WELCOME! REQUISITE HR NEWSLETTER. January 2016. Welcome to the new Requisite HR newsletter! This is a brand
In this issue:
new education tool introduced this year to help our existing and po-
tential clients keep up to date with the latest HR news and infor-
Beating the Post Holiday Blues.
mation. Each month our newsletters will contain exciting offers for you to take advantage of in the hope of strengthening and support-
Year’s Resolution.
ing the development of your organisation.
Beating the Post Holiday Blues After a long break of festivities, some much needed R&R, wine and
Sticking to your New
important tasks that managers are faced with is developing a motivated workforce in order to improve productivity and performance. Critical findings reveal that a well motivated and stable workforce which is satisfied, dedicated and competent is the most valuable asset an organisation can have. >>
Dr. Vanessa Thiele can help! She is offering to come to your workplace for a free 45 minute talk. Call
our 24/7 HR Help Desk on
Writer Nicole Ohm
1300 164 737 to schedule
can be met with groans of apprehension. The biggest be excited about returning to work. One of the most
to avoid procrastination?
Article by Guest
sunshine the idea of coming back to work for (some) employees challenge for managers is to motivate their employees to
Do you want to know how
your meeting today.
Beating the Post Holiday Blues Motivating others is easier said than done. Understanding what drives people and recognising their needs at an individual and collective level will invariably assist this process. Here are three suggestions: Get Fired Up! Create a long lasting cultural change by being positive and enthusiastic. As we all know enthusiasm is contagious so if you are excited then your employees will be excited. You can do this by giving employees more responsibility without micromanaging, smile and laugh more, recognise things you normally might overlook with praise and thanks. Be Flexible! Less rigid work schedules help retain team members—especially those who prefer to hold down a job and have adequate time to spend with family. Workers who feel they have the flexibility tend to be more efficient and
are less likely to call in sick. Continue the Fun! The holiday feeling doesn't need to stop when you come back to work, encourage social activities outside of work like organising sporting teams or after work drinks, introducing casual Fridays, create an award where team members can nominate their colleagues or even get everyone to place their bets on this year’s Bachelor or MasterChef winner.
This is going to be YOUR BIGGEST YEAR YET! We are already a few weeks back into January, be honest, have you stuck to your New Year’s Resolution yet?
Whether it be personal or work related, the reason most New Year resolutions fail is because people are either too ambitious or lack the understanding of how to correctly set goals and follow through with them. All goals must be SMART, I’m not saying they have to be clever or witty, but they do have to be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound. Quantifying your goals will make them much easier to stick to and will help provide clear expectations and improve communication between staff and supervisors. For example, “By July 2016, implement a new performance management system using clearly defined processes and guidelines so employees and managers can more competently evaluate performance and develop their careers.” This is a realistic goal that identifies a problem and sets out to overcome it with a clear time frame that defines the how, the what and the why.
Why Traditional Goal Setting Alone Doesn’t Work
-Nicole Ohm Broerse, Resident Marketing & Communications expert. We humans are motivated by feelings. We are drawn toward positive feeling states and try to avoid negative ones as much as we can. We make decisions based on feelings and we form relationships based on feelings. However, when it comes to setting goals, we set the concrete “what” goals but we often forget to define the real nature of the success we are seeking – what it will feel like and be like when we achieve our goals.
There is a better way! Having an emotion-filled vision of
Requisite HR Pty Ltd
the future you desire can help keep your head and your
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heart in alignment and ensure that any concrete goals you
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set along the way will stay connected to the passion of your true vision of success. I’d love to help you uncover what this means for your business and life, with a free 1 day workshop! Call Requite HR today to organise a meeting.