NNPA Southeast Region 2 HIV/AIDS Conference

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Southeast Region 2 Publishers’ HIV/AIDS Awareness Conference: Caring for Communities of Color Thursday, November 17, 2011 - Friday, November 18, 2011 National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA) Grant Number: 5U65PS003138-02 & The Health Disparities Research Center of Excellence at Meharry National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities Grant Number: 5P20MD000516 Meharry Medical College Nashville, Tennessee 37208

Sheraton Orlando North 600 North Lake Destiny Drive Maitland, Florida 32751 http://hdresearchtraining.net/

Messages from the Conference Chairs

Jackie Hampton Mississippi Link (Co-Chair)

R. B. Holmes, Jr., D.Min. Capital Outlook (Chair)

Rosetta Miller Perry Tennessee Tribune (Co-Chair)

Welcome Students, Academicians, and Publishers: This is our first attempt in bringing together HBCU students, academicians including researchers with the National Newspaper Publishers Association focusing on HIV/AIDS and our collective response as publishers and the African American press. We believe that we as collaborators can make a difference in how information is provided and received by the communities in which we serve in the Southeast Region 2 and across the United States. As publishers, we can initiate the dialogue among communities of color, organizations, agencies, families, and individuals about the transmission and prevention of HIV/AIDS and other sexual transmitted infections. As continuous and active voices in communities of color, we believe that we can assist in closing the health disparity gaps related to the growing numbers of persons of color who acquire HIV/AIDS. We also welcome members of the National Save the Family Movement, Inc., an organization whose goal is to strengthen, save, and sustain the Black family.

Southeast Region 2 Publishers HIV/AIDS Awareness Conference: Caring for Communities of Color

National Newspaper Publishers Association Membership - Region 2 Albany-Southwest Georgian

Macon Courier

Arizona Informant

Memphis Silver Star News

Atlanta Daily World

Metro Courier

Atlanta Inquirer

Metro Herald

Atlanta Voice

Miami Times

Birmingham Times

Milwaukee Community Journal

Capital Outlook

Milwaukee Weekend Edition

Carolina Peacemaker

Mississippi Link

Carolina Times

Mobile Beacon and Alabama Citizen

Carolinian, The

Nashville Pride

Champion, The

New American Press

Charleston Chronicle

New Journal and Guide

Charlotte Post

Orlando Advocate (Central Fl. Advocate)

Chicago Defender

Orlando Times

Columbus Times, The

Pensacola Voice

Community Times

Richmond Free Press

Community Times Dispatch

Richmond Voice

County News, The

Savannah Herald

Crossroads News

Savannah Tribune

Daytona Times

South Carolina Black News

Florida Courier

Speakin' Out News

Florida Sentinel Bulletin

Tennessee Tribune

Florida Star News

Tri-State Defender

Florida Sun, The

Weekly Challenger

Greater Diversity News

Westside Gazette

Greene County Democrat

Wilmington Journal

Houston Style Magazine

Winston-Salem Chronicle

Jackson Advocate Jacksonville Free Press

Southeast Region 2 Publishers HIV/AIDS Awareness Conference: Caring for Communities of Color

About the Conference Goals of the Conference To bring awareness of the increase of HIV/AIDS in communities of color. To focus on the increase of HIV/AIDS infection among college students. To educate college students and their advisors about the necessity to raise awareness of HIV/AIDS and other Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) on Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) campuses.

The Conference will Raise awareness among college students, advisors, and publishers about HIV/AIDS; Initiate a dialogue with HBCUs and African American newspapers in the Southeast Region and other regions across the United States about the importance of HIV/AIDS awareness; Educate the HBCUs about the interest of NNPAs in the battle against HIV/AIDS; and Start a dialogue to form a partnership with the HBCUs and African American newspapers to join together to address the rise in HIV/AIDS infection through written and electronic communication as well as conferences, symposia, and workshops.

Target Audience The audience will be college students and their advisors from the 53 Black Colleges and Universities and 55 publishers and owners of African American newspapers in the Southeast Region. The conference will focus on expanding knowledge of participants about HIV/AIDS in the communities in which HBCUs are located.

Hosting Organization National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA) Southeast Region 2

Sponsoring Organization Meharry Medical College Health Disparities Research Center of Excellence at Meharry

Southeast Region 2 Publishers HIV/AIDS Awareness Conference: Caring for Communities of Color

About the Conference Invited and Participating Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) Alabama A&M University Alabama State University Albany State University Alcorn State University Allen University Barber-Scotia College Benedict College Bennett College Bethune-Cookman University Bishop State Community College Claflin University Clark Atlanta University Coahoma Community College Concordia College Selma Clinton Junior College Denmark Technical College Edward Waters College Elizabeth City State University Fayetteville State University Fisk University Florida A&M University Florida Memorial University Fort Valley State University Hampton University Jackson State University Johnson C. Smith University Kentucky State University Knoxville College Lane College

LeMoyne-Owen College Livingstone College Meharry Medical College Miles College Mississippi Valley State University Morehouse College Morehouse School of Medicine Morris Brown College Morris College Norfolk State University North Carolina A&T State University North Carolina Central University Paine College Oakwood College Rust College Saint Paul's College Savannah State University Shaw University South Carolina State University Spelman College St. Augustine's College Stillman College Talladega College Tennessee State University Tougaloo College Tuskegee University Virginia State University Virginia Union University Voorhees College Winston Salem State University

