6 minute read
CHAPTER 7: Keep Money in Proper Perspective
from Solomon Says
c HAP t E r 7
“Do not overwork to be rich; Because of your own understanding, cease! Will you set your eyes on that which is not? For riches certainly make themselves wings; they fly away like an eagle toward heaven.”
Proverbs 23:4-5
There are many situations we face that only money can solve. The electric company, for example, doesn’t ask for your prayers; they want your money. One way or another, it requires money to keep the lights on at your house. Have you ever noticed, however, that many people expect money will do more for them than just pay bills? Some expect money to make them happy. Others expect that money will solve their relationship problems or provide them with a sense of significance.
Solomon knows what he is talking about when he discusses money. Remember, he was perhaps the richest man that ever lived. In his hometown there was so much gold that silver wasn’t even considered of value. (1 Kings 10:21). Let’s listen again to what Solomon
said in Proverbs 23:4-5, this time from the New International Version of the Bible:
“Do not wear yourself out to get rich; have the wisdom to show restraint. Cast but a glance at riches, and they are gone, for they will surely sprout wings and fly off to the sky like an eagle.” Solomon through divine inspiration says, “Have the wisdom to show restraint.” In other words, he is saying, “If you are smart, you won’t pursue money as if that is all that matters.”
Isaiah 55:2 asks and answers an important question: “Why do you spend money for what is not bread, and your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good, and let your soul delight itself in abundance.” Notice the same theme? The things money can buy cannot satisfy you; money is temporary.
My favorite translation of Psalms 49 is the New Jerusalem Bible. Starting in verse 17, it says, “When he dies, the rich man will take nothing with him; his wealth will not go down with him.” The only place you and I get to use our money is here on earth. No matter how many funeral processions you’ve seen, I am certain that you have never seen a hearse pulling a U-Haul trailer!
Earlier in that Psalm we are told, “No one can ever redeem himself or pay his own ransom to God, the price for himself is too high; it can never be that he will live on forever and avoid the sight of the abyss” (Psalms 49:7 NJB). Money cannot redeem you. No matter how much you give, it will never buy your salvation. The Bible reiterates this in 1 Peter 1:18-19, where it says, “You were not redeemed with corruptible things, like silver or gold, from your aimless conduct received by tradition from your fathers, but with the precious blood of Christ.”
My favorite part of Psalm 49 is in verses 12&13. It observes, “In prosperity, people lose their good sense, they become no better than dumb animals. So they go on in their self-assurance, right up to the end, they are content with their lot. (NJB)” Did you notice the warning that prosperity can cause you to lose good sense? Money can cause you
to think that you are permanently set and provided for when, in fact, you are not.
Psalm 49 continues, “Though he pampered himself while he lived— and people praise you for looking after yourself—he will go to join the ranks of his ancestors, who will never again see the light” (Psalm 49:1819, NJB)
The Bible is warning us not to be lulled into googly-eyed admiration of the rich. Don’t assume that, just because someone has money to pamper themselves here and now, they truly are deserving of envy. No matter how many people, magazines, or television programs exalt the rich as admirable, enviable, and worthy of emulation simply because of their wealth, in God’s eyes, they are still fools if eternity is not their first priority. What is the eternal? It is our relationship with God and the well-being of our souls.
We can never accurately say that money is of no value to us. Obviously, there are many things for which money is needed. It is interesting that Solomon balances his comments on money by stating in Ecclesiastes 10:19: “Money is the answer for everything.” The key phrase to understanding his statement is “under the sun.” Twenty six times throughout the book of Ecclesiastes, Solomon reminds us that he is talking about only the things “under the sun.” There is no denying that money is useful in certain situations but for the things that really matter, the things that really last, money is useless.
There is one way in particular that money relates to true riches. Luke 16:11 says “Therefore if you’ve not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches?” God says although you cannot buy true riches with money, what you do with your money is a test by which your ability to handle true riches will be revealed. Take a moment to consider what that says about America. Statistically, that means a lot of people in our culture are very undeserving of true riches.
Remember, Solomon said, “Cast but a glance at riches, and they are gone, for they will surely sprout wings and fly off to the sky like an eagle” (Proverbs 23:4-5, NIV). There are so many ways to lose money
that are out of your control. You can lose money in a fire or it can fly away in a financial collapse, a lawsuit, a robbery, and the list goes on. But the things that money cannot buy, such as peace, joy, a right relationship with God, a strong family, and others, cannot be taken away unless you let them go.
When Satan attacked Job, the very first thing he attacked was Job’s finances, but that doesn’t mean God doesn’t care about our money. 3 John 2:2 says: “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.” God desires financial blessing for you.
Sometimes you can believe something that is untrue, and it really doesn’t matter; other times, it could literally cost you everything. For example, if you believe the moon is made of blue cheese and that Santa Claus is real, what difference does it make? Your understanding of the chemical composition of the moon doesn’t affect your daily life at all. On the other hand, if you are about to cross the street and don’t believe there is a car coming, but there really is, that could drastically affect you!
In regards to money, many of the untruths we believe cause major problems in our lives. Statistics tell us that up to 75% of all divorces are attributed to financial difficulty. There are men and women in prison because In regards to money, they did something illegal to get money. There are many of the untruths husbands neglecting their families because they have we believe cause major become workaholics in problems in our lives. pursuit of the almighty dollar. Many young people are devastated because a lack of money prevents them from going to college and getting a good education.
How you interact with money will undoubtedly have a serious effect on your life. That’s why you should place a very high priority
on identifying any beliefs you have about money that are not biblical. When it comes to money, what you believe is very important, and what you don’t know about it can and does affect you. • Money can’t give you significance. • Money can’t give you a great marriage. • Money can’t make you 100% safe. • Money can’t guarantee your health.
Don’t wear yourself out pursing money, believing it will fulfill your life.