Experimentation of the Effectiveness of Social Adjustment in Professional Education

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Experimentation of the Effectiveness of Social Adjustment in Professional Education

Abstract: In this article, new issues related to the education and upbringing system as an objective component in the social adaptation of students in the professional education system are highlighted. The impact of social principles on the adaptation of young students in new life and socio economic conditions during vocational education is scientifically based. An analysis of pedagogical factors reflecting the level of preparation of students and educational activities in a professional educational institution is presented.

Keywords: social adaptation, humanization and socialization, social maturity, juventization, personal activity, professional aspect of social adaptation, didactic aspect, socio psychological aspect.

In today’s new Uzbekistan, a number of social and psychological reforms are being implemented in order to bring the professional education system to a new level. Consistent efforts are being made to reform the education system in the country by training highly qualified personnel in line with the requirements of the labor market, introducing international standards for evaluating the quality of education, and creating effective mechanisms for the implementation of innovative scientific achievements[1].

In particular, all educational institutions put new issues related to the education and training system as an objective component in the social adaptation of students to the agenda. The experience of researchers and practitioners in the field of professional education gives us a number of conclusions about the principles on which the future development of education should be based.

1. This principle of democratization as a leader determines the equality of career choice and professional education for all, the freedom to choose education, specialization, nature of learning, scientific pedagogical school, creative and social activity field. Democratization means a sharp departure from the command bureaucracy model of education.

2. Humanization and socialization is the self expression and development of the personality of the teacher and students, the realization of the learning requirements and spiritual needs of the individual, his professional growth and familiarization with universal and national values, ensuring respect for the individual: it means to recognize his uniqueness, to create conditions for his comprehensive development, to form human relations with people, to respect different opinions and to be patient, to create acceptable opportunities to perceive his responsibility before society. Socialization ensures the assimilation of the achievements of universal culture, the human integration of all academic subjects, the transformation of culture, spirituality and moral values from subjects of study into a meaningful basis of education and life activities.

3. Personal activity in the educational process envisages the development of not only the field of study of a young person, but also his individual personal characteristics, stimulating his

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International Journal on Integrated Education https://journals.researchparks.org/index.php/IJIE
Volume 5, Issue 8 | August 2022 | 95
e ISSN : 26203502 p ISSN : 26153785

e ISSN : 26203502 p ISSN : 26153785

activity in various spheres of activity.

4. The national and regional approach to education implies the need to develop national, regional, local education systems, taking into account the level of their socio economic and cultural development.

5. Unity and interaction of education and life plans of a person. This principle assumes that professional education is related to a person’s previous and life plans, the continuity of the educational process, and its future life activities.

6. Unification of education, science, and production means subordinating educational goals to the requirements of modern production, participation of students in the activities of scientific and industrial fields, and the use of new scientific achievements in education[2].

We believe that the listed principles are aimed at helping young people adapt to new life and socio economic conditions in their professional education.

The beginning of studies in professional education coincides with a new stage of human psychological development, active formation of his social maturity, rapid spiritual and intellectual development, modeling of education and life path, development of evaluation attitude to the conditions of his life activity. When working with students, it is necessary to take into account all this, because without it, it is impossible to effectively influence the social development of an individual in the professional education system as a social group. Professional education develops the student’s attitude to work, level of social maturity, and, of course, interaction with the environment from a social point of view.

The general socialization process of a young person depends on how adaptation to educational and social activities in professional education is going, and his professional direction.

From the moment of entering professional education until the end of studies, students have to adapt to the conditions of learning, that is, to adapt to work forms, methods and tools, and to constantly organize their intellectual and creative activities. Social adaptation to educational activities and the work of acquiring knowledge, as well as accepting and fulfilling the norms, rules, organizational and scientific rules of future professional activity, is an urgent problem of the students. Being the most important component of the process of social adaptation of young people to the changing conditions of reality, it is considered as one of the indicators of the success of young people.

Social adaptation of young people to new conditions in the educational process is not just a passive reflection of reality, but a unique reflection of social conditions and social influence. Such an understanding of the role of youth becomes too simplistic. Because the task of social adaptation in this case was to create a mechanism of adaptability, flexibility, executive subordination, repetition of exactly the same characteristics in each new generation. That is why it is so important to develop a sense of innovation, initiative, and creativity in a young person. This is a unique process of social rejuvenation that opposes backwardness, involuntary, stagnation. Bulgarian sociologist P. Mitev called it “juventization”.

Juventizing is a unique type of creativity that arose from the opportunity of young people to enter the socio political and value system of society in a new way[4].

Thus, the inclusion of young people in social life has a dual nature: social adaptation as the acceptance of social relations and juventization as a form of renewal of society associated with the entry of young people into the life of society. However, juventization can take the form of extreme and one sided forms of rejection of all previous experience, cultural heritage: a desire for artificial novelty, various forms of deviant behavior, alternative actions.

A reasonable way of balancing social adaptation and juventization is a social initiative in which young people become subjects of social activity rather than simply adapting to society. Such a two way approach makes young people not just spectators, but the initiators of historical events

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Volume 5, Issue 8 | August 2022 | 96
International Journal on Integrated Education IJIE | Research Parks Publishing (IDEAS Lab)

e ISSN : 26203502 p ISSN : 26153785 International Journal on Integrated Education IJIE | Research Parks Publishing (IDEAS Lab)

and human factors in the development of society. The main criterion for distinguishing a mature person from an immature person is the difference in self-assessment and independent decisionmaking potential.

