AXA Angel Risk Management - Target Market Statement Feb 2023

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The purpose of this document is to explain the identified target market and the expected distribution strategyforeachinsuranceproductmanufacturedbyAXAXL Specifically,itprovidesinformationona productcategorylevelabout themainfeaturesand optionalcoversassociatedwith eachproductand clarifies who our products are designed for and who they are not appropriate for. This Target Market Statement also explains the way our products should be distributed and provides information around the complexity of our products and how to ensure that a product provides fair value to our customers asintended.

ProductName: ContingencyCancellationandAbandonment





Target market – are there any specific characteristics, including, customer vulnerability,thatyoushouldbeawareof?

What are the key value elements/ characteristics of the product that are important for the target market (including notableexclusions)?

Commercial Lines general insurance product suitable for small and medium sized businesses, clubs,groupsorindividuals


Events outside the UK and/or events with over 5,000attendees

Ascertainednetlossshouldanyinsuredevent(s) becancelled,abandoned,postponed, interrupted,curtailedorrelocated.


The product covers the ascertained net loss should any insured event(s) be cancelled, abandoned,postponed,interrupted,curtailedor relocated, which cancellation, abandonment, interruption,curtailmentorrelocationisthesole and direct result of a cause not otherwise excluded which occurs during the period of insurance and is beyond control of both the participantandthecustomer.


AXAXLInsuranceCompanyUKLimited 20GracechurchStreet,London,EC3V0BG,UnitedKingdom Telephone:+44(0)2076260486 Fax:+44(0) Registeredoffice:20GracechurchStreet,London,EC3V0BGRegisteredinEnglandNo5328622 AXAXLInsuranceCompanyUKLimitedisauthorisedbythePrudentialRegulationAuthorityandregulatedbytheFinancialConductAuthorityand thePrudentialRegulationAuthority. 1

The policy does not cover any loss directly or indirectly arising out of, contributed to by or resulting from (please see the policy wording for moredetail):

• AdverseWeather

• Alterationofinsuredevent

• Biologicalorchemicalmaterials

• Constructionworkon-site

• Contractualliability

• Customsregulation

• Disease

• Expensesandgrossrevenue

• Financial failure

• Inadequateresponseorattendance

• Lackofcareorprudentbehaviour

• National,courtorreligiousmourning

• Non-appearance

• Nuclearrisk

• Pollutionand/orcontamination

• Reductioninattendance

• Repatriation, deportation or permit refusal

• Riotorcivilcommotion

• Temporarystructures

• Terrorism

• Traderisks

• War

Doestheproductincludeoptionalcovers? No

Howshouldthisproductbedistributed? This product is distributed via the online quote and buy platform to around 1000 specialist brokers.

What should distributors do to ensure the product provides fair value to the end customer?

To ensure the customer receives fair value for this product, care must be taken to ensure no duplicate cover exists or is caused by an add-on where that cover is already provided by the policy.Commission,fees,orchargespassedonto the customer must be proportionate to the serviceprovidedandprovidefairvalue.

How can the product be sold? Can it be sold withoutadvice?


We would suggest that this product can be sold facetofaceorviatelephone. This product can be sold with or without advice depending on your preference and in line with FCAregulations.

AXA XL has established a product governance process to oversee the design, approval, and review of all our products in line with the requirements of the FCA’s Product Intervention andProductGovernanceSourcebook(‘PROD’).

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New product developments and changes to existing products are taken through a formal productapprovalprocesswhichisdesignedto:

• Identifythetargetmarketandits needs.

• Review policy wording and customer facing documentation to ensure it is clear, fair, andnotmisleading

• consider the needs of any vulnerable customers;and

• monitorpost-salesperformance.

• Onceaneworamendedproductis introducedtothemarket,AXAXLwillannually reviewtheproductonafairvalueassessment basis,usingkeyperformancemetricstoseeif anyremedialactionsarerequiredandtomake sureitremainssuitableforcustomersinthe identifiedtargetmarket.

If, as a distributor of AXA XL products, you consider one of our products may be failing to meet customers’ needs or is potentially unclear you can help us by providing feedback through yourusualpointofcontactatAXAXL.

AdditionalProductLiterature: This document is to be read in conjunction with theappropriatepolicywording.

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The purpose of this document is to explain the identified target market and the expected distribution strategyforeachinsuranceproductmanufacturedbyAXAXL Specifically,itprovidesinformationona productcategorylevelabout themainfeaturesand optionalcoversassociatedwith eachproductand clarifies who our products are designed for and who they are not appropriate for. This Target Market Statement also explains the way our products should be distributed and provides information around the complexity of our products and how to ensure that a product provides fair value to our customers asintended.


ProductType: Commercial Lines general insurance product suitableforbusinesscustomers


This product is designed for businesses, with turnover up to £10m, that operate digital technology or have an online presence or store and handle sensitive user and customer data. Standard insurance policies of Cyber Insurance don’ttypicallycoverthelossordamageofdigital assets


This product is not designed for any customers who do not use a computer or mobile device for theirday-to-dayworkorstoreprivateorsensitive data such as employee, customer or payment card information on a network or cloud. This product is also not suitable for consumers as definedbytheFCA.Aconsumerisclassedasany person who is acting for purposes which are outsidetheirtradeorprofession.


