’s called vaseline glass

Furniture, bookcase, Biedermeier, mahogany, glazed paneled doors, green fabric lining, four interior shelves, paw feet, 75 x 50 x 16 inches, $510.

Toy, airplane, black, orange wings, propeller, two wheels, pressed steel, Wyandotte, 18-inch wingspan, $95.

1960s-era travel alarm clock. It is in a brown case that snaps shut. It is a Westclox clock with a white face and black num bers. The hands glow in the dark. The clock works and it is now on my desk. I love it! Is it rare?

Bavarian porcelain plate, fish center, underwater scene, autumn leaves around rim, gilt highlights, marked, 8 1/2 inches, $30.

A. Louis XV furniture was made in the 18th century. Your living room set made in the 1930s could be Louis XV “style” but is not considered antique. Carved furniture is not as popular today and can be difficult to sell, especially as an entire set. Contact auc tion houses, antiques dealers or companies that do estate sales in your area to see if they can sell the furniture for you. There will be charges for storage, shipping, sales tax and more. Ask for a list of charges before you decide what to do. Sometimes it is best to donate your set and take the charitable deduc tion from your taxes.

Silver plate bowl, covered, art deco, green glass knob finial, footed, marked, Puiforcat, France, 3 x 5 1/4 inches, $600.

OU DON’T OFTEN see a jug with open work around the neck. You could pour liquid in (carefully!) but getting it out would make a mess. If you look closely, you can see small holes in the textured rim.

A. You saw a set of Viking Glass Georgian rocks tumblers in ruby red with yellow rims. They were probably from the 1970s. They and their all-red counterparts have “thumb print” bases and wider tops. You don’t see the ones with the yellow rim as much as you do the all-red glasses. A set of four yellow-rimmed tumblers sells for around $50. You can find a set of four red ones for under $30.

Q. I bought a box of junk at a garage sale for $5. In it, I found a 1950s- or

Write to Kovels, The Republican, King Features Syndicate, 628 Virginia Dr., Orlando, FL 32803 or email kovels.com.collectorsgallery@

Current prices are recorded from antiques shows, flea markets, sales and auctions throughout the United States. Prices vary in different locations because of local economic conditions.

Terry Kovel and Kim Kovel answer readers’ questions sent to the column. Send a letter with one question describing the size, material (glass, pottery) and what you know about the item. Include only two pictures, the ob ject and a closeup of any marks or damage. Be sure your name and return address are includ ed. Names, addresses or email addresses will not be published. Questions that are answered will appear in Kovels Publications.

Rug, hooked, pictorial, dog and puppy, spaniels, black, white, brown, on red cushion, flowers, leaves, white ground, mounted, c. 1940, 36 x 60 in., $535.


or butternut. Eyebrow pencil or shoe polish in a matching shade will also work.

Print, woodblock, Hokusai Katsushika, Sanka Hakuu, Thun derstorm Below Mt. Fuji, one of 36 views, 7 3/4 x 10 1/4 inches, $150.

F 4 | SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2022 THE REPUBLICAN | MASSLIVE.COMHOME & GARDEN • More affordable than walk-in tubs! • We install Easy Step into your existing tub No expensive remodeling! We can also install: • Curved Shower Rod • Hand-Held Shower Head • Slip Resistant Surface Learn more at: MiracleMethod.com/easystep Stepping through helps reduce slip and fall accidents 33 Grattan www.miraclemethod.413-589-0769Chicopee,StreetMAcom Each Miracle Method franchise is independently owned and operated. One Coupon Per Order Through 10/31/22 Valid at Participating Locations Only. $159 Value

because the color was like the original color of Vaseline. Genuine vaseline or uranium glass will glow under black light. Colored glass became popular during the mid1800s through the 1930s. Glass manufacturers added a variety of minerals to produce specific colors that would not be used today. The U.S. gov ernment seized all uranium during WWII and banned the manufacturing of vaseline glass until 1958. Vaseline drink dispensers have recent ly sold for $190 to $400.

TIP: To cover a scratch in a piece of furniture made of dark wood, rub it with the meat of a walnut, Brazil nut

Try to drink from this jug without spilling

This pair, which sold for $107 at a Conestoga auction, has plain brown glaze and applied flowers.

. I bought this item from an antique dealer in Toronto, Canada. The glass is a yellow-green and has a strange glow. It’s small and has a metal stand about 12 inches high that makes it easy to carry. Can you tell me which types of drinks were meant to be served from this and does it have any value?

Puzzle jugs provided a drink ing game for centuries. Do you think you could drink from one without spilling? (COWLES SYNDICATE INC.)


Putting the legs on the ring is a two-person job: One person holds the ring while the other does the Gagan’sattaching.advice:“The ring never leaves your garden.” That way, you won’t forget it until it’s too late.


What do you want from a peony? Whether it’s the sim plicity of Krinkled White, with its single flowers and bold yellow centers, or the crazy triple-decker of pink-whitepink that is Sorbet — two very different midseason selec tions — there is a flower form for every taste.

“He used to call them ‘carpet peonies,’” she said, “because unless they were supported, they were on the ground.”Notapretty picture; point taken.Youmay get away with that with the early bloomers, which generally have light er-weight flowers, including that orange moment from Coral Charm, Coral Supreme, Coral Sunset and others. But even they can be trampled by a heavy rain.

a leading breeder for more than a half-century.

In a garden border, use pe ony rings with gridlike tops — the largest diameter available, at least 18 inches — that the stems will grow through.


available for plants next sea son. Nitrogen from the air is turned into nitrogen fertilizer on the roots of a leguminous cover crop like clover.

In New England or Alaska, Gagan said, planting them 2 inches deep is fine. In New Jer sey, she goes just 1 inch down. A half-inch is plenty at the southern reach of their grow ing range, in Zone 8, where early blooming cultivars fare best.“People tell me: ‘I planted it exactly right. I was really careful,’” Gagan said. “And so I ask if they mulch their gar den, and of course the answer is Oops.yes.” She doesn’t mulch the peonies.Another culprit when blooming is paltry: insufficient sunlight. In that case, the plant may be light on foli age, too. The tall herbaceous lactifloras and their hybrids need full-day sun. Older gar dens, where shrubs and trees have grown to shade nearby perennials, see this version of decline.

Root exudates and dead roots provide food for the myr iad of soil organisms, many of which enhance plant growth. From the mineral fabric of a soil, a cover crop will unlock plant nutrients, which will be



Any gardening questions? Email them to garden@leereich. com. Come visit my garden at leereich.com/blog.

Whole-grain rye, wheat, and buckwheat seeds also are available at natural food stores. Don’t buy rolled oats or buckwheat “groats.” The oats have been steamed and crushed and the buckwheat has been toasted; neither will grow.Scatter your cover crop seed on the soil as evenly as possi ble. With fall rains, the garden quickly grows its protective, verdant mantle.

and refrigerate them for up to three weeks or so, gradually taking some out to enjoy.

One possible reason: youth. Recently planted peony roots, including those you dig, divide and replant, won’t fill the garden with flowers next spring. And maybe not even the one after, said Gagan, who opens the 7 acres of display gardens at her nursery to vis itors from late April through early June, and holds Septem berYouworkshops.maynoteven get sub stantial aboveground growth, because the division — made yourself, or bought — is set tling

Flowers that flop Do we really need to provide support for our tall herba ceous peonies? When this common question is raised, Gagan invokes Don Holling sworth, founder of Holling sworth Peonies, who has been

plant, Gagan advised.

Most peonies need support, unless you’re cutting all the flower stems for bouquets — and it’s fine to harvest every last one. Just leave at least one-third of the foliage on the

In her nursery’s production fields, peonies are grown in rows, with posts at either end. Curtain-binding tape made of heavyweight cotton twill is stretched from post to post, positioned “at their knees and hips, and sometimes at their shoulders, to hold them up right beautifully,” she said.

“Even if you only have one plant, you can enjoy it for a month that way,” Gagan said.

flowers. Yes, it takes three springs.”Peonies require winter chill to flower. When they grow but don’t bloom well, the problem is often that they’ve been planted too deep. If the eyes — those pink, growing tips — are too far underground, they may not receive the winter chill they need.

this fall, or daylilies.)

An undated photo provided by Peony’s Envy shows a bouquet of pink and white peonies. This fall, when you buy bare-root peonies, take a chance on yellow or coral-colored hybrids. Your garden will thank you. (PEONY’S ENVY / THE NEW YORK TIMES)

“Thein.first year is all about the root,” she said. “The sec ond year is all about the shoot. The third year is all about the

neath a rye plant will have over 6,000 miles of roots and root hairs working on it!

