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Introduction to your policy

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This document, which is Your insurance policy wording, contains important informaon to help You understand this insurance and choose the cover You need. This is an original wording. No part of this publicaon, or any variaon of it, may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmied in any form, or by any means, without prior permission in wring of Residentsline - it is an offence to do so and legal acon will be taken.

It is very important that You read this Policy carefully and make sure You are sasfied with this insurance.

What makes up this policy?

This Policy and the Schedule must be read together as they form Your insurance contract. This Policy sets out what You are insured for and those circumstances where You will not be insured.

Some words and expressions have been given a specific meaning in this Policy and You will find their meaning under Definions herein. These specific meanings only apply to these words when they begin with a capital leer.

Important: Somemes We need to change the wording of Your Policy because the insurance varies depending on a number of factors. We do this by adding what is called an Endorsement.

What You should read

To understand the features, benefits and risks of this insurance and to determine if it is appropriate for You, it is important that You read: a. Introducon to Your policy; i. what makes up this policy ii. claim noficaon; what You must do, and what You must not do iii. what reasonable steps can You take to limit or contain any loss or damage iv. cancellaon – how Your policy may be cancelled v. Complaint / Compensaon vi. payment of premium vii. duty of fair presentaon viii. privacy promise b. Policy wording - Residenal Flats Insurance; c. the relevant Statement of Fact when issued to You; d. any schedule when it is issued to You; and, e. any other documents We may give You that vary Our standard terms of cover set out in this document.

These documents should be read carefully together. It is important that they are kept in a safe place.

Duty of fair presentation

You must make a fair presentaon of the risk (as set out in the Insurance Act 2015 or successor or amending legislaon) in proposing for, or proposing to vary, this insurance.

If, during the Policy period, You become aware that informaon You have given Us is inaccurate or the informaon You have provided to Us changes in a manner likely to affect this insurance, You must inform Us as soon as praccable. Changes to the informaon You have provided may result in an addional Premium or Us amending the terms of Your insurance. Noficaons must be in wring or by telephone at the following Policy Administraon Helpline (page 9).

Renewing Your policy

When We invite renewal of the policy Residentsline will endeavour to tell You at least 21 days before the expiry of the policy the premium and terms and condions that will apply for the following year.

Before entering into this insurance or renewing this insurance with Us You are reminded to take appropriate steps to ensure accurate and up-to-date informaon is given and any alteraons to the property, Your circumstances, or changes to Your claims or insurance history, are nofied to us in order that a fair presentaon of the risk, as set out in the Insurance Act 2015, is provided.

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