11 minute read
How do we how do we live a bigger, bolder, better life?
We've heard a lot of the word around resilience, but what about abundance?
Judy Beloff has been a nurse and an aerobics instructor, a Lamaze coach, a retail manager, banker, financial advisor, and an author or a speaker and a teacher. She is happiest in a stack of books that excite her as they are waiting to be read.
She is the author of 365 Days of Abundance with a foreword from Bob Proctor.
Judy Balloff Wife, mother, grandmother, financial advisor, author, and entrepreneur.
Kim: Bob Proctor, how do you get a forward from a top author like that?
Bob Proctor was my mentor of sorts. I met him through my company. They offered a class that he was giving called Principles of Prosperity. I, I took that course, and that's what inspired me to start studying the 12 Universal Laws and really become an expert on them both for my own life and for other people's lives. And then I took a master class with him, and I got my courage up. And in one of the Q&A sessions, I said, Bob, I'm writing a book right now. If I send you a copy when it's finished and you like it. Would you be willing to write a forward? And he said you should stay at your regular career and just do writing as a hobby. You're very successful as an agent. And I'm a New York Life agent. And he said, You're very successful as an agent. You should do that career and do the writing as a hobby. He. So I took him at his word, but I wasn't looking at it as a hobby. I was totally inspired, driven and a little bit of resiliency because I had to get up at five 30 in the morning. I decided to do this, get up at five 30 every morning and write from five 30, you know, take your shower and everything too. But get down to writing so that you'd be writing until eight 30 when you started your day job. And I said, I'm going to finish this book to launch in November of 20, 21 in time for Christmas. And I did it, finished it in eight and a half months, got it edited, got the cover done everything. So that's how Bob and the day literally the I sent the approved to Bob Proctor to read and it took him so long to get back to me, I got nervous. We have to go. We have to go to print. We have to go to print. We've got to have it back. And so we designed the book two ways without Bob Proctor with Bob Proctor the day I got the e-mail that said, hi Judy, please see a text. Bob Proctor's forward. If I weren't almost 70 years old, I would have done cartwheels.
Kim: Can you share with us a little bit of your origin story?
I think the most important part of the origin story would be from you mentioned all my careers. I've had, you know, two husbands, four kids, six grandkids, you know, a lot of adventures in a life when you get to be in those upper years. However, the biggest change came when I had open-heart surgery and woke up and had five strokes. So the doctor said, I'm sorry, we can't tell you if you'll ever recover from this. And what I had lost was my ability to read and write. I think complex thinking. They said I lost. I wasn't sure I ever had complex thinking, but I had to I lost my balance. I couldn't drive at night. I still can't drive at night. I never got that back. And I'd lost the use of my right hand. So I couldn't write. I couldn't read or write. I couldn't recognize letters. That is a really scary place to be if you're a reader. And that's where your joy comes from and you're like, I couldn't read the letters on my phone. And so I used the very principles I ended up writing about. Have you ever notice something about yourself and realized, Oh, that's what I did that was so successful? Like, sometimes you don't even know that the person you are is living that way already. But when you can put language on it means more and you can share it, then you can say to people, This is what I did that was so successful in recovering from five strokes, which people don't usually recover from. And so the way I got through was through gratitude, through faith, through you know, resilience, through getting up every day and walking those three miles three times a day, like the cardiologist said, and doing the homework from the occupational therapist and being so grateful for the doctors, the family, that just a life of gratitude. And so when I discovered thinking grow rich for the second time, because didn't all of us read it once and stick it on a shelf because we weren't rich when we got done with it, we're like, okay, that didn't work.
It's sort of like if something comes at the right time in your life that's called having a sixth sense. That's one of the 13 principles and thinking Grow Rich is the 13th one. And what Napoleon Hill says about it is you can do the other 12 and get rich, but you have to do the other 12 to get the 13th, which is the sixth sense. Because that sixth sense, that intuition, when that intuition says to you, I'm the person that's supposed to write this book and I'm supposed to get up at five 30, I didn't even I'm not a morning person. I
don't know if you are. I like to stay up late and read and watch my favorite shows or whatever. I got up at five 30, I jumped out of bed like I was going to a parade. I was so excited. Every morning I'd say a prayer, I'd say, God in heaven, give me wisdom. Inspiration, whatever I need to find for this day. And I'm not kidding. I could tell I could do a movie about every day of the 365 days of inspiration that I got to write this book. I read this book now, and I don't think I wrote it because it's so good. It's really good and valuable and rich and beneficial. And I read it every day with my husband, every morning we read one of my posts with our devotions. So it's just been an amazing I just literally just got the proof back from my editor on my second book.