A conscientious plan for soil improvement might involve setting aside each year a differ ent part of the garden in which to grow only cover crops for the whole season. Such practice is a necessity in subsistence agriculture where it costs too much to buy fertilizers manu factured from petrochemicals. Nonetheless, cover cropping should be considered by con servation-minded farmers and gardeners everywhere.

Don’t wait until spring, when the plant is emerging, to put the support in place. In stead, when you’re doing fall cutbacks, leave 1 inch of the old stem to mark each plant, Gagan said, placing the ring over the stubs. (Throw the cut stems away, a critical step in preventing overwintering fungalComedisease.)spring,as the plant


Sounds like a lot of bene fits, including free fertilizer, doesn’t it? That’s why the dugin remains of a cover crop are called “green manure.”

buckwheat seed at any old gar den center, though. Look for it in “feed” or “farm” stores.

So your peonies didn’t bloom much?

Looking after acres of peo nies that are your livelihood means setting such guidelines and following them — watch ing carefully for any signs of trouble and responding quickly.“Ifit’s broken, fix it,” Gagan said. “If it’s getting too much shade, move it. If it has a disease, send photos to the di agnostic lab at the local exten sion, then treat accordingly.”

It’s too late in the season to expect significant growth from a warmth-loving cover crop like buckwheat, but there still is time to sow oats or rye. You won’t find rye (you want rye grain, not ryegrass), oat, or

Besides protecting the soil surface, cover crops also do good deeds below ground. Ramifying roots improve soil aggregation as they push soil particles around ever so slightly and then clump the particles together with root exudates.

But fall, when bare-root peo nies are sold, is decision time. It’s also when we need to do something about the peonies that aren’t performing well. As frost approaches, we plant our new arrivals or divide and transplant those in need of a fresh start.

This article originally ap peared in The New York Times.

Another way to stretch peony season, or at least flow er-arrangement season: Cut the flowers when the buds are just cracking open and show ing their first hint of color. Then stand the stems in water

reaches about 2 feet high and starts to bud, push the legs of the metal support securely into the soil at the edges of the ring that you laid atop the sleeping plant in the fall. Then lift the ring up and attach it to the legs.

into the soil a couple of weeks before the garden is ready to be planted in spring. The rea son I sow oats in late summer is expressly because it will die in winter, which is what I need because I never dig or till my gardenBesidessoil.protecting the soil surface, cover crops also do good deeds below ground. Ramifying roots improve soil aggregation as they push soil particles around ever so slight ly and then clump the particles together with root exudates. A single cubic foot of soil be


Ralph Francis McEwan Jr., to Omar Aljarrah, 71 Depalma St., Ronald$435,000.E.Soden to Vitaly Dzhen herukha, Lots 205-208 Sunnys lope Ave., $40,000.

Jintao Ma and GangJia to Joseph Worthley, 42 Sheffield Drive, Nick$485,000.Mariettos, John Mariettos and Nick & John Mariettos Partnership to 62 Turkey Hill Road LLC, 62 Turkey Hill Road, $675,000.


Derek S. Hoy and Megan A. Hoy to Miguel Ramirez and Judith Ramirez, 648 Federal St., Bell$362,000.Property Corp., to Andrey Korchevskiy, 5 Woodland Lane, Bell$42,000.Property Corp., to Andrey Korchevskiy, 165 Bardwell St., Bell$42,000.Property Corp., to Andrey Korchevskiy, 171 Bardwell St., Expedio$42,000.Group LLC, to Jeffrey L. Martins and Melissa R. Martins, 154 Aldrich St., $518,000.

Shea Ave., $390,000.

The Washington Post

Blue Chip Buildings LLC, to Round Two LLC, 22 Franklin St., Christopher$475,000.

Gerard Pilorge Jr., and Kristin L. Smith-Pilorge to Gabriel F. Hmiele ski and Kristin A. Hmieleski, 76 & 94 Church St., $680,000.


Wojcik to Wayne Mulligan and Sharon Mulligan, 15 Sycamore Terrace, $325,000.

SEE DEEDS, PAGE F8 THE REPUBLICAN | MASSLIVE.COM SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2022 | F 7HOME & GARDEN LEGEND: The rate and annual percentage rate (APR) are effective as of the publication date. The APR may increase after consummation and may vary. Payments do not include amounts for taxes and insurance. The fees set forth for each advertisement above may be charged to open the plan (A) Mortgage Banker, (B) Mortgage Broker, (C) Bank, (D) S&L, (E) Credit Union, (BA) indicates Licensed Mortgage Banker, NYS Banking Dept., (BR) indicates Registered Mortgage Broker, NYS Banking Dept., (loans arranged through third parties). “Call for Rates” means actual rates were not available at press time. All rates are quoted on a minimum FICO score of 740. Conventional loans are based on loan amounts of $165,000. Jumbo loans are based on loan amounts of $548.250. Points quoted include discount and/or origination. Lock Days: 30-60. Annual percentage rates (APRs) are based on fully indexed rates for adjustable rate mortgages (ARMs). The APR on your specific loan may differ from the sample used. Fees reflect charges relative to

Hang Zhang Huang to Mauricio Reynosa Lopez, 415 Front St., Janet$305,000.Lucie

By K athy O rton


Peter Anipko, Vera Anipko, Peter Anipiko and Vera Anipiko to David A. Torres Orellana and Alejandra M. De La Cruz Quispe, 116 Hamp

Kyle Savage and Kristina Savage to Christopher Seymour and Shel by Seymour, 62 Mountain View Drive, Kathleen$325,000.E.McCollum to Susan Statham and Meyer Statham, 160

William Clough and Sarah A. Dav enport to Kim Klein, 5 Wellington St., $284,000.


Zaide Soufane to William Ayala and Kryzia Y. Ayala, 206 South wick St., $277,500.

Salmar Realty LLC, to J & N Sale ma Family Limited Partnership, Par A, Suffield St., $20,000.


The sudden spike in rates this year has made homes less affordable and cooled sales. Prices have begun to mod erate but remain elevated. The most recent Standard & Poor’s Case-Shiller home price index showed prices up 18% annually in June, down from 19.9% the previous month. Home sales fell in July for the sixth month in a row.Demand for mortgages has fallen as swiftly as rates have risen. Total application vol ume fell for the fifth week in a row, according to the Mort gage Bankers Association. Refinances are off 83% from where they were a year ago.

Sammy Hannoush and Laura Gomes to Steven J. Carmody and Jordyn E. Desmond, 94 Cotton wood Lane, $400,000.

J. Seymour and Shelby A. Seymour to Lauren M. Driscoll, 32 Morris St., $280,000. Couture Partners LLC, to Prime Living Properties LLC, 2-8 Beaudo


Darrell Quattrocelli, representative, Daniel Quattrocelli, estate, Eric Quattrocelli and Kreg Quattrocelli to Valerie A. Lent, 87 Sutcliffe Road, James$255,000.P.Tiraboschi and Amanda C. Tiraboschi to Brandon Latour, 8 Dean Pond Road, $300,000.

Hafiz Abdul and Chand Sultana to Naaz Khan and Ali A. Khan, 40 Quail Hollow Road, $100.

Linda Calmes Jones, trustee, and Linda Calmes Jones Living Trust to Gracie D. Nejman and Francis co Quiros, 18 Wildflower Drive, Samuel$719,900.K.

Domenic DelBuono, Caitlyn Perez and Caitlin Perez to Domenic DelBuono, 112 Woodbridge Road, Gallagher$8,000. Properties LLC, to Rjalaa Holdings LLC, 1643 Memorial Drive, Haider$180,000.Abdulridha and Catana Sanchez to Elly J. Rozell, 77 Buck ley Boulevard, Unit 77, $210,000.

The consumer price index had housing costs up 0.7% in August and 6.2% higher annually, the largest increase sinceThe1990.30-year fixed average began the year at 3.22%. After soaring to 5.81% in late June, it eased in July and early August as fears of a recession took hold. But since falling to 5.13% on Aug. 18, the 30-year fixed average has climbed nearly a percentage point in a month. Rates are still below the historical average of 7.8%, according to Freddie Mac.

Mary Lou Cichon to Andrea Pur cell, 1059 James St., $205,000.


ORTGAGE RATES shot above 6% this week for the first time in 14 years as inflation has remained resis tant to the Federal Reserve’s efforts to tamp it down. The dramatically swift escalation has chilled what had been a hot U.S. housing market, increasing pressure on an economy plagued by unremit tingTheinflation.30-year fixed-rate mortgage — the most popular home loan product — soared to 6.02% this week, near ly double what it was nine months ago, according to data released Thursday by Freddie Mac. It has not been this high since November 2008.