Southeast Region 2 Publishers HIV/AIDS Awareness Conference: Caring for Communities of Color

Thursday, November 17, 2011 LOCATION: Sheraton Orlando North, Maitland, Florida 7:30 AM – 8:00 AM


8:00 AM – 8:15 AM

Opening Session – Welcome Presiding – R. B. Holmes Jr., D.Min. President, Region Two/Southeast NNPA Founder & President, National Save the Family Now Movement, Inc The Capital Outlook, Tallahassee, FL

8:15 AM – 8:30 AM

Greetings Mr. Bobbie R. Henry President, Florida Association of Blacks in Media Publisher, Westside-Gazette, Fort Lauderdale, FL Mr. Cloves C. Campbell Jr. NNPA Chairman Publisher, Arizona Informant, Phoenix, AZ

8:30 AM – 9:00 AM

A Call to Action – The Power of the Press & the Pulpit John H. Grant, D.Min. First Vice President, National Save the Family Now Movement, Inc. Asheville, NC

9:00 AM – 10:30 AM

5th Plenary Session “Extending the Family: The Vision to Include HBCUs Campus Newspapers in the NNPA Membership” Valerie White, PhD Associate Professor of Journalism President, Black College Communication Association Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, FL Wanda F. Lester, PhD Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs North Carolina A&T State University, Greensboro, NC Phillip Jeter, PhD Professor and Chair Department of Mass Communications Winston-Salem State University, NC Toni W. Terrett, Esq. Assistant Professor Department of Mass Communications Alcorn State University, Alcorn, MS Melinda L. Shelton, M.J. Director of Student Publications Department of Communications Xavier University of Louisiana, New Orleans, LA

Southeast Region 2 Publishers HIV/AIDS Awareness Conference: Caring for Communities of Color

Thursday, November 17, 2011 LOCATION: Sheraton Orlando North, Maitland, Florida 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM (Cont’d) Dante E. Mozie, MS Instructor of Journalism Dept. of English and Modern Languages South Carolina State University, Orangeburg, SC 10:30 AM – 10:45 AM


10:45 AM – 11:45 AM

Networking: Working Together for Advertising Dollars How To Increase Sales, Subscriptions & Substantive Stories Presiding – R. B. Holmes Jr., D.Min. President, Region Two/Southeast NNPA Founder & President, National Save the Family Now Movement, Inc. The Capital Outlook Tallahassee, FL Presenters:

Mr. Michael A. House President Chicago Defender Chicago, IL Mr. Goren Dillard National Advertising and Marketing, NNPA Chicago, IL

11:45 AM – 12:00 PM

Question & Answer

12:00 PM – 2:00 PM

The Family Educational Luncheon Presiding – R. B. Holmes Jr., D.Min. President, Region Two/Southeast NNPA Founder & President, National Save the Family Now Movement, Inc The Capital Outlook Tallahassee, FL Introduction of Luncheon Speaker Pat Matthews-Juarez, PhD Professor, Department of Family and Community Medicine Director, Research Training Core Health Disparities Research Center of Excellence at Meharry Meharry Medical College Nashville, TN Speaker:

Stephanie D. Sweet, MD, FACOG Physician, Solo Practice Obstetrics & Gynecology Renaissance Women‟s Center Nashville, TN

Southeast Region 2 Publishers HIV/AIDS Awareness Conference: Caring for Communities of Color

Thursday, November 17, 2011 LOCATION: Sheraton Orlando North, Maitland, Florida 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM (Cont’d) Introduction of Speaker Linda T. Fortenberry, PhD National Coordinator, National Save the Family Now Movement, Inc. Director of Education & Institutional Development Bethel Missionary Baptist Church Tallahassee, FL Speaker:

Ronald W. Holmes, PhD National Superintendent National Save the Family Now Movement, Inc. Atlanta, GA

2:00 PM – 2:15 PM


2:15 PM – 3:15 PM

Interactive HIV/AIDS Workshop for Communities of Color Introduction of Workshop Facilitator Ms. Jackie Hampton Publisher and Chief Executive Officer Mississippi Link Jackson, MS Facilitator:

3:15 PM – 3:30 PM

Saadia A. Coleman, MS.Ed. HIV/AIDS Awareness Advocate Educator City of Boston Public Schools Boston, MA

Ashamed to Die: Silence, Denial, and the AIDS Epidemic in the South Andrew J. Skerritt Assistant Professor School of Journalism & Graphic Communication Florida A&M University Tallahassee, FL

3:30 PM – 4:30 PM

Overview of HIV/AIDS: What We Know and What We Do Not Know Introduction of Speaker Ms. Brenda Andrews Publisher New Journal & Guide Norfolk, VA

Southeast Region 2 Publishers HIV/AIDS Awareness Conference: Caring for Communities of Color

Thursday, November 17, 2011 LOCATION: Sheraton Orlando North, Maitland, Florida 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM (Cont’d) Speaker:

Donald J. Alcendor, PhD Assistant Professor Center for AIDS Health Disparities Research, Division of Microbial & Immunology &Obstetrics & Gynecology, School of Medicine Meharry Medical College Nashville, TN

