33 minute read
AlEp Directory
ALEP MEMbErs dirECtory
See below for a list of ALEP members who can offer advice on leasehold reform matters. Members are listed alphabetically and fall into one of five categories: solicitor, valuer, intermediary, property manager or barrister.
Greater London
EllodiE Gibbons Tanfield Chambers 2-5 Warwick Court London WC1R 5DJ 020 7421 5300 www.tanfieldchambers.co.uk
ChristophEr hEathEr Tanfield Chambers 2-5 Warwick Court London WC1R 5DJ 020 7421 5300 www.tanfieldchambers.co.uk
Mark lovEday Tanfield Chambers 2-5 Warwick Court London WC1R 5DJ 020 7421 5300 www.tanfieldchambers.co.uk
niCola Muir Tanfield Chambers 2-5 Warwick Court London WC1R 5DJ 020 7421 5300 www.tanfieldchambers.co.uk
philip rainEy Tanfield Chambers 2-5 Warwick Court London WC1R 5DJ 020 7421 5300 www.tanfieldchambers.co.uk
ProPerty Managers
Colin CohEn propErty ManaGEMEnt 21 Oakdene Park London N3 1EU Colin Cohen 020 8959 6870 www.ccpropman.com
alan Edwards & Co Campden Hill House 192-196 Campden Hill Road London W8 7TH alan Edwards 020 7221 7644 www.aelaw.co.uk
altErMans 233 Regents Park Road London N3 3LF Gabriel C alterman 020 8346 1777 www.altermans.co.uk
aMphlEtt lissiMorE Greystoke House 80-86 Westow Street London SE19 3AF rachel ludlow 020 8768 6469 www.amphlettlissimore. co.uk
anthony Gold 169 Walworth Road London SE17 1RW ian Mitchell 020 7940 4000 www.anthonygold.co.uk ashlEy wilson 57 Buckingham Gate London SW1E 6AJ tony wilson 020 7802 4802 www.ashleywilson.co.uk
baCi Sovereign House 1 Albert Place London N3 1QB John d Chart 020 8349 7680 www.bacisolicitors.co.uk
barkEr GillEttE 11-12 Wigmore Place London W1U 2LU simon levi 020 7299 6947 www.barkergillette.com
birChaM dyson bEll 50 Broadway London SW1H 0BL John stephenson 020 7227 7000 www.bdb-law.co.uk
bishop & sEwEll 59-60 Russell Square London WC1B 4HP Mark Chick 020 7079 2415 www.bishopandsewell.co.uk
bolt burdon Providence House Providence Place Islington London N1 0NT william bethune 020 7288 4700 www.boltburdon.co.uk
boodlE hatFiEld 89 New Bond Street London W1S 1DA Jonathan turton 020 7629 7411 www.boodlehatfield.com
Child and Child 14 Grosvenor Crescent London SW1X 7EE Claire allan 020 7235 8000 www.childandchild.co.uk
CMs CaMEron MCkEnna Mitre House 160 Aldersgate Street London EC1A 4DD stephen Charnock 020 7367 2906 www.cms-cmck.com
Collins bEnson Goldhill 26-28 Great Portland Rd London W1W 8QT Chi Collins 020 7436 5151 www.cbglaw.co.uk CoMptons 90-92 Parkway London NW1 7AN James Compton 020 7485 0888 www.comptons.co.uk
dEwar hoGan 10 Gough Square London EC4V 3DE Jim Cotter 020 7832 6410 www.dewarhogan.co.uk
FarrEr & Co 66 Lincoln’s Inn Fields London WC2A 3LH alison taylor 020 3375 7318 www.farrer.co.uk
ForstErs 31 Hill Street London W1J 5LS natasha rees 020 7863 8400 www.forsters.co.uk
GrEGsons St Christopher’s House Tabor Grove London SW19 4EX anne daniels 020 8946 1173 www.gregsons.co.uk
housinG and propErty law partnErship 99 Charterhouse Street London EC1M 6HR ash oberoi 020 7553 9000 www.housingandproperty. co.uk
hubbard pEGMan & whitnEy 7 King Street Cloisters Clifton Walk London W6 0GY Margaret bradley 020 8735 9770 www.hpwsolicitors.co.uk
JpC law Omni House 252 Belsize Road London NW6 4BT yashmin Mistry 020 7644 7294 www.jpclaw.co.uk
Mullis & pEakE 8-10 Eastern Road Romford RM1 3PJ Joanne wood 01708 784000 www.mplaw.co.uk
olivEr FishEr Astley House 33 Notting Hill Gate London W11 3JQ russell Conway 020 3219 0145 www.oliverfisher.co.uk osbornEs Livery House 9 Pratt Street London NW1 0AE Guy osborn 020 7485 8811 www.osbornes.net
pEarlMans 39 Finchley Lane London NW4 1BX denise pearlman 020 8201 6311 www.pearlmans.co.uk
pEMbErton GrEEnish 45 Cadogan Gardens London SW3 2AG katherine simpson 020 7591 3333 www.pglaw.co.uk
pEnninGtons Abacus House 33 Gutter Lane London EC2V 8AR Martin Codd 020 7457 3000 www.penningtons.co.uk
philip ross 4 Chandos Street London W1A 3BQ Gary scott 020 7636 6969 www.phillipross.com
pipEr sMith watton 29 Great Peter Street London SW1P 3LW richard berns 020 7222 9900 www.pslaw.co.uk
QualitysoliCitors rEdFErns 9 Churchill Court 58 Station Road Harrow HA2 7SA stephen simmons 020 8424 7070 www.redfernsolicitors.co.uk
rinGlEy lEGal sErviCEs Ringley House 349 Royal College Street London NW1 9QS lee harle 020 7267 2900 www.ringleylegal.co.uk