N. Riley Development Inc., to Richard A. Nadeau and Kathleen F. Nadeau, 24 Jean Circle, $531,000.

Robert Nelson to Maya Helen Baca, 17 Second St., $225,000.


Bruce Dearborn and Theresa Dearborn to David Jarvis and Joanne Jarvis, 28 North River Road, $280,000.

Michael Murray to Renee A. Healy and Andrew J. Desormier, 278 Route 20, $190,000.

Parent to Tikori K. Mahdi and Elizabeth M. Adona, 136-138 Irene St., $395,000.

Gary A. LaBreck and Jean M. LaBreck to Kevin Hanson Strobel and Briana Keely Kubik, 46 Fay more Drive, $335,000.

in St., $1,050,000.

Tulimat and Sarah V. McKnight to Richard White and Deborah White, 27 Webster Court, John$265,000.P.Burand and Karen K. Burand to Humayun Sherwani and Arina Beg, 53 Stanley St., $430,000.

Mohammad Moini to Vincenzo Montefusco and Linda Montefus co, G-10 Mansion Woods Drive, Pine$26,000.Crossing Construction Inc., to Kathlyn M. Ayre, trustee of, and Leonora Realty Trust, trustee of, 68 Villa Drive, Unit 23, $379,900.

Budget Cabinet Sales Inc., to 350 Main LLC, 288-320 Main St., Chester$900,000.S.


Camella World Peace to Kathleen McCullum, trustee, Ronald G. Shaw, trustee, and 161 Federal Street Trust, 161 Federal St., $264,500.

Some or all of the companies appearing in this table pay a fee to appear in this table. If you are seeking a mortgage in excess of $548.250, recent legislation may enable lenders in certain locations to provide rates that are different from those shown in the table above. Sample Repayment Terms-ex. 360 monthly payments of $5.37 per $1,000 borrowed ex. 180 monthly payments of $7.65per $1,000 borrowed. We recommend that you contact your lender directly to determine what rates may be available to you. To access the NMLS Consumer Access website, please visit www.nmlsconsumeraccess.org. To appear in this table, or report any inaccuracies call 413-788-1165 MORTGAGE GUIDE LIC# 613363 15 Yr Fixed 5.375 0.000 $415 20% 5.414 10 Yr Fixed 5.375 0.000 $415 20% 5.43 APPLY online at monsonloans.com 5.875% 30 Yr RateFixed APR: %Fees:Points:5.8980.000$415Down:20% 413-267-4513 www.monsonsavings.com

Spire Property Solutions Inc., to Christopher W. Rutola, 53 James St., Tara$289,000.J.Cooleyto Ivan Cruz, 1777 Main St., $225,000.

David A. Pronovost, Christine M. Pronovost, Susan E. Valcourt, Lau ra J. Black, Donald J. Pronovost and Leslie A. Stokowski to Joe Alvarez, 20 Bonneta Circle, $279,000.

Michelle Wozniak and Michelle Sherman to Amanda Lynne Du puis, 4 Laurel St., $250,000.

Kendall D. Doble IV, and Margaret C. Doble to John F. Wehmiller and Paula Lawrence Wehmiller, 6 Teaberry Lane, $785,000.

Christopher Desautels to Anatoliy Tverdokhlebov, 15 Ottawa St., Cynthia$350,000.L.

Rackliffe and Pamela L. Grasso to Main & Meadow Trust, trustees of, Joseph O’Malley, trustee, and Katelyn Ellis, trustee, Meadow Street, $25,000.

Jane E. Clark to Joseph J. Roncara ti, 130 Corey Colonial, $200,000.

Michelle L. Halley, representative, Michael A. Lacaresse, represen tative, and Arthur L. Lacaresse, estate, to Wilfredo Pabon Gonzalez and Maricelis Lopez Ortolaza, 26 Mead Ave., $280,000.


WASHINGTON 30-year soarsmortgageUSrateabove6%

JTT Realty LLC, to Daviau & Robert Properties LLC, 41 Ames Ave., Kevin$500,000.Culloo, representative, D. Barry Corridan, estate, Donald Barry Corridan, estate, Kathleen A. Culloo, Kathleen A. Corri dan and Donna M. Corridan to Michael Cote, 222 Nonotuck Ave., Lorilee$155,000.S.Deveno to Gary A. LaBreck and Jean M. LaBreck, 28 Collins St., Unit N-11, $225,000.

Deeds the APR. If your down payment is less than 20% of the home’s value, you will be subject to private mortgage insurance, or PMI. FHA mortgages include both UFMIP and MIP fees based on loan amount of $165,000 with 5% down payment. VA mortgages include funding fees based on loan amount of $165,000 with 5% down payment. The Republican does not guarantee the accuracy of the information appearing above or the availability of rates and fees in this table. All rates, fees and other information are subject to change without notice. The Republican does not own any financial institutions.

Emily K. White and Kyle E. White, Cote Road, $110,000.

Douglas Scott Abel, personal repre sentative and Erik Christopher Abel to Kent A. Dunn and Ji Won Kong, 80 Damon Road, $133,700.

Thomas Francis Connors to Greg ory M. Hayes, 251 North Main St., William$315,000.Tobin to Brian A. Rojas Perez and Erica Medina Serrano, 64 John St., $289,900.

Mary Lou Martin and Michael S. Martin to Joseph J. Polcetti, 20 Hicks Ave., $358,000.


Crescent Street Creamery LLC, to Denise G. Orenstein, 135-137 Crescent St., $867,500.

Jose A. Rodriguez to Maria Elba Galarza Feliciano and Maria Elba Santiago Feliciano, 332 1/2 Maple St., Kamikaze$47,000. Inc., to 60 Jackson St. Warehouse Corp., 60-66 Jackson St., Karol$232,500.Makusiewicz to Blue Arch Inc., 49-51 North Bridge St., $210,000.

Sean D. Sears and Ashley Sears to Lisa Boye, 200 Lambert Terrace, Unit 11, $235,000.


Kelly A. Broderick to Mary Lou Cichon, 55 Pleasant St., and 9 Crescent Valley, $224,000.

Janet B. Wojciechowski, trustee, and Revocable Indenture of Trust of Edgar F. Cummings to Janet B. Wojciechowski, 17 Pepin Ave., $100.


Gordon P. Alexander and Timothy D. Grader to Heidi Terault and Chris topher K. Snow, 1450 Northampton St., Gramntad$500,000.LLC, to Ellen Boynton LLC, 89 South St., $400,000.

Katherine A. Hill, Katherine A. Markham and Stuart Markham to Bradon E. Lopez, 130-132 Waldo St., Ken$253,000.French, representative, and Steven W. French, estate, to Sean Breen, 19 Steven Drive, $350,000.

Virginia Pires, Maria F. Alves, Ar minda A. Santos, Ana J. Alves, Ana G. Alves and Ana Goncalves Alves to Scott Lozyniak, 17 Birch St., $210,000.

Pepin Ave., $100.

Paul S. Szulak and Erika K. Szulak to Michael Ferreira and Alexan drea Orszulak, 133 Elmwood Ave., Rachel$348,000.J.Kuhn to Stacey E. Hermans, 107 Belleclaire Ave., SA$375,000.Holding 2 LLC, to Elizabeth J. Lacy-Limoges, 184 Nevins Ave., $350,000.

Susan F. Rice to Martha S. Echols, 19-2 Clark Ave., $424,000.

NHI-REIT of Northeast LLC, to 95 Laurel Propco LLC, 95 Laurel St., Diane$3,530,400.E.Sanborn to Sarah Ann Morgan, 19 Old Albany Road, Inherited$439,000.Property Solutions LLC, to Nathan J. Brown and Mary E. Gifford, 583 Barton Road, $307,000.

William H. Bond Jr., and Linda M. Bond to Melanie D. Newhouse, 100 Main St., $349,000.

Mary Zeronas, personal representa tive, and Bernard Wozniak, estate,

Gloria A. Hughes to Lakehouse25 LLC, 25 Lee Ave., $435,000.


Joel Fournier to Brian Danehey, 102 Chapin Greene Drive, $280,000. Margarida M. Goncalves to Joel E. Fournier, 532 Winsor St., $365,000.

Maria H. Mazzei and Henry J. Mazzei to Jason Anthony Ezell and Lissette Marcano, 2 Williams St., $240,000.

Eugene M. Granger to Jason Tomaskowicz,25 West Main St., Ronald$70,000.Forgea to Bernard L. Forgea, Mountain Road and French Road, $80,000.

Feng Qiu and Guanjun Xie to Ber cume Construction LLC, 4 Colony Drive, $183,000.