4:30 PM – 5:15 PM


5:15 PM – 6:15 PM

The Blueprint for Building Better Newspapers: “From Good to Great” Presiding – R. B. Holmes Jr., D.Min. President, Region Two/Southeast NNPA Founder & President, National Save the Family Now Movement, Inc The Capital Outlook Tallahassee, FL Mr. Michael A. House President Chicago Defender Chicago, IL Ms. Jackie Miles Editor The Pensacola Voice Pensacola, FL Mr. Francis Page Jr. Publisher Houston Style Magazine Houston, TX

6:15 PM – 6:30 PM

Question & Answer

7:00 PM

The AT&T Family Legacy Awards Dinner Honoring: Presidents of Florida’s HBCUs and The NNPA Chairman, (35+ Years) Introduction of Keynote Speaker Ms. Fran Farrer Publisher The County News Statesville, NC Keynote Speaker:

Pastor Kenneth D. Bevel, MBA Senior Associate Pastor Sherwood Baptist Church Albany, Georgia

Southeast Region 2 Publishers HIV/AIDS Awareness Conference: Caring for Communities of Color

Friday, November 18, 2011 LOCATION: Sheraton Orlando North, Maitland, Florida 7:30 AM – 8:15 AM


8:15 AM – 8:30 AM

General Session Presiding – R. B. Holmes Jr., D.Min. President, Region Two/Southeast NNPA Founder & President, National Save the Family Now Movement, Inc The Capital Outlook Tallahassee, FL

8:30 AM – 10:30 AM

Panel Discussion: Transformative Solutions: From the Laboratory to Community Introduction of Speakers Ms. Cleretta Blackman Publisher Mobile Beacon and Alabama Citizen Mobile, AL Moderator:

Stephanie D. Sweet, MD, FACOG Physician, Solo Practice Obstetrics & Gynecology Renaissance Women‟s Center Nashville, TN


Ciuinal J. Lewis, PhD Project Director, Connect-to-Protect (C2P) Adolescent & Young Adult Medicine Stroger Hospital of Cook County Chicago, IL Melva Lisa McDonald-McGee, M.Ed. Director, HBCU Wellness Project/CoverKids Initiative Meharry Medical College Nashville, TN

10:30 AM – 10:45 AM


10:45 AM – 11:45 AM

Caring for Communities of Color: The Impact of Living with HIV/AIDS

11:45 AM – 12:00 AM


Presiding – R. B. Holmes Jr., D.Min. President, Region Two/Southeast NNPA Founder & President, National Save the Family Now Movement, Inc. The Capital Outlook Tallahassee, FL

Plenary Speaker:

Wilbert C. Jordan, MD, MPH Director, Oasis Clinic Associate Professor, Internal Medicine, Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science Los Angeles, CA

Question & Answer

Southeast Region 2 Publishers HIV/AIDS Awareness Conference: Caring for Communities of Color

Friday, November 18, 2011 LOCATION: Sheraton Orlando North, Maitland, Florida 12:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Lunch and Interactive HIV/AIDS Awareness Discussion: Students and Publishers Introduction of Workshop Speakers Mr. James John French Publisher The Charleston Chronicle Charleston, SC Speakers:

Wilbert C. Jordan, MD, MPH Director, Oasis Clinic Associate Professor, Internal Medicine, Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science Los Angeles, CA Stephanie D. Sweet, MD, FACOG Physician, Solo Practice Obstetrics & Gynecology Renaissance Women‟s Center Nashville, TN

Special Recognition: Program under separate cover 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM

Wrap up: From Here to There: Next Steps The National Black Press Education Project Presiding – R. B. Holmes Jr., D.Min. President, Region Two/Southeast NNPA Founder & President, National Save the Family Now Movement, Inc The Capital Outlook Tallahassee, FL Ms. Jackie Hampton Publisher and Chief Executive Officer Mississippi Link Jackson, MS

2:30 PM - 3:00 PM

“Let’s Build Something Together” “Let’s Build Stronger Black Newspapers” Ms. Rita E. Perry Publisher and Editor Jacksonville Free Press Jacksonville, FL “Let’s Build Homes for Our Veterans” Rev. Dr. Sylvester Hunter Senior Minister Union Baptist Church World Changing Ministries Fort Wayne, Indiana

Southeast Region 2 Publishers HIV/AIDS Awareness Conference: Caring for Communities of Color

Friday, November 18, 2011 LOCATION: Sheraton Orlando North, Maitland, Florida 2:30 PM - 3:00 PM (Cont’d) “Let’s Build Quality Schools for Our Children” Ronald W. Holmes, PhD National Superintendent National Save the Family Now Movement, Inc. Atlanta, GA 3:00 PM – 3:15 PM


3:15 PM – 5:00 PM

Publishers Roundtable: Strategies for Growing Greater Newspapers: How To Increase Sales, Subscriptions & Substantive Stories Presiding – R. B. Holmes Jr., D.Min. President, Region Two/Southeast NNPA Founder & President, National Save the Family Now Movement, Inc The Capital Outlook, Tallahassee, FL Ms. Brenda Andrews Publisher New Journal & Guide Norfolk, VA Ms. Cleretta Blackman Publisher Mobile Beacon and Alabama Citizen Mobile, AL Ms. Fran Farrer Publisher The County News Statesville, NC Mr. James John French Publisher The Charleston Chronicle Charleston, SC Mr. Bobbie R. Henry President, Florida Association of Blacks in Media Publisher, Westside-Gazette, Fort Lauderdale, FL Mr. Floyd Adams, Jr. Publisher, Savannah Herald Savannah, GA Ms. Jackie Hampton Publisher and Chief Executive Officer Mississippi Link Jackson, MS Ms. Rosetta Miller Perry Publisher and Chief Executive Officer Tennessee Tribune Nashville, TN