rodGErs & burton Newton House 50 Vineyard Path London SW14 8ET david Moore 020 8939 6300 www.randb.co.uk
russEll-CookE 2 Putney Hill London SW15 6AB Jo rengger 020 8394 6515 www.russell-cooke.co.uk saul MarinE and CoMpany Trafalgar House Grenville Place London NW7 3SA saul Marine 020 8959 6090 www.saulmarine.com
sEddons 5 Portman Square London W1H 6NT John Midgley 020 7725 8086 www.seddons.co.uk
spEEChly birChaM 6 New Street Square London EC4A 3LX Jeremy hudson 020 7427 6452 www.speechlys.com
strEEtEr Marshall 74 High Street Croydon CR9 2UU tim Farrington 020 680 2638 www.streetermarshall.com
suMMErs 22 Welbeck Street London W1G 8EF John summers 020 7224 2024 www.summersolicitors. co.uk
sykEs andErson 9 Devonshire Square London EC2M 4YF Chris sykes 020 3178 3770 www.sykesanderson.com
thaCkray williaMs Kings House 32-40 Widmore Road Bromley BR1 1RY andrew raby 020 8290 0440 www.thackraywilliams.com
thirsk winton 445 High Road Woodfield Green IG8 0XE Jason winton 020 8505 4777 www.thirskwinton.com
tJM law Flint Research Institute 132 Heathfield Road Keston Bromley BR2 6BA tom Merralls 020 8662 6090 www.tjmlaw.co.uk
trowErs & haMlins 3 Bunhill Row London EC1Y 8YZ leigh shapiro 020 7423 8000 www.trowers.com
wallaCE 1 Portland Place London WC1B 1PN samantha bone 020 7636 4422 www.wallace.co.uk
WIlSOn BaRCa 8 Archway Close London N19 3TD David Wilson 020 7272 2072 www.wilsonbarca.com WInCkWORTh ShERWOOD Minerva House 5 Montague Close London SE1 9BB Mark Vinall 020 7593 5163 www.wslaw.co.uk WIThERS 16 Old Bailey London EC4M 7EG Paul Brecknell 020 7597 6000 www.withersworldwide.com
aMl SuRVEYS & ValuaTIOn 4 Burrows Road London NW10 5SG andrew lester 020 8960 7573 www.a-m-l.co.uk aRnOlD & BalDWIn Southbridge House Southbridge Place Croydon CR0 4HA Joe arnold 020 8642 2999 www.arnoldandbaldwin. co.uk BalCOMBE aSSOCIaTES 16 Pandora Road London NW6 1TT andrew Balcombe 020 7435 4017 No website BECkETT anD kaY 1 Bow Lane London EC4M 9EE Peter Beckett 020 7439 6667 www.beckettandkay.co.uk BIShOP BEaMISh 9 Catherine Place London SW1E 6DX andrew Bishop 020 7932 8484 www.bishopb.com DaVID GRahaM (ChaRTERED SuRVEYORS) 7 Grand Parade Forty Avenue Wembley Park HA9 9JS David Graham 0845 812 1954 www.surveyorand valuer. co.uk DOuGlaS anD GORDOn 37 Ixworth Place London SW3 3QH Jim Thomas 020 7591 8746 www.dng.co.uk DunSIn SuRVEYORS 7 Lower Grosvenor Place London SW1W 0EN Wilson Dunsin 020 7233 6762 www.dunsinsurveyors.co.uk ExTEnD YOuR lEaSE 117 George Street London W1H 7HF David haines 020 7586 0044 www.extendyourlease.net FanShaWE WhITE 9 Milner Street London SW3 2QB angus Fanshawe 020 7099 8465 www.fanshawewhite.co.uk haRDInG ChaRTERED SuRVEYORS Suite 4 27 Ackmar Road London SW6 4UR David Toogood 020 7736 2383 www.hardingsurveyors.co.uk haRGREaVES nEWBERRY GYnGEll 7-10 Chandos Street London W1G 9DQ Richard hargreaves 020 3205 0200 www.hng.co.uk JSS EGERTOn 17c Curzon Street London W1J 5HU James Rangeley 020 7664 6648 www.jssegerton.com kInlEIGh FOlkaRD & haYWaRD KFH House 5 Compton Road London SW19 7QA Richard Cleminson 020 8739 2090 www.kfh.co.uk knIGhT FRank 55 Baker Street London W1U 8AN Riccardo Carrelli 020 7861 1734 www.knightfrank.com laMBERTS ChaRTERED SuRVEYORS 387 City Road London EC1V 1NA Chris Roberts 020 7520 2306 www.lambertsurv.co.uk lanCaSTER BROWn 83 Stanmore Hill Stanmore HA7 3DZ Gary Silver 020 8385 7007 www.lancasterbrown.com lanGlEY BYERS BEnnETT St Bartholomew House 92 Fleet Street London EC4Y 1DG Justin Bennett 020 7822 8850 www.lbb.org.uk lESTER haRRISOn & PaRTnERS 15 Bolton Street London W1J 8BG Tim harrison 020 7629 4383 No website MaRR-JOhnSOn & STEVEnS 15 Bolton Street London W1J 8BG Prosper Marr-Johnson 020 7499 3199 www.m-js.co.uk MaRTYn GERRaRD 66-68 High Street London N2 9PN Saul Gerrard 020 8444 3445 www.martyngerrard.co.uk MCDOWallS SuRVEYORS 54-56 Barking Road London E6 3BP Chris Baker 020 8472 4422 www.mcdowalls.com MERJS ChaRTERED SuRVEYORS 26/28 Hallam Street London W1W 6NS Malcolm Bailey 020 7079 3973 www.merjs.co.uk MIChaEl ROBERTS SuRVEYORS Suite 4 27 Ackermar Road London SW6 4UR Michael Roberts 020 7498 7171 www.mrsurveyors.co.uk MYlEaSEhOlD 45 Chiltern Street London W1U 6LU Mark Wilson 020 7034 3435 www.myleasehold.co.uk nIGEl CaRTER & CO 