1 minute read
A home for childhood memories
EVERY KID NEEDS A place to create the memories that fill a happy childhood, and this cottage-style playhouse is sure to become just that place.
With its big, inviting porch, Dutch door, flower boxes and decorative architectural details, the project is sure to capture the heart (and imagination) of any child who sees it.
Easy enough for most woodworkers, the project features all straight cuts, with full-size patterns for the angles.
Built from T111 plywood (which gives the appearance of vertical siding) over sturdy 2-by-2 framing, it’s also affordable.
With comparable prefabricated playhouse kits starting at around $1,500, do-it-yourselfers will enjoy big savings.
Step-by-step, illustrated instructions break the project down into smaller assemblies—from building the foundation to installing
Garden Notes
Botanical garden programs
Berkshire Botanical Garden presents;
• “Landscape Design II” on Thursdays, Feb. 9 to April 13, from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. over a 10-week period. Learn skills essential for functional garden design that honors the site and meets client needs. Led by Chuck Schnell and Walter Cudnohufsky, this course will cover a different topic or technique focusing on the importance of getting to know the client and site as a basis of effective and ap - pealing design. Essential and easy-to-grasp design principles will be introduced throughout the course, with a form-finding approach to garden design. Acquire the vocabulary essential for assessing a property’s potential and problems, and the right questions to realize a client’s wishes while avoiding common design mistakes. Learn how to make well-considered and sustainable choices for the elements and materials commonly used in the residential-scale garden. Students will complete an instructor-provided project and take it from creative concept to completed design plan, including site assessment the roof—allowing the project to be completed over a few weekends.
Once the structure is complete, hang the door, add a coat of paint to match the big house, fill the flower boxes and help the kids move in.
The playhouse measures six feet square (including the porch) and stands about six feet tall.
The Cottage Playhouse plan, No. 942, is $10.95 and includes complete step-by-step instructions with photos, full-size traceable patterns, detailed construction diagrams and a shopping list and cutting schedule.
Please include $3.95 per order for postage and handling and allow about two weeks for delivery.
To order by mail, clip this article and send it with a check or money order to U-Bild Features, c/o The Republican, 741B Olive Ave., Vista CA 92083. To order by credit card, visit U-Bild on the web at u-bild.com.
Lee Reich | In the Garden