This product is designed for customers who require insurance protection against the financial impact of cyber risks, such as hacker attacks, ransomware, social engineering fraud, denialofserviceattacks,reputationaldamageor compensationclaimsmadeagainstthebusiness

AXAXLInsuranceCompanyUKLimited 20GracechurchStreet,London,EC3V0BG,UnitedKingdom Telephone:+44(0)2076260486 Fax:+44(0) Registeredoffice:20GracechurchStreet,London,EC3V0BGRegisteredinEnglandNo5328622 AXAXLInsuranceCompanyUKLimitedisauthorisedbythePrudential RegulationAuthorityandregulatedbytheFinancialConductAuthorityand thePrudentialRegulationAuthority. 1

Target market – are there any specific characteristics, including, customer vulnerability,thatyoushouldbeawareof?

What are the key value elements/ characteristics of the product that are important for the target market (including notableexclusions)?

for failing to keep personal or commercial data secure.

Having a comprehensive cyber-insurance policy notonlyprovidesfinancialprotectioniftheworst happens, but also provides access to expert advice and support when an incident occurs, such as IT, legal, forensic and media relations to minimise the disruption to the business and any reputationaldamage.

Individuals or companies under financial strain e.g., due to the impact of the pandemic may not beabletoaffordpremiumsonanongoingbasis.


• Thisproductcoversmultimediainternet liability, security and privacy liability, privacy notification and crisis management costs, emergency response costs, extortion demands, regulatory investigations, business interruption,lossofelectronicdata.

• This insurance offers worldwide cover excludingtheUSAandCanada.


• Claims or circumstances known prior to theperiodofinsurance

• AcquisitionsandSales

• Actual or alleged bodily injury but will not exclude mental anguish or emotional distress caused as a result of apublicationbreachordatabreach

• Liability assumed by you under any contract or agreement, including any guaranteesorwarranties

• ERISA/Securities

• Fraudanddishonesty

• Payment Card Industry (PCI) Fines and Assessments

• Any failure to install and maintain automatically provided updates from thesoftwareproviderfor

• businesscriticalsoftware

• Wearandtearorfailureofanyelectrical equipmentinnormaluse

• A claim made by you or on your behalf againstyou

• Legal proceedings brought in a court of lawoutsidethejurisdictionstatedinthe

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schedule or brought in a court of law within the jurisdiction stated in the schedule to enforce a judgement or order made in any court of law outside thejurisdictionstatedintheschedule

• Any governmental, quasi-governmental or regulatory action or investigation, except with respect the cover offered under the Regulatory Investigation InsuringClause

• Any actual or alleged physical damage or destruction of any tangible property, includingresultinglossofuse.

Doestheproductincludeoptionalcovers? No.

Howshouldthisproductbedistributed? This product should be sold with the active assistance and guidance of an insurance intermediary to select the appropriate level of cover.Thisproductshouldnotbesolddirectlyto customerswithoutthisassistance.

What should distributors do to ensure the product provides fair value to the end customer?

To ensure the customer receives fair value for this product, care must be taken to ensure no duplicate cover exists or is caused by an add-on where that cover is already provided by the policy.Commission,fees,orchargespassedonto the customer must be proportionate to the serviceprovidedandprovidefairvalue.

How can the product be sold? Can it be sold withoutadvice?


We would suggest that this product can be sold facetofaceorviatelephone. This product can be sold with or without advice depending on your preference and in line with FCAregulations.

AXA XL has established a product governance process to oversee the design, approval, and review of all our products in line with the requirements of the FCA’s Product Intervention andProductGovernanceSourcebook(‘PROD’).

New product developments and changes to existing products are taken through a formal productapprovalprocesswhichis designedto:

• Identifythetargetmarketanditsneeds.

• Review policy wording and customer facing documentation to ensure it is clear, fair, andnotmisleading

• consider the needs of any vulnerable customers;and

• monitorpost-salesperformance.

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• Once a new or amended product is introduced to the market, AXA XL will annually review the product on a fair value assessment basis,usingkeyperformancemetricstoseeifany remedialactionsarerequiredandtomakesureit remains suitable for customers in the identified targetmarket.

If, as a distributor of AXA XL products, you consider one of our products may be failing to meet customers’ needs or is potentially unclear you can help us by providing feedback through yourusualpointofcontactatAXAXL.

AdditionalProductLiterature: This document is to be read in conjunction with theappropriatepolicywording

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The purpose of this document is to explain the identified target market and the expected distribution strategyforeachinsuranceproductmanufacturedbyAXAXL Specifically,itprovidesinformationona productcategorylevelabout themainfeaturesand optionalcoversassociatedwith eachproductand clarifies who our products are designed for and who they are not appropriate for. This Target Market Statement also explains the way our products should be distributed and provides information around the complexity of our products and how to ensure that a product provides fair value to our customers asintended.

ProductName: DirectorsandOfficers

ProductType: Commercial Lines general insurance product suitableforsmallandmediumsizedbusinesses


Small/Medium Sized Companies including but notlimitedtomanufacturing,construction,nonprofitorganisationsandresidents’associations

Whoistheproductnotappropriatefor? Sole Traders / Partnerships/ Organisations with turnoverover£100m


Target market – are there any specific characteristics, including, customer vulnerability,thatyoushouldbeawareof?

What are the key value elements/ characteristics of the product that are important for the target market (including notableexclusions)?

ThisisaDirectorsandOfficersPolicy. Covering companies/notforprofitOrganisations directors,officers,trusteesandseniormanagers againstclaimsarisingfromtheirdecisionsand actionstakenwhilstmanagingtheirbusiness.

Companiesunderfinancialstraine.g.,duetothe impactofthepandemicmaynotbeabletoafford premiumsonanongoingbasis.