40 Westwood Park London SE23 3QH nigel Carter 020 8699 5080 www.nigelcarter.co.uk ORD CaRMEll & kRITzlER 219 Golders Green Road London NW11 9DD Maurice Berger 020 8209 0355 www.ock-survey.co.uk PRICkETT anD EllIS SuRVEYORS 114 Alexandra Park Road London N10 2AH alison Stone 020 8442 2491 www. prickettandellissurveyors. com RIChaRD JOhn ClaRkE ChaRTERED SuRVEYORS Unit 1 The Galleria 180-182 George Lane London E18 1AY Richard Murphy 020 8505 2065 www.richardjohnclarke.com ROBSOnS 13 Tiepigs Lane Bromley BR2 7HJ Ray Robson 020 8402 6666 www.rrsurveyors.co.uk ROBSOnS 30 Sistova Road Balham London SW12 9QS David Robson 020 8402 6666 www.rrsurveyors.co.uk ROBSOnS 1 Churchfield Road Acton London W3 6BH laurence Weill 020 8402 6666 www.rrsurveyors.co.uk SalTER REx Crown House 265-267 Kentish Town Road London NW5 2TP alan harvey 020 7267 2071 www.salter-rex.co.uk SaVIllS Lansdowne House 57 Berkeley Square London W1J 6ER alastair Stimson 020 7016 3728 www.savills.com SCOTTS ChaRTERED SuRVEYORS Bentley House Disraeli Road London SW15 2DS Peter Scott 020 8789 1200 www.scotts-surveyors.co.uk ShaW & COMPanY (SuRVEYORS) First Floor 9-11 The Quadrant Richmond TW9 1BP Michael lee 020 8948 1122 www.shawandco.co.uk SYMInGTOn ElVERY 47 Maddox Street London W1S 2PG andrew Symington 020 3324 0360 www.symington-elvery.co.uk ThOMaS M S l’ESTRanGE 92 The Avenue London E4 9RB Tom l’Estrange 020 8527 2545 No website TIBBaTTS & CO 36 St Georges Road London SW19 4ED Mike Tibbatts 020 8947 7040 www.miketibbatts.co.uk W a EllIS 174 Brompton Road London SW3 1HP Frances Joyce 020 7306 1660 www.waellis.co.uk WESTBuRYS 120 Streatham Hill London SW2 4RP Roger armstrong 020 8674 2626 www.westburys.co.uk
lEaSEhOlD SOluTIOnS Woolwich House 43 George Street Croydon CR0 1LB louie Burns 020 3327 1177 www.leaseholdsolutions.com
COOPERBuRnETT Napier House 14-16 Mount Ephraim Road Tunbridge Wells TN1 1EE Richard Buckland 01892 515022 www.cooperburnett.com DMh STallaRD Gainsborough House Pegler Way Crawley RH11 7FZ Tina George 01293 605000 www.dmhstallard.com ERhaRDT & WaRnEll 59b High Street Ascot SL4 7HP Julie Erhardt 01344 623400 www.erhardtwarnell.com FIElD SEYMOuR PaRkES 1 London Street Reading RG1 4QW Maria Edwards 0118 951 6200 www.fsp-law.com GlanVIllES West Wing Cams Hill Fareham PO16 8AB nicola Crookes-West 01329 282841 www.glanvilles.co.uk GRIFFITh SMITh FaRRInGTOn WEBB 47 Old Steyne Brighton BN1 1NW Dan Ongley 01273 384015 www.gsfwsolicitors.co.uk haRT REaDE 104 South Street Eastbourne BN21 4LW neisha Taylor 01323 727321 www.hartreade.co.uk ODT 4th Floor Pavilion View 19 New Road Brighton BN1 1UF Tim Morgan 01273 710712 www.odt.uk.com PaInSMITh 1 Mansfield Business Pk Station Approach Lymington Bottom Rd Medstead GU34 5PZ David Whitney 01420 565310 www.painsmith.co.uk
Parrott & Coales 14 Bourbon Street Aylesbury HP20 RS James Couzens 01296 318500 www.parrottandcoalesllp. co.uk Payne Marsh stillwell 6 Carlton Crescent Southampton SO15 2EY Mark Coupe 023 8072 7173 www.pms-gs thoMas eggar The Corn Exchange Baffins Lane Chichester PO19 1GE Marcelle turner 01243 786111 www.thomaseggar.com
andrew Pridell assoCiates 10 The Drive Hove BN3 3JA andrew Pridell 01273 202620 No website austin gray 37 Vernon Terrace Brighton BN1 3JH stewart gray 01273 201980 www.austingray.co.uk CaMPsie 80 Peascod Street Windsor SL4 1DH Mark symonds 01753 410721 www.campsie.com dMa Chartered surveyors 46 Leigh Road Eastleigh SO50 9DT Chris Beamish 023 8061 3377 www.dmacharteredsurveyors. co.uk eaCh side leasehold Devonshire House 31 Holmesdale Road Reigate RH2 0BJ roger nelson 0845 3130 985 www.eslease.com Julian wilkins Chartered surveyors 43 Cross Lane Findon BN14 0UB Julian wilkins 01903 872211 www.jwsurveyors.co.uk south east leasehold 38 South Street Tarring Worthing BN14 7LH simon Brook 01903 890666 www.lease-extension.co.uk stiles harold williaMs Ivy House Ivy Terrace Eastbourne BN21 4QU Mark McFadden 01323 437900 www.shw.co.uk sussex surveyors 10A The Drive Hove BN3 3JA david r aspey 01273 821969 www.sussexsurveyors.com
SolicitorS/legal SolicitorS/legal
