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for anyone to drink or even purchase.
Beers with 0.5% ABV can seem to be a different story. After all, there is a LITTLE alcohol in these brews. But really, if we estimate that the average beer is around 5%, that means it would take 10 of these low-alcohol “near beers” to equal one regular beer. I’m guessing most un derage teens (because that’s who most finger-waggers are worried about) aren’t willing to spend that much time, effort and money to get what ever minor buzz you’d get from one Budweiser or Sam Adams Boston Lager.
However, the Food & Wine article also points to a recent study from Japan’s National Institute of Health, which said that adolescents who consumed nonalcoholic beverages that tasted like alcoholic products were more likely to become interested in consuming alcohol. So there is that to consider.

What do you think? Are you OK with underage people buying and drinking 0.5% ABV beer. I’m sure most folks are cool with, say, people 18to 20-year olds doing so. But what should the age cutoff be in your opinion? And what about totally nonalcoholic brews? I’d especially like to hear from parents about their approach to their children and alcohol. Hit me up at geolenker@yahoo.com.