DirectorsandOfficersInsurance&/orTrustees LiabilityInsurance


• Losses that arise from a claim against a director and/or trustee in their capacity assuch

• Any sums paid to or held liable to pay thedirectorand/ortrusteebywayofan

AXAXLInsuranceCompanyUKLimited 20GracechurchStreet,London,EC3V0BG,UnitedKingdom Telephone:+44(0)2076260486 Fax:+44(0) Registeredoffice:20GracechurchStreet,London,EC3V0BGRegisteredinEnglandNo5328622 AXAXLInsuranceCompanyUKLimitedisauthorisedbythe PrudentialRegulationAuthorityandregulatedbytheFinancialConductAuthorityand thePrudentialRegulationAuthority. 1


advancement or reimbursement in relation to the director’s and/or trustee’s liability or an employment practiceswrongfulact

• Shareholdersderivativecosts

• Defence costs incurred by the director and/or trustee in connection with an identitytheftclaim

• Extensions include additional excess protection for the customer’s board, automatic acquisition cover, corporate manslaughter, difference in conditions, discovery period, emergency costs, outsideboards,personalappointments, regulatory crisis costs, retirement runoff, spouse/estates, takeovers and mergersrun-off,corporatelegalliability and/or organisational and professional liabilityextension


• Severability: Conduct of one insured person cannot be imputed to another insuredperson

• Narrow bodily injury exclusion: with carve backs for emotional distress from libel or slander, as well as for investigationandcriminaldefencecosts

• Propertydamage

• Pollutionexceptfordefencecosts

• USAand/orCanada

• Pension administrator (other than money purchase or employee benefit scheme)

• WarandTerrorism

Corporate Liability/ Professional Indemnity and EmploymentPracticesLiabilityextensions

Howshouldthisproductbedistributed? This product is distributed via the online quote and buy platform to around 1000 specialist brokers.

What should distributors do to ensure the product provides fair value to the end customer?

How can the product be sold? Can it be sold withoutadvice?

To ensure the customer receives fair value for this product, care must be taken to ensure no duplicate cover exists or is caused by an add-on where that cover is already provided by the policy.Commission,fees,orchargespassedonto the customer must be proportionate to the serviceprovidedandprovidefairvalue.

We would suggest that this product can be sold facetofaceorviatelephone.

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This product can be sold with or without advice depending on your preference and in line with FCAregulations.

AXA XL has established a product governance process to oversee the design, approval, and review of all our products in line with the requirements of the FCA’s Product Intervention andProductGovernanceSourcebook(‘PROD’).

New product developments and changes to existing products are taken through a formal productapprovalprocesswhichisdesignedto:

• Identifythetargetmarketandits needs.

• Review policy wording and customer facing documentation to ensure it is clear, fair, andnotmisleading

• consider the needs of any vulnerable customers;and

• monitorpost-salesperformance.

• Onceaneworamendedproductis introducedtothemarket,AXAXLwillannually reviewtheproductonafairvalueassessment basis,usingkeyperformancemetricstoseeif anyremedialactionsarerequiredandtomake sureitremainssuitableforcustomersinthe identifiedtargetmarket.

If, as a distributor of AXA XL products, you consider one of our products may be failing to meet customers’ needs or is potentially unclear you can help us by providing feedback through yourusualpointofcontactatAXAXL.

AdditionalProductLiterature: This document is to be read in conjunction with theappropriatepolicywording.

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The purpose of this document is to explain the identified target market and the expected distribution strategyforeachinsuranceproductmanufacturedbyAXAXL Specifically,itprovidesinformationona productcategorylevelabout themainfeaturesand optionalcoversassociatedwith eachproductand clarifies who our products are designed for and who they are not appropriate for. This Target Market Statement also explains the way our products should be distributed and provides information around the complexity of our products and how to ensure that a product provides fair value to our customers asintended.

ProductName: ProfessionalIndemnity(OfficePackage)

ProductType: Commercial Lines general insurance product suitableforsmallandmediumsizebusiness.


This product is designed for small and medium sizebusinessesthatprovideprofessionaladvice/ services (including but not limited to IT trades, accountants,miscellaneousindustries)andhave aturnoveroflessthan£1mannually.

• Accountants’ package - This multiline office package is specially designed for accountants.

• Information technology packageThismultilineofficepackageisspecially designed for information technology clients.

• Miscellaneous industry package - This multiline office package is specially designedformiscellaneousindustries.

AXAXLInsuranceCompanyUKLimited 20GracechurchStreet,London,EC3V0BG,UnitedKingdom Telephone:+44(0)2076260486 Fax:+44(0) Registeredoffice:20GracechurchStreet,London,EC3V0BGRegisteredinEnglandNo5328622 AXAXLInsuranceCompanyUKLimitedisauthorisedbythePrudentialRegulationAuthorityandregulatedbytheFinancialConductAuthorityand thePrudentialRegulationAuthority. 1




ProfessionalIndemnityofferscoverforcivil liabilityarisingfromthecustomer’sactivities Angel’smultilineofficepackageproductsallow thecustomertocombineaProfessionalLiability policywithDirectorsandOfficers,Public Liability,Employers’Liability,OfficeContents andAllRisksandBusinessInterruptionallon onepolicywithsinglekeyingofthecustomer’s details.

Therearethreeversionsofthisproductfor slightlydifferenttargetmarkets:

• Accountantspackage

• InformationTechnologypackage

• Miscellaneousindustrypackage

(pleasenote:constructionandarchitectsPI productsarenotsoldaspartofapackage

Target market – are there any specific characteristics, including, customer vulnerability,thatyoushouldbeawareof?