60 Jackson St. Warehouse Corp., to Jackson St. Productions LLC, 6066 Jackson St., $1,500,000.


Millerwood Properties Inc., to Joshua Mitchell and Neliana Ferraro De Mitchell, 44 Miller St., $295,000.


Leonard C. Danos to Lynn M. Bluhm and John Danos, Overlook Road, $100.

Gerald Smith to Christopher L. Bradway, 4 & 8 Cheyenne St., Bruce$11,000.H.

Skinner to William L. Skinner and Amanda Johnson, 218 Wilbraham Road, $206,800.


Lorraine Isabel Carson to Saskia Gibbs Cooper, 7 Plain St., $315,000.

David A. Pierce, Dale N. Lan non-Pierce and Dale N. Lannon to Jamie Dufresne and Jessica Liimatainen, 90 Clark St., $100.

Erin E. Neil Kolasinski and Codey Y. Kolasinski to Megan Shaug nessy-Mogill, 9 West Greene St., Richard$358,000.T.LeBeau to Codey Kola sinski and Erin Neil Kolasinski, 252 Main St., $375,600.

Orwat to Ilene Miriam Berezin, 80 Damon Road, $120,000.



Danielle L. Dagostino and Jonathan R. Alger to Robert S. Murphy III, and Kamilia A. Drogosz, 226 Maple Road, $380,000.

Ryan M. Hellyar to 21C Fairfield LLC, 21 Fairfield Ave Unit C, $177,200.

Marcia J. Perry, personal repre sentative of the Estate of Marjorie E. Dirth, to Victoria L. Peele and Zacchary M. Peele, 118 Putnam St., Maria$232,000.D.Vega to Kyle Bicknell and Shelby Elizabeth Bicknell, 44 Whitney St., $290,000.

Deanna R. Keith to Debra J. Ackley, 2 Meadowbrook Lane, Unit 2, Jesus$185,000.Torres to Benjamin Al

William J. Boyle, William Boyle, Diane C. Boyle and Diane Boyle to Jeffrey D. Pearson and Julia A. B. Pearson, 72 Margaret St., $437,000.

Michael Marion, representative, and Anna Lee Marion, estate, to

Timblin Judy and Sandra Lavelle to Erika R. Rubner and Russell B. Hatch II, 37 Mountain Road, $290,000.




Anna M. Jonsson to Monica Per cival, 190 Amherst St. and Amherst Street, William$100,000.E.Fountain, trustee, and Serenity Farm Nominee Trust to Mel Cheal, 121 Amherst St., $340,000.

Charles Thomas Sullivan Jr., Mau reen Ann Delaney, Patricia Ellen O’Brien, Barbara Marie Bernashe, Mary Catherine Welch, Kathleen Ann Nagorski and Debra Marie Fitzgerald to Bones Kara Leopard, 30 Woods Ave., $249,900.




Michael J. Morelli to Gabriel Collazo Rodriguez, 8 Maple Crest Circle, Unit B, $111,000.

Jhon R. Wielblad and Alysha M. Pepin to Joseph Curtis and Marisa Curtis, 61 Greenwich St., $275,000.


Season Bryant and Steven Bryant to Leshay Hicks, 150 Ruskin St., $325,000.

den St,. $249,000.

Anthony Michael Rosati and Kristie J. Rosati to Paul Szulak and Erika Szulak, 43 Crest Ave., $455,000.

Tina Leone to Kevin M. Walkowski, trustee and Kania Street Trust, 5 Kania St., $100.

John F. Taffe to Brent Baskin and Isabella Nettis, 108 Lasalle St., Kyle$290,000.Owen

A To Z Property Management LLC, to Ildo Carlos Goncalves, 133-135 Brown Ave., $415,000.

A Stuart Fuller and Carol S. Fuller to David Proulx Sr., and Jane Culverwell, 103 Tall Pines Drive, Anne$380,000.McGovern, trustee, and Mc Govern Thomas Family Trust, trust ee of, to Olivia Carolyn Clement, 70 Rock-A-Dundee Road, $715,000.

Tengwall and Irene Elizabeth Tengwall to Ellen Marie Parisi and Edward Allen Moses, 12 Pondview Drive, $712,000.

Mary Zeronas, personal representa tive, and Bernard Wozniak, estate, to Suske LLC, 166 North Hatfield Road, $212,500.

Eric G. Fernandez and Lisa M. Fernandez to Cynthia A. Rusakovich, 267 Howard St., $250,000.


Donald L. Masciadrelli Jr., and Cheryl B. Masciadrelli to Tyler J. Heeter and Emily M. Warren, 114 Carrington Road, $340,000.

Derek W. Hogan and Tammy M. Hogan to Beata Teresa Kubacka, 29 East Green St., $366,000.

Amanda D. Fontaine to Myrna Stacey, 40 Stafford Hollow Road, Filomena$285,000.M.

Lamothe and Jean A. La mothe to Victoria B. Anderson, 10 Mohawk Beach Drive, $130,000.



Karey Mansfield Joseph, Karen Mansfield Joseph and Clarence Joseph to Lillie Zuck and Made leine G. Zuck, 50 North Main St., Germaine$307,500. E. Dastous and Germaine E. D’Astous to Suzanne D. Vargas and Elbin Vargas, 242 West Farms Road, Donald$147,253.W.Stefan to 92 Turkey Hill Road Realty Trust and Donald W. Stefan, trustee, 92 Turkey Hill Road, Denise$100.

David F. Lively to Maximillian Justin Hunter and Robinson Hunter, 497 Burts Pit Road, $455,000.

Carissa M. Dagenais and Robert R. Chatt to Ysaaca Axelrod and Peter Colon, 201 Madison Ave., $530,000.

Carla French and David French to Carla French, 205 Bliss Road, $100.

Beaudry, Richard F. Beaudry Jr., and Joyce A. Bosworth to Sean D. Sears, 145 Old Lyman Road, Robert$328,500.A.Goodenough and Mi chelle L. Bergeron-Palmer to Laura Melendez Diaz, 88 Sunflower Ave., Roxanne$260,000.Ferretti to Heidi M. Elmer, 340 Dale St., Unit E, $225,000.

Fiverobin LLC, to Amy L. Saletnik, 9-11 Summer St., $350,000.

Philip J. Hirnyk and Barbara M. Hirnyk to Megliola Realty LLC, 160 Pine St., $217,000.


Brian T. Burkhardt, Kevin M. Burkhardt and Julia R. Burkhardt to Angel A. Cotto, Angel Cotto and Natalie M Velez-Cotto, 50 Massa chusetts Ave., $265,000.

Jaroslaw Laskarzewski and Jenny Laskarzewski to Christina W. Bow ers, 258 Amherst St., $455,000.

to Suske LLC, 164 North Hatfield Road, $225,000.

Joshua Michael Johnson to Bruce Sacerdote and Lauren Sacerdote, 6 Park Road, $213,200.

Extremely Clean (2) LLC, to Nicole M. Maisonet-Lopez, 75 Linden St., Gallagher$365,000.Capital Group LLC, to Mayerlyn Martinez Hidalgo, 25-27 Brown Ave., $340,000.


Mary Ann Keefe, trustee, Gary W. Keefe, trustee, and Edward E. Keefe & Mary Ann Keefe Trust to Eric C. Liebl and Birgit H. Liebl, 404 Fairway Village, $340,000.

Susan F. Rice to Rebecca A. Green berg Revocable Trust and Rebecca A. Greenberg, trustee, 61 South St., James$30,000.J.Young to Katie B. Oleksak, 575 Bridge Road, $307,000.

Janet B. Wojciechowski to Julia D. Wojciechowski, trustee and Julia D. Wojciechowski Revocable Trust, 17

Rachel C. Bellenoit to Amanda Calamiong, 25 Highland Ave., Richard$218,000.F.


Alexander E. Audet and Sara M. Conroy to Alexander E. Audet, 708 Main Road, $23,000.

Michael D. Tanner and Carol R. Tanner to Sarah L. Tanner, 44 Shoreline Drive, $100.

Joseph Croteau Jr., and Catherine Croteau to Reinaldo Rosado and Laura Margarita Rosado, 27 Horse shoe Circle, $410,000.

Om Khadka and Ranju Khadka to Posiadlosc LLC, 33 Eckington St., Philip$200,000.Gordon to Kmak LLC, and Gallagher Capital Group LLC, 82 Timber Lane, $170,000.

Brian A. Pomeroy to Mohammed Q. Mohmmed, 147 Albert St., Briarwood$335,000.

Witherspoon and Kara L. Spencer to Bernice Cruz Martinez, 86 Rochelle St., $180,000.

