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First Rate Third Floor

The first day of the new semester surprised the WRA community with a special installation that quietly came to life while students and faculty were home enjoying the holidays. As students ascended the fabled staircase of Seymour Hall to its third floor, a new twist to the storied space revealed itself in the form of dozens of photos that had been quite intentionally enhanced to show Reserve pride. Think Sandro Botticelli’s “The Birth of Venus” in a green blazer; Vincent van Gogh’s “The Starry Night” with the Chapel in the foreground; Eleven from Netflix’s “Stranger Things” donning the green; Rosie the Riveter with a green bandana; a triumphant Muhammad Ali in the ring, wearing the Reserve jersey; the iconic Beatles “Abbey Road” album cover with the Fab Four in formal school dress (well, minus Paul’s bare feet, of course); Michelle Kwan on the ice, her arms held high, dressed in green. Topics and iconic images span history, pop culture, world cultures, entertainment, art and more to express our collective inspiration and aspiration as a school community. A label hanging alongside the artworks summarizes the project by asking the question, “How would you paint the portrait of a Pioneer?” It reads: In this series, you’ll see heroes and history makers, masterpieces and record breakers, celebrities and some of the most iconic images in our collective memory. They wear Reserve Green, our symbol New project enlivens Seymour Hall’s top floor with a wink and a more than a touch of green