Southeast Region 2 Publishers HIV/AIDS Awareness Conference: Caring for Communities of Color

Friday, November 18, 2011 LOCATION: Sheraton Orlando North, Maitland, Florida 5:00 PM

Closing Remarks Presiding – R. B. Holmes Jr., D.Min. President, Region Two/Southeast NNPA Founder & President, National Save the Family Now Movement, Inc The Capital Outlook Tallahassee, FL Mr. Cloves C. Campbell Jr. NNPA Chairman Publisher, Arizona Informant Phoenix, AZ


Southeast Region 2 Publishers HIV/AIDS Awareness Conference: Caring for Communities of Color

Southeast Region 2 Publishers’ Conference Speakers Alcendor, Donald J., PhD Assistant Professor, Center for AIDS Health Disparities Research Division of Microbial & Immunology & Obstetrics & Gynecology Meharry Medical College Assistant Professor (Adjunct), Department of Cancer Biology Vanderbilt University Medical Center Nashville, TN Dr. Alcendor completed his post-graduate studies at the NIH and Johns Hopkins University, in Baltimore Maryland in departments of Molecular Virology and Viral Oncology respectively. As a graduate student at the University of California at Davis he received the Patricia Roberts Harris Graduate Fellowship, was a University of California Davis Mentorship Fellow, a National Heart Lung and Blood Institute Pre-doctoral Fellow, a National Heart Lung and Blood Institute Post-doctoral Fellow, a Floyd and Mary Schwall, Dissertation Fellow, a National Heart Lung and Blood Institute Spring Fellow, and a recipient of the Merck Special Service Award. Dr. Alcendor was also a research consultant to the Viral Vector Core Laboratory in Viral Oncology, was and currently remains a Simian Cytomegalovirus Expert for the FDA, Division of Vaccine Injury and Compensation Program for the Department of Health and Human Services in Rockville, Maryland. He has also served as a summer mentor for the Leadership Alliance for the American Society of Microbiology. He has also selected as a Minority Scholar in Cancer Research by the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR). He is also a committee member on the independent Research Evaluation and Decision Panel (REDP) for the AIDS Cancer and Specimen Resource of the NCI-AIDS Malignancy Program. Finally, he organized the 1st and now annual HIV/AIDS awareness Summit for Teens sponsored by the HIV Center at Meharry Medical College. Dr. Alcendor‟s research interest involves Bacterial Vaginosis and Increase Risk for HIV-1 Acquisition; KSHV Regulation of Fibulins in Kaposi‟s sarcoma: Implications for the Role of Extracellular Matrix Proteins in Tumorigenesis (AIDS related malignancy); Identification of Dysregulated Genes in the Brain after HIV Infection: Implications for HIV-associated Dementia; and Models for Cytomegalovirus Induced Congenital Disease. Dr. Alcendor received his B.S., in Microbiology from Southern University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana; M.S. in Bacteriology from Louisiana, State University in Baton, Rouge and completed his doctoral studies in Molecular Virology at the University of California at Davis.

Bevel, Kenneth D., MBA Senior Associate Pastor Sherwood Baptist Church Albany, Georgia

Ken Bevel is a native of Jacksonville, Florida and has been a member of Sherwood Baptist Church since February 2007. After 20 years of active service in the United States Marine Corps, Ken retired to serve in the ministry. He currently assumes the role as the Senior Associate Pastor of Connections and Major Events at Sherwood Baptist Church. His responsibilities include coordination of major events, coordination of the Security, Usher and Greeter ministries and lastly assisting new members and visitors with connecting to the Body of Christ and the Sherwood Family. In addition to his daily responsibilities, Ken may be recognized by his role as Lieutenant Michael Simmons in the 2008 inspirational movie “Fireproof” and for his role as Nathan Hayes in the movie “Courageous.” Ken is a graduate of the University of Memphis with a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Engineering Technology and a graduate of the Naval Postgraduate School with a Master of Business Administration degree in Logistics Management. Ken and Lauana have been happily married for 15 years and have two children, Kyra and Kaleb.

Southeast Region 2 Publishers HIV/AIDS Awareness Conference: Caring for Communities of Color

Southeast Region 2 Publishers’ Conference Speakers Coleman, Saadia A., MS.Ed HIV/AIDS Awareness Advocate Educator City of Boston Public Schools Boston, MA Saadia A. Coleman is a graduate of the Boston Public School system; after high school she attended North Adams State College for one year then transferred to Pine Manor College in Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts where she received a Bachelor of Arts Degree. Following graduation from Pine Manor College, Saadia had the great fortune to work on the state level as the Legislative Aid for the first Black female Senator of Massachusetts for several years. Saadia moved on to work as Program/Project Director for WEATOC Inc. a wonderful organization that works with inner city youth. A primary focus of WEATOC Inc. is to teach youth how to live a healthy life style which includes the fight against HIV/AIDS. Since 1999, Saadia has taught a range of courses within the Boston Public School (BPS) system. While working with BPS Saadia received her Master of Science Degree from Simmons College. Further, she attended Boston University Medical School and received two certificates in their Special Educators Program in Health and Wellness. Since receiving her Master‟s Degree Saadia has continued to take courses at both Northeastern University and Harvard University. The fight against HIV/AID is a personal one for Saadia as she lost her older sister Nina to the AIDS virus. Following the death of her sister SaaNina Inc. was launched in 2003. The company promotes living a healthy life style and stopping the spread of HIV/AIDS. Since its inception, SaaNia Inc. has worked with high schools, national and international professional athletes and athletic organizations. Saadia‟s sincere belief is that “knowledge is power” and has dedicated her life to ensuring that people of all ages have access to learning opportunities. Finally, Saadia has held board appointments and continues to serve on a range of committees: Ted Kennedy Health Academy of Boston, MA, Boys & Girls Club of Boston, MA, Pine Manor College in Chestnut Hill, MA, and the STANDS program at Bunker Hill Community College in Charles Town, MA.