Glorious Taylor to Jamilette S. Franco and Maria M. Centeno, 9193 Wilbraham Ave., $296,000.

MS Homes LLC, to Chantale Noel, 66 Nagle St., $403,000.

to Holyoke Chicopee Springfield Head Start Inc., 33 Wilbraham Road, Edward$1,200,000.PereztoMonica Shields, 202 Pasco Road, $226,000.

Waters, Nancy Waters Russell, Diana Waters Lyman and Calvin D. Waters to Celany Zoe Val dez, 2017 Parker St., $265,000.

Anthony T. Torres and Donna M. Wishart to Dhara S. Patel and Samirkumar R. Patel, 136 Bar rington Drive, $590,000.

Altranais Home Care LLC, to Razzak Building LLC, 235-237 Chestnut St., Amy$750,000.A.Kauri to Edwin O. Garcia, 25 Verge St., $155,000.

Jennifer Day to Pamela S. Mushinski and David L. Mushinski, 108 Gilbert Road, $410,000.


Cowles and Cynthia J. Cowles to Jorge Garcia and Yami lette Goden Ruiz, 108 San Miguel St., Eastern$290,000.Avenue Investments Inc.,

Albrecht and Ruth A. Lunsford to Sonia C. Portela and Luis A. Garcia Jr., 88 Mailbu Drive, Calvin$315,000.Drake

Morelli to Christopher Matthew Reardon and Kristen Marie Cheva lier, 53 Crestmont St., $250,000.

RBT Enterprise LLC, to Devonny Cruz, 45-47 Narragansett St., Reinaldo$310,000.Rosado and Laura M. Ro sado to Ramon Castillo-Torres and Ivelisse Ramirez-Montes, 21 Porter St., Richard$275,000.Williams Sr., Constance M. Williams and Connie M. Williams to Zaida Y. Valdez, 33 Glenmore St., Samara$210,000.A.

Angel A. Cotto and Natalie M. Velez-Cotto to Shannon Tallent, 63 Denwall Drive, $239,000.

Vazquez-Rosado to Michael M. Guerrero, 29 Leete St., Sharyn$355,000.K.Artioli and Sharon K. Artioli to Christine Askew-Palmer, 47 Aspen Road, $260,000.


bert Jean, 1178 South Main St., Lorrie$208,000.Rowan to Tyler M. Du bay-Martin, 26 Meadowbrook Lane, Unit 26, $243,875.



Joan M. Dorman to John Hyland and Taylor Hyland, 28 Dunham Ave., Anderson$270,000.Builders & Son LLC, to Jinsheng Xian and Quanjin Huang, 135 Walker Road, $410,000.

William T. Bonnayer and Sandra L. Bonnayer to Marley Clark and Tina M. Costa, 392 Monson Turnpike Road, $225,000.

Ann Marie Denucci Rogalski and Felicia T. Denucci to Nicholas Wil liam Stufano, 42 Shady Brook, Unit 42, Bijoy$391,000.RaiandJashu Rai to Bhim Rai and Ranjana Rai, 112 Garden St., Black$290,000.Card

Cheryl Stambovsky trustee, 82-84 Maryland Street Realty and Trust, trustee of, to Paul Georges and Gary Georges, 82 84 Maryland St., Danielle$295,000.Y.

Kevin A. Sarrette to Sandra Woodfine-Gooden, 316 Breckwood Boulevard, $240,000.

Maria I. Rosario-Torres to Ervin Her nandez Ramos, 602-604 Dickinson St., Mark$325,000.A.Glenn to Madeline Gladys Laboy and Manny Manuel Laboy, 82-84 Sycamore St., $275,000.

Henry P. Lafortune to Linda A. Goodman, 126 Nassau Drive, Unit 126, Jacqueline$174,900.Parrish to Yassine Zian, 65 Firglade Ave., $265,000.

George A. Champagne and Cecile J. Champagne to Daniel L. Cham pagne and Macy H. Champagne, 37 Stones Throw Drive, $180,000.

Raffaele Russo and Xinh Nguy en-Russo to Paulo A. Villegas, 14 Richelieu St., $227,552.



Acquisitions LLC, to Selpan Holdings LLC, 518-520 Kings Highway, $152,500.

Theresa E. Talbot and Theresa E. Katsoulis to Maria A. Pumarejo and Eddie N. Pumarejo Villanueva, 164 Prouty St., $235,000.

Margorie Perez to James D. Taylor and Amandalis Caraballo, 250 Winton St., $305,000.

JR Investments & Management Inc., to Debra Bedula, 15 Holland Road, $39,000.

Cathy A. Meader to Monique M. Vega, 23 Van Horn St., $220,000.

Andrey Stefoglo and Lyudmila Stefoglo to Joan M. Velez-Vega and Rosanna Carolina Ferreiras Monte ro, 111 Pineview Drive, $278,999.


Stephen P. Leblanc, trustee, Amy Jo Leblanc, trustee, Raphael U. Leblanc, Stephen P. Leblanc, attor ney-in-fact, and Stephen P. Leblanc & Amy Jo Leblanc Revocable Trust to Brandon T. Leblanc, 34 Gunn Road, Samantha$250,000.E.Hathaway, Austin C. Hathaway and Samantha E. Patrick to Aaron O. Patrick Jr., 12 Kingsberry Lane, Zachary$250,000.T.Laporte and Victoria A. Laporte to Jamin C. Weeks and Laura E. Bauer, 118 Strong Road, Elizabeth$330,000.A.

Ramon Melendez, Cindy Melendez and Cindy Vera to William Melen dez, 40 Cuff Ave., $155,000.

Fiske and Jo-Ann Fiske to Deborah Olson, 88 Wayne St., Xanh$190,000.TLe, Hang T Bui and Ryan T Le to Thomas McNamara, 15 Marchioness Road, $350,000.

55 Fisk Avenue LLC, to RREF III, 55 Fisk LLC, 55 Fisk Ave., $19,500,000.

Stanley Storozuk Jr., trustee of the Stanley Storozuk and Sophie Storozuk Family Trust, to Thom as M. Storozuk, 296 Russell St., $315,000.

Richard E. Bourgeoise and Kiara C. Fryer to Christopher R. Tetreault, 96 Peterson Road, $385,000.


Patalano Property Management LLC, to Sumner Avenue Estate LLC, 905-909 Sumner Ave., $699,000.

Eight LLC, to DDM Property Group LLC, 166-174 South Boulevard, $330,000.

Victoria Alessi to Nateisha Gor don-Thompsom, 1559 Plumtree Road, Warren$300,000.L.Caulton, trustee, and Caulton Family 2020 Revocable Trust, trustee of, to Sonetta Carey Covington, 90 West Colonial Road,

Melanie E. Smith to Brian F. Dick son, 74 Water St., $200,000.

Brad Millen, Amber Lemanski, Brian Millen, Anna Millen and Bruce A. Millen to Geovanni Montesino and Madelaine Saborit, 38 Webber St., Brenda$192,500.L.

Gabriella B. Genia, conservator, and Philip G. Harris to Candace Smith, 137 Forest Park Ave., $188,000.


Kathleen Marshall to David W. Laks and Judith Steinberg, 23 Lakeside Drive, $565,000.

Alfred Charles Leblanc to Sopheap B. Lim, 36 Dickinson St., $350,000.

Lily Enterprises Inc., to Chase Realty Holdings Inc., 622 Cottage St., Manuel$700,000.A.

Silva to Siervo Jimenez and Monica Diaz-Hernandez, 251 Longhill St., $375,000.


Kevin C. Netto Construction Inc., to Jennifer M. Day, 117 Strong Road, $499,000.

Tascon Homes LLC, to Samantha Calvao, 127 Malibu Drive, $260,000.

Mei Management LLC, to ZL Investment LLC, 520-526 Main St., Mindy$700,000.L.Morelli and Nickolas L.

Tiger Lebelle, representative, and Valerie Kratman, estate, to 73 Warren St. LLC, 131 Berkshire Ave., TL$151,000.Bretta Realty LLC, to Derek Fu, 57-59 Enfield St., $325,000.

Keitlen J. Rodriguez to Javier Bur gos-Hernandez and Jazziel Alman zar, 63 King St., $275,000.

Patricia A. Bourasa to Marita Bri ones, 76 Charon Terrace, $240,000.



Kimberly Paine to Raymond J. Perkins and Yekaterina Yermakova, 386-388 Carew St., $328,000.

Rachel Elliott to Liset M. Rivera, 12 Burns Ave., $264,000.

