What are the basic inspection methods used to check the counterfeit components?

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In this innovative world, the technology is developed so much that no one can figure out the originality of the electronic components and duplicate one. A naked eye can't differentiate between the original and counterfeit components. To verify, there are various tests that are conducted. These tests and inquiries are done by the specified and certified companies.

THE ADDITION OF ELECTRONIC Â COMPONENTS- A BIG PROBLEM According to the US Depacounterfeitrtment of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Security the number of counterfeit incidents recorded increased from 3,868 to 9,356 in the last decade. Respondents to the survey cited the two most common types of counterfeit components were blatant fakes and used product remarked as a higher grade.

VISUAL INSPECTION (VI) It is a non-destructive method used to check the soundness and quality of a component. It is used to detect the remarking, certification of refurbishing, and resurfacing.

DECAPSULATION Decapsulation is a destructive type of test. In this test, the upper insulation is removed to check the component's originality. This type of inspection is done to check the internal structure of the device.

RADIOGRAPHY (X-RAY) IMAGING X-ray imaging is used to monitor the hardware integrity. It is used to identify counterfeit components that sometimes come in the electronic devices.

These counterfeit components are responsible for non working of various devices and machines in the defense and medical sector. So, it is important to check them as early as possible. Resion is the well-known and experienced brand name in the US which supplies electronic components to the various government bodies. There quality processes and counterfeit mitigation program have been audited by government agencies.

CONTACT US Address: -100 13th Avenue Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 Phone: 516-742-6300 Email: sales@resion.com Website: www.resion.com

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