Grant, John H., D.Min. First Vice President National Save the Family Now Movement, Inc. Asheville, NC Dr. John Grant is a native of Cross Hill, South Carolina, born the tenth of ten children to Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Grant, Sr. on July 7, 1954. He was converted, baptized, licensed and ordained into the Gospel Ministry at a young age at the Bethel Baptist Church in Cross Hill. At the age of 19, he was called to pastor his home church and served there for seven years. He served as pastor of the Shoal Creek Baptist Church of Shelby, N.C. from 1980-1989. He has served as pastor of the Historic Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church in downtown Asheville, N.C. since 1989, and the New Covenant Baptist Church of Shelby from 1999-2003. Under Dr. Grant's leadership, Mount Zion is currently implementing a major economic development plan (the 6 & 4 Plan) and a church-wide discipleship training ministry called "Operation Multiplication". Since the church is located in an officially designated blighted and redevelopment area, the plan's purpose is the improvement of the existing church facility, the acquisition and building of additional properties and facilities, for the expansion of the church's ministries to more effectively reach people for Christ to the glory of God. The church has invested more than one million dollars (over and above tithes and offerings) in social and economic development projects through this plan, and many members have been trained to be and make disciples for Jesus Christ.

Southeast Region 2 Publishers HIV/AIDS Awareness Conference: Caring for Communities of Color

Southeast Region 2 Publishers’ Conference Speakers Holmes, Ronald W., PhD National Superintendent National Save the Family Now Movement, Inc. Tallahassee, FL Ronald W. Holmes is President of The Holmes Education Post, LLC, Vice President and Education Editor for Live Communications, Inc. (Capital Outlook Newspaper and WTAL 1450AM) and National Superintendent of Education for the National Save the Family Now Movement, Inc. Dr. Holmes earned a Ph.D. in Educational Leadership, a M.Ed. in Educational Administration and Supervision and a M.E.D. and B.S. in Business Education. Dr. Holmes has a proven success record working as an educational leader from the elementary to the collegiate level. He has experience as a district superintendent, school administrator, college instructor, school teacher and test developer. He is the author of a book entitled, “Education Questions to be Answered.”

Jordan, Wilbert C., MD, MPH Director, Oasis Clinic Associate Professor, Internal Medicine Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science Los Angeles, CA Wilbert C. Jordan, MD, MPH is Associate Professor of Internal Medicine at the Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science in Los Angeles, California. In 1984, he founded what is now known as the OASIS Clinic and AIDS Program at Martin Luther King, Jr. General Hospital in Willowbrook, California, of which he currently is Director. In addition to a private practice in Paramount, California, Dr. Jordan is also an Assistant Professor at the University of California Los Angeles in Los Angeles, California. Dr. Jordan has been involved in the struggle against the AIDS epidemic from its recognition, reporting the first heterosexual case of AIDS in Los Angeles County in 1983 and treating over 3,000 patients with the syndrome. He has been principal investigator or co-principal investigator on numerous trials of HIV treatment regimens and outreach approaches; including an approach he pioneered called “focused intervention”. Dr. Jordan‟s primary interests are HIV outreach and managing HIV and AIDS in the community. He has been Chair of the Los Angeles County Commission on HIV and AIDS and has served on the Los Angeles County HIV Planning Council and the Prevention and Planning Committee since their inceptions. Dr. Jordan has been Medical Director for the Minority AIDS Project and has chaired the Black Los Angeles AIDS Consortium. Dr. Jordan has served on the boards of the AIDS Research Alliance and the Integrated Minority AIDS Network. Dr. Jordan was the first recipient of the Black Entertainment Network (BET) Community Service Pioneers Award in 2002, and in 2003. He was 1 of 5 honorees of the General Motors and BET History Makers program. He also has been a recipient of the Surgeon General’s Award and was named Man of the Year by the Los Angeles Sentinel. Dr. Jordan is a graduate of Harvard College and he received his medical degree from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio and a master of public health degree from the University of California Los Angeles. He completed an internship and residency in internal medicine at Beth Israel Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts and a fellowship in infectious diseases in the Department of Medicine at the University of California Los Angeles, where he was also a Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholar.