Frank S. Henry Jr., Linda M. Piubeni, Todd A. Henry, Denise M. Heffer nan, Sandra A. Kennedy and Steve R. Roberts to Property Advantage Inc., 1413 Worcester St., $114,500.

Triton Investment Group LLC, to Leandro Lopez, 31 Montmorenci St., Victor$287,000.D.Burgos to Ricardo Falco, Dunn Street, $20,000.

Federal National Mortgage As

Catherine Sandillo, representative, Robert A. Methe, estate, Jean R. Methe, Karen Didonato and Mark R. Methe to Christian Eli Granillos and Jannay N. Acosta, 421 Wilbraham Road, Charles$350,000.Thompson Jr., to Winifred D. Scalise, 109 Yale St., $185,000.

Robbins, trustee, and Revocable Indenture of Trust of Elizabeth A. Robbins to Katherine E. Maginnis and Brian F. Begley, 1 Kevin Drive, $665,000.

David Mernoff and Karen Mernoff to Christine H. Berry, 2 Rivercrest Way, P.$479,900.DanielLaporte, trustee, David E. Laporte, trustee, and Declaration of Laporte Irrevocable Trust to Kennth Watts and Kelly Phillips, 5 Oak Drive, $460,000.

James Fiore, Joanne Fiore, David Fiore and Susan Cicco to Russ Tetreault Realty LLC, Michon St., James$100,000.W.Fiore and Darlene Fiore to Victor Medina Bernal, 112 Stockman St., Jeffrey$275,000.LitetoPlata O Plomo Inc., 138 Appleton St., $105,000.

New Canaan Properties LLC, to Roberto Rivera-Negron and Sybel Gonzalez, 9-11 Richelieu St., Olga$265,000.Fuentes and Felix I. Fuentes to Ariel B. Carrillo, 27-29 Algonquin Place, $140,000.

Cherille Cameron to Tikiko Gomez, 947-949 Berkshire Ave., $281,000.

Hedge Hog Industries Corp., and J & M Property & Development LLC, to Phantom Holdings LLC, 16 Montmorenci St., $730,000.

James C. Powers and Linda M. Powers to Global Homes Properties LLC, 14 Burton St., $159,000.

Scott Family Properties LLC, to KMAK LLC, and Gallagher Cap ital Group LLC, 9 Lexington St., Andreas$200,000.Zinner and Maria F. Plazas to Jennifer L. Hodges and Valerie A. Foster, 246 Brainerd St., $515,000.

Valarie J. Sippin to Mellisa A. Treadwell and Clayton R. Butler, 178 Ware Road, $308,000.


Michael D. Tanner and Carol R. Tanner to Sarah L. Tanner, 14 Spring Meadows, $100.


Steven R. Ferrari to Mark Andre Col bert, 120 Berkshire Ave., $545,000.

Wade R. Modestow to Martha T. Kane, 75 South Loomis St., $315,000.

Lawrence B. Friedman, Judith C. Giordan and Judith C. Giordan, attorney-in-fact, to Deborah N. Mauger and Stewart G. Kennedy, 49 Arnold Road, $800,000.

David Givans to Monique Mun nings-Bah, 123-125 Andrew St., Deborah$325,000.L.

Razorback Capital LLC, to Segundo A. Chimborazo Paredes, Juan J. Guamarica Pizha and Julia Y. Chim borazo Paredes, 105 Connecticut Ave., $165,000.

U S A Housing & Urban Devel opment to Karin Robertson and Jordynn Robertson, 182 Nassau Drive, $126,500.

pal of Enchanted Gardens, a lecturer and author. Cost is $20 members, $25 nonmembers. For more information, or to register, visit botanical.orgberkshire . Please note that financial aid is available for all BBG classes. Contact Bridgette Stone at botanical.org.bstone@berkshire


sociation and Fannie Mae to Jose Correa and Catherine Pena, 81 Queen Ave., $270,000.

Aaron Leastman to Erin K. Nehmer, 2205 Boston Road, Unit G63, Dean$227,000.T.Boudreau and Valerie Harlow-Boudreau to Raymond C. Comeau Jr., 6 Cliffside Drive, Gregory$425,000.J.

The project is ideal for woodworkers of all skill levels because the plan breaks the house down into components—the windows, window seat, walls and sides, fireplace, floors and ceiling, stairs, porch and front door, bay roof and bay are all treated separately for ease of construction. The main parts of the house are cut from two sheets of ¼-inch plywood.

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Visit gardenclubgcfm.org/springfield or their Facebook page for more details.

16 Fremont St., $280,000.


Silver Hammer Properties LLC, to Jason M. Lanney, 119 Union St., Unit 4, Wallace$139,000.S.Olsen Jr., trustee, and W. S. Olsen Realty Trust, trustee of, to Sergey Bazukin and Olesya Bazukin, 279 Little River Road, $250,000.



Yong Nan Luo, Xiao Zheng Deng and Zhi Tao Luo to Patrick H. Shannon, 23 Colony Road, Unit 23, $130,000.

Joan M. Siciliano to Shawn M. Tavares and Ashley E. Tavares, 43 Brainard Road, $375,000.

Brandon M. Sanchez, Autumn-Mari Sanchez and Autumn-Mari Beaulieu to TGC Investments LLC, 89 Me chanic St., $320,000.


Homes LLC, to Corey J. Williams and Elizabeth M. Williams,

Thursday at 11:30 a.m. The event will be in person at the Barney Carriage House at For est Park as well as virtually via Zoom. Cohen will bring printed handouts along with samples of foraged goodies for participants to sip and nibble on. Luncheon will be provided, including gluten-free options. Guest fee is $5 and tickets are available on Eventbrite.com.


UST IN TIME FOR THE holidays, this elegant and detailed Victorian doll house is sure to delight the little doll lover on your giftFeaturinglist. bay windows, a rooftop deck with railings, a chimney, porch and the architectural details found on original Victorian-era homes, this dollhouse is hinged in the front to allow access to the interior. The inside features a staircase and six rooms: kitchen, dining room, living room, two bedrooms and an upstairs landing.

Standing 38 inches tall, the dollhouse is just the right size for both the young and the young-at-heart. Scale is one inch to one foot.

Haghighi, 185 Main Road, $810,000.

Judith Y. Burt and Gary J. Burt to Steven Judd Bryant and Season A. Bryant, 2205 Boston Road, Unit M126, $315,000.

conservation. Cost $55 mem bers, $65 nonmembers.

Schellenger and Stepha nie A. Schellenger to John Michael Camerota and Sarah Nichole Cam erota, 64 Overlook Drive, $405,000.

plan, No. 671, is $9.95 and includes step-by-step instruc tions with photos, full-size traceable patterns and a com plete shopping list and cut ting schedule. Please include $3.95 per order for postage and handling and allow about two weeks for delivery.

Tod L. Rush, estate, to Jesiel Diaz and Noemi Sanchez, 255 Prospect Ave., $230,000.

Louis J. Scungio and Sheila D. Scungio to Kelcie Walters Knowles and Kenneth John Knowles II, 17 Wandering Meadows Lane, Michelle$675,000.A.

Send items for Garden Notes to pmastriano@repub.com two weeks prior to publication.

Rafal P. Janusz and Beata Joan na Gazdowicz-Janusz to Aaron Whitworth, 28 Green Pine Lane, Shawn$350,000.M.

Robin Lariviere to Robert L. Fuller and Deborah Lynn Fuller, Northwest Road, $370,000.

— To order by mail, clip this article and send it with a check or money order to U-Bild Fea tures, c/o The Republican, 741B Olive Ave., Vista CA 92083. To order by credit card, visit U-Bild at u-bild.com.

Don & Dave Runyan Project of The Week

Felix Otero and Sherry A. Otero to Robert P. Benoit, 28 Harvest Moon Lane, Gregory$611,000.Tartaglino to Christina Cavanaugh, 5 Big Wood Drive, Jason$530,000.M.Lanney to Matthew Reyn olds, 43 Putnam Drive, $265,900.

Richard and Jeffrey Mailhot to Sean Sinnott and Mack enzie Sinnott, 5 Horseshoe Lane, Suzette$399,000.Cotton to Margorie Perez Nieves, 5 Captain Road, $480,000.

John S. Soares and Erica B. Soares to Edwin Antonetty, 63 Elizabeth Ave., Joseph$386,000.M.Byrnes, Lynn R. Byrnes and Lynn F. Byrnes to Viktor Krylov and Yevgeniya Krylov, 175 Loomis Ridge, Kathleen$350,000.Degrandpre to Paul Degrandpre, 317 Southwick Road, Matthew$245,000.Jason Romano and Norma Iris Romano to Alan Russell Schadel Jr., and Erin Ann Schadel, 162 Rus sell Road, $227,500.