BonallaCk & BishoP Rougemont House Rougemont Close Salisbury SP1 1LY tim Bishop 01722 422300 www.bishopslaw.co.uk Coles Miller 4 Durley Chine Road Bournemouth BH2 5QT andrew howard 01202 293226 www.coles-miller.co.uk Crosse & Crosse 14 Southernhay West Exeter EX1 1PL Zoe tibbles 01392 258451 www.crosse.co.uk lester aldridge Russell House Oxford Road Bournemouth BH8 8EX suki samra 01202 786161 www.lesteraldridge.com Powells with Chawner grey 7-13 Oxford Street Weston-super-mare BS23 1TE tim hannah 01934 623501 www.powellslaw.com Preston redMan Hinton House Hinton Road Bournemouth BH1 2EN rebecca kefford 01202 292424 www.prestonredman.co.uk williaMs thoMPson Avon House 4 Bridge Street Christchurch BH23 1DX georgina walters 01202 484242 www.williamsthompson. co.uk
C a ChurCh 14 Wilton Road Salisbury SP2 7EE Paul Church 01722 421234 No website
adrian dann & Co Admirals House 18 Nelson Street Southend-on-sea SS1 1EF adrian dann 01702 348802 www.adriandann.co.uk deBenhaMs ottaway Ivy House 107 St Peter’s Street St Albans AL1 3EW ahmed anwar 01727 837161 www.dolegal.co.uk hilliers hrw Mindenhall Court High Street Stevenage SG1 3UN Martin addrison 01438 346000 www.hilliershrw.co.uk sa law 60 London Road St Albans AL1 1NG Belindal walkinshaw 01727 798000 www.salaw.com stevensons Gorgate Chambers Gorgate Drive Hoe Dereham NR20 4HB glenn stevenson 01362 860300 www.stevensonssolicitors. co.uk tolhurst Fisher Trafalgar House 8-10 Nelson Street Southend-on-sea SS1 1EF robert Plant 01702 352 511 www.tolhurstfisher.com
Carter Jonas 6-8 Hills Road Cambridge CB2 1NH Mark hallam 01233 368771 www.carterjonas.co.uk david gillesPie 7 Hampden Crescent Warley Brentwood CM14 5BD david gillespie 01277 212521 No website kirkBy and diaMond Chartered surveyors 1 Union Street Luton LU1 3AN Jean howe 01582 738866 www.kirkbydiamond.co.uk rona PartnershiP 10 High Street Wickford SS12 9AZ derek rona 01268 764676 www.rona.co.uk ruMBall sedgwiCk 58 St Peter’s Street St Albans AL1 3HG harriet Fleming 01727 854516 www.rumballsedgwick.co.uk MidlandS
adCoCks Chancery House 27 Lombard Street Lichfield WS13 6DP Mark adcock 08454 708081 www.adcocks-solicitors. co.uk Brethertons Strathmore House Waterperry Court Middleton Road Banbury OX16 4QD roger hardwick 01295 661453 www.brethertons.co.uk hadgkiss hughes and Beale 47 Yardley Road Acocks Green birmingham B27 6HQ anthony Jones 0121 707 8484 www. hadgkisshughesandbeale. co.uk
Brasier Freeth The Courtyard 77-79 Marlowes Hemel Hempstead HP1 1LF tim Jones 01422 263033 www.brasierfreeth.com CPBigwood ManageMent 45 Summers Row Birmingham B3 1JJ stephen Prichard 0121 233 0500 www.cpbigwood.com lawrenCe & wightMan 10 Swan Courtyard Coventry Road Birmingham B26 1BU keith Chew 0121 708 2266 www.lawrencewightman. co.uk
BlaCks Hanover House 22 Clarendon Road Leeds LS2 9NZ glen salt 0113 207 0000 www.lawblacks.com Bury and walkers 4 Butts Court Leeds LS1 5JS graham dickson 0113 244 4227 www.burywalkers.com Clarke Mairs Royal House 5-7 Market Street Newcastle-upon-tyne NE1 6JN tim Clarke 0191 245 4725 www.clarkemairs.com diCkinson dees One Trinity Broad Chare Newcastle-upon-tyne NE1 2HF Chris ledgerwood 0191 279 9000 www.dickinson-dees.com hethertons Tudor Court Opus Avenue York Business Park York YO26 6RS tom henry 01904 528200 www.hethertons.co.uk kelly & Co 49a St Paul’s Street Leeds LS1 2TE Patrick kelly 0113 244 2113 www.kellyand.co.uk last Cawthra Feather Airedale House 128 Sunbridge Road Bradford BD1 2AT harriet thornton 01274 386 574 www.lcf.co.uk
JaCkson green & Preston 19 West St Mary’s Gate Grimsby DN31 1LE kevin Broadhurst 01472 311113 www.jacksongreenpreston. co.uk Johnson tuCker The Boathouse Newburn Newcastle-upon-tyne NE15 8NL andrew tucker 0191 269 7890 www.johnsontucker.co.uk
goldsMith williaMs Mersey Chambers 5 Old Churchyard Liverpool L2 8GW John e Jones 0845 373 3737 www.goldsmithwilliams. co.uk
aBv rhoades Chartered surveyors 23 New Mount Street Manchester M4 4DE John rhoades 0161 953 4715 www.abvrhoades.co.uk
FootnoteALEPmembers arelisted inthisway on thewebsite at www.alep.org.uk MembershipofALEPentitles members to a single address listing onthewebsiteandanadditionalfee ischarged foreachadditional office thatcan be locatedvia theonline postcodesearchfacility. This system isreflected in this directory. If ALEP members wouldlikemorethanone officetobelistedintheFlatLiving Directory, which will be publishedin forthcomingissuespleasecontact warwick@flat-living.co.uk
