In the 21st century - health is a shared responsibility involving a live of cooperating health professionals and a growing list of applied professional with afocus on the overall interest of the patient and society. We therefore urge the presidential committee to request from the would body and the perspectives of the progressive hold on the role research for each identified stakeholder in healthcare delivery. Healthcare is not the only, 10 even the strongest determined of health, but it is very important. Traditionally, healthcare has been delivered in what is best described as a multidisciplinary model of teamwork. In this each member of the healthcare team fulfilled a certain well defined and predetermined role with little or no overlap between the activities of team member. More recently this model has earned into one of interdisciplinary team care. Whereby, the members of the team work collaboratively together to help ensure optimum care and out comes (would health organization, 2002). Health information is essential for good healthcare – their quality depend on accurate and prompt documentation of care provided and regular analysis of contest. Good quality healthcare data play a vital role in planning, development and maintenance of optimal healthcare. Health information manager, (HIM) professionals are healthcare providers determined to the effective and efficient management of patient health information and
healthcare data needed to declare high quality treatment and care to the patient. Healthcare is undergoing a fundamental shift from free-for-service to value base delivery and payment, creating increasing change in markets, financing and regulation. Reimbursement is deceiving and shifting to at risk contracting. The impact of expanded healthcare access remain unknown. But what everyone agrees on is that success in a value information across the care continuum. this is placing extraordinary pressure on legacy health information management model, and departmental infrastructure (Juan Bill 2014). Despite progress made in moving from paper to digital record. Health information management remains highly decentralized, for example. Health information management has historically manage health records, excusive of other records the facility level while the types of critical information and data (both clinical and operational continue to be managed at the department of functional level, without the benefit of enterprise reflecting best practices). Today, personally inventitiable health record data must be linked across the continuum exchange into a rage of providers and shared with patients. That means these additional sources of information need to be linked with electronic health record (EHR) data-with so may compartmentalized pockets of information it can be difficulty to identify and in turn integrate data from all.
STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM It is generally observe that health information managers is facing many challenges that
need to be considered and addressed in order for the progression to remain relevant, be responsible to change and continue to add value to healthcare system. The strength of health information managers depend on their academic level. The level on health information management professional attain in academic enable him or her to gain more knowledge in time profession because their strength tends to affect the quality of healthcare delivered.
The issues and concerns in relation to health information managers efficiency in healthcare delivery system of not address leads to foot management and maintenance of patient health records, when equipment are not available, it affect the health information managers to function effectively. Training of health information managers and setting up of knowledge practice is one of the major problem fixed by professionals, when health information managers are retained while in service. It improved their knowledge level in the professional field.
OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY The major objective was to investigate “The Role of Health Information Managers in
Healthcare Delivery System”. While the specific objective is below: i. ii.
To assess the strength of health information managers, and their academic level. To verify factors affecting the efficiency of health information managers in the health
centre. To examine the availability of equipment for effective and efficiency functioning of
health information managers. To evaluate the knowledge level of health information management staff (HIMs) in their practice.
What are the strength of health information managers in their academic
level in their
profession? 2.
What are the factors affecting the efficiency of health information managers in the hospital?
What are the equipment available for the effective and efficient functioning of health information managers.
What are the knowledge level of it 1m through knowledge practice.
SCOPE OF THE STUDY The researcher aimed at the study “The role of health information managers in the health
care delivery system” A case study of University of Uyo Health Centre, in Akwa Ibom State. Data collection will be limited to the information gathered from the research instrument administered on the study population to assess, the importance of health information managers in the healthcare system. The University of Uyo Health centre, Uyo started on 1.6
SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY This study will be beneficial to the physicians, nurses, patient, researches, health
information managers and other paramedical staff in the health centre. TO PHYSICIAN/DOCTORS i. Doctors rely on complete and accurate data in order to make decisions about patient care because without complete historical information of a patient, treatment plans will be deficient to make. TO THE NURSE i. It enable nurses track the patient coming to the health centre to know the health outcomes. ii. The information gotten from the patient records become the basis for evidence and knowledge to share health action. TO THE PATIENTS i. To improved patient’s rarefy and quality treatment received by the patients in the health centre.
ii. It also improved quality care and convenience of patient care given to the patients. TO THE RESEARCHERS i. ii.
It will serves as a references print to researchers for better option for pre-hospital care. It helps in planning or budgeting for future treatment option
It will enable the health information managers recognized their responsibilities as been
important in healthcare delivery system. It health them influence policies on how they want data to be collected, stored, retrieved, used and analyzed.
To other part-medical staff/the management i.
It enable the paramedical staff/the management to increase practice effectively and
efficiency. It strengthened their capacity for critical statistical analysis because they understand the need for the local data.
The Role: The reaction or position that somebody is e to have in an organization, society
or in a relation Health: Health can be defined base on World Health Organization (WHO) as the state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing of an individual not merely the absence of
disease or infirmity. Information: Information can be defined as one or more message that can control department in complained or guide the people who wove for them, managers must often
make decisions about manager. Managers: A manager is a person who is in-charge or manage something department in an
5. 6.
organization by making proper and better treatment of patient in the hospital. Effective: It simply means producing the result that of expected or intended. Care: This is the provision of what is necessary for the health, welfare maintenance and protection of patient in the hospital and providing what they need.
Health Care: This is the maintenance or improvement of health survey the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease, illness, and other physical and mental impairments in
patients Delivery: It is a set of attributes that characterizes the capability of the access mechanism, the preferences, of the upper and other aspects of the course into which a resource to be
delivered. Health Delivery: This is the services reduced by members of the health profession such as (physician, nurses, pharmacists, health information managers, medical laboratory scientist etc.) for the statement of facts that the received by a human and that some form of work to
10. 11.
the recipient. System: An organized set of ideas or theorize, or particular way or doing something. Management:It is the act a skill of controlling and making decision about a business,
department etc. Health Information: It is a written document that contains the information of patient and are kept in hospital, comprehensive health centre and clinic for the effective treatment of
the patients. Health Information Management: It is the practice of acquiring, analyzing and protecting
digital and traditional health or medical information vital to providing amenity patient care. Health Information Manager: These are professions that are well trained in the skills and competences in health data management policy, information system, administration and clinical work flow.
EDITOR SOURCE: the role of health information managers in healthcare delivery system