The market economy requires that each person is a subject with a wide range of choices. A learner is not only an object of goal oriented influence, but also an active subject of social life. The time he spent in the educational institution is the time of self analysis and self evaluation, formation of worldview. An integrative approach to education is designed to provide students with the ability to solve professional learning problems, as well as to develop the future professional personality and his professional thinking as a whole.

The expansion and deepening of socialization of schoolchildren occurs in three main areas: activity, communication and self awareness.

According to experts Sh.Kurbanov, E.Seytkhalilov and N.Smelzer, the following factors have a decisive influence on the formation of a young person's personality:  purpose oriented influence of society on the individual, i.e. education in the equal sense of the word;  social environment in which a person is always decided, brought up and formed;  the individual’s activity, his independence in choosing and acquiring knowledge and considering them;  the ability to compare different points of view and evaluate them critically;  active participation in practical, transformative activities[3]. In connection with the nature of changes in the conditions of the educational environment described in this paper and taking into account that the main form of student activity is study, we offer a more detailed classification of the factors influencing the process of social adaptation of young people during the period of secondary special, professional education.

1. Factors reflecting the level of preparation of students for educational activities in a professional educational institution:  compliance of the knowledge, skills and qualifications of the applicants with the requirements of the educational process;  professional orientation of applicants (needs, social goals);  the applicant’s need for educational activities.

2. Factors characterizing the development of personal aspects of adaptation:  level of social and spiritual maturity;  level of awareness of the right;  individual characteristics of the development of mental processes.

3. Pedagogical factors influencing the adaptation process:  the existence of a coaching or class leadership institute;  theoretical and methodological training of teachers;  pedagogical and psychological monitoring of the educational process;  personal approach to students, regardless of mastery indicators.

4. Factors related to education and living conditions:  organization of the educational process itself (lesson schedule, beginning and end of classes, rotation of subjects, etc.);

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Volume 5, Issue 8 | August 2022 | 97

e ISSN : 26203502 p ISSN : 26153785 International Journal on Integrated Education IJIE | Research Parks Publishing (IDEAS Lab)

 satisfaction with interpersonal relations in the study group;

 sanitary and hygienic conditions of education.

The classification we propose confirms the assumption that adaptation of students is a complex, dynamic process resulting from the interaction of psychological, social and biological factors. Each student has specific personal barriers to psychological adaptation, which are expressed in striving to achieve the balance of psychological and social needs.

Taking into account the peculiarities of students’ education at the college and technical school as the main socio productive activity, we distinguished three aspects of social adjustment:

1) professional aspect the process of learning professional knowledge and skills; getting used to the structure and organization of the activity of the educational institution, where the process of confidence in the suitability of the chosen profession and personal aspects and valuable goals is carried out;

2) didactic aspect that ensures succession in the school professional education system, professional training, preparation for new forms and methods of work, creation of independence in educational and educational work, self control, independent study and self education needs to be gradually included in the process of formation;

3) socio psychological aspect expressed in the formation of personal relations, communicative culture, etc. in the process of interaction with the educational environment. This group of indicators includes students’ adaptation to the psychological climate, traditions and norms, and the system of social functions. An important element of the socio psychological aspect of adaptation is the valuable goals determined by the youth characteristics of adolescence and the conditions of their formation in a vocational educational institution.

Successful adaptation of students is manifested in academic and public activity, discipline, sociometric position in the group, satisfaction with the chosen profession.

We offer the following criteria for assessing the social adaptation of students of a secondary special vocational educational institution:

On the didactic aspect of adaptation

 to understand the need and possibility of mastering a certain set of knowledge in order to gain professional knowledge;

 readiness to fulfill the requirements of the educational institution for obtaining quality education;

 the need to constantly increase the level of general culture;

 independent education;

 the need for independent study.

On the socio psychological aspect of adaptation

 non conflict behavior;

 desire to participate in social behavior;

 satisfaction with communication with fellow students, teachers.

On the professional aspect of adaptation

 stable interest in special subjects;

 desire to work in the profession;

 the ability to apply professional knowledge in practice.

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Volume 5, Issue 8 | August 2022 | 98

International Journal on Integrated Education IJIE | Research Parks Publishing (IDEAS Lab)

e ISSN : 26203502 p ISSN : 26153785

The criteria and indicators of their formation are considered to be an important factor in determining the effectiveness of professional education processes in the social adaptation of students of professional educational institutions.

It is known that the high grade of the student according to the proposed criteria not only shows that he is well adapted to the structure of a particular educational institution, but also ensures future socialization as a graduate and specialist expressed in productive work in his profession or continuing education in a higher educational institution in the chosen field.

List of used literature

1. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 6, 2019 No. PF 5812 “

On additional measures to further improve the professional education system” .

2. Seythalilov E.A. Health improving orientation of the educational process in educational institutions of general secondary education. The dissertation of a doctor of pedagogical sciences in the form of a scientific report. T.: 2000, 61 p.

3. Kurbanov Sh.E., Seythalilov E.A. The national model and training program is the achievement and result of the independence of Uzbekistan. T.: 2001, 650 p.

4. Tambieva F. A. Youth processes in modern Russian society: Based on research in the North Caucasus region. The dissertation of a doctor of pedagogical sciences in the form of a scientific report. T.: 1999, 29 p.

Copyright (c) 2022 Author (s). This is an open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY).To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Volume 5, Issue 8 | August 2022 | 99

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