What are the key value elements/ characteristics of the product that are important for the target market (including notableexclusions)?

Customers under financial strain e.g., due to the impactofthepandemicmaynotbeabletoafford premiumsonanongoingbasis.


• ProfessionalLiability

• PublicLiability

• Employersliability

• MaterialDamage

• BusinessInterruption

• Directors&OfficersLiability


The policy wording contains the following exclusions:

• Asbestos

• Changes in or failure to provide information

• Knownclaimorcircumstance

• Punitivedamages

• Radioactivecontamination

• Terrorism

• Nuclear

• War

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There are other general and section specific exclusions contained within the policy wording, pleaseseethewordingformoreinformation.

Doestheproductincludeoptionalcovers? Free guidance, legal advice and risk management support are also provided to customers as part of the policy. Public Liability, Employers liability, Material Damage, Business InterruptionandDirectors&OfficersLiabilityare alsooptional.

Howshouldthisproductbedistributed? This product is distributed via the online quote and buy platform to around 1000 specialist brokers.

What should distributors do to ensure the product provides fair value to the end customer?

To ensure the customer receives fair value for this product, care must be taken to ensure no duplicate cover exists or is caused by an add-on where that cover is already provided by the policy.Commission,fees,orchargespassedonto the customer must be proportionate to the serviceprovidedandprovidefairvalue.

How can the product be sold? Can it be sold withoutadvice?


We would suggest that this product can be sold facetofaceorviatelephone. This product can be sold with or without advice depending on your preference and in line with FCAregulations.

AXA XL has established a product governance process to oversee the design, approval, and review of all our products in line with the requirements of the FCA’s Product Intervention andProductGovernanceSourcebook(‘PROD’).

New product developments and changes to existing products are taken through a formal productapprovalprocesswhichisdesignedto:

• Identifythetargetmarketandits needs.

• Review policy wording and customer facing documentation to ensure it is clear, fair, andnotmisleading

• consider the needs of any vulnerable customers;and

• monitorpost-salesperformance.

• Onceaneworamendedproductis introducedtothemarket,AXAXLwillannually reviewtheproductonafairvalueassessment basis,usingkeyperformancemetricstoseeif anyremedialactionsarerequiredandtomake sureitremainssuitableforcustomersinthe identifiedtargetmarket.

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If, as a distributor of AXA XL products, you consider one of our products may be failing to meet customers’ needs or is potentially unclear you can help us by providing feedback through yourusualpointofcontactatAXAXL.

AdditionalProductLiterature: This document is to be read in conjunction with theappropriatepolicywording

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The purpose of this document is to explain the identified target market and the expected distribution strategyforeachinsuranceproductmanufacturedbyAXAXL Specifically,itprovidesinformationona productcategorylevelabout themainfeaturesand optionalcoversassociatedwith eachproductand clarifies who our products are designed for and who they are not appropriate for. This Target Market Statement also explains the way our products should be distributed and provides information around the complexity of our products and how to ensure that a product provides fair value to our customers asintended.

ProductName: ProfessionalIndemnity

ProductType: Commercial Lines general insurance product suitableforsmallandmediumsizebusiness.


This product is designed for small and medium sizebusinessesthatprovideprofessionaladvice/ servicesincludingbutnotlimitedtoconstruction trades, IT trades, accountants, marketing or publishing.

Whoistheproductnotappropriatefor? BusinessesdomiciledoutsidetheUK


Angel’sProfessionalLiability productprovides coverforcustomersofferingaprofessional servicetotheirclientsandwillbetriggeredin theeventofanegligenceclaimoracivilliability claimresultingfromtheservicesprovided.

Thereareversionsofthisproductforslightly differenttargetmarkets,theseversionslargely havethesimilarpolicywording:

• Miscellaneousprofessional

• Constructiontrades(Contractors DesignandProfessionalServices)

• Accountantsprofessional

AXAXLInsuranceCompanyUKLimited 20GracechurchStreet,London,EC3V0BG,UnitedKingdom Telephone:+44(0)2076260486 Fax:+44(0) Registeredoffice:20GracechurchStreet,London,EC3V0BGRegisteredinEnglandNo5328622 AXAXLInsuranceCompanyUKLimitedisauthorisedbythePrudentialRegulationAuthorityandregulatedbytheFinancialConductAuthorityand thePrudentialRegulationAuthority. 1

Target market – are there any specific characteristics, including, customer vulnerability,thatyoushouldbeawareof?

What are the key value elements/ characteristics of the product that are important for the target market (including notableexclusions)?

• Technologyprofessional

• Marketing,advertisingandpublishing

• ArchitectsandConsultingEngineers

Customers under financial strain e.g., due to the impactofthepandemicmaynotbeabletoafford premiumsonanongoingbasis.

The product features and benefits vary depending on the exact product and target market. Examples of features/cover include (pleaseseethepolicywordingforexactoffering):

• Negligent acts, errors, omissions or breachofdutyorothercivilliability

• Employeedishonesty

• Unintentionallibelandslander

• Unintentionalbreachofconfidentiality

• Unintentional infringement of copyright,trademarkorpatent

• Lossofdocumentsorelectronicdata

• Defencecostsforallegedoffencesunder dataprotectionlaws

• Criminalprosecutionsdefencecosts

• Indemnitytoprincipal

• Paymentofoutstandingfeestomitigate aclaim

The policy wording and exclusion differ depending on the product and target market (please see policy wording for more information).Examplesofexclusionsinclude:

• Asbestos

• DeathorBodilyInjury

• DirectorsandOfficers

• Documentsordata

• EmployersLiability

• FinesandPenalties

• FraudandDishonesty

• GoodsandServices

• Insolvency

• JointVenture

• KnowClaimorCircumstance

• LandandVehicles

• MarketFluctuation

• NuclearWar

• OtherInsurance

• PollutionofContamination

• PropertyDamage

• RelatedCompanies

• Radioactivecontamination

• Terrorism

• Tradinglosses

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Doestheproductincludeoptionalcovers? N/a

Howshouldthisproductbedistributed? This product is distributed via the online quote and buy platform to around 1000 specialist brokers.