From f looding to burst pipes and from faulty electric blankets to forgotten candles, the winter can be fraught with danger for flat owners.
In the next few pages Flat Living takes a look at preventing household disasters. First Ben Furlong analyses the risk to f lats from f loodwater High andDRY?
In recent weeks the press has* been awash with images of homes under water, but what about the impact of flooding on flats? While flat owners may think they are safe from flooding, they could in fact be at risk of what can be at best an inconvenience and at worst catastrophic destruction caused by unexpected floods. At first glance an elevated property may appear to be protected but flooding isn’t just about water entering a property or causing damage to belongings. The apartment building itself might be susceptible to a number of issues which can have consequences for all tenants. The impact of flood water on residents on all levels of apartment buildings can typically include: n Water damage to ground floor properties n Water damage to garages and sheds n Inaccessible entry and exit points n Relocation to temporary housing n Disruption to utility services – gas, electricity, water and telephone supplies n Lift failures n Sewerage and drainage systems backing up n High insurance premiums and excess levels
The first question many people ask us as environmental experts is: ‘who is responsible for protecting flats from flooding?’. The simple answer is that there is no sole accountability when it comes to floods. The Environment Agency and local authorities clearly have an important role to play but there is also an onus on property owners and tenants to ensure properties are adequately protected and tenants suitably prepared.
Insurance plays a central role in flood risk management. UK flood risk insurance is currently provided according to the ‘Statement of Principles’ agreement between the Association of British Insurers (ABI) and the Government. The statement requires insurers to offer flood insurance to homes and small businesses where the property has a 1.3% annual probability of flooding and where the property is already insured. For properties at a greater risk, insurance is available on the condition that flood defences are planned to be built to reduce the risk below that limit within five years.
This agreement comes to an end on 1 July 2013 and, with the Government and ABI seemingly unable to agree on a path forward, everything from property values to securing insurance, mortgages and reselling homes could be impacted next summer. Flat owners (and their tenants) could well find themselves in a free market situation for flood insurance with premiums for high risk properties likely to rocket.
Equally, without a clear and agreed path forward, the Law Society remains unlikely to produce a Practice Note for lawyers on flood risk. This leaves home owners in an extremely precarious situation as lawyers currently are under no obligation to obtain flood risk reports for flat buyers.
So what should flat owners and dwellers be doing right now to protect themselves against flooding? The simplest and most effective route forward is to obtain a flood risk screening report. This will provide an expert property assessment looking at the risk from all four major sources of flooding - river, coastal, surface water and ground water and costs very little when compared to the potential damage and disruption caused by flooding. This report will help inform the correct flood protection measures that should be implemented. These range from ensuring the correct level of insurance is in place, to making practical changes such as installing door barriers, fitting airbrick covers or raising electrical wiring to ensure utilities are not disrupted throughout communal properties.
A property with a heightened risk of flooding is likely to have higher building insurance premiums and a good flood report will flag this up. For landlords and property management companies a decision may have to be made about raising service charges to cover these increased costs. However the benefits to flat owners and tenants of having comprehensive insurance cover and property
Don’t be afraid to ask about flood protection

protection should not be underestimated.