John Pl Welch and Marian Welch to Crystal Wilkinson, West Street, $52,000.

The Victorian Doll House

• Saturday, 1 to 2:30 p.m., “Fall Scaping.” Add beauty to your garden in the sweet, golden days of autumn with flowers, shrubs, trees, and vines that shine during this season. Discover plants with color ful blooms, rich foliage and dramatic seed heads, and learn strategies that will guide you in designing a vibrant fall garden. Jana Milbocker is the princi

Alvah V. Hinckley and Cynthia J. Hinckley to Joanne Marie Meyer and Madeleine Ann Cahill, 282 North Road, Marguerite$851,000.Anne Robbins and Gretchen M. Dock to Christopher Edward Overtree and Heidi Zahra

Doty River LLC, to Marcus Rose Family Realty LLC, 1102 Riverdale St., John$3,675,000.E.Sjoberg Jr., and Brenda A. Sjoberg to Atif Khan, 1654 Riverdale St., Jose$425,000.E.Correa and Catherine M. Pena to Meghan E. Bonta, 37 Ange line St., Kenneth$330,000.B.Kimball and Theresa A. Selvoski to G & C Real Estate Investments LLC, 1568 Westfield St., Linda$285,000.J.Murphy to Black Card Acquisitions LLC, 518-520 Kings Highway, $140,000.

Rogers and Caitlin E. Rogers to Russell E. Picotte and Jen nifer Picotte, 15 Meadow View Road, Jerry$372,000.L.Wawrzyk and Lisa Wawrzyk to Corey A. Rapa, 8 Vista Road, Jerry$405,000.L.Wawrzyk and Lisa Wawrzyk to Corey A. Rapa, Lot On Vista Road, $100.


The Springfield Garden Club will host “Nibbling on Plants in Your backyard and Beyond,” presented by Russ Cohen on

Jean M. Pensabene and Patricia A. Linekin to Paul Della Torre, 77 Pequot Point Road, $270,000.


Victorian dollhouse is sure to delight


Carmen Monroe to Nicholas Fay and Chelsea Marie Laveck, 75 Otis St., Done$264,000.Right

Melissa A. Brown and Melissa A. Drolet to Cameron A. Hardy and Carrie A. Blair, 425 Kings Highway, Oaktree$192,500.Investments 2 LLC, and s Oaktree Real Estate Investments to S41 Holdings LLC, 1048 Riverdale St., William$1,780,000.Craig,representative, and

Sylvia A. Kapitzke and Alan R. Kapitzke to Richard Holden, 1223 Stony Hill Road, $345,000.