What should distributors do to ensure the product provides fair value to the end customer?

To ensure the customer receives fair value for this product, care must be taken to ensure no duplicate cover exists or is caused by an add-on where that cover is already provided by the policy.Commission,fees,orchargespassedonto the customer must be proportionate to the serviceprovidedandprovidefairvalue.

How can the product be sold? Can it be sold withoutadvice?


We would suggest that this product can be sold facetofaceorviatelephone. This product can be sold with or without advice depending on your preference and in line with FCAregulations.

AXA XL has established a product governance process to oversee the design, approval, and review of all our products in line with the requirements of the FCA’s Product Intervention andProductGovernanceSourcebook(‘PROD’).

New product developments and changes to existing products are taken through a formal productapprovalprocesswhichisdesignedto:

• Identifythetargetmarketandits needs.

• Review policy wording and customer facing documentation to ensure it is clear, fair, andnotmisleading

• consider the needs of any vulnerable customers;and

• monitorpost-salesperformance.

• Onceaneworamendedproductis introducedtothemarket,AXAXLwillannually reviewtheproductonafairvalueassessment basis,usingkeyperformancemetricstoseeif anyremedialactionsarerequiredandtomake sureitremainssuitableforcustomersinthe identifiedtargetmarket.

If, as a distributor of AXA XL products, you consider one of our products may be failing to meet customers’ needs or is potentially unclear

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you can help us by providing feedback through yourusualpointofcontactatAXAXL.

AdditionalProductLiterature: This document is to be read in conjunction with theappropriatepolicywording.

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The purpose of this document is to explain the identified target market and the expected distribution strategyforeachinsuranceproductmanufacturedbyAXAXL Specifically,itprovidesinformationona productcategorylevelabout themainfeaturesand optionalcoversassociatedwith eachproductand clarifies who our products are designed for and who they are not appropriate for. This Target Market Statement also explains the way our products should be distributed and provides information around the complexity of our products and how to ensure that a product provides fair value to our customers asintended.

ProductName: Cargo


Commercial Lines general insurance product suitableforgoodsduringvoyageortransit.

Whoistheproductdesignedfor? ThisproductistargetedtowardsSMEs.



Target market – are there any specific characteristics, including, customer vulnerability,thatyoushouldbeawareof?

What are the key value elements/ characteristics of the product that are important for the target market (including notableexclusions)?


Thisisacargoinsurancepolicythatprovides insuranceforlossordamagetogoodsduring theVoyage/TransitandontheConveyancesset outintheschedulebyorforthecustomer’s account



• Total and partial losses to goods, including costs of recovery and/or repairinggoods.

• Costs of returning damaged goods to manufacturers and/or suppliers for repairbyairfreight.

• Costs of air freight and replacement goods from manufacturers and/or suppliers to destination, regardless

AXAXLInsuranceCompanyUKLimited 20GracechurchStreet,London,EC3V0BG,UnitedKingdom Telephone:+44(0)2076260486 Fax:+44(0) Registeredoffice:20GracechurchStreet,London,EC3V0BGRegisteredinEnglandNo5328622 AXAXLInsuranceCompanyUKLimitedisauthorisedbythePrudential RegulationAuthorityandregulatedbytheFinancialConductAuthorityand thePrudentialRegulationAuthority. 1

whether the goods lost or damaged were originally despatched by air freight.

• Goods during loading and whilst being packed by professional packers and whilstatprofessionalpacker’spremises and storage in the ordinary course of transit, containerisation and transhipping.

• Additional charges incurred in unloading, storing and forwarding goods to the destination to which the goods are insured following release of goods from a vessel arrested or detainedatordivertedtoanyotherport orplacewherethevoyageisterminated duetoeventssetoutinthepolicy.

• Costs in connection to removing and disposingofthedebrisofanygoods.

• Costs in connection to the transfer of goods from one conveyance to another in the event of an accident to the originalconveyance.

• Loss or damage to goods whilst being transferred.

• Loss or damage to goods caused by governmental authorities to prevent or mitigate a pollution, hazard or threat, where goods have been damaged as a result of the accident or occurrence which gave rise to the threat of pollution.

• Additional expense incurred by a customer in discharging, handling, storing,reloadingortransportingsound and/or damaged goods by any means otherthanthenormalmethodsorother thanatnormalrates

• Loss or damage in the event of exercising a right of lien on goods, or interrupting their transit, or suspending the sale contract whilst goods are in transit when it is practicable for the customer to do so to safeguard its interest.

Exclusions (refer to Policy wordings for full list):

• Loss or damage which at the time of happening of such loss or damage is insured by, or would, but for the existence of this policy, be insured by

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any other policy or policies except in respect of any excess beyond the amountwhichwouldhavebeenpayable under such other policy or policies had thispolicynotbeeneffected.

• Loss or damage to goods that comprise of arms and/or ammunition and/or any formofmilitarygoods.

• Loss or damage to goods shipped on or above deck unless goods are in fully enclosedmetalcontainers.