For those renting flats, the best advice is to check the details of leases with particular regard to insurance cover and ensure the correct level of personal contents insurance is in place. Tenants shouldn’t be afraid to ask landlords what flood protection measures they have in place, whether the property has flooded in the past and, in high risk areas, to request that a flood emergency plan be drawn up for their building. By signing up to the Environment Agency’s free flood warning service anyone living in a flat can receive advance warning of potential flooding. Those in ground floor properties may wish to keep emergency provisions such as sandbags on hand.
As we have seen with the case of the Spencer Court flats in Newcastle, which are now being demolished following flooding during 2012, investing in new build properties is no guarantee of flood protection. If you are considering buying a flat either as a landlord or home owner, a flood risk screening report should be insisted on before committing to any purchase. The message is simple: when it comes to flooding, forewarned is forearmed. ●

Ben Furlong is an Environmental Consultant at risk management consultancy, Argyll Environmental. The company offer spans from desk top contaminated land and flood risk reports to bespoke consultancy services. Tel 0845 458 5250 Email info@argyllenviro.com Website www.argyllenvironmental.com/flood AEnEAn convAllis mauris moselieKeep your flat leaK-proof nulla Flooding due to heavy rain is something that homeowners can’t prevent – they can only make sure they are prepared for the worst. Internal water damage is a different matter, so make sure you don’t suffer from a burst pipe this winter by following these simple tips.
A BursT water pipe can cause thousands of pounds worth of damage, not only to your home but to your neighbours ’ flats too as gallons of water can be released, especially if it happens while you are away. To keep your risk to a minimum there are a number of easy precautions you can take.
First, always have your boiler and central heating system serviced on a regular basis. This not only reduces the chance of a leak but ensures your system is working efficiently. If the weather turns cold and your heating stops working, you could have a frozen pipe. Turn off your boiler and call a plumber.
Insulate your water pipes and hot water tank. Also, if you have a condensing boiler, talk to your plumber about lagging your condensate pipe. Don’t ignore dripping taps or overflows – they could indicate a problem with your water system. External water pipes in communal grounds should be turned off in freezing conditions and hoses disconnected.
If the weather is severely cold, don’t turn off your
heating at night, leave the system on a low setting. This also applies if you are going away. Ask a neighbour or your property manager to check your flat on a regular basis for any problems. If your flat is likely to be left empty for a long time, drain down the water system and turn the water off.
Make sure you and the other members of your family know how and where to turn off the water supply to your flat and check that your stop valve is easy to turn on and off in an emergency.
If you discover a frozen pipe, turn off the water and slowly thaw the pipe using a gentle heat source such as a hairdryer or hot water bottle. Don’t try to thaw the pipe with a blow torch or other source of rapid, direct heat. Have a bucket ready in case the pipe bursts. If you are unlucky enough to have a burst pipe this winter, turn off the water at the stop cock and turn on the cold taps to drain the system and turn off your central heating. It may be worth investing in an electric heater for emergency use. At least you will be able to keep warm until the plumber arrives.
A burst pipe can be extremely costly
Is yourHOME aFIRE trap?
Paul robertson warns flat owners not to be complacent about fire risks

Flat owners may be lulled into a false sense of security that their block has been the subjectth of a fire risk assessment while forgetforgetti ting ng to to ta take ke a fewa few ba basic precautsic precautionsions to to protectprotect themthemselvesselves andand theitheir r fa fami milies.lies.
The freeholder of your block has a nu numbermber of of legalegal l obligationobligations s as as fa far r as as healthhealth and safetand safety i y is concerned. Theses concerned. These includeinclude ca carr rryi ying ng out a fiout a fire re ri risk sk assessmentassessment th that at needs to be periodically reviewed. As a result of this a number of protective measures may be in place for your block. In addition, the electrics should have been inspected in the communal areas and any communal boilers checked for gas safety. However, what flat owners may not always considerconsider is is th that at al all l of of th this is on only ly applappliesies to to thethe communcommunal al pa part rts of ts of the he blocblock. k. ResponResponsibilitysibility for fire safety in individual flats is down to you. If you rent out your flat, then no doubt you are aware that you need an annual gas certcertificateificate and regand regul ular ar elecelectr tric ical al in inspecspectiontions. s. In contrast, owner occupiers are not subject to any of this legislation and as a result many flat owners put themselves at unnecessary risk.
You are twice as likely to die from a fire if you don’t have a working smoke alarm. Installing one is the easiest way to protect your family, even if a system is fitted in the communal areas of your block - but do remember to test the device and change the battery regularly. If it is difficult for you to fit an alarm yourself, contact your local fire and rescue service who will normally be happy to help you. (You can find your local number at www.gov.uk/firerescue-services ) It is particularly important in a block of flats to ensure your family knows exactly what to do if a fire is discovered. In larger blocks this may mean remaining in your flat and awaiting rescue by the emergency services. Be aware of the evacuation plan if your block has one in place, make sure you know how to quickly unlock any doors and that the keys are accessible. It is also important not to replace or remove fire doors in your flat. They were initially installed for your protection and removing them could place your family at risk. If in doubt ask your managing agent as this will probably have been considered by the fire risk assessment for the block.
