How to Combat Resume Spamming

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How to Combat Resume Spamming. Written by Narelle Di Trento.

It was not so long ago that to apply for a job

jobs in greater volumes, which has created

you had to purchase a newspaper, work out

what is termed Resume Spamming. This is

what jobs suited you, write a cover letter and

where candidates submit resumes to a

resume, and then post your application to the

multitude of jobs with little or no attention

recruiter. It was a time consuming process

to the position requirements, qualifications

and so you took the time to assess the

or general job fit; creating additional work

suitability of the job and company and

for the recruiter and all in all, making the

whether it was the best fit for you.

process more time-consuming than it needs

The current internet age means that

to be.

employers now have access to a larger more

Candidates are no longer taking the time and

diverse applicant pool, but it also means that

effort to determine whether a position or

prospective job seekers are able to apply for

company is the right match for them. In

order for recruitment and selection to be

The second step is hoop jumping. Create

ultimately successful both parties need to be

opportunities to test their commitment to

better off than they were before. You want

getting the job. If they can’t put in effort

the successful candidate to raise the average

that involves more than a click of a button,

team performance and candidates’ want to

then how much effort would they put into

work at a company that meet their current

doing the job if they were successful? Don’t

and future personal needs and expectations.

make the hoop jumping random, the test/s

Recruiters are turning to applicant tracking systems (ATS) or other filtering criteria such as pre-employment tests to combat Resume Spamming. However, for the small business that can’t afford such options, the alternative is to go back to basics. This is achieved by not accepting applications unless candidates have truly considered whether this position

should give you additional information to help to assess the person’s suitability. Lastly, make the process substantial and rigorous. A person that decides that they are willing to go through the entire process to get your job is more than likely committed, engaged and passionate about this role being the right one for them.

and your company is the best next step for

If you are finding the recruitment process


too hard, overwhelming or that you are just

The first step is to ensure a candidate actually reads the entire ad prior to applying. You can accomplish this by letting them know that there are application instructions contained within the ad and that applications will not be accepted, unless they follow those instructions. Make it lengthy and detailed. If they still find and follow the instructions, you at least know that they more than likely have perseverance and attention to detail, good qualities to have in any employee.

not getting the right candidates, contact us your Recruiting Match Maker. Our recruiting process involves not just finding the right person, but we help with the engagement and onboarding process, to help get your new employee kicking goals ASAP. Plus, we are around 90% cheaper than traditional recruitment agencies. Contact Narelle (0419 934 896) now to get the support that you need.

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