• Loss or damage to goods whilst personally carried or which are shipped unpacked.

• Loss or damage to goods due to or caused by electrical and/or electronic and/or mechanical breakdown and/or derangement.

• Loss or damage to goods on voyages/transit to or from or via any territory or area not listed in the schedule.

• Loss or damage to goods caused by carriage by Ro-Ro passenger ferries, passenger vessels transporting more thantwelve(12)passengers,oiltankers, chemical tankers, gas carriers, bulk carriers and cargo high speed craft of 500 gross registered tonnes or more, all other cargo ships and mobile offshore drilling units of 500 gross registered tonnes or more, carried by Vessel that doesnotholdavalidISPSCode.

Optional Cover includes: Storage outside the normal course of transit, Exhibitions, Engineers ToolsandRepresentative’sSamples

Howshouldthisproductbedistributed? This product is distributed via the online quote and buy platform to around 1000 specialist brokers.

What should distributors do to ensure the product provides fair value to the end customer?

To ensure the customer receives fair value for this product, care must be taken to ensure no duplicate cover exists or is caused by an add-on where that cover is already provided by the policy.Commission,fees,orchargespassedonto the customer must be proportionate to the serviceprovidedandprovidefairvalue.

How can the product be sold? Can it be sold withoutadvice?

We would suggest that this product can be sold facetofaceorviatelephone.

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This product can be sold with or without advice depending on your preference and in line with FCAregulations.

AXA XL has established a product governance process to oversee the design, approval, and review of all our products in line with the requirements of the FCA’s Product Intervention andProductGovernanceSourcebook(‘PROD’).

New product developments and changes to existing products are taken through a formal productapprovalprocesswhichisdesignedto:

• Identifythetargetmarketanditsneeds.

• Review policy wording and customer facing documentation to ensure it is clear, fair, andnotmisleading

• consider the needs of any vulnerable customers;and

• monitorpost-salesperformance.

• Onceaneworamendedproductis introducedtothemarket,AXAXLwillannually reviewtheproductonafairvalueassessment basis,usingkeyperformancemetricstoseeif anyremedialactionsarerequiredandtomake sureitremainssuitableforcustomersinthe identifiedtargetmarket.

If, as a distributor of AXA XL products, you consider one of our products may be failing to meet customers’ needs or is potentially unclear you can help us by providing feedback through yourusualpointofcontactatAXAXL.


This document is to be read in conjunction with theappropriatepolicywording.

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The purpose of this document is to explain the identified target market and the expected distribution strategyforeachinsuranceproductmanufacturedbyAXAXL Specifically,itprovidesinformationona productcategorylevelabout themainfeaturesand optionalcoversassociatedwith eachproductand clarifies who our products are designed for and who they are not appropriate for. This Target Market Statement also explains the way our products should be distributed and provides information around the complexity of our products and how to ensure that a product provides fair value to our customers asintended.

ProductName: SportsandLeisure



Commercial Lines general insurance product suitable for small and medium sized businesses, clubs,groupsandindividuals

ThisproductisforIindividual Coaches& AmateurSportsClubswithannualturnover below£250,000.Thisisalsoforsmalland mediumsizedbusinessesrequiringSpecialty insurancecover.


Professional sports clubs or coaches working for professionalathletes.Clubswithturnoverabove £250,000


Target market – are there any specific characteristics, including, customer vulnerability,thatyoushouldbeawareof?

ThisisasportandLeisureinsurancePolicy coveringpublicliability,employers’liability, professionalindemnity,personalaccident, sportsequipmentandpersonaleffectsas detailedinthePolicySchedule.

Individuals or clubs under financial strain e.g., due to the impact of the pandemic may not be abletoaffordpremiumsonanongoingbasis

What are the key value elements/ characteristics of the product that are Thisproductcovers:

• AllLiability:

AXAXLInsuranceCompanyUKLimited 20GracechurchStreet,London,EC3V0BG,UnitedKingdom Telephone:+44(0)2076260486 Fax:+44(0) Registeredoffice:20GracechurchStreet,London,EC3V0BGRegisteredinEnglandNo5328622 AXAXLInsuranceCompanyUKLimitedisauthorisedbythePrudential RegulationAuthorityandregulatedbytheFinancialConductAuthorityand thePrudentialRegulationAuthority. 1

important for the target market (including notableexclusions)?




Criminal Proceedings Legal Defence Costs

• PublicLiability:






WorkOverseas Cyber

• ProductLiability:


Consumer Protection and Food Safety Acts




• EmployersLiability:






• ProfessionalIndemnity:


Repair, Replacement or Reconstitution ofDocuments


The policy does not apply to or include cover for or arising out of or relating to (please see thepolicywordingformoredetail):

• Excludedactivities

• General Exclusions: Asbestos, Punitive Damages, Radioactive Contamination, Terrorism,WarandCyber.

• Public Liability Exclusions: Aircraft, Watercraft, Offshore Installations, Airside, the defective premises act, and deliberate or reckless failure to avoid injury

• Employers liability exclusions: work undertaken airside or offshore and undertheroadtrafficacts

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• Professional Liability Exclusions: Deliberate or reckless acts; directors, officers or trustees in such capacity; Fraudulent acts; Infringement of trade secret or patent; Insolvency; internet business; Joint ventures; pollution; Related Entities; Trading Losses; WarrantiesandGuarantees.

• Material Damage Exclusions: Loss by simple or mysterious disappearance or inventory shortage; Damage to an item being worked upon; Pollution; Theft (unless forcible and violent means); mould; Solar flares and coronal mass ejections.