Outside your flat, keeping communal areas clear is vital to ensure the safe evacuation of your block. Items stored in these areas could cause an additional fire risk or block evacuation routes thus endangering life. Always keep these areas clear and if your Fire door fact Anyonelivinginaflatwhoneeds toreplacetheirfrontdoorislikelytobe asked to useanFD30. This is a door that can withstanda fire formore than 30 minutes. Whenchoosinga fire door pick onethatisBWF certified as it will havebeen testedproperly andwillbemarkedcorrectly.Thefire servicerecommendsSafelincswhich offersasimpleonlinefiredoor configurator that takesyou step by stepthroughtheprocess.You canchooseyoursize,finish, andarangeofdifferent glazingoptionsontheir websiteatwww. safelincs.co.uk

Install a smoke alarm – it could save your life neighbours are putting you at risk involve your managing agents.
These days, most of us have cordless phones which are very convenient but won’t work if the power fails. Why not invest in a cabled phone which will continue to work in the event that the power is disrupted and allow you to call for help.
Inspection and regular maintenance of gas appliances and electrics are not a strict legal requirement for owner occupied flats and as a result can often be overlooked. However, it is worth considering that in rented flats the legal requirements for these regular inspections were put in place to save lives. By not taking the same actions in an owner occupied property it is you and your family that you are placing at risk ,as well as your neighbours should an incident occur.
Amazingly, up to 60% of flat owners do not have contents insurance in place, possibly because living in a larger building lulls them into a false sense of security. A basic contents policy may only cost a few pounds per week yet most flat owners fail to secure this basic insurance protection. The sad fact is that most of these flats owners would not have the financial means to replace their contents and a fire could cause major damage to their belongings.
The Fire Safety Order 2005 has resulted in a significant step forward to ensuring fire safety and awareness of the dangers posed by fires in flats. This is especially true in smaller blocks and older converted houses where fire safety may have been overlooked. Legal obligations on landlords have ensured greater safety for tenants and it is ironic that the highest risk from fires is now in flats in owner occupation. With more than two million owner occupied flats in the UK this should be a real concern and there is a strong argument for a campaign for greater awareness or legislation. ●
Paul robertson is managing director of Midway Insurance Services Limited tel 0845 3702848 email paul@midway.co.uk website www.midway.co.uk

Electric blankets cause up to 5000 fires each year

tAke cAre with cAndles Every year hundreds of house fires are caused by candles. As sales of candles increase, it is important to treat them with respect and follow these simples rules:
n Always put candles on a heat resistant surface and put them in a proper holder. n Position them away from curtains, don’t put them under shelves and keep clothes and hair clear of the flame. n Keep children and pets away from candles n Don’t move candles when they’re burning n Use a snuffer or a spoon to put candles out - blowing them out can cause sparks and send hot wax flying. Always doublecheck they’re fully extinguished.
It may be cold outside but don’t take risks while trying to keep warm and cosy indoors. Here is some helpful advice from the fire service

As FREEZING wEAthER spreads across the country, lots of us are getting our electric blankets out of the cupboard. Unfortunately these perennial favourites account for more than 5000 fires a year, so take a few sensible precautions before turning yours on.
Check for damaged fabric, scorch marks and exposed elements. If the flex is worn or there are any loose connections, don’t use your blanket. If it has the old BEAB safety mark it is more than 10 years old and should be replaced –the life of an electric blanket is around 10 years so play it safe and treat yourself to a new one.
Don’t fold electric blankets – it can damage the wiring. Roll them up or keep them on a spare bed but make sure they are unplugged at the socket. n Always follow the instructions. n Never use an electric underblanket as an overblanket, and vice versa. n Tie electric underblankets to the bed or mattress to stop them slipping or creasing n Don’t leave your blanket switched on all night unless it is designed for safe all-night use. Switch it off and unplug it before you get into bed. n If your blanket gets wet, don’t use it - and don’t switch it on to dry it.
Get your electric blanket checked every three years. Ask the shop where you bought it about testing and servicing, or contact the trading standards department at your local council – they often have free testing days. ● ●

get t he
More excellent safety advice is also available at www.fireservice.co.uk/safety Don’t leave candles burning in an empty room
Clear snow early and carefully And finAlly... Can we safely clearing snow and ice from pavements without being sued? The answer is yes – as long as you are careful and follow the government’s snow code

n Clear the snow and ice early in the day n Use salt or sand - not water n Pay extra attention to clearing snow and ice from steps and steep pathways you might need to use more salt on these areas n Take care where you move the snow – don’t block anyone’s paths or drains. n Offer to clear your neighbours’ paths Your local council is likely to provide cold weather services such as clearing local roads and pavements in your area. For information about your council’s winter service, check its website.
End Flat Liv ing notes
A ll t he r ig ht m ov e s
COMPANY NEWS Whether you are a managing agent, a solicitor, a valuer or supply services to the leasehold sector, we want to hear from you
If you have moved jobs contact us at info@flatliving.co.uk
Block insurer 1st Sure is proving to be a leader in the flats insurance market with a hat trick of business awards. The Enfield-based company won the Block of Flats Insurer of the Year category, in News on The Block magazine’s Property Management Awards in December, for the third year running.
Managing Director Paul Robertson was delighted to accept the award, saying, “It is a clear demonstration of the customer service and commitment shown by our staff. The fact that the judges conducted mystery shopping exercises, proved the company’s expertise in the flats insurance market and showed that we treat flat owners fairly”.
