Biometrics in Physical Access Control Market: Securing IT & Telecom Utilities

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Biometrics in Physical Access Control Market:

Securing IT & Telecom Utilities

As per Inkwood Research, the global biometrics in physical access control market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 13.05% between 2024 to 2032. Biometrics in physical access control is advancing the IT and telecom sectors globally by delivering potent security through technologies like fingerprint scanning andfacialrecognition.Theseexpansionssubstantivelyimprovesecurityprotocols.

In essence, increasing security breaches, particularly in developing regions across the Asia-Pacific, have underlined the importance of biometric solutions. High-profile data breaches and unauthorized access incidents havefurthercompelled companies toadoptadvancedbiometricaccesscontrolsystems.

The integration of IoT and AI has further fueled these efforts. Idemia(France) and other international companies are at the forefront, developing innovative IoT and AIintegrated biometric solutions. Consequently, their progressions amp security and accesscontrolforwardinthedigital ageglobally.

Biometrics in Physical Access Control Market

Regional Analysis

The global sphere of physical access control is transforming, pushed by advancementsinbiometrictechnologies.Thesedevelopmentsareparticularlycritical intheITandtelecomindustries,wheresecuritydemandsarehigh.

In this regard, companies in different regions globally are pivotal in advancing biometric solutions through innovations, mergers, and strategic partnerships.

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 The North America biometrics in physical access control market is projectedtogrowwithaCAGRof12.52%duringtheforecastperiod, 2024to2032.

In North America, the IT and telecom industries are enhancing their security infrastructures with advanced biometric systems. Major companies like Microsoft, Google, and AmazonWebServices(AWS) are at the core of these advancements.

Microsoft has integrated AI-enhanced facial recognition and fingerprint scanning with its Azure cloud platform. This integration ensures scalable and centralized management of access control systems across its facilities. Similarly, AWS uses advanced biometric authentication, integrating AI and cloud technologies to secure its facilities, enhancing both securityandoperationalefficiency.

 In Europe, the biometrics in physical access control market is forecastedtogrowwithaCAGRof10.96%between2024to2032.

Europe is also leading in biometric advancements, driven by stringent data protection regulations and a robust IT and telecom sector presence. Thales Group, through its acquisition of Gemalto, specializes in biometric security solutions, providing advanced access control systems for data centers and corporate officesacrossEurope.ThesemeasuresalsoensurecompliancewithEU regulations.

 TheAsia-Pacificbiometricsinphysicalaccesscontrolmarket:15.16% CAGRfrom2024to2032.

The Asia-Pacific is rapidly adopting biometric technologies, with contributions from companies in Japan, China, and South Korea. Following this, NEC Corporation has developed cutting-edge biometric systems, including facial and iris recognition, used in data centers and corporate offices acrossAsia.

Furthermore, the advancements in the biometrics industry have profound implications for the IT and telecom industries. Biometrics provides strong security by leveraging unique physical characteristics, reducing the risk of unauthorized access and security breaches. Advanced biometric systems offer detailed audit trails, ensuring compliance with industry regulations and providing accountability for securityincidents.

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From Data Theft to Secure Access: Innovations in India Biometrics Industry

The IT and telecom industries in India are intensifying their efforts to combat physical security breaches and unauthorized access. Biometrics, when integrated into physical access control mechanisms, plays a pivotal role in

addressing these challenges. They provide robust authentication methods and enhanceoverall securityprotocols.

 Did you know that the average cost of a data breach in India surged from ₹12.9 crore in 2018 to ₹17.9 crore in 2023? (Source)

The escalation is attributed to the growing complexity of data protection and the substantial volume of sensitive information managed by these sectors. Further, 18 out of every 100Indians have fallen victim to personal information theft duetocyberattackssince 2004

 In the first quarter of 2022 alone, approximately 304 Indian accounts were breached every minute, highlighting the urgent need for continuous vigilance and proactive measures to shield data.

Accordingly, companies like Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) and Cisco Systems are leading this charge by integrating biometric solutions into their physical security frameworks. TCS utilizes biometric authentication, such as fingerprint scanning and facial recognition, to regulate access to its IT facilities and data centers. This ensures that only authorized personnel gain entry, thereby reducing unauthorizedaccessrisks.

Cisco Systems, renowned for its networking and cybersecurity expertise, provides advanced biometric access control solutions customized for the IT and telecom sectors. Their product range includes biometric door locks, access control systems with IoT sensors, and AI-driven surveillance cameras These innovations enable real-time monitoring, swift threat detection, and immediate response to security incidents, fortifying the overall security stance of IT and telecom infrastructures.

Apart from product innovations, both TCS and Cisco Systems undertake proactive initiatives. TCS conducts regular security audits, collaborates with industry peers to share threat intelligence, and invests in cybersecurity training programs for employees. Cisco Systems, through partnerships with industry bodies like NASSCOM and CII, advocates for universal security standards and fosters knowledgeexchangeonphysical accesscontrolstrategies.

Therefore, the convergence of biometrics and physical access control technologies is important in strengthening India’s IT and telecom infrastructures. Proactive measures from industry players and associations reinforce this convergence. It is crucial in defending against evolving threats of physical security breaches and unauthorizedaccess.

AI & IoT-Enhanced Biometric Access Control for IT & Telecom

The integration of IoT (Internet of Things) and AI (Artificial Intelligence) with biometrics in physical access control is optimizing the IT and telecom sectors globally. Companies are actively innovating to improve security and efficiency throughvariousproductextensionsandadvancements.

Industry leaders like HID Global, Honeywell, etc, are prominent contributors who play an integral role in the sphere. Their expertise and innovative solutions are shaping the future of security and user authentication in the IT and telecom sectors globally.

Stay up-to-date with what’s trending in the Global Biometrics in Physical Access Control Market

Read on to explore the innovations of key players in biometrics, IoT, and AI integration for physical access control —

 HID Global specializes in identity solutions and offers IoTenabled biometric access control systems integrated with AI technologies.

 Qualcomm, known for mobile and wireless innovations, is developing IoTenabled biometric solutions for intelligent access control.

 Honeywell provides IoT-integrated biometric access control systems with AI-driven threat detection.

 Idemia focuses on biometric authenticationsolutions integrated with IoT, and JohnsonControls offers IoT-driven biometric access control systems poweredbyAI.

As the integration of biometrics, IoT, and artificial intelligence in access control elevates the IT and telecom sectors globally, the demand for advanced security solutions is also rising. This increased demand, amped by continuous innovation, is expected to boost the biometrics in physical access control market over the forecast period.



1. Howdobiometricaccesscontrolsystemsensuredataprivacyand compliancewithregulations?

A: Biometricaccesscontrolsystemsensuredataprivacyandcompliancewith regulationsbyemployingadvancedencryptiontechniquestoprotectbiometric dataduringstorageandtransmission.

2. Whatarethechallengesassociatedwithimplementingbiometricaccess controlsystems?

A: Thechallengesassociatedwithimplementingbiometricaccesscontrol systemsincludethehighinitialcostofinstallation,potential privacyconcerns amongusers,andtheneedforregularmaintenanceandupdatestoensure systemreliability.

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