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Policy administration - Do You need to tell us about any changes? - Do You need to discuss Your insurance requirements? - Contact Residentsline’s policy handling team - Call 0800 281235 or write to: Residentsline, 29 Waterloo Road, Wolverhampton, WV1 4DJ
If You have elected to include legal expenses cover as part of this Policy:
The following services are provided by Legal Protecon Group in conjuncon with the Legal Expenses secon You have access to the helpline services listed below 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Please note that in some cases, depending on the type of advice required and me of call, a call back may need to be arranged (this does not apply to the Counselling Helpline). If You need to use the helpline services, please have ready Your policy reference number, LPGBTE165. To help Us monitor and improve service standards, all calls are recorded, other than those to the counselling Helpline. Using the helpline services, where obtaining legal or tax advice, does not constute noficaon of a claim. Please refer to the Claims – How We will sele Your claim secon described on page 66. Commercial legal advice service Call 0344 840 6345
Provides You with confidenal telephone legal advice on commercial legal maers subject to the laws of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands. Commercial tax advice service Call 0344 840 6345
Provides You with confidenal telephone advice on commercial tax maers subject to the laws of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands. Counselling service Call 0344 840 6344
Provides Your Employees and any members of their family who permanently live with them with a confidenal telephone counselling service on maers causing distress. This includes onward referral to relevant voluntary or professional services who may be able to provide further support. Access to the telephone counselling helpline is covered by the insurance under this secon. However, any costs incurred in using these onward referral services are not covered.