Most flat owners have little or no influence in the placement of their buildings policy, which is normally a single policy for the entire block. For this reason, 1st Sure believes it is important that block insurance not only represents value for money but also contains appropriate protection for all residents. 1st Sure Ltd is a subsidiary of Midway Insurance Services Ltd .
Peverel Retirement has been reappointed as property manager at Dickens Court, Margate. The block left Peverel Retirement two years ago but has now returned after a contract with another managing agent didn’t work out.
“We’re delighted to welcome back Peverel Retirement”, said resident Malcolm Tyler. “There was a collective sigh of relief when we handed the reins to Peverel Retirement as we know our development and its finances will be back in safe hands.”
The agreement comes just a few months after Peverel Retirement was reappointed as managing agent by the residents of Barden Court, Maidstone. In October Peverel Retirement was also appointed managing agent of Markfield Village in Leicestershire.
Cynthia Gibbs, Peverel Retirement Business Liaison Manager, said: “The residents here are a great group of people so we’re very pleased to be reappointed. We are determined to work closely with the residents to provide the expected and deserved level of service.”
Dickens Court comprises 72 apartments, a lift, lounge, laundry, guest suite and communal garden.

Sue Petri has been appointed as Head of Operations for Consort Property Management. The move means she is now in charge of the specialist property manager, which handles some of the country’s most prestigious developments. Sue joined Consort, which is part of the Peverel Group, in October after 11 years in a number of senior roles at Mainstay Group.
Her first task will be to draw up plans for the business which will give the Consort team the structure and resources needed to ensure it continues to run as a high quality customer-service-focussed managing agent.
Sue said: “Joining Consort is a fantastic opportunity to be involved with a company at the beginning of a new chapter in its life. The Consort team has a huge amount of knowledge and fantastic energy and I’m really enjoying working with them.”
Sue joined Mainstay as a property manager, quickly working her way up to director level and taking responsibility at various times for a number of different areas of the business; including client services, HR, operations, and business development.
sue petri: a new chapter
Appointments 60 Company news 61 Crossword 61 answers Competition 62
reLocAtion New OffiCes fOr ChaiNbOw

In November, the asset and estate management firm Chainbow Ltd relocated from its Waterloo office, where the business had been based since 2006, to 61 Southwark Street, London SE1 0HL.
Chairman and chief executive of Chainbow, Roger Southam, commented, “The office move is timely and coincides with our new business direction, which involves moving away from the traditional block management sector and into a more distinguished property consultancy.
“Today, Chainbow Ltd provides high-end asset and estate management for funds, institutions, developers and private investors. It specialises in new build developments and the professional PRS sector while additionally offering commercial and residential companies consultancy on leasehold dispute resolutions, lease structures, maximising the value of assets through redevelopment, profitability of site acquisitions from an operations perspective as well as disposals.
“We look forward to welcoming friends, colleagues and peers to our new premises.”
In January 2012, Chainbow merged 90% of its property portfolio with a competitor to form Chainbow Trinity. However, the Chainbow brand has continued to operate as a consultancy, asset and estate management firm.
last issue’s CrOsswOrd aNswers

Across 1 One whose occupation is subject to contract (11);9 Up-to-date fashion for finishing the argument? (4,4);10 Stag on this country is standing still (6);11 Suitable accommodation for a starving genius? (6); 12 I’m overwhelmed by a friend’s bitterness (8); 13 What the Human Resources Department does in the jobs market (9); 15 Reinforcement for concrete may turn to sleet (5); 17 Student takes comfort for what 1 Across has (5); 18 Informing and evaluating the property (9); 21 Cheap way to travel, always in coach (8); 22 Places mentioned see them on holiday? (6); 24 Put in charge at the lemonade factory? (6); 25 Can enter, possibly, by a gate (8); 26 Landlord’s income - the subject of earthquake activity? (6,5) DoWn 2 Gain access, turning up in secret negotiations (5); 3 Bob finds a quick way through! (5,3); 4 What’s the connection with water, by the way? (7); 5 Bin bags are all at sea (6); 6 Figure how much property I’m coming into! (9); 7 This is what keeps ARMA members in pocket (10,3); 8 Agents with advice of claim under S84 must issue this (7,6); 14 Desperate couple nursing son in dilapidated condition (9); 16 This supports the railways and the cavity walls (5-3); 19 Claim to play a part (7); 20 Opening a posh luxury dessert (6); 23 It’s good to talk, you’ll allow (5)
roger southam: now in southwark
n Leasehold Enfranchisement n Commercial Property n Residential Conveyancing n Landlord and Tenant n Housing Association Law n International Legal Matters n Company and Commercial n Employment n Dispute Resolution
Appointment New Chief fiNaNCial OffiCer fOr Peverel
Peverel Group has announced the appointment of Nigel Howell in the new role of Chief Financial Officer, effective from 2 January 2013.
Prior to joining Peverel, Nigel was Chief Financial Officer of Morrison Facilities Services Ltd which provides repairs and maintenance services across England and Scotland.
Before joining Morrison, Nigel held a number of senior Finance, Strategy and Business Development roles at Centrica/British Gas, Cable & Wireless and Shell.