Southeast Region 2 Publishers HIV/AIDS Awareness Conference: Caring for Communities of Color

Southeast Region 2 Publishers’ Conference Speakers Lewis, Ciuinal J., PhD Project Director, Connect-to-Protect (C2P) Adolescent & Young Adult Medicine Stroger Hospital of Cook County Chicago, IL Dr. Ciuinal Lewis earned her PhD in Community Psychology in 2011 and is a recipient of the National Louis University College of Arts and Sciences Doctoral Academic Scholarship. She has lectured locally and nationally and published on topics such as, women and corrections, corrections and public health, health disparities and sexually transmitted diseases including HIV/AIDS. Dr. Lewis is currently the Stroger Hospital site; project director of the NICHD funded Adolescent Medicine Trials Network Connect-To-Protect (C2P). C2P is a community mobilization effort to decrease the incidence and prevalence of HIV/AIDS among females ages 13-24 in the Lawndale community. Ciuinal is currently a member of the Illinois Public Health Association, Society for Community Research and Action (SCRA) Community Psychology, Division 27 of the American Psychological Association and the Midwestern Psychological Association. Dr. Lewis was featured in the 2010 -2011 National-Louis Universityâ€&#x;s television and radio enrollment campaign, which was presented by local media including a spot during the Oprah Show. She was also, featured in the 2011, NLU Today Alumni Newsletter. Dr. Lewis was a recent recipient of the Westside Ministers Coalition Award for Outstanding Community Partner. She is also an adjunct professor at National Louis University.

McDonald-McGee, Melva Lisa, M.Ed. Director, HBCU Wellness Project/CoverKids Initiative Meharry Medical College Nashville, TN M. Lisa McDonald McGee, Director of the Meharry Medical College Historically Black Colleges and Universities Wellness Project, has a 25+ year history in social services and healthcare program development, implementation and management. She is a former National Institutes of Health (NIH) Principal Investigator for a chronic disease patient services core with Cincinnati Children's Hospital that included writing and managing a 5 year-dually funded project. She also served as an advisor for the development of standards and procedures for sickle cell disease counseling with the Sickle Cell Disease Association of America. During her tenure at Cincinnati Children's Hospital, she developed several programs that emotionally prepared parents and caregivers of children with sickle cell disease cope optimally and increase opportunities for healthier lives. Her other training encompasses individual and family counseling from Xavier University in Cincinnati where she obtained a M.Ed. in Counseling. She has served on several boards that involved programming for children and families and has held leadership positions in various civic and social organizations. She is a doctoral student at Northeastern University in Boston, MA where she is preparing her dissertation on persistence and retention issues in higher education impacting African American males utilizing social cognitive and critical race theories as strategies for improving graduation rates. She holds memberships in the National Association for Christian Counselors, National Association of Professional Women, and Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.

Southeast Region 2 Publishers HIV/AIDS Awareness Conference: Caring for Communities of Color

Southeast Region 2 Publishers’ Conference Speakers Sweet, Stephanie D., MD, FACOG Physician, Solo Practice Obstetrics & Gynecology Renaissance Women‟s Center Nashville, TN Dr. Stephanie Sweet has been dedicated to women‟s healthcare for many years and has been practicing gynecology in the Nashville community since 2000. She has always been described as a patient advocate and known for her commitment to education not only for her patient‟s but also their families and the African American community. In response to the rising rates of HIV/AIDS especially in African American women, she launched a concerted effort in 2004 to dispel fear and myths about HIV and sexually transmitted diseases and replace them with information and methods for prevention. This developed into a program titled SEXPOSURE™ that she has been invited to present for numerous organizations including schools, churches, sororities, and teams with the National Football League®. Recognizing that the black church was essential to the conversation on prevention, she co-founded the Spread the Word coalition in 2005 whose membership consists of several pastors from the local community. Women’s Health Bites is another program that she initiated in 2007 as a „lunch and learn‟ environment to discuss numerous topics that affect the overall health of women. Most recently, Dr. Sweet was a featured speaker on The Building Families and Communities Show on Channel 19 in July of 2011 where the topic of discussion was “Impact of Self Image on Women’s Health and Well-being”. Dr. Sweet is an avid believer that faith and healing are intricately bound in assuring the well-being of all humankind.

About the Sponsors National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA) The National Newspaper Publishers Association, (NNPA) also known as The Black Press of America, is a 69 year old federation of more than 200 Black community newspapers from across the United States and the Virgin Islands. NNPA newspapers have a combined readership of 15 million and the organization has forged ahead into the digital age with the creation of an electronic news service and the BlackPressUSA.com web site that enables the Black Press to provide real-time news and information to its constituency. Thus, NNPA - the Black Press of America - continues to fulfill a declaration which was set forth by Rev. Samuel Cornish and John B. Russwurm, editors of the first newspaper produced by Black Americans, called 'Freedom's Journal', "We wish to plead our own cause."

Meharry Medical College Meharry Medical College founded in 1876, is the nation‟s largest private, independent historically black academic health center dedicated to educating minority and other health professionals. True to its heritage, it is a United Methodist Church affiliated institution. The College is particularly well known for its uniquely nurturing, highly effective educational programs; emerging preeminence in health disparities research; culturally sensitive, evidencebased health services and significant contribution to the diversity of the nation‟s health professions workforce. Diverse Issues in Higher Education‟s ranking of institutions annually lists Meharry as a leading national educator of African Americans with M.D. and D.D.S. degrees and Ph.D. degrees in the biomedical sciences. Visit www.mmc.edu to learn more.