Kim: Tell us about the second book.
The second book came out of the first book because as I was doing talk shows and interviews and talk radio talk radio is really fun. Like you get interrupted by the news in the weather. And people kept saying to me, they'd say, What are what are some of the ways people can control their thoughts? Like you control your thoughts when your recovery from your surgery? And I'd say, Well, I actually developed a seven pieces of thought control, and they said, Oh, tell us the seven piece of fault control. And so I tell people and they're like, Oh, I'd like to use those for my kids. So they kept asking me to put it in a book or put it in a pamphlet or put it in something. So I called my editor, who's my daughter. My youngest daughter is actually an editor.
You need to have an editor that makes you cry or otherwise they're not doing a good job. They have to do a good job. Anyway, I called her and I said, Can I do a mini book? And she goes, What kind of mini book? I said, Well, it just needs to be sure. It's just the seven pieces of thought control so we decided to name it Your Miraculous Mind. And I told her, I said, I want to put a cute picture of a brain dancing on the front like that. Now they control their thoughts. They have a happy life. She goes, That brain you sent me looks absolutely silly. She goes, I'll find a decent brain for you. So she's so it's literally ready to go to print, probably in the next week. Kim: That is amazing. So your daughter's your editor, a mean editor. A mean editor. That's okay. I'm, I'm here and that. Wow. Okay, so you've had you've had a really robust life. You're 70 you're not slowing down at all because you're really actually you're chronologically 70, but you're 42.
Judy, you have a spark. You have a natural optimism, don't you?
I always did. But it's been like on steroids since I found out about the universal laws and what abundance can do for your life. Because this is what I discovered writing the book. Kim, I got to about that about the fourth month. I was about halfway through writing it, and I realized you know, I took principles of prosperity. We're always all about the same thing. We're like, okay, if I could make $1,000,000, if I could
do this, you know, it's God. We always think it's more things, more money. I discovered I was having such a crazy, abundant, joyful life and it wasn't anything about money. It was about the joy of words and research and meeting people in history that I never knew. But that said something to my heart that I would be typing it. I'd be sitting there with tears running down my face, and I'm like, Oh, my gosh, it's so beautiful. It is so beautiful. And so I realized the name of the book, 365 Days of Abundance. It's exactly. Abundance has almost nothing to do with money. Yeah. Haven't you ever met somebody who's got all the money they'd ever need and they are so depressed.
Kim: Something that you mentioned earlier that tweaked me into your original mindset, though, is that you took a course. So you are a lifelong learner.
Lifelong learner? As a matter of fact, I have five steps for finding love after 50, and it's based on what I did to find David. Guess what I did? One of the steps is study. Study what you study, what went wrong the first time, study what good relationships are made up. I've read every book on relationships by Cosmo for two months I don't care. Find a way to learn about male female relationships. It's really the universal law of polarity, opposites, the male female, not because you're a man or a woman. We all have male characteristics and female characteristics and they attract each other. And if, you know, if you study the universal law of polarity and you learn about the male and female characteristics, you can build stronger marriages, relationships, whatever, because you understand the way the world works.
You know what Albert Einstein did? This is a cool thing to know. Albert Einstein was a big, big fan of gratitude. He said grateful. He he said he was grateful 100 times a day. So he suggested, just say thank you every time you take a step. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for the beautiful day. Thank you for my food. Thank for my house. Thank you for my friends. Thank you for my job. They isn't that cool? 100 times. Imagine how happy we we'd be if we said thank you a hundred times a day. So 365 days of abundance. What is your hope for people who get this book?
My hope for people who get this book actually I'll quote Jack Canfield because he interviewed me. And at the end of the interview, he said everybody should go out and buy a copy of this book, read it once a day for 365 days. And at the end of the year, your life will be changed.
Kim: my favorite quote is an African proverb, and it is if you want to go fast, go along that if you want to go far, go together. And I believe in absolute collaboration and I'd love to know I'd love to close this call out. I'd love to close this podcast out with what your quote is. What is it quote that sings to your soul that when everything is maybe not aligning, that you kind of go to.
That's a great question because I have so many and I don't have one I think I'm going to quote a meal coo because this is the mindset I want to have every day that I would give as a gift to anybody on this podcast. Every day in every way I'm getting better and better.
Every day in every way.
Watch the interview now! youtube.com/c/KimTalks
Connect with Judy Website: judyballoff.com Facebook: @judymarieballoff LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/judith-balloff-1633045
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