• Personal Accident Exclusions: Suicide; Committing any criminal or unlawful act; Active service of armed forces; Extreme activities (unless previously agreed in writing); Intoxication; Preexisting medical condition; Activities excluded or forbidden by any professionalsports.

Doestheproductincludeoptionalcovers? Asabove

Howshouldthisproductbedistributed? This product is distributed via the online quote and buy platform to around 1000 specialist brokers.

What should distributors do to ensure the product provides fair value to the end customer?

How can the product be sold? Can it be sold withoutadvice?

To ensure the customer receives fair value for this product, care must be taken to ensure no duplicate cover exists or is caused by an add-on where that cover is already provided by the policy.Commission,fees,orchargespassedonto the customer must be proportionate to the serviceprovidedandprovidefairvalue.

We would suggest that this product can be sold facetofaceorviatelephone. This product can be sold with or without advice depending on your preference and in line with FCAregulations.


AXA XL has established a product governance process to oversee the design, approval, and review of all our products in line with the requirements of the FCA’s Product Intervention andProductGovernanceSourcebook(‘PROD’).

New product developments and changes to existing products are taken through a formal productapprovalprocesswhichisdesignedto:

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• Identifythetargetmarketandits needs.

• Review policy wording and customer facing documentation to ensure it is clear, fair, andnotmisleading

• consider the needs of any vulnerable customers;and

• monitorpost-salesperformance.

• Onceaneworamendedproductis introducedtothemarket,AXAXLwillannually reviewtheproductonafairvalueassessment basis,usingkeyperformancemetricstoseeif anyremedialactionsarerequiredandtomake sureitremainssuitableforcustomersinthe identifiedtargetmarket.

If, as a distributor of AXA XL products, you consider one of our products may be failing to meet customers’ needs or is potentially unclear you can help us by providing feedback through yourusualpointofcontactat AXAXL.

AdditionalProductLiterature: This document is to be read in conjunction with theappropriatepolicywording

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The purpose of this document is to explain the identified target market and the expected distribution strategyforeachinsuranceproductmanufacturedbyAXAXL Specifically,itprovidesinformationona productcategorylevelabout themainfeaturesand optionalcoversassociatedwith eachproductand clarifies who our products are designed for and who they are not appropriate for. This Target Market Statement also explains the way our products should be distributed and provides information around the complexity of our products and how to ensure that a product provides fair value to our customers asintended.

ProductName: Terrorism

ProductType: CommercialLinesgeneralinsuranceproduct



This product is open to new and renewal business.

Propertyowners,Investorsormanagersof commercialand/orresidentialportfolios, predominatelyoutsideofLondonterrorism zones.

Whoistheproductnotappropriatefor? Private residential properties in which the policyholderresides


Thisproductisaninnovativewayofcovering customer’spropertyagainstactsofterrorism whethertheirmortgagelenderrequiresthemto havethecoverortheyarejustseekingpeaceof mind.Angelcanprovideterrorisminsurancefor commercialand/orresidentialpropertyor propertyportfolios,highnetworth, constructionrisksandcontractworksandcan providecoverwithintheUnitedKingdom, ChannelIslands,IsleofManandNorthern Ireland.

AXAXLInsuranceCompanyUKLimited 20GracechurchStreet,London,EC3V0BG,UnitedKingdom Telephone:+44(0)2076260486 Fax:+44(0) Registeredoffice:20GracechurchStreet,London,EC3V0BGRegisteredinEnglandNo5328622 AXAXLInsuranceCompanyUKLimitedisauthorisedbythePrudentialRegulationAuthorityandregulatedbytheFinancialConductAuthorityand thePrudentialRegulationAuthority. 1

Target market – are there any specific characteristics, including, customer vulnerability,thatyoushouldbeawareof?

Property owners, Investors or managers of commercial and / or residential portfolios, predominately outside of London terrorism zones.

Terrorism cover is often required to satisfy finance or lease requirements of property owners&/orinvestors. Those looking for a sustainable but flexible add on to their main property owners or investors policy.

No customer vulnerability to be aware of, as all business is transacted through an Insurance Broker.

What are the key value elements/ characteristics of the product that are important for the target market (including notableexclusions)?


1. Damage

• Damagetoinsured’sproperty

2. Liability

• The insurers will pay on behalf of the customer,anysumstheymaylegallybe obliged to pay as compensations (i.e., interest, claimant's costs, fees and expenses), and defence costs, for any claim(s) first brought against them, and resulting from an occurrence taking placeduringtheperiodofinsuranceand whichcauses:Bodilyinjury;orDamage

3. BusinessInterruption

• The customer will be compensated for financial loss resulting from the interruptionoforinterferencewiththeir business resulting from an occurrence whichcausesdamage,aVerifiedThreat, an action or advice of a civil or military authority, and an occurrence which causes denial of access to the customer’spremises.

4. PersonalAccident

• Pay-out will be for Bodily Injury to an Insured Person whilst on the Premisses orwithintheVicinityofthePremises. Exclusions (refer to Policy wordings for full list):

Liability arising directly or indirectly out of, or in anywayconnectedtoanyofthefollowing:

1. Nuclear, Chemical, biological or Radiological

2. Asbestos,

3. Confiscation

4. Emotionaldistress

5. InformationTechnology

6. Strikes,Riotsorcivilcommotions

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7. War

Doestheproductincludeoptionalcovers? Liability/PersonalAccident

Howshouldthisproductbedistributed? This product is distributed via the online quote and buy platform to around 1000 specialist brokers.

What should distributors do to ensure the product provides fair value to the end customer?