Southeast Region 2 Publishers HIV/AIDS Awareness Conference: Caring for Communities of Color

Southeast Region 2 Publishers’ Conference Speakers Floyd Adams, Jr. Publisher Savannah Herald 1803 Barnard Street Savannah, GA 31401 912-232-4505 news@savannahherald.net

Saadia A. Coleman, MS.Ed Educator City of Boston Public Schools 126 Walter Street Roslindale, MA 02131 617-286-6071 saanina8@gmail.com

Donald J. Alcendor, PhD Assistant Professor Meharry Medical College Center for AIDS Health Disparities Research & Department of Microbiology and Immunology & Obstetrics and Gynecology Hubbard Hospital 5th Floor Rm. 5025 1005 Dr. D.B. Todd Jr. Blvd. Nashville, TN 37208 615-327-6449 dalcendor@mmc.edu

Goren Dillard National Advertising and Marketing, NNPA Chicago, IL

Brenda Andrews Publisher New Journal & Guide 974 Norfolk Square Norfolk, VA 23502 757-543-6531 njguide@gmail.com

Linda T. Fortenberry, Ph.D. Director of Education and Institutional Development Bethel Missionary Baptist Church 224 North Martin Luther King, Jr., Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32301 850-681-0990 or 850-222-8440 LFortenberry@betheltally.org

Kenneth D. Bevel, MBA Senior Associate Pastor Connections & Major Events Sherwood Baptist Church 2201 Whispering Pines Road Albany, Georgia 229-883-1910 KenBevel@SherwoodPictures.com

James John French Publisher The Charleston Chronicle 1109 King Street Charleston, SC 29403 843-723-2785

Cleretta Blackman Publisher Mobile Beacon and Alabama Citizen 2311 Costarides Street Mobile, AL 36617 251-479-0629 Cloves C. Campbell Jr. NNPA Chairman Publisher Arizona Informant 1301 E. Washington Street Phoenix, AZ 85034 602-257-9300

Fran Farrer Publisher The County News 211 S. Center Street, Ste. 307 Statesville, NC 28677 704-873-1054 publisher@countynews4you.com

John H. Grant, D.Min. First Vice President National Save the Family Now Movement, Inc. 47 Eagle Street Asheville, NC 28801 828-252-0515 mtzionmissionary@bellsouth.net Jackie Hampton, Publisher Chief Executive Officer Mississippi Link 2659 Livingston Road Jackson, MS 39213 PO Box 11307 Jackson, MS 39293 601-896-0084 jlinkads@bellsouth.net

Southeast Region 2 Publishers HIV/AIDS Awareness Conference: Caring for Communities of Color

Southeast Region 2 Publishers’ Conference Speakers Bobbie R. Henry President, Florida Association of Blacks in Media Publisher, Westside-Gazette 545 NW 7th Terrace Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311 954-525-1489 wgazette@bellsouth.net R. B. Holmes, Jr., D.Min., Publisher Founder & President, National Save the Family Now Movement, Inc. The Capital Outlook 1363 East Tennessee St. Tallahassee, FL 32308 850-877-0105 rbholmes1@vzw.blackberry.net President of National Newspapers Publishers Association (NNPA) Region 2 Ronald W. Holmes, PhD National Superintendent National Save the Family Now Movement, Inc. 1104 Lexington Drive Roswell, GA 30075 850-681-0990 rwholmes@capitaloutlook.com Michael A House President, Chicago Defender 445 S. King Drive Chicago, IL 60653 312-225-9231 mhouse@chicagodefender.com Rev. Dr. Sylvester Hunter Senior Minister Union Baptist Church World Changing Ministries 2200 Smith St. Fort Wayne, Indiana 46803 260-456-3421

Phillip Jeter, Ph.D. Professor and Department Chair Department of Mass Communications Winston-Salem State University 601 S. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive Hall Patterson 314 Winston-Salem, NC 27110 336-750-2310 jeterph@wssu.edu Wilbert Jordan, MD, MPH Associate Professor, Charles R. Drew University and Director, Oasis Clinic/Los Angeles County 12021 S. Wilmington Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90059 (310) 668-4213 tojo44@aol.com Wanda F. Lester, PhD Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs N.C. A&T State University 1601 E. Market Street Dowdy Administration Building, Ste 315 Greensboro, NC, 27411 336-256-0542 lesterw@ncat.edu Ciuinal J. Lewis, PhD Project Director C2P Stroger Hospital of Cook County Adolescent & Young Adult Medicine 1900 W. Polk Street #1108 Chicago, IL 60612 312-864-3580 ciuinal@aol.com Pat Matthews-Juarez, PhD Professor Department of Family and Community Medicine Director, Research Training Core NIMHD /Health Disparities Research Center of Excellence at Meharry Meharry Medical College 1005 Dr. D. B. Todd Jr., Blvd Nashville, TN 37208 (615) 327-6415 pmatthews-juarez@mmc.edu

Southeast Region 2 Publishers HIV/AIDS Awareness Conference: Caring for Communities of Color

