This project is based on proposed multi-purpose studio hall off Oke Ose community central mosques Ilorin. Kwara state is one of the 36 states in Nigeria, in which Ilorin is the Capital; in Kwara state we have several higher institutions which include university of Ilorin, Kwara State Polytechnic, Federal Polytechnic Offa, College of Education Oro, Kwara State University Ilorin and also College of Education Ilorin. TELEVISION STUDIO A television studio is an installation in which video production take place, either for the recording of live television to video tape, or for the acquisition of raw footage for post production.
STUDIO FLOOR A studio floor is the actual stage on which the actions that will be recorded take place. Studio floor has the following characteristics and installations:- Decoration or sets - Professional video camera (sometimes one usually several) on pedestals. - Microphones - Stage lightning rigs and the associated controlling equipment. - Several video monitors for visual feedback from the production control room (PCR). - A small public address system for communication - A glass window between PCR and studio floor for direct visual contract is usually desired, but not always possible while a production is in progress, people composing a television crew work studio floor. PRODUCTION CONTROL ROOM The studio control room (SCR) is the place in a television studio in which the compositions of the outgoing program take
place. The production control room is occasionally also called a studio room. MASTER CONTROL ROOM The mater control room, house equipment that is too noisy or runs too hot for the production control room (PCR). It also makes sure that coax cable and other wire lengths and installation requirement keep within manageable lengths since most highquality wiring runs only between devices in this room. OTHER FACILITIES A television studio usually has other rooms with no technical requirement beyond broadcast reference monitors and studio monitors for audio. Among them are:- One or more make-up and changing rooms. - A reception area for crew, toilet and visitors, commonly called the green room. The design term on consultancy, services headed by the Architects, civil engineers, who carry out the design, this process are a planned office works into the requirement of the client. The
production of a building in a more economical, quick and orderly manner, other professional function along side with the architect for the cost implication and preparation of bill of quantities (BOQ). The expected professional needed at the stage is the quantity surveyor. His concern is the economics of all resources such as labor, plant materials and financial aspect in order to produce building in the quick and economical manner because many building today have not been completed.
1.1 DESCRIPTION OF WORKS These projects consist of construction and erection of the proposed Multi-Purpose studio Hall situated at Oke-Ose community at University of Ilorin teaching hospital Ilorin Kwara State, Nigeria. The
constructed on loamy soil of about 28,410 in length and 13,820 widths.
The construction is formed on plain over site concrete floor is of reinforce concrete slab (150mm thick). The walls are 230mm tick concrete block. The roofing used in long san aluminum roofing sheet fixed a roofing structure, plumbing installation, electrical installation complete etc.
1.2 AIM AND OBJECTIVES The major aim of the study is to estimate and budget for proposed Multi studio hall at Oke Ose community, Ilorin. OBJECTIVES - To understand bill operation of taking off process, abstraction bill drafting and pricing. - To understand the process of site feasibility report. - To understand the process of given pre-construction cost of any proposed project. 1.3 SCOPE OF THE PROJECT
The scope of the project is to prepare a draft bill of quantities for a proposed multipurpose studio hall. However, the limitation may not be accurate as a result of: - Inability of conduct proper site investigation. - Inability of conduct the architect that designs the project
Estimating And Budgeting A Medium Scale Building Project