5 minute read

Section 2 – Terrorism

Your schedule will show if this section is covered

What We insure

We insure You up to the Sum Insured shown for Secons 1 on the Schedule for Accidental Loss or Damage caused by an act of Terrorism that occurs during the Period of Insurance to: 1. Insured Property covered under Secon 1 including: i. Addional Benefits; and, ii. Special Benefits thereof; to the extent that: a. it is situated in Great Britain (meaning England and Wales and Scotland but not the territorial seas adjacent thereto as defined by the Territorial Sea Act 1987 nor the Isle of Man nor the Channel Islands); and, b. it is occasioned by or happening through or in consequence of any act of any person acng on behalf of or in connecon with any organisaon with acvies directed towards the overthrowing or influencing of any government de jure or de facto by force or violence; and, c. HM Treasury or Tribunal have cerfied such Damage as an act of Terrorism; d. provided that in any acon suit or other proceedings where the insurer alleges that any Damage, costs and expenses are not covered by this insurance the burden of proving the contrary will be upon the Insured.

Exclusions - what We do not insure

We will not pay for Accidental Loss or Damage directly or indirectly caused by, contributed to, resulng from, arising out of or in connecon with: 1. chemical biological or radioacve contaminaon defined as any loss whatsoever or any expenditure resulng or arising therefrom or any consequenal loss directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to by or arising from the radioacve, toxic, explosive or other hazardous properes of any explosive nuclear assembly or its nuclear component thereof, ionising radiaon or contaminaon by radioacvity or from the combuson of any radioacve material, chemical and or biological and or radiological irritants contaminants or pollutants, in respect only of residenal Insured Property houses and blocks of flats and other dwellings insured in the name of a private individual; 2. Riot, civil commoon War and allied risks as defined as War invasion act of foreign enemy hoslies (whether War be declared or not) civil war, rebellion, revoluon, insurrecon or military or usurped power; 3. digital or cyber risks, that is any loss whatsoever directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to by or arising from or occasioned by or resulng from Accidental Loss or Damage to any computer or other equipment or component or system or item that processes stores transmits or receives data or any part thereof whether tangible or intangible (including but without limitaon any informaon or programs or soware) and whether the Insured Property of Yours or not, where such Accidental Loss or Damage is caused by Virus or Similar Mechanism or Hacking or Phishing or Denial of Service Aack, or consequenal loss directly or indirectly caused by or arising from Virus or Similar Mechanism or Hacking or Phishing or Denial of Service Aack.

Special conditions

1. Period of insurance

Where the Period of Insurance shown in the Schedule is for a period greater than twelve (12) months, the cover provided by Secon 2 shall only apply for a period of twelve (12) months and shall be subject to renewal at each annual anniversary.

2. Restricted terms

The insurance by Secon 2 is subject otherwise to all the terms and condions of Secon 1 except that any: a. Long Term Undertaking; b. terms that provide for adjustments of Premium based upon declaraons on expiry or during the Period of Insurance; c. coverage in respect of premises with locaons outside England and Wales and Scotland; will not apply to losses covered under Secon 2.

Claims - how We will settle Your claim

We will pay for loss or Damage insured by Secon 2 in the same manner as if the loss or Damage was to be payable under Secons 1. However, Our liability under Secon 2 in any one (1) Period of Insurance shall not exceed the Sum Insured stated in the Schedule in respect of all losses arising out of any one (1) Occurrence and in the aggregate.

Special definitions

The words listed below have been given a specific meaning and apply to Secon 2 when they begin with a capital leer.

Denial of Service Attack

Denial of Service Aack means any acons or instrucons constructed or generated with the ability to damage, interfere with or otherwise affect the availability of networks, network services, network connecvity or informaon systems. This definion includes, but is not limited to, the generaon of excess traffic into network addresses, the exploitaon of system or network weaknesses, and the generaon of excess or non-genuine traffic between or amongst networks.


Hacking means unauthorised access to any computer or other equipment or component or system or item that processes, stores, or retrieves data, whether Your property or not.

Occurrence (applicable to Section 2 Terrorism only)

Occurrence means all individual losses arising in respect of a connuous period of seventy-two (72) hours of which the proximate cause is the same act of Terrorism, and You may choose the date and me when any such period of seventy-two (72) hours shall commence provided that no two periods overlap, and no period commences earlier than the date and me of the happening of Your first recorded individual loss as a result of the act of terrorism in queson; and an Occurrence shall be taken to arise in the period of insurance in which such seventy-two (72) hour period commences, notwithstanding that it may extend beyond the me limit of the expiry of the period of insurance concerned.


Phishing means any access or aempted access to data or informaon made by means of misrepresentaon or decepon.

Virus or Similar Mechanism

Virus or Similar Mechanism means a program code, programming instrucon or any set of instrucons intenonally constructed with the ability to damage, interfere with or otherwise adversely affect computer programs, data files or operaons, whether involving self-replicaon or not. This definion includes but is not limited to Trojan Horses, worms and logic bombs.

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