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Topic of the quarter
Turn on, tune in, switchover
All TV reception in the UK will switch from analogue to a digital signal by 2012. Pascal Wharton, head of Sky Homes, explains how the switchover will affect leaseholders.
The digital switchover process started in 2008 and is being done region by region across the UK, starting with the Border area. Anyone who still has an analogue reception system after the switchover in their TV region will no longer be able to watch TV. The date at which the TV goes digital in your region will depend on where you live – in a few parts of the country it has already happened (Border, Granada, Wales and the West Country).
So what does all this mean for viewers? Pascal Wharton explains: “The switchover means a better quality signal with more choice of channels for viewers. Here at Sky, we have a ‘platform-neutral’ communal solution called an Integrated Reception System (IRS) which offers exactly that”. In order to find out what was needed to help the switchover run as smoothly as possible, Sky undertook a detailed survey where it found that 57% of private flats were not ready for switchover. “This could lead to problems, says Wharton, “possibly even leading to a blank screen for residents”.
To help with this, Sky has launched a dedicated team whereby an account manager is assigned to oversee individual projects and ensure that blocks of flats can be made ready for the switch with minimum hassle. The new team has been put together specifically to help managing agents - offering as much help as required to ensure the process runs as smoothly as possible. The team can also put Resident Management Companies (RMCs) in touch with local installers who have in-depth knowledge of their regions.
The onus is now on RMCs and agents to ensure that leaseholders are ready for the new service. Wharton emphasises that Sky’s advice is for RMCs to ensure that their housing stock is ready for switchover well in advance of the change. Sky’s new team can help right from the start of any switchover project - offering free estimates through to presentations and demonstrations on completion of the process. “The aim is to make the process hassle free and easy for residents,” says Wharton.

Of course, the burning questions for RMCs and residents will be, how much is all this likely to cost? There is no simple answer to that question as costs vary with the system required and the type and size of block; Sky has a number of financial options available and some are eligible for subsidies. However, Wharton is quick to point out that Sky will always work closely with RMCs and agents to put the correct solution in place.
“The new Sky switchover team is here to help. All the work carried out by local installers will be approved to a Sky quality standard and residents can sign up to Sky even after their communal system has been put in place. The worst case scenario is that residents could be faced with a blank screen.”
The first step, says Wharton, is for RMCs and/or managing agents to go to www.sky. com/managers- where they will be able to find out when their area switches to digital and get details on options available. Residents should go to www.skyforflats.com where they can look at the latest offers and/or register their interest.