To ensure the customer receives fair value for this product, care must be taken to ensure no duplicate cover exists or is caused by an add-on where that cover is already provided by the policy.Commission,fees,orchargespassedonto the customer must be proportionate to the serviceprovidedandprovidefairvalue.

How can the product be sold? Can it be sold withoutadvice?


We would suggest that this product can be sold facetofaceorviatelephone. This product can be sold with or without advice depending on your preference and in line with FCAregulations.

AXA XL has established a product governance process to oversee the design, approval, and review of all our products in line with the requirements of the FCA’s Product Intervention andProductGovernanceSourcebook(‘PROD’).

New product developments and changes to existing products are taken through a formal productapprovalprocesswhichisdesignedto:

• Identifythetargetmarketandits needs.

• Review policy wording and customer facing documentation to ensure it is clear, fair, andnotmisleading

• consider the needs of any vulnerable customers;and

• monitorpost-salesperformance.

• Onceaneworamendedproductis introducedtothemarket,AXAXLwillannually reviewtheproductonafairvalueassessment basis,usingkeyperformancemetricstoseeif anyremedialactionsarerequiredandtomake sureitremainssuitableforcustomersinthe identifiedtargetmarket.

If, as a distributor of AXA XL products, you consider one of our products may be failing to meet customers’ needs or is potentially unclear

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you can help us by providing feedback through yourusualpointofcontactatAXAXL.

AdditionalProductLiterature: This document is to be read in conjunction with theappropriatepolicywording.

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The purpose of this document is to explain the identified target market and the expected distribution strategyforeachinsuranceproductmanufacturedbyAXAXL Specifically,itprovidesinformationona productcategorylevelabout themainfeaturesand optionalcoversassociatedwith eachproductand clarifies who our products are designed for and who they are not appropriate for. This Target Market Statement also explains the way our products should be distributed and provides information around the complexity of our products and how to ensure that a product provides fair value to our customers asintended.

ProductName: JCT

ProductType: Commercial Lines general insurance product suitableforsmallandmediumsizedbusinesses

Whoistheproductdesignedfor? Small&MediumConstructioncompanies undertakingcontractsupto£25mvalue

Whoistheproductnotappropriatefor? Construction companies undertaking contracts over£25minvalueand/oroutsidetheUK

Whatcustomerneedismetbythisproduct? ThiscoverispurchasedbyContractorson behalfofemployerstoprovideprotection againsttheemployer’sliabilityforloss,claims orproceedingsthatariseduetonon-negligent damagetopropertycausedwhilstundertaking abuildingcontract.

Target market – are there any specific characteristics, including, customer vulnerability,thatyoushouldbeawareof?

What are the key value elements/ characteristics of the product that are important for the target market (including notableexclusions)?


JCT policies are fixed term policies which cover buildingperiodandmaintenance/defectsperiod


Some of the more significant exclusions include injuryordamagetoproperty

AXAXLInsuranceCompanyUKLimited 20GracechurchStreet,London,EC3V0BG,UnitedKingdom Telephone:+44(0)2076260486 Fax:+44(0) Registeredoffice:20GracechurchStreet,London,EC3V0BGRegisteredinEnglandNo5328622 AXAXLInsuranceCompanyUKLimitedisauthorisedbythePrudential RegulationAuthorityandregulatedbytheFinancialConductAuthorityand thePrudentialRegulationAuthority. 1

• Arising from the negligence of the contractororanysub-contractor(public liabilitycover)

• Arising from errors or omissions in the designing of the works (Professional indemnitycover)

• Which is reasonably seen to be inevitable

• Forming(partof)thecontractworks

• Where cover is provided by any other insurance which is the responsibility of theemployertoinsureunderJCTClause 22.C.1orequivalent

• Arisingfromnuclearorwarrisks

• Arisingfromgradualpollution

• Any penalties or sums payable due to breachofcontract

Doestheproductincludeoptionalcovers? No

Howshouldthisproductbedistributed? This product is distributed via one broker who arespecialistintheconstructionsector.

What should distributors do to ensure the product provides fair value to the end customer?

To ensure the customer receives fair value for this product, care must be taken to ensure no duplicate cover exists or is caused by an add-on where that cover is already provided by the policy.Commission,fees,orchargespassedonto the customer must be proportionate to the serviceprovidedandprovidefairvalue.

How can the product be sold? Can it be sold withoutadvice?


We would suggest that this product can be sold facetofaceorviatelephone. This product can be sold with or without advice depending on your preference and in line with FCAregulations.

AXA XL has established a product governance process to oversee the design, approval, and review of all our products in line with the requirements of the FCA’s Product Intervention andProductGovernanceSourcebook(‘PROD’).

New product developments and changes to existing products are taken through a formal productapprovalprocesswhichisdesignedto:

• Identifythetargetmarketandits needs.

• Review policy wording and customer facing documentation to ensure it is clear, fair, andnotmisleading

• consider the needs of any vulnerable customers;and

• monitorpost-salesperformance.

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• Onceaneworamendedproductis introducedtothemarket,AXAXLwillannually reviewtheproductonafairvalueassessment basis,usingkeyperformancemetricstoseeif anyremedialactionsarerequiredandtomake sureitremainssuitableforcustomersinthe identifiedtargetmarket.

If, as a distributor of AXA XL products, you consider one of our products may be failing to meet customers’ needs or is potentially unclear you can help us by providing feedback through yourusualpointofcontactat AXAXL.

AdditionalProductLiterature: This document is to be read in conjunction with theappropriatepolicywording.

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