3175937-01 www.posnik.com • E-Mail:info@posnik.com West Springfield, MA • Philadelphia, PA 413-733-5238 • 610-853-6655 TOLL FREE 1-877-POSNIK-1 (767-6451) MA Auc. Lic #161 • PA Auc. Lic. #AY000241L Aaron Posnik AUCTIONEERS•APPRAISERS Live Onsite &Webcast PUBLIC AUCTION TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20TH AT 11:00 A.M. (ET) TERMS OF SALE: 25% DEPOSIT CASH, WIRE TRANSFER OR CERTIFIED CHECK 15% BUYERS PREMIUM APPLIES ON ALL ONSITE PURCHASES 18% BUYERS PREMIUM APPLIES ON ALL ONLINE PURCHASES OTHER TERMS TO BE ANNOUNCED AT TIME OF SALE INSPECTIONS: MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19TH – 10:00 A.M. TO 4:00 P.M. & MORNING OF SALE – 8:30 A.M. TO 11:00 A.M. NH LICENSE # 6045 GOLF COURSE CLOSED GOLF COURSE � (17) GOLF CARTS • LOADER BACKHOE � � MOWERS � GROUNDS EQUIPMENT � � IRRIGATION SYSTEM � SUPPORT EQUIPMENT � � RESTAURANT & KITCHEN EQUIPMENT � FURNISHINGS � 292 ROUTE 9A SPOFFORD, NEW HAMPSHIRE TO BE SOLD ON THE PREMISES AND BY LIVE INTERNET BIDDING LIVE ONSITE & LIVE ONLINE BIDDING AVAILABLE AT WWW.BIDSPOTTER.COM SEND for DESCRIPTIVE BROCHURE or VISIT our WEBSITE at WWW.POSNIK.COM PUBLIC AUCTION FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23RD at 1:00 P.M. MORTGAGEE’S SALE OF REAL ESTATE • MALDEN • 15 ROOM / 6 BEDROOM TWO FAMILY DUPLEX STYLE HOME “LOCATED AT BUS STOP TO MALDEN T-STATION” 220 Lebanon Street MALDEN, MA To be Sold on the Premises Features: www.posnik.com • E-Mail:info@posnik.com West Springfield, MA • Philadelphia, PA 413-733-5238 • 610-853-6655 MA Auc. Lic #161 • PA Auc. Lic. #AY000241L Aaron AUCTIONEERS•APPRAISPosnikERS • Two Family Duplex Style Home • • Total of (15) Rooms w/ (6) Bedrooms & (2) Bathrooms • • ±4,317 S/F of Area • Gas FWA Heat • Basement • • Clapboard Siding • Hardwood Floors • Public Water & Sewer • • Zoned: Residential A • Assessor’s Parcel ID: M:137, B:799, L:909 • Sale Per Order of Mortgagee Attorney Keith K. Fuller 5300 Bigelow Commons, Enfield, CT Attorney for Mortgagee Terms of Sale: $10,000.00 Deposit Cash or Certified Funds. 5% Buyer’s Premium Applies. Other Terms to be Announced at Time of Sale PUBLIC AUCTION THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6TH at 11:00 A.M. MORTGAGEE’S SALE OF REAL ESTATE • CHICOPEE • 6 ROOM/ 3 BEDROOM 1 ½ STORY CAPE STYLE HOME ON ±1/2 ACRE of LAND 691 BRITTON STREET CHICOPEE, MA To be Sold on the Premises Features: www.posnik.com • E-Mail:info@posnik.com West Springfield, MA • Philadelphia, PA 413-733-5238 • 610-853-6655 MA Auc. Lic #161 • PA Auc. Lic. #AY000241L Aaron AUCTIONEERS•APPRAISPosnikERS • 1 ½ Story Cape Style Home • ±1/2 Acres of Land • • Total of (6) Rooms w/ (3) Bedrooms & (1) Bath • • Gas FWA Heat • Central Air Conditioning • • Full Basement • (2) Porches • Public Water & Sewer • • Zoned: Res A-Single Family • Map Reference: 727 • Sale Per Order of Mortgagee Attorney C. Barry Waite Of the firm of Resnic, Beauregard, Waite & Driscoll 330 Whitney Avenue, Holyoke, MA Attorney for Mortgagee Terms of Sale: $5000.00 Deposit Cash or Certified Funds. Other Terms to be Announced at Time of Sale www.posnik.com • E-Mail:info@posnik.com West Springfield, MA • Philadelphia, PA 413-733-5238 • 610-853-6655 TOLL FREE 1-877-POSNIK-1 (767-6451) MA Auc. Lic #161 • PA Auc. Lic. #AY000241L Aaron Posnik AUCTIONEERS•APPRAISERS Live Onsite &Webcast PUBLIC AUCTION THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22ND AT 11:00 A.M. (ET) SALE PER ORDER OF SECURED PARTY ATTORNEY JERRY B. 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(MOVED FOR CONVENIENCE OF SALE TO) DEER PARK DRIVE (DEER PARK INDUSTRIAL PARK) EAST LONGMEADOW, MASSACHUSETTS TO BE SOLD ON THE PREMISES AND BY LIVE INTERNET BIDDING LIVE ONSITE & LIVE ONLINE BIDDING AVAILABLE AT WWW.BIDSPOTTER.COM SEND for DESCRIPTIVE BROCHURE or VISIT our WEBSITE at WWW.POSNIK.COM ✩ ✩ In print in The Republican or online at MassLive.com CLASSIFIEDS MORTGAGEE’S FORECLOSURE AUCTION HELD ON THE PREMISES THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2022 12 PM 4425 High Street, Palmer, MA FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2022 1 PM 3 Maple Crest Circle Apartment D aka Unit 3D, Holyoke, MA Terms of Sale: Present a $5000 bank check deposit at sale The balance shall be paid 30 days from the sale. Other terms may be announced at sale. Auctioneer makes no representations as to the accuracy of the information contained herein. NO CASH S. Hill MA Lic. AU 03381 info@towneauction.com / www.towneauction.com781.790.7870 NORTH CHELMSFORD (978) 251-1150 www.baystateauction.com MAAU#: 1029, 2624, 2959, 3039, 2573, 116, 2484, 3246, 2919, 3092, 3107, 0100030, 3099 MORTGAGEE’S SALE OF REAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC AUCTION Wednesday, September 21, 2022 2:00107PM-SPRINGFIELDAveryStreet sgl fam, 972 sf liv area, 0.11 ac lot, 5 rm, 3 bdrm, 1 bth, Hampden: Bk 16753, Pg 551 TERMS: Cashier’s or certified check in the sum of $5,000.00 as a deposit must be shown at the time and place of the sale in order to qualify as a bidder. NO CASH No personal checks will be accepted. Cashier/certified checks should be made out to whomever is going to bid at the auction. The balance to be paid within thirty (30) days at the law offices of Korde & Associates, P.C. 900 Chelmsford Street, Suite 3102, Lowell, MA 01851, Attorney for the Mortgagee. Auctioneer makes no representation as to the accuracy of the information contained herein. MORTGAGEES’ REAL ESTATE AUCTIONS TO BE SOLD ON THEIR RESPECTIVESEPT.WEDNESDAYPREMISE21,2022 5:00 PM - ADAMS, MA 11 SUMMIT AVENUEDEPOSIT $5,000 SEPT.THURSDAY22,2022 12:00PM - GREENFIELD, MA 51 FOREST AVENUEDEPOSIT VISITAUCTIONSCURRENTFOR(617)SCHEDULECALLTERMSOFSALES:DEPOS-$5,000ITSINTHEAMOUNTSSPECIFIEDABOVEARETOBEPAIDBYTHEPUR-CHASER(S)ATTHETIMEANDPLACEOFEACHSALEBYCERTIFIEDORBANKCHECK.ALLBAL-ANCESDUEARETOBEPAIDWITHIN30DAYSOFEACHINDIVIDUALSALE.OTHERTERMS,IFANY,TOBEANNOUNCEDATEACHSALE.OURAUCTIONLINEAT964-1282ALISTOFTHEDAY’SANDOURWEBSITE auction.comwww.commonwealth FOR MAINFORMATIONSCHEDULINGADDITIONALINFORMATIONUPDATEDCONTINUOUSLYSCHEDULINGANDCOMMONWEALTHAUCTIONASSOCIATES,INC.(617)964-0005LIC2235 AARON POSNIK & CO. INC. Indust & Comm. Auctions 31 Capital Dr. W. Spfld. 733-5238 ESTATES-ANTIQUESDouglasAuctioneers.comwww.posnik.com413-665-2877 Auctions Auctions Auctions 2:00 a.m. Perfect time to place your classified ad. We’re ready to take your 24/7ad. 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Adorable grey siamese/ bengal mix, male and female kittens, $50 & $25, call 413-777-9659, NO TEXTING PLEASE ADORABLE KITTENS I have 5 beautiful kittens looking for forever homes. Litter box trained and fully weaned. Raised indoors with children so very friendly. Asking $190 each. Call or text me at (413) Belgian-mix386-5105Kitten,2monthsold,$200.Call413-244-7901 U.S. #1 Stamp (U) $300./OBO Call Ron 413-896-3324 $$$ Cash For Stamps $$$ Whirlpool Stainless Steel 11.6 cu. ft. exc. cond., less than 2 yrs old, $450. Call 203-2034 NORDICTRAK 413-739-8065LibraryofWWIIBooksforInvacareCanModelELLIPTICAL,FREESTRIDENEWFS7i,paid$2700,asking$1900orb/o.beseeninHampden.Callortext413-505-9500AcornStairlift,asking$600.Call413-231-6944semiautosinglebed,$630.PowerHoyerlift,$1125.Tiltshowerchair$1035.Fixedshowerchair$315.413-429-8317sale,Aprox.400,allHardcover,$300,callfordetails HAMPDEN, Large bedrm & den, kit. & livrm., cent. air & vac., parking, full basement. Call 413-525-4542 Bengal male kittens (2) Call$700./each.802-323-2538FREEKITTENS, 2 black plus 2 gold/black , 4 1/2 mos. healthy & very friendly. Call 413-788-8265 4 Boxer Puppies, 2 males, 2 females, dewormed, parents on premises. $1,000/each. 413-517-5604 AKC Shelties, Sable & white, M/F, vet checked, U.T.D. on shots, raised in home with kids & cat. $1200. Call LOST:Femalebrown/grayGoldenLiver/whiteAskingReadyBeagle508-317-2724978-544-6325,Pupsforsale.togo.Vetchecked.1stsetofshots,wormed,parentsonsite.$600.978-355-4685or413-813-1585BlackExoticYorkiemalepuppy,1stshots,dewormed.Verytiny,parentsonpremises.$1950.Call413-777-3536EnglishSpringerSpaniel,male,11wks,vetchecked,1stshots.$1800.413-596-8190GERMANSHEPHERDPUPPpy,OVER2MONTHSOLD,$800.Call413-244-7901GermanShepherdPup,mom/dadbothAKCReg.Purebred,2male&2fe-male,$700each.Willbereadyfornewhomes1stweekofNovember.413-339-5391RetrieversPuppies,1stshots&dewormed.$850.2females&1MaleCall802-895-2784TeddyBearPuppiesblackand2purewhite.$700/ea.orbestoffer.Callortext413-523-6002Chinchillas$200.00orbestoffer.Callortext413-523-6002/whitetabbycat,"Gemma."MissinginLu-dlow,MA.8Yrsold,longlegs,saggingbelly,whitechest&tipoftail,greeneyes,blackpaws,"M"furpatternonforehead,$400reward,Pleasecontact203-644-9837 Hand carved wooden horse, circa 1920 full size, Prancer style. $1500. Call for more BearClawcastirontub,2022NationalPurpleHeart413-847-0221info.$5GoldProofcoin.Is-suedbyUSmint,lowmintagewithbox,COA,$999/bestoffer,call413-426-70633Sleepingbags,greatcond.,$20.00each.Call413-234-0877BASEBALL,FootballBas-ketball&Hockeycards,1950’s-present,50to90%off,sellingboxesfor$.10BUYINGALLSPORTSCARDS,RETIREDKOREANWARVET413-596-5783$150,callfordetails,Bobat413-537-5090GovernorWinthrop2piecedesk,drawers,glassbookcase,built1940.$500.Call413-536-7996LowreyRoyaleOrgan,beaut.,walnutfinish,incl.Tuftedbench,cost$60K,ask.$2,250.413-519-8108Moving,mustsell,windowAC$80.Elec.heater$60.2couches$200./eachCall860-682-2937 Wood-BurningWantedVintageVideoTicketsTelevisionSportsSnowmobilesSeasonalRestaurantProfessionalPools,OfficeMusicalMiscellaneousMed.MachineryLawnmowerLawnJewelryHotGoodFurniture,FuelForkliftsFleaFitnessElectronics/CompuitersDo-In-YourselfConstructionCoinsClothingCampingCamerasBuildingAAAAAntiques/CollectiblesppliancesrticlesforRentrticlesForSaleudioMaterialsEquipmentandStampsEquipmentMaterialsEquipmentMarketsandEquipmentEtc.ThingsToEatTicketItems&Garden&Snowblower&ToolsEquipmentSales/WantedInstrumentsEquipmentSpas&AccessoriesEquipmentEquipmentClothingtoBuyStoves Merchandise Cats Fitness Equipment Med. 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Call(413)788-1234 orgoto:www.MassLive.com F12 | SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2022 THE REPUBLICAN | MASSLIVE.COM Stanley and Son’s Paving Third Generation - Driveway, prkg. lots, etc. - All types of paving - Estimates gladly given - All work guaranteed - Senior Citizens discount 413-246-7999 Ron’sHandymanService.anytimeGutter-cleaning,junkremoval/demo,painting,staining,powerwashing,sheetrockrepair,yardclean-ups,andmore.Freeestimates,seniordis-counts,insured.Since’94call/textChicopeeRonRoberts,413-313-6507 K&JTreeService,fullyin-sured,freeestimate,landclearing,stumpgrinding,Contact413-289-4817or508-344-8482formoredetails AAA Call - We Haul We Take it all junk&trashremoval,appl.demo,closings,attics,bsmt.V/MC/CK.Freeest.Ins.Containersavail.also WE LOADED IT ALL CALLTrash1-413-531-1936AAARemoval attics, garages, cellars, yards, Demolition & Bobcat work brush removal , etc. Fast, reasonablereliable,andinsured. Call 413-525-4542 HandypersonDriveway/PavingServices TrashLandscapingRemoval

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