Southeast Region 2 Publishers’ Conference Speakers Melva Lisa McDonald McGee, M.Ed. Director, HBCU Wellness Project/CoverKids Initiative Meharry Medical College 1005 Dr. D.B. Todd Jr. Blvd Nashville, TN 37208 615-327-6089 mmcdonald@mmc.edu Jackie Miles Editor The Pensacola Voice 213 E. Yonge St. Pensacola, FL 32503 850-434-6963 Info@pensacolavoice.com Dante E. Mozie, MS Instructor Department of English and Modern Languages South Carolina State University 300 College Street NE Orangeburg SC 29117 803-536-7000 mozie.dante@gmail.com Francis Page Jr. Publisher Houston Style Magazine PO Box 14035 Houston, TX 77221 713-748-6300 editorial@stylemagazine.com Rita E. Perry Publisher and Editor, Jacksonville Free Press 903 Edgewood Avenue W Jacksonville, FL 32208 904-634-1993 Rosetta Miller Perry, Publisher Chief Executive Officer Tennessee Tribune 1501 Jefferson St. Nashville, TN 37208 615-321-3268 rmp1934@aol.com

Melinda L. Shelton, M.J. Director, Student Publications Department of Communications Xavier University of Louisiana 1 Drexel Drive Xavier South 110B New Orleans, LA 70125 504-520-5096 mshelton@xula.edu Andrew J. Skerritt Assistant Professor School of Journalism & Graphic Communication Florida A&M University 510 Orr Drive, Suite 3030 Tallahassee, FL 32307 850-599-3840 andrew.skerritt@famu.edu Stephanie D. Sweet, MD, FACOG Physician, Solo Practice Obstetrics & Gynecology Renaissance Womenâ€&#x;s Center 2900 Felicia Street, Suite 101 Nashville, TN 37209 615-340-0036 doc2sweet@comcast.net Toni W. Terrett, Esq. Associate Professor Department of Mass Communications Alcorn State University 1000 ASU DRIVE ALCORN, MISSISSIPPI 39096 (601) 877-6557 terrett@alcorn.edu Valerie White, Ph.D. Assistant Professor School of Journalism & Graphic Communication Florida A&M University 510 Orr Drive Suite 4003, Room 3027, Third Floor Tallahassee, FL 32307 850-412-5404 valerie.white@famu.edu

Southeast Region 2 Publishers HIV/AIDS Awareness Conference: Caring for Communities of Color

Planning and Implementation Committee Members National Newspapers Publishers Association (NNPA) Region 2

Meharry Medical College: NIMHD /Health Disparities Research Center of Excellence at Meharry

R. B. Holmes, Jr., D.Min., Publisher President, National Save the Family Now Movement, Inc. The Capital Outlook 1363 East Tennessee St. Tallahassee, FL 32308 850-877-0105 rbholmes1@vzw.blackberry.net

Pat Matthews-Juarez, PhD Professor Department of Family and Community Medicine Director, Research Training Core NIMHD /Health Disparities Research Center of Excellence at Meharry Meharry Medical College 1005 Dr. D. B. Todd Jr., Blvd Nashville, TN 37208 (615) 327-6415 pmatthews-juarez@mmc.edu

President of National Newspapers Publishers Association (NNPA) Region 2 Rosetta Miller Perry, Publisher Chief Executive Officer Tennessee Tribune 1501 Jefferson St. Nashville, TN 37208 615-321-3268 rmp1934@aol.com Jackie Hampton, Publisher Chief Executive Officer Mississippi Link 2659 Livingston Road Jackson, MS 39213 PO Box 11307 Jackson, MS 39293 601-896-0084 jlinkads@bellsouth.net

Monique Anthony, MPH, CHES Program Coordinator NIMHD/Health Disparities Research Center of Excellence at Meharry Meharry Medical College 1005 Dr. D. B. Todd Jr., Blvd Nashville, TN 37208 (615) 327-6157 manthony@mmc.edu Janet M. Caldwell, MS Associate Vice President of Marketing & Communications Meharry Medical College 1005 Dr. D.B. Todd Jr. Blvd. Nashville, TN 37208 615-327-6851 jcaldwell@mmc.edu Cynthia Yeldell Anderson, MS Media Relations Director Meharry Medical College 1005 Dr. D.B. Todd Jr. Blvd. Nashville, TN 37208 615-327-6986 cyeldell@mmc.edu

Southeast Region 2 Publishers HIV/AIDS Awareness Conference: Caring for Communities of Color

NNPA Southeast Region 2 Publishers’ HIV/AIDS Awareness Conference: Caring for Communities of Color Registration 2011

November 17-18, 2011 Sheraton Orlando North 600 North Lake Destiny Drive Maitland, Florida 32751 Thank you for registering to attend the NNPA Southeast Region 2 Publishers’ HIV/AIDS Awareness Conference. There is no cost associated with registration. Registration will include educational materials, printed materials, meals, and breaks. Full Name: Last: First: School/Organization Name: School/Organization Phone: Address: City: State: Zip: Email: Home Phone: Mobile Phone: Conference Information: Please select the type of registration you would like: Full Conference Registration

Student Full Conference Registration

One Day Registration

Student One Day Registration

Meals All Full Conference Registration fees include the following meals: Thursday: Continental breakfast and lunch Friday: Continental breakfast and lunch Dietary Needs Vegetarian Meals Non-Vegetarian Meals Housing Room block available at the Sheraton Orlando North under “Save the Family Now NNPA”. Group rates: $70 until November 9, 2011. For further information, please go to: http://hdresearchtraining.net/ . If there are any questions regarding registration, please contact Monique Anthony, 615-327-6157.

Funding for this conference was made possible (in part) by 5P20MD000516 from the National Center on Minority Health and Health Disparities and (in part) by 5U65PS003138-02 from the National Newspaper Publishers Associations. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Center on Minority Health and Health Disparities or the National Institute of Health.

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